vr . A'-W RJ?V',',, ' V' Yjv7vflFt wj-i.i -V'' """'TfjF "a: "' 4 r visa 1 iw r WHS"" " " "TTi V nflntrl Olid diligent. 10 f" TOUN'O SJe?t"piill.) strictly commit-nscesja-jrj ' junfrnl , mSwnt d; B0f,,l6iii wu ore nivli JlfimnliP "" in ihe ..nlng. 7 to 0; 1 i'wk ? thciS qualifying will be given iml" on 'rJIV eriilul' power tuna to Mull jLS4TVoTrVBAI?&. REPAIR WW r i ,?rafe?g COURSE. 129 tJ5 rOKJ.Hhr CLASSES. (Op.n Bundsyn.) d.msr'l "'",. S?.biu and Iranlor school a-SBr :!-- fefe5?Ta.'.cv ek ,Mi 'l:.n.yi.;ry. V"or rso, partlcu. ars perlsnee i Oh"""""5,' Leonard ("ormor Civil kSrBe.,mR.,r!: J02 Equitable HW.. -..Mnrrlon. U. '- ..,"" vll. RERVICB " h"1 n V " April anil WJ.J"JiS!..y??g1'J'l?8il?7rOffe. writ BTTITATIONS WANTED MA1E rAitwriNT. 1 veari' oxp. as. Junior, wel reoommsndod, wlh "" p. aV C 8't- 'tiger 0"'cf- rJ-foiiNTANT. auditor or head bookkeeper. trffffSS is- duitrlal Plant manageri now fl"neUl wt' ecu lo with largest American corporation in Its field! connection desired which will business credentials. M 825, eater ui- lice. WANTED- Position as trafflo rainwer or flrEin nunny '"i .-......-.-. .,- -.-. h. inii am rifii rmifinr. i. i.. v.. procedure all tranio wnrKi pari mno w ffpitli. V UWV, uhhbi w...w-. AGENTS AGENTS. MAKE REAL MONEYS fell great- , .mAiAra nnveltv Invented! beautiful. Ml braes; really needed: eaally sold: big rrofttsi oall. write, now; (ample. 43 cents; refunded on request. D0RA3 PRODUCTS ro, 1015 Ponn Square Bide., pniiaacipnia EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED, at Episcopal office. 812 a, 12th, M.rm u-altreaH.. nnrejia lAllrtrirpMlleM. linS. HARVEY, 1010 RlttenhouesS(l. liel, (.-I ..... .-n-4 vtFW -an ( nil nnt'lltlftM livil .uyi. ,....,., u.... v--.-, - - -....., FOB SALE BUFF PAINT 10,000 GALLONS A geod oil pslnt made for special eervloo far KftKhore and country homes; last lot nf luff paint; 5000 irallons completely sold In one month. 1 Gal. Cans. $1.50 Gal. 5 Gal. Cans, $7.50 Bsnd money order or certified check, will Mp Immediately. WM. K. 1IINC1I 1010 Market t.. PhlladAlphls. CHAMOIS N TV have the largest and moat complete stock et chamois In the oty at reasonable prices suitable for automobiles; Inspection- Invited, WM. E. HINCH Aoross from New Stanley Th"tri 1919 MARKET STREET A TYPEWRITERS A.fr Spiclal reduction; lite nur stock beforo buy ing; S days' trial and 1-year guarantee; enn about 20; writ" or rail nt onca. BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. lfiOi CHESTNUT ST. Pit. WALNUT KUTl HOT WATER Lovekln automatlo ras water heater; has never been used; cost J103; will sell for T. R. NOLAN. 81ft Walnut st. UnMC V delicious extracted honey, 8 "U1'L1 pounds for SI, 0 pounds for 11.65 or 12 pounds for IB; delivered by rarcel post; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. L. IC. Tlostetter, R. K. D. No. B, X,ancseter, Pa. OFTICB FORNITURB " Irge lot of Jesks, safes, fltes, cabmeta and Itntral nrtlce furniture, store fixtures. We buy. sell and exchange. PATTEN FURN1TURR CO.. LOCL'gr 4070. 1127 ARCH ST. RACE 2000. DESKS filing devices, tables, chairs, parti tion, typewriters, adding machines, tele phone booths and other complete office equip ment, mahogany and oak; modern. In fine rendition and very reasonable. llUOIILIS, 11th and Ruttonwood eta. PENNA. ?aOT$8 DESKS OFFICE MATSift CHAIRS Furniture Co.. 01 1 Walnut. Walnut 4131. Bu' OFFICE FURNITURE s" T,nne assortment of a better grade fTNTMU, SECOND-HAND FURNITURE Ca.O01 CALLOWHILL ST. F1LRERT.4H8 I'lPK and flttlngs, all sizes; plpea cut nor iketrh PMIad'lphla, Seoond-Hand Pino Supplies, 1103 N 7th st. Phones; Boll, Market 330; buttons Park 101 SAFES SAFES IW new and second-hand safes, all sites; ttih or time. Howe Hcnl Co . 800. Arch st. DESK BARGAINS Chairs. Tables, Filing Cahlneta Office Partitions; new nnd slightly used S WEISS tr VO.. 1037 Race at. FOR HALE Piano fsfjuare). Meyer make. In gnod condition; red plush parlor suite, nler looking class with gold frame, walnut bed J? suite; bargain for quick sale. Address T 1014, tdgr Office. IUrVL rOAriI (Heyiwnd). gondola stiaAij artillery wheels, reversible ttcar, good as ?5LV0' c." on sacrlOee only J2R, Call Ognnts 12..8 .1 or 202 V. Mt, Carmel ae Olen- M P , BARGAIN SEWING MACHINES Kew and used mach's; ren. done. 71(Y Poplar lu:rruGi:itATORs mu n. ,... - and meat markets; terms If ,llr- grocers d. WANDAI.l. ft Utl.. 3.11 -! 2d et vwi .iv jnll mahogany clock, chlmos , ;nn,,Sun . eon l'Ua- evening or Sttn o' Phono Wynnilng 1'IPO J. bar- l'OH SALE Old plumb, fix., doors. win,im. nirroislhihtlng Oxs . etc. 1414 Spruce at". "'ViTSl.iL" f ,bur?'r proof; sllKhtwHT '"" stllea'A malt... ir M &,.," ,c,u' PAJ1Y Ti7wBV(. ? ! trpllcia.j IdirchaTrii . I'e Wald'a Juvenile Shop. 2310 Otn. STORAGE AND MOVING rpv!s,,R.sBBm,,uD" THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 1420 N. 8TII 8T J--5.U'.Tri,n,porlnon nnd Storage r7 $&&&&$ 'ntlng. II4II ii.,niiniK2 lvs rates on c ty nojajoio J. .,vUenn1r:.d0n ""la 107P. Miller, North Broad Storage Co. VICTORY STORAGE WALLACE - cVmnt?!!" RW, WE HUT women's, men's and" worn clothing and'.hn.?. i...?".. ern elothlns nrf' .:..'.'.. ""u Vnaren's rsl or phone, stem'.' ,Ei2f!'"",.?i 8"NUh st. Market' 2448awnl1' lia Vlelhlne. w e-id'U ".. "ItlfinTnV "owing, write sender phlne: w'.'? n" SSSSF" I. fWn.. Oort' ..-.' -"y- ri. ,qiu aiarmt st. 'en eynnh-ga1 ' l ,'i-n uke and carpet ..SML"BTW,fiIXW,J.IMnKK'.- . s( a 1st 408, .. .-,..,. .tl 4 Hung uar OARPET CEEAMTTJO CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE RUGS AND CARPETS Cleaned, Scoured. Stnrpd ttlm...... . T-TT'- I 5yv.a',nSt?'&?,jywm s !ZZ?iMhi-j.hi-,, lAvifcujiiitt .. I.IIK JOHN RHOADS CO. HSCTrA.WT'lfAlT uuVi,STOAorrca7T?:oLANCAHi AowN-:fwaey;;L jTB.o;.?'hfe: . WANTED " DOBINESS OPPORTUNITIES ...cifANOB or .v ttrcTiMi: it ih?'PV.e".1 lx)'h Pronmy far sale 'ev Jn.KftKL"i?.rilnB ""ort alonir the Jer he ;t?J"i0J,J'lAATroP'rl' "oardwalk cJan J,5iS"L"fl "9t '" th Atl.mtlc gMCilat,i!tOt'nce"y '"""' TtU"- i.Aiior. balteis- deer Office. .VA.."iS'',A I'lHM with rapidly crow liiir hue his. for tiTnrft time off portjinlty to oull" apllnl u In?" 1 .e'WV.U,nt S' ' ,5r"frrred '"tj line fili p.r ahnre. U '.OP. l.ilfr 01 offers nn l'mlt Invest In n vn biock, par gcr Of rite, rnrt fiV' '" UUo 'h fl"'-" of" hooks LMia5?J.iVIfci,nl"!..,"m,tn,n entirely new; .ii?nt?'-"5h'i? c?tnr I" South Phllartclphls. JJ.niff.B01l Jusliio.s; stock and VPrty; 0Md rensun fur selling, c 810, LMgct'Ot- HLUTALltANT, beautifully decorated; put In fixtures and become established Immedi ately without paylni oood will. 2050 Mar- 1Nl'.H.L,UA1' ?'fOCK In Phlladoiphla cor porat on exchanged for mortgages any r.'!,'.ro .'". rnnsvlvanln or New Jeraey. P 112S. Ledger Office. Oi.TJ.KSTAM.ISHED, tire and vuknnlidnr! bus.; prlco reasonable. C 807, ledger Off, BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT If ou wint to be convli,eed thst weinra still Ksirtfw? t5ckr.t.,DoRu,gi;r'cr.B..,oart dlamona' KELLY & CO. 2D FLOOn 032 CHESTNTT AT PHO. WAT.. 734 DIAMONDS BOUGHT !yfh;- P'lces paid; to 10 cants: Jlo to J3300; oy gold, platinum and silver bought. The Diamond Sliopiothy i Ladies' Handbags Repaired tlcllned; leather bags of nil descriptions; heeded bans made Ilka new. Marc! Ilend Co.. IH10 Chestnut t. Phone Hnruce 7finrt VISIT our up-to-date Ileauty Parlors; chl rtpmly. f.:l-il misraso. rcnlp troatment, manicuring, hair dvelny nil brnrches hy the latest liuthcils. , T)r. M, II, Austin, 1302 Fll bert st . secon floor. RALPH J. KIRK. 212 H. 3d 1,1.. Diirhv (lnn eral cement v.ork and plastering, short no tice. Just phono Darby 740; Keystone, Darby nooFiNa ' Ouaranteed alar rooflns; done at S.00 sn ft. Phono Dick. 4732. Bend postal. T, Plccoll, 1229 3. 12th st. ' ROOMS papered 15 up. slilng and rcropInT inciuoen; worK suaranieeu. ai. A'enuier, .ill.i o. iinntovi Ft. .. YOU CAN llOItnow money low as 2 p,r tent on diamonds, ltleder's, 128 Market street. 11ATH remodeled; ladles' hats or all kinds made Into the latest ales. Ileldner Co.. 1803 Walnut st. Phono Walnut. 2433. DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY V.'. SMITh, 7I7SANSOM ST. AWNINOS Save moiiey on all orders placed before April 13. Awning maker, Uclmont 781)1 W. 0140 Haverford ae. ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS. i)nys!cat"cul- lure, ivri p. i nu n, nwura. ii io o. ELECTRIC treatment nnd manicuring. Miss Hanson & Wilson, 103 Heed Illc.Ph.Loe.3903 MACHINERY AND TOOLS WANTED Tho following second-handTron- worklng machines; One planer with table six or eight feet long bv 48 to 34 Inchei wide. One 20 or 24-Inch lnthe to take 10 ft. be tween centers with taper attachment. One 10-Inch aliaper. One medium horizontal milling machine. Kindly state clearly In first letter maker's name and condition of each inachlno, with circular of each. w A pnASKUN 243 Crescent eve, , Uuffalo. N. Y. ELECTRICAL MOTORS. MACHINE TOOLS POWER EQUIPMENT (VIirtlEN MACHINERY CO.. 110 N. 3p fiT. WANTED USED KEYSEATER (UAKER PIIEKERRED). PARAOON ENOINEER3, rNC. HAii larunr., jiu, ELEC mJtnr, 220 A. D., 1 H. P.; good cond. ; no agents. O. It, Mullor d Sons. 1420 Race ELECTniC motors nnd contrntors, 14 tj BOO II. V J, W. Adnma. ISO N. 12th MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WILL SELL mv M Vlrtroln records nnd repeater, value $183, for $83. 430 E. Wal nut lane. Oermantown (1004 J. PIANO Beautiful new upright lor sale at sacrifice. 1243 N OOtli st. ALL mirei phonographs repaired by faotorv expert. Solotnne rhon. Co.. 1727 Chestnut. ROOFING ROOFING SPOUTING HEATERS- AND RANGES REASONABLE PRICES II. PENTI.AND CO.. SOI N. 19TH ST. POPLAR 14117 J. OLD GOLD CASH paid for old gold, silver nnd antique clocks. Rogers, 43 S. 17th. Locust 12i0. USED AUTOMOBILES 1IAYNES Chummy rendsttr This Is a beauty: owner has left It v.th us to dls pnte of 1400: balnnco easv terms ROYAL MOTOItrAR CO.. INC.. 010-22 N. UROAD. IJPEN SUNDAY. POPLAR 0"30, HUDSON Roadster; 0 wire heels: late model, perfect cond.; guar. ROYAL MOTORCAR CO., INC. (112 N. UROAD OPEN HUN, POP, 0030 HUDSON flh Model M touring car; cassiest b In town- come make offr ROYAL MOTORCAR CO., 022 N, Broad. Pop. 0010. Open Hun. IJI inQflN speedstors; we have 2 of these: nUUkJUll BOia with 11 guaranteo against defective parls; will sacrifice. ROYAL MOTORCAR CO., 012-22 N. HROAD. OPEN HUNDAY. POPLAR 011.111 HUDSON speedsters. 1020 WIS. 1017. nil nowl painted; cord tires nnd A-1 mechan lenlly Raron's. 040 N. lVroad st. HIinSON speedster. 11-0 model; like nuyO'Jll ew. brjnln. Call POPLAR 3244. MR. McMICHAEL. 1340 POPLAR ST, Di"iA1Mt.P4'l,a"enger sport; a classy car ,IUrtmC.Iin(, H 0W pr. ROYAL MO- TORCAR Ci.. ir-iu., iii-u-a . uiiw.vw. OPEN Hl'NDAY. Poplar 0030. SCRI PPS-ROOTH sedan: special show car; al most lit".', this Is u Iwauty wilt sncrino ROYAL M3TCRCAR CO. INC.. 012 N. )ROAD. JPEN SUNDAY. POP. fQ.UI. SIMPLEX Limousine; llrewster bodv 010 N. Ilrond St. Pon. 7820 Opon Sunday nnd evenings. STANLEY AUTO I'll, STORAGE BATTERIES 0 olt. bat.. 8: 12 volt, J12; all bat. pojltlve ly guar. Liberty Stor. Rat. Co.. U.'14 N. lfith 1B21 DODOE RllOS. motorcars." touring roadsters & sedan; Immediate delivery; a sear to pay. Authorised Dodge Agency, Man- ayunk 1H8H. 42(10 Main st, Ellen Motor Co. CTflniTRAlPR u,1 touring, cuar, 3 1 UUL.DrtTCI 0pe Bniay ftnj ovenlncs. (110 N, Ilrnad st. Pop. "S20. MTANLEiY AUTOMODlt.E CO. QT1 1T7 Bearcat, late models; like newl OlUl on,n aundsys and evenings, 010 N. Dronil st. Poplar 7820. ' STANLEY AUTOMOH1LE CO. QTI 1T7 fl-passenger touring; A-1 condl- wivjit. t on, bargain, i RARON'S, 640 N. nROAD HT, VIM truck, 1330 cash: new tires; new paint; sacrifice, many extras, 4200 Malrr at., Mnnayunk. Phone Manayunk 1868 KISSEL Must be scon to Iw appreclnti-d. Open Mun. ft evgs. STANLLY AUTO CO.. Illll N RROAD HT. POP. 7820. MAXWELL ?, 0, 5-pass. ; excollent con.. Poolar B244. Mil. M... MICHAEL. 1340 POPLAR ST. MAXWELL touring. 1U20, nearly now;, sae rifleefi,r uul't talc 1' 112S Ledger (Iff T RfrDTPR Ver' snnppyr Open .Sunday llL.l-I-,l nnd even'nss, Stanley Autu n.M.lie Co. 01 ) N Urosd st. oi.urfMOUILK sxdan. s.lgluly used; A-1 con. iltlon; wlro wheols: 5 now cord tires, J140U' going abroad. 2108 Walnut at. n7rr3T"Apjri tourleei late model; perl UVU.lNl-l'1-' condition; first I37B ta feet ken It, Royal wniorrnr to,, inc., ui.02: N, Hroad - I'QPinr uk. iTATPP Larchmont, Uko new; exceptional I Al - purchase, with disk wheels, tlio N. Ilrond. Poplar in.'", upen Nun, lava ami oplar iH-'u, upen Hun.lay STANLEY AUTOMOI1ILE evenings. CO. PAIGE iitS.rV.,,LD.8",J"'.' u,i-x;x v..' .-. " "cri flrn ROYAIi Jiuium-du LV IC (ly v RCi?njVv7lPBN HUMDAY. POP, nnil " PACKARD Touring! third series: urr feet condition! nuarantooii OPEN HUNDAY AND KVWMNCiel. (Ill) N." Rroad. I'QPinr ie-n. n,Ant,ni nuitj nj 'DAPWARn LIMOUSINE, model 30. 010 r AlVr-M n, nroad st. Poplar 7H20, O nen wun. ann pvkii. niAoi.ci auiu t-c). l'AUTH PARTS PARTS Wo curry a c.niplete st.clc of used parts for ull inaltcs ot nutiuntiblleh and trucks; come hero and save inunty. Rjllabl- Autu Part Co.. 1443 Cheny si.. Philadelphia, l, Kpruo28ia2i Open Sunday. , UKlT truck, very.lltlie Je&, largo open ex- nresa body! will sacrlOee for JOOOl ye.ir 10 tmyt idkcy iixtrasj "lien H'-m'.'ijs. rtnn Main it.. .lHinyuoi I'-on uuayuok i&33. , tt v, C-V ,-. .-I'f.iif . f.fiinria t fclHClaltV mnnfarti.rlnrr IIaheflPhrlAIf.n.irt""cnll,tlon " nn wflsi r,r?i..ifi h",1"'. nn . eoii'mlssun "" unjiitir.sirniurs. Al o EVENING PUBUO USED AUTOMOBILES CpMMaMd rifth Annual Spring Economy Sale Truo Economy Is Not M&ifiured By Price Alone, But By Quality and Service jiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiaiaiiiiiiiiiiiii I1 II I W - . - ALHO RAC1NK oi:neral In Fresh Factory Surplus Stock Positively perfect First Quality, of latest con. strucllon. Not blemished nor branded "second" fevent the risks). t sold by the factory nt sacrifice prices duo to money depression last fall Therefore, without their uuarantoe, Hut We Guarantee Satisfactory Service CORDS Non-Skld or Bibbed Regular Ottr Price Price SOt.-m .121 3', ;, JtJxl Mtl 3tt4 S3i4Vi 31x4W 8.14Vi (lx4V4 31S 3.1xB S75 I33.no rJo.o.i 43.15. ua.r.,1 i-.l... . r.n.os BS.00 02. IB 03.B3 03. 0.1 oti.n.-. (1H.40 77 40 81 25 H5.70 31.80 37.B0 3B.30 80.3S 40. IB 41.211 4B.7B 47.80 40,73 RLVLNUK TAX CTMMiMMflllltf 33v4 MlLLKIl Him 1H rautory uuaranteed. including .Ml lor C'K, 7 I J1 f.-lt, Tul, ynmn $42.011 i.J.IJ Mall orders promptly shipped by Parcel Post or Kxpress, C, O. D.. subject to Vour approval. If unsatisfactory, money refunded, CRESCENT TIRE CO., 1312 Arch Street JMffi glllllllMlPM PAINT-UP TIME FOR AUTOMOBILES You have your engine looked over quite often to guard against depreciation. JBut nothing will cut the value of your car more than lack of paint. The body will rust and the wheels crack. We offer the best automobile paint on the market. Let us show you how you can paint your automobile yourself. An Invltntlon lo tho penern.1 public) to call nnil fco ono of tho finest nnd un-to- dato Pnlnt Stores In 'tlio State, enrrylnK tho largCRt Block of hlRh-frraila standard Kooda situated In llio heartof Philadel phia and established over 4 years, dl roctlv opposite new million -dollar Stanley. WILLIAM E. HINCH 1919 Market Street 1919 nnsi STUTZ ALL MODELS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HAROAIN PRICES SEE MR. HUNTER STUTZ AOENCY 6C0 N. UROAD ST. Mack Trucks Practically New S't ton, with dump or stake bodies. 2-T0N PIERCE-ARR0W With Dump or Stake Dodlcs. General Motor Truck Corp. 20TH AND MORRIEf BTS. FOR YOUR REPAIRS No Job Too Large No Job Too Smull Repairs to frames, weldlns all kinds pnrts, fcodlcn. tops, motors, genrs. frnmos. axles, radiators nnd fender-sluillt and rebuilt. PAINTING Quick and Efficient Service AMERICAN OARAOE & MACHINE SHOP 1411 Locust st. Phones! Race 214a; Spruce Oo We Pay Highest Prices for Used Cars ROYAL MOTORCAR CO., Inc. A12-fl'!2 N HlKUn ST POPLAR 0030 DI TIPIC Roadster and touring. 1010. 1020 UUH-rvd liml ju-juj Hue new. Open Sun il.iy and evenings. 010 N. UROAD. l'ol 7820. .STANLEY AUTO CO pi ITpC1020-10-18. all rebuilt nnd guar-DUll-N'5niitec.1 Uko nev. ; as low as 1 ir.00 down, bilanco terms. HOYA1. .MOTORC.AR CO.. 012 N. UROAD. OPEN SUNDAx. PIIP1.AR 0030. RI IIPK" touring, 1018. ttund-rful : CiUlLfk j(io ,iAwn. balnnco terms. Open ovenlnc. 1707 VINE ST. . CADILLACS 00. .17. iii ad oa lnuuci" tourings, rondslers ami couoes: lowest prices In tlwrlty paj'. Royal Motorcar Co, Uroad et Poplar nnflll Inc., 012-022 r.. t 1 . - - A-1 cond ( .Al ill A AL. ill,', XT ll.nn.l t. 0111 N. Uroad st. rop. 7-u. Onrn f '-i" STANLEY AUTO CO mi ami pn Touring dlspatcners and LnaiNU,tscdjnB , perfect con dltloii. as low as JSOO down, lulance In 1 a,wn'6pE?Viu' CHANDLER 1X:MT l"spaic "' RARON'S. P.10N!J1ROAD3T. fUAMril 17R '0'-0 tuurlng; guar. A-1 LnAlNULClX rnndltfin. 010 N. Ilro.id tt. Poplar .7820, BTANLKY AUTpl011LECO. CHEVROLET touring car, just Uko new; 1 Ub?aVd-new tires, lex,ra; JS00 year o 4200 Main nay; many extras- uii iuii,m,-. tt Mnnayunk. Phone ManayunkJSSS; 1U"0 CHANDLER 7-passeiiBcr; leather cov ered body and hood, nlckel-platcd radla tor' A-1 mech. con. Raron's. 010 N Ilro.id ot. CHEVROLET. 1010 I 00 touring. Apply W Wilson. 1810 N. Prats. Diamond liliul .1 . rTM 17 OC 4-pasrengcr, a snappy LULL, l7U car at a eicrlllco. RARON'S. 040 N. Ilro.id st, ESSEX" Touring car. 1020. like new: will sacrlflco. Rojul Moto-car Co.. Inc.. 022 N. Ilrond. Pop n".l "Jn Hun. itssEX 2.nanpgir rn.idsur bulldojr racer; good condition Woodland utu. FORD evenings. TAXI CAR In wonderful tondltlon; guaranteed. Open Sunday and 1110 N. UROAD HT. Poplar 7820. STANLEY AI'IH m. FORD touring car. perfect condition; new tires. 1 extra: will sacrifice, 17B; open Sundays! many extras 4200'Mnln st., Man ayunk. PhoneMnnuunk le83, FtDRD top5r7.3aTbiicTt curtain, wTtii 2 nickel lights, 18.1)7: side curtains $10.75; irrall trdera. 1(120 Ciermsntnwn nve. Dla. 3371. FRANKLIN touring, 0-11 lre wheels, cord tires, low urlce. CALL POPLAR. tf.'U. Mil. McMICHAEL, 11140 POPLAR ST. GASOLINE ALLEY Walt vtivt - t v " ' . . - - V ' ' ' -. - . " .- .. Ijr--jvZr-'JTlS- WITH A NEW CAR I PONT SEE XiT-- AiHAT OH YWEU. YOU KNOW THE f SHS LEA ;5 OIL TbO, AND X Vcc Vcc A SJagrV-- r.-.-;s a-na HOW CAN LIST IT IN MV P0NM- d0DWJK'J You AILOW I FlT PEPBEC1AT10N (Vou HA THAT NOISE IN THF cn rtl 1 - WELL HE KNOCKEP k PBOPem Ii RETURN FOR. LESS "--Ll .1 IS TSECEEATEST. SDfS A ENClN-7 PCOBA6LV TMteMm&sYZLs f nrx- , A S than tiooo. aoin wAirevE J I 1 JYCllMiETca M orF i2 in a pg SKi!vU(j,. , LEDGER PHnjABELPHIA, FRIDAY, VUSED AUTOMOBILES r-.- - Inmnmmirtni nntioiniH, .mw.i. I Ikh S .Kiiii'uiiiuwki.iiiaiiMiiiijiiiiiJinaiu. HOH3KH11011 and risic FABRIC Non-skids Regular Otir rrioe I'ri. Price 30i3 80x3U !l2t3 3txl 82s t 334 S41 118.10 2I.BB 2H.43 81.00 8.V.1B 37.10 87.00 Hit. 21 13.73 18.18 10.71' S1.4r 21,80 22.00 Goodyear Firsts Full Factory Ounrantee 28s3 , $18.40 111 43 82x8Vi 20.41 10.1'S 83x4 87.10 g.TTB INCLUDED SCRIPPS-B00TH ;l pass, roadster. ! batnnro terms Rojal Motorcar Co., Inc.. 012-022 N, Uroad n. w,-i, nunuar., FOPia- tlll.tll Aulo Hmnilr nnil fjennlrl n g TIRES, 30x3 to 37x5 1, All standard makes; all 0000 to I8000 miles; first quality, guar., at '4 price to ini nut lot; liny now, Oln Mnrttt at Auto Piirla ait iiAtic batteries, used, o-volt. $0; 12-odt. $12. 1422 Raro st. Spruco 1774. ROOMS TOR RENT UALTIMORE AVE. and 42.1 Alt. furn rm.l board; near cars.; conv. WooJIand B02H . UAIIINO. 1012 Could eccom. a few gentle .men with lst-clasa hoard rm.l conv. to L. UROAD, S,, 1311 One or 2 furnished or muurnwiru rooms, i-n. ulcitlnson 3410 SI. CIlESrNUT, 2006 Single aria double looms. CHESTNUT ST.. 1002 Doulde'loTmT'nlso , -. u u nn.. win iiHin. i-n.wpruce 4310 wmnj.ni. .ow-iYtii rurntsheil loom, .. wltlijir.wlthnut bath; electrlo ty; reference. CHERTNUT, "2030 Room. wlth"prlv"ate bith; benutlful suite; alsn single rooms. DIAMOND. 1007 Desirable front room; also a nglo room: izentlAmti Kn.i, m-Ki- shower; phon. FvVlRMOUNT AVE. 1020Nlcely furn. front Nroom. all convenlnce; private family, 1IAZEL AVE. .11 27 t.a'rge 2a frt.: reflned loc; conv. tn L A meals. WoodPil 1010 W. OAKDALE. 2s:tl Unfiirn. and nil furn. with gas, noar bath, second floor, prlv. family. PACIFIC. W 102ll To furnished ro'oms. lumrHi-epiny; privnio lamiiy PINE. 2220 neautlfully furnished room, olectrlolty; suit 1 or prlvato family. 13111, N., 1010 Comfortably fumlsl.ed room for gentlemen; references exchanged; con venient. Phone Diamond 1200 W. 13TH X., 142.1 Two deslr. single rm., furnished: prlvato home, roplar 0421 W. 10TH. N.. 130. II O T 11 L "RUillC IleaiT. furn. rooms, spotless clean elec,, h.-w, heat; dally & weekly rates; conv, to stations; best aerom. for traveling people. Hnrme 1001 1CTH ST.. N.. 3020 Two cemmun. rooms . mm. or uinurn.. jor nousoKoeping. 10TH. N.. 142(1 Largo furn. front rm.'wlth running wnter nnd elec; rea Pop. 103,1, 10TH, N.. 25 fl 2 nlcoly furn. rms., sultahle for ladles or gentlemen. Ph. Din. Mill W. 43D. N., 000 One furn, rm.; conv. to cars: good loc; prl. fam. gent, pref. Pret.2409 J HANDSOMELY furnished rooms In large. modern, prlvato hom; electric lights; 10 mtnutcB to City Hall. Phono Rnrlng 4Ui. COMFpIlTAllLB room; gentleman: conv. in "L" - .Spruce at. car. Ph. Hrg. 1723 W. X'NFl'RNISIIF.D "AI'ARTMENt. Phono Enrlni.' 8071. ROOMS, furn suit-. In private nouso; cen tr.il. Phono 8 to II A, M.. Locust 01.1.1. 1IT1I S., 222 neautlfully furnlshe.i room; continuous hot Mater. Preston 130.1 .1 U7IST PIIILADEU'HI 45TH H.. 120 Tolwiut, fully furnished, attractlo rooms, either as bedrooms ar liedroom and sitting room. BOARDING WALNUT ST.. 4021 Larue Mttraoilvp 'com munlcatlng room, overy convenience: re flned environments, superior tnblo. ROOM and boird for buslnesx i-ouple or 2 gentlemen. Call llolnioiu 4311 W NICE. furn. front room, for 2. "Itli board; prlv. fam.; conv to L, el-c. Mil Ransteud BOARD WANTED GENTLEMAN wants largt coo! roon with boanl, strrtlv i.rlv.itn 'nmilv referenced vxchan(.-d. C S21, I.odpir Oftlc . . COUNTRY SO ARDf NQ TOWANDA, PA., Wwdiclg"n-Excellent spring accommodations ete.im beat, lighted by electricity, private baths, owner trained nurse, wholcsomu food f.irm at tached, fine wattM, evety modern comfort, booket. MISS EL17,A1)ETU IV.MH. APARTMENTS WAVERLY APARTMENTS 1403 ERIE AVE. Flno fl-room npartments; hot-water heat, electrlo lights; bcautlful'y urranged. low leu'.alu; flist or sirond lloor Apply .f. II. .Hibbiirt, Northern Cen1r.1l Trust Co., ,S. W. Cor. Rpvid nnd Erlo n". 1826 SPRUCE STREET 2 rooms, bathroom nnd kitchenette, nlxo Du plex n part mem. 11 rooms nnd bathroom, ull modern Imtiruvenicnts. C. F.SIMON, 112S. 16TH ST. dEVEN ROOMS nnil bath. N W cor. Ulth and Erlo live,' extremely ultractlio npirt ment: all outside rooms, surroundirigs uro being ileelnped with beautiful gardens Ap ply to Janitor or to C. HARRY JOHNSON 1 120 rheslwt nt CHESTNUT AND SrtTH STS - Otsi or two communicating front roonu, furnlehed, modern apartment house, gaa and electrlo light; moderate, light h'uinelieeplhg it de sired. Phone Hnrlng 1117.1 M ffl.. GRAY GAIILES. 312JM N. 33d st Thre rooms, kitchenette and bnth. Janitor nerv be: coinar apartment. JOHN II. .MAflEE. Real Estate Trust llldg. Walnut f,r, 1 1. 018 h FAliRAOUT TL'lilLVCE Unfur nished; newly papered. 3 large rooms, prl vato bath kllchonctte, third lloor; cleunclty, pbone. HO ;km month ROYAL API'S, 1208 N "llioiiil Ht'-'-uTl- usuil npp ; chotcK sunuv airy corner apt., fncliiif Uronil et.. 8 w'uduws. 2 roomu und bath; sublet. 15TH HI 1437 N . 4roonfs. f OU First floor. 3 loonis J0.1 OEOROM L. PARKER. 1731 I'a 1 mount ave, 1048 N, H1TH Unfurnished apt . third lloor. ,) loiely rooms, bath and kitchenette; elto.; $00 pet month: clenn prha-e hnine. CORNER 21ot. nnd Atlantic, no.ir Tlog.i station Modern. 4 rooms, bat.i. lmiulro premises, or RICE. 131 S. 12lh. 127 S. lOTIlllT. (Tho (IcneCaC-Hnndsomely furnished slnglo loom and bath, overy convenience. 1BTH. N 1123 Fin nlshi'd npirtmcnt. lloor: mlvnte. Pooler Ol'.'l W. first LOOAN 302S N. 12lh tt nnl I riuviis; prlv. bath; well furn, Ph. Wum, 3302 J, Consults An Expert i 3JCfl C Ro35 1rV0?iii X9 fli S3 iiwaiiiiirai'ii'iiiiniii'inirniiiiroio tf, 1 ,'W.qMMW;t"v, Apartments KENMAR APARTMENTS 1001 PINT! ST. Five rooms and bath! all modern con veniences; night and day clevntor serv ice; $75 per month, Albert -M. Greenfield & Co. 1BTU AND CHESTNUT HT8, Park Ave. 5c Dauphin olhuy SS5: n! 0 ro.ms and bath, front and baelt sunny porch on each aot.: rentals 1130 to 1140 per month; onen for Inspection dally until 0 P. m, r-TjQohnson; 1420. Chestnut. Spruce 4400, UTCHT. rillltl)Kt,illl1A. 4039 BALTIMORE-AVE. west ba'r'a1, b.xrK?nA.5 mstitsl desirable location. WALNUT ST.. 4811 Second floor, unfur nnhe.l. first-class rnndltlnn, i MODKRN, B rooms nnd Daw. .nppi i icilfFMA-Va. 2.13 f4. OOth st R11NT 8 rooms and bnth. Donald V. Red- aing, n-'o wni t.nppii-1 , MMM - flKKMANTOWN 801 VERNON ROAD HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IDEAL SURROUNDINC3 v Trains to Blenton Station or drlie out Sten- ton ao. to 0800 North. MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. N K. COR. linoD AND fUERTNI'T l.OflAN mod n r nnd b.; SOIs Hroad above Wjo. a?e.' Jndo I iUnXtin. 4711 N. Urosd st. Womln 1070 OAK I.ANH. fiiiriMi ST.. N.. 0000. 2d floor, o rms. and Th pffetTlOS ,mrnli,TanB0,,iTlnaw0 0203 N. Uroad st. Call Oak Lano 17l pnNNhYf.vNi minntn.w LANSDOWNE, 224 Ortrn ave.lst nr. apt.. ,miT. porch, garage privileges.; NARIIKItTII "- APARTMENT Nnrberth stntlon. lttiinurj-. II. 11. iVA LL. Narherlh, i-nnno m;u- ATLANTIC riTT Tim iiKvr Mny 1 Apartment ll-a. Clin ton Pacific and Delaware. Atlantic City. Inou"ro Earl S. Edwards. 022 Filbert St.. Philadelphia. BURNISHED APARTMENTS lioUSEKEEPINQ APARTMENT," furnished'. 1V'7 Spruce at., third-floor front; May 1 i yrnteinber In: 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, par ur Inwroomi apply beforo 11 A. M. 1. Thompson mi r (KIltQAH I-Aln.. lurn. dpi., - ricnns ia1. .hIUf""i)?ht housekeeping. Otn. 4247 J. imiv. AITS., central Ice: by week If dee. Sherwood Apt.Acency, 1334 Walnut . st . WF.ST 'TMIH.MH'I.VltlA LOCUST. 8714 Handsomely furn.. 0-rm. hskp. nnt.i $110. Premises or Taylor 4 Son. 20 s. 40th. . . PF.NXSA'LVANIA SlinURllAN FOR HUMMER months, highly desirable II- room nimrtiuent. with porch: central din Imr room service If clo'lrcd, 2 minutes' walk from Wayne station. Phono Waynu 728 W. APARTMENT HQTEL3 HOTEL COLONIAL "ffiSx Two rooms and bath. 3 rooms and baths; American plant excellent homelike taOle, riiamn x,y,-.. ui., Mgr. THE MARLYN WALNUT AT 40TH ST. FIREPROOF THROUOHOl'T THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE ST8 AnSOLUTELY FIREPROOF, THE"liTTIJ: HOTEL. 223 8. Hroad at. A good placo to Uvo while In Philadelphia. APARTMENTS WANTED YOU ARE INVITED to list your vacant or to-be-vacant apartmenta with 111 Slier v.rod Apartment Agency, 1331 alnut St.: pheno Walnut 317: It Is nuttn Impossible to fill tho requirements of our insny applicants without your hearty co-operation. REAL ESTATE EOR SALE CITY Homes Perfection Homes neautlful Northwond section for persons of discernment: Inst wora in uuraD e cuimuu -Hon, luxurious fittings; lene nothing to ta desired, 11 modern Arcadia of homes; live Hmong n substantial class ot peopio in healthy anil con'enlent locality 5100 Block Saul Street ti, XT 1 t r. .m.p ir, l'r.iit t . wan enst 2 blocks! ask for Mr. Powell at Nn. M03 Sample House Open Evenings SMITil A SCHMUNIC. 724 W ERIE AVE. WORKINGMEN'S HOMES Comfottnble, cheerful, dtirnbln coinlructlon; Just what you hne been looking for: H, ClonrOeld and Indiana nve,. 1 block from Allighenv live.; car lines, ngeut on premises, LET US SHOW YOU That thean nttrnctlte. dtslrablo homes at $320(1 nro the best vnluo for our money nny whero, see them and seek no farther; terms to suit your pmsr, H 11. SMITH, 724 W. ERIE AVE. HOMES OF MERIT Few left on Merrllt Square; substantial, re liable, comfortable; Just the thing for a per manent home; you can't go wrong on 01m of these: 1 block from new ''L"iat Sedgley uve. II, E SMITH, 721 W. ERIE AVE, 300 123 E. LOUDEN ST. A bargain. butch ball, shed, 0 large rooms nnd bath, semi-detached: big ynrd; modern, real chance for right party. II. E. SMITH. 721 W. ERIE AVE inrnv v.r 20th nnd Allegheny nve,: fi looms bath. In-losed porch with radiator and street's, hot-water heal, electric lUht, hardwood doors, whlto and tmthogany nir.,iii-heutPho'io Tltura .Ti2 HROVD ST above Susuuohannu no . lot 250 illll and 30x07. 011 Carlisle st.. lino fir Imnrovennmi . aisesseiK $30,000; first inort race 122 000. Whnl la your best offer p llLiU'Are CORNER Tb ga apartment house, Ideal tor professional man: rei.al of npnitmniits will nay nil expenses In addition to atfordlnx the use of the off lens: price $10,000 C. HARRY JOHNSON, 1 120 Chestnut et. D0O 037 W. CLEARFIELD ST . porch front, 8 looms and shed; largo Dub h hall, electrlo Ugh', nil modern tmproveuronts; ox rellntcorlltlon: poseesulon. DES1RA1ILE 3 st.iry corner dwoillnt-. 50th n'ld Pine sts 12 rooms and 2 hatha; sun parlor billiard room. O. M. HENRY. 1001 FlnancH llldg . OARA-E"' 20 MidlvMual and 2 co'rnera all tdd wl'l h Id 30 cars, rcr.t 2h0 per month' salo prlc 12U.000. BENJAMIN t:iNK LEIlJJ')i!7th atmb'J.s ST. 3214 Dwg. home, near 1 Strawberry Mansion; Immcil poss. J. H Wai;n..rPennsNlinnla llldg. LMMED POSSESSION 11,0 Clarksnu uo . 330(1 N.. 2 ny piirch. 5r., bath: mum aeii. yJMfluanc?VLi HT 221 Fnlrmount . ARCH ST near 20th pt. house prop., 20 rms.. elec, h -w, lieiit; gowl cond., ni fitiance. Hamblemn. 1213 Mlbert. Loc. .1470 2022 N. UTH ST ''P Iveyatono 'lhoullc; U rina. A boh r. a terms tu homo huyers. PAUL M MYERS Jraiiltlin nnd Poplar 14.'!u oftl. ST. Wonderful loo., near'lliojd si, 7 ims a. bnth thor. reno.; cusv torms $40.10 iar , ni" 11 bv nnp. llrogan 771 N. 2,1th 1828 N 17TH IS rooms, 17x100; gooii order line location, $8000 Olenn. 1JJ1J Columbia 1341 DIAMOND 2 baThs, eleo light.; I8xl0n to rear street Olenn 1317 Columbia 82.15 N. 17TH Porch. Dutch hall; large for h.-w, heat: gnrnin' (llenir, 1017 Columbia MODERN 2-sion, 7-iuoin porcn-fiont ThiMiie", posse 14I011: saci Itlce llcchtol, 3232 Rldgt, APJIIL 8, 1921 REAL ESTATE EOR SALE cirv . IDEAL HOMES 3025 N. Judson st.--Dependable, durable, st trartlve; nowlv renovntedt A-1 condition; Ini medlato possession; terms right. Call office for appointment to Jnspeet. IL, K. SMITH. 724 W. BRIE AVE. "Ilulhllnjr Lois, rnrlnrr Biles. .l!r.. LAROE irXcr OF OllOUND NORTHEAST SECTION. . . RAILROAD FRONTAGE HARRY E. THOMSON 2321 FRANKFORD AVE. IJiiljKMProjrtlenndSlore INDUSTRIAL "l'LANTH. WAREHOUSES, U.WJ.KUAD AND JlIVKIt rilUni'AUIS. J. L Stevenson & Son !Jfit-ie4i.'idgf"1 tTTlllSpiU;rri ST. Fine bus. loc... well Onancd; gocd Invest, barj, Hambloton, I2l'i Filbert Locust S470. I'm lories. Warehouses, Mfg. Honrs -' LET'S TALK IT OVERl 75,000 SQ. FT.. TIOGA Thompson and Almond sis,; alt street Improvements! level ground ready fot building; 300 ft. Fa. It. R. elding. REYNOLD H. GREENBERG 1121 CHESTNUT ST. FACTORIES AND TACTORY SITES Eierywhre In Philadelphia ijuis oiNsnuRO 1201 Chestnut st FAPTORV Slow-bnv, construction; cor,; IrtlUIXI ,)rlcU bl(1Ti. -2,00ft ,q, f,,. stetm heat, po'er plant, elevatorn. partly sprinkled, pirtly wired; dry cemnt basem't; yard and sheds; partly occupied on short l-ns. C Mt. ledger Office, FACTORIES AND SITES Bpru-" 41 11. TOMMNSON, Lincoln Rldg, 946 TO 54 BEACH STREET J LEE PATTON. IJNCOLN I1LDO. Htorea nnd Dwellings $rooo Sinro and dwellings fine corner for n business! monthly lease, rnl opp,ir tunltv If. VI. SMITH. 724 W. ERIE AVE. 1512 S. 1TH "ST. 8 rooms; rood condition rnjd business location, Atkinson & Son, unit ainynnicns "hv. hell phnne direct from the builder nt prices that cannot bo duplicated elsewhere; con venl'Tt to cars, schools, churches and stores: on convenient terms; prices !.0:U0 to $8300,, with and without ga rages. James C. Enburg, Builder C7TH AND WAnRINOTON AVE. Sixtieth st. car to BSth and Warring ton nve.. 1 si or 13 on Walnut st. ixa 4917 WALNUT SJ. A 3-story Colonial residence, con veniently located, containing 10 room i and 2 baths, open living hall, hot water heat, electrlo light; revised prlco. Wm.H.W.Quick & Bro., Inc. 8 SOUTH 40TII ST. dtr;i;!r,fiin:!;!unnaTi;m!nKui;:i!Lnimiiurui.rrjrjini:naimjnan!i;inuni:in'nii;ii $200 CASH. $30 per month expenses plus $20 per month to reduce 2d. mortgage: nnco $4.iii0: nnmed. poss.; O rms. and bath beau tlfubv d-oratcd In mahogany and whlto iatest new elec. fixtures, h. w. floors nnd shower ba'h; artlstlcallv papered. Dutch hall, front porch, gas In kitchen- only 4 left out of 14: we could lent these houro for $,10 por month: by buying vou save $20 nor month, mortgage furn. free! sample house 210S S, St. James terrace, bet. OOtli and 07th tn . north of Woodland nve.: take cars II or 37 In subwnvt open evenings by ao pol ntment Phone Woodland 1033, 4niO CEDAIl AVE. S-sty. semidetached residence opening onto 2 at. fronts: hardwood floors, elec. 2 tile baths, gas kitchen; nowlv decorated: Colonial finish: moJt conv location: owner has left cltyiitcan give tiulck poss.: ery attractive price and terms. -Eu&ene lToransend- Q) 5 11 Cor -19lkQ Baltimore Are T29MT: MORIAH'LANE ((1200 Woodland Ave.) Containing 3 lurno bedrooms nnd both, Dutch hail nnd very Iirco kitchen; garage prl liege, new'y papered nnd pilnted nnd electric lights; terms lo suit. Cars It nnd 37 (via aubway) to 02d and Woodland ae., equ.iro north; owner on premises even afternoon nnd nil day Saturday and Sunday. tlllj.-i PASCHALL ANE. Four bedrooms, ductile, possession, $5500. 73th & Dicks ave. new brick dwelling; electric garage for 5 cars! possession: S550O. n A CAUL. 702S WOODLAND AVE. turn) CASH will put you In possession of a modern 2-story dwelling; $84.70 per month pain all Interest, taxes and water rent charges, hot-water beat, electric light, hard wood tloors etc.; an unusual opportunltv to dears nn attractho house In prime condition MAURAN. DOLMAN CO., N. E. cor. lit0j'L?i-S'Ji,"nui: UEST VALUE OFFERED. AN YWHEliO" Convenient terms! examlne-and make c mi barii ns. new homes, with garage; price SS00 Willows ave.. 61th to 5.1th- overv mrdi'in anpolntmont; heated puich in dosur ' simple house open dallv. JOSEPH A. McDEVITT 1213 Chestnut st. Ilelmont 24SO IS MlN'from City Hill; beautiful, modern l'oints. everything new, hardwood, electric ." or I holronma. steel conntructlin; IS ft. front rricu $407.1, pay $20J. movo In: we in.ik' e. tin is Owner always at -ambl-hi,i-ii ("CO Snbrork avo., H square (1.1th st k w , dlai il 1 vo Tal;j subway cur, Nos, 11 rr '17 WELL-SECURED first mortgages for sale Wt-st Philadelphia. Overbrook and Lincoln drive reiinns, In amounts $3500 to $30,000 each nt il por rent- all title papers free. James IN. Mitchell. Builder 40TH AND MARKET ST.S. Financed Immed. Possession 5711 W( MIDLAND AVE. I b-droomi. 1 311 11EEDI.AND ST 3 bedrooms. CAMAC & CO. 050AOPB'-n 4TC ims 11 I 'ho nrrlni; charges 1337" vPJ s. I ml, nwood St., II largo rooms and bath, good .id-1 possession; terms to suit Jos. M. Bakcr:&SonRi!?!:mo?en've ""' TO H'OMESEEKERS Well-bull' il rm -and-bath porch-front houses In W. PhU.i nar 00th and Haverford au J. A. PATTERSON. 130 S. 13TH ST bC Vl 7iriD Rt)AD TfiStTi and Lebanon ,ne v j n.iiv. inrwseu porcn. enrage. 7 rms pamuniiv flo.ir. elocl. h. w. hea' (jiT'eim. iinnlurfs nhndos price $8.100i pml Ki s loji ' "ill v nn prmlee, nerliroiK 2H-' 513 I'REMHTON ST. (5Jd und Oirarj ae") Verv mod prlco: 7-room 2-story brick dwelllnr i.nn.iu-d, In flist-ilnsi condition linmi'illate t .si-esflon. U. F. MlchaeUnn. 8 C'olonlul Trust llldg ,t3th nnil Market sts SviO CHE.SlNi'T8T Ono" of the'inost'do- Hlrable con.erM In West Pbll.i , 11 rooms 2-storv brl'U dwelling, all modern convs Immednte 1 .isicfsIoia (1. F. Mlchnelsnn, Mil C'olonlnl Trust Uldg., 13th nnd Market mm IMi.l'ltE'll.NT T Eleven rooms. hJ7Ta"fii close to imln and trolley service: vacant leflni-d MSi.1nitl.il section. J03. Allen pottn 41103 UaMiinm-iave 5S"7) III oi'k uSAOE AVE. $320u";TTorrnH miiderii tlirouahout And reniemo,r "i'iosh" 'nnd for all that's "Gocd 6I'lh and 1 u. h vood ave. $2200"to"$500b NrrfifoS7',? IM 1 1 1 p. HIV MTII ft OlltAHll ' A "llAUUAi I'vi- In HJ7 h Vogues 7ini. 1 "li Thomas, 2313 W. Lehigh By King '3?sri5r st ! WEST Pltir.VDF.LrillA - !fl BUY A NEWHOME Hi RJ5AT, ESTATE EOR SALE OAK LANK -Oxcoyn2. 3-STORY SEMI-DETACHED HOMES, WITH SEPARATE GARAGES J 6 bedrooms, 2 modern bathrooms, 2 enclosed porches, largo . lots, hot water heat, automatic gas range, outside cellar entrance, convenient to railroad, trolleys, schools, churches and stores. (Our Mr. Smith in at sample house 8th St. and 6Gth Ave.) Boll phones Spruco 0954, Oak Lane 1582 L"Scnd for illustrated uoocicr iCEtM 10Sal8"'Sk.-IWMufa- WEST PHILADELPHIA, $48 A MONTH BY OUR EASY PURCHASE PLAN This la alt that It costs In actual ex penses for one of our attractive houses to uhlch muBt bo added small pajnier.ta for reducing the mortgages; we have a few remaining bouses that we can soil tn this way. Pcmberton Estates 3946 Pine Street Open for Inspection from 0 to 5 .nirnuiiiMitininuinil!? NEW STONE HOMES g WITH GARAGES I $64 ... ..-.- an if vou rent out W IIK'll' I, r,TIIBri "MM - - " . . rj garnae this reduces II $10 terrnonth. B 31 WELLINGTON ROAD 3 . . . .,.. ..A... ...1 fflPM. neurooms, ureniiiuev ,.,"'',,?r,V", Mellmurne station. Market St. Lie vat'd walk 2 snuares south to 13 MARLBOROUGH ROAD ALWAYS OPEN SEMI-DETACHED SPRUCE 2031 OVERUROOK 707'J 1 nriiig this ad wun you, o nn iu ! sure nnd see this house. I WALTER'S HOMES iUiri;iminn.mnn'iirai:!ni!!ii3mjinn!ici;nTriiiHiiT;mmuai!iiiniGi:aii!ni;H .I! Havo you aeen those new homea In tho 3300 block Willows ave? (2 blocks south of Baltimore ave). Do you know they are the cheapest rlght-up-to-the-mlnute homes on any main street tn tho city? And. what's more, we are selling them, and the terms will surprise jvi.See 'Mr. Rrown ot Sample Hoist) 6337 Willows ave. M Open evenings t DALLAS & HARTLEY. INC. 3 4709 N. BROAD ST. I WYOMING 871-872 y EVE. TIOOA 692(1 W rSmrrnii inin'nui msi tnn i laimu mn inuiumi uunnKm n n .in imrj! i ma n:iinuuniiinnTatl D!l!!i!lill!!l'!!!0 1116 SO. 60TH ST. A very delightful, brand-new home. containing 4 large bedrooms and bith, hi living room, dining room, kitchen, li iaundn', hdwd. floors, h.-w. heat, In- fa clospd porch, olec , owner must sell. M i-i Imm. poss. : easy terms, open Sunday, m swnrtiev. H2I4 cnestnut si. iiei. inn yi WWDmiliHIIIII!illlTiWlirailillB 2420 S. 72D 8T. 0 largo rooms: lot 50x 212: beautiful lawn, wide street; all Im provements; near car, churches, school and stores. W. R. MARTIN. 01.11 Woodland ave, 4100 1JLOCK SPRUCE ST. Four .tory. elec trlrlty. will finance: furn shel or unfur nished, bargain. HAMIJLETON. 1215 Fli bert. Locust .1470 Business Properties nnd Stores 0151 MARKET Three-story apt. house oiel store well financed1 monern; gooa invest ment ITambleton 12' Filbert. Iic. 3170, oeum iyror West Side Near Park Distinctive suburban resi dence of all-etone construe- H lion, exceptionally well fjj planned; large living room, ffl library, reception room, bil- g Hard room, dining room, etc , M 2d floor, 3 thambors 3 tiled 6! baths, 3d floor, additional H chamberH and bsth; largo ga- K rage with chauffeur's apart- Ii ment; flno lot ot about I '3 H inres. convenient to Tulpe- P hoclien Station. g S APPLY TO OWNER g 1 A. II. LIPPINCOTT 1 FLANDERS ELDC1. ruiimiitiTuriiPiiiiiUuiupttsfii.L!.! iumuui:itr.:Eiiirini!!uimT)i:i:f:iF!trrtnTHit.iEiiii;iii 7011 OREENE ST. Attractive stone and stucco house that has bon renovated throughout. 10 rooms, bath with Bhouer hot-water heat, elec trlo light, front and jlde porch with southwestern exposure, lot 42x130 f3WoaWma f 5607 vr eimyritoarr! guia 3HS CHURCH LVNE Semidetached 3-ston- house aouthei n ex posure irarngo prlvl'ege. 0 rooms nnd bath, excellent location, prlie irab.in.ib,e Wi-tmRlfidblTlQ 5607 MI'-.I ERltlNOER PLM.1. l-i n ignbirhuiid uf Manl eim t r' l.et i I i mi 1 mi 21. stjij- t-vln hou with Cltu.-i srulh'Mn exlmrure inr IHincr i im with pin flrcplnce 3 be. io,ims. 2 t all s. mricnilTTmLiK f 5607 $15,000 TO $40,000 A very few modern d'vellln, of tho lines; construction In tho vhoU-est loi attons, are offered on favorabn terms, thfse nro not miscellaneous listings, but seltcled properties ot full value, partlulars upon rciunst MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. NEf mtNER JIRdAD S. i HErtJNl'lbTS. One of the Finest Locations In Germatttown, , bedrooms. 2 baths jra r.igi . alirnilv) m vv hoii.ii h dh Ernnger pi (a paik st.l betwern Manhetm and I'hipler ts., nuposlte Lrb'ket Flub facing Ihikd es- "J? O M RANDLK 21 S I'.'lli et. WAYNE AVE und Coulter st Desirable corner, 2 ttv,, etone mansard, 11 nos, A J baths, h -vv heat . elm hdwd tloors, benun- ful home: vacant llruair. 771 N, :',-,ih si 41 E CI.APIEK t"l Lot 21xiil3i.iT brick dwelling In rood uider. .irio j.miiih JOHN Mc.NEll.l . jJlM0Orrnnnln u avo' pTV - Attr b-im lurch -front hurneT'ln A-1 tond i-'X'' loi a Sl'joii lmig4in, vac r,l W bhi'pnailt I'RK'K, Judsuii nndJndlAnn llulldliig lyils, 1'iKtnrv Sll. ;c 760S-1U ARDI.EIUII AVE (near Meinraul Station) Ixil 50x1311, price tS'ion, will finance Est David M, Hens '.lot Wulnut at T ATONY ATTRAl'TIVE new hwuscs, 0500 bl cl. t' ,r ei.. t,n-' nv, 'i riu, a. nn'ii, i()li',i tu tag; prlv , $t00 cash and t 4hl-j p r day for 1 vent and .iuuhs lu itcd d to vi u i0 ,,, lot. liOlnl or $40 p r too rent. .1 Hurry (I'lver m-ent, on premNw T'hvw Tai my 1531 MOl'NT AIKY 13-ROOM store) house, tut luTxIuil fl price reasonable. Inquire owner, on prsmues, 7413 Uermantown ave. OAK 1-ANr. 0102 N U'llt HV, Ill-mi u ' d7?s i lot nOs 12.1 inn I.Mln nnil trole nvvni'i leaviiM iy itri0 "S UIIIULU3, il uu Vvirlv luud V, awm I I GERMANT0WN 1! 9 ' 07 REAL ESTATE" FOR SALE 'O.MtLANK T.00AN. - V ;"rli!iMii:;i:Miii3iiiiii!i;i:ii;iiiiiiiir1rai:iiii:!:!i!3;ir.!iiraii'!iEJ!i!i 1U3S Louden St.; 0 r. & bath.,$US0O 4t,3 Carlisle; 4 bedrooms; twin 750U 1160 Wagner aye.; 7r , cheap 7000 402(1 Warnock, 7rms. ; twin..,, 750(1 4014 N. 13th St.. 7 r.i modern 7800 4700 block 11th: In. pch.; twin 8000 4S23 N 13th; 4 bedrins, , twin 8300 4 ft2S York rd : twin; ser, rms.io.nno SOU block lloulcverd; garage 13,300 All modern dwelllnrs. with hot wnter heat, electricity, etc: well located and near stores, trolleys etc.: Inspect by snpolntment with Dallas 8c Hartley, Inc. i 470(1 N. RROAD Wyoming 871-872 iKniMim wMiimi;im '" n 10.00 -ii x oroaa t. oc oomervme av. An attractive group nf etone Imm.t. with garsges, are offered for sale: lypvs, u i. n roniiiBj pricra xrom tlO.,-,00 to S33.000: 2 block, north nf l.ogsn Station and short block from York road trolleys; Illustrated cata logue on rrnursi. ROBERT D. HAMILTON RUILDER AND OWNER Silll uui'liiuoiimuuimiiiH aji'iiiiM,wiiii.iajiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiili,iiim .ri,,, .iw-.ttn Hurl iT.nttiliillilti.n illlDiiinit'iii'iiKT im, mmmm,,-, ,--. S045 Sidenham, sty., cor,. Or, 1 b.: all con. 2-story Mlllett hnn,. f,uu4 Marvlne s. 472.1 N. 41S.1 J, win ! ,- inou., car.; an conv. 0121 N. Hroad at., 3-sty, M.IIelt house! modern. W. D CHAMBERS n&V, LOOAN HOMES 1101 to 1117 Somervtlla -t . now 2 story. 0 rooms, bath. garngo. electrlo lights, gas and hot-water heat; financed, open for Inspection every afternoon and Sunday. See TOWNSEND. iwCroxer Hide.. Spruce HOHO. I vTLL"FINAN('E 3400 biock . Jlth st.t rooms and tile bath; modern. Phone owner. Woodland. 4011 J. or apply 0373 Thomaa eerrie. B3"3 CARLISLE ST (I rooms; etone house, with garage; brand new; near etorea. cars, schools and parks; $100 per month; open any tlm 4000 WARNOCK. h.-w h.. elec... h.-w, fl.. 1mm, tips, oargain. yjieesi. .n.u .. i.roia. inniNt'U4 N. inth: 2-Btnry hous.O rms.. hoidvn d floors, bath, rsntry: nil convs, ritANKFOKD ' BUY IN FRANKFORD THE NEW" MASTERCRAFT HOME CASIOR AVE. DEL. ARROTT ST. Large open lots; n aun parlor for a porch- tl.o Colonial living room with the cozv fireplace; overvthlng that goes to malte a real home. It Is a pleasure to show these houses; representative on premises dally; tran'fer tu No, 7.1 car either o'j Frankford ave. or at Broad and Ol ney ave. nnd get oft at Castor ave. SCHWEITZER 4413 FRANKFORD AVE. FRANKFORD 2310 OLNKT NfflLWUnillH .1715 N. 3d st , twin house; lot 23x100 314 Orange, twin house; lot 23x100 OLN'EY REALTY1 CO. 3511 N, 8th St. OTHMm MiaM 214 E. Fisher ave.: 2-story porch front house; 3 bedrooms and bath, electric light; sacrlflco. OLNEY REALTY CO.. 3311 N. nth LnnMiE!Du;n TloulrTnrrt Section nrj!ia:n Roosevelt Boulevard and Rising Sun Ave. A ., .ll. k.l1. t...- Ni fS. HUM -llHlill Jlr UQUWM, W Trlth 2-cr Harin; auburbiiri tn d- K flKn: b roomi, 3 baths. lnc!od r"J m,sVi lrir lonrn ir1 niniiKrw1 3 117 ono' Rcite BO to boulevard. ROBERT D. HAMILTON 1HTILDER AND OWNER iininiiiLnffiiimmraoimiEWBEUi HOOMlVKlr IJOUl.LVAniJ. iua piy chatntMri untns. L-car i:.r.tcst l,r; lawn one shrubbery; 2 Incloicd porches; 1160 pr mnn'h on. n anv t'nie. I PKNNSYLVAVIASIRI'RIIAN IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR An Attractive Home of moderate s'ze vou will be Inter ested In this place at St. Davids C-irrfully built houre, 14 rooms nnd 3 baths, well laid out prcunds of m acres, beautiful trees, ttrebbery. tennis court, ttc. 'SEAT TREAT Specialists In Suburban and Country Propentes WAYNE. P TEL WAYNE 327 H RYDAL untrv i tfftdM? (firi carnKrt. I lu'ifuM h tu id nn HWnIoV v tih nnveilrnt tmrH fHclllttev, hou4 . oiiiHltiJji s by, 1 1 inin and I. bntha. tte'l r'l.inu'I frt lloor ncy pn nfrfd antl putnted on IS ucrrn of vms. planif j crund, w.ih lur.iiis iourt Samuel C. Wagner, Jr 3y co.mm::IiCul 'in, sr ni.in; J Gentleman's Country Rpinfnrf Jencc! I I ' I I ' i ' I I T'l-'nutiful Hll-stnni huun HiM in kn 11 foinmandlnx Tpndr-d fw of iurrouniUfiK rnuiv tr hnui" rontnlns P mnvttr rhftinhf-rr- 'K h illin 3 servants' rnomn n 1 hnth. .'r .rtt'. u m rf iih'Ih'I i4 VHtHbl- Kfirdn; tpnnla (ivjn ltautlfut lnMH etc. Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. an (nMMi;n:iAi. Tit ni.uo. NINE ACRES i . L with H situ- 11 ex- 13 jp.1 3 riHim lu'uwi. et. ,,, f,Ut t,,,,. old ahade sr.d Lit fn'in n'jtlon. n intniite i from Hroad sire I ai.ition. uthem 2 and 3 JV ' j? j,, ,j p ijs & Si 1 S MjHl I ESTNJJTH I' VERY iiesliabl Incaiml property, i roonu, 3 baths, loiikeniitoiv eleeplng porch. Uw ali iv on tlikt lliiiir, rlei.tih.ltr. nas, csntrul liinnt elunn hen' garage Willi rhauffrui-'i iiuuiuis. iipi liijdinus. iiMhnnl. lot '.'23 f troni I ljd?l,l.L,.lyi!Pa. WL IL VK fur sub In l-'insii ,wnc I yp'vrv I and llaln vor ileHliahl.i hoinu urupertle., running n the nelghborhopd of 11U.000 tu 13 100 Are v u in eientej' lJ OLI'. Ell H. KELI.V & ro. l';7n Main "t Mumming MOiilti.HE vD vVE cottage rnoiiii n.-i.f ill ioiiv. nlMics ficiv m,r cai,l ...h.nl nnil aluliiMH yhln.t. l. .' 1 IlillU pletlon tlnn iluehwl nnd stiilm-ii uhlngls For tnf. ular npp v '.. H k Tuinlliikup. 121 ForiJ V,'i-t roiishnl'iieldin, Pa. ' lie 4l. WESTT'UVN-Very nttractlv.. nrnperty. 1 .,,m .villi bejutlfullv placed hnuse, lu rms . -' bulbs, cine . beat, ulsn smaller eji. IHgr having mod cuiivh ; atHlile rare rii'l si!lr. Lb'. "00 J- M.. I'roiien.l.l. VVayne, P.i? fiRClLH) "" UIHCK IIOUHH fORNER oiixiM Morton, near station stream through lawn near station ana trolley, running eitrt.iu i,ij.. .ijv.,.i niitiiiv; 1IUIII pnlt,,. I- 1-rjiiiiiM nviH. nun fllKHTNIJf HT WtEIMND (near aiMedeJ-7.rooiii Awelltri.fi larre lot- frulf iirj U4il aaruge, $3of"! Jemdiitovvn Trust Fp. u WILLOW ' OHuVij', New bUHEtttou"" jr. . 1 mm mmw III Mfir& uxm wiflk I'.' I . 1 1 ft-S s m ii -vim mJSKb " B WMr. 'rtl.-IVT ..:-