as 1 firV' w.' .s v' rr i u; a i ,i i. " "1111 "VP'I"V f P ft s m n -- nl 1 S E Term "Intellectual Tramps" Ap plicable to 25 Per Cent. Prof. Rowland Tells Schoolmen BETTER SALARIES THE CURE Who'd Marry n Tvaclicr? Why. Mr. Joint's Kvll Did '"Plicro 'im an olil hiviiik Wlm would innrrv n timlii'i " vml James II K"lh. "f linn -Ihiir ' -retary of tlie Stud' 'IVai Im'h' Aii cintion kpi'iikina In Umistnn Ilnll "It's n f.illnri 1 nmrniil mi" myfclf. Mnnv of inr -nn nn-n ni marrylnK ti'iirhprs. mi'l i Im-i iniilii ROOll uiVOH I VMllllll vvnp'l il 'cm coulil tnkc a rrnim of mil km I :achorH urn vvoiililn I fiml nm- who had not had at IrnM mi piiiiiwil "Intellectual trimps. is ih tn'e which Albeit I Itowiind. dirntoi of the teaclier bnreiiii Slute Ueniu iiueiii of Kducation. thinks best dii rilic about 2." pel ii lit of the tein lieis in Pennsylvania I'rof. itowlnilil Wlls mil' nt lnpenk ers toda, at the opening i'i.hi of Schoolmen's Week, in College Hall at the Cniversitv nf l' Is am.i Hi electrified spxi-ral hundred 'mhIipis vhn attended the meeting The spenket ilepliued th, fin i that manv teachers are now ashuined of t lit u profession He said that some ot tin girl teacheis would Co mi far as to hide in knitting bags examination pupeis which thev were takins home m ctu so no one would know the wen teachers "Kor mam," he .mil. ten. tun,; merely is a slop gap between s. honl days and matt imutix llowetci. the teacher makes the bent kind of a wife and mother " Professor Itouland gme tiguies in show thot the meragp s.i'nr paid to teachers in Pennsihauiu is onU Ss'tl. Ho urged tho teaiheis to face the fects and do what thei oulil to renied exist ing conditions Little rrntt'i tioti in L.iu "The law gisps little prolpetion to the qiialltlcatlons of tPUfhers." I'rof Ilonland said in openiug Ins address "More than .'." per enl of the tench ers in the state haw had thiec eais' or less experience "About -"i per mi' of the lPinher representing in numbers tnun 11.01)1) to 12.000 everj M'ur deielnp iionuiilic tendencies They become nit, llei tiril tramps,' golug from place in plm ,. in search of new positions "There was a diiv when the tein her ranked with 'he doctor and the lawer on on ?qual sonul plane In thus,, dnjn hats were tipped to th" dominie Fie was respected and lousulted nml held a prominent plocp In the roimiiuniti Now nil this has gone The teaehei has u,i place, not es-en notice The teacheis hide themselves. The hne lost ii'ste Thev bue become iisnuined of i heir pro fession. You seldom liml a well dressed, uitiactue looking sir! at h Miuimor hotel who will admit that slit is a school teaehei "The teaih'rs Imse failed to nlii, m ivocielj nt large to what fhe are donm TTiey spend all their time idiicatin children 'I hi hae. built up u sort of Chinese xmiH liPtwenn the, commiiniti and their own prlestlv i 'lit The re suit is the uie failing to uel tlie mill' munitj '. support The speaker said these thincs wen needed Dissipation of the dominant mateiialism nf todH , tin- ! ngiiitioii flf childhood as n phase of life and not inereh u.s a preparation foi the fiituie, the adoption of a wage seal,, wlmli will makn the tern lung profession lompnrt favorablv with others, the estnblish. ment of standards of peryi I n and education that will niaki prutessiun worthy nf teapect Ho urged that the ten. inng piofession be fre ii of petty politii Methods ( reed CuticiMii of the nitm of entering pupils hi the nrst guide in chools at the age of six cais irre spectivc of their abilities oned by Dr. Francis Maxtield. direvtor of the Uureu'i of I'M'lmlogv of the Stnte Department of Public Instruo tion. "About n third of the clnldieti u iinv first grade are going over ihvu woil; u second time' iisertid Dr Maxtuld "Childron aie now entensl ,n the first grnde ut nix wars whpth"r thpv aie capable of doing tirst -guide work u not. As the first-grade work mnMM almost entnely in learning to irol i child who does not burn to nml in one year is forced to noun mis process "We should dofctmine hv psi.n,, igi cal methods whether lhe-e n n ready to intei on this v t,r- grado xvork Dr. .Maxtield il-o irg'd p-nii e i tests for children at junior h gi s. I ago to detenu nc the onus -t "i ducation in that point 'II si ,, psychologists or psvi hologn al n i n'i as n ppiinoncnt pait of - I m woik xvas also uiged bv the apenki Dr. W s ll.Tl?.. i fntn.r l. iM of the State Nurnuii S U f t .ilitoi nia, ndvociitpii fie- I o r-l ips timii the state for propi , s, i i in In i - Dr Atiijiiinl o i sin a-- ,ii ip' intundent ,,t 'n nU -i n i iu . n phnsized tin n 'd n lining nn hen after thev ha., ! fi i " nnd "'' ' I the professior Pentisvlvillil I ii'l- ine ' ill l v i the one and ijip ie it. ,n ! -' nel i' I tests of inti 1' g' nci .m I s, m , i iircment i. de Ian I D ll.o ,i" I I' I craff. iipfiss, , ,, t-it i minimi i i iKtrntion hi il I inveiMi. it l. mi- vnniu. Dr rp'hgiiill on ., in .1 bureaux "f - h ' " a tlie ng ii v f i ' ll TEACHERS NOMAD SAYS BUR AU HEAD HCVlK m PjlJ&tV g?arhJtM a 'tltl'M Mt Greater Strength With Less Weight l-.y.ti.t weight adds nothing to a init k except running expense In Stewait simplified design, all useless patts nre eliminated, which means a stronger, more powerful truck that costs little to run and less to maintain. Tire renewals, fuel costs and repairs are reduced to a minimum ch...w Pric GOMERY - SCHWARTZ F-rB' "-JJ- i.Tqn, $1350 2-Ton, $2800 'l.T.., $1750 MOTOR CAR CO. 2i ,.r... $2950 lij.Ton, $2200 128-140 N. Broad St. 3'-j-Ton, $3850 advoi atcd the universal tie of top wntrhiM in timltiB lntolllgrni c to'ls to oblnlf tin' eirnri due to thi nidinary mi'thiiil (if timing Cti.iinpldiH ( lie I'roillu.v Mis-. lliii- Ituitlictt, Sunt li I'lilln- 1 di'lpliln Illtfli School for (!irln, deplored 1 1m k of provlli)ii In local schools for iitniMiiillv litijln HiplN. "It it too hud r li ii 1 up should iot miiki' iioliloii for thee piipilH vvIipii new ImildiMK l licini; dmii' mid the M'houl i. hIciii li Imllii; ti'oicmili'cd." "In1 nid "Tln'i' In mlit pupil often do poor miiI the lunc no Incenthc to jc.el " Williiim l I.i'vvii, deput Mntr sit peiluti'lidelil of puhlic UHtl III tiotl. 'uRiied tliut ih. mo -ImiiM he P"'ital pro vision for tin- lulKliter piipili ' Chnrles A I'nlu'i. piimipnl of the HliMitiiliiiic Nuiiiial School. urKi'd the lit it iin nr of nioie minimi school pii pil lie tiuored an n t of ln'isiMniurp jiieiituiK n loin M'lir ioure iii the nor- in, it .i,li,iti li.nitlliif III llpi!ICt"4 tniu Itiiiiulitini. siiiiiMluteiident of iili,, I'li.w i.i. ilk, k. IioiiU exuliiinrd tin ven in uf mki iii i "iintiui; in nv I" hit school- Loin- .1 Kiii i iiierin- i li-m of .i hoiiN of lliicliiiniv.ii louiitv. New .leisc piniscd tin1 III" pni'il ill 'hi; state in l!l."i kimiiK 'hi loiiunis sloneis ol i dm lltloli powei to appoint "heiplllK hel fol I'll ll s, hootn 1 illiuui A Do k s tin. id the ltonrd of I'.dui'Hti'iii in 'Ins m read a papei on the ' Helationship of Sihool Vliolltllllli; ,tll HllllRel MtlkltIK American Day Opens in Patriotic Fervor from Tiice Out. illiil II llinolld -tli'i'l will Whin ton , liul is tin I'lul of the I unto Police have made in iiiiigcineuis fm handlini.' n ciowil of iiiiiuv thousands of p, isniis who will be iiiasicd along ltioiiii sin','1 fm tweulv blinks I Minor Gem ml Littleton W T Wallb I SMC. lellied. lis glillid iiiiirsluil will I give the 1'iiiiiniiiiid that Will sp lln long milium III lliotlull Women In the Parade Annv mariiif navv and state tioop' iiniu will form the first division They will he followed bv veteran t ion- I he li A i me ('in liuntii. Sciotid liifnnti v Coiiis National Guard . Spiinisli An ' rn in Wm i .imps. Allien mi Legion nnd eteiHiis of Pouign Wr The woiin n s division i nines next, hiiided bv the Woiinu's Ovetspns Le gion followed iiv the Luieigency Aid. tin- Snelletibiiig 1'iidels mid Ainerluiii Ited Cinsi Indii's aiixiliiirv. Ancient Ordei Uibei mans tiirl Sioiit, League of Woini'ii olei. the 'avv League and the Philadelphia guard of the Women's Mi in ti nil .ssui nit Ion The fniulh division is to he headed bv tint l.oval Uider of .Moose ltov Si outs. Hi,. Impioied Older of ited Men and Knights of Columbus. Then will niari ll tin IVdeiiition of Italian Sm leties .iml i lit Mauchetei I mty ot Odd l'ellows The Patriotic Oidei Snu of America heads the sixui division tollowed by the Independent Ordei of Odd Pellows, the Sulvution A i in x mid Volunteers of America The II P o P. heading the next division is fulhiwtu bv the Society Cnllieri di Sun l.ita. Junior Older American .Meihniiics ocieiv di Munto Kara San Murium Independent Order of Ampin ans. l.oval inlet of Oninge incn. Knights ,,f i'vliias Kvdetulinn Lithuanian .societies of Philadelphia, .oung .Mens Hibicw .m mtioti Ku gltieers' Club nf Philadelphia, military nludsilts nl ih. I niveisity ot I'elill svlvania. Miijoi A I Drexid Itiddle's vl.irille Scouts t'oloiul I'loleilive As sociatioti .ind men not ilusill"l s.ilute Itomlis on P.uUvv.iy ..ilute bombs will In hurled skvvvaio fmiii I he Parkway at live minute innr Vllls still tlllg III " ''i1' o'i lock It is iptinuited the iiasli o, ihe boiulis will be huiid over mi aria ot tlmtv uiil-i- The star attnn lion of the mass meet ings will be Ihe piceinc of (ieneial Pershing He airivul in llroad Stteet Station troin Washington this after inimi The l'iist 1'nv Tioop and! iiiiiti.itul piiin e tsiorled linn l" toe home of CeoiKc 11 McKnddeii Liglitteuth and Wiilnul streets Oeneral lVtshing will leumin at .Mi i Mi Padden lioine until 7 oil o i lock when tin 1 irst Citv 'lump in then striking nii'forms. will latter ahead of Ins iini'nrui' tn the Metropolitan Opein IJouM wine In will make tils first .Iddless Ih. i,i -- me. iins ,ii the opern house linil ill I lie A' -ideniv nf Mils), lire si lied - Hied t" begin nt T't." o i Im k and will lie .iildr, simJ bv the same spenkeis, nl tertiHiitig lietwien the two niiditoriunis W 1 leilnnd Kendrlck will president he Mi ir,i,olitnii Opiru House. The inv. u'nui nt.d the benulictlon theie will In. pronoi ii. u bv Itishop lterry und the il, v li li s,.pi Krauskopf At il. Auulemx of Milbic (ieorge fe 2 5 - -s -, J g S - QQ jijamwiiiiii.Wtfd xt 'MOTORTRUCKS EEAL0 Pl'BLU1 Wharton Pepper will be the presiding officer. The invocation and the. bene diction there will he by the Hev. KitPirll U. Conwell niul the Hev. Fnther Kyan licsldes Oeneral PersihlnK. rfte apeak -erx nt the meeting' "'111 include Henr Admiral tlobt'it K Ononis'., chief of operations of the niivy : Hear Admiral William S Sims. Colonel Frederick W. Onlbrnith. national coinmnnder of the Americnn I.i'glon . Mis UniiKlas Hob inson. sister of Thcodoie lloosevelt , I (loernor Sprotil and .Minor .Mooic Admiral Ilensoti will attend one of the meetings, but is not expected to make an address Robert II Lansing, former secretar of state, also Is ex po ted to be present either in the Opern IIoiibo or the Acadein A niirtcinent will he launched at these muss-meetings to make "All Unj" an annual feature. It Is proposed to enroll the thousands , present in a peinuinent nigaumition. with the gteat body of men and women pledged to Hip perpi tuiition of Ameri can loyally Seveiol women s organisations hnve arranged to take part in the paiade nnd mass-meetincs The I'meigencv Aid of PeiinsylMinlii gave n eieption this aftei'iioon at its lieadipiarters, 'J'JI South r.iphici mli street. to Mis Oonglas Hoblnson. ister of the late Thcodoie HoosHielt The I'hilomiisinu t'luli has bad boxes assigned to it at the Mcttopolitan Opera House ami at the Academy of Music The Philadelphia Chapter of the Na tional AiiiPi'linn War Mothers will also oi.etip boxes at tint li runts-meetings. .RAIN CHECKS FOREST FIRES Flames on Mountains Surrounding Pottsville, Pa., Quenched Pottsxllle. Pa., pril 7 Htiin todav lipeheil forest hies which meed on the moiiiitiiins on all sides of this city i at least eighteen lues being counted vestcidav 1'ive liumlieil men. includ ing lo Scouts mid 100 members of the Culled Stnlej, Itesetve OHicer Col p , and Tioop C, ot stale pome, toiight the tlaines Slate Pun slei Pimhot todav up pealed to nil icshlenis in take decisive in Hon in preventing fiituie tires New World Peace Parley Suggested ( oiitiniKsl troin Time Our (ol icsiondeui e with 'lokio "is not made public nt this time ' but no ofli cuil expliinutioii was furtluomiug The l'nlted States Government made it i in the notes addressed to the governments of Japan. Gicat Ilritoln,, Prunce and Italy that "the right n clu ing to the allied and associated powers thtoiigh the common victory is shared bv the l'nlted States." and that this coutitrv ipfiises to lecognie as bind ing imv spttlemeni made without its licijiiicSLence That positive htand of the Harding administration was in effect u chnllengi to the Allies nol to deny lecognition to the I'nltod States for Us chute in the wai It served notice this nation refused to regai d the ottering of U.OOO.OOO men to the allied cause the expenditure nf $15,000,000,000 on war activities, the loan of ten billions niorv to our allies nud the great motal prestige xvhicb xxas givtn the allied cause bv the mornl lead ership which the Cnited Stutcs assumed as a trifling incident to be dismissal in the m ttlnuents of peaie The Hughes note cik forth for the other powers concerned the loiulltions which this Government suys must be AN' Underwriter's Opportunity W tifTer nn uiiixtiiil opportnnltj tn nn iiinlfrwrlter nf lilictiml Intejc rll.r thitt run Hprurw $50,000 throtifli t li r nnr ot rurltlf k In 11 Kulne ImhinH litMlnR: fxrrptloniil prnpett Mnr to br itfd (or rxpniilmi purpim. rltf for HppnliitiuriH hoi i i, ix. i.h ori'K i; a FARM AND GARDEN ''a PRICE SALE FERTILIZER I. Kill Ml VMM XI, TAMiAI.K IttINK M MKtT $35 PER TON THE BERG CO, Philadelphia hrii.lmton 1201 I'.n.l J40 Any room or apartment that affords space for an average-sized piano will accommo date a Steinway Style M Grand Piano- 5 ft 7 in long. Piano width, it may be said, is standardized; the material difference in grand pianos is in length but length is vital to grand-piano tone. Every inch vastly increases value of tone quality and volume. Steinways, the acknowledged masters of grand-piano making, have de termined the minimum of sound board and string length for actual grand-piano tone in the proportions of the beautiful miniature grand, Style M. Become acquainted with its exclusive qualities before your selection is made. Compare the fame of the name, the size, the price. Steinway Style M Grand Piano, in mahogany, $1375. We have some Steinway grands in natural wood that can be furnished in any color without extra charge. N. STETSON & CO., 1111 Chestnut Street, sole Philadel phia representatives of Steinway & Sons. LEDGEK-1 iliLAJjEJJlliA, '.lUUxDAY, Al'ltlL 7, 19&L fulfilled before there can be collabora tion or co-operation between the united States and the Allies In the settlements of peace of a realization of the rights, moral and material, that have accrued to the Allies and the Associated Towers as the result of their triumph In n com mon cause. The Hushes note brings to light nlso for the first time the peisonnl views of Woodrow Wilson wltn legaui u i im !' controversy 'I lie n"?'";' "."'; '".' ot course, in n sense 11 imu "'? to the communication addressed o ioc Council of the League of NnJn1',1 1,' ruarv Ul of this year, b Ualn bridge Colby, then Secretary of State, but It Is h follow-through with nine b wore drive and power than the nrpvloiis note. .Mr. Wllsotrs letter, written the (lav befoie his term expired, disc loses t hat he could not find In the minute- of the v.'inu. II. II i-i-uv - . . .-, Pimm, ('niifprence ol un '. '' ,npT1tnn f any ngieemcnt on hl Tjirt approving the nwnnl 01 ' '"V"";" for Yap to dapan t ..;. sho w. how. ever, that lie. on Ann - "" ,v .and May 1 of that ji-ni. ' '. '''J .l.l...ti..... ,.. .nr miidi disposition 01 uujcviiuu- i" " ;. ,", I the much-wanted I'lidfic Island. AMERICANS MISLED. SAYS BRITISH PAPER Minion. A pill 7 -lv A P I- Ap prehension that the position of (, tent llrltain lelntlve to the exploitation of oil fields in .Mesopotamia is not under stood In the l'nlted States Is expressed bv the Daily Telegraph 'Ibis news paper, which stands alone in commend ing the coutse taken by tlii country tn its notes, ii'ks Atneiiinns if they nie "convinced they would have observed similar self-denial in like circiim stances ' "We believe," the newspaper con- t !. iinnnlnnllu Iml ll IlllOII Hilda i l(, u'p,,,snnM vvhose nim is to sow dis- iouI lietiveen the two ninioiis in view oi the fin Its that Lord Cut on recited in YOUR CREDIT'S GOOD GEO.KELLYS S. E. Cor. 12th & Walnut Sts. Buy Your New Spring Suit on Eit Club Termt and Suva a 5?--iC?c nn Bi" 0b Yonr s- PU.UU New Sprint Sail No IntrreM no security or red tape required mereiy our prom ls to pay your club dues $1.00 A WEEK Smart New Society Suits, $27.50 to $49.50 Boyi' Norfolk Suit., $5.95, $8.95 and $11.95 50 cts. a Week S. E. COR. 12TH AND WALNUT STS. 2330-32-34 N. FRONT ST. 1816-18-20 ATLANTIC AVENUE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. SSv A Quality Coet Gearlhrougi W. S. Kip Motor Co. 1408-10 N. Broad St. (at Matter) Phono: Poplar 7B00 Open Evening 'I Imp I'njnipnU Arrunsnl It Df.lrnl HSSi Huh'K9I R!f 1b IVIv p 9 $ 8 Mmmf his last notes, however, It Is hardly conceivable, that fm titer misunderstand ing Is poJslble nnd the controversy, If it can be thus described, can continue without n suggrgstlon of bitterness." .tic(fll Cabl Dhvatch. Covtrloht, lll Iondoti, April 7 From nn authori tative source It was learned yesterday that Great Britain itmv assist America in the settlement of Pacific problems, especially those concerning control of Ynp Island Premier Lloyd Oeorge Is said to be considering bow he can me diate between Japan nnd America for preventing friction nnd bow he can ad vise ,ln pan to be sensible in the face of America's just claim in the Pacific The dlfllctilty to be overcome Is the fad that Yap was awarded to Japan by tho treaty of Versailles with at least passive consent by former Piesldent Wilson, and. In the eyes of Kuropcnn powers, Japan has u legal right to (Wo&et 7 owe Like Sport-wear Shoes In the creation of Sports Shoes for xvomen Walk-Over has won first plncc. The pres ent Spring showing, in style scope, emphasizes leadership. Styles so swagger that they ate adopted by smart dressers for street wear. Entirely New A Mnll Strop Sport Oxford The umart light RunKin shade $8 JuM one hovvtng y IMDC mux 10na M9.UI IT'sSW X ru.B't. B5jl Extraordinary Sale of Stunning New COATS-CAPES-WRAP SvvSfik ji i7l 1 SI LJl ft I li f I i I If W stand on the letter of her bond. At the same time, Urltlsh statesmen now tccogntre, that Wilson was repudiated bv Amerlcn nnd, Indeed, never bad the power to bind her to any stipulations. llerause of this. Orent llrilnln Is considering "advising" Japan not to stand on the letter of the law, but to conjent to reopen the whole matter in the interest of world pence nnd justice. Such advice from (Sroat llrilnln is equivalent to a command, nnd If tho policy is adopted, as it is likely to be, Japan will climb down from her stand., Two strong factors which favor this policy are Great Hiltniu's desire for the friendship nf the L'nlted States not only from n viewpoint of future splf Interest, but from gtntltudc for Amer ica's sprvlirs in tho war, and pressure from the Urltlsh dominions, which art more Miongly opposed than America, It that is possible, to Japanese domination of the Pacific. ifWw.V ityle from the largest of Sport Shoes in town! n me Harper Shoe Co. 1022 CHESTNUT ST. - 1228 MARKET ST. BLAUNER'S 833-35 Market Street In As Many Different Types Women Who SECOND FLOOR We wager they are better values this low price if you search the city. They're of all the most approved fashioned in flare, dolman, wrappy a Many are unlined, and many are lined Theyarc the sort we couldn t get cnou THE COATS Bolivias Velour de Laine Ylama Tricotine French Serge Camel Polo Hair THE WRAPS Bolivia Goldtone Tinseltone Crystal Cord Velour ITALIAN LEADERS VOICE FRIENDSHIP FOR AMERICA Big Demonstration Held at Rome for Harding and Hughes Home, April 7. (Uv A. 1 ) Mem bets of the cabinet, senators, deputies and persona prominent In nil walks of life met nt the Itnlo-Amerlcnn Asro elation in a demonstration to pay re spects to President Harding nnd to ex press felicitations to Secretary ot State IltighcH, who is chairman of the sister organization in the I n(tcd States. Senator ltufanl, chairman, extended MANABNS MOTH J9O0F GARMENT BAG Vi BUSINUSSUIT Size 2437 wmems TARINE GARMENTBAG M ":&S$Wr" Wear Them get Y'fjr WBbQ Atk for Manahan'i Bail at leading - ' J"" I Hk Dtpartment and Drug Stores, if ySd- S'S I k v '"" obtainable -unit for catalog (&4&firS:Szilijl A lk fl'"""'X'lr"trori s55$V' 35,1! HB. ManahanMothPapcrCo.,Tnc. 61 As 56 Vciey Street NcwYotL fllH As gS CZ sbcond ll I A 4Hk FLOOR W i i I ft N wl M M I'' l'' cJ IJmj than vou'll find at M M'JMWuMfia 1 ii v n u materials, newly 1 1 na snorts cnects. with lovely silks. i .' gh of a week ago. V'J rii 1V k JWwr f K .1 N M U s. il Lia lli fh . . n 3 M i ' cy BLAJJNBIVS BBOOND rtOOll dreciings to occteinry llugnos nml .1. new American administration. n,f . t called the historic, cultural ? . .,,M,T' Mntcs. R ' a"" ",c lnH ! Senator Itergomlnl naitl that tu ' January, 010, relations ,et ;, ?' and tho Cnited States became cl 1 1 -because of the attitude of ll," ,noM "''"I in .nofgoveri.tneil in Wns,i;7 toward Italian aspirations ,xo, tlie spenlier added the 'lotidi had dissipated nnd the frlendshln I twenn llnlv nml !), I Mliiu'n he- more lirm than ever. President u.". - - .-.... ... t illlu ,-linin, ,... Ing and Seeretnry Ilughps. ho .' , would find In Ualy theWiX'j loyal Mend on the Kuropcnn continent11 Cp"D how easily this V-A--' bag of strone durable, chcmicallv-trcnt. cd paper, can be closed dust-tight, damp-ttghtand moth. -proof to protect your clothing, Summer, Winter, Fall or Spring. QT7T7 how t,,c Garment OIJU hang Inside the bag each on its'oxvn hanger xvith out wrinkling or mussing -ready to xvear xvhen you lift themout. Tlie bags arc made in FIVE SIZES Auto Coat Size ) 3 hooks to a Ulster Sire J- bag to hold Overcoat Size ) 3 garments. Business Suit Size ) 2 hooks to n Muff Size bag to hold ) 2 garments. Muff or Stole Dox PRICE SIZE Ttr CtJir OiUiImi 24" x 22" Mull US JI.CO $.15 2"i 37" Dmiitil Soil 1.25 1.60 1,(0 30" x SO" Ort rcott I.5S LIS 1.70 30" i tO" Ul.l.r I.7S 2.05 1.90 30" 70"AotoCoit 1.90 2.20 2.00 Moll B.i I). fl0 1 2S I Mimhan'tTarlne Llnlne Shcctt, 40 x 48 Inchti, are belt for paction trunki, lining bureau dravven, etc. f 'J -li Li..-.. S . , "' '-, - Tiii lift.? 4 g'&V-. . .'j JhittiM r . vt- ,ytf -