(Vi IIIWI" 1 p S.;sVl J'TVlTfT. STiff ' V''- "V - , , Ttotfipi' vT 'ir't''i i wiiK'HjIi-'fWJj'iMjfU" ""' "'" 'w;i r EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THUKSDAY,' APRIL 7, 1921 -.;; THE GUMPS Andy! Aren't You Ashamed? By Sidney Smith iOPKM4iVFa4?Z)S? i By SiBEL OSfRANDER Author of "The Island of Intrigue," "Suspense," "Ashos to Ashes," eto. T'M''r&l!lSffffilGW V'1' .' i i.i i . i' -iin i i i, ' . SYNOPSIS ' rx.Kowdtmmi Timothy McCarty, t ?Vi ttlthnl he hail retired from the tor'Mlotr fiOiire vhosc type had t'rn'cc I ft o.r'i o, him 1,1 the old a,?, Ill at of " under :rd, narrow inv ,7f mat teho disappeared into a jrnmed man '""' ...,.. .. efrt-sass '", nralrtlWWi Innmrncii and lthcVmn on the beal.appearsnt u , lunctinr and demand "what (AH I""1 iii'. rr frulilfl to Ct ow7 .". ;',.,, j,', ,; in there.' i.,1 nf mm vnui"; ;'- ,- v... . ltult .HC( 1"!. ... ' .tl. -.1 l.r!ii ij !rf o, "i """":'" AND HKKK IT UUimuno PlYIl some senrch thoy locnted a L ,!ok telephone on the writing table k-dc?K. 1..M...11, n liell-shnned bronze t;,int aid the policeman called up 'K 'inc? station' house and had the " V":. f kiinwlnff flint UIC U1CBSUKU , nl"I t th0 boro,,gh hcnt,,iunr' '"if. too big entirely for them to S';"&5! - I'll tinr ii I'U ii iiiiuuhii j (Sf to senfrnl headquarters nnd tip S XT . hire beforV the" gum III from the bushes have a chnneo :h0.c?,, m lmo. It's highly Irrcgu- ,r but I'm onlv ft prlvnto cltlTcn now, the grace of my uncle-mny God rest I, Mul-nnd I'm free to do ns I lease." r. Tnnoetor Druel. seated nt Ills k In the homicide bitrenu. there prcs :.... -m r.i-r tlm wlro n well-known rolce, husky with lll-mipprcsscd excitc- "fn.. en old scoundrel!" ho ex- kalmed In affectionate bnntcr. "Where have you been Keeping yourscu, unci what arc von doing this time of night?" "I'm mixing In high fcoclcty, sir." McCarty's tones were cnutlous. "I'm In n crand private house up on he avenue, facing the pnrlc. Just above ho third side entrance of the park. I mean, fir nnu tnero n oo nnite n little rany ,IPrl nuun, x in ininninK. Majbc inn a like to get in n little ahead " r "What Is it? Where nre you?" The Inipector's own tones bad crisped. F'Mac. have you tumbled headforemost Into another ?" I " 'Tls the house of Mr. Eugene Crnellng, sir; him they used to cnll Mlllion-n month. .Ilm Ulnncy Is here With me and n young crook vc conned wr the nay, but none of tho family tms to be nt homo except himself, and mc founrt mm with n bullet in his heart from an army gun." "I'll be with you." tho Insncctor Icald briefly and the two receivers clicked in unison. "It would never have been known until heaven knows when If you hndn't nabbed this bird here." Clancy spoke with reluctant but Irrepressible lion- kty. "Ily the keys of Snlnt Peter, Mac. 5 ou ve pullcfl on: more stunts sinre ou left tliu force than when you were on It! First that clrl who ivn fluni? but the window of the Olmnnrenn nn,l hhen the other one that wiw Kfrnmrlivi En the crime museum " I " 'Twas Tcrhune. the erent selenUnn detective, that got nt the truth In the nmcasc and the inspector himself who did the work in tho other." Mi-Port.- remarked with dUiiltv. "I lust nnltoll around like the old hns-been I nin, But there comes the hns from ) hn.. outh hcailnunrters. nnd von'Il l,n dnlnn me a favor, Clancy, if you'll just forget I'm htrn unfit vni.'.n ..T.,..1 a- ,.,, ..., L ........ i. ,.,..,,. , nniirii in irii wnai you know of It nil. I'd like to snoop luuuu a mi on my own nccount till the inspector gets here." now do wo know it isn't suicide. IMWaV?" deiliniirlp,! Plnnn,. no 41... ditter of the police gong grew louder ja the air and his companion made for the door. Because there nro no powder marks that I i.nw." Mi.fii.1,. ...,u..i ?r."5'. t,If.l,p, IlpI,, 'nt cannon "Sair.n his breast nnd 11 rod it the iwwler , ,invp ,pi,n k , over the front of him." h,fn.!l"', "",0,moh" fmni tho borough ft '7s, Urr MP heforo the door t& .. J (l0',,5(',I int0 ,,IC '' next to room nil ?.' p,'ovp(1 t0 bo a breakfast room, nnd tlm nv.rA,.H,i 11 .i . & '! rplf'.!s.,Ilc "My. eloe.1 ft,. . , '"" ng nnu turn ng on he mm sBiirh. which mnilc the single tArr t,,c tnb,c burst i'" reSinnf'0 ,U1S lM for ,wo "n'l the otuAn?" P'"p y (1"art ehnmpngnn n renoTi "',0 "e floor .1 n seconrl Z77r.hr?h'r- '".'the hot- '"'"nainednnm V"" ' ,cr S-fenatf lturnr.it.ti L '. "C muttered, then R'nwl his attention to the table it- -o?eh,e,l00hn;,tI!.,?.?C..r,ntp " "prcely Itered 1l ".l" " '"' were M'lit- Iwcond lit., i, i i ,0 0,,llPr '"'"d. t hi lf,i .'lJ """ had been c enned w.v r, !Ti ni'l c,r,lml)1ed. It looks as though he J "Wit hnvu known what was coming It. i "": "I! fpnrc'1 ll' nn.vwny. We'll l"1'1 oi't what enemies ho had " McCarty shook his head. k. i y,.i ! tl!,n.k !t "nH hit visitor who h?e . V'".1. ,nlr- A,r- leveling was ln .?,"'.. a,l,,,!p (,p"n" ere gone un m .....? irr 'j'lKi'inrdered upstairs, so he i,,t lmo waited on the tnble him self, nnd you ee the wine cooler Is right this ncur It on the floor." nmVl nrol''eed the broken bit of cnrcfull lnIector scrutinized It t',iI't?.rt i0f J1 cIK''-etle holder, eh? A ! ii ,R,endpr one. too, by the curve lndy gmc"t- u Iooks 8 though a iJll I,a"i,,C(l n 5IcCarty picked up the IW ?il ?ttTAtc, 'rm the table and fi i l ih,nndc.d. " t0 him. It was but little, thicker than a straw and bore In tiny square cold letters the Initials E. rl7!lCt,ra thc, f"llno Rs the platinum ?,? i th w'rtwmt pocket of the dead .. ii. me ouior room there." Mc- SOMEBODY'S STENOGMary Doodle at Bat CortTlcht 1021 hv Public rrtKrr To By Hay ward fellow that 'i "wfcim'nw inir .. n , . ..." " i the Klass Vs half , Tl, T"T ' '""' Pagne ,.llr o, ,,., f ,pn,, r1""" ntlnins lie J, Tit ."" n,h tTny "U nn in.,1. raou ug ii eios intnR IDlt o Imliedilf. I, . f "n" ",lrn n- "ii ot nm her fmm n . " ""'Ken 1itio oldor '"I ,'P '""'"hpleco of The ..iil,,!,,''"!1.. J ' his. pocket. tor came t M,H,,,;"",f of ,u ?'",n' mo ft"Wns. r,r ,n,,! 'e left th rnrealifn-i room ' "" '," mt the rotmB00n '";' JZ?'" n7n"s 'Oipector n, ,'.g "pon V'e house door leteps "1IB 'lesccuding the .' .;:...p(,'-ty urged "'mm' ""P'rlhiiii,u ..""I'TiiiimisU '"I'lm V lirKCII 1,0rn"Cli ll ndni.nV " nr." ,,Prp froI' holding ,. ..n.'.T,,nrtPrR. nnd they , l.tre M. 7.""" ..MHlon In tin. room '"Wl 'thof'n,'i!ur1,,.!l.p sp"nnth and tho rest PfTl" hail i , . b," '"I ,l,rr1c t fan mo. i, ".' llPrp tonight, as von ll"!0'1 "nil P11" ., '", ""' Mis oon- t?Vr inuoiwu ;. '",J"tPrpr,p(1 t xuu mini, thnnr.!, '."':. "IU "e " :v'v" mill heforo in. ii r , K ner W "Korotto n if tl n' ,Nm"'l" ''''"ho diiln't ke .IPu.mt1V, rnnln other nn ,,,., ,, " w,,h him. The- Ills in ...' '."'"'Wed his hreinl ,i-.i.' , . ' III KI'I.M .... TOke ,l i..' " "is iiilirnir,, ).,, hi. i.i ... '"""no two n,l ". " " - .....Mil 111,1, ,.f 41 . "." "Ill 1 (M) K "'" ' r o, , 7"(1,s 'lng dead ?ne U-i,, ,.""," ""d the other l.nU "Mo urn ""' '"oi, Hi.-? it's Th'J'sM'TK" " rnilP .. '""'"I" the Wlic C i;i,,,.T ""."r;,,",M"1 ,l", i,ib. ""ii hiivi'r nnd rrri?;!!!!..1''' .PttiK to bo iii.i. crvni ....".!' "ffjit, I t ilnk." I... i.' i .- i. i rovii , t i "v ."" K" ood U ni,,,. J. " . "v ,'u,rt'i wiirro is annual untouched and the Ua,rt; remarked nt length. I vc inv onlnin,, nf would rail a thing like tlmt ,!; Innb "n. ?im"cr- "M J" t"ke a good look at the supper tnble, sir?" i..i ,Ionp, there, beyond what you K?rnni(1 out- ..''Vector Druet had iV,?.',i"V'ny,.L Lct" ''nve n look up stairs before tho rest go to It." .nit,".1 .i ivns ,0. ,,nte- for cv" he poke tho door of the next room opened and heavy footsteps could bo heard cross nK tho rotunda nnd mounting the nroml stairs. I.lkn nnnui.nin.a ,.... Inspector ami MK'nrty wnite.l until they died away In the regions nbovc. I wonder now what they did with tho young crook I caught climbing out of tho window?" McCarty queried aloud to himself, "What' that?" Inspector Druct do manded. Briefly. MrCnvty recounted tho cventM of tho night nnd when ho hud con cluded his companion stnrted for tho door lending into the hall once more. c 11 have a look nt the body nnd then join the rest upstairs. This is a headquarters job all right, Mac, aud I m going to tnko charge." "I thought you would, sir." Me Cartv heaved a sigh of satisfaction not unmixed with ouvy. "At lenst you'll not have Terhune with his scientific stunts nnd mechanical mlnd-rcaders butting in on tho case." "How about you yourself?" The in spector halted and bent n quizzical gaze upon his companion. "Going to quit before the end of tho first round?" "Quit?" McCarty Hushed. "Well you know, sir. that I'm not In It except mnbo to testify against the lad for breaking and entering. I've nqthlng to do with the murder nor tho solving of It." "But you're itching for n chance, aren't you. you old scout?" The other smiled. "I'll swear you In ns n special officer tomorrow, just as I did on the Inst enso you got yourself mixed up In since you left tho force. Come on, now." McCarty' oyos shone nnd he squnred hlh mnsslvo shoulders with proud ela tion ns they entered the room whore the mnstcr of tho hourp lay. lie was otli cinlly at work agnin, nnd the inhabi tants of the installment plan suburban colony In which he hod Invested his tnvings nnd from which he drew his ltfodest revenue might run the plnce to suit themtelves until the case was fin ished. He wns back in the old game! When they opened tbe door of tho study they found thnt its only occu pants were the dead man nnd the wretched youth who still cringed in his chair, to ono arm of which ho had now been securely handcuffed. At sight of the inspector's face he uttered n shnrp ejaculation and cowered further down. "Well, well!" Inspector Druet searched his countenance keenly. "It seems to mo we've met before, my friend." "No, sir! Youse got mo wrong !" "Have I? We've got you mugged down nt hendqunrters ; I never forget n fnco. Hnve you done time? What's our name? Hpciik up!" ".Toe. Hodnnsky." tho youth mut tered sullenly. "I did one stretch In do rcformltory 'cause do gnng I trav eled wit' swiped somo lead pipe, but I didn't have nottln' to do wit' it! DIs is do foist toime " "Never mind; thought I had you right. I'll get your story downtown Inter." Inspector Dnict turned to 51c f'nrty nnd Indicnted the body. "Is this tho wnv it wns when you saw it first, Mac?" "Yes. I was the third ono to see It ns far ns wo know : .Toe. hero, wns first, then Clancy and then mo. It don't look ns If those flntfcct upstairs had disturbed it any except thnt tho gun was lving nenrer to tho hnnd, nlmost touching the lingers this way." McCarty stooped and moved tho posi tion of the pistol n trifle. "Ho surp got his with n vengeance, didn't he?" the Inspector remarked, A quick gleam of light cnnio into McCnrty's own eyes. "Mnjbe he did, sir," he vouchsafed. "There seems to Ime been a bit of struggle hero; look, Mno." The inspec tor spoke suddenly. Tho strip of tapestry which lay along the center of the refectory tablo had boon pulled awry nt tho end near which tho man had fallen nnd it wns. evident thnt only the heavy lamp which stood upon it hnd prevented It from being swept to the floor, but there were no other signs of disorder In the room. "Yes, sir," McCarty agreed some whnt doubtfully. "Ho wouldn't hnve hnd time to cntch nt It In falling, after thnt shot hit him. but mnybo whoever it wns did it might hnve twisted tlnft table cover in rage or oxcltmcnt before thov fired nnd killed him." "And you think Crcvellng wns the snit of man to stand calmly and wait without raising n hand to defend him self while his guest worked his own nerve up to the point of murder?" The Inspector shrugged. "Come nlong, let's go up nnd see whnt the others hnve found out." The patrol wagon clattered up to tho outran. 'o nt thnt moment nnd Joe Ho ilniislo, obviously relieved to be re moved' from the immedinto vicinity nf tho denil mim. even in so grim and for bidding n chide, wns consigned to tho euro nf ItR oflll'lnls. After it had departed the inspector nnd his tresn.y nppoiniou assistant mounted the "Brent staircase to bo met nt the top by Clancy and two deteo t M's fnuii tlm borough headquarters. The latter were none too pleased to rind nn inspector from tho central offiro nlrendy nn tho job, but they concealed their chagrin with what diplomacy they could muster. "Nothing doing up hero, Inspector," tho senior of the twain announced. "We've looked In every hole and cor ner to the mt.v roof and there Isn't a soul nlmiit. living or dead. Nothing's been disturbed, either, ami except for two or thrro of tho seivnnts' rooms it doesn't seem as if nny of them had been occupied for somo time, not oven tho master's own apartments." "Mnc hero, and I will Just haw a look around, iinjwav, nnd join you and Hum nnd Clancy below, IVte," Inspec tor Druet lesponded. "Tho comn.is. hloner lias put mo iu chnigc, but I may need jou both," CONTINUED TOMOItriOW ' ' ACM.WH (3E.T ALL Roav Boss? You'll" get teuR BRAIM DOIAI A SMIMMV. i simply have to oo off today. wary Doodle cam Pinch Hit -Tor me. I; nSHBK l: )i ' i 'Sot " s" TvmcE. That time. . TVo BITS .SAYS I WM BY A K.O. IP SOME.BUDY UOAir l-STOP THE UOUT ; If . Mff) & E.R- MISS tOODL.E - JAl y THAT LETTER I (3AVE- ' Vrtll .lllT LEAVE "DOT ; the. last paragraph ! L . vT Tfe.R , BO.' 1 . -M (TCnr? r. r i y A-E.-HA.S"VAA.Tt3 - 7 The Young Lady Acrosi the Way The young lady across the way says she can't remember who it was. that first called England Perfidious Albino. The Terrible-Tempered Mr. Bang Destroys Ills Own Evidence By Fontaine Fox THIS tCoRD THEY 8oRroWtD yUSffRPAY rHs Y 6ro)6rtr Mc CRACKED li-w25t- s yvi- j'MTHtt ONE To 5rfoW X . & sM,, -3 "ftZ, (3; J jeZ fifete i nrmxw r- 'itrWiW ii cj- -r j ? W.l . To 'CAt . Ii i '"! ii Ji n - . V-. vnM - ' n .V'.'L. I V"' ID i&jLjmi 4 TWAK . - D a. . .,i .-" - .I,,' SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG PETEYTIte Man Downstairs Was Affected Also Vix vltfi'&zSSZf zzJrfSja6fzcft CB- rrttHOWWjte FujtfJ By C. A. Voight - OCH. tlUCM PEtEV DEAR- T-TrHEry'Re Pcanimc Ttwe. CRlPPttS DEtlCHT'" OW "ITsfA PHOrJOCRAPt-l DOWW.STAIRS leY Trv That we w Toddie 7VEP 1(f) , VSiL ryJIikmVs Th,MC5-thEvv - 7 L c'rCs wfMh t '' ) iwHeoiTOFP-jr i 3 i ' j- v t i a. -r-n. rs. rf s -ir i . . ., m .' 1 I JT JSi-5? X 3 - J . V. -V ' l t ' --n J ' -sg ir ' 1V t x1 yi fSJU, L 1 I 24 - THE CLANCY KIDS However, Timmie Isn't Averse to Hav ing Ice Cream Out of the Window By Percy L. Crosby i . - - .... hit i tiii in i i wi ri km- ii n ii , . IMMnTTAiM -r f .. fiaffk3i32$ t "IJ " Youft party thisI ?HfrZjj WPmm THATi-WHYS VAFjegNooN 7J INVITEOJ , .JfLL a , UM WOTTING U ? i , i 1 ISu. s. jl i mz m " ' ii I nn I