Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 06, 1921, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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!fj .!()-.tSW -r-
" -l ' .4,
' '?' '
( . i'-
icHcrs fo tlicEiUtor
7. nUeauraaed
Ad J the Hvcnlna t,uW1 'r:larrl
X Vl, A lelln' cournie'V lift, so m
JJ.J "Tom 0" u,, my mind that I
s.5 "'.rxvn' f"cr a worrt 0l
iii in110
' .- .- lif nf eftch of
ffilSS!?:?'kA. P" i-ntin-P
'"; u!,t w"lW 0"t f drab .xl.tcnc.
J, Hum-drum " 0i.. rpmptnber
ritit ol ,5 J"' ,'mo "tic that llr,.1''
,'V P0l,,,K;huni kn.1 ToVlnB this honc.t
01, mV be- ". n voluntarily en'"Ld
Ml" "",c,i or thru month.. Th
lMj.r;?r,C street." rubll.hed lx month.
uw. "Main Streei. i gt t0 , kr
" 0fJif A your wSurln a po.ln where
H me "' y,?l tho whola day and ur
iw "' fh., worker. ich ns In a d
&fed by o her , tho pay. The
f.rtment ",,rPr"K " bo consummate
S5Urt.rt??" m ""w out ot your
llrel helP. ""... --
ltrr. ..- i wvitf
tea .re mttM."
""tiJTXr to the PUff I
tipecl.'iy nl" '. lh nr Bnmo to "Mr. B.
i,m the rule of tM ,r Blum. Through
a,.m of the bulletin board, lit the
,!" ""i'.ilt library keep tab. bn all .tilt
ocurt Street '' "rnr t ot which are freo
"CKtUr."k .mall ". Tell our hu.band
'" toM'S you to theee lecture.,
. ,ll,.;C2to?t IhoM In hlch ho mliht
loa wjr - tf h. Wi pot nccompnjr
"nM tf'J'WWm t-k" 'or h"'
SSuVto r oMhePmany po.s.b.e way. a
Tn t all time, whjr rju fear
'" Cia" m blar'er. 111 b-lp eatlate one
:r"ir .CJJSS d..l. and .III have op-
ttiMna ironi .M-.t your reading
.S?nln.T cintly tran.lated from the Hu,.
.V. , Al.0 read "Nell. I-ynnc," tran.lated
,ln. A' re"' , , ,, jocob.en. and
Sy of a oVer." rubll.hed Hut year
..SoSilv by JJon.LIverlht Co.
I iould further .ugce.t that ou- .
nut hold, epace hero Is necc.arlly too llm
M for ine to rlte all that I hould. Tour
Lt.r w rinned a. a la.t attempt to re
!'. ...I... k,M i.non real. Houl-exhllaratln
.'..'' i....Hh n m. It waa written from
.orely tried heart. Hut all I can here do
i to hope that ou will not clvc up to fate.
Toa may nt find all of tho oboe-men-
im,t book. In the library, but If you can
t.i In touch with mo I will be only 100
;fc.jt. put mr "i:&:
101 Kid ClUcden street. Ocrmantown.
I'a., -April 3, 1P!!1.
Plea for Major Hastings
MkeCilKoro the Kvenlno TubKc Lrdarr:
' Sir In our paper of reci-pt dato I noted
n article relathe to Major lla.tlne., and
Vint to nwko reply. I am familiar with
the caw. nd feel. every ono connected
.m, th inmitutlon ftrli. that tho old man
tlmuld be pardoned. Rurely the offcn.e for
rtlch hi wa committed has been expiated
Irthe tlmo ercd. Ho did no real harm to
mr one.
Surely thin man. whatever may have been
ti. fAuit.. in entitled to tho sympathy and
Jlndnm of hi. brother human, for the few
lrlef months durlns which he may yet have
Uforo him. and certainly hi. fellow Mason.
iui not di-nv him thin boon lie crave. a
bom for the brief tlmo that shall elapse
Mont hlii final call before tho Clreat Judge.
More whom wo must nil eventually op-
Hla military servlco was honornble. That
done ihould entitle him to consideration:
hut the writer feels that tho great Masonic
fraternity, of whkh ho waa n member, will
jot fall at a time llko this to lhe up to Its
(btiatloni to lift up and rare for the fallen,
who, after all, are our brothem and whom
e ahould fortfUe a. we ourHole. hope tu be
forth en;
With confidence In tho broad charity which
In always actuated you. I feel that )ou
will not, In these clrcum.tnnres, fall to -use
Sour best efforts to secure for this poor
broken creature a pardon nnd a home In
vhleh ho may rest as the night shadows of
III lire draw closer
"Llfo Is but froth and bubble
Two things stand out llko stone:
The kindness In another's trouble.
The courage In your own."
nlladelidila, March 31, 1U21.
Must Unemployed Starve?
To He .'dlior o Hie Kt-mlng Tiibllc Lrtlorr:
Sir Are we unemplojed irolng to die of
Etarv&tlnn? M'l.h ... ..ill ...... t.i-1.
: ...it, i, -iti nviii Bur liilill, ud
Veil as the neeesnltles of life, which re-
-u Ycrr nine, ami with no Income nt nil.
Jhata colni; to Leiome of tho Idlo worker?
WBBrer I ..,1, - .. ,-,. t ... ..
. . .. , ,, ,,,, u J,,,J J Bct l(lu D4II1Q
vnirorm anauer- "No heln wanted todiiv."
j-ut I mut eat today I I exclaim. My rail
liti are. of courso, of no avail.
II It r.irdnnti tl i.- .. ai .
iri ho are anxious to toil for a llvhiff
lOUId ja .lit nt ..mnl . ...Ult- aklu
vini'i"? inwitj, iiiij iiim
J..' eeuntry is tho rlihe.t on tho globoj
.'. '" """."'"i.""" and tens nf thnu
nia of precious lli-s to make the world
'' lor democracy. Cnn't wo stand another
.it, . i '", mnk'' Americans safe from
"wvition! Conirrtss should approprlato nt
nc an adequate sum to oil up the wheel.
our Industries In the best way It deems
K nee..?,,... ,.. ..
el.,... . " '" nrer to reltcc .tho great
otn'."? .t,m unemplojed. A. A. 0.
uicinia, April ,1, 1H21.
PaV Of Rallrnrl M.
fie tdltor o the Kvenlno rulllc t.ulatri
l-r,n7 "'I1 " K"ni render of the People's
coVrMAe"? " "P'"'11" that rortuln of your
wreapondents glvo the railroads nnd rnll
U. r i? ti,Kt ""ny hard knocks. I
iIJM.i i""'1"1 ,or K Krmt "'""y ""
I'lm i. " ,hroUBn "" ,h0 l"rdshlps of
IreS. ?"1W t,lwk "" washouts and
train ,'."?'' ' can truthfully .ay that tho
" ereii men of today aro belnu p.ild
&Wen "Notice
Pflc daintiness capeciallv
wiiJts and low-cut bowdj.
aw0rn.rn'i?em5, and 0'
le!sSr.cpcnn.!lsunon n
cr mlnM'0, T''atlwhydli-
lS,e?8 Waea ,D'lft on
lonhend 1ur., Preparation
neck f?SJ' ! ,ulr "om "
ue. tace or under-armj.
UeaUtV anM.1.11.. ...
i.:r.'"'r.", "t' "
ei... S " "aye. ma iku
Jmoothl"0 n1 l"",ctlT
,Hlton Is csaytosp.
Plyimpio dlHctloaj with
every jar,
At Any Druggists
or Department Store
Letters to the, Editor should be Rf
nV i unnd to ,ho l,olnt nB Possible,
nvoldliiB nnythlriK that would onen
a Upnotnlnatlonal or ncctarlnn dls
cunalon, .t ""entlon will bo paid to anony.
!?u" lettorB, Namcii and nddrcsseg
must bo signed as nit evidence ot
Plf"11'. nltliouith mimes will not
K?. Printed If request Is mado that
they be omitted.
t i,hJs.PiUbllcatlon of letter Is not
l?. k ..lJ.,n" nn Indorsement of Its
views by this impcr.
.,?n.mm,u,J,ent'ons w"' "ot bo re-t!i-
tVnJ,n,?i? nccomimnlcrl by post
ncc, nor will mnnuscrlpt bo saved.
What thev ah,,,,!,! I,..- I ..
according e .k. '" "..""" "".?"" "?
ivnrk Ti..,, . "iiruous nature or tnetr
SrrrJ?,7. ' ll.ll1. ret compare will.
fitter vA "J. ' '": VZl ''"""?". .or."1.m-
l!,n ,... . V . ' pa except ror me
aZ ."?' '"", wo havc n,,nvy expend.
an m.. U !""'"' The traveling public ha.
Iioli. ' ,vo (t rB,M everywhere, but
-,: -- -- i-ssi ana gone.
ernmerTf jL.no qu,.,"on that tho gov
in.ii ik",, " release inim the con
the iere" PUh" WJ" kkk n Bny r" "
they wi ,.i" r::??'1'.1"
eiii V. in'"1 "n" pay 'eveniy.nve
itT.U. ' ",,rn a street car will tako
mem roe ,, mk, . .l- .
.nfe.. V . . " me men navo to
.urfer a cut In wages, let the roads take off
il!8 ."i .n,t" ln ' nn,i lct the govern
ment meet the public part way by repealing
i!T,rt . .n rnportatlon, a. tho war la
supposed to be oter.
Tk.i . . L. w- '' McWHAIAMS.
Thlladelphln, March 31, 1021.
No Bonus Wanted
To the Editor o fhr Kvenlno PbUe Ltdotr:
SlrA recent correspondent to your In
teresting Forum .urely hns a bod case. I
wonder If he was Inducted Into the service
during the World War or really volunteered?
If ho volunteered, didn't they pay him what
a V" "freed be would get: If he was "In
ducted Into the .crvlce. or "blew ln by the
draft. u-hnt h. 1,1.1.1.- .t . ,. i.
the, law of hi. country that called him?
t.vm7 i 'c":r"n oa mo npanish-Amerlcan and
rhll PPlno Wars, not to mention the "Hoxer
trouble," and also of the lato World Wnr
II member In (rnst.t .I...II.. I. L. ,,...,
trpanlsh -War Veteran, and of the Amcrl-
J.-..I 4iun, i get sick anil qulto weary to
hear you "yaps" yelping for a bonus.
When we returned from the Philippine,
we re.emblcd pumpkins In color, our health
was broken from chasing gugus, sleeping In
rice paddles nnd drinking Impure water. We
wiggled along until the next call enme with
out even getting n. pension, much less a
bonus; but when tho recent trouble .tartrd
we "got the fever" and "heard the call"
nnd "fell In", nn.l If it....... ...... .
--- . i.hiv n wily irillJIVB
needing bonuses, excusing present company,
Keiievc wie inuippine uoia are "It,"
Let's forget It and settle down to being
100 per cent puro Americans: and If there's
to bo anything "handed out" to any one.
I soy glvo It to the boys who really need
It, and not to the red-cheeked lad. who
came back better men physically than they
were when they went "over there."
"Let's nil bo Americans now!" Jt's nil
support a 100 per cent American In the
oresldencv ami lev n,l t.i. i.i ia
- ------ "." ' ..'. ,.-- -hid w,u mm
of "paid patriot." out of our mind, I never
ovoru iur a oonu., ana i doubt If any of
your correspondents did, and so why .tain-
tierin nMi-ftelf Iritn lulni. ,1in., I... I
,--. .... . ...... .,, ... aKt ,up w
cause Uncle Sam don't wish to go broke now
In order to try to pay a debt that never was
contracted. Let's be glad wo wont
w. I.. Jioi'i-ATT,
Philadelphia, April 3, lflZl.
Questions Answered
The Island of Yap
To the Hiitor of the r.vrnino PuWe Ledger:
Sir Where Is the Island of Yap, oer
which there Is such n controversy between
this country and Japan?
PhlladelphL-i, March 111, 1021.
Tho I. land of Yap. for whl-h Jnpnn was
granted a mandate by the I-ugue of Na
tions, fl lhe U-(.n..l - .1.- ,-.!....
nrollna talnn.i. i . .A u,,. .,
, ...- . ,lwv"l ouu miles anuiiincm
i X, ,' Rni "00 miles. et of the l.land
'' -Mindanao, of the Philippine group. It
.... .. ,,ui umuon or about 7000 and wa.
tno administrative center for tho Wcslorn
uaroi no., th,. Peicy nn,i lho Ladrono
Islands Tho (lermani had mado plans for
h wireless station there, but wcro prevented
when AUstral.an troops captured tho Island
In October, 1914,
Problem tiolved
To the ndlUr of the f.venlno Piibllo .erfocr:
Blr Herewith I hand you a solution to
the following problem! A and II start from
tho same point nnd travel In the same di
rection around r, ixiunre. e.nch side of which
measures flvo miles, a nt tho rnto of 414
me. per hour, nnd II at tho rale of a
mile, per hour. In what time will they
be together ngaln? How many mile, will
each have traveled and how many times
will each have been around the eiiuaro?
It takes A 4 4-0 hour. iO--4V4) to go
around the square, and II 0 2-3 hours .(20
--3) to go once nround, Therefore they must
miet In the L C M of 4 4-0 hours nnd 0 2-3
hours, or 40-3 or 13 1-3 hours.
A travels 40 over 3X0 oor 2C0 mile..
It travel. 40 oer 3x3-40 miles.
Hence: A travel. 3 times (ilin-20) nround
and II travels 2 times (4020), around the
square. p. ,t, H.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1021.
The Tarzan Series
To thr JMtor o fnc L'vcnliiy PhMIc Jicilocr:
Blr Plenso tell mo the order In which
the Tarzan boka wcro written,
W. S. V.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1021.
The Tarcnn scries, by lMitar ltlco llur-
roughs. In the order In which they wcro
written, nre. "Tarzan of the Apes," "The
Iteturn of Tarzan," "The Iteasts of Tnr-
zan," "The Hon of Tarzan, rarztn nnd
tho Jewels of Opar" and "Jungle Tales
of Tarzan."
New York Donus
Jo the L'dllor of the .'i-mliio Public J.nrocr:
Sir Did tho State of New Ywk pass a
bonus bill providing bonus for tho men1 who
enlisted for the war from that ftate? Would
my present rcaldonce In the Stale of Penn
sylvania luar me from this bonui If I en
listed In New York? C. L. T.
Philadelphia, April 4, 1021.
The Now York stalo bonus bill passed
November 2, 1020. Tho bill stipulates that
unless the cx-servlce men from New York
wero residing In that state nn the day the
bill was passed lh"y cannot collect the
bonus. From statements given In your let
ter we could not possibly say whether you
will be able to collect the bonus or not.
hut ndvlse you to write for a copy of tho
bill and proper blank, nn which to mako
application for the bonus. The board In
charge ot this will decide our case.
The "Elm Tree Hall" Story
To tho Editor ol the V.venlng Ptilllc Ledgrr;
SlrA reader recently requested the origin
nf the story nbout a man who emrlojed
boys nnd tested their curiosity. It Is on
titled "Kim Tree Hall." It was written
by Carlton Itruce, nnd la Included In a
collection of stories entitled "Mirth and
Mornllty," printed for Thomas Tegg &
Sen. Chenpoldc, 1833.
Philadelphia, March 81. 1021
To Divide Trapezoid
To thi Editor o fhe i.'rniino TiiWIc Ledger:
Sir To dlvldo tho trapezoid Into equal
part, by a perpendicular line, In our Issue
of March 31, we first find Its area by mul
tlpllng half of the sum of the pnralk-l sides
by tho base, giving 30 square Inches. Next
multiply base by difference of said sides,
giving 20 Inches for nltltudo of trlnngle,
whose aren Is 40 square Inches. Then divide
this by 2.1 (40 minus in, half area of trape
zoid) and tako tho square root of quotient.
Then divide hypotenuao of triangle by this
root and this quotient will bu length of
iDpotcnuso of a triangle similar In form,
containing 25 square Inches. As tho tangent
of original triangle for acute angle opposite
the 4-Inch side Is .'.' (t -divided by 20), we
can easily find the corresponding slnw and
roslne. Now, multiplying, our new hypo
tenuse by the cosine gives 'the perpendicular
of triangle containing 2.1 square Inches: and
If wo multiply new hypotenuse by the sine,
we obtain tho length of lino .ought namely,
'1.1022? Inches, lly subtracting altitude bt
ons triangle from that of tho other wo have
distance from 4-Inch end of tra.poz'old to
line drawn namely, 4,1I;S7 Inches. To prove
these line., take1 half ot (4 plus .1.102J7)
and multiply the sum by 4.1RA7 nnd the
product will equal IS square inines, or half
of area of given trapezoid. II, M,
Philadelphia, April 1, 1021.
The Fifty-one Puzzle
To the P.dltor o the Kvenlno p'ulllo Ledger:
Hire Answering Joseph DeOeorgs's prob
lem, "Add two number, to fifty-one nnd
mako It less than fifty-one," I would add
ten and one, making the total forty-two.
As LI Is Dfty-ono, by adding X before L
nnd I after LI you have XI. II.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1021.
Poems and Songs Desired
Southern Dialect Song
To the Editor ot the L'l-ciilitp- Public Ledger:
Sir I am nnxlou. to get a southern song
which contains thl. ors:
"I'm going from the cotton fields,
I'm going from the cane;
I'm going from the old log hut,
lhat stands down In tho lane.
Ve boat are on do rlbber,
Dnt's gwlne to tako me off.
1'so gwlno to Join de exodus
That's making for the Norf.
Tho flowers that bloom on massn's grave
Will mis my tender care,
No band like mine shall ever keep,
Tl.em blooming there "
Philadelphia. March 31, 1021.
Author of "The Orphans"
7o Ifio IUlltorol the V.vcnlnn Public Ledger:
Sir Can any one tell mo who the author
1. of tho poem entitled "The orphan, f
Tho first stanza Is as follows:
"My chaise the village Inn did gain.
Just as tho setting sun's last ray,
Tlpt with refulgent gold the Mine
Of the old church across tho way,"
I have tho poem complete, but no nu
thrtr's name Is given. It was copied by my
aunt. Auguste Frueauff, at Zelst, the Mo-
rnvlnn settlement near Utrecht, llofl.ind. at
least -100 yenra ago. Tho same notebook
contains many beautiful copied poems ln
Herman and Dutch, but "Tho Orphans" I.
tho only ono In Ungllsh. Tho handwriting
Is most beautiful. In those days men nnd
women lenrned to wrlto distinctly, not like
ihn scribble that I navo received rrom lany
graduates of some of our prominent women's
colleges: I won t name mem l nave round
some nf these letter, n disgrace nn to
nnlllcrrnnhv. and I had to guess nt the
words from tho context Moravian nnd
Friends' schools aro known the world over
for their thnroughnes. in every respect, in
cluding writing,
Allentnwn, Pa., April 3, 1021,
Wants "To the Lions"
To the V.dltor ot the P.venlno Public Ledger:
Mr Can any of your readers send In or
tell mo where I could secure tho poem that
(intnlns the frltowlnfl- verse!
"dive tho Christians to tho lions!" wa. the
savage Itnman cry
And tho Vestal Virgin, udded their voles,
shrill nnd high.
Within the catacomb, that night n ralnt,
with snowy hair,
Folded upon his nged breast his daughter,
young nnd fair."
Mrs. B. L. JOP.DAN.
Philadelphia, March HI, 1021.
A Popular Recitation
7o the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Blr Pleaso print In your paper the benu-
tirui poem containing the following;
"When the morning light drive, away the
When tho sun shines bright nnd full!
A' It drnws Its tine near the hour of nine,
I'll nvvny, away to school," etc.
Also n rather long poeni. which I think
ft called "Little Jane," It Is a poem about
the Civil Wnr, a few lines of which 1 re
call: "Not a, slngto shell that whole day fell
From tho camp of llatlery H."
Philadelphia, Match 13, 1021.
Wo will print the first poem requested If
a reader will send It In. The second ro
quet Is no dnubt for the popular poem
South mountain towered upon our right, far
oft the river lay;
And over on the wooded height we held their
lines nt bay.
At Inst the muttering gun wcro stilt; the
day died stow nnd wan:
At last the gunners' pipes did fill, the ser
geant's yarns began.
When, as tho wind a moment blew n.lde the
fragrant flood.
Our brlarwoods rulsed, within our lcw a
llttlo maiden stood
A tiny tot of lx or seven, from fireside
frosh she seemed
(Of such n, llttlo ono In heaven ono soldier
often dreamed),
And as we stared ono llttlo hand went to
her curly head
In gravo salute, "And who nro. you7" nt
length the sergeant said,
"And Where's your home?" ho growled
again. She llspod out, "Who Is me?
Why, don't you know? I'm little Jnnc, tho
prldo of Itattcry V.
My homo? Why, that was burned away,
and pa and ma are dead;
And so I ride tho guns nit day along with
Sergeant Ned.
And I've a drum that's not a toy, a cap
with feathers, tno;
And I march beside the drummer boy on
Sundays at rovlow.
Jlut now our 'bacon's sll give out, tho men
can't have their smoke,
And so they're cross why, even Ned won't
play with mo nn I joke.
And tho big colonel said today (I hato to
hear him awenr)
He'd give a leg for a good pipe llko thu
Yanks had over there.
And so I thought when beat the drum and
the btir mlns were still
I'd creep beneath tho tent and come out here
across the hilt,
Anil beg, good Mister Yankee men, you'd
give me somo Ion Jack,
Pltese do! When we get somo again I'll
surety brine It back"
Indeed I will, for Ned, .nys he, If I do what
I say,
I'll be h general et, maybe, and tide a
prancing bay.
Wo brimmed her liny npron o'er. You
should hovo heard her laugh
A. oach man from hi. scanty store shook
out a generous half,
To kiss tho little mouth stooped down a
seoro of grimy men,
Until tho sergeant's husky voice said,
" 'Tenllon, squad!" and then
Wo gave her escort still good night the
pretty waif wo hid,
And watched her toddle out of sight or else
'twas tears that hid
Her tiny form nor turned about a man,
nor spoke a word,
Tilt after awhile a far, hoarse shout upon
tho wind we heard.
Wo sent it back nnd cast sad eye. upon the
scene around,
A b-iby's hand had touched the tie that
brothers once had bound.
That's all save when the dawn nw-oko
ngaln the work ot hell,
And through tho sullen cloud, of smoke the
screaming missiles fell,
Our general often rubbed his glass nnd mnr-
e!d much to see
Not a single shell that wholo day fell on
tho camp uf Hattery II.
"D. D. C." asks for the pcem containing
the lines: '
"I'nme, like Tltanla, stooping down
To sot on Pises' ears u, crown "
Mrs. Krayer, Camden, N. J. Thank you
for sending us the words of tho hymn
"Wonderful Words of Life." Wo printed
Ihnn In the People's Forum on March 21,
"E, C. C." requests the poem entitled
"The Diparted Spirit." which begins:
"Thounh he that ever kind und true
Kept stoutly step by step with jou."
"Mrs. W, Vf 13." asks for the poem be
"itrave Colin nnd his Highlanders,
Tho liravcH of the brave."
"W, O. T." sskj tho poems "The Fishing
Party Perplexity," "Tho Winged Victory."
"Llko Dlan's Kiss" und "lhreo Angel
llenjamln Holdfast We do not print I
muslo In tho People's Forum or In nny other!
part nf the paper. You could no doubt se.
euro this song nt one of tho muslo .tores. If
Ihey do not have It In stock, they will get It
for yi u.
The People's 1'ornm will nppenr dalle
In the livening l-iihjle JM. "V',"
In the SuMnr, Public ledger. J-etter
dlsfiisslpg timely topics will be printed.
n well as requested poems, nna question,
of general Interest will be nn.werefl,
' 1 '" !. '-.-: :.. ...-1. : A - -V: 1 . i Ji... . : '
I immmmmim0mm
:''- - i :; .r..-;-i'i...i ; S: :J. iO;.::::;i;:.-...m! ;! .-;-.
liy'Cf ' I ir''!i:i:4i::V-'!
; ' wrz::.m;m ua
i ,i. . !:' .' -.!.-:
-American Day,
April 7th
And be sure that it is a BULL DOG Bunting Flapr. Used
nnd specified by tho U. S. Government because they are
longcst-wearinc Fast colors, sowed stars and stripes,
moth-proof. Look for the BULL DOG on the canvas
heading. All sizes from 2x3 feet to 25x50 feet.
Sold by good dealers and department stores.
JOHN C. DETTRA & CO., Inc., Mfrs., Oaks, Pa.
Every Home Should Fly a Flag
i , '
Vl IT r' . -JfffffaVTroSn
S l 3LV yraJA. jpiS 5tws!ufyfZri I f - vjwffiyxv 'nf YMWAn7WwM
"Hasslers" make your car complete!
WHEN you equip your Ford car with Hassler
Shock Absorbers you add the final touch to
make it as enjoyable as it is satisfactory. The principal
difference between the small and the big car is in tho
comfort. With Hasslers you have luxurious comfort.
Also you have protection for the car against bumps and
vibrations. Your Ford with Hasslers will last a third
longer. And you'll also save a third of your tire and up
keep expense.
We will sell you Hasslers on 10 day trial. If you
are not delighted with them we will refund all of your
money and take them off. Hasslers are made for all
Ford passenger cars and trucks. Put on while you wait.
817 North Broad St. Bell Phone Poplar 1718
Philadelphia Keystone Phone Park 480
All-American Day
At the St. James
To-morrow is All-American Day. On that day
but one flag will be shown the American Flag.
To celebrate fittingly here, our bill-of-farc will
be printed in old-fashioned American nothing
but American dishes will be served the waiters
will wear American flags the hotel will be deco
rated with American flags and the orchestra will
play nothing but airs from American composers.
And we'll make To-morrow alt day and most of
the night a. great big American affair. Come in
and help us celebrate.
Wbt &t STameg ottl
Walnut -U 13th Street
SWKDM'SliAY. APIUI. (I, lOJI, Htore Oiirns 0 A. M. Closes ftt30 I. 51. M
l 1 1 L lisl)
EftitDck Absorbers
Our $14.50
Spring Suits
for Men &
Young Men
Are the Best Suits for the ftp
Mnnt-v in Philnjelnhin I
Well styled of good reliable ma
terials in a splendid assortment of
wanted colors and patterns. Models
for men and young" men. Phenomi
nal values!
Other extraordinary values in Suits, at
$18.50 to $23.50.
Fine Trousers, $3.50 to $5.75
Men's and Young Men's Suits
With Extra JO 7C
Trousers at tp &
SncllenbUrgS Economy Basement
'IBB a U
I tiSH 1
'1 HIP
yMU In
There's not a player-piano in Philadelphia or ANYWHERE, for
that matter to compare in value with
The New Delmarvia Player-Piano
Which We Are Offering at
Superior in its artistic merit, in tone, in
operation such an instrument, in fact, as you
must see and use to appreciate at such a re
markably low price!
It is a full 88-note player with guaranteed
perfect mechanism of well-known player action.
So many Delmarvias are in use in Philadelphia
that no words of introduction from us are neces
sary here; your neighbor probably owns one,
so you need not come here for a recommenda
tion of it.
We would like you to play the Delmarvia yourself in our Piano
Store, though. Only thus can you enjoy its beauty and the
wonderful simplicity of its player action which is famous
for not getting out of order." You are most cordially
invited to come in and try it.
t . rl.lOf. -t r .- f f. ... fc.7......
'"" LU Ml'lllt llltlMClt-lieS
aH ffSHHaVrTvllHaVwaBKl
B I WUJVrlaaHaaMl i INfaaaH HaBaaBlf f
nil isWll?ijHl"aS 1
Customers wh
of this special offer are extended most
liberal terms of payment. Ask about
We are also the exclusive agents in
Philadelphia for the Kurtzmann, Poole,
Gabler, Behr Brothers a?4 Marvi.i Pianos,
and the famous Hallet ar-l Davis Pianos
are also on sale here.
Please let me have further information eon
ccrninR your special offering of- Delmurviu Player-Pianos.
Hear the Delmarvia Electric
SNCfUhBURCS Fifth Floor, South BldK