vjpf VTtp uv-'SMfV'V-ft??: ,."". vrWrrlWJ!!! t V -il ; k r t: ' V f ' I- V i I I" ' i V I F.B & - i I i t l V 'Ml " Hi i , p ' h ? tfr ft1! t J I J i Suenlttg !ublfr zbn$x Philadelphia, Tuesday, Arititi 3, 1021 ijsjgja' $ft.P A wj .V,S,A ' ,x.. , , :7VJF1 h b i. A ,' A y -i : &!' -' , t K 1 . & & . ' ' " f -fog e,';'s 1 T i4k. K Iwiii WJiilPriii ilHffi'lMiiir'iTii .iwh MIW 'iTPiPllll iliilll I'W J , MVfflMiHUiMlw4Vv twit h2hIH V5fc'ft50vV'JCv' V t aVvCftB I , IHnBB. "i- ?iiBF' ')' . fy y J-y " THE TENNIS GALI. opening day of ERY. portion of the tennis fans who watched the matches 111 the the three-da tennis tournnment on the Wanamakcr roof yesterday IvlBcr I'hoto Sor BEATEN BY TILDEN. Craip Diddle as ho warmed up for tin match in the three-day tournament yesterday Ledger rtioto scrMi SUN WARDS HELP A LOT. Children at the Samaritan Hospital, Brond and Ontario streets, get the benefit of the roof in days of recovery. M'm Goodman, the supervising nurse, is chatting with Laura Kripinski Jjdffrr Ihoto flerlce Ml' I mil im T1" lit t- ielhil I;: pit fef4 1 t? "? ! fe'i:i vr" mm f M' V ' fji tX r t ' '-F?X- ,;f fiia 7 jv fill sMft A'KB raPlHUIH THwrgM'T1 i.VlH ,'.-? BB J-HJT. .'l MiHBVI Mi. A HmSf IPS! ; , J&BBOI iJ7 T,-. Bn 1 '17VI BIC iTIsvKR id ! V ft IiV, i: ff XTBF lf& rssarswj 1 v 5i( " 4' n - A vjrv V A M :-"r.- M '.''.. Jj Vr iKHnSuftSEuHiV'CwHHb m v j33xwT94p$HHttHHHKT2id wtfiH BALTIMORE WINS FROM ATHLETICS' YANIGAN TEAM. Keefe has just hit the ball and is on his way to first. Lerian is the Baltimore backstop. The umpire is Kccnan i.eiKsr rhoto seri UP A POLE. Watching the game between the Athletics' Yanigans and Baltimore at Shibe Park yesterday afternoon lUsr r-lioto .'or THE GOVERNOR IN TOWN. He was snapped at noon yesterday as ho chatted with J. B. Hutch-nson, a former Pennsylva nia Railroad ofllciul. They met at Broad and Sansom .-treets "-i mi 10 r 1 DURING THE INITIATION. Members of the South em High School fraternity brought E. Mnnsky and II. Babbits to Independence Hall and made them play "horse" I.Mzct rhoto Senlcs MOVING AN ELEVEN-TON MACHINE. It is being tnken from tho second floor of the David Weber & Co. factory, Fifth and Locust streets, to be loaded on the wagon Ledger rhoto ,prlc DOING A 440-YARD. Girls at Cambridge, England, in the tryouts for the international races Central fos I'hoin 7 . jM IHF.MSTK THIR1KLN I RA I ERN'ITY selec-tel toda.v s limerick winner. The missed one mcmbei, vh, nobdd knoun Names, leading left to light (first rou)' Harry W. Lank, George F. Brough, George C. Hi-nnnl, .irl V. Judiclf. Albert .Schclllcr; (back row) George B. Lex, Harry F. Hauck, LcRoy Single-.( ail Sandbtrgcr, William E Tribit, Gcoigf L. Pchocnberg, Jnmes McCallister MRS. WILLIAM B. ABBEY discusses housing in Phila delphia in an Editorial Page interview f. v j mr . wd k h n (. '. 11 i-.fi . .r l ammoi law iB I 'fl SPEECH-READING CLUB AWARDS JACK .1 INGLE PRIZE. Captains and lieutenants in tho campaign to raise ?5O,n00 for the Speech Reading clubhouse at 100(1 Locust strcot formed n Jingle Jury. From left to right (sitting), Rose Knizie, Louise K. Holman, Priscilla Magoun, Mrs. A. E. Wood, Mrs. II. F. Weeks; (standing), D. J. Hotchkiss. Mrs. Bruce Ford, E. L. Whitakcr, Mrs. A. L. Smith, L. H. McKec and I). Ellis Lit REGAINS HIS VOICE. It was during an airplane flight at nn altitude of 14,000 feet that Henry A. Renz, Jr., of Washington, underwent this change Central Noun rhoto GOING TO CITY HALL. Judge Oilady, of the Superior Court, going noith on uroau btreet yesterday afternoon Lods-cr Tliolo iv r e THE BEAUTY CORNER "M 'D riTV'C H'MDLTDC A Mn T'U A T Tl IITV r- m Iii W1' iW i'iH ' lTT '"'SKVHTV"'! c , . . r,. ,r- ...K,r-i i 1 r RUBIN hlinvAUl' NU I U IIWD weldm" a condenser head i a shin at the National Electnt Welding Company, G North Twentieth street Letter I hoto aervlto. MRS. WILLIAM II. TAYLOR (left) and Miss Dorothy Mlddlcton appear in "Farm Folks" for tho benefit of the Home tor Aged Couplc3 and Aged Men, Bala Ledger I'hoto Brvlot. MISS ELIZABETH MOHN. Sho is a mcmbei' of tho Vassal- College players, now touring tho country RE.SERVl PNTROLMAN JAMES TOMPKINS, who liab been a member of tho police force for nineteen years, is stationed at Twelfth and Arch streets. Ho Is 52 years old and lives at '2.122 Bouinsireoi Udgcr t'liuiu ui vu. J. BORTON yKKKSl president of tlio Keystono Automobile Club, who is doing much for hotter roads ledger I'hoto Seivlco. MISS IRENE RUBIN 2540 South Sixth sticct Philadelphia .& m 1 i t ,,... . .. rtMhh&fm,M