1 . ' J i' ' -v . 1 -,'-. " '! : .- rfii , r -'v " -y ' "-, - - ;;,. 22 EVENING PUBLIC LDGERr- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1921 r ie rii arTii,r. "Ti'j miiiiiran.irT , .- .. J J i it - aic) 'US.1-1 W LMf USft YltiK si I. i i TS t! , J I 8 sa-ir IF mi I' t-il. ill FA' to ft " ss Sound Economy Is not only avoiding extravagance, but fore seeing any loss and providing against it. In times like these, it is the soundest kind of economy for every manufacturer, every wholesaler, to safeguard against unforeseen, abnormal credit losses. Money invested in a premium for the American's Unlimited Policy of Credit Insurance is the wisest money you can in vest. You cannot afford not to do so. Ask to sec the hundreds of recent letters re ceived by the American Company from leading bankers, manufacturers and whole salers testifying to the broad, constructive benefits of our service. Consider firms like the Wcngcr, Armstrong Petroleum Co., Chicago. They write: "Your adjuster railed upon ui lody to settle our claim against one of our debtors who was recently placed in the hands of a Receiver. The firtt pan of this month we filed our rlaim with you under our policy of Credit Insurance. Today we have your sicht draft for f 9JI0.9S, in pay ment of the loss. Your promptness in paymrnt and jour manner of hand ling the matter were exceedingly pleasing to us." Take prompt ttept to avail yourselves of the Service of the American' j Unlimited Policy. To get the full facts and ficures won't obligate you a bit. Why not write or phone for them uday? PaymtnU t$ Ptl'tcy hitters ir $10,000,000.00 AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY. CO. Of NEW YORK E. M. TREAT, president i.tuis sTNono unlimited roucic W. J. MORPHY, Manager J. F. McFADDEN, G.n.ral Ag.nt 1011 Chestnut St. Phone: Filbert 5502 Philadelphia, Pa., YOU GET YOUR MONEY ANYWAY AND PROMPTLY WHETHER WE COLLECT YOUR BAD DEBTS OR NOT AND you know when you get it. That's what a Credit Insurance Policy in the "London" means. No doubts, no worries, no losses on cov ered accounts. No amount of precautlonon your part can abso lutely prevent credit losses, but the "London" can and does pay them and "loss" in this connection Is construed to mean any account covered under the Policy that the debtor dots not pay at maturity. Why wait for another account on your books to become a "loss"f It won't obligate you to ask us for particulars. OUR SUPEIV SERVICE AT YOUR. SERVICE Losses Paid In AnwteariCurreTuy Established Eighteen Sixtninc LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT COMPANY LTD. It. A. IRVING, General Agent .. . .. . . . jw.jv ji lit. i..... u. t.'.....i.. . V At tin It Hell I'EOnei LimDru ! oi wmui r, neini'iii-!; .iniii -ui lllilaAtmiM IIIA - L 4 Helping the Railroads to Meet Future Traffic Demands With vastly improved facilities and with a temporary lull In industrial activities, the railroada of the country are meeting no difficulties in handling all business of fered. The big problem before the railroads Is the over hauling of wom and defective equipment, and getting ready for the next rush of business which will come in the not far distant future. We are equipped to furnish all kinds of duplicate and repair parts for locomotives and to overhaul and re build engines In our own shops. THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS PHILADELPHIA NAVY AIDS LEGION 0 MAS -IE TIN Marines and Sailors to Take Part in Parado at Loyalty Gathering EXPECT CROWD AT BALL The nnrr In eo-operntlnR with the effort of the- Atnerlrnn Legion ntul civic societies In thrlr rffortH to mako the patriotic demon tratlon next Thurnlay n mio cfM. Two com panies) of marines. three companleH of Diurjackctn a n I the nary yard band will be sent into line to swell the marrhlnff (linn. Minds. The contingent from the ynrd will b In charge of Commander Mc Glasson. Additionally from the nnvy, one of Its highest nfflcrm. Tlenr Ait. rnlrat Robert K. Coonta, chief of the bureau of operations, will come from ahlnsrtou and will address the audi ences at the mass meetings at the Arademy of Music and the Metropoli Inn Onern House. T'renn rations to tnke cure nf lier.ireen three and Ave thousand gucata Iiavn been made by Fourth Nnral District rout (no. nu at Its nail at the licilc-ue-Stratford tomorrow nlrht. W. J. Creamer, commander of the post, announces that n number nr tpc rial features mid novelties will bo. sprung. Including a movHng.plcture film of the ball which will be taken, developed and Miown in the space of half an hour. The Mothers of the 1017 Regular have turned over to the Brown and Lnch Post, No. 1). of Eaeton. 51000 for tho posts building fund. A cam nnlcn for n community bulldlnc is be ing undertaken Jointly by the Legion poM and the Ktwanls Club. Service men who have done foreign duty with the army, the navy or too marine corps will meet tomorrow nlrht at the home of Illchnrd A. Ilamsey, .1.18 warren avenue, ramtien, to form a post of Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. The proposed post will bo named 'Captain C.eorge 8. Hutchcr Post" in honor of that otlicer. who wasKiuco in France while serving with the 111th Machine-nun Hattallon of tne Twenty ninth Ditlnlnti. Membership In the organization. Veterans of Foreign Wans, Is limited to men who have seen service in the military establishment of the t'nlted States in loreign countries, n conic the nearest of any body of service men to containing men who have "really smclled tho smoke of battle." On the committee In charge of or ganization are William J. Parker, Wil liam W. Tomlln, Hlcbard A. IUmsey and George U. Andernou. "SNAKE" BEING "SCOTCHED" Phlpps Election Bill Will Be Re stored to Original Form fly a Staff Coi-respondent HarrUbnrg, Va... April n. The Phlpps rrlmary election bill which had beeu amended in the House elections committee m to legallre wholesale as slstanre to voters, is now back in the Houc committee for restoration to Its original form. As offered by Senator Phlpps, w'ho along with Representative Kdmonds, of Philadelphia, would not stand for the "snake" amendment, the bill provided for the handling of ballot boxes. As amended, it would have knocked out the present law requiring affidavit of Illiteracy or physical dis ability, before assistance could be granted. "The amendments will be strirken out," said Representative Glass, after the bill had been recommitted, "but It wasn't dangerous." Opportunity for Salesman Investment Banking In stitution with national organization has open ing in local office for experienced salesman. In answering please state age, experience and education. Box C 735, Ledger. GOSSIP OF THE STREET A Young and Progressive Sales Agency 1II rM-"t ft rflUMr rompanr drtlrlnt to mrM n rtWI of merit. Na fHrctcB nr Ion1 cu. tisnc.rn ornn; rropoaala rHrlSmdn CITIES SERVICE COMPANY BANKERS SHARES Monthly Dhtribution No, 26 lUnry l. Peharty at Company announce that tht Twentyllh Monthly Dlalrlbutlon n Cltlaa Srvle Dankara Hharta, payabla pn Hay ?4, 121. to Danktra Hharea nf Itaoora April J 3th. 131. will tx SB rnta n h nanktra Phar. How to Trade THE ATIJINTIO BKnSINO COJtrATY I'hlladtiabla. I. April 5 1021. k, m Muffin At tha Board or Dlrtrinra hfM Arll 1. 2l aivMaml of t,7S prr Shftn waa JUra on the. Prfrr.i Slock nf tha naa t tha Company, payabla May I. mi, ti lockholnara of record at tha cla of bull i April IS 13I. Ohreka will b malli1 y , li, Anuniinutii miuirri rxnr.riAL flcoAn rtrriWNn ro, March 18th. 1021. Tha raanlar quartarly dividend of Onf an) tbrveiiartara prr tent (14) on lha Common Sharaa and Oiia nnd orwclialf Mr rrt m on tha Prrfarroi Sharai of thla Coinpsnr. will hi paid May ti, 1M1. lo aiakholdar of racord al tha clou of bull S.aa April 3M. 1031. Tranafer Uka will Dot eloaa. pJBnnE j BMrT Traa.urar. INTEBNATIO.VAL TAPKK Co! Naw Tork. March 30, InSl -n.A finard or Dlractora hava daclarcil a rtrular quartarly dlvtdand of ona and ane- lift f per rant (1V7.) on lha praferrcd capita itoek of thla Company, payabla April IS. 1M1. to pratarrtd atoekheldrra nf racord ut tfci oleaa of hunlntaa April S 11)2 j, ,fr OWEN BUKPIIEItU. Tranaurar. 4& WKPARTMRNT Or" rmMC HAITTTT nireetor'a Office, Room 1 14. City If all I'hlladtlphla. April i, 1021. saled propomla will ha racalvad at thla nfllca. Itoom 213, City Hair until Monday, April 111, 1W1. at It n'rloob ooan, for the following: nfnEAt' or rmn. imiahinc compin Ono Hlnl-Scrw titaol Fire noat I'lana and arclflcatlnna can be sbtalnrd at the offlca of Corntll a Matthawa, Hnnm 712. Kullttln nulldlnir, upon thi dapoalt of 110, Thla aum nlll bo rnfundod upon tha ralurn of aald apaclncatlona In an undamaitd con dition, and within ona weak after date of aubinlMton of bid Contractor! to cuarantra tha amploymant ni nan out compeieni ana nrat.ciaaa work' ir.cn. wno are cuiiena ot tna united Platte; no workman to b coneldrrod ti comnatent and nrat claaa who ara not duly aklllcd In their raeprctive branches of labor, and who anal! be paid auch rataa of wain and tor auch hours of work aa ahall tx the eilabliahed and current ratra of wa paid for auch houra of work by amptoera of rrcamted labor In tha do'n of elmllar work aa provldfd by Ordinance of Councils ap proved JJecember 10, 1001, Illda from nthera than thoee enraard In actual builnaia In tha renaral branches (pedfled will not be considered or enter tained. Tha contractor will he required to comply with the Act of Aeeembly of July 18, 10lT ralatl(e to Workmen's Compensation In suranca and proof must bo furnished the I'epartmenl by said contractor that he lia accepted the provisions of aald Act and In sured hla liability thereunder, or stcund exemption therefrom No bids will be considered unless accom panied by a certlfleata from tha City Ho fleltor, In accordance with Ordinance nf Council", approved May 2S. 18(10. requiring proposal bond In all cases v. here tho amount aieeeda 1300.00. The Dlraetor reserves the rla-ht lo reject any or all bids, or parta of bids, aa may ha deemed boat for tha Interest of the T" JAMEfl T. CORTEI.TOt;. Director. UAM'FACTVRKRH ANI1 KhTAIIMHIIhU deals a deslrlnv to bid for supplies for tLe ;lte llosp.tnl for the Insane, Danville. ' dtirlnir tha year Uxlnnlnc June I 1U2I can address the undersigned statlnr what class of .cod. it i. "VrSc'fttJivns, ((toward. in the Market and other rule3 and methods of interest to traders are given in our free booklet, "The In vestors and Traders Guide." It tells: The General Rules of Trading The Rights of Stock and Bond HoldersThe Deposit Requirements for Car rying Stocks How to Give a Broker Instruc tions Broker's Com mission Charge s How to Indorse a Stock Certificate How to Group Invest ments. Call, phone or write for No. TU-397 Ait lor lattit available mull aaj on any activi lacsruy. jg JONES & BAKER Spteialiiti in New Yorh Curb Market SecuritUt PHILADELPHIA OFFICE WIDBNER DU1LDINO TtUphonet Bell, Locust 4710 Kaystonc, RftCa 2290 BALTIMORE OFFICE 4JJ EQUITABLE BUILD1N0 TlpbenStPuU4Jl OfTicavs In 8 Principal Qtl Otract Private WUa. In anlte nt tli fnt that: nil thma coDcernoa In operations In the stock loan nisntet ajreo that the short Interest now existing is the largest ever known in the history of Wall street, the bear clement continued Its reckless plunging yostcrtlny nu may un expected to resume concen trated attacks nn ln afler Issue with out rcs-nrd to developments or clinngctl Business prospects. It has been commented on by many of the Important Wall street Interests, that the borrowing demand for stocks Is now so extensive that commission bouses aro alilo to land enough stocks to materially reduce their money re quirements and thnt It Is this situation which hn's been reflected In the fnlllng off In money transactions In tho stock exchange as low as Jfl.000,000 a day. Ordinarily, the loan In call money ranged at or above $30,000 u dny. Many Uncertainties Ahead It Is not often n new week opens with so many uncertainties confronting It ns the market did yesterday. To start off there was tho American Hect Sugar dividend, which the directors saw fit to omit nt this time. Then there was con siderable doubt as lo tho Mldvalo and General Motors dividends, which arc to be acted upon this week. Home big sur prises were promised for the American Smelting and Refining annual meeting, and, if any credence could be placed on street cossln. the. Sttidrbaker nnnua'i meeting may perhaps produce something out ot tne ordinary. Supplemental gthese llvc-wlre factors was the pending railroad labor board decision, the unanswered railroad wago controversy and the Cngllsh cool strike. Btlll another big stumbling block, and ono-csncclall.v prolific of uncertainties, was the reconvening of Congress uext week. Enrh and all of these influences spelled caution. Western Money Conditions Unchanged Like in the East, fundamentally, money conditions in the Wot present no change. All lines of business snow a hulling and uneven course and with llouldation of loans being carried on from day to dny, bank are being placed In a stronger position. At the same time there is an urgent need of easier credit among manufacturing ana mrjus trial lines of trade more especially all interests concerneu In building construc tion. Much Interest and comment Is mani fested as to when a reduction in dis count rates will be forthcoming among the Federal Reserve Institutions. No conservative banker appears ready to commit himself to any very definite pol icy as to the financial course liable to be seen in the near ruture. .Most. Dan ers, however, cxpresn themselves as be lieving the crlfls has passed, and that while the recovery In business is slow, there arc signs of a moderate and grad ual Improvement. Traffic Movement Continues Light Officials of railroads operating cast from Chicago and St. l-iouls report traffic conditions as little changed. There has been nothing In developments to stimulate any larger movement of coal, which continues small, and there Is also a comparatively light run of lumber. The grain movement from the West to the seaboard has been of ion Mdcrablc volume, and both corn nnd oats have been shipped freely, a fair movement of oatH south also being re ported. Flour tonnage is runuln? about the same, considerably under the figures of a year ago. Oenerul mer chandise has picked up n little, but Is less than u year ago. ItulMlncr materials are not moving much more freely than heretofore, but there tins been some increase in struc tural Rteel tonnage. Shipments of auto mobiles has increancd to some extent also. HIcctrlral Apparatus Demanded The whole world is calling upon the I'nltod Slates for electrical machinery nnd apparatus. It bought from us In 1920 more than $100,000,000 worth of material of this character, including telephones, telegraph instruments, in candescent lnmrs, electric fans, heating and cooking nppnratus, motors, Inflat ing and wiring materials, and the thou land and one requirements of modern electrical comforts and conveniences. Our snlcs of this class of mntcrial which wo statistically designate as "electrical machinery and appliances" amounted, says a statement by the Nntlonnl Pity Hank of New York, to less than $20, 000.000 in 1014, JlOl.000,000 In 1020. anil will probably exceed $150,000,000 In 1021, for the exports nro now running at tho rate of SlTi.OOO.OOO a month a half-million dollars a day. Telephone alone amouutcd to nearly fJ.OOO.IHK) In the electrical exports of 11120, us against a little over $1,000,000 in 1014, and Incande.Hcent lights over $4,000,000. as against $1 ,.100,000. Of incandescent lamps, the number exported in 1020 was over 10,000,000, agalnkt less than 2.000,000 In 1014; of electric fans In 1020, 72.000, valued at $l..mr..000, against 22,000. valued at $2011 000 In 1014, anil electric motors, the biggest single item nf the group, $1 II. WW, 000 vnlue in 1020, ngainst J.'I.HOO.OOO in 10H. TUB TIlADIMt. MAN JAILED FOR $2.55 TAX Head of Family, Out of Work, Vic tim of Circumstances Michael Hunts, of Chester, out of work for two months, with a wife and three children, was thrown Into Jail for failure to pay his school tax of $2,015. On April 1 he was placed in a coll In Media Jald and was not released until his wife had borrowed M.C3, with which she paid the tax and $4 In costs. There Is said to be a llttlcknown Pennsylvania law which makes It pos sible lo put a man In Jail for failure to pay bis school tax. What is more, he can be kept there until the tax Is paid; his clothes can bo taken from his back, bis household goods seised and the benefit of debtors' exemption Inw denkd. The mnn'R arrest was strongly con demned by Arthur Mnrtlti, county poor director, who Investigated the case. Michael MonskI, n laborer, was put In Jail ot tho same time and Mill Is in cus tody for Uic nnmc offense. Blasting Causes Scare Loud reports similar to a crash of artillery shook the southwestern section of the city this morning. Windows tif many homes In the neighborhood of Seventeenth nnd Porter streets were' cracked. Investigation showed the shocks were due to blasting near Point Ilreere. where preparations nrc being made for n building operation. TO SELL INVALIDS' WORK Baskets Made by Vlaltlnrj Nurses' Patients Will Bring Funds A sale of boskets of every descrip tion, made by men and women who arc Incapacitated through IIiucm, will take place at 1340 Lombard street tomorrow. It will be under the nusplces of the Social Service Committee of the Visit ing Nurses' Society of Philadelphia. The baskets, of which thro are hun dreds, wcro all carefully nnd painstak ingly made by pallents of the society under tho direction of nn occupational therapist. It h announced that orders will be taken -for special types of baskets. Reorganization of Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad Company A Plan and Agreement for Reorganization of Chicago and Eastern Illinois Rail road Company, dated March 31, 1921, under which the undersigned have undertaken to act as Reorganization Managers, has been adopted by the Protective Committees whose advertisements are printed herewith. UNITED STATES MORTGAGE AND TRUST COMPANY (No. 55 Cedar Street, New York City) has been appointed to ajt as Depositary for bonds under the Plan and THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK (No. 37 Wall Street, New York City) has been appointed as Depositary for stock under the Plan. Holders of the preferred and common stock of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company and of the following Bonds: Chicago & Eastern Illinois General Consolidated and First Mortgage 5 Bonds, due 1937 Evansville & Terre Haute First General Mortgage 5 Bonds, due 1942 Evans villc & Terre Haute Mt. Vernon Branch Mortgage 6 Bonds, due 1923 Evansville & Terre Haute Sullivan County Coal Branch Mortgage 5 Bonds, due 1930 Chicago & Eastern Illinois Refunding arid Improvement Mortgage 4 Bonds, due 1955 Evansville & Terre Haute Refunding Mortgage 57 Bonds, due 1941 who have not made deposit with one of the Protective Committees, must deposit the same on or before April 30, 1921. All depositors of Stock must make payment of $30 per share, as provided in the Plan. The first payment of $5 per share is payable on or before April 30, 1921. Copies of the Plan and Agreement, to which reference is hereby made for a complete statement of the terms, conditions and provisions thereof, may be obtained from the undersigned. Dated, New York, April 5, 1921. KUHN, LOEB & CO., Reorganization Managers. FIREMEN PRAISED Assistant Chief of Harrlsburg Calls Montgomery Association Best Assistant Klrc Chief William Mor gan, of Hurrisburg, dut-st of the Mont gomery County Firemen's Association, at tho annual meeting lit (Slenslde, lust night ctiiirurtcruco the association as "the strongest of Its type in IVniihyl vanla." The association now has enrolled sixty - four compnuicMiH members. Thcto oBlclals were elected ; President. William T. Muldrcw. of LaMott; vice presidents, II. W. Oul dln, of Pnttstnwii; 12. K, Kills, of Wcl (Jon i Harry llurrls. of Wytidmnnr; bec H'tnrirs, A. C. Llvercood, of Norrls town, and J. Norman Kline, of .Tenklti town; treasurer, William .1. Devlne, of Ambler; solicitor, Frank X. lteiinlnger, of fJlenslde; chaplain, the llcv. IJr, William Ilnrnes Lower, of Wwicotc; trut-tccH, Harry Hickel, nf NorrUtuwn ; Thomas Dlehl, of (JlenHlde, and A T. Clayton. Jr., of McKlnley. It wax planned to hold the unniial bannuct In Norristown the night of April 30, and the customary demom-tra-tlon at Willow Grove In AuguM. (Vim. liiittt'cs were appointed for both cwiits, TO DENATIONALIZE RUSSIA Nolle to holdsrs el Cartlfieal.s of Dapoalt Issued by UNITED STATES MORT OACR AND TRUST COMPANY to da positing bondholders under an agraamaBt dated March IB, 1918. between eueb holders of FUNDED DEDT OF CHI CAGO A EASTERN ILLINOIS RAIL ROAD COMPANY aa ahall become par ties to aald agreement In the manner therein provided (therein and herein designated Depositing Dondholdera), parllee of tho first part, and JOHN W. FLATTEN and othere (therein and herein designated tho Committee), party of the second part. ThlB notice Is particularly called to the attention of holders of certificates of deposit under eald agreement repre senting funded debt of the following taatll.il ! Chicago Eastern Illinois Itallroart Com- pany General Consolidated and First 5 Bonds, due 1937 First Consolidated 6 Uonds. due J3JM First Extension 6 Bonds, due 1931 nvansvlllo and Tcrro Hauto TUIlroad Company First General 6 Bonds, due 13 nefundins 5 Bonds, due 1941 First Consolidated 6 Bonds, due 1921 Mt. Vernon Branch St Bonds, duo 1923 Sullivan County Coal Branch 6 Bonds, due 1930 Evansville Celt Tbillway Co. First 6 Bonds, due 1910 Pursuant to eald agreement of March 15 1915 the Commltteo has this day approved' and adopted a PLAN AND AGREEMENT r u jv "'.,.,: TION OF THE CHICAGO & EAST RN ILLINOIS RAILROAD COMPANY, dated March 31. 1021, under which Messrs. Kuhn, Loch & Co. uro to act as Reorganization Managers, and filed a copy thereof with the United States Mortgage and Trust Company as Do o.ltary at Its offlco. No. 65 Cedar Street. Borough of Manhattan, New lork City. Pursuant to said agreement the Com mittee publishes notice of the fnct of such approval and adoption and Ming The date of first publication of notice Is April B, 1921. Pursuant to said agreement the time (thirty "lays) within which Depositors may file notice of dissent from said plan and agreement shall begin to run from the date of the first publication hereof. In case any Depositing Bondholder de aires to withdraw his bonds from raid agreement of March IB. 1915, he will be called upon to surrender to aald Depos Itary hla Certificate of Deposit properly endorsed If registered and to pay to the Depositary for account of the Commute such amount ss the Committee may In accordance with said ugreement fix as a fair contribution toward the compensa. tlon and expense and Indebtedness of the Committee, and to pay to the Depositary for account of the Committee the amount (with Interest) which may have been advanced by or In behalf of tho Commit tee to such Depositing Bondholdei on the bonds or obligations thus to he with drawn In accordance with tho termo of the agreement of March IB. 191B. Copies of tho Plan may bo obtalnod from the Depositary or the Secretary of the commuter. Soviet Government Makes Conces sions to British Capitalists Paris April fl. flly A. P.) -De., nationalization nf IltmMiiu Industries to permit exploitation of various works by foreign roncesnlonaries ulll begin with Hellish -owned' properties, accord. Ing to an official Moscow uireicsH mes sage today, At (licctiswions in tno novieis, iirereti ing tho decision to allnw foreign cnpl tallstH to operate In Ilussln, speakers declared It would otherwise bo Impos. Bible to re-establish tho economic situ, atlon. Una!. April r.. (Ity A. P.) De. spite the new trade agreement between Great Hritaln nnd Soviet Ilussla, the largest proportion nf Ihn extremely small amount nf goods entering Hussla through Kutlioula continues to be of American orlglu. . Dated, New York, April B, 1921. JOHN W. PLATTEN, Chairman JOHN W. ALLING JOHN E. BLUNT, Jr. FRANKLIN Q. BROWN CHARLES R. BUTTS FREDERICK H. ECKER ROBERT FLEMINO DONALD C. QEDDES WILBUR 3. JOHNSON OTTO H. KAHN HAROLD PALAGANO JOHN J. FULLEYN MELVIN A. TRAYLOR Committee ,OSEplI p. COTTON. Countel. C VLVKRT BREWER, Heeretary, ' SB Cedar Street, New York City. UNITE.D STATES MORTGAGE AND TRUST UUBirAW. WVOHIVi To Holdera of Certificates of Deposit for EVANSVILLE A TERRE HAUTE RAIL ROAD COMPANY FIRST GENERAL MORTGAGE S BONDS, due April 1st. 1042, Issued by THE FARMERS' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Depositary, under Agreement dated April 21st, J0IB, between holdera of aald bonda who ahould become partlea thereto and the Committee therein named, AS?,lS?.T,BjAV.e.bX.f:lven lnat a PLAN AND AGREEMENT FOR TH" REOR OANIZATtON OF CHICAGO A EAST fcRN ILLINOIS RAILROAD COMPANY dated March 31st, 1921. under which Meers. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. aro to net as Reorganization Managers, has been pre pared nnd adopted by tho undersigned Committee, nnd that a copy of said Plan and Agreement has been filed with The farmers' Ixan and Trust Company, the Depositary tinder the said Agree ment of April 21st, 1915. Any holder of n Certificate of Deposit Issued under salt! Agreement of April 21st. 1015, may, within tho thirty-day period prescribed by said Agreement, file with The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, the Depositary, at Its office. No. 22 William Street. New York City, a written notice of dissent from salt! Plan and Agreement, specifying date or dates and the number or numbers of tin Certificates of Deposit held by him. Un less holders of outstanding Certincates of Deposit Issued under said Agreement of April 21st. 1916. representing more than fifty per cent In amount of bonds de posited under said Agreement shall file such written notice of dlesent from said Plan nnd Agreement In the manner and within the period In said Agreement of April 21st, 1015, prescribed, said Plan and Agreement shall be effective und binding on nil holders of Certificates of Deposit Issued and outstanding under raid Agreement of April 21st, 1915, and all such holders will heconio parties to said Plan und Agreement without the Issue of now Certificates of Deposit. Copies of said Plan and Agreement, to which reference lx herchv nindp for a full statement of the terms, conditions nnfl provisions thereof, may lie ohta neil from the Depositary under said Agree ment or April ist. iir. Dated. New York, April B, 1921. FREDERICK J. LISMAN, Chairman ELLIS W. GLADWIN AUGUSTUS V. HEELY ASA 3. WING HAROLD PALAGANO Committee, OELLER, ROLBTON 4 BLANC, Counsel. GRAHAM ADAMS, Secretary. THE FARMERS' LOA.V AND TRUST COMPANY. Deosltury. To Holdera of Certificates of Deposit ol THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Issued under Deposit Agreement dated May 28, 1013, repro eentlng aharea of COMMON STOCK or aharaa of PREFERRED . STOCK OF CHICAGO AND EASTCRN ILLINOIS RAILROAD COMPANY. Referring to tho abovo-mentloned De posit Agreement, the undersigned Com mltteo hereby glvea notice that It has, by resolution adopted by the unanimous vote of tho members of the Committee, adopted a PLAN AND AOREEMENT FOR TH.; REORGANIZATION OF CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RAILROAD COMPANY, under which Messrs. Kuhn. Loeb & Co, are to uct as Reorganization Mansgern. mid linn niari copies of such Plan und Agreement with The Equitable Trust Company of New York, the Depositary of the Committee, at its ottlce, No. 37 Wull Street, In tho City of New York. Tho Equitable Trust Company of New York has formetl u syndicate to under write the cash anneexment to bo paid under the Plan by tho holders of Com mon and Preferred Stock Euch holder of u Certificate of Deposit Issued under tho iiboe.mentloned De posit Agreement shall he conclusively presumed to have assented to such Plan, Unless he shall, within twenty days from the date of tills notice, htte fllnl with the Depositary written notice of his dh sent therefrom, and shall within the same time nave wiintirawn from the Deposit Agreement In accordance with the provisions thereof, All dcposltora of stock must make pay ment of $30 per ahare, aa provided In the Plan. The first payment of IS per share Is payabla on or before April 30. 1021. Copies of the Plan and Agreement of Reorganization may be obtained from the Depositary or tho Secretary of the Commltteo. ...... Dated. New York, April B, 1021. ALVIN W. KRECH, Chairman HENRY It. rUKTfclt W. EMLEN ROOSEVELT CORDON ABBOTT 3EWALL II. FESSENDEN W. REDMOND CROSS HORACE J. MORSE HENRY A. VERNET Committee. Committee representing Holders of Chicago & Luatern Illlno's Rail road Company Preferred and Com mon Stock deposited under an Agreement dated May 28, 1913, MURRAY. PRENTICE k ALDR1CH, Counsal. RICHARD R. HUNTER, Secretary. 37 Wall Street, New York City. THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY UF NteAV YORK, Ucptwltary, T- tJ-U . . 1U37, deposited undar nAnJl..lj -' Cl tectlve Agreement, dated August 3 191s" defined ,?p?,,,r,; "a U "" cfm'"" 'nd th ""'"signed Pim? nil '"""'d agreement, tho Com. .i.ee.ilaH f"rm,'lned. In co-operation MnrVhlT' W "" '"V1 Kwment dated Knh?. iJAk'I2: Und,'r whlcl Messrs. g-inlzatlon Managers for the reorganlza. tlon or .imminent of tho affairs fit the nnr,??0,, J"1'- ,ll,no"' ""UroadCom. pany, that a copy thorcof Una iin "odi4WolVa,,d vAlt i" on&" .No. 140 Broadway, New York Cltv thai aWs" 0,h.fl'-"cllnr irM'i jirn o, i.i.'i ; that, pursuant to nald "D.enm,1"t..,lttt0J Auust 3. 191B. evtry Depositor" under said agreement n deeded ,Wj' w, bn nXVve-" r.!i nnvc "tented to said nlan and agreement and to be bound thereby the date of tho first publication hereof fie will, ad Depositary a writ ten notTce J..&1 f,"',a"1 .!'" nd agreement! traREMH Valve seats planed I poiluvBi and new valves furnished, Allll kinds of engine repairs. ' ! 1'nnne W I. 1814 nnd Main .... a. aa at . '" I SECURITY SAr.PSM A splendid opportunity for . H SS?i Vfe'TnVM latrnrW. .inrlc1 fiv n.. -..- .viTriaB -i:r f" oatriisiBai .. iaM nn tji..p - ':. ' vsar-ifi." ",0 "" '"'," "Hi MR. JACHHON. m Wldentr nu. Lawrence E. Brown & Co CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTAUTi lOJOIUiAL 1WTATE TUU8T mV? S2E! rW. Wi 21 pirVSr JKft Safe Bonds fir Investmp HALSEY, STUAR1 W Inc. WHY him no Investor erer IoTTjJ of principal or Interest on an. J rttr bought of N. iv. Htriua 4 ( , fnv tw.ntli n , -j . "' nrl Mhy, " " 8. W. KTriAIfB JP. nr. Stork P.tehange Illdg.. Ihll30t,hu FINANCIAL withdraw fronv AuKUHt i ii is ..T "J" "tent oaten Vi.i ' ,i5 n"(1 mnlo payment as herein provided, and ..Iho renav i-ith depos'tcd Mrni mX n1c'H made u T,m" by :,ai? ?rosltary or said Commute,: nSX i. mo lomniltten has fixed nn iui oent of the iirlnclnnl .,,!? .n?.?r hy each Denonltor i,. - M .nl.l ..' - ' ' ?'" with.,.. .... "" -".l-uaiior --.....,. 1IIJII1 nillfl lliralaktHA..t a. amount which he must ,ay 'to ward e expenses of the Committee ,muir" " watcu, ev -jork, Apr'l 5 19"j ygYEVANS. Chairman SAMUEL F. HTREIT FRANK ti. WEEKS SIMPSON. THACHER. UAml? A-CK IUI.STi:n, r""1' 02 Cedar Street. New Yorlr nitx, OUAiV;TV TIIIW m OI NEW YORK, Depositary. Nolle. tTholdsTi of C.rtir.rai, i o "i. ii.ucn ny UNITED STATP unnV CACE AND TRUST COMPANY "J posltlnr bondholder, under .n . d" ment Sated Msrch 25 ini.".".'"': auch holdera of between AND lMPRnvr'uV,, 'i. 'i'jyPINQ the 1014. R iovNshormco iiiuu HAIIHOAn 4 EASTEHM COMPANY issued unde "uf'i KI ",ued under the Refunding J:LT'rVorae.DT"ru.U: Ti .i" " '""". ' W ree rn.nl In the manner therein provided (therein si" herein designated Deposl,- ?' (therelr, .nd herein deslgna'ted th. Commute.), p.r,y 0, ,. 'fJ mlVtliB"Uhn.t. ",.Mal', 1re"i'nt the Com niltteo has thin day npiirnved and adopted a PLAN AND AORP.'MPVT FOR REORfJANIZA'I ' ON (W THK CHICAOO & EASTERN II I TVOIS 31. J9.M, under which MeRt-rs. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. are to act as Ileo.gunlza o Inl ed states Mortgage and Trust Com. p.iny, na DepoHltnry under said nirree" ment at Its oHlce. No. 65 Cedar Street. UoroUKh of Manhattan, New York City Pursuant to said agreement the Com ml t tee publishes notice of tho fact of such approval nnd adoption and fllltur. April1 ""lMl".1 ,,U,JllCtttlon of notlcJ,R ,.iu.rBU!lnt l. ")'' "("eeruenl thn tlmn '"'li-ty days) within which DcpoBtns Pondholders may tile notice of ,wm from sali plan and agreement Slmll llfS run from tho date of tl.o nrsl publication hereof, ul "rsl In case any Depnaltlna; iirnurtt i ngreeme called upon ttA...ii.. j to withdraw hla bonds from sa ,1 nt of March 25, VJU, he will h. Don to Kirrn ,Ur i I' ,".' J.V1." "" fry his Certlflcal of Depos' properly endorsed f rer aturorl nn,. . .. .,r.1' Depositary for acwunt of The roSmlt" tee such amount as the f'onrmfij mX Dated, New York, April B, 1S21 JOHN W. PLATTEN ru'i JOHN W. ALllNO ' Chlrmn JOHN E. BLUNT. Jr FRANKLIN Q. DROWN CHARLES R7 nUTTS FRFDrRICK H. ECKER dSnaldWe'ds harold palagano JOHN J. PULLEYN MELVIN A. TRAYLOR JOSEPH P. COTTON, rounse?0mmU," CALVEItT nilEWEH'. SecreTary. .... fi6 wlar Street, New York Cltv UNITED STATES MORTOAOE XND TRUST COMPANY, Depositary0 EAST rtKAIl BlIHIBCOLUFJlTrT . Nlnldng Tund Notlre c0' rJL"uJi,t . l0 . Sinking Fund , n the I MortgOBo of l.'aat rtar rtM.f itarv rnmnmv a itm.ii... w7 ."'111 T Trustee, dated May I. Ifttn .,.iS,m' ..i. fn ii.. .i. I...U i..v'i. ,la Dr. P anV Truite-e." at a VoYejSS S per centum of par. plua aeerurd lnt..T a aunvient numb.r of bonds IsiVii'I1 Id Morlaage lo take up .'"."'J 131.470 will be race ved at tn, $?,.. '? ISStfr Sfh ??: ViW Mr2,.Hfi 12 o'clock nooni bond accptu to u rnrlrd for rr1mntlAn ..... ."'I DrfAti. m.v 1. trial" Iie" tr rfete i (iimqrtpnin, larcn xm, H2lt iniVTiVnnnu iatw n.. . ' rOMPANv' hitST MORTuVE?l .H'.VE 1. 1047. ".',!, ivY., ;-.', VK,Bft iv'n'u'n. aw bffiui IIA T IUHT V fiAFn' depit"!! P. m.. on the JSih dny of Aarll, ltl ta redemption of bonda at th.Bej.tiau, 1-jrlod, June 1. 11)21 a. described ,, C'llH.at. preference to t riven by thi TrB Truitea rpvH ih tirt, A ..i...'v ' all nndrii. Interent on bonda o purchi ( Propose la ahould l directed as foTle nf ih Huntlnadon Valley Lltht and hi j. ...i.i. 1 . u.i.ucipiiia. trust conn Uroart street emce. N. K. cornVi "H...."..,iVv.".'.r,J!' at anelpMa." I'HILDBlJ'llIA- TRUBT COMPANI, Py JOHN C. WALUfcr. Philadelphia, April 5. 1 021!""""' ifIttNP.JR.JFPA, MININO COMTAN7 1 HINT JIOTlTOAtli: 0 I'lOl CENT TWrii um nvi? laff'WNVi VtSib'da ......-. linn 11.11 The tinderolgned Invite, tenders of i z.x:z v;..:.u.r'TngK,."r..r"?"!nM teedlnft 102U per cent'of par. plus ittrt In Winking Pund, and also any addiua rum that may tm paid to It for 1 Kinking Kund prior to closing on the lull Henled tenders, stating numbers of In offered, addressed to Philadelphia T: Company. Itroad street office. X. E. UroHd und Chestnut strreta, rhlUdtlgeB Trustee, rUnk'ng Fund. Monroe Coal .MlaW ii, t' ""rigago 0 rer trnt DoaB "l,,-.rr..rrrr,ru until is m.. ,prii iw. IPifJ PIIILADKLrillA TrtUST COMPAVtP tfVII. W. IVAI.LAl.1 Trtiiu rhllad.lnhla. Anrll R. 151. KAhTON oah'""i"vork yinst Cfl HOMDATKD SIOnTQAOK CENT IIONDS. DUE JULY 1. II . The undersigned Invite, tenders of til TvAS !! m rne. ajla ana iS.Hn.a.i .... J . iiiit ", tv uautrir un oi .grui accrued lntrt, to abiorb $8180.60, I now available In tflnkln Fund, jcrtir-.. irimcii, iWUnK IIUniOfTI OK fiiTrrrilf adtlrenaed to Olrard Truit Comw TrUritee. HlnUlntr Fund, Eaaton Oai ,Va ririi v.onno!iun,(et4 10 iraso i ive Jir Ilondx. will la received until IZ m 27 1MI. tillleWl!) TKUHT COMPANY. Trort QICOnOK II STUAUT 8d TretnnJ I'm uuvijuaia. j ., April it jv.'i Annnal MffMnra Cdr tllA.Jiu..Lul.l LU.U. lUMtJ uni ki xa Bouto xutru strsi rnuaaeiDnia. Aiarco i"j. i The Annual Alevting ot the titocknoldij tne wesimoreiana voai i-ompany win at the uttiitf of tna Company, on IWdi Auril 8th. IU31. at 12 u'eloek 11000. 1 election of three directors ta serri tear, and for all such other husltutl nay properly coma before the mettlnr. IIOWAItn n. YKAHSLEf. 8iciiUiN m IdltajH i . I.0SX AND 70TJND CUHTIFIt'ATr.P Lost, tempnrnry llcHtes. .Nob. f ,-il(l nnd r MT. 10. Iinmiliatliinii of Ilntl each, nf the 1111 TI phone I'n. of Pennsylvania i'(l.rr first 1 refunding tnnrtgiige, 7. slnltlnn fun) Imnds, nvrieH A One Ifir. Sullibli ward If returned to a.ril7NJHroiUi DRACELin' U.st, Ap7ir2. nt Whits V' VHlley Hunt Club, flexllile dlnmomi on let; reward. Nutlfy Jinx 157. Wjnotn Narherlh 000. PIN l.oat, platinum Pin with SI ds iltl.er ut Stanley Theatre or Whilst ewnrn. Merinn ."Ho lIVnf....l .ll.ii.int.il ..... nln t.rrh!!l II and l.ncunt ate.: liberal reward. W I'nplur TJD. Hntnl Ixirralne. Bl'lTCAHU Lost In West 1'hlls, tttM hat, toHt und suitcase, routalnlns tj eardii, ele.. return especially the wm cards. iHHI Ialllmoro ave. WATCH In Ilroad St. Htallon. wrist JJ with Initial I M. V. Reward- ."fl Dowd, euro Peileral Container C . ?wl 1 a cum, - 'iii:iT.ulT?.nl. u.;nii.., Jiuiain rtillii phlu ami Nw Uriinswlrk, t" UJ whe mounted wheels, with new Hood" ahrue No Ify Jnn.nli s Hlmmons, i'I tonil, Montelalr, N. J, Liberal rwa'' PBESONAIS ANV one giving Information of John f Hharkey. who left Port Richmond " eara ao, If thuy will write Mrs. !; of y North at,, J'ort Richmond, Biatiiiiw rvJy.. will be conferring n .rest ip f TC-it r .... .. .ii.i- .AJ 1.111. last ...uu iiui na r"i'vneiuic lur ""v.-4.1a contracted by my w fe, Amv a .'"i"i P.DWIN 8. f'lSIJlCIaO! iu iitDsiri nELP WANTED rEMAlB rvnnirMf ii-wdi-ii ...u, iu,B..nV.I itiln In handling ngureai absolutely n?1! to haio hud caparlrnce In l"1 J1 -.nil. -n ..1,14 IIUIII1IIIIK I li-.t. K "...1 books. Including cost experience auWS experience preferred. Koelle-areen''S ;youer!nantuwj eve. tiwvjiww.iwKii, acct. rec. 1 pii."" jr. .U.r.ftn t.tm .i.l.al...ul. k...i tlU9 V"l ' congenliil surroundings, salary "'I van ce ment, t; 7 l r.etiiier uni" I III" iiNL'HSRi wh'te. "rxnirlinc'd. encea. 1'honn Pllbert 1A1. . COOK, whites musT l willing to r ", ....!... a .rn.n iu ..win A.lnnsr. V'll person or phone a'flsr 7 'p. m. Cohwioj' Mrs. Jamea A. Kenney, HO W " liannrt nv. rart iV " ' .... ..'" ""..- 'LTT-ll tiTMll waihlni! ond hornet mention '"Jf.ri.l replylntr. P. O. iiox No, 177, lUvjdli FINISHKUK. txperlencfd on inf11' VVty i-nrjiiuii Lam, -- , Ure Ml,. Stulfnr.l llldtf , wvnthjiw HOl-mcwolK Oenerai. ctrf PWJ1 Iiik, imall ramlly. -.r-0 W lirinfhwi" I'hone Oermantown rtlfll W t HOUaKWOHlC Coiorad lrl tot fill houiftwork In sn&rtmAnt! 3 " '1 ttMi In I'hntiM flormantoivn i37S3 , A'.L.'ifV.v; -.:-L "i i:"-,"liurlPl iiuuacerjfiiv dii mii ' iAtiii ummar. ood wita. lnon " I 171. T AFsV urlli.' K)a..t.1M wmmtinmUtY. If ! nun f loaaai)i s, fviiK"- ',1-i, nhl. work which dois not renulrs "W-a .ill Till WI1I..1... lllrfv . nftar O'SQJlJl Ol'KUATOna ail of the kind tij'JJi'l quce work, quality .na nuamii ,) dresses) week or piecework! Prl?'.;i L' "?.e,S.t'Ilnu,c....V.',Kf0"ug.'iliry 1 uriinail lliuan (4ilil " ' 10th tnd Mt. Vvrnon. t jagOTSfeli J-Tjgsaffl