Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 02, 1921, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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-if v" '
' "V V15 we ' ,.-"'
Returns to Switzerland Tomor-j
row or Monday Via Italy,
Vienna Hears
t the st"clntcil ,,,rss
ri,.in.i. prll ".' - IWr Ki-P-mr
,,. will lmvp KteiutininnRcr foi
S!,,c.'..n.l i.n...rrnw ..Wit or Mon
... ,, s ropmtod h'TC
i. ,.lnnii.il fr Mm In innl.p the
. Li, i..- m ( Univ. nml lii- ''' I
'"hi JVtnrt ..Bfr S llsorliiinl Iihn Lorn
'"...om-'l ' iH-B..tliilli ' rlii
Cl Sin 'v.Tn.i.-i.t fr .nrinllii f..r
K'tJ m- tl...hjlml '
. .. u.nt..iit. Anrll 1! MU
i i- vlfet deliberating M-tenln.v on i
L rrmi'-t '' ""' lsnrinii churRi
,' n I,.- atl-H for former .
e JJ 'iim-lo Ic, irliiril I" SwilBel" '
;XThn ?in, i."..- -';;"''' '"
. tin. icmtPt pi-in ixifinnllj .
P vv p. mi, undertake not only
Jin, f-'-"' n .olltl.-nl l-'op...
aX ' """' k"',"M,1, ,r".",is';- '"'
5,1 Kins onot.ititinr. not to loan I
BwitrVrlon.l v.H''t pi lMi-ly ndvi-.
Inz the niiilintli"- , , .
The frcl.Ml i-oiim. ll hns not vet do i
i.rminrrt whether Charles w i 1 !' "';
Romp. April -' -! A. P. I - unt
sforM f'Trisn se.rrtary. in the Senate.
tter.l!H -rnd n complete agreement
MiMV-il i;-i.-on Hi- Itnlinn. 1 rcnch nml
Jiritldi tinveitii"eiii n to the ncees
Jjfj f ,(1iiiiolline fonn.M- Lmpoioi
Oharlri " Ip"-'' IIntijrnr. .
I hopp tli i- nl b tin- hist occasion
C nhlrh we shrill honor this gentleman
h rrffrrms tu ,"1" ' tI,e u,llia" m''
Hitmen! In adiM.
rri,, i,ni i p.. .a. ! i di-
Miches icccucd by tire 1 renoh Ioroigii
Office trolnv indicate tlrnt fnrmi?." I.ni
wrnr ('liar''"'. bo. '" l'"' belief of of
fifi.il circles lift'1, 'la" boon "Recess
fullv Mceki-l I" bis efforts at rostorn
tioii to the throne of llmiRiirv. will bo
tvnrtcil ha'-k to Siiit"ilmid by allied
Tins guard will bo Riven to protect
bim ny.iin-t manifestations on lonto.
TIip Nntiornil Aseniblv nt Hiiilnpvxt
last inylit v'Hffl tbo opinion t lint tbo
return t" Ilurlnpi'st of former I'm
pnor t'lmrl's 'impoi'lli'd lnv nml
finlfT noisitduiR l" n mes-siiKi.' to tin;
Ent Hump" Aromo fnmi tbo lliiiiRniinn
capital 'I'lii ns-oinlilv ooinloiiiiioil with
thf gp'Tist -oxoriti "this nttrioK on
the i-oiisf initioii ' nml roiiicstrd tbo
joiprnmnii to do IN ntmo-t to t-top
"Mich (list irtmin os
A niiilinn wis ilrriun up oonRrntillnt
In? Admital llortln. the roRent. on hi
ittitudc. ttliiob was coucojcil to bint bj
a fpi'Cia' ibpututlun
Knocked Down by Street-Cleaning
Truck, No One Will Remove It
An ci;hl-cni -old nmplo tioo in front
tl tin' inoporh of Mrs. (i, V. Jlc.M
li'tfr L'liU Suntli llioail snoot, ''
iiiotkoi' dim n In I 'I'nostlny b n tiurk
I tl.o sum hoi n spit inn of tho street -clrnnniR
flip os Sinoo tlial tinio.
tilonifil In .i roil Inutorn nml lil.n'hitiu'
rrafji on t! -iilon nlk, n hns sot llp'oo
ntv iloi.n iinoiits in n wranglp to de
termine ii ln is i('sKiii.siblo for its re
moMil The opiiimii of nil. nooordiiiR
to Ictroi loionod b Mrs. MeAllistor
this nioriunir is ilmt slio slioiilcl lmve
it rcmo m of i. mo. or "it will lie rc
rjoidl ,n the mi iici 's omioiiso "
Af onl ru to Mr MoAllislcr. live
minute nfin tin- tree was knocked
dwn .lie notified tin- r-tioi't-elciiniiiR
dr'sir'niiii mid an insportor utllvil,
ironii-ni(. is rommnl "riRbt nwiij."
No net 'i in nmil tuithor tlmn a 'roil
lantern l m; Initif mi the tree In a
pohi(m.iti f.ill in the Park Com.
tnwiun ih ir.., ihe answer that "if tlio
three mi li.w n it was rlassod as
ilebrn ami i- si,rli shinild be ieinnv.il
hi the llisliii:i Dopnrtmont " The
Ilijtiw.n Drpiiinneiii ilisidninih all le
jiponiln'it m tin- nirnir. shjIhr tliat
It nrli - (nut tlio oiiner shall rciuoie
bll tun, "iMimnoiis. althoiij.il it U ,.
mittM that if Mroot -ideaninj; truck
knoiled , ,w ,!., Mrcoi-eloaninij
Penplo iiiirI t t , ,1, somethiiiB ubi.nt it."
In 'e iiicintnue the tree ih iloiul and
Obstrnel, , M.lewnlk of Mis. M...
ili!'"',ori,i'' l'"r ""iKbbor. .lohr. S
Dwc 21 on south Hrrmil Mrect.
Navy Yard Scene of Activity Pre
ceding Squadron's Departure
Tliedonarruic of ,1(, K1lrth Dtvisi.ni.
th1.. VT't" -,"""; Atlanti.- Pleel. tror.i
tin I lul.uio phi,, Nlll Vm.( (in M
M s ,.,,1!IK hnsj ,,l,uv inoi..
the,, '" '"'"', ":,la,vi" l""lnii-.tion for
rl -liak"dwi. er.il..." to the
ciiil'",i.'1" "'"," ''"'r- i I he Connoeti.
Cinir, i" i'i ,""' "f J!""1- Admiral
J ' H'lKb'N .iihl the battleships
t, '' '': V""1 "blKi'H. Thelirst
(any ,'" '',,,:l"l, "ill l. I'ulehrn.
1""' -"' ,Apt.l 10. IVori. Ihero
!," f"r 8l'"""11 ,lri" " -Mm
,," ' ""'""l "f '"'"" and inspee
''thl'r " """i:1' Koiids on Ma
til, ,-' """' il "I" I"' joined b,l
h,a " ,;,"", N,l4 lampshin. i,d
d' ,,, .n",''1"" " lb" iw divisions
' ..' I ii.iip,. u, ,1,,. mi,hlliM.
ii. Hi. Nawil Aei.dein.i abmud.
Ma"'' Mistake ObllQcS Him to Spend
Night in Jail ',
Am" ?,,f'l", !"'" """", f"" ' "'"
,l'"-' " ..i,"l," ,"""":."".' " " licariHR,
'" In. " '""' M;"!"tlllle I'viee lit
I'irt n. n ",',',',';:!,;" "",l """'i"-
V",!,";1""'' "''"'""bcrr Itaskori.lle. '
"'In m ,!'!' Si'!"' "" ,,a" '"'"sled
""" P. ! M l"v"', S!""1" " K"UI"
"it I, ' "rK l'"'"1 Ibisker-ill.-
Mui ( ..!',';, ".".,s" '""I askoil f,. "Mi,J
lii i. ., , ' I
"I'llir , VTm'" S "" " Mnv'
riln mi. I, '!is V""'"r 'i' ",'1"'-
- ki. t!!1!;r '" "'"' i'-"'"''''-
bni"e'r !'!""."'', H-l"'nillo us iin-
Mi- i I';' , l"' l'-",l",'l to sec
Mirk in- ,, ,' l "l,,,""ii. a doinc.lli
'"f ", V,'1'"" .," ll'-il'irfc be sot
'""a in ! !',:' ,"" '"Bl-lmt
H.ai ,, V r '' ""' '"'i:l'l"K 'ami-K
fierjt,,,,, "''" "" '"'' I J-Jl"' "I'
Conwell BetteP; Will Preach
'"' 'r'n1'. M.'" rVnVn"K f"" il" "t
"II I i ml '.,:1'1- ll1" ll" n- !"
In the upper corner is the caved lii
(nr which hit It.
Conductor, Motorman and Pas
sengers Help Family Out
and Fight Flames
The eiew of a Iridic., inr -ilii'd a
fnmily of five nt ! o'lloek this monnns
when thej diucoifred n fire in the store
below the sleeping ipmrlers of the fnni
ili of .Iiillus I'.oi'liiier, papethntiRor, at
4170 (iermantowii aieiiuo
The lnoforman of tin- car. running
west on lieriiiiintowu aieiuie. saw the
clow of tlatnes thiuiish tlio window of
tlio piiperliiiuscr's oslablislniictit. Ho
elniiRod Ids hell .several times in an of-'
fott to draw the attention of police in
tile nclRhboihood Then he, I lie eon
iluclor and i-iu'iil pasi'iiRi-rs clamored
on the sije iliiiiv of the simp, lendliic
to the livniR iiiai'tors oil the sccnnil and
third floors. '
P.oclnior was the firsi to awake, nnd
as soon as told of the condition of hs
store, he ioiio, his wife nnd their
thrie children Undine. fmirteeii ; '
l'sther. twelio. ami .Mm. two. Itocji.
nor and his wife appealed on the street
a few moments Inter, p,ntl chid, while
the children hud on onlj their nisht
clothes. AH took icfiiRo in tln liouso
of a ticlshbor.
in tlio monutlmo. one of the i:immi
roi's of the ttoiloi li.nl tin noil in a file
ahum Wlieii the Cue lislitius appara
tus ni rued I lie lite was s0ou Rotten
under control.
The ldne was conliued In the first
floor, the store sictinn o the tlllee
Morj brick htiildius. DnniiiRe was i'sti
maled 111 Moelllier at between .'slOIIII
ami S'JOtlO. Wall paper mil- ami fix
tures were destrnjed.
Memorial Service to Be Held at
Eaglesville Sanatorium Tomorrow
The Stanley V. Mnsthiiiini meiiioriiil
eerciso, will'be lield on the si'ouiuN of
the IhiRlesville Sauntoriiiui. near Xoi
tistoiin. toinoi row iifternooii The pro
Rram im hide-, an oveiture In the Stnn
lo Theatre Concert (Ireheslrn. wliiel.
will he followed hj an addio-s In JudRo
l'nttersnn. Then will follow a vaude
ville proRram.
No formal imitations hni" Inou is
sued for the eeli ises. which will stmt
lit 2 :"(' o'clock. A ilelPRiitioii ol llio.it
rical and uiotion-pii tine men fioin ew
York will be picsent. The liiotinll-pic-turc
exhibitors' of Phihulolphi.i will
motor to Knslesville m a bodt
Restrictions Established After Mad
Dog Bites Many Canlne3
Wrsl Chcsfcr, ra.. April 2 -Clie,tei
cniiutj iIor, lime bi pliu'ed iindei
iiuiraiillue because of liulropliohin. flu
liCllon beiiiR dctei mined iiuon todn
niter i mad do" irtaekoil iiiiinv nlaor
animiiN near l.ocustjjiove. There lime
been seveial mad doR seares in tin
Miutlurn si clion of the count) within
the last few nooks and liundtcds of
llnRs linxe been killed
Tb' uoi' whieb 1'iiiseil i limbic mar
I.miistRroio was shot and killed fol
loiVin? a chase of senna! mill-
Deaths of a Day
HFR i&a"i",'if ""''" """ ' '
lllB IIIIIIIIIIIIP wMK J ' f- - -r v - - - lTk
H B8k-. a,BIBBBBM m"Sm
InrBV' t iayjiwj'wiiMI tj ' I . . i,M'
nwwlffiit TltwIfrHBHMBWIIilMfTrl .........-...w tp- i r w, - " HH
Edward S. Strobhar
Ldw.ud S. Stinbhar. cinploied ly
the ltradsfroet Co. for more thnn fort)
i ears, died in a hospital at Mount Ver
non. N. V., Thursihi) , follow lug an op
eration lor appendicitis-. Mr. Strob
har was well known here, wlieie he
represented Itrndstieot's before becom
ing division siiprinfl'iideut with lioad
(pinners in New York
John U. Smith
.1 on ii I. Smith, a which kuoiMi pub
lisher of maps, until hi i el Moment a
year ago. died siidileiili lesterduy while
eating bi'eiikl'nsl in the dining loom of
the Columbia Club. Ilrotid mid Oxfmd
stioels. Mi. Smith wns stricken with
iiMio.ut attack IL was ecut ) -live
year" old
lr. Siniih's phi i I business w.is at
I'il'lh and Maiket streets for fifti yeais.
lie was a M'terau of I lie Civil War mid
u member of scleral orgaui.atioii.
Mrs. Frances Kobus
Mi's, 'i. lines Kohu. widow ol An
llioiii Kohiis. t Iil ycslerdm at her luune
nil the While Horse pike, West Col
litiRsiiood. Shock of her husband's
dentil on November 22 lnr is believed
lo have hastened Mrs. Kobus' death
She wa- ill at the lime her husband
She was a buiR-tnue leshlont of
'minion, and was an active member
of the Catholic Church of SS. Peter and
Paul. Camden. She is survived hv two
dnughteis nml two stepsons
l&alah Reese
llairishurK, April 2. till A i
Is.iinh lloese, one of tlie oldest pen
sioncrH ii f the Pennsylvania s) stein unit
the oldest member of fiateriial or
gnnizntlniiH la this city, died hero (mini
aged ninet) -one. lie liegan life iih u
breaker boy near PollHvllle and was
then a canal boatman, entering the
Pennsylvnnln horvini before, tlio Civil
War, Ir, which ho nerved.
I'l k '.V.
side of a I'nuilifnril car lunnliii; nil Merits slircl. Melon Is Ihe Tenth street
The majority uf those hurl were in llic I'limhford Iridic)
Chsptcrs of Philadelphia and Vi
cinity Play for Colonial Prizes
Chapters of the UaURhli'is nt the
Vnierh.iii ItoMihilion in nml near Ph'il
ndi'lphia riivo a caul parti 'n- nftor
linon in the lialltooni of the llolleiuo
Sliatfiiul. Two tliouiind luki-t. were
sent out. nnd uttrnctivc coloiiuil prizes j
Hero Rtlllll.
Mrs. .John M.
ninii in i liaigo ,i
Mradfoid was chnii"
if nil of the at range
, incuts.
The Philadelphia l'.lmira CoIIoro Club
saw a card party this nfteriionii nt the
Pliilomusian ('liibliiuice. .'10 1 1 Walnut
slreet. The ptoeooils will be ginin to
the Kliuirn Colege endowment Innd.
Mrs. .lulia Willots Williams is (hair
iniin of the club.
The Piiisiness and Pnilessionai
Woman's Club gave its) weekl) lutii boon
todm at the An in I in. Infoimiil "at
homos" aie held ever) Sutidni nt the
i lub's henihtuartors. Is2.'! Walnut utieet.
The Woman's Club, of I.tiiueri-h. will
give a dance this evening in the Masonic
llnll. Ardmore, tor the benefit of tlio
clubhouse building fund.
The riiiloniiisian Club will giie a
dinner-danie this evening at Ii III! at the
clubhouse. .T.I 1 1 Walnut stmt
Shot man It. 1'ood. chairman
Mis. I
if tlie
hospitality i ouunittoe
is in chaiRc
f tin
Floral Offerings Overflow Home of
Dead Police Officer
A flower display said lo be the larg
ist of its hind ever seen in South I'liila
ilelphin graced the funeral son ices this
morning of acting Police Captain .lolin
Noon The ynnl of his cottage at 21(1
I'n.water street was transformed into
a fli i a 1 bower when Ihe wreath mid
oilier offerings oieillowed the house.
Captain Noon died of honiT disease at
the Olympin Athletic Club flic Tues
All morning, from mi oath hour,
throngs of policemen, friends and
neiglihois tiled thiough the little par
Ini . gaing tlie last time upon theii'
lm ml. The solemn ieiuiciu mn.s was
i "I. Inn toil at the ltomnii Catholic
Chun-li of St. Philip Neri. on (.'neon
street hetvueti Second ami Third
In the police eseoi I in line of lion
mini pnllheareis wore siv ciiptuitis of
police, thirtv-llve lieutenants, lltti-cii
dottctivcs ami eighty piitioluieu Su
piriutondoiii Mills headed the line as it
slowly iiimelieil from the Noon home to
the chinch Tin' pnliol of ihe Seventh
and Cm pouter streets Minion made sev
eral trips, i'lirry iug the limit r
The ltd Thomas Murphi. of Pitts
burgli, a lite-lung friend of Captain
Noon, celebrated the mass Intel iiiont
was in llol) Cross Ceiuelerv
Unidentified Man Sends Revolver
Bullet Through HIb Head
While pedostriuns passed within
thlrt) foot of him. n well-dies. id man
about foiiy years old, shot himself
throiiRh the head last nlelit near (loorgo
nnd American stieels.
Hearing the shot nout bis home,
Vfilliatu Ilai'konsHcl:, who lives m the
tear of 1121) North Aiueriuin si reel.
ran outslile to nml tne mini lying tare
down on tlie doorstep In his lion
lip'.d a now revolver of 3S mlilicr, oni1
cm fridge of iihlih bad hi in and
I'olico Seigcatit Schins. ol th
Third and Oe 1 aneoy stri'et stiition.
who was n (1 duty, was untitled and had
the body removed to flic Itoo.evelt I
Hospital, where it was piniuiuiiecd
dead and taken to tin morgue No
letters or impels in the man's cloth
ing which might aid in Ins nlontihcn
tiou weii' found. He was about live feet i
throe inches in height and inlglied 110,
Philadelphia!!. Under Bail as Rob
ber. Arrested In Crmdcn
Thomas Cellussiu. twenn one yeais(
old. who says lie is a in dor nt 70."i ,
W' ... ll' 1 ......I .1... .Ill .. ..J '
,-ili.llO lllilllll. IX SHI l I tins ll.l till-
ai'ioste.l in Ciimd. u il. is miiriilng,
charged with drug trull'ukinR
Accoiding to Detective Murray nml
Polue Scrgcanl Oarrisun. "f the Cam-
Ii it police force, who made the arrest
at Point It and Meckel! -neci., ho hai
in his pos-i'ssiou dins ijliicil at
The police sal ho .ipcinlcil with a
siiiait boy anil girl 11" would moot
customer, on site. I in. mi, and Riu
his illicit wines to one of the chlldicu
lo deliver
He wns held utiili i SKUm hail lor
(Olll't by 1 lilted States Commission! i
.Inline. The prisoner is said to hi
under SKHlO bail in this i liy on a
iliarge of higliwai lobbery
That Will
Not Hum
Won't Wurp. Ujkt lo Krtrt,
I'lionen Locwit 301) Itace 41 31
i H
! 1
NJ i
tr I
nfll Pill PARI r nnil0 ',r'' pio-pohhih unil.ai'r'oiiliiip i futtiii'f
' ifMI III rMlv! I K ! I W I l IiiiVmVi'-i'i'Vi'iV1 liiiinV?..!. iirincins the dis
, 111 IUI I I L.I II ILL. IIU II J ,ri, t up to Rrade for the past tweut)
Son of Financier Arrested and
Fined in Protecting Friend's
Bull Terrier
Iililph I'litlo. son (if (lent go II. I'nile.
.Ii.. Hotel hnancicr and ntlornc). w.i
arrested for infci fering with a doR
eatchor today in front of his home nt
11." Itcrkclc) road, llniorl'oid
Tlie dog. a lug white liull lender,
weighing i o-o to ninet) iounds. be
longs to A. I ' Wariioek. of Now road.
Il.'iverford, n f-ioml of )oung I'arle. 1 1
wns frisking in the mail in front of
r.irle's house .todm when the dog
cnlcher. Charles Hall, came nlong with
his net.
Tlioi hne a
iiRaiust dogs on
iU-iraiitiue" in force
Ihe Mn in Line, ho-
cause of the re"i nt seven, epidemic of
rumen, nnd warning has iieeti given tnni
lull d-s
;- found iiiil'out mn.'.
will be
up mid put to death
big bull terrier was without a
, mid llnll evpeitlv threw bis
"You can't take flint dog." s.ihi
Larle. who was standing in front of hi-
! house and saw the not.
"I ll say 1 can." teplio.l Hall
Lui-lo and Hall "mixed it up,' m -lording
to Pid'ue Sergeant Itohinsoo.
a member of Captain Dmiugliy's l.owir
Morion police loicc. The sergeant told
Air. lairle to desist, and when h
"slanged back" the seigeiuil put him
under arri'si
The, young mam was given a hearing
in tho police ctatmii nl Aidnmiv hi
.Magistrate Snllwngoii. The mngistrito
"haw In! bim out" in pioper style and
fined him JS2." and costs. Later he ie
untied the line, hut mil ll its
Warnoek, owner ot the hull pup, ar
rived during the healing nml promised
Captain Dnunghy that in futim the
big hull's jaws would he sei-unlv mu
lod. Tho polne gave him In. dog
Former Teacher and Astronomer
Dies of Heart Disease Aged 7S
Pi of. Denis ( fSullii an. for ilniti
vein's a toucher Hi the Momiiii C.llliollc
High School, died smldinly of heiiri
disease yostm-dac at this luum at I2"0
Otler sfteol He nils scieutv i'jglit
years old.
A teacher ol" niatheiiiain s. 'iof
O'Sulliian also vvns an authoiity on
astroiioniy He was the author of ev.
cial nevispapei and iiiaginlno articles
on iisttoiimiiy Hi- was aSueiuhor of the
Camden A-irononilcnl Society
Prof O'Sllllivilll lei'l'IVed I he ih-grep
of mutter of arts from Villnmna Col
lege and tlutr of doctor of i iem , from
I'lit'dhiim. His i et ii'oini'iit , fmied by
advancing cars. had little eflei I mi his
other work. lie was , utile until his
Prof. O'Sulliviin married li.
hello lteiaiis in Cumbei huni Md
17!'. Mcsides .Mrs (I'Sulln . i
ilaughtcis. fiii sou- and Ion j,, n j
-111 live
I Ml
i9KSS3lSTRmM IsWM "fTTttm ?n I
WP EST. mm9lAf. 1879 QSti 1 1
IKT ; ?? DAY W m I
ii saiT ejti &JP fm 11
ll H5 MH Ml
; EEGm I I
I in hopes in 1 670. Bg
a i.prfuRi m tch ussj
M through the crucible of 41 years' .service. ft H 1
vm The friendly tonridence of our customeis. Jm y iflb
1 mm m&F
H I'o hold that confidence in good faith. Kg H fMm
JMyMwiwLM'nwU j HK WBiiY !ti WSfetrnXS NffVfB
j Great Possibilities Seen in Proj-,
ect, but Farnjers May
Block It
Wide iliiei-silj of opiiiifin eils III
s iih IMiilailolphi neorniiiR Ihe nil-
ibilitj nf having the Inwlrnili lilloil
i i sinitli of Irosoii avenue, between tin
I'i iiiware nml Sfhiiilkill livios
Tlie ordinaiife of ( 'oiincllinan Pom
i providitiR for TiOO.IlOn to -tin I the ,
'oik. lias limiislit the mnltcr to n'
It is admitted the lilliuu' In of the
I iMiisunili of in tes holow OroRon aioiillo
mild bo one of the Rieittost nuiliielpiiJ
lolopinonls our attempted lii tin1
t but the inaiij sinnii tmei; titrmers
file section. b their I ('filial In have I
mud and water pumped upon their1
i.ind. can picient tne imir"""mcnf
resolution presented also by Mr.
Pommel, provides that the sm-vej bit
hum make iniesiisalion and ib'tei initio
lie exact cost of doiiiR the work.
Tliousnmls of acie ate Ij in',' idle in
the sect inn. and man) hiltidieiN more
.lie iinilci' eulfivatioli. and form fertile
tiitck farms fiom which tniieli of the
'itv s voRetnlilcs conn-. 1 lieso tarni"s
Plan is an Old One
is an old iiluii." sub) Mi
todnv. "If was lirst In ought up1
hoiit twenty-live years ago. If we
ouhl get the consent of all Ihe propoiti
w tiers, in siiiue manner, w ul.l go
ithi.nl with the woik. and it would be
mo of the biggest things Philadelphia
I is ever done Then1 is enough land
loi n tln'ie to build another oily upon.
Mm the small landholder blinks nil do
lelotuueiit. "You see, it i this way. Many of
the people who own that land liio
theie. and are simill iruok fanner-,
'flow are prospenuis. many of them
Inning made fortunes mi their farms
Tin V inise n huge i inn ii t il v of vege
tables, which me sold in Philadelphia
innl form u large part of the food up.
pli of the city. These men cannot nu
dei stand the point of view of men who
want to cover t In it fertile little plot
I." toot deep under Dolawaio river mud
Hi. I sand, (lot them into lino, nml the
project is as good as done If yon dou'l
get llieni lino line. JUv one nl llii'in
.an hold up the entile thing. Do couhl
declare it was confiscatory.
"When League Dlnnd Park mis Idled
in. in the manner proposed for the
balance of the -cilion. the pruprrty
owners along th" edges of the park,
which is ;:o(l acres in extent, put up an
awful hick because the water that nils
pumped up with, the mini and .nml ran
down over their bind What would thpi
say if Hill bulled their holdings !." f. et
Trait Nineteen liy Port) Mlnrhs
The area that must lie In might up to
grade before it is nvaihible for i iiv
development extends lion. Oregon live
line south to the back (hiitinel, which
sepnrat.s League Island with ns Pima
3S1 deluxe
" '" r
tiishii.. I.mi.i.ini
si-rinl II CCi'
in ; .to OO
if. isle nml linn, lm;
sfl.l ll
I ..II I inir-r
Sunday Dinner,
s.rieil I In S
102:5 Market St
Clmtcse arf American
Cia-ine of Excellence
3ttsinu3s Luncheon
1 N
ll.l''l ll V..V! til -i v. VI.
i 11 ..vi in
n.inmiff 1.
lo '.'l 11 tu K
Ill:;i(l In I'-iim
mlda) (toast Chicken Dinnei
Shore Blnncr ol Sea Toads
Scried In ,111 Appetizing Mannci
I'lrtVit sen lie. Inst i.iu.l. tist nr
ntjliltnr to.il I'leis'illncli re isitmilitM
erli.s irt sonn nf ihe imint emii
fnrts 1. ni will 1 nni
m a :
! r
1 . "
j 23 North Eleventh Street i
APRfL 2, U)2l
ll is proposed In liriiiR this hii-Rc
suitable lor liulldiii doiclnpinciil.
iiiiuhl be iidossary. ('oiiiielliu.iii
in ('i)iiil(ils tiroiidhiR tut- .1
di Iph .1 Nllli nll fiolii tin iec of
tin i 1 1 Thi disliinei is. nniRhh .
liiiiitiin i iti liliieks I 'nun hum' In
iiei fl,o illstaiiio is appniMiiintelj
f'oiti i ni hloelvs. The works ot the
Athiiiti llellnitii; I'o at Point P.reoo
a ie in-i inn tli of tin' western liiinndiir.i .
file Itioenwlell co.ll piel'1 ll I e Uioil the
I'o'itn lllilllll I'liI'l'iK'l" I" oliui:itie
about the nan. "Ilieto ate tlioii-nmls
ni m I l.iinjf fallow . ho said todnv.
Thi.MsnmN of ncros jhal -ol,l .asilv
lie m.iile nvuilnlile for hillhiiiis ilnolop-
molit ,
"Inl urn over slo) to think lion fnr
out the huilileis have to r.i nnwndais,
wlieii Ihei put up then iiev develop-
motils' Just think what if would ineiiii
if thci . niihl ro below Oicriiii iiveniie,
which i oiili 2700 smith of Market
Mi cot 1 build Iheie the thousand
upon th.nis.inili of dwellings that could
bo a( uiioiliitcil upon lac nroiiil sireois
nml an mies of ih" seition. streets and
avenue, swept I) bieees finm the
I icln .1 at i and the Schuylkill rivets
Would IClid .MiiHipilto Plague
Think what this would all mean.
The seitnill would be. ome the most
heiilthnil in the entire clti . To begin
with, the inosipilto plague would be
tntirili done away with. There would
he no mole mosipiltocs in Smith Phila
delphia, for tin' brced'iig plans would
be ten ol tltteen foot (loop llmh'l gmuiid.
And filling m is tin' mill nav to tin
avvav iviih tin1 iiiso,uit'i tiost That hns
been ii mon-trilled bv lXiol. flolil the
limy i aid.
c -n n T ' I
v , ; '
V S J V? l"
.....zr vJLvi:
lt Hqj
Special Pottery Vases
ApDfccialcd Gifts
Reeds' Clothing
Business Is Steadily
Growing Mhy f
$ I hi clothing biiMne is steadily giouiug
Ik'c.uisc it is built on substantial foundation
W v have never catered to sensational device
p stimulate our business, but have jone
ieadilv Jorward b onsistcntlv uivmn
ii i lit ,
tj I Ii. iihtIiimI. uliik- nut spot t.i. .il.it itsuti. - nclic c
'.it the ;itisi!oil i-iistonu'r is viottli oiliinitit nt new,
, ,"'i sp.'u-c. anil the wav to ,itisr customer, t, n c, N,
tin uotnl nuTiliaiiilisf at a fair tiu'irc
r r
i.ip.s von villi load this do tint kllulV Reeds -,v ,
permit ns tu .lemunsttate ot:t idoa fit lUfrrhand
j -civici'?
(l --inn; Suit and 1 up
.irKtnaiJsjiip arc m)
i Mr at 4 ,uul 0
1 & R-G2G. Cticatciuit Sl&sel
YoU can
of rnnri
men up In p-ndr. Hills irmlei lug il
A fill of from Ion to lltlecn feci
Ponuiicr has Intiodiicid an otdiuanro
"IIII.IM)0 lo in to start I be wnili
"Tins ui.itti'f of inii-iiultoos. hi ll
un. i- ii si i hum lUiiic. lor it nn-nnMM,
tl... I... i.l tli .' SI mi Mi 1 Mi i ,n tul tilt iti firwl
it in
COl s
Ids linol: the deielnpmoiit of the
Mini. l mi, informed nn:il ylh
dislike Iviiit,' usiynod here, tm
cannot leiif.irc outd-iors of up.
because of the mosonitoi s, tlio.
an- so thlili.
.,.,.1 , ,, n , , ,
"Ihe till i mild lie made b.i ineniiM
of piimpiiiK mini ami water fioin tho
idinuiiols of the Doliiwaio and Schiii Ikill N(, Yotk . itv. lind been driven To ll.N
mors Hm would at the same flinc,,,,, ,llnUK ,. ,, Ttln ,
deepeii tho iliatineW and would pi ovule ,nIncd nt WlOfl nnd the truel- nt s-"rin,i
nil the tiree-miri fiinlmnl for liriiiRiiiK ' ' '
the land up to urmli Ihe Inml is now
from ten I" lifleen feet below grnde.
I There aie dikes nloiiR both wntcrtronts
j to hold the rivers buck in fiPsln't time,
land tin so iniild bo made continuous and
, would form .1 retaining wall neoessnri
whonciiv Inml is filled m bi pumping.
I us 1 have dc ribed
lt's for Alan) Planls I
"This development would pinrjdp
spnfe for liutidreds of maiiufarturing ,
plants nnd n c.iinprehoiitivi. svsteni of
w halves and Iihts could bo buiit to
ciiciiolo the voiitliein part of tlie etfy I
and make (his one of the gloat ports
of the wiiihl. If the ground was filled I
ill, lllso. the plm e Would bo the logicnj
sue for tbo rii'S(uicontouniii! I'.xposf
timi "Theie would bo tl tremendous ad
vance m the value of the hind, nf
imise. tne moment the fill was loin
plcted nml I urn in ttivor ol niscsmg
,i lea-i pint of the (ost vi."i,if the
1. ml on nets
nusual Coorinaci
as Electroliers
Coat ..f suprun.t ipi.iltv .in,
m, nnu ml ',., t
get painters or any olher kind
worLerc ll,vrt,,r,K o,. ..J :..
-- s..m . , tlllfllgll Ull (U III
Morning nnd Evening
(Officials and Employes of Harper
Company Entertained
'I I i eiiiplrivc r,, iifliclaN of the
llnriier shoe f'o . funiiine what (hey
call the nlhoi full. Itoid n din
ner nml business met tins iaJt night ill.
kiirici- k f s.i'iriint , i ittoiMKii trect in"
oiv .Marl el
Theri' Wir'- 'ic'iieoii tlurlv-fiic nnil
foi i A dincts. and siiiiti( wcto made
b M. t! Ilnrpci- (wiiii of ihe llnrpcr
stores in this idty . II ,. Cn-itle manic
rit of the Mnrki t s(i,.,. stntc. utnl G.
Mi'I.liURhliii. mnrifi'-i, of the riioutnui
1 strei t store N
In ndditiiiii in il,i iii.;i,i imil their
'eiiiplojvi. them wire a ii'tnitjer of Rne-
i eialli initio, c"('st CiitcrlRitituonl of
. l.irii'd elininotei wa pliividml
Driver and Helper Forced to Leave
0"r "y rmea men
muloittitfk loaded with lliirlv Imr-
i t"l- of wine . unsigned to n rniibl in
Niw York was Molcn nf Tliiril and
' !n-Uill vtiecfs nt .". oMod, this morn
. ""-' ,,v ""' aviii",l mon. who forced th-
' dri'ei nild lii holpei i, leave tliM
, ,,,j,iri,.
...., ......i, ,,.,,, h. . .. . ,
PERRY & CO. will
have an Announce
ment to make in
Monday Morning's
Papers that will ap
peal to every man
who is interested in
Fine Clothes.
Perry & Co.
16th & Chestnut Sts.
Light and flaky
i '
At All Our Stores
i. in t in i.
Itillll Hxi S
I.I IM ss -nt IMi,
I ... ,, '. tg III
1 Ml 1 K, . il ,
! i . Ik
-" n i , , I
s' I .4 ' mmf4
I'llll 111 IM.sS 0.,t.(,l '
.tllll I (lllH .if ! .... -.
i '
-z: ;;r;s
ho: iii-im i h,
...... . ..... r., ,., , uiiiinriic
It"', t hrMiinl t rhU.nlHul.lj
. "
VoMim W.ninii -ml i.nii
My Spring Hat?
I , tilt
I 4
..,"" ' Ir. nl
' o "' ' - ' . i ,)' Is.
l"l hi h ' r i it j ua t
'id) inJile
: vH-
rtinm locint tH9