-iS V Kjv V-V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEE-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APEIL 1, 1921 ff-yriwirw'WWWIPf'W''''' mW!!!IW ' WW-t'r v$WjPWWr I- f s Statement of Condition MARCH 29TH, 1921 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $27,193.13 l.W Short Term Notes 77o.llo-l l S. Iloiids llorrowcd 10.996.C30.00 r. S. Bonds Owned 1,!24,!lS 2 Other Securities 3,776,i32.70 Real Estate and Office Building 381,500.00 Cash on Hand and in Bank 3.754,877.6j Customers' Liability-Acceptances 200.000.00 Miscellaneous Resources 1 J 5,848.63 $49,319,788.62 LIABILITIES War Loan Deposit ? Other Deposits 17.769.7S7.19 $32.769.787. 4! Capital Stock Surplus 2.750,000.00 Undivided Profits 603,351.13 l S. Bonds Borrowed 10.996,650.00 Acceptances Executed Customers' 200,000.00 $49,319,788.62 Corporate Trusts $317,993,340.00 Individual Trusts 21,774,130.77 Commercial Trust Company Member Federal Reserve System City Hall Square West GOSSIP OF THE STREET Striklnc testimony ns to the eitcnt of bwdncn ilcprcxitlon nnil central Mow In of industry wan furnished in the monthly hank clearings an ever re liable barometer of trade conditions. The total turnover of checks through the Philadelphia Clearine House during the month of March was 51.705,030, 101. This compared with 51.517,003, 871 in February and 51.852,000,003 in January. Hut thi real effects of the change in economic conditions H more forcibly exemplified when comparisons arc made with the home month last year, when the batik clearings reached a total of 2,la2.201,t3. In other words, n shrinkage of 530(1.011,212. The peak in volume of bank clearings wan reached lno .Tune, last year, when the turnover of checks through the Clearing House reached the unprecedented total of 52, iW2,SS,757. In comparison with the Mime monthh In 1010 and 1018, the clearings for March nttll Uow nppre ciublu gains and contrasted with the pre-war eriod the butdneos f tho hanks is found to bo htill ery large. We take pleasure in announcing that MR. JOHN M. DENISON has this day become associated with us THOfi. A. BIDDLE & CO. A. BIDDLE Established 1T64 Members Philadelphia and New York Stock Mxclianget 124 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA April 1, 1021. Stockholders ' common utock Parrish & Company HfHIIIN. KW VSMK TOC neHANK PHILADLIHIA STOCK tXCIIAHa. 115 Broadway newyork I500WalhutSt philadelphia Guarantee TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY t.ti;mi:m' at ci.osk or itsiMs ASSETS Cash on Hand and Deposited with ,..-,,.- Banks and Banker.... ... .hOO United States & MnlP Uonds. . --g- Call Loans upon Collateral i 036469 18 Time Loans upon Collateral. ..... ... l.OJMbJ.ia Commercial Paper and Accept- 93 6,9 fi0 8tXcBond;. ::::::::: :.::.:.:. sieuauc &rV:34iS,":3"C'lBU! ,73.000.00 St. and 9 b. o-d fat.. ioo.000.00 Vaults ana r-Muil.ii.v.. . ... C.SIBIC ,,n jj.no VJ,'H-,10 ". . . '. 74,816.39 M.vitcit -.'OTit, ie: LIABILITIES Capital Stock Depreciation in 51,000,000.00 400,000.00 230,034.19 Other Real Miscellaneous Assets. Accrued Interest Surplus Undivided Profits . Ilcsertc to Cocr Securities 74.183.69 Bonds Borrowed From Customers ... 163,000.00 DEPOSITS 7,879,795.69 Interest Paxable to Depositors 37,374.48 Libert Loans llediscounted 300.000.00 Miscellaneous Liabilities 11,723.76 510,298,081.81 510,298,081.81 TRUST FUNDS AND INVESTMENTS WHICH ARE KEPT ENTIRELY SEPARATE AND APART TRLbl tijus . ASSETS OF THE COMPAM 520,519,000.1 j Aiicr.u f "' Vrmdn' 316-318-320 Chestnut St. FROM THE ASSETS OF THE COMP IIKIUIKIIT W fWODA! I VI e I're.tdent 1115 Chestnut St. KOW MO U VOL'NO Treasurer !) South 52d Street I "II SBMi To Holders of French Government 5CC Premium Loan of 1920 On March 16 Scries 170 and 260 were drawn for payment. All bonds carrying these series numbers are repayable on presentation on or after May 16. 1921. at 150cc. We are vrilling to purchase drawn bonds from to day at the rate of the day. Holders can thus insure themselves against any fluctuations in exchange be tween now and May 16. If the holders prefer, we will accept bonds for collection and make remittance at the prevailing dollar rate for the franc as soon as we recehe advice from Paris that our correspondents have received payment. A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Investment Securities 1 1 5 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia New York Minncupoii-1 ' hicaco S'-ranton Bofton Pittsburgh Huffalo Cleveland .. -i 'World's Greatest Workshop' and some of its Securities Th. iniBorUncc l Philadelphia commercial and Indu.trLI cltr I "" known. It locomotive., etoraf batteriee, ahlpa, textile., aiph.lt and many other product! aro In u. th. world over. On tha Philadelphia Stock Exebamo r trad.d In many ol tha atocke ot theo companies, ion. ol lnttmatlonal renown. Our statistical department haa pre pared booklet treatlnr entirely on 'Thlla. Ji.l.hla Stock Exehame Securitlee." t-tvlnt data and atatiitlcs oni American Storet Pennijlrania K. R. Electric Slorie PkiUdalpkia Electric General Aipkalt Peila. Rapid Traniit Midrale Stttl United Cat Inpt. and a numlwi of rxher companies listed on th loal exchange .1 copv of "its booklet irilt be ami free an requrat BOUREAU & EVANS .tfembrra 'ni'oVcpMo Srocfc Kxchixnge 130 South 15th St. Philadelphia V. S. Stl Common United States Stctl was held in 104.370 names at the clos Ing of the books for tho March divi dt'nd. On rcbrunry 12 tho number of eomnion holders wan 300,041 and Dc rember 1 last f3,770. Thus In the last flxtcfn daH of Febmarv the number increased .1735 and In 'three months 8000. In no previous nuimer has there been such a decided eafn In bteel stock holders. The floating supply of steel tock in hand of brokers is gradually dwindling. On December 31 last, brokers' holdings were only 1SI.17 per cent of the issue scainst 30.03 npr rent year before and fW.O.'i pT cent nt the end of 1010. It li probable thp fieures to be made pub lic early in April will show further dwindling of stock in name of brokers and bankers nnd new liiuh record in number of shares owned by individuals, Average holdings ot the common on March 1 were 48.7 shares ngalnsc slightly under 04 three months prevl ous. Number of preferred holders nt closing or books for February mviiicnu was 81.402 against fiO.534 in Novem ber 1020. mid 80.080 in August. 1020. The largo subscriptions of employes ! to Steel common stock this year under the nibHTiption plan have no influence on the increase in the number of stock holders shown as the stock purchased lij the employes on the installment plan is net put in their namou until linal payment is made. Ilralllan Itudget Law 'I'hi' general revenue of the republic of Ilruzil for 1021 is budgeted at 00. 707.7S5 gold railrcis nnd 01"i,700,180 paper milrcis. und that intended for spe cial application at 17,731,715 cold mil reis and 05,453,820 paper milrcls, as compared with a general revenue of 104.001,304 gold and 488,410.200 pa: per and n special revenue of 14,701,553 gold and 24,842.000 paper for the pre ceding ear. (Ono gold mllrcis equals $0.0402 and one paper milrcls is qnoteu at about $0.15 United States currency.) In a comparison of the combined figures, both gold nnd paper, including the gen eral revenue nnd that intended for spe cial application, it is seen that the to tals for 1021 are 108,430,500 gold mll rcis and 071,154,000 paper inllrels. or 11,013,440 less In gold and 107,805,800 more in paper ttinn for tho preceding year. The percentage of gold and paper in the payment of customs duties re mains the knme ns Inst vear. the propor tion in gold being 55 per cent and that I in paper 45 per cent. . Railroad Labor Situation Yesterday's conference at the 'White House, between the President and the chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission nnd the clinirman of the Ilnllronrl T.nhnr Ttnnrrl. served to bring the railroad question prominently into i tne limelight again. At tno same urae, tho seriousness of the situation was emphasized by reason of the decision of the new administration to take a hand In tho matter. It is assumed there will be some violent discussions of the proposed wage reductions at the various conferences tbnt have been called hy the leading loads The matter, however, has been so thorouehtlr considered before the reductions were announced nnd the be lief prevails In better informed circles that before nnother month passes rail road labor ccatB will be on an entirely new basis. With other economies which are to bo put into effect, it is assumed opera ting costs will bo substantially reduced and thereby permit the roads to save a good portion of the gross income. He tiiftlnn In frclsbt and nasscnger rates, which are expected to bo made, will have the effect of increasing gross earn ings by inducing a large amount of both cast and westbouud traffic on tho trunk lines nnd a larger movement in both directions on the smaller roads, which bIbo will be an Influence of the highest importance in reducing operating costs. ANNOUNCE THJE OPENING OF AN OFNCE AT The Garden City Hotel GARDEN CITY. LONG ISLAND, N.Y UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OP MFt.P.H.RYAN APRIL I" 19 21 Talks To Investors 8 Soocrssnit- intcsttmc inrtttrea no tanlw intIilrrtit neketimi of ew earltJca, bat occasimI change) from erne type of inane to auicrUtinr type. SeetjntyTarloealaTtttfffaStttal by mnay barhteoecit. li" TRK WauHc OT 191S Cbieag and North Wraterti cam moo nd General Hretrlc were both nedl inr; at about the name prlnra 115. We advised certain of tot dienta to buy General Electric and sell Chicago and North Weatera at that time. What has BTD' tux KractTt Sinn that time, General Electric haa greatly Increased ita dividend, and in 1919 aoM b hlh as 173. On the other hand, Chicago A North Western baa reduced Its dividend from 1 to i and in 1920 sold far below $60 per ahare. TnW IS ONI.T ORK ntsTAMCS in hundreds where our client hare profited greatly by wise invest ment auperriaion of their invest ment holdings. Instead of cuf fering losses in both principal and income, these clients heve not only feuly maintained their priacspal, but have increased both principal and Income with out any speculative risks whnt- A High-Grade Electric Light .& Power Bond Yielding 7.10 Northern Slates Power First & Refunding 6s (1941) Complete deicj-frflion on iejcat Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street Philadelphia New York Chicago) Boiton Detroit Such is the type of Service which I wo offer to you. Let us tell yon i more about It. Inrruiries will be promptly answered. ' Moody's Investors Service! JOHN MOODY, T'realdent I 1121 Ileal Estate Trust Bldg., Phila.l IIOSTOV SEW YOTIK CHICAGO -Vk Dover Board 8, 1033 Amir. Agri. Chem. 7Va. 1941 Intern. Rwj. of Buffalo Si, 1932 Indian. Shelbyville Trac. 5e, 1032 Sinclair Cont. 7'je. 1925 Morton Lachenbruch & Co. 43 nROt) T s r. 1'hlU. Telruhone Mulmt H Kara 0i I'llval Mree lo .'- TorW Chle. at. Louie. Pltirj-h Duron. Clerlaa4 Orand nuplde fnveatmont Houte, Stock Exchange) Mambera, have opening for e. porioncod bond aaUtman in Phila delphia attractive arrangement will bo made with man poateiainr prdpsr qualifications. Repliea will - . r i if tratt connaenuauy. , CS28, Ledger Office Erie Lighting 5s, 1967 United Gas Improv. 8s. 192 3 Pelham Trust Co. Stock Luzerne Co. Gas & El. 5s, 1948 Lukens Steel 8s, 1940 Portland Railway Co. 5. 1930 Georgia Rwy & Pr 5s, 1954 MrCowit&Co. LAND TITLE BUILDIMQ, PHILADELPHIA. PA. Mrmhfra rhlliulrlohlt MorL Kirbaoi .oriut ;j Hact HOC I'hllv Ortlre 7 S. 8!il Mreet I'ioiic llelinont 3.19 he United Ga Imp. 8h, 1923 Concmaugh Power 8s. 1930 HENRY D. B0ENNING&C0. STOCK KXl'IIANOK III II.DINO lllrrel lrlfal Trlephena la New York Meinbere mil. BWcUKttDaoi i& INQUIRIES SOLICITED on all STOCKS, BONDS aid FOREIGN EXCHANGE MILTON llESMtfCO STOCTrOftOCK DflUOMHOWDS Hit Chtataut Htreat I'hoiv.i Hell. Hpmro HM1.J.J.I Keatane. " JSO tt MriMdwar A Bth Av.. IJ. T. StainfoH. Cewi. flpriatHcH. Maaa. North German Iloyd Increases Capital A rpfdit report of Consul General Coffin, with tho American nilealon at Berlin, atates' that the capltllUatlon of the North German .I.loyd Co. haa been increased from 125,000,000 marks to 230,000,000 marks, the new Issue of stock to participate in dividend carnlngH in 1021. Construction of ships and the development of service are expected to be carried out by this incTcahe in capital. TUB THADEU. RUSSIA BUYS WITH GOLD Vanderllp Quoted as Intimating U. 9. Is Losing Big Opportunity Iymdon. April 1. The Ilcrnld, the labor organ, today prints a dispatch from its correspondent in Moscow, who aRuerts ho has had an interview witn Washineton B. Vanderllp, the American financier, who, when questioned about Ttutiin's trade relations, replied: "The best answer Is that from April 20, 1020. lo March SO. 1021, thirty seven Uritlnh vessels have brought goods to Russia, and more arc on the way One hundred and fifty have come from Germany, 142 from Sweden and others from Holland Denmark and Finland, and home frcm America. "All the Koods were paid for in Kus- Fian gOlU, WHICH I'VCIIlUUIljr UUU3 111 way back to the Ilnnk of Kngland." FIVE HELD AS SUSPECTS Arrests Made in Connection With $3520 Robbery Near Reading Itaullns, I'a.. April 1 Following the rohber of Matteo (J Albert, reb-dun-nut owner In Kendinc and PottK town, on March 8. of $3520. state police I in WvomlssinK traced live suspects to Washington yesterday. The capital po- I lice arrested L. W. Harris, AV. II ' I'arker, Daniel King and D. Kchanoff, charged with the robbery, and Thomas' M. Mnhcr, charged witn Doing acces sory. The thieves suggested a business deal to Albert, and the first four, it is nl- leged. after an acquaintance oi inree days, vent to Alhert's house. In. II)rte Park to consider the matter. Albert sajH that once In the hou&a the men l held him up at the point of u pistol and took the money. "VOU are invited to write or call for our March List of fifteen carefully selected Industrial and Public Utility issues of Bonds, Notes and Preferred Stocks yielding 6.00 to 9.33, Hollister, White & Co. Irworporated North American Huilding rlllt.ADKJ.lIHA IWinton hprlniflrtu ProTldnire rittsflcl4 n York rortland Limited Offering Class "A" Stock D.W. Griffith, Inc. $15 Share Now paying regular dividends at the annual rate of 10?. Gross Receipts from one picture, "Way Down Kant," to March 19th total J2.036.000.00. Application will be made ,fo list this sfoofc on Tho Aeui 1'orB Stock Exchange. Scott & Stump Investment Securities Stock Exchange Building PHILADELPHIA. PA. 40 Kichanro riaco New York Established Corporation dcslrti oervlcea sales manager capable PROMOTING SALE OF STOCK In a buslnesi which In NATION-WIDEr C 626, Ledger Office GEO. A. HUHN & SONS STOCKS AND nOMIH Mrailxra of the I'hlladrlphU, Nw lork anil t'tilruta Htork Kxthanfts N'rw York Cotton Kxrhante Commiaalon Ordtra Cxecutod In Alt tha Principal MarW.t. Liberty Dondt Bought and Sold nrllfTur Coort Illclr.. 1418 Walnut ht. N. Y Ill Ilroadway Atluntlo Cltr Ambnnudor Hotel EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS R AILROAD equip- offer the investor an tin-, usual combination of high yield, ready market ability and safety of prin cipal. A booklet describing their many distinctive advan tages will be mailed upon request. Ask (or Tioollrt K-ll CASSAJLl CO. COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDd PHILADELPHIA atwvorai LTiMeM-aTmeuMMaaiAMaM Vi' ..,Bj,e. '''"no on Industrial and Itallroada wlun I ran lr too n Rarnntred lO'r Inrralmrnt tteurnl tl.r bmt CrntnU Ittal KtUU In Philadelphia. Only lam InVertoS nrrd nopbr. c-aJj, i.ioioKrt omcE MUNICIPAL BONDS Tax Free in Pennsylvania Exempt irom Federal Income Tax $43,000 City of Pkiladelpkia School District 4 Bonds Interest April mid October 1 Due Oct. 1 ,' 1942 Price, 89.35 and Interest To Yield 4.80 $25,000 City of Pittskurgk School District 4K Bonds Interest January and Jultj 1 Due July 1, 1942 Price, 92.75 and Interest To Yield 4.80 BROWN BROTHERS VOo Fourth and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA Newyork Botan Mutual Trust Company Main Office: Bourse Bldg. BRANCH OFFICE 60th and Ludlow Sts. BRANCH OFFICE 2809 Germantown Ave. Statement Close of Business, March 29, 1921 RESOURCES , LIABILITIES Cmh and Reierve. $526,045.19 Capital $438,043.00 Bond and Stoclti. 574,018.72 , Surplua 50,000.00 Loan on Collateral 1,461,964.61 Undivided Profits 82,680.33 Commercial Paper. 959,624.83 ' Mortgage! Owned. 67,050.00 DEPOSITS, Bank Building. . . . 172,137.24 I ' Other Real Eitate. 54.948.62 3,273,099.42 Furniture & Fixtures 28,033.54 .,843822775 , $3,843,822.75 OFFICERS SAMUEL F. SCATTERGOOD President SYDNEY STREET Vice President F. C. HANSELL . .'. Vico President DANIEL B. McKIMMIE Vice President WILLIAM B. KESSLER Secretary and Treasurer D. D. DURAND Assistant Secretary W. J. SMEDLEY Assistant Treasurer WINFIELD S. CALDWELL Title and Trust Officer I'. J. VAN IlILLiAllD .tCCOrNTANT-AUIHTun Specialising in 1-KrtKKAI. INCO.MK TAXFX I'um trlu uith Income Tax Unit INrnou of Internal !rumn. 609 Iti:I. 1WTATK TRUST IIMll, STATEMENT OF The Real Estate Trust Company of Philadelphia at the Close of Business, March 29, 1921 RESOURCES Cash in Banks and Vaults $853,872.89 Legal Reserve Bonds at Par 267,000.00 Loans upon Collateral 1,840,883.08 Investment Securities Owned 4,708,657.02 Real Estate and Vaults 3,273,758.42 $10,944,121.41 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $8,249,800.00 Undivided Profits 692,694.68 Sinking Fund for Leasehold 213,684.33 Dividend Unpaid 264.00 Bills Payable (For Liberty Bonds) 695,000.00 Deposits 6,020,627.91 Miscellaneous Liabilities 72,100.46 $10,944,121.41 Amount of Trust Funds Invested $30,317,139.05 Amount of Trust Funds Uninvested ineludinp; Principal and Income awaiting investment and distribution 683.912.19 $31,001,051.34 George H. Earle, Jr. Edward S. Buckley, Jr. President Treasurer R.B.CARR PUDLIC ACCOUNTAvr Al'DllH IKVIWTKIATIONH Itioinu tax refunds anil adjustment, handle uaraonolly with tha n.Venu! Duruu hi Waahlnittoii "venu 1T.NNBYI.VAMA llLIlt).. i-ihla WIEGNER, ROCXEV & CO. Certified Public Accountants Drcxel Building, Philadelphia MblNHEATlUrt UaWI 1 1 M AXfRVBWVMa li nwii taTv lafiinni SZWAINUT ST. ftiHJKlt AraraUWaJI ? aarAawl SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT March 31st, 1021 ASSETS LIABILITIES Cash and in banks..? 1)57,111.84 Capital Stock .... $1,000,000.00 Collateral Loans . . G,'2G9,982.G5 Surplus 1,000,000.00 Investments. 5,011,757.72 Undivided Profits. . 215,998.17 Accrued Interest . . . 82,002.04 Deposits 10,104,856.08 $1 2,3285425 1 $12,320,854.25 TRUST FUNDS (kept separate) . .$22,571,193.25 Win. T. Murphy, President. Clarence C. Brinton, Treasurer. Safe Bondsy&rlnvestmetTi HALSEY, STUART? &. CO. Inc. Stockwell, Willson & Linvlll Certified Public Accountants Land Title Bldg., IPhUadelphia StenoKraphera In New Vork Unk ExcIUnt opportunity In larca downtnV,. b"Jk f?;r. "' P"l.nca(t iaiioJ7ahrr! undir 33 ytara Permanent poaliiin, ... eallant morklnjr condition. Uoid Vularv ani sssfris: -?f.v,an vKu-s! Wn)' ha. no Inre.tnr rTr lo. .toll, r of prinrlpnl nr Intrrr.t on hut area rlty bomht of S. W. Nlrnua A (....? v,i", tar ntif lmsM it . .. " ' T S. W. STRiWjS btotk Fichania U rrjaon & CO. r'nlUdtlpui Ten Per Cent For Three Years J urn Jtx ana I'nnd Secured HlnkiiiK Sotea Kiee of I'rnm Tu .". inioin- Tux. Interrkt Knmeil Kliht Tlnw. Monthly Hliililn Fund to Iletlra ut a. Edward V. Kane & Co. Morria Building Katibllalied IT Veara ) L rn 4r ,f.'j JAF'-riM J Jtffl