"WIHMHBH tr7 -,- - " '?7B m$mShmmmfYT!m ; vpvtokkv to-v-Tw '';' .-. - -r;-ivrA r BVEOTM PUBLIC LEDGEKt-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAROIT 31, 1921 if 1: It IsAlmost a Sure Thing That Mamaux and Schmandt Will Leave Robins to Roost With Phils ti zF77JiM KID'S DAY SUGGESTED FOR BASEBALL PARKS U. C. L. Brings Out Idea That Littlest Fans Might Be Let In Once a Week at Low Price to Gel Eye-jul y fiKANTI.ANf) HU'fi ".Soinrthlng Whlsiirrs" (Continued) "ftnmethinq seems to whisper irhcrr the ski m blue, J'Aoir trim Irish to find me in irrrfc ni tirn Will hare I" lenrrh some hrnnklct run- nnifi thinugh a irood, Tn irnl r irhile I'm fiihinti, where the fmh inn's flood.' I'Sninrlhiiiri tells me ivhrn I hear the roliiii ami the nraekle That I '"' giah mil mil iiml mp flut tered hoi of tnekle. 11ml I ilmlt slip my hut on, nil lie deel.cd with hooks, Ami heat it for the open find the mid of liuliblina lirooki," A. I). I' Tlio Kid and SiMirt Till: iivi'i-ncc lid linn n pretty rmiRh nuil tumble timi- "f it in tliix fnirly roiiRli-iiud-tiinihle ouKtcnrp- III main rwmitinn Is siiort nnil in tln ri'oport ln ImH boon unfilnili'il. (lnnki'il. hiirrnumlcil nnd nlinnst uliut nff frnm liii ciipplioM. First, the tnx on nihletir goods threw the. bulk of its big Inn den cm the hid nlone. The tnv iliicm't iilTect the IiiinIiipss limn to liny extent, but it hltn the liver nee kid b'uyiiiK bnxrbnll bntK, cloves, h..lk ete.. nildwn.v between the eyeg. And this romoN nt n time when eery I iiosxihlo enrouriicenieni ii iinni; Riven the ulitiK'l'ri to tnke up some clenti plnylnjt n enme on one Mile nnd IiIkIi ehnrKitiK him out of eoini5 It on th other. "Hell. for. Uatlier" Seilen lyTANV thousands still recnll the two "- iiilernntionnl polo contrstH of HUH nnd 11)11. In IIU.'I llic old nig Four of Amerien rode to triumph. In HU-I the llritlxli tenin broke thionirli In mm .if ilm timet desperate of nil polo oiiKntftMiionti. Now, nner n seven -jenr Inpsp, tlie lirst of Americn'i ndvnnee tjunrd is lnniliiiR on llritiih soil to pri'pnte for the rnminj; I'ounter clinrce of .tune. Of the old I'.Ir Four only pevrtciix Milbiirn is left, A new team, with the exception of this brilliant Htnr, will lead the chniKe ii(?nint a strotiR HritNIi Ilne-up where conditions are now too young to pall for any ndvnnre opinion ni tn who will win. Mill nt lenst suflicieiit ihitn lime been Kntheieil from both tenni" to "UKRest nil even battle nnd one iif the closest cup contests ever played. It will be u "hell-for-lenlher" series all lliu way ncross. How to Mat Stand up nnd take n lirnlthu siring, In manner hold irithonl rtstinint; (let set against the piteher's fling. Then hit 'em irheir 7'ii's Kpiaker nm't, TIIIC only cliiiiupion who iefned to step up nnil holster hi. income tnx duriiiK Itickntd's winter carnival was loiinny Kllbnno, Killinne refused point sport. In the same way the ndvnnee In . i... -i iini'lmiu lml I tinrlu tifiu Inntlful Til 1' ' ! L Hiiiinn "'in I'imii" 'in-' "tit t . i . , - heavllv on thoe who will be ihe sup- ,,I""I " Mf'"' lis ,,lIe' 'von for ' lnt poiiiiiK fans of the future. i "J.. "'"."? .' hiH, iH ' "' ' , where- some The urnrt m clinitnntion or ti "" ' " "iirci simmiki convene n twenty-live cent seats lilocneil mi cnn-niiro to the Held. The different major lenRiie clubs could lnnke no wiser move thiiu tn install a kids' day at IcnM once a week where i.nh a light adniisslnn would be charged fur nil under sixteen years of nge. Am number of high-sounding Rjieechei nrc being made in behnlf of the nellare oi ine joiuigsiers. inn in llic bnrl:ill ell-minimi .,f il... ,i.r meanuhile they are taxing him out of ('Z ' a" ' ' "s " ' " , "orM- 1 ( oivrlolir. I ill. All rloliM rrirrvtd iieeiinz iiiki iilino it n nnil' nl neiv emi tenders to go utter the defaulted crown. TTXDKU the Kilbnne nrrangement It -' would be easy enough for a mnn to win n title and then capitalize it for ten or lifteen jrnvs without giving nny (l.nllengvr n cli.'iino. 1'nder the snme nr- liingemcnt the Athletics would still he I E TEAMS N nf its oppunents twice. Tlie lirsf game will heplajeil lomoirow nnd then the I I'lin Chniter nine will inaugurate its league season with tlie Kiiiscopnl ng- IMTCDAP I nPlir MnSiT Fndn'- nltltAU LlAuUl rkfe.TS rS?s f" i. -I """"f. l-''n 1'enn Charier hi ilcr nmntaun Armleim JS.I. Ormnmmin Arn,! nmS nt hpl-repm Arnrt.my. isih. tVnn Chr lor at r.pli-roiial Ar.ulenn . Mnv II (Iprman- Fnends' Centr.il Nine Drops ,own A""le,n-' i'" -h.irtor. 'lll.lllll.l I'len Ollt Of Circuit Season , VIII i I'rep followers have niaile rinonc Tr.mnrrr.vu lliiMJi.c....j that, like the varsity. Ilieir Upens tomorrow b.isehall team will 1, compoveil chielly of new men this season. Only live vet'- erniis tcpnrted for practice yesteidav. SIX GAMES ARE ARRANGED! Tl1" '.'' nw wv.1 nmi (iriam.. pitch- ers, Knne. lirst bne; Courtnej, cntch- j er, mid (Jiiiuii. flelder. The Inter-Acndeinlc Hnsebnll League i '''he tinm will be entered ngniu In II he minus one member of Inst veur's ' ,r1"' I'lillnilelpliin fathnllc High School i .i e .i . , '-eagne. but the M'liec h e, as announced i miii when the tune for the lust game hv ,.,inl.les ,,, .Mcl.emnn. graduate mnn- rii'Hvern the Ormniitown Acadeiuv and nger, shows tnuiij nonlengue gnmes, too. I'i sinpnl Acndemy nines is called to- ' 'l follows: r . mw. This missing link of the "In- vtri!nrhniiJ.urn.Vi"nMirh"N """""? 12t" ,, , , ... , , ,, !V.!!1 ., " ',, "I l" llarforil. mnv ten's' ih the Friends Central School. ''"- ', J?y"' V'ch hum, jl'-i l.a saii I or lllllll enrs the I Ittle (Junkers m" -''' pt ilehfin home. L'rtlh. Salem- i "i iiiiiii iiurs mi i. inn uiiKirs ,,nuin n. i'Mli. rnihnlii lliuh hii ! members of the various inter- With StvarthinniR hm. Ma .1 si In- A Tlemir Leagues. Lasl season, how- i J""" -Vhi- r".ZV , 'i!h ,v" 'ihoi'i- ' r. Ihe 1 rieiiils1 school was forced to tilth l.a Sail. iin. llh "ffi I ?i" ' ",. out of the foot ball ciicuit owing "V. l"'h tt'",t"!)!" '"s'h. hnm-. inih' -..k of material The sanie .eason Sj'-STm.SX.- i'U! "Cnih"- IB nipitlg the Quakers out of step In , .lo-rh's Prop, home, flnili .Mnr.uiao Sml' tb Imi-ehall league. nary, away I In sinnllnesN of the league on! will Miiue for this season, because Mnv- . First Squeeze Play for Cobb nl School and St. Luke's School I i.1Pni, m,,, , T,, hll . , i i i i . .i m lilr'tll. Ufliri ,tl rv i nbh la 1 til 4 tin ii lie admitted to the eitelo after .lune iisiinnmn ..r ..rlii ih iw n-iu"-?- Pi," t. vuir When these two institutions 5,f ,,h' '"is"" It a i. in u. 1(.nth ;. ..... -oiled into the football nnd base- W ttTMW. I.'n"',' Ml' Il lgllCS. tWO llC-Clul Orglllliza- ' nlumtnis Amerlr.in A isnelltlnn (lull Mil, li t' II" Mill result . T rll""l Hie linll In the ICfl nf the pl'lrher . , ...' luX dnO r'lTPHtl'llll BUflJ (icrinantowii on , INVITATION GOLF OAIES ANNOUNCED Wilmington and Shawnee Schedules Add Zest to Promis ing Season With 1921 Cards BUCKWOOD DATE AUG. 4-6 My SAXMV MrXIHMt'K Wilmington Country Club Is prepar ing for its biggest golf season. The members are beaming today In perusal nf the new schedule just nut. which in cludes nbbut lifteen separate events, mining nthrrs the nntiunl Invitation ABINGTON MERMEN AWARDED LETTERS i Suburban High School Nino Scheduled to Play Thirteen Games This Season l it meeting of the executive com ""He of the Atl.Mie Association , ".e AlilliKlin High S.liool It ,,. 'iil"H to nward Idlci-H to , eligible in. niii'ts of the vni ions teams. , lcciie, to Civ.. lelteis (o only two incin- ".- ... win swimming tenm, i,,, nn, .iiiiiMl. iieril'isi. will, uein ,,.!, TENDLER PREPARES Scraps About Scrappers JAMISON IS VICTOR 'GERMS" TO PLAY ii two meets this Jem- , ,.Ml. ms ,,, Ho; best woilj for the Aliiiijftiin si html. ii- -ciieiiiiifs ii li.ii'K teams fnj. submitted o ihe I 10 QUIT HOSPITAL Operations on Lew's Hands Prove Successful Mrfy Box in Ten Weeks OFFERED KANSAS BOUT li' ..'Otlallnn . He Defeats Mike Howell at the Local Passers Will Appear at Tran llnrr IVUIiiyr 1 J. i umlei tmin Inm , '' IS nn Inr.HMl Ih V. r Vol k her. hi" man TUXeUO Club ton 38 tlie AII-StarB UK-i Miimk.' rnustff Is IIMMK In m.l.fh ... . . ,, , ,, - . . . I Ih" ina.t Li 'I nlili urn "f the si ir falh' r locum .lilllil-iill. nf (,m- I i rrj . I lie plnci-- "f the !'! IlllllltoW II ba elirhi. liiici'i . ipeni.t .,li'.s ii '!'.' I'llll'llll ; III. llii; In Mik, llou.ll, of t , tl.M I. ...... ,l...i,ln.l In mien tllO I mil. with luini ruish Whllr ho l ii..iii v,.,.tli ji i-k ;., n , ,, i h,, 'i,,. I '""ill t'-fiin li'U.' ihciilnl to optu ino in . v ,. .,.,! i,,u i u.i.ii, i ii. iiti.ii i "m n ai h in ine w ion - on in it' iiiv , ,,. lti , f ..,.., ino m n lml. iii i.Hi ."i". "' "' . . ... , ,. , . ... . ... . . -ill... ..ii., i i. Tiiiii,,!! Stn n I.cacucrS hnw I'.isinKei in mia in. iinii . cii iiisin I'linis.ni mi - fioin tin. si'in nmi hni) llmwll on Hi. .in tin I'l,-! iiipu.ii louiorrow nigiii. iiinl there ha, l.een mi iinprecedcnteu ileinnti-l foi ti. k'l-. The lilnyers hnr iliiiiiiiit.il t'.eimaiitow n nnd Manager linuiS fioin ihe ii.iin-ilioti anil the entiii" U now a pnsnii'il nffair innni An r.n ..r frynkln rinrkr , rtBht hiityi , ,,.(,,, ,,,. ,. Ull, ll.,, eiii( tl.nu ...I t - t. In tr,il l.r.nn ami II I nrn iHbli I ' Hint he will I). ui.hl"'iii hux HRln f.,r. Ill nnd .Iiluiinn wn time pound n innntli I lichter llurr, ll.htl llnmt. r.iu.tirrt i..l fmm i I'lll-JM ' n-par. of Sni.th IMiilndelpliin. Piilllin.! Wi- wh'ie h. .Irfenl'l IT"I'I' . mill .Mll'ki I Illinois, nf t.riM. e r . lurk In n iele iniinil.r nil Tuntny nlitht f(liigh' n liniil iltiiw. rinwnio nX' liniil IU ls vvilh W lli , .. . . , Hit. hl 'if riimnlnn I'm. nl Urn Nit. mini i ... i ne ...".nil iiuniei . , n ll,,l, H.llur.lHV lluhl .Ine NelKnn - UnltlllM ' '. ('., lnueil i i-iiliie'llli I. I.- .li'felll'o" "' ' '' ' "" M H"Ui. ns.;lll,il:',,3A,v-.!:.o-,, ". i ! '?," ''"", ;,f i",,,,,',t ,,,,,n-, l!,1" 'n" """'' '",M h""", :" hsiHV-"n" to i,"Ui,.i i. liir.l oili... .i.iit li.nnv M' r i alker sniiii l. Aliiitinn n the hut Ininh veins nnil he .Bin if never ".tlriV"."" "'"' Km,h"m '",m"' I ;, "'VlV ,!,,,,hv S,"l," kn""k,,,J "l'1 hernd .. res'incii..,,- biiiur pined .in s ii.riv ii.it.iim. I'ugg W illiiiii.s in (lie opening xiimil. - . . .Ine ll,rr hn. heen irHlnln ri.llv wh MiM lt"t'. -In, IMh WniinnTs n I'I-'"-- '" "i- -n-n I.imhI. AC- llni.hv Mi I '.nil Th. ai in v in ih sun- the first. milium m ! n Man, owner .t rno iy i.oris ir. .lAi'ri:. Lew Teniller, local slur light weight pi. , , '. '"' ."'"jillHI S 111)1)1 . , i ne ci ei III es nf I in r....u.ii .is ineiinriiiK 1111 y tn enve tie .mi - L,.. ..,,.... ... .... . i ,...,, i.,, - t i "I I I Ml 1 1 II II I rrilirioei 11 i i im- iiiinn in 1 . r .. r . . i I'.li'K mints fin nnvi ...... ...... . IHnt.nl Utt,.rt..i. II :..t n.. i I Tim nIi.i riitnhir 1p IMdln Mtillrn t? ! Dnn Rtatn firlflirnrt Mrn Huf ---. ! 11.11 H I'I l II kill IM'IIIII I-IIIIIII1III I I llllllll I IIIIIIIU MIL III!" --' ' . . I ' - ---.- . .., - V. ln,.,l Ti .;..." :. . . . " I. Ii II...W. lii-r .mil, "".".." ,.. . ..,i...,i..i . i . "' i. inner ernt ons sr weeK on iiotn l s innt 'nl nnn-y uniin, inirns m. irr ... nnui sum- ...n.p... .. . -.. . . mi. ""'"'lies giines uj, nnl,v .... , ., , , , . , ., , ., nii'l .llmmv llnunn s Vnuntf .Inlin liutfv. P, i - . ' 11 II IIII11L:I II IIIIII llllll I'TIIIHIIIMI 11111 I III' U I .lit lotinnv Minn Iihh 'n tht l'it ln 1 i !( 'ni k W-'". "MrobnWy thirr. Inter- fl, ri,..,e,,hn,. ;f V. ru ,,. s ' f T,',','. southp.iw would have tube In (he bos flub tenia matches, n ways popu ar on Un bin linti liisiltntin., .u . "' I 1. . r . , , , the Delnwnte course.' iiiunh'v of (,ncl t ? J .. " "'' " In'K' l',,nl fnr '"'""'' week, the operations Itnili.nl changes have been made on r-liii.., m,,,,,,- t iirw" ,',',', r"V."1- I ,mv'' ,""vr'1 " -""",f"I "'' '" wi" threo holes which will greatly improve High. j,. M, Pri.flll.' '"' v'''","" he nt his home in l.ogan for this week the course there, mi, I no effort Is too town nn,l t .,.... w.. .,.n1""" " Mollis- . ... .. -'..." 'I .ill" H . i Villi. . in f i I Seeks to Discourage Gambling Cli'telllim, O. linh 'll In (n prfm i 1,1 l.nst season (iermnntowu Acndeinv '" e, through the season with nnl'v '" " lu-iiu'i riviiih. I'cnn ,i H. ,,r..T L.oi.ii.tim. m,,,b,. t-.' L... ... i it , , . i i ri"ih.' Bnnii'ii.ii) m inns' i i i in r ii'MKiT I iner anil l.plseopal Academv. isere , nf the rlnirinnrl In. linns win nm unn"iinp t , for second, with Friends' Central ' ' pitchem msrniBiu .luiinu ih- rsuur ' IITllni? Ill) III the rem. ""'" , HUmll llll.l he'll Ills lli-v ,.m . usung up in tin. reur. ! ,hl8 ,f(pt., rP1.n,,. i i,( Sil Anmiin I imrp aie only su games scheduled whern ihn Imllnns in. . hoilule to iH) ul nnneal'iTfo,',!.1' "T""' il m' ti? !n WfUkyti Z ul appear In four games, playing cam i, m.-uic until urn- fn- ih kiui" to s-nrt c- L big for this seething links center to undertake. The dates for the Invitation tniirnc.i are tentatively set forth us .tune ifi to IS, inimcdintelj following the local l.yiinewnnd Hall iournei, ns Inst year. The latter event nttincts leading amateurs from many districts who have been iifiMistntni'd to set sail for Wil mington at the conclusion of the Hunt ingdon Valley meeting. liral Cniillltt Hut this jenr the diner tourney comes on the Iftib mnl the Fridoljn cup on Snturdaj of I lint week, local tomneys wdilch would pioh.ibl.N 1 (tn tl to keepmnny I'hilndelphlans nway fioin Wilmington. Tlie committee (here is thus in u quandary and mny change the dntes ineniloned back to the week before, when there is no ntlrnctiou in the (Junker I 'lt. ('. W. Sutton is cliniiinnn of the golf commltte at Wilmington u ml submits the following sihcdule of club events for 1!)U1 : Mn.v 7th inmllfiliiK rminil Minor), nf elithl lllh. Ilrsl rniin.l lnoi of elchi, stt. prmnl roiiiiil .laHsri nf elifhi -Sih. thlnl routKl. rlnnsKs nf elshl ,'Hlih Kolf inniniltlfp phiii, nw nl nil holes hnmllenp rhnlre srnr .111 hnles hnmllci.ti, f m mil. hnnrllcnp meiHI iilHV, low Krosn medal play. Iiiiii -Slh. Sprlnqhnen .'lull nl Sprlnc haien. Ilth niiullfylti rouml for I'reldent'ii Tup. ipt .is not ncnreii tn .iiullf, I.Mh-lSih Invltntlon tnurnnmenl. iTith llrm inunil Prcul tll'lfl s Cup. .liilt.M unrniiil rnimu PrpBlilent'j. Tun llh f"ur-linll mil. h li"t hill thnien urnre ail hnp; p. tn fmir-h.il in.inh host lml I tS holes nth tlilut rnunil I'r.'Klilein's .'un tilth fourth rouml Preslilent s .up hnn'lnnn nrnloh pirn ncnliiM p.n irtiuits Preslilenl s f'up to lie plneil nn ni hefnie ,luv L'31 .lil fnininimp hnn.li. ,ip me'lnl pla .tilth, hnrell eap meilnl plnv AiiRiiHt ilih fnur h.ill mni'h total rnrr hnnilldip meilnl rlnv 13th ncn ilte 20th klrUers' hinilluili. 'J7th h.imlli .in malrh nlnv nk-nlnst par U.n'...l n. ..... . .. . . ri'irinw. ..11 r-erinna.pr ii iuntns tnn .iih tholrp p,ir.. ml holes p m hindl ian mertil rla 10th nuillfMnir round, rluh rhampl nsiiln. ITMi fir-.; imind "luh i him Plnnshlp. 21th eornn.l round i lull . hjmplnn uhlp llPlOher 1 SI th.il rnunil r.l.,1. .t,nn...tH fJln 81 h fourth rnund. rluh hamplonshlp I """ ' " nnirn in i.e pln.pil on or helnre riptolipr IS), nth. urnnd tlnnle tram tnateh for dinner Hut the Invitation event is the big gest nttrn.tion. Tlie i nurse boasts wonderful turf and some wry intricate holes Added to this Is tlie social at mosplierc hnnging over tlie setting at that time which never fails to please the visitors and popularize tlie tourney. .Shnwnee is also out with its dates, the oneii and the litickwnoi! inven tion tourney for men being tlie main I events there. Hernnrd Fairfax, club secretary, re- ports the coiir-e has benefited by the ( mild winter mid that a big time is going to be iiml this year. i Kllgene (Since is president nf (lie club nnd Willie Norton has again been engaged ns pinfpsNioniil. I Abe Mitchell and (Seotge Duncan, tlie Hritish champion, nie expected to make i their liis tourney nppeaiaiice here in the Sliawnee open, wlilch i'iiiiu'.-- lliel week preeeiling the nntionnl at Wash- , ington. I. ('. 1 Here nie tlie dates as announced: .limp II tu I. Annual n.Miatu.n women torn nnin nl f 11 the t.inap" Tmph Shnw lie, . nunii.' .'Ilih Shaw ii" 011 I.Vt.w.ni i f 1 1 1 12 unit 13 Annual .nMt ttien np. u louinainetii Shawnre i'uunii riuh. .shau up. nn Iiel .ware l,i 11ciKt. t. . fl -Annum InMtatlon Itui k wind Troph tourn.inient Shawnee t'.iuntr. t'tllli. Slnw nee on-l)f l.l.vni" t'.i. Ilrtnhrr III. It unil !i Annu.il munition fall tournani.nl Shawnee Cnunlrj L'luo i .sh.i w nee-en-tlela ware. Pa Rynn and Moore Draw M.IcesHirl, t.., M.inh 31 'rninniv nan nf this cl" lield Pal .Moor, of Mem Phis 10 a 'I nw In their tenmund hour al 'tie Mueslle I'luh her in a rather slnw enntem I.I1A1...I intnee -i r"'"H'"' nt Aiingtoii wns "I lui e been suffering no pains w hat uiiirii in vi it ivib i.i. i i. ... i i M'linol for the i:;,'e,. irll.l Wl. I " f"'' "'" ''' " days." sni,l Tendler un-W.r. pint -f;,' , ,"-;' .-n uile the snnnd did hiiv. .to nia' ft Ice I i.i 'ml"-v' "m"1' "M '' '" r,,t,l1- fdious - .lo'eo'i. wl,",;,i """', '""" "" hr- ' !iiu" ,,s1""1 ff"-i"' ""rh - o4.u,",io,!iiP,,fri; srniMr. 'Viiil ! i '' I charge I ccpe. t to get it today or m. .iiimr n bhi Hll "ill., ha.'lm ,e "'"iV"-' "V,,,,,',s T'lT'''- r , , ., . r lll "nnnnn. th sn,hnrk- f ,1 a strnnv t. I..I.I '" 1m"1 fe will have , Ictldler is confident the absen. of ; iiKr.l-iulit ma. Is- r.mat.h-d t. m fn 'it,... I'ii ii sun" I.i n.'iie tenm. .Ieil Id ixl . i nf i lie 'I I. limit Katern I i. mi,. hM w i iiiioi. to iii-range ii v, i . hn iii wiie nniible to agree l Tl . "Ill II .1 pi IL i - ef.tlnj' .i i up. enef ill I nmi l.n. ..HI An lv Smith in iht e i.iund af H.irrt ( I tiru ii's,ih in in ihi r"iiitvnii , h sinpped hy Mayo In s pi whlpp I In. Mii'hI... In a i.nrnunder. ' N .i ... had .Ii Tilted Mum. tml.iv "t cu i- I in fur (rem helm: a dead on. ." Slew" l.iurj has tain n Willi.. I nllnllnn undpr his wltm nnd the lutt.r U n n n Me U i.i -,; '.im .llll'lltng SII Hie nisi JOIIII III Ills linril lell linger .lonnnv i . .mn .. i.e .-u.ieui i.i ." finm , .,M " """ .fnr,j,i"d with leiernn.. "i'l Pr"-'- no handicap in lii future ,'-k brick tJ ?. "Wn -- ", ' I'hlpps, I.ej. ' boxing, and that the leinovnl of n small s. ncrh has reiurn..l finm nuvi.iirsh the "..Vi '' M'1'"'ler and Wilson nielbone from his right thiinib will result wnr h hi. t.r .i.. i:.wi.. f...h..i IJ 'Vonsdnle. n.VJ.vIln n proventin,, from future frnctuies - V!, iTK T"n Tie I... i ii '""""""ig loiingst(.r ' In t lilt t lilltt. "I hope ll won't be long Md. w-hil ihr H-l-hnldei . .me n .. , it.h -.. o A,,rn' Vw'm, nin!,"l,,;v '!v,; ''rm'" "" ,,I,,,'!N, V" '"' i"1,',",,"!,ir wrr':.,!''' xilwv, .'n':.'.15; sir:, School ni I(i,t . il I , '""''J ' 'irk High """' again so Unit I i mi gel back into i,h(r p.mi :..m.r. .. imht.v Ine.n m me si.;i,'" - .im1 ' '''l'ecn gain., the ling," further snid l.ew. "(See, H..t..n eon. lime In MtII have inn. ,i .," ""'"iihiinilcs also I hope Hint I ran p thtmigh with that ,.,,,. . the!' V T iVC"??'"0 -'iesulth'Pfoposod.bou. with Henny Leonard this JW&.ft'S'Z ,W.!l rSitiZ v..,,. .'.... " "'"OW I.I-OVe hefnl-e th. summer. l.ur-h h. re e .,o.; i w n "lee I..-W The . seimii i . - 1Mlil 'il'issinnii. Tendler's mnnnger. 'Jr,'1',!1 r'""n H " M.i-m-t- of i:,ldi iw i 71"1' fl,lln': ',0,l" '" h,,, "" "ff,'r (m I-" '' " t'prer Dn'rl.v ii!L"., .' ,lrk 'awiiM ,,,, ,,, .I'lyilll. of New Yoik. for the southpaw .mm Memln his reuni..l li ilnlnc no MaT"n' 1,F,'---H,l!r T" ny rr-rf, yh,y :i''Ti..wi,:;: H Sil.pil i! V'"," i lends (homni ii i ""' ("'dell the tit xt week ill Mm. "Itiiituui ninl. h uilh ttuttlv If.jtc hlnnn fT.k lh.,'i ".'?h 'a IV) M... ,n, ..A'.'" , Is Imrilh l.nssil.te fne 111" t,. I,.l... tl.U thorn") m j i, , ' ' J" nklniow n Itiiih I lunlell sold l'hl ".., I don't evtleel Hnllrr lnins hn.. fether riiliv lea..- . 2" Narl- , ii,!; ")Vr Merlon (awavl (,,"",', , . ",,'i i , ., i .,'"" "' ' llcht imn iei hete i hr-- Hiri . !.,. i ",'" '." 'iiel. M,, ., ft.pe.- ' ," '',"" I'""1' '"'"'I' hefore tlie middle ' Into Un . il tlsilp tl-l.l In ih. ..ni. ,, June 7. I'heliiiilinin llu.hV """n ihonn I I of .tunc. I think he will be reiuh for I "'" Wallet has Inh-n lliir Wauner ,, ""i '"ii.) nitlon In about ten weeks" Nitli t'"nn und. r hi. e me rh i,nt. . anion in nnntii nil wiehs. ei, vn i,n,i haul Iuiiiiik l.'t pound, t -TRAYLO AIR COMPRESSORS Compact ncss and froe flom from ibration arc (listinKuishiiiK foaturcs of tho Traylor portable Air Com pressor. Made in three types asolino, electric and steam driven. Write for Bulletin L-104. Traylor Engineering & Manufacturing Co. Saleirooms end Motor Truck Service Station Broad SI. & LeWr.h Anue Phone Diamond 1015 factories: Allcntown, Pa. rernwclli, Buck Co., Pa. uy Coal NOW! Pri Advanc May Our April Prices Chuted Are: Churpc Prices Cash Prices Egg $13.50, less 25c a ton for cash, $13.25 Stove $13.75, less 25c a ton for cash, $13.50 Nut $13.75, less 25c a ton for cash, $ 1 3.50 Pea $11.00, less 25c a ton for cash, $10.75 We have lowered our prices far in excess of the reduction made by operators. We are therefore compelled to change our cash discount to 25c par ton. Phone Belmont 7500 63d and Market 51st and Grays i IIHIIIIlllUUMilt! Pa PROOUCTSrJ ',,"' ''"I.I- nrnuinr en ,. ,. ,.,,. inlu ., ... .".. '"". yoriiemmi a i ii i n i nblur hi. Is m N. SSt. . s... s.t'., H M I to U. a,K 'Ae ' M mbtikwfi ja :: $7.85 7R.K ftfif s MF IL ' MMi i: s-romai ' ri II "1 .... . - 1 TV.'iWil' W' JBL f S:::$s t L 1 11 . lVw IMMl SCfiKto-J 1 "1 Mill III I Ml I M III ltI11.11B8 i ..im.rtiB r 'ii4j" iww mwAimiiVs- HlTfl"i.6WW Step inside and see the pair of Royal shoes Trtf$7.85 that's really wauincfrnrvnn. . i "'' II v"kAWAAAK -Jb T . . An 'in im.i ni, s nib y I 111)' V stllH' Hf V A ' till" II I 'I" ,( lllnrl. rillskin. s i.i ii ' ;' , ., in ni" " Variety is almost "'Ri.y& ' i. . l . for lirtli limitless ranging in style from the " doggiest " Brogues to the very neatest of 1 1 A 1 ' M w. m t-fc 0. r r k. if 4J - piciiii lcuia. iiu in .'' - " $7.85 leathers ! why, you have the most liberal choice of really good leather picking Rich Cordovans, Scotch Grains, Tan Calf, Russian and Black Calf. Every pair has rubber heels; and that's another Royal economy. It's right up to you, Mn Man, for the shoes are all here! The newest, smartest and very "snappiest" styles of the Season's Footwear Fashions. Quality counts in every pair, and youll have to he like Deacon Smith's mule, " dreadful sot in its ways," to resist these shoes at the Royal Shoe Shop Prices! Spring: and Summer are both before you, and here are unmatched values for those who know a good thing when they see it. J Look at our. windows, and then come inside. Have vou ever seen such a wonderfully ex- k. elusive showing nf dependable shoes? ,, v Each pair plainly price-marked; each ' 1 i . . W ' s rfnr .,... "i... n-M?i( 5i' '. i.H'i.i.. ii ' " " ' i -'V i &'. 8V. Bfe-fl Iqi il J ; MW VLri IS m price insiymfivanlhi small. ; ft, You'll have to cudgel your brains Hi in trying hard to remember when . vou've seen such values. We're i 7 giving illustrations oi five ;A models al a very appealing " and easy-going price W M wkimlfm mymsmi K'-.-.ym mm ! .!. c?; We're going to be as busy as a cross eyed boy at a 3- ringed circus, and it's half-past hurry o'clock ! Do your choos ing NOW, Don't stop, linger and dream. This certainly is a copper-riveted, air- tight cinch. Be quick! a n d if you'll look a mund elsewhere you'll understand the situation. All Are $10 Values OPEN EVERY NGHT 'JE"OJG. Asf "f asm US So3SXJ i .i. 'i '. hi. i .. i rU.fSl ' yir; '' V .. .. i .in ', Hw " '.'"- ,. ; w&mmmms 'SmmmmUd If M 11-' -v JT,,?As8fc? KS- & '&&? lli'Uij - -LSiBaGl ,f . ... " t . .. ir """'" " '" """" 'II' MUM III Ill Ill WIWIIHWI , ,,,. ....u, ..- i , , rf. j 5i c LuiiZ fl 1 I K iH I