i Jt Ki 4 li ?cs ffi tft 5. ni A' .! '1 ; ,' 1 1 ill V 4 ! j ' iMC i h " ' "Vr- ' 'sT'fsrsW --.;f7wwsti'1 r ''."!PP5WP "?Sp?3r?JVvA2 Euenihg ? PHILADELPHIA; . WEDNESDAY, MAROHJ&30, 1921 Fug NA Wlfei - wmmml x,v gMMyH 4 J HfctWafiPal .--j ';'c-thi t vM4x i 'tOXOVA' 6,4. A. ". y Lir Mm M(K ''WW 4f hf-,"a iitfWis vi-rim i " c IIXK flxyox'y ftgft vf !SSS$SS .v4s4 - H L&i"l',,f?, '" munlm K9BPBSZMPB1",rr M;SJa THEY DIDN'T MIND THE COOL WEATHER. Two West Philadclphin girls go merrily on as they enjoy rope jumping on Chester avenue LdEer Thoto Sen ice. DRAWING POSITIONS FOR ALL - AMERICAN PARADE. Mrs. John M. Gallngher, president of the Gold-Star Mothers, picked out the slips in the Mnyor'f reception room. Karl Bloomingdale recorded the drawings Lnliivr l'holo iierWco. AT WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Miss Helen Simon, of New York, ready for a round of golf International AT THE FIELD TRIALS. Miss Dorothy Hall, 4C13 Chester avenue, with Major -Rittlo during the events held by the English Setter Club of America at Medford, N. J. The setter was very willing to poso LvilxiT l'holo Serlcc. KQP Hr iKK -J&V'B1' vtfi - ", J'j - ' - f ' ' "WALK FIVE MILES A DAY." That's what the doctor ordered. But a pedometer doesn't add much to milady's decoration, so it has been attached to Quadrille. Miss Rose Mint is reading the pedometer Umlt rwcKwl &. I'nHTu ood. THE ART OF SELF-PROTECTION. For the first time in the history of Philadelphia high schools wrestling and boxing are the Northeast High School. The wrestlers arc Borsos and Dunlap. l iKenstecner nnu being taught. These boys are pupils at the McMullin arc the boxers Ledger l'holo Sen Ice. i a.. ' SSff.fc Mb. . tt " T'rocKfejMCTv'jttrty'NaaHhwsekAMxfefcrtA. .t.-t " &-yiMSSSS2!2Sl. lvWTI J .: i .-1- .' ''-T' " OliMlMnMffTi lT i " v prriir--- - -- a a 1 i W BBHBHBr j3BBWBHW?mBBBBBBil Sjt c''HuvAvAvj rawBBiHBPsBBtCl2!?fc?cP?iB CAME UP FROM ALABAMA. John Willnrd and his master, H. G. Jones, among those at the Medford field trials Lodger Photo Ken Ice. 'Tt;y""TsBBBBBBBBBBWBBIBIBBBB!BWBBiBB GOING 'ROUND THE PEAR TREE. The girls at Medford, N. J., were actively engaged in a gamo when the photographer came on the scene 1."i1bit I'hoto Hen Ice. MISS EDNA TRILL WITH A TULIP. The flower is the emblem of the Speech-Reading Club of Phila delphia, 1G06 Locust street, now conducting a cam paign to raise $50,000 to buy their present home IamIbit I'hoto Scrtlc. v 7?l MsvIh fllH iMlryxflPspCaLMBjBKTMffBMrv . Lfi jjMjBBMBHKflgHMsgffMMff MmHF fj& t&K ivk iHtor nViH MiikyiWfc H INTERIOR DAMAGE T ROSE TREE HUNT. The explosion OTTO W. OSTERLl'ND. New; president of of a boilei in the cellar ol the clubhouse in Upper Providena the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, ll.s township yesterday tore the floor to bit- and scattered the stuffed election took place at the 100th annual meeting foxts about the debris I dfr I'hoto t-. rM e. 1 hoto r NEW JERSEY WOMEN UNDERSTAND PUBLICITY. Mrs. John L. Drummer, president, and Mrs. J. G. Marshall, chairman, of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wenonah Fire Co., don fire hats to advertise a fair i.edeer i'hoto Ben ice. OAK LANE COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM JUDGES LIMERICK. From left to right: Harry Smedley, Walter Wolf, Arthur Magill, C. F. Fourer, Jr., Edward L. Brylawski, Alfred Snellenburg and A. M. Jacobs (coach) SEMAPHORE SENTINELS OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO m&J-22tdMMS&! THE BEAUTY CORNER 1 A. HEELIG, J'12 North Fifth street, operating the towel-beaming finme for Tmkisti towels at the Ilohlfcld Manufacturing Co., Tenth street and Allegheny avenue LtJter l'holo eric. i 4 SHE'S ENGAGED. Miss Alice Lord, Brooklyn -wjmmer, who competed in Mio Olynp'c games, Is to mnrrv "Dick" Iiaadon, the ni. athlete. They met on thcli wui 'f Antwerp lr .1 to HE'S AN ICE-SKATING EXPERT. Reserve Patrolman Cornelius Dougherty has been stationed at Sixteenth and Aicfi street 1 for four years, He has been n, s."rrlhian for six years. Dougherty Hvcfft at 1935 South Twentinth Rtri'nl AT MONTE CARLO THIS WEEK. One of the girls on the uriusn running lenm wmen is competing against the French girls ui wiu juiiiuu? jiiu.iaurc city II11S WCCK ' Cehtrul Niws J'hJt. MISS LOTTIJ3 BAIN GfGl Pine Street Philadelphia ,. ld.r Phyto Seivlui. ftt-ri., K." V '" - .'iflu, A , h