-f" wW&rGtor "- vlwT w-1 'h: V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY', MAKC'H 30, 1921 BBAI ESTATE FOll SALE atEAIi ESTATE FOR SAliB ReaiTestate tor sale KEAE ESTATE FOB fc'ALK REAL ESTATE fOR flALE REAE ESTATE FOR SAEE REAE ESTATE TOU SAEE RFAE ESTATE FOIt SAEE ' r WHAT A REALTOR" MEANS-TQ THE PUBLIC A Realtor is a member of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. Real estate brokers who are bound by the code of ethics of this Association. The exclusive right of the National Association of Real Estate Boards limits the use of the word to members of this Association. The public should recognize that there ig a difference between brokers who adopt .the Golden Rule ai'd are pledged to deal fairly, squarely and liberally with the public, and those who have no.t adopted 'these methods. Real estate prokers in general may not use the designation "Realtor," and those members of local boards who are entitled to use it accept the corresponding responsi bility of conducting their business according to the National Associations code of ethics. .gacrfmTrm ii 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 i i l r. i. , ,r, n mi iiin.niifn . n o ... . . , , . .. ,. ' Hl'illlll llllllll" "l"1"1"""""111 " ""'"""""uumiiumimiljllllliilllll'llll I I l)illliilllilillillillilliirir,iiiiiiiiii;,iMiiii,i.i.iiiiiiii;ii,Trtrrmimiirmiirriii...ii),,,;,,.. u-lj aaagaM -i' .i'i - i .'-i... i -; ;.-. . ,!- . .. ,i ' : iil M,,i,!::.jM ., i.:..1,..1,-?;.,,.' ; " ..-!. , , , ' '-'''u'''''""aiii 1 a m m i c- m 1 IS THE The "Realtors" advertising on this page are Members of PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD JBJJgi ggiililliiillim (LIONEL FRIEDMANn) CHESTNUT HILL Joseph M. Jennings Co. 8612 GERMANTOWN AVE. WM. H. WILSON & CO. Suburban Realtors We arc offering; FOR SALE a large list of HOMES in "The Most Wonderful Suburbs in the Wovld." Many of theso arc "Exclusive Homes" That Have Never Before Been Offered. "We urjje that you call on us and take advantage of our 18 yearn' experience in Suburban Real Estate. Buy Your Home in the Suburbs Main Line Penna. R. R., Wynnefield Gcrmantown, Chestnut Hill, Mt. Airy, Pclham WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 Morris Building Members Philadelphia Heal Estate Board Wc have the following homes in GERMANTOWN and MT. AIRY ready for immediate occupancy 640 Phil-Ellena St. 310 Gowen Ave. 7426-30 Boyer St. WILSON & CHADWICK 701 Morris Bldg. Ask for Mr. Wingatc 7443 Devon St. 101 Allen Lane 107-13-15 Allen Lane iraawnwroOT E. A. HAVENS CO. A.v.soi'Nr.B Tin? ovkvino or iitnii: ELKINS PARK BRANCH OLD YORK ROAD xrciicncii noAn and foimnsT u: HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN HOMES iiiiiiir5iiiii,iii'ii)iiH'iiwwiii!miriiwiw EAfWENSCQ LAND TJUe BIDG. ajDorsnsTrrw WIIIWh!lifWMWifiillilii4iIli"ll! 4803 N. 13THST. One of tl'u beat-constructed houses In the Loffan Miction and one of the best-locatd liousea on our list. HreakfaFt room. I lariro bedrooms; hardwoi throURliout. Immediate posuesston. Xo annoyance about terms. That's part of our dutj. Offered at J 8300. 1118 S0MERV1LLE AVE. Imagine a aquaro housft .with 3 bedrooms and buth, hardwood iloorn throughout, and In tin' pint: of condition. Sunny nnd cheerful lit da, ecry day. Terms to ult your own poclcetbool:. r 4525 OLD YORK ROAD 4541 OLD YORK ROAD i 4614 N. 13THST. Ik fun Iieurt of the Wvomlntr Avenuo section r and only square from 3 trolley lines. Seven room", inciuuinE uain. rrtceu at aiouu. ivnu numerous extras. 6813 N. SYDENHAM ST. I On of these houses has tlio attic converted Into sulubte mrviinta' quarters. The other is prlcrd Including shndes, crcn and many oilier extra" .Doth have I iiedroomR and lath. uml finished J billiard room In basement. We KUEKest Inpec- tlon of elthet or both of these houses. IJIpht rooms and bath: of nc-nt construction; looated In the new Oak Lano section. Kach of the 4 bedrooms Is above normal hIzc. Trolleys, r We nro in position to llnanco with but $800 CU(1, tlUU UliCI Illll.CU.tlb'J iuasvasiuii un cti. 1150 WAGNER AVE. Attractiie G-room-.uu'-bath house In tli right suction of Ldgan. Tlooms that aro surprisingly large, and at a prlco surprisingly reasonable Attractive homes for sale in Chest nut Hill, St. Martins, Whitemarsh Valley nnd Gvyncdd Vallev. CHESTNUT HILL 1S37 CHESTNUT HILL 2057 DALLAS & HARTLEY, INC. SPECIALIZING IN LOGAN. OAK LANE AND GERMANTOWN 4709 N. BROAD STREET WYOMING 871-872 "ASK THE MAN WE HAVE REPRESENTED" , DETACHED STONE HOUSE On .McCallum Street between Lincoln Drhe and Horttcr Street. About one acre of ground. The house contains 12 rooms, 2 baths on second flooi; sleeping porch; Speav's system of heat; electric light. NEAR UPSAL STATION Center hall house, with 0 bedroom!", tlicssinpr room, 2 baths; electric light. Possession. Lot u'Ox.200. i We have a house to meet vour ieuuirmpnt.a. Wvitn ns fnn our list of homes in Onnantown, Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. Your inquiry will receive prompt attention. SGOTGERMINTOWNfv: LOCUST 5625 RACE 806 CENTRAL AND SEMI-CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTIES AND INDUSTRIAL REALTY i HEYMANN & BR0. 310 WIDENER BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHAS. W. MILLER pEALTOP 1201-07 Commonwealth Bldg, Chestnut & 12th Sts. Philadelphia C. HARRY JOHNSON Realtor 1420 Chestnut Street Philadelphia UOT A. IIEr.UA.SW JOS C. HETMANN jos nEn.NHArtD LARGE KENSINGTON MILLS FOR SALE '-j 'W iqujr fi" croun'J ' JftO OPn siare ff (loo- j- : th bt lrt. i:able inodrii mmniUut irluc pi .m, ra':rod n cl.nj:. fgr a t !u I'll :cllutil. iu iell HHlhlJuil uniti I'or iort;cuu'-i pp. :o .BARBER, HARTMAN & CO. l.'Cl CHKS.TNL f STItBET rHILAUCI.I'HIA Itr.l.li PIIO.VK NO TART PL'DUH: fir.nciiT .i$, E. J. ELUOTT A J,ViAl! Ill I ca' state an Conveyancing i'WealtokIJ ' i il chbs txut s r PHILADELPHIA WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS 1546 North Seventh St. 2019 Columbia Ave. 58th & Chester Ave., W. Phila. Bell and Keystone Telephones Offer for Sale the Following Properties: i CENTRAL SECTION GERMANTOWN MOUNT AIRY CHESTNUT HILL ins cnrsTKUT it. MonroAOEs .T.GOTIATf:n RUNTS COl.lX'.THD 13 f- Imh Hlun u, l"Jinn. locution. 131-125 N I "Hi m.ii Uili LOGAN N llrimil fine Vciitlun. 13 roonm 4CI3N .N. Smdle - mi'.lfin tacam, n 1 mi NORTH CENTRAL SECTION Vacant N ISlh Artf 3 batln. 15 roann. fl2" N. Mil I lnry, '.' biilh. li rooinf, N. Krunkllii 2 bitli, 14 roomn 1H33 N 17lh J bitthi lit r(Kim N. tilth Kieellant orltf 13 roonu. 1025 N. Irk ar '.( trlelt ; V.' rom. DWELLINGS HERE AND THERE W, .Muiiisoiniirv . a balliK, 1U nn 1801 N" 1'Jth Suit for pn mi M rm N. 17th'.' bittiB. IS roonu 1700 Mauler nll vanl, 1.' room. JC, (,th urnc vanl! 1.1 roonm. 241S Spruce hoh locution; 11 roonu .V. loth Slrte yard: 13 rootnj 1S27 N. C.imao near Teiiii'l I'nlv. 0 run STORES AND DWELLINGS i I'o'iunbla a i'ur . vacant. 11 rm. lSftl N. 2tth Corn.r n icdiiih Onlumbla. ae. 1'utieialini; 11 rooraa. S54'JS5tl Illdm RV8 cornel WEST PHILADELPHIA Just a Suggestion or Two block 8. Ceill 11 liousn. 7 reoinv 6037 to 5017 Lanculra -Ohounta.d no And a tirel Nuintr of Othr Houe Including Smalt llotnui for lu9tment Ifllii Hll.l 7i.t tnso 171H 1507 151 1 1017 ,',1'th toos .'d0(l Near Lincoln Drive f all-atone t'vln ilwelllniiM wltli laia", livinc room, IS bedrooma. ulcevlnf lorfh and two bitli. completalv modern with i ion opn Drcplacp. atom rn-at from cm- I iru Man.T irna a eiecirn-uy imniwwu rloori thriushout, whltt finish near Vpaal , Ntntlnn unJ Waynn an'i trollf urlu. ' 111'. ."I'll Near Allen Lane Station l.ainln in? tautitul all ft uno bunz.i.ov. with large miirh 2'xl0' llvlnr rnom 211 v 14 . dining- loum. pantry, l.ll'lun Knri laun dn brUrooma S Illf.l Ivutli h-. tcI b hot i watrr paa L eleutrlclt, liaidMud rluuia tot 3.VX12J . price ir.'.yon. Chestnut Hill IUiMiii Uiiac:id lio'ji. w'lh Mi t .en op ortllnltltf to ri'inodtl. loitd ni'Ar I'husl uut Hill Station on lVnrnania It. It., contains 1 roamx I bith, hoi-uat?t he.it; rb1, A eluctrlilty put on 8"50 ex-1 aniliib before old Crenheim Road V io. cletai bed liotife totnPH' 'U ii ai.'..t 'tirated near Vllen I.ane fltit'on IVnunjl ar.la 11 It , a (Ilia home lit an eteptlon- i nl dtlrable location, il bedroom & :; b.Mha. hnt-njter heat caa ft electrlcit. ' hiirdwood flooiH nrplace. wht'e ilnl.h, loom fui zerrtite price, 112.500, ' Locust Avenue 15O0 i.t: balance ill rent. hue Ml.' Locuat anue. J4o.l0 nt monthlv lental eoera all charcea on the properly: twin. lare roonu it bath hoi-water heat. ia eltctrlilt' h.irdnood floora, air rham ait pr.i' S750O, thla la a beautiful home West Durham Street u mii.1' tlv two-tor KO'ithern oxpoeuie iiil.t.urir.i'i'-t'pe hOuw. lot '.ft-12,1 rl loome and l:tth hot-aa'iT h.at Kaa A I elitrKlM 'ipen nripla'1!.' prtce for giiiU tale ;r,.'Mi I Germuntown Immediate Possession An unuail op;K)rtunlt' to nhtatn h mm Welltnc vv.'lh deep lot with room for Knrace, priced at onlv J IO.5O0 contalna 12 rooin 3 hatha, 'white llnleh). newlv, papered and painted, electron, hard vood tloore contrulli located convnl'int to Wnyne avenue lrolle Pclham I Tw in dvyeliina. southern expoaurc inorii I for Lara, located ne. i Carpenter Siatlon J Otn aenue trolley. 11 rooma 1- bith. I nteim heat from central plant, caa ft eleo- I tr!rlt, hardwood floor open flrplav 114 000 IIKNHV iflKIIV D1..NJ I UVAN1 PhoiU' Spruce 7S80 MORTGAGES CENTRAL REALTY OFFICE SPACE DREBY & EVANS EDGAR G. CROSS Mortgage Realty & Insurance 1007 LINCOLN MJILDING 1 Real Estate Broker 1 111) WALNUT STHKET Philadelphia , Pa. SMITH, DALGLIESH Sc RUSS 5G01 Germantown Avenue BR00MALL : Beautiful Tract of Ground Just Opened Five Miles From 69th St. on W. Chester Pike Otll ItUI'ilUSKNTATlVU WII.I. III! IIIEItK aiNUAV AKTKltXUON 'ID mhow yov i'i.ans run a hixui.k I uorsi; now liKiNu nu'ii.r to HUM. KUll 7OO0 (10 i FINEST LOTS i lii UelawHie t'uuim for lneatmtnt ii lloniia Ml linproameiila. Such Klrotrlo I.litlita, Hnrlntflelil Water, ement Walka, and Improved Hoada Klectrlc Cara Hloii at lkith Rndi of I'roperty. Tak West Chester Car at ! 00th ctrcat Insiii-anco Conveyancing John M. Enburg REALTOR 5207 Baltimore Ave. Special attention given to the selling of West Plula. propel ties. Win II V. 5ulc namond IV lloder I'realdent Secretary Thoa Shallcrons. .11 H StacU) Mco I'larldeni J'rfuri Specializing in all classes of West Philadelphia Real Estate Wm..H. W. Quick &Bro.. Inc. 8 South 40th St. Kershaw & Crowl 5215 Chestnut Htreet Only $24.00 Per Month tlEACllPl'I. MODERN HOMK A f 1527 S. Lindenwood St. (i.'D fr WOOUhAND AVK Price $3900 , I'unyinK Char-e 'I'liaia . I 7.1 T'' Water Item Meter i 0 Interrat on lat Mt- l0a.no Klre ln. per Year. 2.72 Interest on 2d Mti n) on Total Yearly c'oar $:SS 17 foil .in Pollovis l.i MortRani) . .. tlKno 2d Mo rt -a iso . Kion Cash 00 0 Total J3JIO0 JOS. M. BAKER & SON SPECIAL OFFER Ul'ltINO WKEK OP Heal listale & Huildins: Kxposition I'lnant-ln. Tl'.e I'anxeyani.mi. etc In r'uded In the p-Ke on the fuWutvinK 1107-09 SO. RUBY ST. $52Z0$7r0 CASH en u i Hi. and buth Id (i. pouh noni hot ater heat elec hardwood (toora ana Kitchen han'men laundr) ten lfi Willows Ave., 54th to 55th St. $8230 $1 2.0 CASH lliti4.e,uHl Una evl ftunt nhi ull-M licAttJ iut luitfJ ir'h utk !.ii.ff room dlnUitr room l.ifchn, bane-iiiem UuiuJi II Itcitrouniri nlo b.itt. bii'lt.ln tub nhuwr 1ii.rJvoQtl fluui i Vtti t.-.tfst hfiil clet . ifldlan. fireplace Suburban Homes Country Estates Farms-Building Sites I JOSEPH K.MARSHALL I'urnliahrd Subway aamp.'f houpe M07 Vi'loe ai uf U4 to Mil and llalto ae fi' H IIAl.TIMOIIK AVB. oi'KN tvi:k. 'rnriiH. r.vi:s 7 to o UL'AMI'lfATION I'l'IU'lIA'lK 1'llOM MAHl'lI 2H TO APHII, 2 OTHKIt t HOICK HOMKS ON OLIt l.ISi SIIORTLIDGE 'hV ,3' TX EVKHY part of the Sub l"urban Section north of Phil delpliiit wo Iikvo to otter an at tractive list of most desirable properties it will be to your interest to consult with us if you nre looking for a high Krado homo, country sqat oi a '"aim neni. Philadelphia. H. J. DAGER AMBLER, PENNA. Hell Telephone, Ambler 187 8 So. 52nd St. We toiAte as bill.leie o! home and business properties With IhU practical experience, e are abla to ndlae IntrllUiU'.lv vouii thi puiihti'.e or aale nf all clan., f tv,, estt'fi M thla tlni". e have. - ' epl.oml ll't to Offer 10 VTOlf !' Harwood Park 1 MINllKt walk rno.M oorn f. TEKMINA1. j 26 HARWOOD DRIVE 8, (.'.(, ston-biiJiti i o house vin rp Lot 50x120 Ft. I KXtiUDJ. lO'btlOU U'. I heated P'.r'Ii with al'd lit Ilf.Oi ., .oe l . .lij'jiigriiaa KililllllllllBliliTii Mortgages a Specialty tsccTTsfa. .fmmnrrnr,,! i.. T-rr?Ti mrirl?rmimTrT!m?mT iHlltiWlilliiilillilllllllv ViJItlMlilPyMllilll lij!iiq'iili!i2iUlliiUilliuiiiiHiiiii!Uiumiuiiii'iiii.m)!iiiiiiiitiiu:i'U'iiiiiiiuiuri'iiiim0iiuu tli'liiriiiaillil'illlllaialumiimillMllliull'liailiiilJOilittlllliiJillil'iiliiiiilWH jjfipai fiiMMI iiiio'i.'uiiaijiyuiiiii i.anuei' ii in- ttui -i , ' ii ticu t ili'iUele'J heated p-.r'n with al'd'riK ah lame 11 -inu room ith open ("ireplae cheerful lln ln room f (rood ! lariie ltltchrn and h.iannaiit iuundr' with outlet tii yard: 2d .loot -.1 larrit. heuroom.. (Ine tl bathroom WM. M. KNATZ, Inc. i.oui a ii'Ms'n Hiir:uwooi 4jo l.FW!lliili!li!l'l I ie m m f . I .tw