,---on- "winrfifi'- EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEtfWJLTSDAY, MABOH 30, 1U21 21 LEGION PLANNING FOR BIG PARADE Hx-Sorvico- Mon Urged to Par- ticipato in Coming Patriotic Demonstration MASS-MEETING FOLLOWS, Plnn for l" pnrntlf. In wlilcti it Is ....umoA no. 11(10 noruniis will unrtirl Kite, mill wlilfli will iirorpilf the Rrcnl g '" -. imtriotlc tii ii h a- Ms tnrrtliiRM liolil hero f Sri on April .. nri'i, -- .v.:iV'y.Ins v,c ft : 1 1 Tho..,.n.u t iw. a van rnutily committee ! of the Amorlrnn Lcjcinti, TIiimirIiI Jirriiitsomciitx for, t ho avIioIc program of tin- nicotine nru I mo Iinnd.i of tlio Legion, the com- . ...itino in rlinrcr. which Is composed of members of pitlrlotlo mill civic orgnni- j lri?"VJD LEGS AND FEET nun ini i.vijit.ii , t.t luiiii. .1.. ...... tinii Milcly to Insiirlni; the succor of the parmlo. All loon! civic organization' hnvc lirnmlsoil large quotas of inombcM for Iho line, tinii ni" iji-Riiiii i iniii. un in- n't , ,, , , . . litlriR a rcprc-icntatlve Uliowlne Of VPt- I nuis to march under the I.orioii 1'ftu-( -n ...il, ,,ni ,i i.iini'u iM l,er. To realize tltat Cllll lOIleis to ...n. ev.uervlr-o mull on the l'CCOr.ls of .1 '..i.. .it.. ,t,iiniiilln, Imvn lioii Kent I mit. urKiiift their participation. For hi,-,,,,,..... i. ....... .V" i . .... I... .i.it... .in ... i ... .in v . .... . . i i.nriinlzntlnn nurno.sc.H the kcvcii tlln triots under the jurisdiction of the i mint) coniiiilttee have been oruanlitetl iinilei- iliitrlct coinniittccH and chairmen. iho will be responsible for the showing made by that section of the l-eglon In tlio parade. A district caucus in each (IMrict presided over by the chairman n-ill be held, lit which pol communders mill niljiitants will ineot for the ar ransement of parade tletnils. Major tionernl Mttloton "W. T. Waller ' i, ill act as marshal of the parade, (lov-..i-Miii- Sni-oiil has been invited its a ' jucst nnd (teiiernl John .T. I'erHliiiis; ill be a speaker at tho masi-meetlng. llavid W. Jameson I'ost. No. 18S, n-ill bold a benefit entertainment at the Chestnut Street Opera House on the nijsht of April 4. The arrangements are in charge of David Wise. The following nijrlit . at the post hcathiuartcrs. Van Poll street near (.'hcstntlt, the post will :iu- a dance for members oml their fri"niR Marry Ingot-soil I'ost, No. J74. will .ire a dance on April 5 in KtiglcrV new hinmirt rooms, Fifteenth street nbovc Chestnut. At tlio last meeting of the i pc-t, I'l-nnklin D'OlIcr made an ad ,Ires. Several new members were ml- I initttil. JealthyXlWVibc Our Next Hatches ir ready March 31st mid April 2nd IStacrvattnns must be promptly made. our chicks aro all hatched here III, nui BT'n modern well - equipped plant - the oulj 'rue rntchery In Philadelphia, Ou- Illustrated deacrluttvo literature, "Th( -lid ltellable." mailed free on request. Orchard Poultry Farms Iiriest Hatchery In Philadelphia) J9B0 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PARCEL POST HATS "REMODELED a urs i-nd Bents' hat of every des rlpllon lnnd, dyed, reliloctted and trlmmod. t tlsKlIKY. ES N. Hlitli at., 2d llooi- MEN'S HALF SOLES $$'& llffN. BOct Neolln Sole &' Rubber llrjls. t.7S i.ioerty i.iectrlc Mioe ItrpnirniK to. 1805 Point Direr Are. Or;ton 1!S LA HI3I.I.KS CARD I'RINTERY line lliislnea Curds, 75c per 100. Fine Visiting Cards, 03o per 100. mail (iitnr.its i-miMiTiv rn i kii I 17 N. 10TH ST. 1'IIII.ADF.I.I'IIIA REUPHOLSTERING OF THK IIKIIIF.lt GRADE ri Krconstriirtinr. relln shine tif your old pnrlnr or library fur- nil lire, sin, S'.'O, 25. i Slip Covers 0 - (lunrniileed to lit 1'rrfectly Order taken for new parlor furniture at Munuf's prices. Qu.'iker City Upholstering Co. :ot-vn Chestnut St. Dell: Lombard 4330 EL BLAVO I5sceiielomilen piienls to All Critical Smok- rs M.vu'i.i; nii.v or --.V El Blavo Special Full llnvnmi Flllerdii-irniilrrd S3.73 IHIX OF 23 OUR LEADER A Wonderful Smoke S2.5I) 1IOX of f0 Sent I'repnld Upon Reeeliit nf Prlco Satisfaction (iiiarmitecd or .Alooey Refunded Alvin Blau ftlLlriniiior 33 N. 0th St.. l'hll.i. EYES EXAMINED FREE, NO DROPS USED SPECIAL GLASSES FOR $ 1 THIS WEEK 1 VAI.VI3 IS3.30 ' prescriptions filled at a Bavins r o to BOe-o QlnsscB tnado on the it tnlse while you wait, MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9TII ST. Optn Mon. & Sat. Evg. Till 0 P. M. J rOULTBY AND SUPPLIES fffl 0l rrou? W' J i'llllWll TKViM Sl'r'.v Kil& S3 H MINERAL FLOORING for Factories, Stores and Institutions Absolutely SANITARY, Dust, Damp, Fire and Vermin Proof Installed Over Wood, Tile, Concrete of Old or New Floors in One Day Used the Next When considering new flooring, phone or write Headquarters Phila. Mineral Flooring & Products Cc. Belmont 182. 5632-40 Summer St., Philadelphia, Pa. PARCEL POST Unrbcr Scissors, Clip pers, Razors nnd Mani cure Scjssom. Also H-'fetj- Ilnrnr lll.ldr Rrslinriirnrd Gilbert Grinding Co. -1220 I'lMIKflT ST. PATENTS 3 iiml TRADEMARKS Meciirrn. phone or rill (lUHATION I WILLI AMaUN & WlLLlHlTiaun I 1325 ARCH ST., PHILA. JX'nks '' Dally 1) to Tit Mon. unit Tlutrs. for.. ? In I). SlfjIiliraiKIJIISrillillBiiilllllliJlllJIIHItlillJltrcXIiCI'i'lIliBHIEIK WOMEN I Every wnninn render of the l-5ve- H nlnic Public Leducr will rccelvo upon 0j request, free nf ehnrtce. our new color gj card nhowlnu 50 Intent color thnt Ej will lo used till Benson for hand g kntttlmr. PURITAN AVORSTED Ml M.S. 121 N. 7th St. h iiiiiii!;iiiiii!iiii,iffl:iiii!i;iiiHiiiBiiiiJ:i:iyiin:i;iiiNiMii,iiiii!i:i!ffliijii!i!,iK McLauchUn Bros.' (Printed) Stationery 100 Envelopes for $1.50 200Shcet8,6x7 Ask your drult or stationer for It. Stnd In hi nnni If he. doesn't have It. Itin Hnnwim St.. I'lilln.. Pn. tll'..M KI.ASTIC I.ACT.11 NTIIIKIMI Common. I-n s e onstiuc-tion, srlentinc principles. sanitary: contrnrts and exp.ind like a hleh srade elastic stnefclns: anld nntl nrch supiHir.t. Indoisod Iv phy. -irir.il". -,' iiiiii.i .in it... aon neci-sary to prevent rupture of vnrioeVein, for sel.mensurlnir bliiiiKa or Call and lo measured. I.ady slelr.ns. to prnviue tne comprcs- i inn Write attendant Chiropodist will treat corns, li u n I o n a Inmown .. ... .... .: nails.' I'.iec. iuraiory .Ainssntte IIU. II. M. WII.MIN 1221 Areti Htivet. PlillKilelnbl.i, l';i. Tlionei Spruce 87l We have just received a large shipnient of unclaimed plumbing goods to he sold hclow manufac turer's cost. While They Last, Complete $27.00 l.onr down VltreuiiH China A I tnnt; with hopper closet t iuiiIiok. any heavy ,Hr IiIiiro Kent; lid holt anil screws Included. A'so white enameled l.atl-iuu 131. U0. Knamel ldtihen slults, cuarsiiteeil for 3 year. . This I NOT houc wrecking coodf. HRANI) NKW. KKVSTONi: I'l'ltCHASINC. SAI.US CO, I2B North 3d St.. I'lilla. Mall Ordor Filled rromptl: fnen Dally Cniil (1 I' .M. Monda-.- m nnd I'tiday CatU ii p. si. SANITARY SINK SCOOP Different. practical ma superior to uny iblmr elso used for sink clearlnc. that It ha made nn Instant and tremendous ap. PMil wherever offered for sale, "SCOi'O ' H Htitnip-'d from, n slnff'e ploco of m i' t a I. Cannot come anart No riv- ntenleil "'- bolts or rublior, no Lri-viiTii lo oecoine elosrcd with Kcrms nnd srlme. Thor oukIiIj cleaned In a second Iv placins und-r running water. Scientifically construct, d. instantly drains wuler from tea 'caves, ei;ciablo Parlns. elf-. The water doe-, not have to be pressed out with a sink brush or the band: thus saving time and tiiieruy and friclntf this task (rum Us distaste ful, unsanitary features. Whllo posnesslnir there and nian other ndvaiitar.es, It Is not expons le. lr Itntalled for J-"t AaJ; Vohi llartlteaiv Urnlcr. or Sent Parcel Pott I'retmUl RICHMAN-MERCANTILE CO. iii:i;d luii.iiiNd J 213-15 Filberl St., Phila.ll O. D. Wool Wrapped Lcggins Khaki Coats A lilrr burRoln. lUclalmed, but illto new ; perfect con dition. All suee Knoh 65c Canteen & Carriers,60tt I'arccl Post. 10c extra H. SHERMAN onVi ii.vie.o', Wir,.riilhi. wsL' -T (Si I V1C!4;: 'eMS-Oi'l. "l'i"Miili.WJ i Hi YLe--r:.--3KS,S AIM W;?,!&4- i. ' I .4".'U-Ro'v,'V.'s.'.'-: ..'..i "'.- ' - .- nrffl ryo i ri-K , I rtisil SdiiiiiI nhlle le--lli nr.- IWwtf OH ii nrressiiri tn bswiI mi. i A"- iiciinince, ps Tour new ":ni-'l Siirlm clothes. Let me V '..-'';.: ""t,.T,r""' moiitli In . . '''J.?-'"'-'. L '"iiilllion tilth ins X& PAINLESS r U,J llentMry No suffering. I I l.llHr n.l... VV-a.I. .1 .. i I i'.' " . duv II necesviiri . I Rl 5snml Dr. Hyman x? 9th & Market J , I cNew Officers'! A '. Jj Raincoat I tC3Dd I M.ule from sntn J I I i Wa I 1 C? MuhIih, w 1 1. ! VA 11 r I $4.75 1 I I L ItcBUlur vnluc, 13 C I 5ia.5U f g 40c t,ll.li', I IN MKMOIUAM iiiviVvHV,Ti,.1.,!?v.'" iffinory of our father. ?n'"N,I.l.y. w WILLS. Called from n March 3- li'ia. children. Beatfjs A1-DIH. iM.it. . .... lS. "oriinnien. ,s. .1,. .Hare-i n 1.1H.AARII FRANKLIN ilUNCAN AIJDtH, .'?"' ',"'. rum-r.il lervlce. Hut.. '.' p. VI" ."'.tlio, n-nW-nro of IiIh ncphc-v. AVftlter l'ristl, 2533 MyrtlMiood t. Interment iruit'r. itciiirtliiM tnnv he viewed Friday uii-nlntr. . HKltu. .Alarch 28. mm. frank hus- Mud of Iierthn llf.rK (nee Fcnrhel), aired 52 vrara. Ttniniiw.. ...... Mi.n., ,..i.. funeial Thur-dav, 2 p. m . from hia into residence. Ill lo l.nwnd.ile iivo.. I.awndale. i..nl .a' iP'rPr" HllltHile Cemetery. Krlenda '""V cr.ll We.tncFday evrnlntc.' , ''P?,',n..T Mnrch 81,i CHAni.KS M. IV. . i! " 'lolntUoa end trlenila nnd euiplojen of Thomas lloberta & Co.. Imlted to -rrvlcci, III.. 2 li. m. rcaldi-nc, S333 I'lne at. Int. trlvnt.'. Northivnod. friend may call Thura. ivc. IlIHNDI.n, March 2H. HOY it.. liuband of Cntlinrlne Ilrlndle (nee McVanmra). llela t ves nnd friends, iilno the Ilrntherliood of Itnllroad Hnslnecrc, Invited to funeral eerv lo.'. Wed.. H-:i0 p. ni, residence. 1744 S. y,h, Int Thurr. nl convenience of the family. UttCKWAi.TKIt Killed In action In J-rnncii. Jlav 11. mis, (-ATTAIN IIAll H1H I). IIUCKWAIrillt. Ilody latelv re- turned from nViriifnil. llnlnflvAa nti.l rrlnnil. nro Invited In attend funeral on Saturday. I April 2. 11121. nt 'J n in., frnm l,u lui. r.l denco, (11 1 Church st , Itoyersford. I'a. All services .it noyersford M. 15. Church. , COIil.lSON. March 2S. JH-5I.KN I3MMA. dnuuht-r of Frederick a. and Hmma C. Co'. Ilfnn lne Muller). aJ years. Itelntlvrs nnd frluids arc linltcl ti funeral services. Jnurs . a p. n. iinrentB1 rvsldrnco. 1212 I'm her ave . Colllnmiali I'a. Friend may call Wed., iftj.- 7 p. tn. Int. private. CllOWF.I.I,. March 2I. 11121. HARRY CltOWKI.I,. nitrd til. Funeral servltps Sat., 2 p. m.. Into residence. Marple, Del. co.. I'a. Automobiles inrt-t car Icavln-; IHUh st. at 11 and 11:30 at Un- road. Int. Marplo I'res bytetinn fein, DIAMOND. March 2S TlitlDaCT IMA MNI. (lid-Ktnntdy). widow of -Putrid: j)n. imind. It"lntle und friends Invited to fu iii rnl. Thur.i S:3li a. in,, residence of sun. Ilarrv F. Diamond, 2311 AY. Clcnrfl-lil st. ItPiul"in bUh n-as Church of Corpus Chrlstl 10 a. ni Int. Tlly Cross. DOYl.F. t.ii Mnren 27 1P21. III.IZA HUTU C .lauthw-r of Anna and tho late Hli-hard Dovbt. IMrMlves nnd friends nro Invited to tho funeral, on Thursday nvrn Inn. nt R:30 n'l-lick from her !ito lesldencc. 234 S Rtlh st. Illuh nn nf requltm et lie Church of im TinnsllKurntlon at III a. In. Int-rir.ent nt ljy Cros.1 Cemetery. DCNI.AP Miiiai 27. JAMKH S.. husband of I.yn-lla A". Dunlap (neo Crouse). Relit tlvc aid friends, also Progress Lodge, No, CUil. F nnd A. M.: Jerusalem R. A. C . No. 3, and American Star Lodge. No. 40.". I. O. O. !'.. InUted to funeral. Tburs.. 2 p. in., late rislder.ee. 11)17 Moore st. Int. Fern wood I'eni. Frb-nds teay tall AA'ed. ee, FAin.MAN. .Alnrch 2S. MATTII3 FAIR MAN, nu-eil S3, Relatives and fii -ml In vited to funenil services Thursdav 10:31) a. In., fmm her Into residence. 3117 RUeo nve. I hi .rmeiit pilvn'". PARCEL POST ENVELOPES EZRALEVINSONKiu" 20 South nth Street rhun I.omh.ird.82?0 rMt rhone Slnln CS37 I I L PAPER BAGS DIAMONDS BOUGHT 4 N9 vnt9 nr;ng ns your diamonds If you want to i Mi-t..r.s- ., ., ,.,.,,,.... . lenllrt- the highest po-slblo prlco for them. ' , ,vi ,",N.- 'Vnr.?h, -" ''II,1N' !?' No mattei what other till you thov are'!'.""1 ,,au"l,,l".r, "f Robert and Anna Mc wotth. get out price before miu soil. Keown. Relative and friends, also Class ivc p-iy 5.1,1111 to S1UU.UU lor each Ul.imond mnre than ithrrn imv Se ui and be coninpt.l AVo liny nny niae, hJlp( or tolot. Pawn tirknts for dlamnrul bfucht. KK1JA A CO. CAIJ 03i CUKSTM T ST. ritniH U'tiliitit :nil. Hulte ?l-?2 ri.vntp i(liie. 2U floor. orr GhlliK Itfhl, -"- ----.- i . Grocers Butchers Hotels ?3s Restaurants Refrigerators FOIt EVEKY KEQUIREMENT Ccinnullng Males, llritrlc Cofl'ce Mills. .Aleut (Irlnders. Cash Registers, Kufes Cash Prices with Privi lege of Easy Payments. Illustrated Circular on acquest HOWE Scale Co. ""Ifflii'- QTANDARH tJJ NOVELTY CO. JL ROOM (510 HEED BLDG. 1211-13-15 Filbert St., Phila. Overalls and Jumpers Extra lieaA'y, blue. Made very stroiip;. Plenty of pocket space. Made v e r y full. All sizes. 75c for fii eh piece ur $1.50 a Suit Union Overalls Mude of very best lchaki color overall cloth; ore double seamed nnd very full. q?i twi value Polly Prim Aprons Made of fine p;iiiirhaiii in all colors and pat terns. Our Price, 55c Value $1.00 Union Overalls Mailu of very Ih-iU liliaUl color overall cloth. Are double beamed and very full. ThlH la tin lit-si. Btioiiutist and most com fortable; itarnu-iit made for tlio working nmn In Ull KlZCN Our Price $1.6S Value, $4.50 KM 10o l-Ntni Parcel I'oat 2 Blue chunibray AvorkiiiB shirts iu all sizes. Made to stand the wear. This shirt is a $2 value, sellim? HQAV for 80 Cents Standard Novelty Co. Room (110, llrril llnllillnjc llilli Fl.btrt St., Phila. RTHI EnSralwaaBaiE 111" t,t W 'tllllB -"r IB J " I hi I" ' 1: 'if M yeT;.'.' '. .'.tiJf tiV,"".".! iT,' 'eVirf '-'if "CI 4, ':' I l$S fiS i '' ;' II.ATIIfl r,',;MniH. Hu.id.-ni-. March an. 11121. L'LIZAIIETII MARY, only child of J. I O. ni.d Ann'.to Ryder Ferns. Funernl e.vlei and Int. prlvntr, H N. Both !. t-'INfOAN itnrrh 211. ANNIK FINKOAJ. Itelntlvi-i nnd frlendu Invited to funeral, 1-rl., Smo h. in. from rxldonoi of her ls ttr, Mrs. K, McQuntK 213H ArllnEtnn st. nUll-llin .flMlllan. Mii.ua .. U, f.llnnl.ntt.'a Church M a. m. Int. Holy l'rn Cem, , J'l.lMKIilMAN. .M.irch 2K, SAMOF.fj St., , t.Alr. .....1 ,...(..... ......I..... ... . . .'I nited 70. Itolii'tvea nnd frlenda Invited lo nttcM funeral Thure., 10:30 a. m., from ..v.w.i-.. uunniiiKi ,u .MlllUMill i Itlf-rninatl ' ......- n. iiiu., ,, uronu ai. iiu. nriveio, iiii, binnl Cem. ht. l.ou" and Cleveland paper pleaee ropj . , IKM.H.-Mnrcli !. IH21 JAMHH I... bo loved huabanl of Ktherlo Oold. HMiv tlos nnd rrli-n-li Invited to funeral aerv IC' I-'i I. 2 p, n.., .vt hla Into re-ldcnei-. 0.1 1 Helmvler ut. Int. private. tlrinnlna may bu vii-nvl ThUM.. A to In p, m. HAimiH. March 27. JOHN C.. Jr.. oi of Join o. unil llei.de Harrla, In Mi tilth year, ltelatlv-n nnd fi-lenda, nlao Qtnl.c) City I.o,1k. No. loin, I. o. of I-'., nnd Ac cnuntlnw I?pt.. I'enni. II. H.. are linlnd to attend funernl Kervle-i". Tlnir.. 2 n. m.. late re-!denre. 1314 13. Hew-on nt, Int. Pal mer t'ein. I'rlendi liny call Wed, after 7 P. m. HorFNI.U. Afarch 20. WAM,ACI3 M. HOI'FNKIt, aid 77. Due notld- nf funeral will lie oven from hi late residence. 5101 Haiel nve. IKUIKIKR. March 21. WIl.JIHI.Jf. bus linnd if iinle Itomel-r. Ilelut.ves nnd irienei invited to itinera l services, xnurs, 2 p. in., ut lila ll renldence. 20.13 B, Cain- brla st. tnl. nrlvule KAY. in Norrlslown. I'a.. March 27. ROHF.MT KAY Jr. son of Sadie Reed nnd late Robert Kay, In hi 23d year. Funeral from bis late residence, 1003 AY. Lafayette at., NnrrlM-imn. Ph., Tnura., 2 u, in. Int. Illversldo Cem. KIKH.-il.lNt! At Rlttrsldo. N. J.. March 20. 1021. CATHARIN15. wife of John Klcss ling (nee Kline), aged (10. Relative and friends Invited tn funernl, Thur., 8:30 a. m., from her late residence. 317 Falrviow nvo,, RlvetsJd". N. J. Requiem mass at .St. Peter's Church 11:30 a. in. Int. at St. Peter's Cm. KIRCIINI3R. Suddenly. Match 2ii. IH21. I'CS A. son of Magdalenn and Into John Klrcbner (nc Ti-os), aged 41. Due notice of funernl will be clven. Residence. 2201 S. 3d Ht. 1,1315. -Mnrch 21. C.'iltOLINIl M.. daarlv leloved wife- of John U-c nnd dnualiler of l-.Ua and Into Frnnel, Altmus. Funer.it sirv Icon fburs., S:30 n. tn., at hr lnte residence. p21.i tlrcenway nve. Solemn lequlem mass Church nf the Mot 1'lessid Sncrnm, nt 10 a. m. Int. strictly paivnte. Holy Redeemer um. Hctnnin may he viewed wed.. p. m. I. VI 1.15 At her residence 4S3(1 AA niton ar . n Mkh-Ii 2S. 1(121. MLIALliTH .1. wldiu ..f MCtnt. ". !.-. tla. Service mid In tctmeot ,u Huntingdon. Pa. MANNI.VCI. On Mniuh 2S. 1021, .10F,PII J., son of James J. and Sarah .Manning, aged 2il yrnr. Relatives and trends are Invited to the funeral, on Thursday morn ing, at 8:30 o'clock, from hi tato residence J 430 N. .".Id st. Solemn requiem mass in St. Gregory's Church at 10 a. ni. Interment al Hnli Cross Cem. 1I-C.A1I13. un .Alnnh 27. 1021. JANI3, daughter of tho lat Peter nnd Catharine McC.il.i- Relntlw-H itU rlnds ato Invited to thi funeral, in Thursday mornlns, nt ':3ll " cloi-h. frnm lh.. resldenen of her M rh 1 Snlor Mrhrt- J hn P. McCabe,. 3.A2I Mantua nve. rrn reuul'-in mass :.t tft Agatbn's Ch trcb it in n':loi'.c. Internieiit at Holy Ci-os-i ', r ilery. McCOURT. Marrh "0. KI.I.HN. widow of Inhu McCourt, aged (iil.,lteiatlv.-s nnd friends iiivnrii ni iiuiprHi services, i-ri.. i :nu p. ni . at resld-nre. 1721 Snyd.r nve. Int. private. Oakland Cem. A'lewlng Thurs. eve. MCIIAID Jl-ircll 27, .TANI5. Willow flf James It. MeDii!,! nirnd n.-. Ilnlrtf U-nt, fiii.1 ! friends Invited tn funeral, Tburs,, 8:30 a. m.. from her lste resldenre. L"I14 V f.umhert t. Solenm requiem mnss St. Klliubcth'B Church i iu a m int. private. ' .!C.'J-N""''' March 2S. 1021. CATH- KRINIi. y.t -.f John Jb-i-3nblll itolatlves land friends in-;tcri ti furral. Thur.. 8:30 ' a. m, frim )n-e lat- rcrldenc. M32 I3nst- li-I: ii'-e. High mass at St. Raphael's I 'hurch, I5ii-.iuoo'i. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross '" ."-'. '.-ri"".i"n iiikii ncnooi lor uiris are Invltnl to funeral services. Frl.. " n. m. parents' residence, 2212 N. Hnnrock s'. Int. private, North Cedsr Hill. Remains n-.ay be viewed Thun.. K to 10 p. in. .AII3YRICK. Mur-h 28. 1H21., 15MMA. wife of Alfr d M.-vrlck. In h?i 70th y.-nr. Ri-l-i tlvcs i-.n-l (i-lvn1 Invl'ed .3 funernl I'irvl.-jH Thur-,. 2 p. m.. nt her Lite reid- dence. .1730 N. tilth St. Inl. nrlvun. 11... ninln-i mav In v..ve-l AY.d. 7 to II n, m JIOORK. At West Chester on Man li 29. 1021. TIDXA T . wifii of AVIIIlim 11. ilisire. aged 34. Relntlvis and friends an- Invited i.t ill. ml ri'hiTnl from her 'ate n--l 1- lie.-. n :, i -nil., m., U Friday, April 1. 2 P. m. Int. private. MOYI-.'R. Man-li 28. CAROI.IN1-3, uldnw of AVIIIIam T. Minor, formerly of 21.14 N. i Orkney st. Rehitlvea nnd friends nre In . lteil to attend funernl services, Thur . 1:30 1 P. rn . rer.ldeiK-e. 3'.I37 N. Dell st. (Park ave. I ind Pike St.). Int. private. Remains may 1 bo viewed AA'i-d.. 7 to 0 p. m. MCI HOLLAND. March 2. HAURV M.. sou of Thomas and Cutharln- A. Mulbnl ' liinil (nee lirnwu), aged l1? vears 0 months. Fr . H'Sn a in. from I Into rol, on.-e ' 057 FrankfoVd . ilTgh mas's". ma" Ul . late Conception Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy I ross Cem i M VERS. March 2S. HARRY, husband of . Laura Myer (neo Haas), ag.,1 H2. Rein-1 f.ves and friend. -Isn memlK-r. of P.ndlnnt iieintive aim friends tuvileil lo fun-rat Utof Tumiilu No. 30. O. of V. A.: AMI- Cobdcn Club! loth Ward Msec' i'onimine-' -wi .miiirni,. ,.r uiiti. in. it.,,, i ...i . I I funernl. Thur-.. 1:30 u. ni.. resl.'leno -'-nil ' N. -till si. Services in lCiilrlilll llnntl., I hurch, Fnlrhlll ..t nnd I.ehliih live. 2:il(i ' vie.Ay;:,:; fjv;Tm. vcn" J,,m"m1?JM? si",1.,je!sq-ls,i- v s',s- r iis. iar h js, u Ilnltlmntf. .Mil.. . ELLEN JL. wife of (be lnte AVIIIIiim .At! Neall. In her Rlst yc-nr. Relatives nnd friends uie in, nt.-, i ii. iivi-iiii iuiii-ri,, jnury.. De Soto Council, No. 315. K of C; Arch- bishop Ryan Assembly, County M.ijo Society. Morrison Republl.-Hn Club, ofllcc-rs of 2, Dlst. nui Phila. Police Dept.. Invlte-l To! uiK-nil. Sat.. H:.)il a in., late residence. 210 Fltsw.iti-r st. Solemn hlk-b inas of ie. iiulem Church of St. Philip 10 n. in. pie-t-i-elv llll. Holy Cros., Cem. OTT. .At 25d'i A'lnnnd St.. on Mnrch 28. 1021 PAULINE, il'nv.- of Fr-derlcli Ott. iiki d 7J .eur i lieli.tive nnd frlerds. nlso Ladles- Aid. ui until i.iu-i (.'nurch, urn In- OIJSEV. March 29. MAUY MILLET.. u-lf of John ousi-y, aced 73. Relatives and fi lends Invited to funeral services, Frl.. 2 P. in.. 43.1 13. fth st., Chester, Pn. Int. private. Friends may call Thurs. eic. PI3ARW1N Mnrch 27, THOMAS TIARRV on uf Mary and the Into Joseph Pearson,' 1 nsoi TI. Funeral Thurs.. 1-30 p. m from his late reslil"iic 2027 13. Stella nve. Int, Northwood. Remains may be viewed AA'cd. i after 7 n. ill PRICE. Al Ilordentnivo. N , March "n , ANNA 111-31. 1.1-3 IHLIII.'RT PRUT, nif.. of Albert AV. Pi Ice. In her 33d yrnr Relatives ' and friends mo invited to nttend funeral, i from her Int" residence, near lliirdentiin, N J., "at. April 2, 2 p. m. ii. liordi-n- lown i'i ni. READ. March 21. F.DAAARD ('. M. ,u,. 1 b.iiid of Jennie Rend. Relative,! mid friends nlsii iiiemb'-r nf Norrls H-iuate IT p Church and rtnplnv ; '3d-viri1 (' li.nd i. Son .ire Imlted lo n'tend funeral. Thur . 1 p. in., from bis late lemdencji- 2U4n k UNDERTAKERS GASOLINE ALLEY Touring 11. 111.. i.i.Yi-i wuuuii u.,iui i.nurrn. uustio. 1 rnuiiience. 43 Jlalihelm St.. llermantiiivn. --r". '"h.J.D.iP' ,'.nt- .prl.V.fttc-. .V. ,.l.'.um..ren" Ce'T-. holenm requiem mnss St. Fr.iuclH Asalal . SALESMAN. M .tiuncry wanted i.v iran..u I . i'i vT I-.' 1, " 1 ;..,""3A",,n" Church 10 a. in. Interment .New Uutiu-driil suitlon.-ry hnu-e t. solicit orders In -It- ,' of lleltlm Neff (n-o l.nuel). aired 112. Re u. , l',mi Inpv. ' .-... f.i.ei u..l ..... ;.. "... ' . .Ives and friend, also cmplme of J E. , -- : rie.i-d : ni huv.. Vibliit" to contr-i thi. ffl I LoneiKiin ( o.. tivlted tn i TiW. 1- rl., 1 :30 i I.13HAI. AltVIJlTlSK-AIKNTH "' b'lsln'fcs: permi-nent position for rluh- I n. in.. Into residence. ..IS Elcln nve int. FffiiW-"iiH-iwiTi- is lii-i "iT- n nn. P 11 OH. l.-djfr office. I private, (Irecnmount Cem. Alow no- Thur.. I ..-STal.hl ATI. OI Rl Illll.l 11 I Altl.I. SIX, - r - - . 8 pm. . JU0 deivuM-d U-lte's of nilnilnlstratlon SA LI-s.MA.S. exne:-...nc-.. who has ability t I NOON Suddenly. Maret, i-p c.un Jo'n-i cum tejtamento aimexn upon the. estate of -loniis-o irrnt rutnishlr.x iin-l hat i. e,. J.. Moved huabnn, of Annie E Noon . Reli- ltudolpli Card Six. ilwai,e.l. hnvlns le-.n '!,r,''lru1.10,n,; rmldnim "Sr11"0"' Ca" ' iu.-m ..ml friends ,.i., linU- v . ,.. ! Lranted to FIDELITY TRUST COMPANV. ' I'lunililn 1330 for an I "Intmyiit. i .,...., .,- '-" - ;" -" 'no iiiMi.i. esini.! arc requested lo ma:co paym-nt. and at 2 clock at .be residence f her daus'i-, ,, havlns claims airalnsi th- ssino to lei. Mrs. John llocl.. .1 Jni-ref nif- p.ncl;. i .,rfPnt incm. wl'hout del-iy. nt the ofllce of ledise. P.- Iiuoi-iiH-nt it Hillside iVm. tery. ' .., ,d company. 323-331 Cbestr.u- strcei. l-riends i.:oy cn'l AA.-iln"nhw piiiin. ' l'hlladeluhla. 1 F -r rTr-li ! H 1 BROAD and I iJr DIAMOND S I i.w.ll.1 SM I Sl.1.1 lll.MIIISULl i ., f tL Co The VcucwyTcwe prmcieN i'rZlZ, ' , -JT .n ro'ir rue The tiCT " ""'(: 1 f EVECf 'CPIN6- i;T LWJC iTl?AIL A'NC) CO",C EAt,-THj IKtHOONCB. A -nir-Aiirw AU RKHT Vw (A4P ALL TKG WAV A-t3 lQH T(4,T Wltu "" Bur nou know .Viow you Bmoi Tnecci 1 LCST You Tt,E SENP,l: . , TTiii WA MM lb PEA.T. TrlC U ,oI J t,p X HMcTc . AND THG CMuCK. - aeg-Tf?l--S5?i'f5S-'-l A TO OU AND , ,, VHOueS r VCT " ni'ii A f I csfel CT Hl OAIT .r - y ? r x&y A flLiSBHij ftJ&ZEftL -. Ai5V.i Iv'mxs.i L. ft-" ..v..A V .. . S. -- ac Kitfi t t'l ALrisL Sjrt- HPnvftV f4jy' "- I, ,-i.i.ii-.i , ,-,, -.. i . ,, .Wij.,;,...i.i. i, yf,J DEATHS D.iuphln at. Serviced In Norrla Pnuars O. P. Church. Hancock t, nnd Bufnuehanr.a nve.. S P. m. Tnt. private.. North Cedar Hill Com. itlNUWAl.T. March 2M. nOTH ANN. widow of Jiuoli V, lllncwnlt. nitcd 73 vears. ervlcea Thuraday, 2 n. in. preclao'y. it her ato realdeiico, 2l'3 N. lrith at. Tntermont jrlvatc ..........,,. leiativefl and rrienda invited to lun-m I ItoWt.KY. Mnrrli 211, i', A T It K n 1 N' K lUlWl.BY. Ilenldence. 1130 Hnydor nve. .... ... - ..u. III ,- ..la. a.. uun ntnico ni ioii-tri win iw ki.u.i HUSK. rnrch "S. 1021. CIIAHI.OTTB A. wife nf late Clark O. Ruck. Relnthes nnd frienn Invited to funeral service Ihurrdny, 11 a. in,, from ncr into resiuonco. 78 AV Shnrpnach St.. Ocrmantowi In terment prlvnto. Remain may b: viewed Wednesday. 7 to l p. m. SCHILLI5R. -nntered Into. rest. March 27. 1U21. C. F1H3DI-3RICK. beloved husband nf Mary Schlbei formerly of 520 AV. Le high nve. Relative and friends, also member of Gothic t.oilge, No, 310. I-. and A. M,: Phil. Quartet Club, nnd !', other soclclle of which the deceased wa n tiicin. her, are Invited to attend funernl services, Thur., 2 p, m., nt his late residence, l-'a AA'. Olney avc. (Jiney. ni. sinewy pri vate. KCIII.ON15. On Marc). 2(-. CHARI.13S. soi nf Rnlph -ind th- late Louise Sthlnnt; (lire tiulda). aged P..A years. Relatives and frit ml and Phlhideliiiila InKlge No, fit. L. (.'. v' Moose. Invl'ed 1 funernl. on Thurs day nt 8:30 n. m., resii'ence. 1301 N. AAnr node st. Solemn high requiem mass ! St, Malnchy's Church, at 10 a. in. Interment It. til ,-ci.aa 1-nini.lAfl . SUHMKRIIBII. March 28, MARY, wife of Iiul Schmerber. Relatives and friend In- VH-'ll lO llinerni, lliurs,. h. mi. v.un,.f, ... Chester Rural Cent. Int. Chester Rural Cem. SCHOFH5LD. Mirch SO. JOHN I... be loved husband of M.irgnret Schoflolil (net. Skelly) and sot. of John (I. and Hllza Scho i.ebl (mo Solllrk), aged 20. Relatives nnd fr.end Invited to funeral. Sat.. 8 a. m.. bit,-ii-rlden. e Kins lllybway. .Alt. I-5phraltn N. J. Iti'iiulem high mnsi at St. Mary' Cltuirh. (llouconter. 0:30 a. m Int. nt Cal vnrr Cem. Itema'ns mav bo l-w-'l Frl. '' SCIHVAI11-3NLANP. -rirniiriy of River side. N. J.. Mrch 21). 1021. I'iDAVARO SCHAA'AIIIINLAND. Sr . beloved liu-b.ind of Paulino M. Hrhuiihenlntiil (nee Lund), need 113. R-ln'lves ,md friends, nlso Lodge No. lion, II. P. O. I3lks. of Hurllnsrtun. N. .1.. nnd all other oi-Kanl7.nllins of which be was n member, lire Invited to attend fiiiienl rrrv Ire. Fil.. 2 n. m., .it II Into resident--, .-.010 N. Sydenham St.. Login. IiVi-rint-nt 1 rival-, l.iiurei Hill C-nietery. Frletu.ii may call T'nirsduy. 7 to 10 l. ni. ft 'OTT. March 27. ROIILIIT A. htislmnd of Lottie Scott (nee Zelby) RtnMves nnd friends, nlso m-mber of lllark Hawk Tribe, No. 20 t. o. It. M. : Shoemakers' Union ntnl Oodwln Asso.. are Invited to nttend funeral M-rvlcei. Tliurs. 2:C0 p. in., ut bis lnte lerldcnie. 215 AV. Ontario st. Int. Hillside li-in. Friends ii-ay call W'til. e. SI1IRAR. On .Atarch 28. 1921. KAT15 M. (nee AA'nllice). wifo of AV-Illam J. Shtrar. Due notice of funernl will be given, residence 1713 Harrison st.. Frnnkford. S1NNICKSON. On March 20. 1021.. FRANK A., husband rf Anna lllnckwnod. iigid 54. Services Friday at 2 P. m. i'u-'-ernl nt his residence. 51723 Thomas avc. Int. private. SUMN.-March 2(1, 1921. MARY A. SLOAN (nee Carr). widow of Timothy A. Sloan. Relatives nnj friends invited to fu. rerl. Thurs.. 8:20 n. m., from her late resl-d-iire, 1011 Master St. Solemn high mass of requiem nt the Church of tho Oesu 10 n. in. Int. Old Cathedral Cem. Please omit flowe- s. SMITH. March 27. CATIIAItlNI-3 wife of William T3. Smith, Relntlics and friends arn Inil'eil to funernl. Frl.. 8:30 a. m.. from the i-Mlilenc.. of her husband. 2330 S. Colo rado st. Solemn high rcntlcm mas at St. Monlen'- Church 10 a. in. Int. New Cathe drill Cem. KNYIJHr.. Mnnrsatnwn, N. L. Third Month 20th. 1113SSIT5 M.. v-lfe of Roy M. Snv der ivnd daughter of Heniy AV. nnd L5lls abeth ('. Hopkins. Funeral Friday-. 2:30 p m., from Frlerd.V Meeting House. .Aloores- lov.n, n ,i. Train l-aves Market St. Ferry. PhlUi.. 1:28 n, in, for Moorestown, STRACS13R. On March 2tf. 1921. TIIT30 DORIJ I... husband of Jraunettn ritrauser. Relatives and friends nr Invited to the serv ice, on Thursday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, at his late resld-nce. 731 N 12d st. Interment at Arlington Cmetery. Friend may view rcmsln on AA'-dnesdny evening SFDD1VP.S. Jlnrch 28, IiOHKRT M. S-l'DDIIRS. Rclatlu- nnd friend.-, also AA'InxnhockliiK Tribe. No. 33. I. o. R. M.. and Artisans' Assembly. St. John's. No. L'H. are Invited to attend funeral services. Frl.. 2 p. m.. nt his late residence. 33d0 Frederick st.. Falls of Schuylkill. Int. prlmte. Laurel Hill Cem. Remains may bo vltwid Thurs, eve. SWIFT. At Scheni-.ndoiih. Pn., March 27. FRANK II.. husband of .Alary (Irenser Swift, aged 42. Services and Int. at con venience of the family, THOMAS. March 2S at hi late roe,! deuce, AVest Point, Pa.. SILAS H. TIIOXrAS. aged 07. Relatives, friends and Harry Clay Council No. 7, Jr. O U. A. St.. In vlteil to funernl service Thursday, 1l;3i a, m.. in the Church of Brethren, Upper Dub lin Rose A'nlley. P.l. V13CIt'ri:i'. Mnrch 28. 1921. MARY S.. .laughter ot Hr.rrv II. and Anna AA'i-chter line Clans). ngtM 17 venrs (I months. Fu .wral utrbilv private. Thurs.. 2 p. m.. from Municipal lloipllnl. Int t Crc-enniount Cem. AVILL13T. "II Jlarcll 20, 1021, AVIL. I.IAM,.hu.l-nnd of Anne I-,AVIIIetn,l son ?'', latj noowe n.l I C.th.rlm. V.n H.n.t ' I'- , s"0 ","" ,01' nu"rtin. , i'"n '"I" residence, .218 St. Jnnies place, at 1 p, m. Inti-rment at AVItherspcon Cemitcry. at I'''"0:'.0"-. .N:.,,:' "'..''";, m..V . . AILLIAMSON. March 28. SARAH I jANE. wife of Robert AVIIIInmum (nee lllack- n-iin). aireiT n. Relative and friend muted to ntteii'l funeral, rnurs., u p. in.. lnte re - denie. 2715 llcik.dilio st. Int. tlreenwood I tl of 1 .1 VHAnilll. -JOSEPH A., son of l-liarl.. ' ntid Ella-nielli lenirer. uejatives anil friends. ,. iril,ni,rti., h.iv' fiuh ' Amnriniti rur !... ! 0!('tn, Great AAirs. nod ThonMs li nuii Murine Post Dill. ,ue Invited to funeral. .. Tlmrnlav. nt Hl.10 n. tn.. trom father's n11 porimn Indeliteil to tho sutd estato nie r-'Uitid to mnl;o payment, and thi.so hivlnv claim to present them, without do ay', at the ofitco of the s.jl.l company, 32..-3J1 Chuitnut "lrlrl- '""uuv""l",-, , , AV1LLIAM P C1EST Presldeilt. rf" I3HTATF, (IF AVII.I.I3.AI SIX. 1)1-3-- ceased Letter : of nn.llinrc ndmtnls. tr.-i'lon upon thrt estato of AA'lltem sv. de-re-sod, h.ivlnct liecn rtrni'td to Fidelity Trust nn persons inneoieu lo inn sain AVILLIAM P. (JEST. P esldent. r-j3S? MITIC13 I'i IIKIII5IIY (IIVI3N THAT " lb-, ropartnerHhlp her- tofore pun i. n ted by llie umlercned under the firm n.nii.. of ( harles 15. Ilrlrliley ti Co.. with r.ffli eH at 01 llroidicnv and 44th -t. una Sir ive . New York city. 53 State st.. lb-tun. Miss. . Snlem. Mass.. nnd .'inn AVKc. nei lliillillnir, Philadelphia. Fu . ha this day h-iii dlsolved by mutual consent. Churles ': llrb-kley will rnaaBe In the liunln--" of Investment c-rurltles nt 15 Mlllilrn lane. New A'eili city uniler the name of Oniric. 1", llrhkll-y. AV. J. Mcllllnn. .1. ItU--ell Hutler nivi Warri-n A-'l.criiinn hi ve iiiN i'.-y fonin-d u neu co'iiiirtiiei'shln under the firm tinin.- of Alclilliin A rompniiy. nt:n win conduct n ir.-n-'ii.il hiiic'v lirnUeraire i nd Investment securl 1 lies Iimi.Iiii's-1 nt ill lliii.idviiiy und I lib st. und 3111 live. Vi-w A'olk rllj : 33 Slnte St., i I i urn. Mnir.. S.iUi'i. M..sh.. mid .Inn AA'IUa ! n r llulldins. 1'hllndelplil.i. I'a. CHARLES' 1-3. IIRICKI.Kr. AV J. M.iH.INN. 1 J. RFSSKLI. lll'TLER. AVAIIIH5N ACKF.RMAN. Hated March 2. 1021. trr'KI AVIIII.AI IT MAV CONCERN I, ' WILLIAM HTINH. formerh- of the I ni, of "I'tltiK .- Parson," build. -r. 1212 V 15th st.. "Ill no; be responsible for any oebts contrin-ted by Mr. Piirson,., (Sluned) WILLIAM I'TINiL 1431 Poplar St. Season Opens i cmnnny. lost and rotmu FYIOOLASS CASI-3 Lost, Siindny night In i'enna. Station, gold eyeglass cnsei reward. K. H. AVInsloc,-. punssutawnev, p,i. ilANDMAli Lost, a l-lui- tlnvefj-'ne bsndbng with steel heads on Chestnut St.. Iietween 12th nnd 13th sts. Finder can keep mony. n-turn kevs and pnp-rn to 712 filnmiln Hldf. WATCH Lost, lady' goid "wrist "watch, In itial, tt. M It l.-lilay Mnrrli ?ft. be. .tween 32d nnd' Powelton nnd 47th nnd King. sessing. fall AVooi.innd '.'ooi w. PERSONALS HFRMA.V ROTHMAN ha sold More, r.dtli and Iicust. Creditor ell beforo April 1. Agent. Sillier. 2123 N. llth t. HELP WANTED FEMALE DASKI-5TMAKKR who can mat: willow chair. Call 103 President nve., Rutledgc. or phone Kwn rthmnro 1 IPS J. CI.HANITRS AAomn, 'viiltc. for general c-n ar.lng on our dny and night force; only steady, dep-nd.ihlc workers need apply. Call beforo 11 a. in. Dureau of llmploymtnt AA'A.VAMVKF.R'S COOKINO and downstair work, white, no ln'indry. 4021 AVayn nve, AA'yomlng 4333. HOtJSIlAA'ORIC on amnll farm during th" summer: good wages. Phone l.nnghnrne 17J. (IIRI.S Clerk. tenngrnph"rs. typlsls,Vntd nt onca lv guveriimentigood sninry, easy nourr, rapid novancemnni. write ror in structlons. particulars, I' 1 107, Ledger Off. aiR'LS AVanted neat, intelligent Blrln to learn tese finishing. P. AV. Maurer A Sons Co.. 4311 AA'nyne avc.. near ISih nnd aermantow-n ave. OT-KRATliRS I5xr)--r cnce,i front nnd "slocv.-tinlt-rs en silk utul c-ittnn waists: sladv 3l!'.r,lj 122 N. 13tb st. third floor. ' Ol"'l-5RATORS on chlldnm' dresses": Hlne-.-i otter on do-ible-needle machine, ai" 1 N. stl, nt., second floor. OPERATORS, blisters, finishers. " Apply a". Abrahams ft Sons. Juniper and A'lne. SAI.15SLADII'3S Positions open with bank ing houfe for 1 ladles of reilnement and education: here you can splendidly servo your city and make tine Income. Apply Immedi ately, Mr. llrler. (l.-n-rnl Properties Cor poration. S, AV. cor. 13th nnd AA'nlnut st,, second floor. SIIOKS )3tperienced ojn-rntoi in u branch's. 313 N. 12th st., Tenth floor. STHNIKHIAI'IIFR. xp .""northia-.tTiVtlon. Apply C. . 1., 21 N. 22d st. STENO(1RAPHl-31!S AVK HAVK S1-3VEILVL A'ACANCIUS l'Oll HTllNOdP.Al'HllH. APPLY LIT 11ROTH KItS' HUR13AU OF 13MPLOV.MI3NT, 2D FLOOR 7TH AND FII.1II5RT STS. 1I-5l.i:rHONI3 CiPHRATINiJ I'erinrnent po nltlors lo nil young vointn hi-.n 18 and 23 wh, MUailfv: yon v, III lu paid whllo train. iti: III u vsel tj sti-rt. Apply lo Ml-.' SJ i-vtispn. In II 'I -i'Phoni- Co., 10.1 1 Arch st WOMAN I urn looking fur a particular type, of luily. lndustrlou. clean record, fair edui-attoii and good personality! thus- nual incntlon will secure for her a permanent connection with nn Income that will meet her fondrst expectations. Call In the aftor noon between 2 and 4 nt 007 A'andam Hlils., N. AA', cor, loth and Market sts. AA'OMAN. refined, rrolostam. to take full chin ge nf honu and care of 3 children llic on small farm during the summer: party to be a good manager and know him- tn handle children; In answering state experience, r-fer. ence and iktlary expected, P 1113, Ledger Office, fleneral NLRSLS watrted. ntway In demand at cood pay: learn at home In spare time; entlrt tuition can be, .earned In few weeks: you earn while you lenrn: special offer inciudlnc froi nursVs outfit; write for full particulars. Ch. jatto School of Nurslne. 421 S. Ashland tllid.. Dept. Q. Chlcnzo, III. HELP WANTED MALE ENAMEL MAKER llttlll CLASS .A,ut be able to formulate nnd inanufncture enamels nnd pslnt for tho industrial trade: S h.'n'oln". rositlor. for n. man who can till the requirement: our new niod rn paint factory Just completed, everythlnif up to date. Arpllcailon.1 strictly confidential. AVrlte civ-liii- full particular. ILLINOIS PAINT AVORKrf OF SIIARS. ROKHUCK i- CO. 31124 S. Kostn-r live. Chlcano. HI. EXPERIENCED electrical specialty aie. man, exceptional opportunity for it rellible. and dependable man. P 1Q30. ledger Office. LATHE hand and nsnibly man. N. LSIh st. aiia'.-i MASTER MECHANIC wanted, by n mttor. ' tlnlshliiK plant In Massachusetts: In reply 1 stale ne nnd ,-sperlence. M 112. Ldcr off. OPERATORS. liHSter.' Illlsncrs. Apply 3. Ahraham ft Sons. Juniper nnd A'lue st. ORNAMENTAL draftsman ct-nniil n.n.i.1. of detailing and desltrnlm; such wm-it n stnlr work, iiiuriiuls,, elevator Inoma-jr. and tho llUc: tnto salary cxpectod, cx pei lenc-e and whon could report. Ileply I -'' sfruiurii srsi ci: lllchinund, - . , ---- for Photo-lItbcT nmc-ss. . familiar witli biRh-uradu color work: Inme ii'.niwrapii inani hi unio. .11 n,:. l.i-der SALESMEN A few wood men who can de liver nro onereii me opportunity to sell tho stock of a tiinnufiicturlnir plant, with na tion. il distributing, whose product Is now oversold: this proposition Is too hlffh class for any but n No. 1 man; If you can flneiue youriclf and vour record Is clean. If you are n salesman and know what vuu can do. tell us about It. Address I.orlc Hox i'Ont. Tulsa (lltln SALESMEN Gentl-men, neat anpcnrliiK. 'uh polc rv,. read. ' ho nre iilsh-priaaure men. iim mnkn J75 to HOD a week: wp have a live-wire proposltn-n 'or men who lim.w tliemsi h,- CHARLES SCRIIINER i SONS 1010 CHERRY ST. CALL AFTER 10 A. M. SAI.ESMKN Are -on Interested" in buravi pppo.-tunllv f-i- proKres-i .f Phllndelpli'ii and lii.-i-nie for vourhclf? This will atl''y you. Special mceitit fur men Jt prv.sent ,-r.i-ployed Thursiliiv. M irch 31, nt 7:30 Applv ImmiilUt-ly. Mr. ilrl.-r. O.-ncrul PcipertlV Corporntlo-i. S. A. c.r. 15th and AA'alnut. s-s-ond fleer. HALKSMI5N - Excppiloniil opirtunl7j:-for salm.-n with the K. II. C.isatt Co 7in DeniUli HI-IK.. I Uli :ind Alnrhet ts.' ,s;c imniiiter. hempen p inn 4 o'clm-lc. SiALK.-'MfeN AVanieil. -sperlei.c.., tl.iot Se. curltv saltiiuen: i-efei ence-. required An ply tn Mr. Johnti.n. S.'.l) Federal ut.. Cam- den. N. J; SHOr3S Exirluc.-.l iipeutur "iiiT"-iITl hrnn-ln-n SI." N. 12th st.. tcntll floor UTENiKlltAPHEIL ,-xp .';Nl- ini"rilieiit'"n.ct1,1" 'I N 22d st. Applv l . CI. I.. STf'CK SALESMEN TO si. LI. STOCK OF IIOMr ST1-5 A Al.(ip CO.. REST PA VINO AND HHIHENT CJ L Ass PROPOSITION IN THE COUNTRY -'""" P 1000, LEDUEIt Ol'I'R'i; STOCK. AND IlllNl) SALEHMvv lilt Kill ft NVw V',irU hS3""" ';.'" ln'' ni'irkst for s,ile-'- '' , run. about 25 lo S5. man who Is not afraid I I'. II, LI.IV nil," int'iniriiiifn, ri U"SUrCtl lll- i.iii- Is certain to th" mnn who proves his lierlt AV. F.'nii,-tH (: Co.. Frnnlilln Trust .ilde . llrooklyn, N Y. Av All ll.MAM.U AC u.toi ,ed t- rep.ilrl.13 line vtal.'.les n,l pisses dns- u- 11 tools, a-tve espi-rleiiie .uui-stal- ulnry un.tiri.d. Aiidrms p tin L dj-r Cifllce '' STRl'i-TL'RAI. detniler wanted, exuerlenced. osp.ib.o of detalllni; steel for brlclues .ind iu.:oniK, 111 aosvverini; siaie s.i iry expectt'l. "ti'piiiiini unit ,nri, vtiuiu icu-ri. l.splt ! Richmond Structural Steel Co., lllchinund. 'AVANTED. a man wlilbrnlipindrnlfla" tlve tn trust position In i-orrsnntiditf .1... Mtrtmi-nt of Btucl: exchanK hou.o: should hate some e-.perlencc nlonir such lines: mud buvc lilnh-clnss ri-commenil'ttlons. ulve ii.-ir- llei'nrs 111 i-enl). Hox- M H20, LedBcrOfflie. Hriiernl SCHOOL OF SALESMANSHIP A i.,ilr nrHanlcntlun. hluh slundlmr opening M'hoot of -nbsm.inshlp for men who dro nt present umnloycd, but ambitious to tnke up sul, Miianshlp a u profession: wo nr-. irlvlni; d 3-wevk course In the evenlnu' 7 to 0: admission free: those iiuiilltylm; will be given -i position ivherv c.irnliiK power runs to It.AO a week or more. Address I' 1103 Lid, Off. WANTT.D 1.100 rut.wny tr.ifni- Inspector, no experience trulii for 'his prnfrsSMlop 'hiouh spare time home study eiisv ten-is MID to t'JOII monthly nnd -vnenees k-u. rV ecd e.r inonev baek outdoors loon' or ti-rrv- eiiorfi utinu. un' men vt im iiviii-ii 1 1 ..e h ml- V Sill Stuinl llun 8 Tj-ulldllK lnl, UvilfulO S Y. STORAGE AND MOVING nu!ainiM:"B.m I IMPORTANT 3 To House Buyers and Renters You saio money, liy preventing- loss. In tniployins- the Fidelity Storage & Warehouse Co. 1811-1813-1815-1817-1819 Market St. lo euro for your goodfl. Our four cornerstones are RELIABILITY COURTESY g Phono Locust 1170 and our rcprescntutiA-c avIH bco you promptly, ? & without coxt to you. S tffiiiuiiii'imwifflfflii-raaiiiiHiaiimiiiraii'ffi HELP WANTED MALE (ieneral AV15 TI3ACH YOU TO DRIA'L AND RKPAIR AUTOJIllllII.I'iS 153 Fort rnr.i. a compli:tk coursl. S2.a lilV a. KttntlTi t k ISr-tSLt Ifln.H Uiiaitsn. . 4V-i (V 1'ltlll I i l,liii(l, 1-JIJ"-!! nuuunrii SATTLF.R'S. HI01 to 13 Spring Harden st. C.IA'II, SKRVICii examln-itlons April an-l May manv Viic.-r.cles. snbio ?l lOii-tlstin. writs for sample test P ties Llg. Off. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAL1J APT. Hflt'Sl-5 MANAOF.R, scleral years' rucicssful cxp.. desires position: i seep tlonal reference P 1032, l.-dger Offlee. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACC'T'O Student. 21. steno.. t: plst likrg . des. employ, aft'noons. C 12M, ld. off. ACCOUNTANT public, former inc. tax agt.. a.vallablej)erm. or tenp.ril(il I ) a to f s. HKPR. de. po. with reltnbie hnusi;. 8 yrs.' i-xti . AVbnrtnn Sehnnl : lli. (' 120, I.od.OfT. CHAUFFKUK. white." mnrrled." Ilrnt-cla driver and m-chanl' on all enrj Knov. city and suburbs, cle.in-Mit nnd courteou-i, working nt present, would like, to mnke u rhnnge C 433. Ledger Offlee, CHAUFFI3UR wishes position private fnin ii. 10 year' experience on hluh-grade cars, reference from last employer, careful driver. P 1112. Ledger Off ire. FOREIGN CONNECTION DESIRED A'oung business man past 30. r, years In dustrial plant manager, now financial ei ccutUe with largest American corporation In Its field; connection desired which will ?ad lo foreign assignment: highest bank and business credentials. M b'-"-'. Ledger Office. OFFICE mail Ilkpi. fnrntl. nlth r-.s-s. iv roll ft time, avail, nt rn-r C 4.".2. Lid. Off. A'OUNcT .MAN wants tc learn the upholster ing trade, reference r 115, Ledger Offlee. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES AVANTED at Episcopal Office. 312 S. 12th st. Cook, waltreso. chambermaids and laundresac. MIW. HARVEY. Hi'V Rlttetihou" niT French noiernesses. Indies' maids ete. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAMP ZACHARY TAYLOR, LOUISVILLE, KY. AT AUCTION T.us ump. consl'tlnx of 20ml Imildiius ut varlou size heatlmt plat.-t. l.An.ooo feet of radiation, plumblmt and cleetrlciu supplies, Ineludlni- 320ii low-down cloeei-.. 31111 ,ui waier heaters, 30(10 stoves nnd furnace of varlou- sizes refrigeration plant, Iron plplnp, all sizes. I11O tons of railroad steel, ar.itlo iron 11:11 au.tc.he nml 50HO crosstles will be sold by us for the AVar Il-imrtnient lit nbso luie auctlorr without rcservntlon. bcislnnliiK April 25 nn the camp around. AAV will also sell l.'.OO ucro" of land, uh divided Into home Bites, factory site and truck Kardens. This property cost the cov ornment over ten million dollars and will bs sold at nuction recrnrd'ess of price. ONE OF THE GREATEST speculative opportunities In history. AA'rlte or wire for Inventory an. I detuils to the Louisville Real Estate & Development i'o.. U. C. Clarice, president. loulsvlle. Ky.. sales 111,-cnls, AA'ar Department. $4000 CASH UST AND SPRUCi: 1-STOItV Pltlil-KRTV 'alue of Property, $10,000 This Im-ludi s iim of in h,-n- iihIpikm! nlnu- Iiiius-i In AV--i Phlhidvliihi... ho'ii,. In full ruiiiilm.- i 'iriillniin. lloom for if Garages Mortgages Placed BROADBENT CO. 2i-.ll S 17TII ST SECURING BUSINESS CAPITAL QUICKLY Forceful hlsh-powered. i-otivlnclnir prei-erta-Hon. throuKh rluht chann-Is. based on oris Innl. Intclllircrt sales plans, will set devel opment or worklnv capital. In any atnouc'.. In ncord time and ut minimum cut. '.Ae "r;tini Ull every lllillie Ol IllliinClUI V'ril" Inir and dlrcct-bym.ill ceding. Twelve years' successful oxperic-nic Advertlsli.ic Servlco Co.. Parkway Ilidi; . llrnud ui.d Cherry sts. Telephone Spruce lO'jn. FOR a thorough l.u.i:i..s uomn-i. pas' 30, who can Invest a nnmlu.il Hum. chn-irfi or office iu.il.os opportunity ,i. srcreiiuy and Irensurer of local ln.lustrl.il entvrprln-; muni be tlioroufth In botikK... pin-, ,-ueti ii:-ranli.- and itenerai olfl.-e routhn to tho v.onihn elected, thl.- nfT r hn i iiTimmem 'ami nnlliulleil pn.slt.llltli s. :.,,. u qiiuii. i flci'lmi ir. flrj- leti.i c 107 l.djcr I Olfce , "HERE'S i AN INVESTMENT" i Larue b-e cream and ot ster housn mih, prop erty; receipts for 10211 over ?.')",, ihii), which rnitM' doubled, will stand strl'-tet iiivestlirn. I Hon: owner seiiiiiK un ncc-unt uf overwork. ' prlee $111.1100 II J. AVII.DEY 51s AV Lc- I hlffh J'Ji'me IC"iiHlimtoti 1CI17 I Yo"CEA:aILINIS LIST'"? one of ' Jar most VillUnble (iSsitH if UHPil PriipirJV, lit Tne 'Write you -i s ili-s letter, ilrcul.ir or lonkbt that will britiir tin maximum nf resu't- eonsultiitiim withoiu i-harm M 115 l.i nrr A IIAROAIN t.o-Mi Inv'e'sl'l.-.itl.i J.-,'iiini liuslness: h..n. t-.i-e md ! . In. Ill npiiP- nits Ini-luillnj lui-bl r pilr v nr1, fur j 122.1110. i CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 2HTII ST. AlliiAl, i'lli1M'' 1RIENTA'. ASH liuMKKI C RUGS AND CARPETS Cleaned, Scoured, Stored si'AiAirii sTni. iii, nn i. tiii.v:phiini: i.iici st mnn POPS. BIRDS AND GOLD FISH PEDKiREEU imilre ,ii-.iiiv ror ,tln. V U Fur-iesn ur.ill'li- -. and Rldi. y cick' Media. I'a ' HORSES I TWO HIDINil HORSES, with 'brldle-Pand English aadd'e. bolli liors-1 will man iiereil and eun I'i- dilven li harness, will Lni aoJ.eb..ap. P OI7ld,-r OffU PONA'. vvlrh h.unss. cuvi-niefs i-.iri. "sdddls and brljlc Ideal pn-iv fi r cb.ldien. and will bo suld cheap M li"t I.eiBn litf-ce, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIAVO tk'.llitlf'll 11 v uiirbil.i 1.1. silt at Micr Oco. 1.M3 N OOtli St. PAINTING PAPERHANQINQ PAPERllANOlNcl & paliitlnu, price reason. T. S. Lee. 24U2 Mustei at. Pop. 7321 AV. 1 SEWING MACHINES ' .1lf--NKAA; "iiriipb-.l. 7 ,ulily. iw 1 1 1 ' clsc'.vli, re. SltiKei .ui ntlii-rs. 's to )le.i l f Ull v iruaranli ed I3ii V Huh si t WANTED I CASH FOR DIAMONDS i OLD GOLD AND SILVER 1 Jf OU Willi! the full Villue fill Olli Jeiveliy I brlmi them to the "Id esmhlKhni 'vine isilii I THOS. II. LEE A CO . 712Wliiut .1. lllUHKSr PRICES PHld for m-iuir,r,p- I clothes; write, send or phone, we enli any. 1 where, any time. Cooper, sum .Mnrlcc-1 st. Phone Preston t'li)3 open eveuln-i. AVE A INT t one- turns. "ii ,1,1 furnitur. hiori- Utturts, iifii.'i- fuinuure. i,t i,,i cash honest vhIu- Piioiu. it .ibou' ll Lo- c-itkl 1214. liitl Cliurcl is '.'h -i uri Fi'RNlTl'llE diiit-en pei- ntu luum.ii 1 Samuel cfQ'j Murket st 1. urine ius STORAGE AND MOVING RESPONSIBILITY PROMPTNESS THE SAFETY STORAGE VAN AND PACKING CO. LSTAHLISHF.D 1881 3712-371 MARKI3T ST. i ....".. ""Lp"'u' 'com ror stnrnge; men ana i '. ' "".n" nl- tiy .,.til,t ..,,,. imv mT'". ' AI'V,?"1 ' "r:' "'"pni'Kl . y expert to jrtii. I'hon.i (Inrlntf Ills n, j AV,st 15 1 3 A nvia Mr Uon.l.. .., ..!,, ,..- ' SAI'KTY SLRA icio insciikh katimfai'I TIn.V Miller, North Broad Storage Co. i Tlroad iiny L-blgb. J'bone Diamond 7100. I Moving, brlcit nnd tlrcproof storage: parkins. vfCTORY STORAGE " .Vjiiil Fllh, rt. Phone llelniont 170. I .- '"'' estimate. Plerie Arrow van. WALLACE H2II-2H N. "(iTIl ::.'I7 rili'iii-ir i.avk n.n , L"rAL N,ll,A'll niSTAN'Cn .AltlA'IVOS , " THK JOHN ItHOADS CO. i Storage, packing, mining, csrpet cleaning. ! 4'57-AO LANCASTER A A'):.. AVI-5ST , PHILAJ iMIlNARi'll sfriRATJK fu. -1870 LANCAfl. Ti;!t AVE. Al'TO SNRA'ICF., STORAOF. i,t ivi.w, i,i r.ii. uir. rA.M r; movino. bI-51'ARATI3 r.-omr for st.irane. 'Radford. fi.tlfi N. AVat-r i-t. AA'yo. 2303, Mov.. haul'-, SEPARATE rinsfiir'stoiniT". Rndfordr."3'io N. Water. AV'-o. 2395. Moving. Iiaulng, BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT If ton want m lm ion- it ,,1 that we are still oaylng 2."ie, more iin-i o'hera for diamonds (alto Pd.ii iii-Vet iMiin-ht) en'l nt KELLY & CO. 21) Fl.uon i;v rn hkfpks) 12 CHESTNt 1 fiT. PRO. AVAL. 734 4 DIAMONDS BOUGHT PRIVATE A. MeCCTCHHN, 031 rteal Estate Trjn Dulldlntt, llrond and Chestnut St. Es'nbllshed 22 year. Money paid nt once. J50 to tl.Vm eoeh. Hours 11 to onry. DIAMONDS R0UGHT llnche-.- prl.i-s nild- to 10 cn'nt: J10 tn -fi'0"' rl'1 "'''' rl,1"'ium n"d llvr boushf IhS. Diamond Shop, ,oy;'V.,ttt 70i ACi'ul'NIs senf us are collected- re, eon. et rlnstlnnly at I- since IS'10: business and ntbi r riaiters adjusted: bank referenc Mutunl Adjus ment Co.. 1215 1'llliert st. MASSECSI3 wishes patients, treatment at their reeldenee, writ . any time. Ilox 141, North AVales Pn. DIAMONDS "BOUGHT HARRY AV. SMITH, 117 HANSOM ST. I! AIR. mules, wnrts removed h"y electricity Mrs. lvy. Columbia 'jto. 1731 N. Frnnlclin st. ' ELECTRICAL TREATMENT". p-.y!rnf'cu7. I ture. IPS s. I7ih l. Hour. 11 to n. I f'ACI AL. ec.ilp. el.-ctrlc; hours 1(1 to 0. Mist Hero-man & SI. John 302 S. Rrond st. , ELF.ffRIi' treatment nnd maiilcurfnit. M"s ' Hanson & AA'llnon.103 Heil TUg.I'll. Iic.3312 I FOIt SALE 1 '"" OVERSTOCKED NEED ROOM ! Big Sacrifice FOLD1 Nil TIIEATRK CHAIRS. CHAIRS. SCHOOL DESKS lodae pedestals pulpit rlinlrs, church pew. restnurnnt nnd lee cream tables nnd chair, lunchroom chnir and counter stools, offlc. desk" and chairs tlarce assortment). Srs-clni value., in workroom chairs. Innlld chali sold and rented. Chuira and tables rented for ull occasion. CHAIR EXCHANGE S. E. Cor. 6th and Vine Sts. Market 25IO TYPEWRITERS Main 447? RENTED" VISITIL13 3 MUS.. J8.00 &. UP. Factory Rebuilt TypeAvriters "See Our New Machine, the Century" American Writing Machine Co. S02 CHESTNUT ST. AValnut 2130 Main 32. FURS! FURS! FURS! I ' Win t- Mh- ii"-- ti. Un rtjr tarn romtvlVl! lo llif lut"" pattTnn anO at ninnl I cont; w ' id ,iNu r ir vi tip furi slurin? tho aummP I inmuhif. .i'Ui:s.vi:H,(5 I 4 4 N 11 TH T. IAI'T1N SAI.I of trtri Hhruh. vTKven9 ..nr fruit trt-B for IMs- Hill Lmid and ImiTuVfrniMit Association nt North Olen kIi, I'a.. Krhla. April 1. nt 12 :fiO non: -also r.,Ie of farm ptia'k ilr of real mutate tt 3 p. m. Inf. rnu.tion mav t" line! from i J Ft inkltn Mifhan. m-crr'tary. Mount Alrv. .'hllii . I.i.. or frnm Ilnrn C. Illy. Ufth a imh la,. unntanl aiirtlonpT. ,1,01' of tfir,; ti.Mi' tuir-t" -ind i;un rlu H.U.I'tlHIlt II; "o '! I ft I OVH'llOll ftT KJCa I Till L.tii'l .iiki liifi'i ii.Mi Ah, iitlnn h'i!i;, A"ll t nt mint iin.in, lufrr'unt'nti iii' ! hail i""'-m I. Fi.tnliln M"hrw "i-c i ta , Mt. i.- . I'nii.i . I '.. r frori lUf v t. l f ! tli ji 1 i j in .int .nuptli.r. r S- "OFFICE FURNITURE " ! ' r- .! i in. pi .i ii 1. it." craiie 'ENTI'.AI. SI.CONIi-IIANIi ll'ltNITl'".F CU POI 1'Al.I.liAVHILI. Sr. 1ILHERT 41fH IPENNA. p'V.'i'.Vn's DESKS j OFFICE ,;ThtT si'iill, CHAIRS 1 Fuimtiici . Oil AVulnut AVainu- 4134. oi'i'ici-;" i-'f'RNn t'RE I...r... 'nl of I .' s -i fen. i'i--. cabinets and CLtlcra) i i"tc- fnri.it ti -t. . slut- flvtures. v'- Inn '1. sod evhatiRo, CATTI.V FCIINII FIIE CO.. I,. cruT lii7H 1127 ARCH ST. RACE'.'OOIl. PARTITI'iV, .Ic-k". i Urn, ciblnets. tables. h.iir-i i. I -nli in.- loollii. nnd iitln-r com plite na't aii-l iii'ui 'Biinv nfllc c-iulpinctit In line ennd'il ni and very .-iienn Hl'tllltlS 11TII A Hl'l'TlNV(.ll.ir I'ltATT"" lrrflKRT's PAINTS, f H l- Inn: e mm -1 i-i -I vm-iishi-ti $'5ti n irnM.ri mi rem.- toll-' outfli 15 tn l?3: plinnhl- .i.d t-fttiilttli it oilllllie AVar.house. 273" N 2il FOR mai.E- Piano 'suuiirei Meyer make In bi.o.i oundtllun- red tdusli parlor sidle. Pier 1 lo'tliur '.:iss wlib icold triune vvulnut bed rnotn .line bark-aln for 14'ib'h kale. Addrua 1' llll,. l-i.'i "lllir $2.50' 1,. ir i v "luih Iihk. SUltCSPS, riiuLk l.rlefi-n .- iii'.nllmi.li.. ... : -, .'.;-' '.- ' e '. 'Villi'- . vliiriiH.iie iruilKS. lll.ril) up 'A.l.-' l..un ofllr 13 mr. llth ft Arrh t9 fl l !is ""C'. rnm'cj. SultcisM. '-'" -P In. -ni. s 1,"., 11 ufdec 111'., M 41 N. INTKJl'E fuinliure i hliin, silver, old war nd shle. pici-in s: hlKhi st iirlcs paid for "'lU'l.'-'-L- unt.i!iu.'"l"-"'-l,iI!.iJ ocumi oimt l.AIUiK 1 nli. n.-i n-i iinhntilione and record JII5 vilue S100. '.'EDER'S LOAN fV. FlCE.22i'i'!t" -1. . . H.iritiiil.RA'UiKs .nd ilxturp, tor itfuusra and I11-.1t n.nrkcls. u-rini if desired. RAVI'AI I. k C" 331 N. 2ll et. I'i'l'LICVTulis lota'-y $111 Ed.son mlm'en. i.riph. sin- v. I I'.iinn.er.'idi. cheap F A E. ,-h" ll v.i It. 1 S2.A 'lis C-enlnut. LM 11 TIT SAFES 0-epn-of. eliei,.,. no e. 1 1 x h tl used, nil siaeti. mces mil si vies ,'j s, n .( iMi-lln' N 'ss.nic 1 uu-ntiv, for ale: ci d ..I le. .'Us tint D1N1NO R'lliM SPITE S p eri.,;"V.eid con. .Hi 1,111. 1 "lfii N.irb rtb 3300 .1. AMERICAN i.ielr.s inichlue foi saTeTiiuo-J 01. let. ''' S llOtb. ROllFINQ ROOFING Don't Paint Yuur Old Tin Roof Let Mi' Kstimate to i-oat Vour Old j Roof nml tlutii'uutee It Ten Year. ROBERT A. MAYS Exjieri in Iloafiii"., Roof Coutinrr and Spuuting I !2.:i4 n: l6i!jst. jfts Jin?? IROOFIVd spoutlnu. rnni.s""A lii'otTnif 1 rs nri'-ss 11 i-nnino. "in :s lutn. Pop, 1 (J7 J OLD GOLD OLD colu ' it 1st 1 17 101 ! 't ijiienT. ifv, ;f ' W 1 -rt lioii-i . 'i .-" J I ah r. ;i , y w m ll H HI .. . .. 1 ,. . .w.i.1... ,. - 1(t M... mil" ' ' - - .