' ' t'ffrjTt t T .. "i4" L " fJli 'JV,' r-$gpfi - - ypr? r 'V 3 EVENING PUBLlO (LEDaER-PHIIiADELPHIA, MONDAY, MARCH 28, 121 LADYFINGERS , By JACKSON GREGORY CwrioM. Ill, 9v Chortf BeHHrr't itn h8TART8 THIS STOlW tt'iilYn wiawMiv of ante on r 5 ta inttns-up it plonnei ay a tWltter,. Be ottemptta dfsmonel f mm i fk vet ton oi ncn mti. KuiW, become Poll Le Bnrn otkt fTTV-ii II -or er. and ft eoapi teith the detective in ."iri.i ! 5I..U Ho k ? rUry 3Ii kiiiM JM a real KJSi "'" Teh talertor. fft iX toewWei o i er. 'SI;." revvt him efee ' ftin " Pvl0 .court to tZton Daly, Pfft " rJIST hoi been removed from the Jjft l!k teUri. Btetkeril'ttoie S7m ntot JJo & AiAe As 2LnMl ' money, oive him But Polly Lo Brun reveolt to illnie te eopture oni tteol iron 8m to ii4 m ? ?'? "ftg?' rrt i.i. iMiteAod OV iMf. oieine I of anpthtr than bcneK falltnc htlr to ut Btotbcrll million. She started at Haddon'o knock. And when he rapped Well7 Who rs M" "Harfilnn ." u.l ik. i..- li. Immediately, Evelyn." "JujtlnT What ii It? At this hour be urged .ttMki the tofe eni it obout to get EST AcrieV. JTMoii o4 Ambrote. tare not token a iMno from your itfi," he ennouneu. AND UKRE If CONTINUES nflE wint to the Mfe and in a little letked open the door. Ambrose and HiWen and Asho wcro alandlng close, vttehlor. Thero !n plain sbjht was a Mtt, thick pad of bills. By them was t bit of folded note paper. The old Mam matched it np with ahaktnf men. While AmbroM stared blankly It Baddon and Baddon teemed like a bio with the around awept suddenly torn beath him, she read the few Hnea Mftrlr: Bobbie Ashe's short, simple letter of farewell to an oia woman wno ltd been kind to him and whom be Isrta. And then she had thrown both rtktr arms about Ashe's neck and was tar and huninc him conmUlvely. "Oh, thank Qod, thank God I" sha ararBUftd over and over. 'Mn. Stetharll," Ashe said softly. "Tou bad betUr " Bot aha held him off a little from isr aad the tears were running down er wrinkled cheeks as sha admonished Hni 'Can't you call ms grandma, Bob- Mi, dear? Can't jtraT" imeroae. his face red with fury, nracf about upon Baddon. What hero you got me into?" ha sntUred. Baddon found so immediate answer. JbebroM, in no stood to bo baffled ut- tarV, cried out angrily s lira. BUtharll, I'm sorry, but I're act to take him In. Just your calling Urn your grandson doesn't make him as. And, if he was foxy enough to pass p this chance -to steal, be'a still got that diamond charge to answer to." '!( you want to know anything about tilt diamond matter," she said bluntly, "rcu juat aak Haddoa there. Aak him fo picked it up when Bobble dropped itl And now, listen (o me. Both of reut Bobbie here is my grandson and wiat is more I can prove it Aek Had- n about that I If you two crooks get lent of here rigbt this minute and keep going and neves lei me see nner one li reu araln there'll be nothing further laid about that diamond. Tou can keep lit. K vou try to make trouble I'll latad Haddon to the penitentiary for that sadoreotnt other crooked work. If you, Amocoee, get out and keep your moutn ifot, you can make Haddon whack vita yon. Stay here and you'll get aokMac bot trouble and a lot of itl I naM you know something about uacnei IKitheril. don't yon? Now get NI Oh, Bobert!" She had forgotten them. Her arms mt about him, bar tear-atalned fact . Never mind the hourl' her. "Tou are dressed?" "Tea. I " Put On your hut- nil mil mnA . out to me In the gardens. Come the back way and don't let any one aee f01V1 . A?d h"7, Evelyn, hurry or it will be too late. I'll bd waiting for you. She jerked open the door, but Haddon had gone toward the dining room, not ..u,,.jw lv u Bnc louowea. hub .K?dJlown tho hal1 toward the front ul .fe .?,M- ?e.r wwe 'ol, Rchel StetherU'a and Mr. Bteele's, both ob vlously strongly moved. And the house h,?,,n '"U only a moment ago. Hastily the sirl rirtw a,. n Tx caught up a scarf, and went out. A gianoe over her shoulder showed her KI?2 ?i? Btfndln by Iho door of Mrs. HtctbcrU'a study, a man hOm she had never seen before. Was this man her cousin? Was ho going to come between her and the fortune which she had so long looked upon both as a right and a necessity? What did Justin pfan to do? When abe passed through the great dining room Evelyn was running. -A door, flung widely open, gaped after her. She wae breathless, flushed and eager when she came upon Haddon out- t"W J ,tr! 8h cricl "nsioualy. "Is It that man In there?" "Evelyn," sold Haddon with quiet emphasis, "wo haven't much time for talking. It's too .la to for that nowj tho time bas come for action. I have al ready ordered out a car. You oro go ing with me into Lockworth." ( "Lockworth 1" She stared at him In amazement. "At this time of night I Justin, tell me I What has happened? "hat ore wo going to do In lockworth?" ' "Homing bas hsppened vet," be iirayiumnuj, a grest deal is going to happen. In Lockworth, Just as fast as I can get couple or men out of bet. you and I are going to get mar- "Married !" aha gasped. "Married !" .. l?l,n,trirt' he a her Btead lly. "Marry mo tonight and I'll save you your rightful fortune. Hesitate 1n.d yo.u Joso " Oh, I'll explain aa we ilrlyo Into town. But you've got to make up your mind." ,'Sf; JuiUn, I don't understand "I do. I tell you that I am the one uiKu ju mo woria wno can arrange matters so that you Inherit your aunt's money. If I do anything for you I'vo got to do it now, tonight. And," dog- gruiy, "i won't turn a band unless you "uij ran immcaiaieiy. "But, Justin ifi cattt! Notthla way He shrugged his shoulders and turned as to re-enter the house. She clutched at nis sieeve. I Oh. I vau '--- i - - ' - - - THE GUMPSCompany for Dinner ' : ; : By Sidney Smith OUt AL L0EWENTYIAL-.1 ( t NVFU- VE kUWS VM Ali MM " ( V'HT 0f E ONBEM -EAGUE WTW 10V PONT KfJOVJ H(W I Tffr X .w tr -rw zio nJ&etr IsaoiI I J I LATF- Vftiy'LL PINO SflMTT ril Y Mom" IM L TICKLED AM YO METT ArJ.lvl- A y" oeAD( v i,( h 5fcJ - -f YHC CP W- TME rACWPS . r to HzT&S2S h GLSce SSSSl WW -U A ftniSr Sffi . VV CW a match L. V MNHVRwnHMf S? wpla-W. 22ri TrSL.. 7 && 7rU,vtLJu.M EM , im r Cy i.i--.y r w civtr. cao C v II Jw i nNaro v BuansflassjsjsjHB . c7'f'":.cr' STEa.T r-cu;'- t u &v i-- ,,- i , i .v-fv i li ev - "wmnMMal f ??rT WV VOMEWN6 J ai ACk SlatT ATA SBT 7 4(Mi i -T7 SSs-2P i rtNo) 6oot y si 'i-o rsj?l J JH V 7 M ass fc f 5i V Hai in a laV! 7 P f i r - .aaW SJkl laV vV " bsssBsbsV H 1 "V a ft -U--Aaiaa 11 -niw aaMJ V) mW ) ST .H ' N oB?l? amaVXK, lil 1 V "- ' I . ' iv II aaV aaaaakJaaS -Ni , A aaaaH k lszh- ki kmZl I 7--lligBaajB 1 aBBHLsH 7--V LbLbB 7l jCS- aBBBBB "" "" . a r ' fMl' aaL. " - tww twl" ' m I , irJnX. t . JBBnTBT . . I ' -- 1,.,MJ..JM ,,MMMt,,MaMjaiBlllBBBBBBlglB,M,M.. ,.. . if 4 li '""M,,"MMMMMai , : : : : copriht. 1021. by puwio idsor Co By HayuMrd ' SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Great $10,000 tianiageCase aa looking up at blm. her aes filled iu toe aunger ot lova, wina nsppi- as. with pride I "I knew vmi ooaldn't resllv be die- koBtit!" she laughed up at blm de plkUdly. "WUd. maybe. AU Bteth ItriH are wUd. I'm wild myself 1" CHAPTER XXVII roily he Bran Squares Um Game JuaUn Haddon, having much at tU. comported himself like an abls. central. With forethought and care be Ma massed his attaek, and now saw it being swept back. He retreated prompt Jr. Now be must save himself; later be could ktWIrA a vain, frtflm fltnhlish. A Wtak movement. Bo far, nothing had n lost save honor. Now, more clearly than ever, he saw Ma salvation In Evelyn Daly. Ashe altht or might not escape prosecution and an ultimate conviction; Ivelyn olht or might not come to atand fore joott (n Rachel Btetheril'a wiU. But, a aoy ease. EveWn tha old worn- f a kinswoman and so would not be fltterlr forgotten. Haddon cursed himself now for his ueilt blunder. When Ashe upon tho nifbt of the attempted diamond robbery aad dropped the atone, it had been Had fna Initlnetive thought to snatch it P. to return It to the owner. Then a oaan had screamed, "Ho haa atolen r diamond!" and. turning to ahow i" uimg in hU palm, be bad seen that "? wer uPn tne dark ngure run- Ei mrough the shrubbery. He bad Jung quickly upon Mrs. Btetheril; her J" vere upon the fugitive. It seemed . Pm '""edible, then jwfectly nat ' PerhariH Nmiiim h. uranlml It tn f.m..Btural. He had convinced him- R. r. u" vuc amn una retrieve fsllen Jewel. Ho dropped It into "'"VlCl m ,st all of the time that InscruUble K? m.an had known. 8he had known T.0(iA,,5e 8h d known that bbVi! !Id4on was a traitor to her In ""su. Now she would make him pay. EL im ,Jf or nother, no doubt In all rWe ways, ahe would exact payment !... " Unless be outwitted her now "' Pfeaiiy. IIS Wlthlln. ..-I.!.. 1 -ll.-.l.. njsilrir that 1.1. .n.w.... ...i.i k. Unnoticed. And ao voulrt It have hen th, 1i "''"ntensnt Ambrose's steely Viiii a "Qan. once tnai Jo a room A. k. 1. . l 1.1- Bi?.hB...0W!."MA,Lt.it wJu6.t y "tone to bed. BcV.u r' erd her moving about rest- I. "W 1. MA- Misnt t ia sthJt Z 1 1-"'?". t0Blnt- There was, Ar fti,"0"! to think about-and Jiiatln er f.fn ln the new role of maeter of "te; yM, tDd the terrible poeslbiUty 'Walt I Walt, Justin t think 1" 'Won't you let me do the thinking, Evelyn?" he asked more softly. "You know how I lova you. Everything I am doing Is for your sake, dear." Ambrose, watching them from the shadows about the porch, waa in no position to understand what the under current might be. But he had no inten tion pf losing sight of Haddon Just now. Haddon had already ordered a car; Ambrose had seen one standing In the road In front of the house. It had been there when they came In. Haddon had not said when he bad ordered It out. Ambrose mado the natural mistake and. altnnlnr nnlniiv through tho shrubbery, went around the nouse, meaning to intercept Haddon and Evelyn there and to go with them into Lockworth. "I'll get more out of him than out of mac oia woman," be told bimaelf with a measure of complacency. "I'll make blm couch ud the whole thine. But before he had come to tho big c reacu car uo nna come upon me owner of It and the French heels. Ho and Tolly Lo Brun met face to faco as each, moving quietly, came about a corner of the house. "Polly 1" exclaimed Ambrose. "You here I" "Yes," returned Polly in her most impudent manner. "It's lltle Me. How's tricks, Dickie?" But Ambrose's face, at first showing merely the start of his surprise at find ing here here when she should naturally be In San Francisco, indicated now a black and blacker rage. "Curse you!" ho snarled at her. "Still atuea on Ladyfingers, are you? You ve been dead stuck on him all the time, lying to me And you've come up nere to tip blm off " iHe lifted his hand as thouch he would strike bar down. Polly's eyes, bright and fearless, told him frankly now of the scorn of him which had so long lain hidden in her soul. "Gee," she laughed at him con temptuously, "you're the swell guesser, ain't you?7' "It's the truth, then?" "Sure, It's) the truth. I don't have to lie to you any longer." "You've seen him nlready tonight?" "You'ro guessing fine," she sneered at him. "Go on.'T Had his eyea not been in tho shadow then, little Polly Le Brun, fearless as ehe was, might have drawn back from him. They wen brimming with anger, hatred, and the glittering, evil jealousy which made them deadly, like poison. The man's volco waa suddenly husky wben he spoke again. "I'll get you for this," bo muttered. "You and blm. If I never do another thing ln all my llfo, I'll get tho two of you. If I can't do It any other way I'll get you with my hands 1" And, as though no longer could bis rsge hold Itself in check, his two hands shot out. gripping ber ehouldera. A moment he held her thus, so that her face went white and she flinched from him. Then brutally he flung her from him, laughing softly as ber body struck against the house. "You "grcst big brute," she snapped at him. "You'd maul a woman, but you'd be scared to kill her. Scared of some other boob ln uniform dragging you away, scsred of the rope at Ban Quentln You'd be scared to kill a chicken if it was against the law I You coward I You make me sick!" Under the whip of her contempt Am brose cried out harshly: "Scared, am I? Afraid to kill, am I? Didn't I " .... And thero he stopped suddenly, and though there was Juat the moonlight streaming upon his face, for his nat had fallen, Polly saw the look which had come Into the man's eyes. "My God!" cried the girl, gssplng out the v.ords. "It wss you?" "What do you mean?" be challenged, again standing over her. "It was you!" she repeated, Jjalf In wonder, half In horror. "It never was Tony the Cat. You killed papa!" "You fool!" cried Ambrose, again shaking her In bis whitening hsnds. "You llttlo fool! Keep your mouth shut. Do you understand; It was Tony. I've got the evidence, he's been bound over " "Take your dirty bands off me!" she sdreamed at htm. ''You made the evi dence. Murderer I" CONTINUED TOWjOBBOW) . MISS O'FLASE , I'VE SUED "THE Pfl?FLE tr F &tfT WORRV 5 IT J IT5 SCAAlDALbUS! I WHAT5 THE 1 S. BUT WARY. THEY fc 3 PIPE CO FORIQOOO DAMAGES r-llLIM I WcWT BE HARD -THeYLU f "A . , VILU AJOT STAY IAJ THIS MATTER WITH ORDINARY. CAtfT YOU I For That c?AAiceLLeD order of H Just ask Ybo ooestioais. vyhats The Jofrce another mimute! them i told tell me a few with I , BRASS KNUCKLES. YOU WILL BE vOP COURSE StXJ MUST TELL MATTER., r OUST HEAR THOSE Vfeo? THEM'S ORE "ZIP IAJ 'EM ? I ' 7 CALLED AS A WITNESS. p OKf j)1 THE TRUTH - THEY'LL f U' VE-AIUS ? 3om.GS OM IMTHE T" gg A J T fcT To DO THIS M , The Young Lady Across tho Way jgyt VL SScfe The young lady across the way says many of tho other signers of tho Declaration of Independence have been forgotten, but the nomo of Abraham Lincoln will aluayu remain green in our memories. THE TOONBRVILLH TROLLEY By FONTAINE FOX A it W Wm " fiaEg f ' I " II 1 ar ,Yt HM' XV,; v v x vrpw. ?Wu222H v ? VmJu&X' kt cw avd -t A "t YMjdAH wvv SvX AAItO- ba4vMiiV tta tSJCtphjav A4 aav ti C(W AM A 7UttkV JVWJJlAMJL WAMAlt, SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG - PETEYNot These Days, Anyway By C. A. Voight IHeRt5 A l&Tre. 1 -0M-MelQ ( - OT A DaTeTo o! J-rJ r -VELL, I CoMSI DtV., f . IitahTX PT THE CLANCY KIDSS. 0. No. 12, We Should Say By Percy L. Crosby r , I ? rTHe WORST NIGHT I J rjr -7 HAD VMS Trie FIRST H (W, Oo.TPCu ( TFMtf levfR WENTr- M5ABoorr fweiiTHer0Pjr r J jX S k. ..il n. m. r.4 v . bA V bW 'jfTjB sbbbbIR07 HAniffrO rtOEP TH PARAPET INTO THE PARKM6JX OF NO MANX lano- MyjAwHAf?peNep Ar rne COLO CLAMMV BRCE25 BATHCO My, FA.ce irwAyTHeNTHATfFecrTTfe AUJf UL fEAf? OF Te UNKNOWN. THfrluAi ONLV MftMENTARV. ( iiionieuuft- ' n- n j t.-si fVl? II '.. THCN iSeTrLED DfllDN Aisin iaitpa if. H- A COOL HARD Y6ARNED FOr? LoAS THe" ' COMMAND TtfAT WOUlO JEW IMC OUT- JAY, do ve- k-now (tIt past Twecve cccocrr.7 I 0 H : ' s. t - S r-v c. U I x a r . r- J s-i&j) -Sa (i A 12 k&A i& ; .x jf?ir v iM 11 X fl ifj'a. '