Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 28, 1921, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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There Arc a Number of Different Ways to Make Tim Delicacy.
Casings Made From Unbleached Muslin
ICorvrloht. Il hU n it. A. VUUon.
lLorvru An rlgMll rtttrvtd.t
TUB rnrly colonial farm housewife
van ft rrnl adept In inaklnR mnny
(Idlcioui oniinaRCs tlint wore enjoyed
not only by the fnmlly. but were sent
lo mnrket. The modem lilRliwnvirtO'
ilny nre outlets for the foods of this
character, and nH many of the farmers
(.till Intend killing right nlons until late
sprlns. It is a (fit) plan to use the by
products for this purpose.
To this end I have prepared some
recipes tha). came to me from the de
fendants of the early pioneer house
wives. Casings nre easily made from strlnR
unbleached muslin. Wash the muslin
and hang out to dry. Now cut Into
pieces 0 by 1 Inches and make a bag,
leaving both ends open, Use n filled
(irnm for the closing of. the bag. Uic a
Imndle. of a wooden potato masher for
filling these prepared ensings nnd fill
from both ends, packing fairly tight,
he both ends securely, plunge into a
large preserving kettle and boll rapidly
for the entire length or time given in
the reripe.
Itcmovc from the kettle nnd then hang
up to dry. nnd cool In.n cool, airy place.
It i well to place n loop sufficiently
Isrse on on end of the snusagV when
tving, so that It may be hting up when
mid and finished as directed. Hang In
n .old cellar, .fust half of these recipes
mat be made for small families.
Devonshire Summer Sausage
Took one nnd one-half pounds of
breast or other cheap cut of venl. The
calf's head and feet may be used If de
tired and
Tiro pound of lean pork
in just enough water to cover. When
the meat Is tender, cool, remove nnd
then put through the food chopper, add
ing One pound of fal pork.
One-quarter ounce of cloves,
Four onmnt.
Bit of garlic,
One and one-half ounce, of tali,
One ounce of pepper.
One teaspoon of nutmeg.
One-half Icatpoon of mace.
L'se a wooden paddle to mix the
chopped meat nnd the seasoning. He
dure the stock to two nnd one-hnlf
cijpfuls nnd then add three-quarters of
a cup of rolled oats and cook until a
thick, dry porridge. Add this to the
meat and mix to blend until the rerenl
i. thoroughly Incorporated Into the mi
tnre. Now fill Into the casing and
boil for three hours. Remove the snu
fsge and let cool. Hub well with lard
and then roll in the following mixture
to coat the sauiage well. TInng up to
cool and in this condition they will
kfp until June.
One-half nip of cheap black pepper,
Oitr ounce of alUpicc.
One-half ounce of clovtt.
One cup of bran.
O.Nfonl Sausage
Chop very fine
Tiro pounds of lean beef.
Two pounds of lean polk.
One pound of fat,
'itine the finest knife. Now rook one
nip of rice In four nnd one-half cups
of water until tlie rice is soft nnn the
.oater absorbed. Mix the rice nnd meat
tojether and odd
One-half ounce of whole peppers.
One-quarter ounce of mace,
Onc-ctahth ounce of sage.
One tetnpoon of street oau.
One teaspoon of sweet marjorum,
One teaspoon of Ihymc,
Hit of fiarlic.
Put through the food chopper ngaiu
inrl turn into a large wooden bowl.
One-quarter teaspoon of int peter,
One ounce of rait.
One-quarter ounce of paprika.
Mix and then turn over the meat so
as to blend well. Store In a cold place
fnr two days. Turn twice n day and
then fill into the casing nnd boil for
three hours. Tinish as for Devonshire
fa i sage.
Andoter Sauce
Use the head, feet nud trimmings and
cover with water nnd cook until tendtr.
Remove the meat mid strain the stock
through a sieve. Pick the ment from
he bones and cut into pieces about one
and one. half inches thick. Roll the
Mock for one hour nnd then ndd the
meat nnd two nnd one. half tablespoons
nr nETiEtt nrcoin
of salt and the following spices tied In
n piece of cheesecloth :
One tablespoon of peppar,
One teaspoon of cloves,
One tcaipoon of nutmeg.
Two teaspoons of paprika,
Hit of garlic.
Took for onp hour nnd then remove
the spices nnd fill into pint jars. Divide
the meat evenly and then adjust the
rubber and lid and partially seal. Place
the Jar In hot -water bath and process
for one nnd .one-half bourn. Seal se
curely nnd when cool dip the top of the
Jnr In melted pnrnwax. It Is best to
use nil-glass Jars for this sauce. This
will keep until used; 'it is a delicious
nnd tastv dish and It finds ready sales.
Directions may be made Into a label and
pasted on the jnrs os follows:
Hemove lid and then boll for thirty
minutes. Tllnse pan or bowl witli cold
water and turn in; fine for cheese or
The-liver and kidneys and tongues
may be made Into snusnges or canned
after the manner of the souse.
Liver Pudding
Wash the liver and cover, with cold
water. The kidneys, heart and tongue
may be added If desired. Cook until
tender. Chop very line; prepare rice
as for Oxford sausage and then add.
Put the rice and ment ngoln through the
foodrhopper and then turn into n large
bowl and ndd
One and one-quarter pounds of fat
pork chopped with ronrir knife,
Three ounce of salt.
One ounce of black pepper,
One ounce of paprika,
One tcaipoon of nutmeg.
One teaspoon of cloves.
One teaspoon of allspice,
Clove of garlic.
Mix nnd then fill into the casing. Boll
for three and one-hnlf hours nnd finish
iim for Oxford sausage.
These sausages will keep well if hung
in a cool, airy plnce. They nre splendid
sellers. When preparing the sausage
tie with n string every eight inches and
then cut into separate sausages. Pnslen
the loop of string with one end to hnng
it by.
Persian Sausage
A delicious sausage may be made from
old fowl. Cook the fowl in plenty of
water until tender and then wnah one
cup of dried peas and cook in the stock
of the chicken until n very thick mush.
Cook slowly so that they will not
scorch : they must be quite dry. Add
one cup of sliced onions to the peas
while cooking. Ilemove the bones nnd
put the meat through the foodchopper,
four whole peppers.
One teaspoon of allspice.
One-half teaspoon of nutmeq.
One-quartet teaspoon of thyme.
One-eighth teaspoon of ttceet basil.
Add the prepared peas and onc-linlf
pound of fnt pork, chopped line. Pack
into the rnsing and boll for two nnd
celling: of the farm kitchen Is plaster.
Tha mortar must be properly mixed anJ
applied to prevent the development of
crncks and blisters and Injury to the
surface finish. For the same reason,
freshly-plastered walls should be al
lowed to dry thoroughly before the fin
ishing surface Is npplled. Instead of
plaster, some of the composition boards
Hint do not warp may be used. Thoy
mn be painted or pnpered and var
nished, but before this Is done nnll-holes
should b.i tilled with plastic tiller made
for the purpose. Steel wall and celling
coverings aro durable when they are
kept well painted to prevent rusting by
steam. Tile and vitrified brick, well
f;lazed and matched, nffoTd an excel
ent wnll surface, but they nre costly
Metnl tilts nre cheaper nnd nenrly ns
Properly trained young girls always
rise to greet an older woman nnd re
main standing until sho Is seated. Now,
while the majority of women appreciate
this respectful courtesy, there aro Home
women generally, single women of
"uncertain nirn" won rllRllkn to be re
minded that their years have advanced
to the point when a debutante feels It
Incumbent on her youth to be deferen
tial to them Their sensitiveness makes
It dtmcult for a very young girl to tvoid
giving offense, What she must lenm Is
to "slio up" the women she meets and
to Judge their nttltude toward the flight
of time by their, clothes and their man
ner of talking.
Foreign Connection
Tcung business man paet thirty. FIT
years Industrial plant manager: now
financial executive with largest Amer
ican corporation In lta flelil Connec
tion desired which will lead to for
eign assignment Highest bank an!
buelteira credentials.
Easter Surprise Gift
With Mery purchase of W.7S or OTfr
At Factory Prices!
Fineat Wiltona, Axininttera, Brua-
sela, Velvets, All-Wool and
Wool-Fiber Ruga
In All Slrm. Stjles nnd Colorings at
Flneat Quality Axmlnattr
tliix. Site 0x12
V.arh n.tt.rn in rxaet rnrodUC-
tlon of hlgh-gradr OrlfnU.1 Ruis
ravealln typical Chinese nnd
Persian designs In twautlful rolor
Take No. S car at 3d and Market. N'o
4 at Tth and Market. No a at 13th and
Kllb.rt to Cambria Rt Come TODAY!
tapr A!ot o Cambria fit.
.Open Rartor Monday Till 6m
No one likes to drink after
strangers. The Lily 'Glass' is like
your own private soda glass.
Used once and thrown away. The
daintiest paper 'glass'; with a curved
lip that fits yours.
CHARLES L. HUFF, Owner and Manager
Dcncklu lildg., Philadelphia, Fa.
llrry woman reader of the Eve-
nln Public ledger will receive, upon
icturnt. iird wl .iimncf uui urn v.unii
card showing RO latest color that
will be uud thlft feasor) for hand
knlttln runiTAN WOIIHTKD
UII.I.N 121 S. 7th 8t.
ono-hnlf hours. Flnlth na fnr Oxford
(snuHngCH. Old plgconN, ducks, grcac,
rhlrkena may he used in n idmlliir man
ner. iHftl)l't Sansnge
Um rnbblts and marrowfat bennn in
nlacn nf the clilrkcn nnd nrna nnd thru
follow the recipe. The preparation of i
thedp uniiKagcH In cony and much of the
cooking rnn be done while other cook- I
Ins in being done nt the time. ,
For wunincr nutnmobllc highway
trade thej nre splendid. The family I
will also enjoy them for Itinchrx, late
pupperp, etc.
I've got most of
xne marDjes in
our block, and I
A f-Ay
Superior Corn Flakes
Fe7ri Kitchens
The lommoncHt nnd moM Kcnernllyl
satisfactory material for tltn walls and I
'Saved !
W f I aUAfciaUaSifc
Just a few minutes to have
a delicious, perfectly pre
pared hot meal on the table!
The work has all been done
for you in the spotless Heinz
BAKED in Real Ovens
Heinz Oven Baked Beans,
have that good-tasting, un
mistakable bean flavor and
that natural bean nutri
ment which real oven bakr
ing gives.
Try them all
HEINZ Baked Beans with Pork and
Tomato Sauce
HEINZ Baked Pork and Beans (with.
out Tomato Sauce) Boston ntyle ,
HEINZ Baked Beans inTomato Sanaa
without Meat (Vegetarian)
HEINZ Baked Rod Kidney Beans
One of the
MOMMY, .MA It (11 2, IDJI. ntor Opna Dally at 0 A. SI. Cloaea it IW30 I M.
For 48 Years We've Been Making
and Selling the Best Men's Clothing
at Lower Prices Than Others Ask
And This Spring Our Assortments and Values Are
More Outstandingly Superior Than Ever Before
Because our prices are based on a mnkcr-to-wcaror policy of
scllinp;, which clirninntcs the customary middleman's profit, we can
nflford to soil better clothing at lower prices than other clothiers.
And because of our 48 years' experience in outfitting the men of
Philadelphia, we stand ready with the kind of clothing they want
to buy serviceable, stylish, satisfactory
Suits, Top Coats and Trousers
for Men and Young Men
M L' wk
wiw so
eisr rrl IHirt t HI
aTl till I
Suits at $25 to $50
Top Coats, $25 to $45
Trousers, $5 to $10
Special! Extra $'l'm7 CA
Good Suits at O I .JU
bNELLEHBURflS Third Floor
Men's & Young
Men's Suits
Mens & Young
Men's Top Coats
Men's & Young
Men's Trousers
$2.50 to $5.75
New, Spring Sports
Coats for Women
and Misses
In Our Economy Basement
Tomorrow at Only
dsp $ 1 0.00 "a
Tweed and polo cloth coat3 in a good line
of the most swagger and popular sports styles.
Belted, button trimmed; well made and
smartly styled. Exceptional values.
Women's and Misses' tf A ftrt
Jersey Sports Suits JJlU.UU
With pinch backs, tuxedo fronto, belts and
pockets. Extraordinarily fine, smart and
serviceable suits at this very normal price
in popular heather mixtures.
Very Fine Novelty Voile Blouses
fr.dal. $1.19 '" $2.25
Striped and plaid novolty voile and dotted
Swiss blouses, with collars and cuffs of sheer
crisp organdie. Trimmed with edgings or em
broidered dots fresh, new, Springlike, pretty I
SNELLENBUROS Economy Basement
J Si!
ui u
Furniture fof Your Office,
Mr. Business Man
Which Will Give Your Office an Air of Dinni-
Red Efficiency And Cost You Much Lets
Than Others Ask for Slmiliarly
Fine Kinds
$23 Golden
Oak and
Typing Desks
Strong, well
made desks
with two
528 Golden Quartern
Oak Telephone Stands
As shown.
Chairs $9.65
Of serviceable construct
$2 Fibre Waste
Basket, $1.19
Water- and fireproof.
$3 Fibre Waste Baskets in
Large, Square
Style, $2.69
it I? j
i r I
In the Economy Basement
$2.65 "Ironclad"
Seamless Sheets
Size 81x90 Inches
Made of "Ironclad" Sheeting famous for
its splendid wearing qualities.
SnELLENBURcS Economy Basement
Good Reliable
Alarm Clocks
A"Tlie America
SPecial$ J .35
Wonderful! Women's
$10.00 to $12.50
Plaid Sports Skirts
25 to 32 Inch Bands
at only $5.00 Each
Skiits of all-wool fabrics in smart plaids
and checks, large and small box and side
pleated styles. Vclour-finished worsteds, wool
serges and novelties in striking and conserv
ative colors. Large assortments extraor
dinary values.
Women's $13.50
Sports Skirts at.
In lartre broken nlaid patterns black and
white, tan and brown, red and navy. Side and
single or double box pleated models, some
stitched to the hiplmo.
Women's $15 Plaid
Sports Skirts at.
Velours and worsteds in brown-and-tan,
black-and-white and tan-and-gray. With tai
lored pockets, single or double box pleated;
home stitched. bfJELlCKBUROS Second Floor
In Response to the Increasing
Pleasing Vogue, We Launch a
Sale of Women's Fine
White Voile Blouses
Alarm clocks with large,
plain white dials, with dis
tinct numerals. Bell on top
with attached stop-lever to
shut oft" alarm at will.
We Do Expert Clock Repairing
Estimates Upon Request
SNFUENBllROS First Floor
lf-t k-"J OA
At Only $2.00 Each
Cool, Dairity, Serviceable
and Exceptional i alue
French Voile Blouse
as Pictured
Made with a hand-drawn veot and rolled
collar trimmed with filet edging. Exceptionally
fine and dainty.
French Voile Blouse
as Pictured
Also made in vest effect, with a rolled
collar, embroidery and hemstitching.
Many other delightful models at this same
modest price. The lot also includes some par
ticularly pretty colored organdies
Poncee tt') HE &
Tucked, tailored and trimmed with fine
nleatineK With roll, convertible or Peter Pan
F'JBl'RGri &econa rioor
$2.95 & $3.95
ZRFDfinnfiMA N
lji ijLixi. vaiii mj. t
Extra Special!
$1.75 Brown Felt
Uhair I'aas to rrevent Shinv H(
Clothing j..'... lyC
SnCLLENbUrgS Fifth Floor
Fine 5-Ply Construction
Dress Trunks
Priced at
A limited num.
bor of these very
durable, well
built, convenient
size dress trunks.
Made of vulcan
ized fibre inside and outsldo over 3ply bass
wood frames. In the wanted 30-inch size, fitted
with two trays.
SnelLENbUroS Fourth Floor
At Splendid Special Savings No Value
Wise, Tire-Wise Motorist Can
Afford to Pass Up
Protected by a Triple
Mileage Guarantee
Cords, for 8,000 Miles
Fabrics, for 6,000 MHes
1st By the Bergougnan Rubber Cor
poration, the Manufacturer.
2d By N. Snellenburg & Company.
3d By a Bond issued by the National
Surety Company.
Every Bergougnan Tire in this sale is positively
of fresh, new stock every one a "factory first," bear
ing the name and serial number of the manufacturer
and covered by the TRIPLE GUARANTEE.
The Very Highest Grade Single-Cure
Wrapped-Tread Tires Made
30x3 y2 N. S. C. L
32x3": N. S. S. S
32x4 N. S. S. S
33x4 N. S. S. S
34x4 N. S. S. S
32x4", N. S. S. S
33x4i2 N. S. S. S
34x4 Vi N. S. S. S
35x4 , N. S. S. S
36x4 Vt N. S. S. S
33x5 N. S. S. S
35x5 N. S. S. S
37x5 N. S. S. S
. 27.50
. 34.75
. 35.75
. 37.25
. 39.75
. 41.50
. 42.00
. 42.75
. 44.25
. 49.25
. 51.25
. 53.75
30x3 N. S. C. L..
1 30x3i2 N. S. C. L..
1 32x3 1, N. S. S. S..
I 31x4 N. S. C. L..
j 32x4 N. S. S. S..
33x4 N. S. S. S 24.02
34x4 N. S. S. S 24.94
35x4 : N. S. S. S
35x5 N. S. S. S ,