m Ui h !W$ m Euentns public t.p- Klctincr i r i PHILADELPHIA, 3B1&IDAY, !MAKOH &v 1921 I ! I ' . . . 1 ' ' ' ' ... - - - i i i i i i in - - --.-- . - - - - . ii i in ii ii HtfPK&bl3B9BBEH!!l9HuBMHiBi BLVBlKKtKKKaBtBSaammBBmm vUEBSSBBmS'iSflSSKBSSm THEY WERE READY T,0 FIGHT. Costa, Rican troops lined up 'on a pier, with thrco 7C Skoda guns. This is ono 'of tho first pictures, to nrrivo here from tho sccno of the Panama-uosta iiica troubles. , underwood & undt rwood. GIRLS OP FRIENDS SELECT SCHOOL IN COMPETITION. One of the events of yesterday afternoon was climbing an inclined rope. Three of the contestants were Mary Hunsicker, Ann Longshore and Eleanor Klemcn. Dorothy Koenemann, at tho right, scored 57Vi points by her clever gymnastic work and was declared the winner. Ledger riioto service. immMmmmmMmiimmmMm itrsxii t-ms Wfe&Wfi nw mMmmwj&mmmmmmimmmmwmmm (-; aAR,i!waB'i2Si'H ' r a i2?. iTf t'g&xie&53i&m&E?&i'?i, .': :i ' r,i& ' mmmlammmsMmmim Ui '2Mmiil ;,'( m ii,i liir,,...-;;'--, -??'' i'. ti ."vj.ti f :: i ' r tti wmmmmmmmmm m?mmmmm mMmmmmmmMmmmm mmmmMMmmmEmm&mmiMmm j'irvi.r v.i:s.i'it4!&.y!.v.wrr ' y.; - 'r.w,r--wf ftWy '"" : "" """ ' "- NORTHERN HOME OF MRS. JAMES A. STILLMAN. It was St. Maurice River, Canada, where tho wife of tho Now York met Fred Beauvajs, tho guide, mentioned in tho divorce suit. on this estate, along tho banker lived when sho Underwood A Underwood. CARDINAL GIBBONS. This photograph was taken at Union Bills, Baltimore, while the distinguished prelate walked in his garden. In-ftnntloml, i i 1 ''ill imJI. J.MIIW.IIM lll.ilhl.MM f&,.ju,...lfc,i fMllin III ! MitiW TAPPING A MAPLE TREE. Margaret Foley, a Vassar College student, gathering maple sap a few miles from the college. Central News Photo, WILL SUMMER IN EUROPE. Miss Elizabeth Wooding sailing on tho Aquitania. Cenlrnl SfW Thorn. J577 GOSPEL THROUGH MEGAPHONE. On Broad street below Walnut our photographer snapped the religious worker as ho delivered his message to tho noonday crowd. Jdcer Thoto Service. MISS FLORENCE KING, of Chicago, the only woman who ever won a case before the United States Supreme Court. National rhoto. DOCTOR ANGELL, new president of Yale, posed at the office of tho Carnegie , Foundation in New York. Central News Photo. MRS. WARREN DELANO ROBBINS in charge of tho costumes for tho Chinese Fund ball to bo held by Washington society next Week. Hnrrln i. Uwlng MmWKMMwM i I I IT'ill1 1 'I1 'IH j,( i - i i I iwBi''wixJJ. f t ii t.1 .i'i1jilim ' . mBTk & SKZ!Efji)jENU!9!Fiftr T,t -fLj jpj wi' .yyiJirjpiyj . m j , "? k yi ' 'rv'KKB KBEKt&SKBnGtBSBGStUtGKBKKQ MALTA CREW ON THE SCHUYLKILL. Sherwin, bow; Boyer, C. Kowt jki, Hamilton, Redding, SchaefTer, F. Knowlan, J. Knowlan, stroke, and Kcnney, coxswain, promise to make a good showing for the Malta uoat uub. tedeer Thoto Service MRS. WILLIAM E. LINGEL BACII talks on market condi tions in Philadelphia in an in terview on the Editorial Page. FIFTEEN TAXICAB CHAUFFEURS CHOOSE WINNRn. rhnson fmm .ins nf Onnker Citv Com pany's drivers to judgo limerick. They are, left to right, front row, William Simpson, Charles ; Dilks, Walter McAuly, George Graves, Joseph Martin, Albert LaiTerty, Herbert P. Roynolds; second 'j row, nuries u. joncs, ijouis . oenger, itay uraay, u. a. i-oru, John J. Hadley, Jiicnara uasni Walter E. Beam, George Kilhoefer. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO ; '; 'S &"' Ym I SEMAPHORE SENTINELS ,y -inriOTMmir ' ' vW. n kav .v i iwi 1 1 i ii i imihwi i 7--,' . rmBr "-i i u mmnrsetutiisb. ", -t .1 ; .TittBHHBse&iHi i.nmmL . .. ii - MT&Limtnxm rror jew ?vj ', e&" ' '.aLimn mmtaaaa. aisr . jkmshih nm "v.a yii::"ii mmmmmm i - .: .:"::; THE BEAUTY CORNER Huw Hlvcl jHSh IHr l MAKING FINGER RINGS. William B. Macfarlanc, 2103 East Orleans street shaping and finishing rings at the shop of Skillkrafters, Inc., 172H Ranstcacl street. Ho finishes ten ring a day. LieJwer Iholo Soii'e. Mrs. RESERVE PATROLMAN JAMES ROUSE A FAIR HURDLER. A mnrnhnr nf , up rat w nn...m t ,.. ,.. aul Tnppan, one of the committee has beon stationed at Tenth and Market Now York Giri Scouts going over a wiro has an idca'that ho will play tho n charge of the flower fair, to bo , streets for twelve years. Ho 1 is forty years fenco in Bronx Park, N. Y where her troop first bnso position for the Swarth- SHE'S HELPING A LOT. Paul iw.1,1 indnw n,wi tmnnrmw hv thn ' old nnd liven nt 719 North Nineteenth Eastern Pennsylvania League of street. Rouse joined tho force fourteen Girls Clubs. Jder Thoto ffcrvlce, years ago. Iidaor Thoto Service is camping. loteriutlcnal. nioro Collego team this summer. ine coach has tho same thought Ledner Thoto Herylce, MISS LEPHAMacBRIDE 253G North Gratz Street Philadelphia . . -fr, 01 &y - -J uit Av, aj