WW, ,.Kvjf rr-MA J, ytAJi ;XML U " - &v p J5W Business Conditions When business conditions are In the process of readjust ment there is a Rreat deal of comfort in knowing that your money is invested in sound, well-chosen bonds. The owners of sound and properly safeguarded bondi can be practically sure of the security of their investments under even the most adverse business conditions. Our March Investment Circular describes a targe number of bonds which we recommend for investment. A copy will be sent upon request. Ask fot Circular F-12 Harris, Forbes & Co. Pine Street, Corner William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Bids. A REAL BOOK OF GRAPHIC CHARTS Covering the price history of all active Stock Exchange is sues has been pre pared by us for the ue of investors and traders. While the edition lasts . copies will gladly be tent I upon receipt of 10c in ttampt to defray coif of mailing. Write for Q-10. ' J. F. McGOVERN & CO. Members of rhlln. fitnrk Rirhnnte 1130 South I'enn Sq.. rhlln. Timer 0410 n.re 3001 New York 31 Hrondua; OTIS & CO. Stocks Bonds Acceptances Foreign Exchange Member of New York. Cleveland. Boston. Chi cago and Detroit Stock Exchanges, the New York Cotton Exchange, and the Chicago Board of Trade. Private wire connections with principal markets of the United States and Canada. 216 Superior Ave., N. E. CLEVELAND New York Boston Detroit Cincinnati Columbus Toledo Akron Youngstown Dayton Denver Colorado Springs $1 invested today will produce prac tically the same in terest return with equal safety as $1.40 invested 5 years ago F o r suggestions write for Circular 7312. Bonbright & Company 137 Chestnut Street Philadelphia ew orU l him itn Huston Detroit risi iti hhi:u nim on n tv MILTON HEIM&CO STOCKS rOREICNUTHAVGE BONDS 1 ' MiHBim - MliaDkPHIA !-Ot:x:nNOt COKSOUDATgD STOCK CXHAHGWst 10.' J ( limllllll Mrrel riinririt Hell, spr ii f null J i l.e mtnn It t i. 7V 71 llrn.idit i i IS') Mb ir N nl.iiiiliiru. ( i'i'ii. sprinctlrlil M , .. . Time-Tested Bonds Returning 6 lo 9'r EDWARD V.KAM& CO. Mnrri Ruilriine I .lnl'li-llrll IT er. (J. S. IWI'1 Oi & CO. Ill Jt t liT-T.St'T .r JSANKKKS Kilfrfti.nr. lo All H , rrt.V'n bVUUk mLO Nllllkk LlllUi.tll UU.J .il. nu iiiiuinUiiliin Mtwh.r rhlln. wlnrk Kifhn ill $S m Kingdom of Denmark ?." jear 8'r .Si.ri.iB I'und Gold Uonds. Due 1945 In $1 f.nn ml Vi.. ,ii-a i l nt Oil Tli S'n(1 'i Vii 1 imiii'i h n it -H hi in ih n i'f x ft.- hi1 1 ft '. fTlrlnnt in '-oJm thi -nt .nfln nt or l f.-c maturlt Price to jie'd about 8.10' ; I ne 'Or on irqur.f ' e Pfc .ISO The National City Company Philadelphia 141 Chestnut St. AMantle City Chalfonle Ulock 1ZZ5 Boardwalk I :a Talks To Investors I nr iNW.sron ho mnkrn iie of our ratine nhIi-ui in )rotrrtel in tlir st'lri'tiun (if his itncHlmentn nnil yrrntK itiiiiiinies his risks. Hut llic qunlitv of tlio flifTrrcnt cruritir!t rliancrn from limr to tinto jiit n thr rrrdit of luni nrsn men inrrrnv or (Irclinm. CoMyli:xTI , iiilclliRrnt in FKtiiiK includes not only Mine flection, but contitiiioiK ttiiprr- inion. To jiroprrly protect liU cnpilnl. tlic iinclor must con- rorm to clianj'cs in rtinilnnirutal ronilitioiirt us urll n ilrtrrt Jr- I tri'iorntiou or iinpnnrninit in I tlir quality of the iinmliiicnt itcclf. !So IWteTOB, iiiiIcm himsflf a I nproiulist. can Kafclv do thin without eprrt nitl nud mUire. i And any niil or udvlrr Mliicli he relies on miiil lc ilininlcrcslrd nud independent. Sellers of r rurities nre not lisinteretel. and while their opinions may lie entirely honest, they cannot ho fully detnehet' opinions. 'J O arPI.Y THE I)LMAD IS T11F. INi:stmi..yt HIM) for nn expert orgnni.ation of inveHtment sup erTiBlon. we hnc developed this Serire during the past dozen jears. It hns been built up to (ill nn urRent nerd in the invest ment world nnd today supplies service of wide nnd varied scope to many thousands of clients located in all parts of the world. Let us tell jou more about this service and our rating system. We feel sure that you will bo interested. Moody's Investors Service JOHN MOOin , Prf.ldi.t 1124 Real Estate Trust Bldg.. I'hila. ItOslON M.l Mlltli ( IIKACiO If There Is a Market We Can Find It We hold sales of stocks and bonds every Wednes day, charging 51.50 on finnve fee foi each item. Our weekly catalogues anti postal aid service reach every mar ket. We take pleasure in furnishing quotations. Barnes & Lofland Mot U IlroUcr nnil AucMonrerf 117 S. 1th Sv. CONNECTION riKinKi im KM'I.HIKNCl.lt BUILDING & LOAN ASS'N SECRETARY i 3ii. i.KD(ii:it iirru i. Stenographers in Mew York Hank Hun, cut opportunity In Urg downtow tai for cipahle, experienced ntenoirrapnarf in iler IT. xar Permanent position. x eel ent 'norlilnir condition" Good ealary and liirchi!. .Stale 1134 education exparUaoe dJ alary expeet-J. W-lte e. v. r nnoM 701 jo iv (Jih .(.. vw nrU rltr VWIIV linn no Inienlnr eer lout 11 doll ir nf prlnrlnal or lnlrret on nny ecu r ty Itonitht of v W. Mrtius Co '. rle for our LooUlet 2-U unit Irurn the minor S. V. STRAL'S & CO. sfmU Ktrhiinttr IHilir.. I'hllnrtf Inhli SILENT PARTNER- For Profitable Expansion I -.11!. II III. K I I. Iidl.lt TELEPHONE SALESMAN Stock Brokerage 1 1 r 1 t llrm r n . 1 - r '..r . , t ,.ir,,n 11 'imur . ,. iv. p '. , ( - . nil- e .1 mi . ,.. ,.l . n m r (1 ( in I KIM. I It OH II K V. J. VAN MLLIAKI) At toir.Nr-At niitiK syflClniifl 111 H lllltM. IMIMJK 1 M .r.i 1 h iTtjtic 'rax L'i.1 H at if Mf-rjiof 'Ht( in.i p.r.M. l.sr.MK tuist iti.on . I r ( '.ltd It ir' 'iniT I? R r"ART? . . public XX. - ...-m. ACCOUNTANT m mix in i'xrir,nnx 1 1 ill i-J ' j. n en, ri. It' 11 'l VN-U M III III. I'lMI WIEQMER, RCDKEY & CD. Certified Public Accountants Drcxel Building, Philadelphia Stockwell, Willson & Linviii Certified Public Accountants Land Title Bid., Philadelphia i .in I t tt ' on. li'i l.l .ltd An I f V 4( PH1LA. JACK O'BRIEN'S ii 1 1 .t. I,, Flesh Reduced Body Building l,( m.: 'I.itiii lts"i n.,1 n,, n i ih.m , I..Utrci"r INSTITt 'I l"K IN Willi U H F ''"or t"th fh'.in'i' ! Phi n 'I I , -ii'. I i N. . HOUSE CLEANING OF General Situation Healthier as Result of Drastic Read justment Process EXCHANGES CLOSED 'I'o laj lieing nbrrvpil n n lojt.il l.ii .'l.n i'i nioxt of 1 1 r stnles. the pniiri'inl "tin k rxrlinnj:c. eiiinmntl j t in.irl.rn. tinn!i. trtit rninpanies niiil itiirr linnnrinl Institutions nre iliv.'.l Se"tnl of tlir conunnilitv innrUitx wl'l remain i-'nsed tnmii." low. lint tlio Vow York n nil 1'lill.t ililnlih Sm.'ii Kti'linnsc ni well ns flu liiiik nnil trust companies. wll lie "pin ns 'immI. A imx KtrlklnR rontrnit of tlif I'.l" I'f luiliilnjK from n innrkot vlpxvpolnt h civon wlicii roinimrisorn nro mntli' it!i I'onilitinnH cxivtlns n onr nn. Almnt tlii limr lif-t jenr tin' iiinrltct linil xtnrtotl on ulint jirovnl to t,io n pro IntiBi'tl linuiilntlim pcrloil. There linil nut ''t been nn.v wfll-tlnfiiieil HlKn of im wliltxprcntl lui i iov depression. .Mol every one n etill fenntlng on the fnt of tlie 'nllntion of the wiir I.lttle uniilil he snineil in miikins extenilve t view of whnt ut norurrcil in the, tierte-trjiiiR eleven ninntli. It Is eer lain. Iioweter. reeanlliMs of the int uited problems xlill confronting on nil iiles. Ibut fnr-renrliini; te.sults were iibtninnl. nnil the i;eiiernl Hittiutlon with the ilrnstlc rlnrl'.vinic prorens s eiinin to be MMimler nnil healthier llinn it wns n etir 11R0. Tlinre is little iloiibt tliat the tlnnn einl markets have been Brntltiall.v tirepiirnii; for a c''i"'ral linproveinrntln liiiviiiess ami rreilit onditions. The prneess ha tieen painfully slow nnd is liUel to eontinne so. but still there arc m:iti teusons fop i.iiipo.sinp the real 1 nrner lias been turned In otiier words, 1 lie inarlt' t imniminitj lias stieeeeiled in mtlin its Ihiiii- in order to meet the rliniiscil eeiiiiiiinie ronditions. This was neriimiilisltetl without nny xerlotis tnis-liap- which fait is reassuring. Still further i-evere ail.iiitiiirnts nre jet to be made, but inns-niueh ns It hns been dearly shown the powers-to-be linve the situation completely in hand, u sntifm tor xettlement is ennfidently experted. Keti though the more confi dent expectations are not fulfilled, there hns nlreaih been ample evidence that the market has reached n shock -proof position. YARN jWCES WEAK No Relief Anticipated In the Near Future Textiles Generally Quiet Ynin nriiTs nre still weak, according to I lie weekly review of trade for the, Philadelphia ilMUd bt It. !. Dun & Co. It Is reported there Is a large Mir- ' plus of stock on hand, sufficient to last uliieij dns of normal consumption. 1 1 There nppeai-s to be no immediate relief I from excess production in the South. No change is rvpoitei! lu the wool market, trading being liMe-s nnd but n small amount of business reported. 1 al textile Industries are generally quiet. Continuing, the review goes on to sn : "The hide nnd leather markets eon-' iinuo ipiiet and tmlj a modern te volume 1 of business is licing done. Prices tire holding sternly ami there is only 11 mod erate amount of st'k on hand. (Jlazed kid matiufncturers are increasing pro ilmtion to meet the demand for better guides of leather, which is now senrce. The medium nnd lower grades are nun- , 111,: siowij. Prices continue firm with a light ndwiiue for better grade. Shoe I manufacturers and dealers report n dc iiiiind for women's oxfords. Prices hnve iiihnnccd for tlieM- t)lc Staiidurdl stjlis are selling only in small uinounts niiil collections are. a.s a rule. slow. "Tlie cement mn'ket showslittle im- 1 proeim'iir .Mmiufai Hirers report 11 fair iiimtuiit of huslness being done, but .t few large orders are being placed 1 nnd price Imve dropped wuiiewliut. I "Tlie ihemicnl market is fairly nitiM- In the drug line, innntifnctnr-' ers ii'iort sales iiormal. but the sale of 'etude drugs to manufncttirers and man- l iifin taring plirmiieits is small with no prusiiis't of iiuineillnte improvement Prices K. op high In the chemical and iljestnff line, bu.itiig has fallen off si,meliat nnd at present time prices are rather low "The paper mniket shows little I hange. Manufacturers and jobber re- port little Inning except for itninediute , neeile Pi ices nre declining. ' I "Paint uianufncture. dealers in ; paints and painters' supplies report little chnnge in this line, with wimc In- t I crease in the niuuunt of purchnHCK be- . ilng made and painters reort an in- II ease in the number of contracts taken. The business, however. Is confined ' 1 pniicip.ill to the jobbing line. There s little 1 lunge in prices and collections n main good Wiillpnper manufacturer!', jobbers Mid dealers p port a inodeiutu increjs.' in tlil- line of business. There, nppenrs if. be a slight incieiiM. in the amount of pin chases lielng made A decided in crease In this Imi. Is anticipated 111 n short time There Is little change in priii's and lolleitiotis remain about nor ma I r-'is.ir i ipiiet, with moderate de tiLiiid Pices arc 11 tic hanged . at . .mil x :V for line giniiiilnted Reading Ry. Shops Remain Closed Kcading. Pa.. Man h IVS. (Hy A P 1 P.ecnusc of tlie 1 losing of the nn thriu He mines din to a low demand for tuel ami the louseiiueiit slump jn fnuglit uriffi' the Mispeiihiou of work in tin- Iti-aditi4 r.nhu shops here this w.ek hiis been extended another week About tli) iMomoties. the hirgest niiin h" in 1 hi- mi limit of old 1 uiiilotcs, nre nlie in to" lo'iiiiiiiouses and tnnls liere lhlilend Consuincrs Electric Light and Power Company is KM OKI.K.INH) "' T -'erl illvldrni) of nne find 'liri-e.iiuiirlers ner ent if. . on u. .re. '. 1 r-'1 s".. r' nf i I'.imfinn. h 4.,.n He ,.. r"'" Marrh SI, 19il. "t ,inrl , r, , 1 .. .r, ir, h jo m 1 .j-h ,.,,Te- In.. 11 lh" t'r.f, r-i" I Hi.,, , l I , B ",1 11 l "is t I us I . MH h 14 ..'.' i,niii'i le 1. ,s" . ,1 on .xriri 1 n 1 A ' '"INN Tre.urir lllll XIII l.l'IIIX A Mlx:us",7V.MA I t II ill X ) irr sco Mi I'a 'li.. I, .'! m 'I 1 .,- -H'.llKli still 1; ll IIiKS'll NO i I . rt. H.it nf Dreitnrs A Ihls nn it.. 1 , el "t 1- ,' f one mill noe.fiuurtrr oer 1 .lilt UUl "I ' epri.fi.rr.il !",,( ,,f ,h, I , ,1,1,1. iiii'W" erll IS, I0JI, lo pre-I f r q sin. ,t,nli ih cf ri-iorij nl inu cloao of 1.,1 , .. Mi u h .11 ltd . I , , r - II l in(i'et tl S'H'.i: ritltP'Kpriv Treasurer ' nn: -ri'.ix a Tfiii: i imipa.nv 01' MI'.RIC i r , . ,. ja'ter duulrrl nr nne nnd tliri-i-nunrlers ner rent '"i'V hm l-.n il i 1 1 1 n n '" i i-ir. i r, .-,,,,. n ,,i i iii i om. , ,rv p ni. April 1. lull. U) stockholder, ,f r,.i.,ril M.iiri .'II llil " r A Hi 'HI flrtlNflKfl rn.ldi.-t ui.Mi'.itN rtiti:it (iiiii'iiiiATioN I i, lioanl "f I' -ec'.irs I, i. ,...ti,. i mri.i -inide d of on nnil iinr-luilf (Hj., nrr n'"t "" (" ,"'"''"'r"l l'li IMj.ib'i- I nrll 1,1. IH3I. " stoiliholilrs of rrcord at , VI -t nf i.usln.ss lldll .11 1(31. II r -li -"'.v Seiremrv 1IEI DON DUS1NESS demands often make difficult the proper attention to personal affairs. Professional men will find our services particularly adapted to their needs. Should you desire it, we will also act as your Financial Secretary safe - keep your securities, detach coupons, collect and remit income as you instruct, and attend to Income Tax details. AT TOfn SKIIVICH ANY TIMB ON ANY MATTEIf Call, Write or Telephone Spruce 8200 Commercial Trust Company Member Federal Reserve System City Hall Square West Empire Oil Purchasing Company 7 Notes NnV ISSUE) GUARANTEED p r i n c i p al and interest by Empire Gas nnd Fuel Company. PARTICIPATING to extent in ratio of one-third the entire profits of the company after payment of ull operating ex penses. An investment embodying high degree of safety and opportu nity for ultimate additional profits. Circular II on request Henry L. Doherty & Company 60 1 Morris Building Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone: Locuit 1410 cauuuv0UuuOcrUT V COMMODITY PRICES AND IJOND VALUES noml values iinrt prices nre Rox'erned by commod ity prlCfH. When com modity prices bo UP. thn .ilue nnd jirlcu of bonds full. bccaUBc tho incomn derlveil from them buy lem of tho esHcntlal.s of life. The rovrrso hold true xv h o n commodity prices fall , tliu vnluo nf bonda and their price In i re.i.se. Wf recommend sound securities nuch as those lifted In tho current Issue of "Cassatt OfferlnB" HiniUy ajt: for ciriular h-il CASgATT V CO. UlMWXl COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDa PHILADELPHIA MtV VOH Ai.TtMOt- UTTSBUnoM- KnAHTON 1 1 EDMONDS OIL & REFINING CORP. Paid 24fi in 1920 Paid 16 Jo in the first three months this year Send for circular -Axle forJ-5 MelHuish & Co. 40 Wall St., New York Telephone John 6006 Boston Baltimore Worcester " Tk Htatt ssf mtitr ftJ s tenn'rr M&icA (mUA I. far lU isleri r iitlitnit." GEO. A. HUHN & SONS STOCK! AND RONDS M'-bers of the rH'IsilrlnMs. N- l'nrk and Chlrncn Htsrk Ktrhanxe. Vw VerU roll,n T"M, n Commlnlon Orders Eiecuted Is All the Principal Marbett Liberty Donds Doucht and Sold llrllriur Court Hide. 1418 IVu nut M N. i.. Ill HroadKa.r Atuntlr tltr. mhsssndnr llne Modern Banking Methods In a Modern Banking House Resources $19,000ft00 Union National Bank "It'Jirre Arch 8'rrrt Crns$ei Tnlrrt" IN I'lIILADEU'IHA Annnal Meetings KhTMUKI'.I.AM) vuts CO.Ml'A.NV linirri Tti houth Third Mlrret 32r rniisneipnia iann J.' IllJl. Tho Annual Menlrx of the Hlnrkhnlders It the Westmoreland Co it Cnmpanv u'lll , h,, in the ortlce of th t'ninpsny. on Wrdnndu. April Alh. 10-1. at 12 o'rlock neon, for the election nf fhrrr directors to serve tl res tears and for all eucn other business ai aw Drowl'' rrrr hefor th ms' tlnr. IIOWAFD B TKAIHI.V.r 3creiuiy The Engineer I The Strength of I A Corporation's Credit I is established by its 1 record in meeting all fixed obligations, its total net assets com pared with liabilities, its earning power, sta bility of demand for its manufactured products or for serv i c e s rendered, i t s management and the length of time it has been successfully op , crated. 1 We offer a bond which meets all of the above requirements and is selling at a price to I yield about 8. TFWO for Circular E 51. Hemphill, Noyes C& Co. Uabt tfw York Stock Btchtnf Franklin Blc Bldg., Philadelphia 1 Nttr York Bottoa Scrwttoa Bnffato Albany SyraoiM Dattlmora -a The Motor Industry Conditiont among the auto mobile manufacturing con cern have greatly improved durinjj the lat few weeUt. We have Itaued a ipecial letter on the Motor Induttry with apodal reference to Pierce-Arrow We vill gladly send a copy to any one interested. Aik for L'6 P. K. Guthrie & Co. Memhrrn Thlla. Stock Kxchanj 1418 S. Penn Square SUITS 300 SPnUCE 0707 HACK 221 Private Wires to A'eto York Limited Offering Clats "A" Stock D.W.Griffith, Inc. $15 Share Now paylni; resulnr dividends at the annual rnto of 10".. Gross Receipts from one picture, Way Down East,'1 for the past months tJtal J1,6B8,CB7 83. Application xoiU be inoife to Ust 'his atoch on The .Veto Voifc Stock I.xcliangn Scott & Stump Investment Securities Stock Exchange Building I'lIII.AUKLI'HIA I'A 40 Kirhiimr I'lare Nw York HEUIMIDftCD t HENDERSON &L0EB Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1410 Chestnut St. Mcmbenhip House of good stand ing has attractire opening for young man familiar with the Brokerage business, and understands how to handle customers' accounts. C305, Ledger Office. Safe BondsySr Investment?' HALSEY, STUART c CO. Inc. Lee, Higginson & Gj. r.Mshll.litd 1813 hoston .saw yuiiu ciiicaoo 1306 Finance Mug., Philadelphia -V GRAIN PROVISIONS COTTON Our floifj Utttr Sent ott nequett Hughes & Dier Chlcncn lloanl f "WmiU M'mbere N...i. 1'rwtuce fcxrlmm I'lilln. Mtock Klfhunr lilteburfh Mtock KxOunn 1436 Walnut Street pruc SU Uucr 1891 rhiUdelpni. riNANClAI. tttt. I'AK AND INTIOtKST. HAl'CLI'A V.leetrlr f Vinitiltir Vipat Hlkrtirnmm Al. Twfnt-ltxr-rnr Hlnkln Funil Held llonilst To th hnMer of the bnnili necureit by the oral in.rijHjf ei cnpuipi ritcirio i;om nnny. ilatnl Uciabir M 100s: You nro herttiv notlfi d that the compnnv will tiav nrt re,l-in tho followlnit numuereil lelnir all uatltaniltnif llfat tiiartrnin. n. Irnt.v-lhe-)ear elnklni fund euld Iwnils, niucl tiur'U.xnt tu the terms of tho nmt norUJSt" of the H.xpulpa IS'ectrle ComiMtiy U- the ColanUI T-ut Company, l'hllad'l Iih n l'n . di'l October 22. lUOi. to wit rivs HL'Nunnu dollaii h6nds I J 4 111 1 :a 2a 24 2S 2(1 2? S .") 80 .in 04 IIH IIS (111 "0 71 72 7!1 74 7.1 711 77 7H 711 K1 HJt K K4 8.1 $11 C7 US Ml f)0 til Vt 01 !H1 07 IIS Oil 1110 101 10.! Ill 113 11(1 117 11S 111) 110 121 l."2 123 124 12.1 121 127 12H 1211 1.11 111 13S 1311 141 142 ll.l 114 140 147 14S 140 1,111 1r I 1.12 l.'.l 1.14 13,1 10(1 1.17 MS 1611 10(1 IR lo.' .ifl.t km ins 11111 lot 101 ion 170 171 172 IM js; "S4 INS 1HII 1H7 1HH ion 1112 iri.1 111 1 101 in 1117 108 20(1 201 20J 20.1 2(14 20.1 ?0(1 20K 210 211 12 2111 21.1 210 217 218 210 220 221 221 2 224 22t 227 22S 2211 2.10 2H2 1!41 2 Id 247 2.10 2M 2.12 2.1.1 2.11 2.1H 2r.'l 200 201 "(12 20.1 201 207 20H 200 270 271 272 27.1 274 2s3 The above numliored ho ids will he re. lermeil an1 paid off at the offlcs of the Co. I nlnl Tnut Cnmpnns". N. IC, cor. 15th anil Mnrket Mi.. Plill.xdtlphlii. Pa., on May I, in'ii. nt thn rate of 102C,. of Mr. nlii nr. cm ! Interest to that date, and upon slid nto All imurc imerei uion mirn DfinitK will ceae. nnd th coupons therrfjr will be void: tit all of which you will pirate taUv nTlCiT: COL.ONIAT. TrtUST COMPANT. Truetee WILUA.M FUI.TON KUnTZ. "rieldeit 13th and MA-kt-t ata , Philadelphia. Pa. Proposal I'imrOHAI.N FUll IJKMOLITION OF IIUIM). 1M1.S. I'.I.Ktnitlt: 'lUAVKI.INll t'UANKS AMI ((Itfl.KllS AMI IMMIIl OI'F.HATIN'tl i:Ul II'.MINT F(IK HTKKI. l'ASMKNUKIt CAIlt. IIKI'.inTMKT OF CITY TKAKSIT CITY UF rilll.MlKl.rlllA 11th Kloor. 1211 liirMnut nt. I'hllatlelphla. March 24. 11121. Ho.ileJ proponlB. nddrefffled to the utiilcr nliined at thn ofllce above mentioned, will b rrrelved until 12 o'clock noon, on April R, It nnd ID, 1021, and opened Immediately there Hfter for the fotlnwlnsT work appurtenant to the Krarrkford Hlrvated Hallway, authorlred by ordinance of Council! of June 2V, 11120: Di:itOLIHIlINO IIUILD1NOS at the eolith, went corner of Front and Urcrn streets, and nt the noutheant corner of Kenelnvton ave nue nnd Iluntlnndon street; Contract B43. Illil will be received umll Turiulny, April 'rurnlehlni noon ornnATiNn notitr. AIKNT for not Icei than SO or more than 10U mrn paearnsvr cara. contract tioo. tilde will Lo recelxed until Tueadnr. April 12, 1021. Furnlnhlns; and rectln TWO 10-TON KLKCTim TItAVELINO CRANES for llrlde street car Inspection shop, Frankford; lontract ills. Hide will be received until Tuesday. April 12. 1021. Kurntahlnar CAIl Am AND EI.ECTniCAI, COLTLKIIS for riot leas than 80 nor more than lno steel paaenner ears: Contract 007, Hid will be received until Tuesday. April 10. 1021. Plans and specifications ran be seen at 1211 Chestnut street. 12th floor, and copies of same, xvlth blank forrm for proposals, will be supplied to Inteinllne bidders upon appli cation. Contractors will be required to comply with the net of Assembly of July 18, 1017. rela tive to workman's rompeieiatfon Insurnnce. and proof must bo furnished tho department by each contractor that he has accepted the provisions of said act and Inuured his llahll Ity thereunder, or secured exemption there from. For each bid that Is over 1300 a proposal bond In the sum of five hundred WOO) dollars 7!iU."U?t nl,e,'1",.,,IB Law Department. Itor.m 4(11, City Hall, In accordance with the ordl nance nf May 23. 1H(10. the certificate of such ft Irrr to be Inclosed with th. mi The Director rrsina ih !,. .. ..i... any or nil bids as he may deem best for the Interest of the City of Philadelphia. WILLIAM S, TYVININO. Director, A..TratAT,ONHrANKlTK,ONH--5F riT of woonnimY. xmv awnY Healed proposals, marked "Proposals for H"',- "'"rj1 to 'S,r' Cl'nton ST. Davis, city clrk. Woodbury. New Jersey." will be received at th- me-tlnir of city Council of the City of Woodbury. New Jersey, at ths Council chamber. City Hall. Woodbury New Jersey. Tuesday. April 0. 1021. at 8 o'clock P. m.. for consideration of alterations and extensions of sewer pipe llnea conslntlni of about four miles of 8" to 24" vitrified sewer plpn lines, with manholes, branch nr.A -ii i appurtenances, and Including reconetrur. t on. on concrete plera. of the riroad street Wnodburj" creek crmsinir. Drnwlnis and speclrtcatlons may be exam InetJ and Information obtained at the office of Mr William H. Htiardman, enirlneer, 428 Walnut street. Philadelphia, or at the officii of the undersigned. A e";".flJ.(i c!j!,',clt or 280" drswn to the order of "The City Treasurer of the City of Woodbury. New Jersey," must accompany cacti proposal. The City Council reserves th right to re. Ject any or all proposals or to accept any proposal for tho whole or any portion of the "rt CLINTON S. DAVIS, City Clerk, Woodbury. New Jersey l'llOl'OSAI.S FOK COMHTHUCnOK tlusrlermaetrr Intermediate Depot. V. 8. Array. Philadelphia. Pa. Healed proposals, In triplicate, will be re ceded hero until 11 a. m April 4, 1021, for constructing; boiler house and Installation of steam heatln plant at Army Supply Haee. Greenwich Point, Philadelphia. Information on application. Bperlnl Nntlres au- HKSOMJTION8 01' IltlARD OK 1)1. ? BKCTOKS OK NOHTIIEHN TKCHT COMPANY WHEREAS. It has pleased AlnrWhty Ood to cn.ll unto Himself our friend and asso. C'te' HAnllY II. ROHKM1A.RTK.V, who. for a number of years, was a member of tho Hoard of Directors of the Northern Trust Company: He always had n keon Interest In nnd was er active and watchful over Its affairs, and whon In the fullness nf ears ho laid down the cores of a lone life acthe to the end. this company sustained a loss which will be deeply felt In Its cnuns'le TimnKKOnK. at a meotlnn held this day It was RESOLVED. That we record upon the minutes of the Hoard of Directors this appreciation of his service and testimony of our drep regret at the loss of a faithful ntflclal and personal friend and, Itn. fiOI.VKD, That a copy of this mliute be rent to the fnmlly xv. rnKDKniCK snydkr Vsrrh 10 Iflil PrKsldrnt STKA.MSII1P NOTICES KERR LINES Sailing? from Philadelphia FOR BREMEN HAMBURG S S fNemaha" t'.fi.s.n.) Apr ,0 S S fSatartla" it'.s.H.n.) Apri 2 tla Ila'tlmore It sirs quoted and thrnuth Hill. f I.ndlnr Issued to all Scandium ,m nnd Hultlc Ports rla llumhuri. Kerr Steamship Co., Inc. 615-16 LAFAYKTTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. Hell Telephone Lombard tillH Kej stone Telephone M.tln 100 BLACK DIAMOND STEAMSHIP CORP, PHILADELPHIA to Rotterdam Am.SS"KmesitM Now Londini Am.SS "Chester Kiwanis". . . . About Apr. 13 W.J.Grandfield&Co. Philadelphia Agents 30S Chestnut St. Lombard 6l7t-7.f- Main an".) , , n ii ii ii? i i " ' - L m IllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllWIIlW AilllSTx (l-LiaYID) The Time to Act When nobody knows how the cat will jump. npAKE time to think," said "Old I Hickory" Jackson; "but we can't x think forever. There comes a time when we must ACT." Everybody is talking of building. "But what about prices? Have they really reached bottom? Will wages be lower? Is Babson right? Are prices going down or up?" We don't know, but we know that in the long run, men who decide and act make more money than those who wonder and wait, Isn't it better to have a house that cost ten per cent too much, than to have the money invested in bonds, and no place to live? And we know also that when the jam breaks and the building freshet comes, the men who want lumber quickly will be glad they read the advertisements that told them about our Sumter "concentration yard," down in the midst of the Southern lumber mills. That center saves both time and cost. Some day you'll build. If you want tho work finished on time, sec that the lumber comes from LLOYD. William M. Lloyd Company THE LUMBER CENTRE 300 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia ESTABLISHED 1868 Stil'TIIKItN SAI.KS OFFICE CHAM.OTTK, .V. C. Til HTKAMHIIII1 NOTICF VISIT EUROPE NOW WHITE STAR LINE NEIV TOIIK LIVERPOOL Celtic Cedrlc ...Apr. 2'Apr. 80Mny 2R Anr. lOlMnr 14(Jana 11 NEW V'OIIK CIIEIUIOVnO HOUTIIA.MI'TON Adriatic . Apr. 0Mnr 4(Olj"mplo Apr. IOIMo.y 14'Jons 1 NEW 1'On.K nnd IIOHTON AZOIIKH OIIlUALTAn NAPLES OENOA Canoplo Apr. SOICrrllo Ma, n riIIl.AIH.I.ri!IA LIVERPOOL Mncklnn (frelnlit only) Slur. 31 Hixrerford Apr. 22 Jone 31 July IJ AMERICAN LINE and RED STAR LINE N. T., Plj month, Clierbourr, Antwerp Flnlnnd JMer. 3Apr. 30 I. upland Apr. SMay 7 Krnnnlnml .. Apr. 0Mny 14 Zrelnnd Apr. 10 May 21 NEW YORK TO IIAMRURG DIRECT 8EKVICE Mlnneknllda. . . .Mnr. 31 (lid rlnss only) Mnnchnrla Apr. I4Mny 20 Mongolia Apr. 28 Jane 0 New Triple Screw 17,200 Tons. Ihllnde1nlilit Olasuo West Tarook. Msr. 31OBlahad. .Apr. 10 INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY Passenger Ofllce, 1310 Walnnt St., Phllu.. Freight Odlce, 405-414 nonrse Rldr., Vhlls WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP CO., INC. "Ship By Water" LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND, SEATTLE and VANCOUVER S. S. WILLSOLO (ex Cajacet) .'. . . .April 1 S. S. WILLFABO (8000 Tons) April 18 S. S. WILLPOLO (8000 Tons) May 8 S. S. WILLHILO (11,000 Tons) May 28 Receiving Pier 31, South. Fhlla. For rates and particulars applr WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. 114 Drrirl Iliilldlnjr, Custom Home riace Uell I'honet Lombard C083 A Regular Baltimore iB fcsBMsMMBPslsWsssi CUMMINS LINES U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer Regular Freight Sorrice PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG & BREMEN SS "SHORTSV1LLE" March 25 PHILADELPHIA TO ANTWERP & ROTTERDAM SS "BONNIE BROOK" Loading For tpace and ratmt apply A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 139 South 4th St.. Phila.. Pa. Lombard 4127-4128.5407 1 Main 1348 j - rrr: l 1 1 I1KATIIH Morris Brothers Co. Established IRBS Bonds for Investment Municipal and Corporation 1421 Chestnut Street 3Beatlji AC lino VD Marrh 12, JAMKS A hue hand of Annti Arhrnyd. llelatlves and friends, Bnd all orKanlsatlons nf which he was a mrrnbjr ore Invited to attend funral eervlr.s Sat . 2 p tn precisely, residence, 1 1HA K. Wilt st Int prlMite. Orernwond (If of I'.) Cem. Krlends inny lew body FVI H to 10 P. m AI.nrcnT.SON Mar.-h 22. rUl.OMK. wife nf Inte Ciiuru" Mhertenn. Itlatlv.a and friends nro Invll'd to att.nd funeral. Wat., 'J p iii. Istn residence, 21 111 H. Mole st. Int. l'ernwood Com. Krlends may call I'"rl. eve. AI.I.KN Marrh 21. KI.I.AHKTH H. Mc NIIKI.V, wld"w ot aror-. W. Allrn. In her Slth )uar I'.'latlYea nnd friends ore In vited tn iltend funi-nil ervlres, Hat.. 8 I. Ill at her Lite resldincs 1.1 W, Phll Kllrna in , Clernisntown Jrt prlat ATKINSON March 2t. MAlty ATICIN SON. itrlsllca and frlPiids urn Invited to intend funeral. Mnn 7. .HI a in., late resl ,linic, lull) rlprtnir Onrden st. Hnlenin re- iiulrin in. ! I'aiheilral Ham Int, La th.drHl fern A.l'KM. March 22, Wll.I.IAM II. AZ PI2I.I Helatlves and frlerrts. also Hanyan Tree l.odue No 378 I O O I' Ardmore l. ...?. ' , h vj ( li t-, V 1 V I WTKAMSIIII' XtiTirvs l .. 1 Meuontlo Apr. II I'lilladelpliln Hnmtiorc Triumph Apr. 0I)ernnof . . Apr. 13 I'hlli.-IInmbnrir-r)inil(r & I.lhuu Samlnnd . . .Alar. 2S(1othland ....Apr. J Philadelphia Antwerp Mississippi. . .Apr. 2A Pteamer. . .Apr. 51 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Philadelphia London Mississippi. . . .Apr. 3Mnhopar. . .Apr.;; HOLLAND AMERICA LINE PHILADELPHIA ROTTERDAM Schledyk. . . .Mar. 20Hoestdyk. . . .Apr. 6 Express, Passenger and FreiRht Service N. Y. lo Rio it Janeiro, MonUrideo, Boenoi Air fi. S. AKOI.rS. 21,000 tons (a)....... lhiAljU 1 8. 8. MAKTHA WASIIINOTON. 16.000 tons tb) Jioj 1 .Steamer of V. B. Bhivping Board (a) nrat, second and tfttm ctass. lb) First anil second class. For rate nnd particular apply to anr Passenger Aernor or to Munson Steamship Line 82-92 Heaver Street. New York Drexel Buildinsr. Philadelphia m Mobile St. Louii Conwar Bids., Chicii O.U.! Merlon KljeW inviied to tuneral Hat , . p. m , .- t-j onfleld 8ons li'O li. I.anra.mr . f.. more, i'a Remains n Int. Bt. Paul's Lutheran v.- nalns may he viewed Krl.. 7 to 10 P ? ILACK. March 23. formerly ot -v vis et nuaMX. husband nf flars W" HLACK.. niavls si.. In KAr..i.i .. ...... rMirnr nd '!!! .,,n 1U,.U., .Ull Ml l.l" ..- ,.,. TOM. res Hlack. Helatlves und friends, also ' nam U Elklns Lodtre. .No. ill", ,;."'hei M.. and all other oreanUatlons of vjn' he was a member, are Invited to "i",, funeral services. Hal., 2 p. m.. l WJ urBM, er-ln-law's residence. John MrR??: c.rn N. 11th St.. Kern nock. Int. llll 'lc!jr,VCM hlend muy call Krl. eve. at his l" residence. ..-. T TIL.ll IIOHTICK.-On March 22 1021 WW nOAN. dauithter of Klliabelh J s.n,1rijay lain Jacob J. Hostlck. Services on f,uJ afternoon, at 2 o'cloA, at her la" dence, BSll Montrose st. Interment P"" Krlenda may coll Krlday eysnln. d o( IIHAT. March 23, HB-NIlV. husMna , Clara Hray, aired n..'iinM,s.h .. Int p. m , law residence. 17-1.1 N. BW private, ivy lllll cem. rrienur. ...-. CADIZ. Marrh 22. 1021. JO ',',.uerl oral of Annie IJ. CadlJ, aged 7. i f w, lat . 1 P, m., from the "' . rern"""1 bar, Hat Cem. Haltlmore PPer".pl,J5M7AllBTH , fLAYTON. March 2.. K'S.i.t ves "1 wlfs nf Charles M. Clayton 'Vr, i.ry; friends are Invited to " u.n.jj JlorrU Ires, Krl , 7:30 P. m . residence, 6531 stv. Oermantown. In! private. Council. No 102. K lIUCKWAI.TIin. - On .March M ' triends. also employes of tin IJ ua" v Hnpld Transit Co.. .nth t- bi n'lJfeoii. vlted to the services, on Baturdav !" mif at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver H.nirJWMJ 1H20 Chestnut st. Interment at rsn Cemetery. Krlends may view remain. d