if i -S ' (.i-K- CBS CONTENDERS OBSERVE HOLIDAYS Laskor and Capablanca Put Off Fifth Match Till Noxt Tuesday DETAILS OF FOURTH GAME HivAim. March 25. The fifth mc f ihr InterrtsMorml ohcus match between Dr Mnnucl T.nskci- nnr .Inst. It. Cam Wtnca, which wns to hnvo sUrtNi Inst light, has been postponed until next Tuesday night. It Is said ihe postponement was r ranwil wlnf to t,ie f?ct..,th't (l.ti FrMtiT and Bnndny nrp holllnjr which rt especially observed In the Latin rtThe shortest at the series so far and totnr onk to thlrtf morra. the fourth tame of the championship chess match Stayed nt the Mnriano Casino, between hr. Emnnucl Laakcr and .Toac R. Capa blanca was contested alone the line tl the flrat Atul second Karnes, wo fai ls the few opening moves were con There was no special point of Intercut until Dr. Iskr advanced his qneen'a rook's pawn, by exchanging, which In due course he forced upon the rook a file and held possession of It until the end of the Bamc. It meant nothing to, him. however, in the way of advantage. With his twenty -Brut move, Dr. Iwiiker made a threaten inr ortle with his queen, but even this hd been foreseen by Capablanca, who tad an ndenute defehse ready. Qneens were exchanged nt the twen ty. fourth turn and. four moves later, each parted company with pno of his rooW Therk remained Utile to play for and after Dr. Lnsker had made bis thirtieth move, a draw was agreed ... Tim wrrtre: foutvm aa.MBupnN's aAxmit dk LASKEU WnlU 1. P Q ;,' ryn S. Kt OD3 4. U KtS J;S"' . n-j n. ml in. flm SI. ClBtlH 2. TxKt j. qs 4. I' 114 . p n lft. Kt Q2 IT. JJ K4 is. Qn io. piKtr so. r nr Ji. q nt it. npxp S3. PP p. Kit R JO. P Kt3 CAPAHLANCA. llltCK r V K8 Kl KR3 n rr.2 Clle Ptp Kt J4 Qxti glitltt p 0':i3 P K.J n k P Qlt4 P 14 n -a Kt 04 v ns it nu QR 52 ItxR Drawn HERMAN STOPS ADAMS Former Bantam Champ Disposes of Weatefriar In Flrat Round New York, Match 25. Peto Herman, former bantamweight champion, last night knocked out fleonre Adams, of Chicago, In the first round of a fifteen round bout here. It wos Herman's first Batch' slnte lie knocked out Jimmy wilde. Ilritiah flyweight champion. Aaams toon the count or tight after receiving a right to the Jw nnd went down for the full count from the ef fects of hard body Wows. The time was 2 minutes 5fi seconds. )L"iV m ' vc- PIPES REPAIRED Thoroughly Cheaply BITS FOR PIPES OF ALL MAKES STERNER ClOAFt STORK '20-N-I2I3 ST. d Style Saving Three Reason Why You Should Wear a HILBORN HAT other words, they have, that "just in ad .for-you appearance." The quality I there In every detail 2!ma!tf,M nh't workmanship, and compare gav,nr wn "" ml 13.00 . $4.00 $5.00 D. S. Hilborn For 41 Ytart at 218 Market St. .Open Saturday Krrnlnsn, Boots ahdStddle Sen I'rince, by repeating his last race, ahould defeat Pastoreau and Walnut ii I' iln lh? handlcnp nt Havana today, it being the fourth rnce on the card. ATie rnce is nt a mile and n aikleeutu for a purse of SOOOO. Horses In goon condition fri other races are: First, Dixie Flyer, Otsego, Arthur Mlddleton ; second. Ncpe, San Diego, Slippery 8lli vtr: third. Perhaps, JJlnek Top, Ho entej (iftb, Duke Ituff, Punctual, Hush ! sixth, Second Cousin, War Tax, May ltose. The more aaalnit orsl txttlnr t re tracks In ih Nw York btlltur I a nMui-al atautnc to th tropian1& undfr ts;e by certain Netr York tiwrt writers In t1"1'.0' 'h lrtkmUrii aralhit tracks In riT. rMte ha Tin Ule cornmltilatra In con. trel of raelnx unfltr likrl-mvitun tulei. The bill natwd by th Mlnnurl Lerlilatur prmlttln rc mtlln(n may t vto.t by Opternor Hyd. wni ay h will AlaiptreT "kambUh ahJ touttntv' In the old Jays MlMourl hnrt hjeixlaat raoltiir it fit. txniln. kit th rntttraili of btttlnr cued a revul. Ji0."- Mut the aport. it ot to b vfors than HaTitia. Jn,An,?'n intU M nelmnnt Tark hm bm op.nJ ror workout, which wan nulckly taken anrahta of by tralntr. It will b ud for work whllo the ntular tralhln courts It beln rcurfact. Afttr th work l!.lfl0.InJ"J,"1 .,h retular track will bs ui4 ily for raelnr. if 5fl A'hkfr of.rawhre to eomk 5?wi1v'ft5nl.l'?JK?,t.tr th arlrur Mttlon Attonlaiion. which w ll bMtlrr at ltavr 4 K?.ihwHV hlLV Vrivrt rrom Bunbriar 5StV. "A Mr- ?llmr.U Kitfrmnator. th RLna'L! P K?UI,,, ""by. "" sari i?i SaJVilS."""?0, cttB!i on Latonla rtSk 2IJ2. rttni ai .a Ontario jotkr a&n ?hm W!L.n, 'Vl ! rnln Vp S,i2vliJw!l,,P0-'Wo .mark. . Jto Is out to win 200,000 berorn h .flnlahet wltW racini. nMrJK.K!!Jt.!;i a eooi lhree-warld rroi. Sort ll!,ilSir,A1'-' k"J. T CM' Ihe Walk ana j'rlvato Ktas, which ractl wlfh battik l"nCSh?..,1l .1kI0C- u". S I riftpnmd in phytlque Slncn ho rrnl in Maryland ) Novmb.r. 1U loaks IIMT pftakSsTS tlmbe'? London Promoter Wants Dempsey in?1T .A.,k.VMr.ch 2B N'rotUtloni took, toon r?n,r,,mf. JnVi ftJT-l" i.yj i. I T n Ul A 1 EUR RING MPS CROWNED Gartln Dofoats Threo Opponents Last Night to Earn 125-, Pound Title BOX IN BOSTON APRIL 11 For tho first f tlmo In eight years there arc Middle Atlantic A. A. U. champions in six different classes, be cause 1ast;ilghfc was the first time since 101.1 that such flsttnen were crowned In Philadelphia. These titleholdera will go to Jlostoa on April 10 and will Middle Atlantic A, A U. Champions for This Year 13.1 pound O. C. MS ponnd ; berry Mannlen IBS pound c. c. toa poanda 0. O. IIS pound C V. la poand Jot Oalnan, ItKjwood . Han Moytrraan, fltraw- Joe Mulllran. Kynood Marty Bummers, Cartls Chick VOsr, UcNerl Dan Oarlln, Meadow box for nntlonnl lnurels in that city on April 11 nnd 12. It wns necessary for Dan Oartln to box three times before he was finally proclaimed champion. The first time ho boxed, Oartln krrotkeU out -Peter MeOurk, of North Pcnn, In the second mnnd. fTo then met llnrry Singleton, of Norrlntown, whom he knocked out In the first round. The lnflt tniin the Mendowbrook ktnr wns plttetl ngalpst Sent three fast cantos. Fntnk Mac rtnnlrt lnalnr Ihp dominion. Two men arc what may be called IBEKIB5BBK1KKH1 JlAJjlAIL&BlISI' SHOPS 5ENTLEMH TOP COATS-HATS HABERDASHERY Lsriert Dlttrlbulora of MANHATTAN fillirtTS In rWladtlpMa SPECIAL EASTER OFFERINGS The latt ideas of style and quality in Haberdashery for the well-dressed man. BEAjLTHFUL NECKWEAR SMART HATS STYLISH HOSIERY PROPER GLOVES THE NEW COLLARS FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS LUXURIOUS BROADCLOTH $7-50 SILK SHIRTS 1U1B CHESTNUT STREET 1 13 SO. 13TH STREET wmiMiBflatogaHM KOSHLAND Laita' jti. . asssto-J ' ' ' " ' I V cf&'.ll I m i mi siiii i ll y.. .Vo ... " tQn WS Tr.l " """ nii if ''' n TM triors, mhror , M ! . Cl.ff,. WlftAlfo firm All ?M(rt-IAa lull rirs. A Picture of the man who buys his . 1. 1 . .1 - ? . .. . Easter Clothes Here! P c' C?'t ;"fl . 'Witott Qffi'. i, fiH" mi V '' "7f r , J "luck" ftamtUnan. Ta olitw words. they had their bouts forfeited to thciti. 'A no itojra given the cnampionsnip throliffh this medium wrro Joe (Jtiinan. of tho Kaywoml C. C nnd Joe Mulli gan, who halm from the aanvr! piace. Oulnnn. won his title when Tonv Mo Loughlln wns unable to go on with his bout on account of fractured none. He suffered this injury In an earlier bout. .T. A. Lucas, of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, did not aliow up nd Mulllcnn was awarded tho de cision. What ia believed to be the dowst bit of friendship ever shown In n Phila delphia ring occurred in the final or the lin-pouirii rinss. "UliicK Weaaey and Willie Sullivan, both of the i;e fterl u. U., Htniinl tiirnugn tne first minute of the opening round, lleferto htvr Ualley ccclng that the A 4tUnhtfA wlM ..i. .jf .. vri t HU Hrrt AMt wtll raM to lnjf at KOBIILAID'B. T He don't have to wait to have his clothes pinned, stretched and pressed into shape to make them look right. He don't have to be content with a selection from' one or two makes-he gets 40 Nationally Famous Widely Advertised Brands for his choosing here. He gets a square deal and a value for his money unmatched anywhere in this city! Easier Suite & Top Coals For Men and Young Men $ 20 $25 $30 $35 The Identical Qualities That Cost $35, $40, $50, $60 Last Year WMiHMilMi i Wear a Bauer J gP Tj&$ SH,RT 1 mi laai Handsome I fe tfeS Pussy Willow Crepes I MMim Wm$l 7 IE I fttii few ms market st. I ferT( A C Uf A M r 1 So. 13th St. 1 U Awmmmmmmmmmmm Every last minute Easter clothes buyer at KOSHLAND'S gets quick service and such a large selection at the price he wants tp pay that he has no troublo finding exactly what vATWTmt8k nd w!lflt is more' he cts a VALUE that no other store in town can match. We deal exclusively in forty of the coun try's leading nationally advertised brands of clothesthe best that money can buy Thev are priced $5 to $15 less than elsewhere be cause of our low operating expenses and small margin of profit. Step up to our win dows and you will see the biggest exhibit of Spring sty es shown in this city, and clothes at prices that will quickly decide in you? mind that KOSHLAND'S is the jKciVE in this city. y Men's $7, 8, $9 Pants qq All-wool; big variety of pat- " V''0 terns. AH sizes. J 15-17-19 N. 13th St. 24-26 S. 15th St. CHESTER: 3d & Market St.. WILMINGTON: 824 M.rUi Rt Open Daily Till GiOO MoniUys flc Irid.y. Till 9 p, M. Saturdny. J 10 Pt M.. boys wrt-8 ot llTlhfc thelK lc fle tlnrcd tlrt bout ho contest." After much debute, the Judges, "Hoc' Shell nnd John JApny, declrlerl to ulre the boys nnothcr chance. Although Weosey Ulcl not try Ms best lie clenrly ontpolntcd Sullivan nnl Svon tho title. Williamson Scores Knockout Atlantic Cllr, M.rch 2. Max William inn. of I'hllixIMnhla. ccnrwl a Ifchnlral knockout ovrr Johnny lrkln. lo of t'hltn- Ilnlila, in tne fourm round or iireir frnra ulfrt flight-round tut In tho wlnd.up at traction at th. Jorth flld. A. C. In th fmirih muiuI I"rklnR' rrond. thrfv th towel In the rtnir to aavo him from a further mauiinr. J0 jviarx. oi irnuanipnin Tiin an flsht-pnund advanlace. outpointed Carl Moore, of New York city. In the elahl-round Dwlwtnd-up. Hilly DotI. of Ph1ladMrhta, defeated L.tt(le Hear, aleo of rhlladflphtn. In tho curtMn-ralner of alx round.. Nero Chtnk. of New Tork, hun the Kayo elirn n Ina Ilrnrk. of Phll.delDhla. after l than two mlnntes of flshtlhic In tho opentnit round. B Easter Special for Todau H B Every Two - Trouser B Spring Suit v HZ djw r Regardless of Former Prices 'jjll (Xji Also plenty of Herringbones, KiJs HiPi Tweeds, Worsteds and Cassimcres. UiiltfBB 1 TP Coats for every man. Come, V m You'll Save a Half or More I v0mXA7'lLLlJjMS J bBsff ILLIAMS J fiSSar 1516 Chestnut W. T. TILOEN WITHDRAWS I ! ' II Champion Unable to Defend Indoor Tennis Title Owing to Illness New Yorli, JInrrh 2.". Wllllnm T. Tilden, 2d, nntlonnl outdoor nnd In door tennis champion, will not defend his covered court lnurels In the nntlonnl singles championship tournament which stnrta tomorrow nt the Sercnth Hesi ment Armory. Ho Informed V'. Dickson Cunning hnm, chalnnnn of the tournament com mittee, through Vincent lllchards yes terday, that he wnM 111 nt his home In rhllftdMnhln. with nHTCtfc' ctrtit Would henco be tumble tOcoMijiet," . There, Is still hoiw, hoWeVe'f thW Tilden may Join with Mclinrils In d, ' fenee of their doubles c'Aamn'lcmsulft. The doubles will not bo Atnrtcd until next Tuesday, and It l lipoa Hirft hf. that time Tilden will be solfar ttcofttrev oh to be able to piny, Mellor In Auto Mtarathon ' IX-tro'.t. Mlth., Mnrch 2: Chuck "Mellof, , thn Olympic atar and Srtwu ChTMHtwuB, another noted lorur-dlatanca runner, , ar .ninnv the lx men enten.1 hv lh tiMMM flaunns A. C, of Chlceto, 'for 'the tnoiM (ill ctty marathon, to b jImM over tna ronllae-Detrolt hlslmay April S oy tin. Irleh-Amerlcan Athletic Clu here. t-P- 7 BfclMsifeiiMiMa Sai&&r Men Here's the Best News in the Paper Today! MAMMOTH CLEARANCE 315 AH-Wool Spring Suits To Be Sold Tomorrow $22-5to$30 Values We Make Them Right Here in Our Own Big Factory. They Are Guaranteed in Every Way. All Wool. Best Tailoring. Kl&ewlicrz They Would Cost $2S to $30. FREE ALTERATIONS This Is Positively the Biggest Value Event We Have Ever Offered! Come in, See for lourseit. ADout 615 Suits to Select From. BIG EASTER SPECIAL! All-wool 'Latest Spring Models Worth Double. Don't Buy Until You Have Seen This Big Special, Extra Pants to Match, $6.50. m SALCO CLOTHES 9th and Sansom Streets Southeast Comer (2d Floor) Excellent Elevator Service Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted tiJlMliRriaR1 Were Putting the Price ' Down Where It Belongt TTTT vrfMi nfnfuf 4-r cnann - i- four or five dollars for p 85 yuui new ojJililg J. J. 41, that's up to you. But if you want four or five dollar quality for $2.85, TUeil'rp All that's up to us. Every l f" hat in every one of our Une Price stores is $2.85, because we are passing on to you the big price reductions, which hat manufacturers were able to give all retailers this season. We are leading the field back to pre-war prices. Look at our windows you can't buy better looking hats anywhere no matter how much more you pay. And they're all one price $2.85. 4tMnwfi iuin a mantel ois. ia ao. sia ai., tor. Samson Stores in All Principal Cities JACK SCHWARTZ 821 Chestnut St. IwPI ivnuor The men of Philadelphia are just beginning to realize that they can get Real Merchant-Tailored Suits to Measure for $ 27 .50 WITH EXTRA TROUSERS OF THE SAME MATERIALS FREE Other $50 to $70 Values Sun-Proof Serges Silk-Mixed Worsteds Pencil and Club Stripes Herringbone Weaves At Great Reductions! From the well-known tailor of the better kind -w "ALWAYS AHEAD" Fit, style, workman ship guaranteed. JACK SCHWARTZ 821 Chestnut. St. Philadelphia OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY M 'A 1 ",! 4 tf r.v.j,Ufi'J.'-.'ila,a,frf."-.-..iJ M" . ,. i . ' - V. !,'-, .- ..r-'.'-.''ii'.'i ', -..i""..j?aijgf,evtvrft ,..V.,1. J iiili'T