y."i"" i :'." T EVEMJNPtJBLXO N' w 33 ir b In r - v T? GRIDMEN BEGIN DROPPING BYWA YSIBE Murrey, Pixlcy and a Tackle Lost for Next Year, but Bill Roper Still Has Goods Johnny Evers Seizes a Pen OH ONIED DEFEATS READING ny GHANTLAXD HICK YOU mny lccnll the nerhnps nils, at least be good en quoted statement attribute.! to n UrIv for thtr' P1 Mr. Shakespeare "Beware when men I speak too well of thee." It linn a meaning. Some time ago we succwlwl to Hill Iloper, Princeton's conrh. that hiss football prospect for 1021 looked to be extremely roseate at to hue. "The onlr trouble." lie nid. "is, thin -It looks too good " enough to mnke a hard ace. The Summon sate a golf hall sailing Above an nncicnt linrK. I heard n tad fan trnilmp, "The old hoy's going back." .1 far, faint giceting drew me Acro the surer new. As some one xehispered to me. "There's April calling vou." Concerning Champions Captain of Gormantown Scoros Sixteen Points, While Final Count Is 30-14 STAR PLAYS THREE MEN Since then irnnk .Murrey, one oi nis tACK DEM l'S K YHcnvj weight heat kickers and one of hln star backs, I 1 . ..,,.,,, , uesi Kicum " .-i,i.iii champion Exceptionally good hat been dethroned lor n scholastic ' " . ,,M .ai J Georges Carpentier Light heavy Kunin: a Tery good tackle has been tied ! .... , ,. , up for the wine reawn. and I'ixley. I weight champion- y Root). the Ohio BtftU guard, has returned to Johnny Wilson Middleweight ohara- OMn State pion IleW the average. And there are six month left for! Jim , Ilritton Welterweight clinm Fate to wield the battle-ax. plon ery good Offhand. hocer. we should say that, llenny Leonard Lightweight chain Bill Iloper can Mill worry along with plon Lxceptloually good. Kck. Lottrle, Gharrity and Gilroy I Johnny Kilb.nne 1 eathcrw eight attached to the main precinct. champion Out of date. . .Toe Lynch Dantutnw eight champion Mr. Evers Reports -Good. BEFOIIE the training season they This might be accepted as a fair were all quietly, but firmly, crowd-' tnting of the ohnmpion8 who now hold Jng Johnnv Evers Cubs into the fee- Bn ring titles ond division. ' In the way of all-around ability. But now the Trojan dissents from Deinpsey nnd Leonard arc well in the this ranking?. "1 am working for the lead. Wilton, the middleweight title salt of the earth." he write, "and so! holder, brings np the rear. Kilbane, kindly keep an eye on our smoke. The at least, nred to be very good. Hut boys are all readv to rise up and go . the first good middleweight that wanders somewhere, and if we are not in the I along should knock Wilson's wreath over thick of the fight. I have missed an- ' his left ear. other casyxguess." I A few timely blows will make the ,,. n lk DorgllIli onc ot T Cubs extremely formidable, with Alex- , J ... . . ... " nnder. Vaughn nnu iyier curoing uos- ; -. , - ".. " 7ii i. wielded a wicked mashie. But being connected with luckerd s nportive merry -KO-rounu iviiyi-s xvrj nine xime tile bats Vaughn and Tyler were both a trine ketT last season, but Evers believes rickety t hat "both southpaws will come upon for any fancy follow-through. If It their old-fashioned winning ways this lsn i one loing, u is icn or imcen spring and back up Alexander over the others. long sprint If they do, the Cubs will copyright mi, .t l rxhts rtstned. Germantown defeatel Heading last night nt Auditorium Hall. Chew street and Chelten avenue, in the first gamr of the playoff for the championship ot the Eastern Basketball League by the score of 00 to 14. The outstanding feature of the eve ning was the work of Nathan llolman. rate tar rxtrnordinnry. nnd captain of the Germs, who unaided, wored more points than the enure -neaiiing aggre gation. Nat's Riimmary for the evening con sisted of sixteen points. Jive field goals, six out of seven fonl tries ond one field goal which he made from one end of the hnll to the other was disallowed by ltef erec Bactzel. which was a mistake on the pr:t of the offlcia't. Baetzcl penalized llolman for run ning with the ball. The referee in such an important series has a hard tnsk. lie fell down on this particular decision. but considering that he makes a couple hundred In the course ot t He game, n slip-up now nnd then can be overlooked. llolman was opposed bv Frnnkle Bole, a star Heading forward When Nnt sent his fourth t-ounter Into the net. Boyle retired in favor of Mnlnne He was only In the game two ninutcs when the Bears made another switch. Nat had scored so quickly that Schwab wis inserted in the line-tin nt forward and Malonp dropped bark to guard. The work of llolman nnd his trnminntes was better than is cfncrally witnessed 5n championship matches and they had little trouble in iiollshlng off their opponents. The second came will be played on Saturday nt Heading. Ilolmnn. Iliplcy and Mcehau, of the UcrmH. arc an members ot the acran ton, of the l'enn State League. They have won the second half honors in that organisation. ,m.mmmmmmm,PSffKlsssmsmissMsuuaMSMMMttttuttttaaMuusMauussssm iz.tmuYmMvfrmMmixrt Uki.. qPffljrty IfanmeOdBr Ncw&fg' SENSATIONAL EASTER SALE Of Men's and Young Men's All-Wool SUITS and TOPCOATS $30 and $35 Values Now 350 MORE GARMENTS TO SELECT FROM OUR sensational sale of men's and young men's tfR-tyvABtiBb and Topcoats at $15 carried Philadelphia' by storm. The tremendous response proves that the men of PHILADEL PHIA appreciate our UNMATCHABLE MONROE iVALDES, From the moment that we opened until 'way past our regular closing time our UPSTAIRS MONROE CLOTHES SHOP hummed with activity. Coming right at the beginning of the season (when clothing brings its highest price) makes this the MOST EXTRAORDI NARY MEN'S CLOTHING EVENT EVER ATTEMPTED IN PHILADELPHIA. We Urge That You Come Early! and then we have for you 225 Men's and Young Men's All-Wool TWO PANTS SUITS That Sold Up to $40 These splendid all-wool, silk-sewn suits in Fall and Early Spring weights are here for you at the exceptionally LOW PRICE of ONLY NOW We again urge that you COME EARLY! Remember, No Charge for Alterations Satisfaction or Your Mone y Back. 18 Upstairs Monroe Shops in New York City! Others: Baltimore, Yonker; Patenon, Brooklyn, Scranton, Jersey City, Albany, Newark I mn il. m mini ' ' " Second Floor, Corner 10th and Market Sts., Over Woolworth's OPEN EVENINGS PRACTICE GAMETOR 1 I 0M0RR0W Will Moot Philadelphia Pros in Exhibition Tilt Sullivan Wine Hot Corner PLAY GEORGETOWN MONDAY To get hla nlno In ulinpc for the open ing game of the Koutheru trip ulth Georgetown UnKerslty, nt Wellington, .Mondny, Coach Dr. Wnlter Carlp, of the l'cnnRylvnnia nine, scheduled a game for tomorrow Afternoon between the varsity nlgc nnd a picked team of professionals from this vicinity. I.aot Saturday the Ited.nnd IJlne nine hnndod the pros n defeat nnd expects to do the same thing tomorrow nfternoon. Dr. Carlos intends to give nil of lil pitehorn n rhnncc on the hill tomorrow to limber their nrms for the four gnmes next week. It is expected that the team fclected to Hurt tomorrow's game will he found in the Hnc-up on tho southern trip. Today is n day of rest for the candi dates mi was jcRterdav, because of the Mippcry and wrt condition of Franklin FieW. Yesterdav the randidntcs nftcr listening to n short talk by Dr. Carlss witnessed the school games In Weight man Hnll. In the list of men to be taken on the southern trip, seventeen in all, the names of Korbcr and Hlnckle nre miss ing. Iloth nre third basemen nnd there being no other cnndldates on the list for that post, it Ik expected that Dnnnv Sullivan, the basketball substitute, will stnrf. Coarh Cnrlss has been trying "Sully" out nt second, short nnd third for the past week, nnd hns decided to Rtart him at thp hot corner in n regular game to test his mettle under fire. Unless something occurs tomorrow afternoon In the game with the profes sionals to cause a change, the lied nd Bin team nhouW Urt tha swxwh on Jiotiuny wiin aiiko wniEcnui on urac base, Danny McNlchol on eemi&, Mel Shrlvcr nt short. Danny HuUlvan on third, Al Mmirndinn in left, Herman linrvcy in center, ann nun Jiyem in right. Mntier vnil flo ttra Tcociring. r trri twtVo for"t Iwita, Al tn1mr. hultbork, jid rAdk 8pW Inr, tuilhuclc. nt tn Krl A. A. norcer trti. oi KMiify. N. J.. ltt thl dtr nr1y Tw Wt. Trml, -wTiere th treek Strut team, of which Uioy nro memben. will A inro In h wrtm ot three cumt tomorroWi Sunanf una Monday, , rEgMJ Factory-to-Yon 1 ISore in Principal Cifiei Your Easter Hat Is Ready Regular $5 Value Set Sketch Style and Quality Without Extravagance Why ray $5, it and $7 Elteuficre? mill Every man nnd jioung mnn in Philadelphia will want onc of these Stylish Soft or Stiff Hats for Easter. Here they rc "beauties" the latest nnd most fashionable shapes, in that particular shade yon want. New Spring Gaps Regular $2.50 Value, Now The ry Intent atylcs. Newest nov eltv tftects. All tth&dcs. All fabric Tweeds, Cashmeres, Worsteds, llometifkuns, etc. EITS STORK 3 i3 TV. k mifE'M SEE OUR WINDOWS Everything That Men Wear 1217 Market St. OPEN EVENINGS M miia K 4 SECOND FLOOR 1006-1008 Market Street SECOND FLOOR Men Your Easter Suit or Top Coat Is Here at Less Than You Expected to Pay Open Saturd? Evenings win-ix. ttiriAmwmi"iimi iiujT.iuKWtfimxi strziKM. ym mi: i.w m iwuoci Mm'zx MmmMmmim& mm vilSivn ), ! I . ; ii.V . Off KWvimKI 0 & I n 1 Pr'H jBBplli I f; v'-m vuttM mWmwLWMWLWT ii mam & n ...ic ".'- tx." - mtZQW?'' yeHV ? k L ' 9BvCV32 Yes, sir, the biggest and best assort ment of Spring clothes you ever laid eyes upon. Suits that will instantly appeal to your sense of economy if you are the fellow who wants an all wool suit hand-tailored throughout and perfect fitting a suit that is absolutely guaranteea in every respect. $25 is low enough to pay for a suit if you expect service. Come in, see what a wonderful showing we have every one worth a third more. $35 & MO VALUES ! -( P. B. WHITE & C0.-8M CYEsmf I These Men Will Wait. on You Alt of them hntn had yearn of xprl ncp nrnrly ererj on known them ou'll be glad to Iiiita ttitm wait on you. Drop l' and set arqimlnUd. Billy Stewart Billy Dougherty Frank Fitch Harry T. Powers Two-Pants Suits All-wool materials in all the new shades nnd styles. They give your suit double wear. Very Special $20 $25 $30 SECOND FLOOR 1006-1008 Market Street SECOND FLOOR 4 111 MjWmm,, i 111 I nil' I I jRH ft lnmmWmltUlkUmM I I all 1 1 111 u J Mnu uKmml l; M-E-N! A Real Opportunity! TOMORROW Finest Grade All- Wool and Sunproof BLUE SERGE Suits With Two Pairs of Trousers Made To Order $34.50 ana rvorsteas iu Suits Finest New Woolens and Worsteds For Spring Made to Measure WITH EXTRA TROUSERS Re here tomorrow and select your new Spring " ' 'rftlt. tremendous new stock of the finest Sprina icoolent ono ".,,, Hundreds of the neioest patterns in solid colors, strip, silk mixtures and herringbone loeaves, ,i carri'1 We make every garment to your measure and eVcril.J.n,hlt, an absolute guarantee for perfect fit and superior teorKmw ' P. B. WHITE & CO. TOM MALONEY, Manager --, 808 CHESTNUT St OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENWgy VrrfTTfrrTfrii nrm Fnrtnerhi 101 Smith 8th AC."""" H .. I ., -"A