.r'-wipi W " "T '- 'Vv t i 11 3 1 -"-, s , 'V v "i,? . , T bmryxslX?3mKl V ! 24 TEUTON WAR TRIALS IN MAY British Cases Against Germans Scheduled First at Leipzig llerlln, Miircli ii. Tbe trials of "war criminals" licfoic tho Supreme Court at Leipzig nre cipcctcil to coin menee nt the liegiuiiiiiK of May. The newspapers sa (lie cased brought by (treat Britain win be taken up first, witiiessca coming from Engl a ml to Ustifj. Tho first ense will bo against a non commissioned lntulsturiu officer nann'il Heine for 111 ticatlnj: prisoners in tbe Jltthr resion nlieic liritlsli and French troops were interned. riNANC'ISI. l'roixnl DKr.tRTMUxr or I'i'ui.ir Director's Office. Ksoni SSI. llttAl.TII iikai 'ty Hall, rhllndennilii. I'm. March 2.1 1031 Seal-it propone. e M.' le iecelel at this office until twet !"' o r'ntU noon Tiir--dWi April 8. I!l. vlioi 'idi will Be opened and acheduled follow mmnu' or UK.vi.fH Tor rleAnlnic an J nllinit r. m vaults jinks tr ceatr-oo luring he yeai lid IM nnil l.urrne eti Tor fin tilth rK und initailliia vemuatlna rt(M tn an-1 Ml foi rurniihlnt and ere-Mlr-a a'-n fjad Mill ui'l Pin . Yoi e - A' -i ill itfuiifis tor me con atruction. erect on. -riiiiment including plumblnc orU c'TirlcRi -Aork and me enanie.il la"ora'i.r tl-.fjre for ttle I'atholotfl-el Laboratori 8pecln:at!orn blueprint forme af prv. l.aboraton inej tooaal far the i'ainniot cai n had Upon application to John P if a nh- ten En l .tr Arenitect r.oom m t. It) Hall, rh.lili-Vh'a PA. BpfCldCRtl.ru and to:mi at t-ropoeal for vleinlne nnd flllinc mpjoli, for en tllator, -iafrt' jruard eentors and floor irjt nm ho had ao-m apiu-aiion to the Dl rertor'e Office r.oom lv-t i itv Hall lllfls from olhcri than ih-ee ennartd or aatabllehed in jjlnct fj wh'ch proposals art aaktd i' nut lt TifrtatncU cr con aldfrrd and m hid wi I he fiitrtaind un laia mad on prln.ed bla'i.. form aupp.lM fcp that nurpo- AVa blda mif' be .icco:np-i u-d by & en-tinot-. fram h Clt Solicitor thai -eurltr haa r-n furnlihrJ in accoi dance with tha provlalona of thi oidlnnne of "ounctls apnrovd Ma- 2S iSen Tha Dlraoisr im'um 'he r.ght to a.'tept any propol n wno o .. in par, or reject all the bid -a he ma. leeit beat fo- the Intereala if 'h- c tv. W nei n bid or uk ireaa'o of o.ia oxeM 'he iuiii of $100 it will b necra 'o' .. . ufait to oc en tered int. ant 'hr - th earn,! tnav tt Maln'd w iiii-i" a' th o'het of the Ct'-y Solicitor t ! IV 11 .s '""l KIM H M r l)ep . nen oPublirHpa.tn rilE f'lTTSHlKT.Iir CINCINNATf, rillCAlil) AM) ST. LOUIS RAIL, ROAD COMPVNY rnnAsuKr UErARTiinxT V ttiburgh r Vfari-h 1. IS'Jl Crualldated mortc-'Se bonds of Vandalla Railroad, Co. to a ". ' of JlCU.tlTO 00 ; will be pdrcnaard tor 'I: ainhlnK fund March SI 181 t " nattic-' of the company tha rarraera' I-oan ant 'irnr Co . Now Tor city, under lib tot'o nj proi talon of tbe meruit. , .. , . Sealed propoai.- f - tha eI of aald bond t'l be :ecled at the aiency of aald railroad eotnran" in 'ht Mtv of JC-w Tor, and bonda oerd ft- the price which, ea eluitve of accrued .nter-a- thereon, enall be tha lnweat pi-cei'e rf 'he principal there of, will be accepted and paid for at not ex caedlnt par and accried Interest. Should toad of different holSeri L offered at tne ehaaed aha' h" on a pto rata baeli. as nearly nraeti'ab.e 'n proportion to tli whole numter of bonda olTered at tha same price.'" ' Proroaala to ll bor.di o tr-s alttltinr t and muet b In 'on hand- (.' th Tarmera' Ioan and Truat Co N"W Tor city before 3 ftVlncU n. i o- ;.:i -.aday March SO. 1S21. and m'tst "te h eerles letter ef the benda offerd. On Mnr-ti .11 notice of ar captance wi l' rnalleil and l-itere-t to April 1. I0"' v I" " "'- ,,n bonds arcepted. Vonda accpted muit I o I'.lvered on April 1. or aecuritT fnrn.tn'd on that day, If re. quired, that de!tr will le made within undue. T McKMCIIT. Treaaurer citV r i(hidiiir. . M-v jkkskv Healed propo"-"1 nnr .eo "Propo-til for aewere." ai.l!""!""l ' -M- "-itci. s. Davis. el'v e'etk tVoodb:i N ler; ' win b Te'e.ed a' ' e ti-e u "' t i. iuncii of tin i iy j' iodlii- S- !-.. at the i ounc . anil-r C n H i 'codhur, Naw Jeree' Tneatliy. Xprll Jili, lajl. ut S ielock p. m.. fur fa ii'lorn' ,n t,t altera'lonj and xtna!oiia o' wit pipe llii-n conilatltr- jf-"l-nf, about four rnl i of s to sv vitrified eewer piu- nr, - n nunniii'i, oral. ci e and all appuri-miiu" ii.j ,m ud'nt- recon struction on -.DTrTe'- u'c-n nt in ilrond atreet Wnodbir i- e t. Ilrnw.nt;. a -l ti..i.i.i oi m iu be t amlnd eid r'.'ilit'1 r olwun-a ' 'he ofT.ce M- Wu am II Hijj'liOan arm.-. JUS Walnm lhi'n Ivtnu' at t j nlTIre of to a- r X eerttil -. ' order of "the '"i of Woodbu- Nt pan each p upuw Tho t llv (. j in--i fr J.Mi . I'r-aijrr rewn to tha of to. ity Jerie muit accoin- 'h. risiu to re io aciepi anv u' portion of ject an o" a i propoeal f r the UU-..I ' ho i vhe ftO.-U Ol.l.N.-US D.UIS i ;j C1,.fe W, ortb i , .s., j,r.v ISr- UIUs l-OK s.VLL lilt ijLvii.-.ii ff .p(T i. i' ue. of int. i.t ...... Coaatr.lla.. IVa'.n.js bervlee. AtJnlt'on. Bulldlnif W.'. unit.. f ' .?"le ()ud' ! I l in. Anrll ? lo-i be received h-"- r l ard th"n i.p- "i f' - it) I m - the folloiiie ' Faction. I"'. I o ' Service: tft s ' .fop ca.Hu barate 11 c-n--vooden , no u i n j ww leaie of "-' ". ..... ' . '. lor-" '-ana! ""' wtrwaye la . 88 Kfrl oarto haree a 1 ' ' IB" 10 n-v.l Mel barst-"! n' n -ipee -a Oh'o Canal type I file bar.- Fa- W InfMrnVtloa o sop'' rKIII'llstl.s I lilt ONMHPi-TlUN ' (JilMrtenuiisler Inlerin- dime .,,.. I'. . rm.. I'lilliitei,,u .10 ' nea'.d pr r-r. . ,,, .,,,. w ,- rened h.-e r II .,. m., nril 1. ci -,- tonatr.--!. i .. .- ,rj IrstuiiarVn'of et.am heat re r u , A-n Supp." Ilas :"ttir.l.,;ny;.v.v.ttl"a""waii. inrernf..lTMl.r,nS.V,,r Miuuirioun tip 1 Mlllillrl nmi, Pi. ' nnlll l:S n- - 'i.. ' " ' ' ' " " ' -ecellert h... sinrrl. '11 . a . . ----. w ireneo Plana s f i i-'i. and then 1 et.-it.d above. I t . at Ion speial Nnllre. J-l OUN MCIIAM.K VIIONAI. BANK A .- tat r I'm' ' ; ! j nut act-re hai. oar f!k i " iuIih who tor -3" f- Tnannei-m' i' periona) fi 11 I ' i ' Whar-aii Ir h j .. . he tt ii'tt i'i attentive I ntn i r t re'i'onrih'.l'f an I WhTfk n 1) a .nttr'l . ,f -i fo-roful In I. ?ii.r id t . . courir I'h n - .1. -i-Ulerato nui . u 'u l . nnolve.J, Thi -at .tiri. anO whi no , family out i,n , n i )j nopy of fbl Tt.ji f, , ni thir t 4. Vaprrv i , J A JOT.N(MUL l" lil.NKin S-- .. l. rl. 11.1. ..... , .. 'Ith n '- I.ilonnlil. " H'e :n the 1 ' Ui- I i J and ' ''U n n d i a ,- r -j. arid " l.ar l, h. pb . .i at i r-. it f 'i ' -t-r J - , ' 'i the 1 -m r.s ii' 'ni.s Tiiw " XT A .. . . ,-fl ,(. - - , of A V V" n as , f ihia mti i " s i ID in) -.. uac . . date K'X'K .11 . . ; I l l "'in' , ,nt r'l ' n ma ".MI'VNV r I. 'jyvnr. nitvHnv Kit.drnd. riiiri)hi mi ,v it i i i us (IMI'Wt Ktll.W Nor el..,r I. ,. ( PHKr'Kltlii.l "t'lii ii ii.esr. I The Hoard ) T. calrr-d a dlM I- 1 ' our uml " ' ia Oj 'ne-qiiiirter per -o... ,t th' IW1. , Vr. ' he 'me o cent llvi-S" oa i CbmpAnv ptl Serrod atockho'te tluitneaa Marh .1 url .f . Checka will b. -tmU'' Hit SRKl M Ml LOEWS INCORPORATED ,vl I The Boaid ot On, i lain nuarte-iv ash I all a re on Oie ceotai . corporated patbe Mir holders of re- d at m April 6 ID'JI .hec -- I'm 'le. ,a ,i haw 13 n i I IH5I. lu !,. 'I 'e n' l.u-i ,,, mi u. mai,i Diviij nmi.NSTiii.v Treheufr THK l'mUIH.I.I'lll .rillW. n.-iNK i'Mltil-lpi a i. Jlatrn fj Ji.M The Direct "rs ha l,la da- dec'ared a dividend of ii i p r ' i (4 i f.n tit .in Uirw montha icik. llnreli 31, lOtl. to ItcVtholderH f i-..ir.i .1, me cloe of bull liaaa March -'.' lO.'l ChecsH wiib irj' d ' HOU.Utli 1OM'K .'aehUi C Inmiul Mrellnva J3r WKM'-MIIXM AND (DAI. COM PAN V limie Til MiuIIi JhlrU Mlreet r ' ad. iph a .March i'S lliyj This Annua1 Mh nt of he Hiock holder of the Weatmoretaiid Coal Company will ba held at the uttlr of ho otnpany. on Wedneeday. April Stb, I0:i t If o'clock noon, for tha flection of three d rectora to aene three veara and 'en a't iurli other bualneaa a ttir ptcuer y "in. b.ru'e tha ineetltur. aecreiarj. IRON AND STEEL OUTLOOK BETTER Reports From Industry Show More Diversified Volume of Now Business JAPAN BIG SHEET BUYER While dullness remain" the keynote in the iron and steel trndo. with orders few nnd for amnll quantities, lenders In the industry are more optimiMle. Blast furnaces in this ditrif nre operating on n limited iale. The hopr of tho in dustry is the entrance of the railroads into tho murkot and increased activity of shipbuilding nnd other metal -eon -miminx Industrie- "Only threo merchant lilnt furnaces aro operating in tho .Schuylkill val ley at tbe piescnt time." says Richard I'eters. ,lr . siilei manager of the Pulaski Iron Co. "The nig iron industry i almost nt a -.tnndstiU be came manufacturer" ure unwilling to S'll at present nrites. which are below the cost of productinu. and cannot af ford to pile pig iron in the yards for future consumption. The mcrnge , Tokio ' Trade Executive Resists stocks in l bo yards are three weeks I output. Freight rate are the greatest! obstacle to reducing prices further. In , spite of the uncertain outlook . h little more optimism is apparent in the. trade." - 1-a rue Movie on Hand One of the large independents reports limited demand for steel. Its plate nnd blooming mill is onerntinc n single turn thU week. Diminl-died activity Is ac counted for bv the limited scope of the four largest consumer", the railroads. nhipbuilders. itutomobile and farm im- piement inanuiatiurer". . if..,,.i.f.,... t. . .i. . two are being curried on by the I,ebj-hc persist in the nnvnl expnnsion pru nnon Iron Co.. producers of bar.jrnm whifii i1- leading her along the iron and bolts and nuts l'rices liao , r,nn.,nv and every other been substantially reduced, but ti ten-I1 .;' . . . .. Hoiii-i to Imlil off i n,t..,i on,...,- hnvKr. i iiiilitnr i tt nation trod. it is br'lpvNl conviileraule tocks are in the hands of jobbers and consumer, winch nre being drawn on to avoid buy ing. Automobile 'Work Fatornble Hotter buying of steel for construi lion and tlie reinstating of n few more frac tions of the tolumiunus cancellations by automobile builders have been favorable features of the week, sajs tbe Iron Age. A good many buyers have been beard from with "mall orders, without any in crease in the average of steel plant ac tivitic Little i said of the spring de mand of which tbrrc were prediction" when the your came in. nnd there is mure settling down to the prospect of a drifting tnnrket I'rlce developments are not uniform and cannot be ailed -dgniticant. I'ig iton and scrap ar lower, particularly the lutter In finished lines the weak spots still are wire products, sheets and bolts and nut". As heretofore, plates, shape" and bars have beeu avail able at 2c. al'ittr-burgh. but there arc ulso some instances of the withdrawal of thnt price. The shnrn advance in coit" due to re stricted operation" has mure than oftsel with some steel producers the help of recent wage reductions More blast furnnccs are going oui. and the Steel Corporation's curtailment of pig iron output has been rnther rapid. Its i-iecl production has not declined iu proportion, in view of the htoeks of pi; iron and scrap it has on hand Ilu-slneis .More IHtersltlc-d The Iron Trade Review cays that some reaction from the recent depressed condition of trade in iron uml steel con tinues to be shown bv it more i rrrti- i lieu volume ut now Diisiuess, j in- m- .Ittstrx is not ye I ready, however, to accept mix cnange as denoting u inn- liamentnt reversal oj a poor sittiatum Tin maintaintd inaction on prices of the Steel Corporation continue" to be . losely watched by prospective buyers, and confidence in the market, while somewhat stronger, slill is slow to re spond, i With the market in iu present unset tied stage and business so held in check, a disposition is glowing among independent pioiluccTS to follow more ouscrative price uolirie. especially since many teient quotations are said to have been below the cost line. The composite market average of tlie Iron Trade Review this week n $41. "33, nsuinst .t."2." lust wco'n. $4.'. .",.'! two weeks as. .4.h1 Iu February and ol 73 in January . .-'efi n o liM.eji S'clio.i Pub Ie l.iigtr Voiiiigstuwn, March 'S Mahoning Millev steel innuufai turers this week have 11 slightly more optimistic outlook than .asl hut the Knn'o of nnerutioni 'rt mains ut the same low point it ii'ai bed last week. Carnegie operations ..., I... In. . ,.ml tHl,lt,. ... ......1 iiiui hi i"- ' an ci u -llBlli 11 1 ft. I 1 r. oiing-towii Slieet and Tube Co pin on eilu heet mills Tuesday, Th .urn ern Is sti'l opeinting two hlasl fur pai es tliree nkelp mills, four tube mills i in uine-in'h bar mill nnd the plate mil' 1 iibe .Mills at 10 Per Cent 0 Per Cent on und Steel I furnace, i-ix opei live mills flr r, ' Tne ICnublii iron I,. i- "ti one blast health ruinaies. Ilti.wn Uniiiieii plant, sn shcit mills in N'lles and the tube mills on nt 10 pi i ient No ihaiigi took plnie ut the p'ant of the Triiinbull Steel Co The Kalion S'el, Newton Steel Co. and the Sharon Hoop Co nre tin' hanged t.en .'i ill r'iiepriiulliiif Co is runninu' ubout lit) per "lit o' iiipiKity. it is believed Trusi on SleOi I'o. has ahoiit ,"J poi i nit of iipeiiitious. a slurlu mneuse 'I in- independents are ri-eding fioui tlcii pine luiting of the ln-t few weeks, i, .oiiitmiis having been withdrawn wi some i u -i a n '., on inoinnte win n iaised.i ns t pruduc ers. tlie maniifac-li.ier- -in Tip' IIihmi tons of Ii'.hI, s..(t- f"i expoii to Japan which was inken b the Continental Ste 1 Co., Helling iiteut ior the independents of tne vailej iiih hciiiif allocated thii, week. The nei of construction in Youngfc town lias been i educed between 1." nnd 2ii per 'enl, iiciurding to (intra, tors mid deii'ei-s in materials, bemuse nf leduitiuns ii. uiuti rials, an increase in etfi' iencv ol building workers and In competition among loiitrai ton 'WANT AD" FOR MINISTER . Churih Advertises for Liberal and Progressive Pastor IliiMiiii. Iunh 'J4. A "want ad' I snuilwi' lied between classitied udierti.se I nienih for n bookkeeper and an auto I mobile repair nun in flit "mule help .Minted ' columns of a Uostcm evening I paper yesterdin called for a miniHtet ' between thirty 11 lid forty ycHrs old. ) who is a good parish worker. I In advertisement ytas infertoj by a I nneisalist .hunh established ovei furtv tears and iu excellent finunclkl i ntiUitinn " Parti' ulais of age, e-iperuiiLe and snlai't rxpetteil wire asked of appi. 1 ur.is In u news stoiy on another pnge ot the paler, based on an interwow witli inemliers ut trie church it was asserted that a ' liberal and progressive man ' whs wanted not a theologian merely, but ' a picacher of imagination und true leligious spirit The church committee men wcrn suid to have decided they would not wait for the right man to come) tn them, but wouh, seek him through 'he classified sdrnrtltlnf :o-limps. EVENING PUBLIC FOREIGN TRADE DECLINES Market Falling Off In Exports and Imports ' Washington. March 24. (By A. V.) Trade with Europe and South Amer ica decreased slmrply last month as compared with February u year ago, fig ures Issued today by the department of commerce disclosed. February Imports from Kttrope ac Rnitatcd S.'.yOOo.'J-'fl. compared with S100.flfifi.718 In 1H20. while piports to taled .'f21.7n:i,V!."3. against $384,0.i2, 108 n year ago. For the eight months period imports from Europe were $070 rS7,2S0, against $ in 1020. and exports, SL 0S2.rn.1,201. compared with SJI.Sol,- two.irio. Imports from South America for Feb ruary totaled S20.GO0.107. compared with $07,703,217 a year ago. and ex ports, S3S.MJUM). against $40,4-10,055. For the fight months Imports from South America amounted to $370,024, 70S. against !?,"07,4l4,ii03, while exports totaled $138,082,486. tonipnrcd with .2.S,".:i00,DlG last car. FOLLOW GERMANYU Government's Armament Program POLES MARCH INTO SILESIA nmmr. of -inr.rl.il r"Me dl-woietifs repflnled from todar'a llibltr Islirer (op.iri'clit. ll)?f. by Vnblle 1-eiUer Co. ToKio. Match 24. ".liipnn all the will tlntl world if . .... herself tin enemy ff Thi -ie was cxpreaseu dv -sanji Mnto pie-.iiion. or tlie .inpanese .sso cintic.li "f Trade, who guides the most powerful commercial organization in Japan and now is leading what opposi tion eti-it" to the government's arma ment program. Muto represented Japanese capitalists in the international labor .onf?rone in Washington in 1010. roliih Troops Enter Silesia Merlin. Mai-.U 21 1'olislt troop-i hate crossed the border and entered it part of the zone which voted in favor of Poland in the I ppet niies-n in-ui-:ui- W the g, n-ment and W proclamation .talming the territory in ,i,., ,,..,-., nf the Polish Republic, ac cording to dispatches published in Rer :iu newspapers. Rirkenthnl has been occupied and tbe inhabitants nre tlce ing nyim Kaltowitz and Myslowitz. Poland has been intrusted by tbe illied powers with u inundate to occupy Silesia in the eent of a Herman insur rection or of an ntf-mpt to provoke a civil war. American Writes In Moscow Jail Paris. March 24 -A brief message from Captain Emmet Kilpatrick. of the American Red Cro". in piison tn Mos cow, was received at Red C ro" head qtiuiters here last nisflit. It i addressed to nis brother in I'niontown. Ala. rut. contents of the note wen- not made public, being per-onal iu character, but it i staled hat the note regrets thi llniltiie of the American (.oveinuu nt to obtain Captain ivipairn i- " icien-. The message y-ns vritten bv t upturn Kilnnlrick on n scrap of unbleached muslin and l.ioughl to Ittidapest by a Mun-atian nrTicer. who .wis interned in ndioniweky prison. Moscow, with with Captain Kilrati-nk and tnrce ouieir metnans. T'i Hiingaruin escaptM 1 1 om the pr'.son and carried mtssages fiom -evrnl prisoners sewed into the, intiei lining ot his ont. RUIN THREATENING FRANCE Nation Counts on Germany to It Out of Debt Sr-fifl ("nt c Uitnui'U. Cnpjno): Lift, "21. Paris. Mui'li 'J-..- rnless l.ermauy pays what kIu owes us. l'ruuce i, mined " iidmit- the .louinal des De hats, in an editorial lust night com menting OH IIP report oi tne mnuv-- lommi-sion whith was submittedto the Kienih Seimte bv M Henry Llieron ihalnnun For the tuning pai trance liiuot rnie .iti.Oiiii.OiiO.iHio francs inormnlly about S". 2l". 000. 000) to tovei- tlie de ficiency between expenses of RH.OOO, 000,000 trams ami resources of .'J,000, OilO.OOO franc. M. Cheron warned his i-olliague-t. lie stated that tlie 1-rewh debt on Manh 1 totaled I'.O'.'.IMiO.OOO.OOO francs, against .ill Q(m 000.000 francs before tbe ni. .. llealdes tins stupendous debt, lie bam, FEARS JAPAN WILL here are the .l.i-s.OOO.OOO.OUO trancsisot)l "i,t if there is delay in laying nnnilml finnunlh for llie reconstrUC- i -,nv. ...Inlor'u snnolv. tlins enncen. tion of the dcastated regions anil war 1 pensions, whhh Prance hopes to obtain I itom (ierm.iny. but whith ein the I P-iris reparations agreement, which Dr tion of the devastated regions and war .. f I TL- .. -nn.,..u ,n Ii llfllTI Simons rejected, does not cover THEATRE BOMB KILLS 20 Milan Crime Attributed to Anar chlsts Seeking Revenge lindon. M-ir.li :-M --A bomb explo- . . . .1... I.'....... 'rliAnlr. bion loon puice in no- iiunu -.-.,... v at Milan. Itah. last night, twenty pel sons being killed, according to a (is- patch to the limes troni nun city, that city. Many eie 'mured ut least twenty oi whom arc no .pi-rted to survive. Poli' e belie-. e that the outrage was the work of anarchists as a piotest against me imprisonment of Mnlatesta. the anarchist leader -sTi.-VMsinr nrir f WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP CO., INC. "Ship By Water" LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND, SEATTLE and VANCOUVER s. S. MLLSOLO (ex Cajucet) Apr; S. S. MILLFAKO (8000 Tons) April S. S WII.M'OLO (8000 Tons) Mny S. S. WILLHILO (11,000 Tons) May Receiving Pier ii, South, Phila. 1 or raie-i Br, ' pirt n ers aop. WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. HI Dreiel llnlldlii-r. Custom Home Hate llrll IMioiiri Lombard USS3 FLORIDA By Sea Meaia ana vv.it. iu ,iiiwvui wu iu ink induced. Heat, l-lea.ore. Keonoroj Merchant. & Miner. Tr.ni. Company ratabllabisl 1M allllloni ! Paaaeaier. aa -teC net a. Ufa laat I tier 11 , uui at. ttL.htaixti XtUi LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, HARD-GOAL IVIEN SEE BIG APRIL TRADE Bituminous Dealers Mark Time Ponding Cenoral Industrial Improvement UTILITIES CHIEF BUYERS Anthracite dealers anticipate a brisk buying season soon, hence more interest Is noticeable this week In thi branch of the industry than for some time. Hitii intnous dealers have seen no improve ment In the market since n week ngn and have no definite Idea when buying will begin except when general business condition improves and fnctorics arc re opened. Philadelphia dealers sav the. spot market is dead and what buying Is done is of a hand-to-mouth nature. ublic titllilicR nnd the railroads lire the only chief buyers, while n few maniifnc tuiers nre giving small orders. In regnid to the nntluacite situation, one important dealer predicts that 00 per cent of his usual April trade will come this April. Another. W. R. Me Turk, says: "It In my belief Ihnt be tween 00 nnd 70 per cent of those who generally order in ilio spriug realize that the bottom has been reached and will place orders as usual. There is plenty ot coal now. ami mere win iu-. enough mined to supply the market in April. May nnd June. After that I anticipate transportation problems which will interfere.'' tAdvlses Against Wall "The public has just passed through a very mild winter, nnd the idea hccms to exist that next winter will be tlie same." it was said at the Anthracite Hurcau of Information "The buyer fonrets the winter of 1017. and if he holds off until next fall before placing hi order he will undoubtedly be eon fronted with delnvs in delivcrv and in creaks in price." Prices are said to be at the low point. Authraeitiv dealers contend that mining in now carried on ut a loss, nnd the gen ernl belief Is that an increase of twenty five or thirtv cents will come before fall. Entire lack of inteicst in the -market best describes the attitude of the coul man today, says Coal Age. The buyer has not vet come to n realizing sense of vnlues : and while many are beginning u sines, they are holding their ideos tn U"K lor quotations ,m ut.i. . iinn to the "level of the snot market nnd refuse to talk business for the year at figures the coal shipper thiuks are reasonable on contracts. "Old Times'- Market Sag It is n reminder of old times for the spring spot market to sag so far below contract .price, and it is going to take a little more tnan ine imu.u ." buyers and sellers of coal to shake down I to 'the new basis. As April approaches it is interesting to note thnt production; for I lie f.oal venr just closing Is rsti- mated bv the Geological Survey i ,"2.1,000.000 net tons of bituminous coal., lis compared with 480.S08.000 tons ill vear ago nnd 552.041.000 tons in 11)18-' 10. the previous best year. Production of bituminous coal in tne wecu emmi- March 12 avbs the lowest of any period iu the last four years, wnn tne ex ception of the 101!) strike period. The mil difficulty now is that con sumers ate without knowledge as to how much coal they are going to need during the coming yeur. Over the countiy nnimiximatclv 00 nor cent of full-time I operatiun is being lost 'because of luck of orders. And wiuie tne sott-coai mines ure down, the railroads arc stor ing emptv and idle cars on every avail able siding. Conl Trade Journal savs that do mestic anthracite is more plentiful than' it -vns a few weeks ago, but most com-1 panles are able to move the entire out-1 Put. AM sizes are bi-liig taken, with j the accent very strongly on stove. Pea and nut nre lagging. Mild weather has inttrfircd with the demand. The vol ume lequired for immediate ionsump tion has fallen off considerably. Tlie real cause for the great falling on" in demnnd Is the price situation. Thi- unecrtttintv is holding buyers baik who are nctualiy in need ol coal i Qt,,.r ro tnking oniv such as may be requir'd from day to nut to nil orucrs on the books. The action of n number of Xew York houses in ranking Important price cuts has changed 'the Philadelphia outlook materially. St. Paul, Minn., March S3. A uni form movement of coul during tlie com ing season yvill insure all localities an adequate supply says Daniel Willard, nresident ot the Italtimovc and Ohio Railroad, in a letter to Judge J. V, luiimmu i" ,-n.--i v.. uiKit,. . -.i-.f.., f..ei administrator for Minne trutl ' ahipments within too limited a ; tnit'.,j. Hhipnients within tr r.r;0l, the railroads will b ,nPPt the transportation t Kntifnctoiily ." Mi. Willan . ., .,1- . .1 ...111 1 1.1 i. tue ranroaus win ue iinuuie iu requirements I ill Hi, He hod no doubt of the ability of tlie tuilroads to move all tbe coal needed for doinentic nnd foreign use if tlie movement is uniform throughout the tear The Northwest has thus fnr made 1 trie effort tp lay in its Hupply for next t inter, iicmrding to the information he lias fiom the dock companies at the head of the lakes. P,,t,ri to ,..... Truateea , Elected to Jell Trustees i v pew memueis were eiivtea yes- .Te- arc l terdav to the board of trustees of ferson Medical College. They .Tame- Wilcox and It. Sturgis lnger soil, who will sucieeil the late Percy Keating and D. N'ewlin Fell, .Tr sTUVMlsllll' NOTlfKS HOLLAND I I AMERICA UNEl New York to Rotterdam Cf, nl . . -. . mm Via Plymouth and Boalojne-inr-Met N, AMSTERDAM. .Mar. 26 Apr.30 June 4 SSkir fe,IfeH RYNDAM ..Apr,' 23 My28 Jal-r 2 ruiitr Ofict, 1531 WWi s PltjU. ariiiNQ itr-snitTP LONIoy.nXtll.ANt ten -mK0KP9w$t HOTEL CECIL LONDON Oze Rendezvous qfthd'World RE-HABILITATED RE-DECORATEQ RE-ORGANISED Accommodation for over 800 guests Cablegrams : For Tariff "Hotel Cecil, London." Apply Maftartr I I ! ea,A-3aa----M-a-aH-aaaav-aasaeava,aMaHavaa-B-B,aaawaBNaai " ALASKA AlltilKA " ' a UN una nil i .m--ea -, , lMmi, aiiatlill I - A Real Voyage gf Discovery en tmooth teat. Into the Realm of gold, glacier and tottmttvith all the comfort offered by a private yacht, 1000-MILE CRUISE into the Midnight Sun a world of new and mysterious phenomena iridescent icebergn, towering snow caps, frontier towns, Indians and .totems, leaping salmon, fjords that outrival Norway and summer climate as mild as Italy. Five wonderful days from Vancouver, B.C., to Skagway on a palatial "Princess" steamer and further north if you will via the White Pass and Yukon Route to the mighty Yukon Rivor. Make reservations now for summer sailings. For rates and all other important infor- mution, cull or write for Tour A-JSS, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY F.R. PERRY. General Agent, Panenter Department 11 Dtoadway New York AB informalon conc.rnnj' Canifa fatnuhtd an requeaf -Canacfiai Ntwtpiptrt on -1 KAMSIIIP NIITI('r CUMMINS LINES U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer Regular Freight Servlca PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG & BREMEN SS "SHORTSVILLE" March 25 PHILADELPHIA TO ANTWERP & ROTTERDAM SS "BONNIE BROOK" f Loading For space and rates apply A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 139 South 4th St., Phila., Pa. Lombard 41274126.5467 1 Main 1S48 l'aiseii-crr und Columbia rannoplii Valarla Mnuretanln Algeria Aiiultunln ItaMu , LiirjiiBiilu Suxonla Ilerencarlti (e-c-lniperat .Muaellllii Cnronl New 'lorU tol.onilondcrry uml Glaagon. ilar. SO Apr. 23 M etT York " Vlcii, tlibrnllur, l'nlrae, )u. uruiniK, i-iiiiaileiiiiu i.oniion , Sere Yuri. " f'lierliour'f nnd .Siiiithiiniptmi Apr 5 May 12 Juiie" u New York " l.oiidnnilcrr.v and (llnasun . pr, I) May 14 New url" I'lierbiiurg it ml Sniitlininpion Anr. 12 3Iar 3 llav 21 .New urk" tilhrnlliir, Nnplee, l'atrns, l)n- hr in n Mi, Trieste nnd l'lunie Apr. 13 Nen Vork l.lieriiool Apr. 10 Miij-17 Jnna IB New ork" II ill If u-v. 1'lj iiiunlli, I'lierliourK anil llaniliurr- Apr. "0 . .New ork ' lierbnnrff llnstoii "l.hcrpoul Neir York " l.herimol CLXAItll und ANCIIOH Sleam Milp Line I'aBienger O(llio, 1300 Uiilnut hi., 1'lilla Trelalit HOIee, llouree illdi,. Thlla, kiL4.tdbnnil-7rn i NEW AMERICAN TRANS-PACIFIC PASSENGER SERVICE betn SEATTLEand YOKOHAMA, KOBE. SHANGHAI. HONG KONG and MANILA via the SHORT ROUTE. Men and palatial U.S.S.D. Iinetij 535 tt. Ion 21,000 tone ugja-faigt'SHaS 5.S. Wenatchee, Apr. 9; S.S. Keyatono State, May 3 I S.S. Wenatchee, June I 8 Futi, reservation!, etc, appl- any railroad or tourist aient, or HUGH GALLAGHER,Gen.Ee!t.At..l7Stite St..NevYora ataaeaaeaaaaeaan i a am SEAGER LINE PHILADELPHIA to Golhcnburp, Copenhagen, Chriitiania, Reval and Stockholm U. S. Mail Steamora U S.3.B.3. B. Margus, About Mar. 21 AT BIIII-TIMl IIOAHD ItATKH Tlirouali llllla of l.nrllna les'ied to nil Noritetlarj. Danlull anil Mneriltli I'lirts, Direct aalllnis for nil Hrnndloavlaa mat Halite 1'orta nr. rnriso offera. SEAGER STEAMSHIP CO., las. W. J. Grandfield & Co, PHILA. AOENT3 .308 Chestnut St'. forAtiara BITt-T-H-i Xtf)n (OZS.l 8 KSaaH-t- -8 SattaBial MARCH 24, 1921 srni.NO nraotiTfl UINTIOV. rct.ANn llErWfe File STnAMSnil- NOTK'KS 1'rclght Servlrea layil rriesle. unit name Mar. 2(1 uml Soullnimplon and Olasgnn pr. IS June 2 .Ian no - Apr. SK Apr. .10 June 1 Juljr ? All lMrt: in.ai il..ms 'ai-a..ij' i-a..n i iii ADMIRAL LINE BLACK DIAMOND STEAMSHIP CORP, PHILADELPHIA to Rotterdam Am.SS "Kameiit" Now Loadinc Am.S S."'Chester KSwanls". . . . ... ..About Apr. 13' (A Steamer to Rotterdam 8c Ant werp about March 24, if ufTiclent caroo ofTaral. W. J. Qru-JBeM & C. Philadelphia Agents 301 .Chestnut St. t-ambard fllTS-l-a-e Mala SCli.i SPKIXO ItK-SOrttrV a t us XTio rrrv. n. .1. Do You Know Atlantic City ' I in Springtime? . 'CJh mtfmm ie rvrrtDassaaor Qllanlic ajSJtewaam T HIS wonderful hotel offeta ht Its owp walls that it' makes playirfo'ind at any season of Room with bath, .$6 and up Kuropeu plan lnrfrc double room with private bath, and ocean tlew ?4 for eiWh person, 0 for one. Kuropcau plan, s Highfcst class at moderate rates The -Ambassador appeals to those who appreciate luxurious appoint, ments and perfect service, (treat indoor tfatt water awlmmlnc pool ptlvllcce of ID-hole golf course, spacious sUn decks', dancing afternoon and evening-, syipphony concerts. Xew York Office: The Ambassador, Park Ave., Sist and Sid bis, 1 Tht Ambassador A ''''". I Wtlta Itxondna, U, Angtlti . . n . UiiiImsmiio-i-, Soiifa Barbara ! , Hotel! Systems AmVtutador, KtwVoik Ambatiador, Atlantic City nmiraiisiiaiin CAFE DE PARIS New York ATe. near lloBrdrrnla. FKATUlitSG ALL STAR ATTRACTIONS oci:n CITV. X. .1. Easter Holidays at (3incoLm HOTEL, and COTTAGES OCEAN CITV . N . J. Concerto and h'oloists Friday nnd Sunday. Dancing and Cards Saturday and Monday. Superior Menu White Service l'or Reservation Phone Ocean Citv oo AMERICAN PLAN Stenln Heated Rooms With Running Water. Special Rates During- April and Ma-. Under Teraonal Direction of J. C. FUNCK, Jr., Lcsbce, XKW YOKK ClTr 'HOTEL B HEW TORK. oeventy Third Street-Xcd-f Bioadwayand Seventy Second Street Subway Station tCWucfrd ou LFLILEQELNM SWITZERLAND "Select Collection" of ueetul tral llteru ture aent on receipt of 10 centn to cover poitaaa. Information on torn a and travel free Official Azency of SWISS FEDERAL RAILROADS 211 Vifth Avenue. Nen York Toiins AROUND .EWORLD $3 To set sail in a great ship for the earth and see in livinc reality the curious peoples nnd strange places you have dreamed about, will be a dream cometrue, if yon join one of our AROUND THE WORLD Tours, the first offered in seven years. We are organizing two westward and two eastward tours. commencing respectively from the Pacific Coast September 3rd and October let, and from New York October 1 Stir and November 26th. The itineraries are the best thnt ever have been planned and sufficiently flexible to align with individual desires. Send for booklet THOS. COOK &. SON 22.1 Mouth llroml hi. (below Mn In ill Hired) riilladrlpliln r.'-iilinlic Vtiiluilt 30(1 MAKING THE STREETS SAFE FOR PEDESTRIANS A special local article by J. C. Daschbach, in this morning's Pub lic Ledger, told how the story of the previous morning, regarding the "social hour" of traffic police men, has already borne fruit. Just what Superintendent Mills pro poses to do in order to insure greater safety and fewer acci dents was told In This Morning's PUBLIC LEDGER ri. 111-4 M'jassm SfniNO ItMORTS ATt,AM1Ht'lTV. N. .f Let us send Aihbassador 'Booklet Most Distinctive J&lel much in tho way of dhcrslon within of Atlantic City the most delightful the year. I ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. 1 1 An-AmcnicarA. Plan-Hofol JofDistmdi-mwIcdCtomiTjrt SPECIAL EASTER RATES ami iirvptoor Annex. Tenneeeee are., ntar Peach. Capacity 00. Central. Open ear rounding; app. C'nthollo and Proteilaat rhurchea. Private baths Running Water in All Rooms White aerTlre. booklet. R. n. T.PnV. M. P. HWELL Vlrutnln Ao. IM Iiouho from IlnardiratJti- snH Steel rier. liven Appointment. Hirhtit etn i nrU In cuisine unci service. Ilooltiot. ' T. HOTHWELU Prop. V.actjUieU. avenue near Ueu-fc. ' . A. C. McCCfcLUaJI THE SENATOR i riralnln Are. at nonrtlrralk. Fireproof. Oa I sprlnr mlea. American nlan. S4.nn day. Hotel Lewis Paeit-e Ave. near Illlmt. f v-tn hatha. Huniilna: water, r.lectrle ltshtf. ' Bountiful table. Special American plan rate. I 13.00 dally: J18.00 wkly. CHAS. D. I.KWIS WKfi rue Hontu -rMsv vqfrisgfgfflr tiistic -o HOTEL EDISON gSS-R'! rtun. waters nrlv. baths. Amer. plan. 117 00 iin wUlv.t Kuro. plan. tl.r.O up dl-. it aAllf, Hotel Raven Koyd "iSSffl. JlVi tor Kaater. let houee from Koanliralk. Hue water. 1-rir-, Ptttne. Eier. IBASC IIOIVKK HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always opan, Alrrara teadr. Terme nyva .rate. tVrlta or phona. M. Watari Diineaa. Hotel Boscobel -; TOe.11? and up weeklr. Phona UT. A. K. MAntTO. TAKEWOOD. y. J, yfftiiBgAt Laurel-iatlie Pines LAKCWOOD.N.J. JITIHTEI AIIIRQ THE MIES Ml VEILIOKINfi LAKE CIIASAUI New "Plm Grill" 18-hole Goll Courie.lloreebsck Riding.Motorini, Picturesane Walks, Music, Private Garage. New Elcctro-hydrothtrapy Bath Sjrstem. V-raalk V. Nhai'lei. Weairei. AriiiKYii.r.R. y. n AlllKVILLE. N. O. Land ot tbe 3a, ' Write Hoard of Trafle (or Sooklat. Touns $V COOKS other side of the -"i" ' V . tt&tpru ELBERON rPREDO iNIAJKS iwwsemKe1 '! a ! i K t '! v v . . . 3ArV