iWt' 'f-f'riwF iw V'm'St?Wfv '" -' "'"'""w- aw"'1 fcWJfjsijsjp 8 KVENIim PXJBKIO. aaEIPraBADEDPHrA', WEDNESDAY MABOH 83f, 1921 1M v1!?, mmtlm Miwm grass Cw' &5$ iRMii ivSrrc- wtm mm immm Mmm?M mm :WitSMi9SSk Jvwrws-'.iHv mmvmm ill I :n & rza w., his ittr '1 Hv;5? '.ri i1?1 -'it is!; ;.:.! .' i K -. , ,i if r" '-7 i I ' 1 3 I ti ) r j i , v v1 . . j i ' " "j il VI k ' . i. u -. a 1. . h . 'I k 7 K' r :-4i ( V ,W & :f $ .'.! ! ' .iff St i t AM 'U I F 1 A 1 iTIH 1, ' HB i .i m ' m NUOVI DEPUTATI AL PAUL mm I progetto dt Uset per l'Esamc til Stato I Come nnufraicato. Termlna dlcendo che e' neceaarIo che 11 I'arlamcnto approvl ' detto dlt'gnt ill rgge, quello relntlvo aiie uamrrc ucgionnil dt aaricoiiura, o qutflll relatlvl nllo spwrettanifnto del latifondl, al contrnttl nurnrl, nll'ordl nnmento dolle cooperative rd al Tolo nlle donne. I n dlspatfclo da Muano annuntm thd 1 quelle autorlta' 'dl pubbllcn alcurmu La Camera Itallana Avra' Venti-1 vrobbero coprto P tramp di una eon- gulra comunlstn. la seulto allc quail 80tte Rappresontanti dei Ter- j tlucoctUo coplratoil sarebbcro statl ar- ritori AnnOSsi all'ltalia I l.a pollla In Mllano ha iwrqulilto ; (etitlmila dl abltnislont dl riroluxlonarl persone ?oppttc. Fcquestrando tlocu tiicntl InipnrtantNsItni. Iiioml dogll ar rcytatl sono tenutl UPBretl. rubllshfd tirt nirtrlbuted UmVr I'KUMIT NO 341 AuthorII by th net of Octobr n, 101T, on 1lo t th Potn(llc of rtilla dtlphla. Pa. a . nimLTisoN. roftmater General. LLOYD GEORGE HITS HARD Al SOCIALISM TRAIN ROBBERS ARE POLITE Roma. 22 ninrro. -11 Coni'sllo Ifi Mlnlstrt ha decNo che 1 nuovl terrltori I annessl nH'Ualla, in virtu' dil trattatol dl San Oermano. dovranno tlcggere un ' tctale dl 27 deputati. Ln Camera del Deputatl In futuro avra' w' ."SO drpu- Si dice che oil re alia lingua Halinnal qaella franvese sara permesa nel 1'ar-1 Ismento Itallauo per la prewnru del! roppresentantl delle Valll Valdi-alnnc, ore il francese e' la llupia p.irlata. Gems coca dl fatto I deputati dl dettc provlncle non hanno riehltsto 11 prlvl lerlo, ma dato che un talc privileglo cnisim concewo potrebbe far sorjere la qucstlone che 1'uso della lingua tedesca e plava dovrebbe es9eie permeja per I rappresentantl dei nuovl dlstrettl che oleggeranno deputati rhe parlano una aola delle due llngue predette. Un telpgrnmmn da Milano rcra che Enrico Malatesta. il "leader" degll narchici, ed I Hiini compagul di prigione rontlnuano nello selopero dclla mine, ina la rcist,nr.a loro. specialmente quella del Malatesta. comincia a fiac carsi. Q.mkn ilia la rimlliuni dpi Aifllfl testa aiano piuttosto gravl. data la sua i avanzata eta e le conuizioni nsicne tutt'nltro elf ndalto a rc'iiU-m ad uu lungo digluno. I Dirottoil delln Oonfeiiernzirtne (.cue rale del Lavoro, del gruppo parlamentare aovlalihtn e ttel narttto voi'iuiia, unnno tenuto una riunione per disi-utrre c de llberare in merlto alia sltuaziouc parla mentare. Dopo onlmnta diM.ubione approvarono un ordlnc del porno offer mante la necessita dl roeiciarc il Governo. Anche il zruppo popoiarc ha tenuto una riuniom- per dtcutere cd rami nare la sltuaione parlnmuntntc ed ha rotato un ordine del Riorim nel quale p' detto che qualora la Cum-ra si motrl imapace di funzionare si uddhenga pure ile elezionl generall. Iordlne osservu rhe 1p elec-ion! gererall narpbbcro state aollecitate del gruppo popoiarc he 11 Pasaengera Searched With "Utmost! Courtesy" $3000 In Loot MiiUojtr, Ohla., March 2.1. (Hy, A. V.) Two masked bandits boarded the Missouri, Kann and Texas Ilnllroad'a "TexaR apcclal" at Denlson. Tei . lait night, robbed every pafwenger in three trieeplng cars und escaped at McAlester In n waiting auto mnblle. The loot was eiitimutcd ut more than $11000 in ca.'h. Illoodhoundw from the state peniten tiary at McAlester ure trailing the banditR. Ah the train pulled out of Denlson, the robbers began their work. One ban dit earning two plstoln lined the pam engcrs nf the urt car In the nirle. His coinuanlou searched the travelers, tak- , lng onlv cash. Men and women were seatched with what ono paencer de scribed na "utmost courtesy." The rnliWx tlipn ordered the door looked and proceeded to the second car und ! then to the last car. ' CHICAGO OPERA CHANGE j 500 Business Men Take Over Con-, trol From Wealthy Group Chicago, March 2.1. (By A. 1' Control of the Chicago Opera Co. ban paed out of the hands of a smnll group of wealthy pTSoni Into the hands of GOO 1 business men. each of whom has under written $1000 ns n guarantee of ex penses. George M, Spungler was formally i appointed buslnesH manuger of the com pany lat night when the arrangement I was completed. i Briain's Prime Minister Desig nates It as "Insidious Danger" LABOR PARTY "NO BOGY" IJy the Associated Ires London. March 23. A blttpr uttxk oh Socinlism was made by Prime Min ister Lloyd George in n speech at a luncheon today of "the new members of the coalition group." ns the partici pants in the lunchprm party were styled. "The military dangers which united the parties have disappeared." said Mr. Lloyd George, "but greater, more In sidious, more permaucnt dangers still confront us. The grVnt peril Is thnt rise to power of a new party with now pur poses of the most subversive character. "It calls itself 'Labor.' It Is really Socialist, It la tearing the parties to pieces on Us way to tearing society to plecei. Those who are Inclined to agree with Mr. Asqultli and Lord Ilentlnek that the Labor pnrty 1b a bogy should lead the Socialist and Labor papers for a week. "Socialism is fighting to destroy everything that the great prophets and loaders .of both parties -Unionist and Liberal have labored for generations to upbuild. Parliamentary Institutions arc as mucn menaced n private impr ests, and the rulo of class organization iff to bo substituted for them. "Those still Inclined to regard the Labor party ns" a bogy should look nt the by-electlohs'of 1020 and 1021. The addition of 4 per cent would put the Socialists In the majority, and there Is a margin of 1G to 20 per cent who do not vote. "Supposo that by the working up of grievances tho coalition was defented nndthe Socialists won a mnjorlty. They IiWififfi Like Mother Made! Victor Bread MCOME HAVE LUNCHEON ATH 'S MENU -- NOTICE SpKhJ Ordtrt UVtttti, Sttaki, SalaJi, ate, DeHwtt or part of city. rUalitl Dtlirarr Caarg TOMORROW Chtchan Okra Soup Choice of Brahed Short Ribt of Beef Creole or Fried Oyttere (Platter) Roll and Butter Coffee and Milk 75 ai."VLii nd "isr. nncaj nytcttv cttminav mrtM pnitM mat CU(kM hlnnara UftfBi UrCill CVE.IVI JU11IAI BuqaHs Howlajty lWiii "iWMl Big Loaf 8( At all stores of the ftojiwrannwrcM Trees plants, shrubs can be selected at your home nursery call in person or telephone. Treti, Sarnki, Flawtri, Erer (rceni, Froiti, Vinei aaJ Hediti. 3i222iMEEHAN OS HertimJtmkU Consider Its Price Higher Prices Do Not Mean Better Trucks Every truck buyer seeks, in addition to low first cost, quality, dependability and economy. But it is not generally found within the Stewart price range. Eight-year-old Stewart Trucks still running are the best evidence of Stewart quality. "r p;; GOMERY - SCHWARTZ F J.Tob, $1350 2-Tod, $2800 1-To., $1750 MOTOR CAR CO. 2lj.Tolli 52gS0 liz-Ton, $2200 128140 N. Broad St. 3-Tob, $3850 iraunu HiWfflir I 6714 Chew St. Iflpphonp: (irrmantown SB 67 Years Crowing Plants CONCRETE FR PBRMA&3I3H6IE The highway official who can point to a system of permanent Concrete Roads as his accom plishment has done some thing for his community. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Attiat San Frtacuc QUeaf Dntmc Lj Anctl. ParLttihurx Sttvir Dalla Htleca Mfiwaukfe Puaburgh St. Loom Daat lajlaaapolia Miaacapah Poniard, Oir(. Wiicodtm, B,C Da Maa Ynmi Car Nav York Salt Lale Cltr WuliiaftMi Wnta far flead Rsada Beoklat K-3 llujZtvv&fa ffSi&ip; Women's Special AnniversarvOffers pa THE woman's section of Oak Hall has entered into the JE spirit of the Store's determination to increase its a business bv a million dollars, by making substantial special reductions throughout its departments. Here are five opportunities for this week's buyers, in addition to those already announced. FitirrnrLAi' rHOTon-WB I'HIITOI'KWH gjB8MBnaigawwciaB3iaMwa3a vj -) r " bJQiVSI Daily Photoplay Guide mKii-mvi9mmvmHK3mt DIRECTION STANLEY COMPANY OF AMERICA O " NlXON-NIKULlNGtR THEATRES VS AINimka 1-" Morris . I'aaiyunk Aa. HOUSE PETERS rill". t.Rt T KF.OKKMKR" ALLEGHENY ,ra,?forU A- 's CONSTANCE TALMADGE Tin. rrcm-KCT hiimvv" BROADWAY B ",! I- V-f; am ( KCII TK Mll.f " "FORBIDDEN FRUIT" COLONIAL " , p ,T?. V THOMAS MEIGHAN I iir. nioNTthR oi un. Hir' DARBY MARY MILES MINTER ni- oi- nir iir.Mtr AtTMI 1C s&th St. ana Alltjheny Aa. fAVClNUE. .HNi:ii: UA1LY MAE MURRAY "inoi.s or ci.M BELNrONT c:d auove "r j MAY ALLISON VRK AM. MFN I.IKK' ' CEDAR 0OT11 CEDAn AVEM.-E BRYANT WASHBURN N AMTKI II 1)1,11." COLISEUM MAST.su,,5JvrfiEN WINSTON CHURCHILL'S Tin: i.NBinr. ok thk en"1 lllMRH i io i ht t orp.Anu we" JUiMDIJ I , ntio luiui! -i r,n 1 rmruri "J DUSTIN FARNUM nid ui,i,irs" CARMAN ukk.ua.nh ..s Avu. -MIVl-.t( AllOVr; M.I.nailENT VERA GORDON "THK Oni:ATKST TuOVK" VI.l'N IUII MATtNKB ;.13 ALICE BR.DY "Till; NKH 1UKK IDIU" i Fay's Knickerbocker Ti," I WILLIAM RUSSELL "IIVIIK KNITKIJCH" w ?25.00 2-00 These three fashions are provinK mighty popular. They are all to be had at the single I price of $25 (although you will find them on! sale in other stores at $29.75). Handsomer tweeds in greens, browns, grays and tans. All sizes H to 42. I $25.00 EMPRESS M i VW VUN'K DOUGLAS MacLEAN till- ROOKI - RKTl UN I rTrM7I3 t'T LANC.STBH AVE. l-U.-LlLrS. Im'IMI It V1L.V "HELIOTROPE" II 1.1 V hM .Nh l,OKHIIN 1 nf'I QT " o ! i i T srr.i.i.is LULLOI 'inn I 0 .1 .. I ci il 15 lo 1, THOMAS MEIGHAN .oni:i i. hi i si oi him oi'TH" FAIRMOUNT xra.tV , LOIS WILSON JACK HOLT "WlusviniKH MAllM'hS" , lAT'W T TIIEATHE llalow apruca I jj i n o i , iiatinj:u daii.t Lew Cody and Fatty Arbuckle ' IN STM'IAI. on KHIXHH FRANKFORD "l?nDi OI.IM? TIIOM ''r,vi:itiiiiiii's sM'Ki'.-iiuiMiT" ' "MIS OI' rKAAN NO. V i Grmanlnin CB1 Q'nnantown Avt MI.I.IAM (llltlT CAII.NM;'H 'THE STEALERS" Jfe FAMILY ! '' ' " " !,l.JiV 3: DOUGLAS MacLEAN THK ROOKII. Ill.TI UN' NIXON i.D D MMUvHT STS 1 , T ' u i i: i vsr in "MAROONED HEARTS" IMPERIAL GREATNORTIIERN'JioVS,' I ON ( lM I ' "THE PENALTY" IMPERIAL V." ." LtT. MARY PICKFORD 'Tin: i o i; i ii.ii i ' 333 MARKET.-11 , "AV.J? THOMAS MEIGHAN thk moNTiKK or iiir. i ic DJVOI 1 5-U AND DNHOM STfJ, fI UU m wiNTC ItVlLT BERT LYTELL un i'hk i; oi Ri'.in.iirTioN su A d poplah, atis - . . a1 ' llirili lllI 1-KANKLYN FARNUM "mi.jai.uM'iMi riMii." "PASSION" STRAND niMA.NroW.; jo bt THOMAS MEIGHAN HIDNTIKR 01 Till rRs- I IRFR TY "ad a roi.uuniA av. MAW. I. I Hinrr puil MONTH iii.ii: In "THE JUCKLINS' , ATTRACTIONS AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD TI IEA TRES OOlMrTTd 101.1 MAf.UKI silll.hr MAI I"' ' ml ItN'M K S "THE BAIT" RI ALTO "?' rfl',W v- F$v MARY PICKFORD THK I.OVI-. l.Kllir" OI IQV UARKKT ST UL'LOW 7TH RUBY 10 A M lo II 1 P. It. NORMA TALMADGE "PANTHKA" 45 AtJ? I2U ilAHKBTBTIUJBT pWVjI H a II. TO UIUNIUUT A4imUVA lMir.T.tM.HI rtrULtu mmini'i DAiur ROBERT ELLIOTT KMPlllK OI" IIIAMONIIi" ACTOR I"nAKI.I i uihaud av& rjlJl .tx r ii. imr.y GEORGE WALSH "IIYNAMITK AI.I.KN" A I IRHP A 2'2 aKnMANTOWK AVE. MUlUl 1IATIVKK DAILY Emily Stevens and Montagu Love "A FLA( K HI' IIONITYJIOO.S.K" nrTMM"eTit and woodlTnd AVE. PAULINE FREDERICK a nvvr. or vamti" MANWF1M ansA.NTowN avb. ' ROBERT WARWICK ' Till' MAN WHO IXJRdOT" MODFl -'3 SOUTH ST. OroliaitrZ llVLyil. f ,tiiunui from 1 to 11 LEW CODY OC ASIONAMA Ms" I OVERBROOK wDtHAVKni, ANITA STEWART' "1IAKNIKT AMI 1IIK I'H'KK" PARlv nlDOU AVU, t DAUrJM.N8T. I rMir. nat ,i3 it n 45 to n CHARLES RAY "ViM'MX't. VALMIV" 9 A A beautiful litt'o dress in navy Canton crepe with the trimming of gray in wool embroidery which is now ho much desired. Specially priced at $39-75 A beautiful, new I.acc Din ner DroBS over satin, cascade of malino at the sides. To bo had In pearl gray, dark brown and black. Very good in largo sizes on account of surplus waist. $45 valuis specially priced $39.75 BLUEBIRD uUuJY MAE MURRAY 'rwu or cw,' , QPRI IPF WH AND BPJIUCB Dl rVUsL. MAYINRU HATURDAT BESSIE BARRISCALE "thk nnonnv oaik" ZK WM. PENN ttLVjKTS iMAKY flUKhUKU rnawre uau-vt At. Iur Wanamaker & Brown Woman 's Shop, Market at Sixth lor 60, Years would not neck to remove thrse grlcv nncfo. but would rip out the whole pjs tern of society." The prime minister nsked those who nnllzod (ho ilnniccr to clone their ranks. They must take all possible steps, he wild, to Instruct the, electors who must nt no distant date decide the Issue. BAUME ANALGSIQUE , BENGUE 7 An Important I , Notico I DLANKH0OK3 Uountl n lyviaa laf ITHOOnATlIlNO ntrrriNO JNOIIAV1NO men I'ATIONCUY si) HUl'l'UU 1 To buyers of Office Supplies and Stationery IN tlis days of falling valuta it i Important to bo assured that .1.. BTtloles you buy are "up to th 3'. standard of quality. uw,l Mann.maflo proauctsl maintain ih.t hUTh Bradq In every detail. vi, J raw material costs como down tK savmr effected Is Immediately iaased on to Mann oustomera "sea Thus you o'jtals every advantage in .. 85SS." '" ta luallty by uIni WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 529 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. New Yo'.lt Offices: 261 Droadxvay. Founded in m, Vr-1 ; - 1 ,"' "v ft ;& j C VSKi The whole world testifies to day that the Cadillac realizes to the full, the high criterion of absolute reliability which induces in your mind com plete confidence, complete rest, complete satisfaction, every mile you travel in the Cadillac. NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 1 42 North Broad Street I L LA C I J4LUa UHlH-IUM-gm ii-mmamiaraaTjfflmyiMraCTarimCTaFTBM 'TOWN TALK r WOMDEOPUL -. . THE CHILDREN MEALS CAM JOHM INSISTS .THRIVE UPON BE MADE UWU.M wt WAR OEPT WTH WAR BUyiNGWAR .CANNED AAEATS.'. DEPARTMENT' nFC&DTAAPMT e 1 " - (ANWPn CAMNED MEATS AND SAVING MflMFv! ci- - m5.Y2P - r ra'i r3T$S I Wh U W. AAMICV A so EAsy Vftl ': TZnKxh - 1 r mmiAi ca p : &t& ' ' - !N s ! "Z- M4UW Tvaap' an lKiavaa i HaaH m -crrJ COmtmiy .-.,. : .in. WT dL au iPsS JBPE RBC5: ZfTir .wu-TfJ ffiTiin jzz xw" You know how women will talk. But you can't blame them, when the talk turns to the deliciouoness of War Department Canned Corned Beef and Corned Beef Hash. The subject of feeding the family has always been the woman's job and many times it has been a hard task to stretch the table allowance. In buying these palatable meats and preparing them in the many appetizing ways our recipeo teach, they found the solution whereby The Whole Family Can Dine for a Day for a Dollar Remember, you can buy these guaranteed pure meats at less than pre-war prices. See your dealer at once he can realize a legitimate profit (wholesale prices below), fill your larders and tell your neighbor of your rare good luck. Tell them of the savings you have made and bid them do likewise. are printed btloir. your purehatei, THE WHOLESALE PRICES Tbtjr mill fie jraa acme Idea oi what you will aai oa &urag CORNED BEEF HASH 1 lb. etna, ISc par can t lb. mm, joc per caa CORNED BEEF Ha. 1 cam, 13c per can No. Z cant, 27c par can 1 id. cana, ibc. per can 0 lb. cane. JI.00 per eta TABLE OF DISCOUNTS DUteunU to apply oa all purcbuta oi aurplui canned mcau arc ai fellomt ?ni!'!'?iln" nat yH!" I'm! ............ S par cent a in! ."000 ...to per cent a,CQi tad over.. .. .........,20 oer cent The OflMramtnt wiU pay frelcht on carload lota to any point la th Uaitcd States located more than twenty collet from ihlppiag point. wn CUMULATIVE PURCHASES COUNT WBh.!5iP0J&I,e,-.,',!LIth ?,fOI. Mil net to prevail! hco purchtiu ttacb 1100.001, 2S net to oroTalli when purchaiei reach 1500,001. J2 net to pre vail; trfaeo purcbitca reach 11,000,001 and orer, 3J net to prevalL C-24 MINIMUM ORDER ACCEPTED, $250 Buy It by the Case Dealer' orders should be tent to Depot Quartermaster at the following addrcucs: Brooklyn, N. Y., St nd "'" Botton. Uist., Army Supply But. cwcieo, in, ii w. sn st. AtUota, Ga.. TraniporuUen ' San Antonio, Tex. Sin Franclico, Calif. SURPLUS PR0PERTT BRANCH Office oi the Quartermaiter 0neri. Uunltlone Bif. Waihiniton "" u WAR DEPARTMENT CANNED MEATS tSKiW " T 4