M-Bi7Mfl!par,'V makgu- & M i- f f ' -r PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD STOCK At Present Prices Yields About 8.25 Per Cent FREE OF PENNSYLVANIA STATE TAX Dividends Not Subject to Normal Federal Income Tnx N Whether or not thin Stock at present price (nhout $36 per shute put ' V" j j ' V an n,'rac've purchnse depends upon the continuance of dividend at the present 6.00 per cent rnte. IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT FOR THE PRESENT THE DIVIDEND RATE WILL NOT BE CHANGED The Trnnsportntion Act of 1920 is clenr in its intent thnt conditions relntinR to railroad companies shall be so regulated as to permit such companies to receive a reasonable return on their investment. That they are not at present doing this is beyond question the result of the fact that business is &eV?.rlIly.?5 " ,ow anJ operating costs continue high. IT IS INEVI IAr?cLk,JHAT BUSINESS WILL IN TIME IMPROVE AND THAT THE PRESENT ABNORMALLY HIGH OPERATING COSTS WILL BE REDUCED. For generations the policy of the management of the Pennsylvania Railroad has been one of ultra-conservatism in respect to the maintenance of the property, the standard of its service and in regard to its financial policy. As a result of this widely known conservative policy and the confidence which it has naturally inspired, over 133,000 people have become holders of the Company's Stock. Many of these are largely dependent upon their income from this Stock. The management is not unmindful of this, and it may safely be assumed, would order a reduction in the dividend rate only when they had lost hope as to the satisfactory readjustment of those prob lems with which they are now contending. C6nditions which have ruled during the past six months and still prevail are the inevitable aftermath of the war period. Every student knew that thry would come and knows that such conditions are o necessary corrective. We predict no period of abnormal prosperity, but we are confident that those problems which today seem so serious ore going to be adjusted within a reasonable time so ut least as to bring business in reasonable volume with its resultant effect on railroad traffic. Railroad operating costs must move in sympathy with the general readjust, ment. The cost of supplies is going down, living costs are going down and labor costs generally are going down. These indisputable facts point over whelmingly toward lower wages for railroad employes. We are confident that the readjustment will be effected to a point which will enable sound railroad companies to obtain earnings, as intended in the Transportation Act, sufficient to maintain their securities in the esteem of investors. 'or tlwir who can property afford to purclianc Htockn we regard the Stock of the Pennsylvania fiailroad Company at present prices as lioinr a highly denirable purchase. We shall be glad to supply information in regard to the Pennsylvania Rail road and its securities and to execute drders in any of the Company' securities. Parsly Bros. & Co, BANKERS H-31 CHESTNUT STREET PHItADELRHIA MEMBERS PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE Direct I'rhuCr Wire Connection Willi .Members of the ctv York .Stork Lxchanre. -h- New Ifork Bonds 1SAI.R3 IN 91000) Amn Smlt t A iter 5 1 .. . 77 1 UK 4.. .. 771,4 2 . . 77H 1 . . 1Ti Amn T A T clt 3 78U Amn T A T 6s t Hl 1 . . . VJ 4 .... l 1 ... SITJ 4 ... 8174 Amn TAT 'H 1 t7V4 r.ru 1 7i 91 H I) t II 11 f et 10. . . 43' Den A It (1 A 6 . 70 o Can Ds '31 n 90V IV. . lid U Do Cans J '30 I OIV Do Cansda 'St 2 . Ml 3 . . no tluluth 1)9 t Atlantic M 1. . 8) Dm Light 0 1 U'H 1 ... 80', a it'1, j.... t,oi " ii H i no . n;', i . no 4 07 ', llfi Oenl Men 3 "7i 1 . 41 1.. HT'il n 41)1, 10 .. liTUl 3 . 40i 3 7, 10 . . 40 IB . 07H 2 ... 40 6 . n;i i:ne it it c a ,Uch Totielta a i sou S'a Ke at Krle It 11 cv D, 3. M'l 14 . . 40 3 OO'i Krle Hy Co 4s 07'. 07'. 07U iTU TS 074 H7U (17 'i 074 Nii'n I'aclno .1 M'; M'i SI'. t: s so1; 10 n Or-gon A it Pan O A 1 fac T A 1. I . ft I'a H im 4 'is I 7H'. I'a It 4U '31 4 00'. I'ennn II It As I . 80 Pa It 0',s wt t . no n . im ; .1 Oftl. AlCh Topeka A H'n. Ko 4s I 8 . .. 77',' A Coast 1. mil 10 08 3. 0 I 1 . 2 Qone'l Atl'c Ptult i si 3 112 V . . A3'i .13 '.4 112 . . 31 '4 . A3 111 llleo lis 101 t . 01 Unve'l I' It 8i 4 00'; 10 118', Atlantic I'.ef'J i 1IHn Ct 0's llllj 1 . . 00i; 2 . l'Ri n . . HO . . 08 3 ... 00?. t (IMS 2 O0',i 4 .. 03"l 4 . . 00 :. I nil. Halt A Ohio cv . OStk II . 0iJ I 1187. Unit A Dhl'i ft.' UH'i 1 07 "i I 1 US', 2 07 410 Swlts il rets n A U I I. B s lO.T. A V Vtt 4s I ion'; 3 B3l 1 . 103'i. T 3 s 83'. 88', 83', Hell .1 V 7s rets 102 . . 102i 1 102 i 102". tlelh Htcol M II 81 Delh H os 80 .1 78 1, 1 784 11 Copper 1 t) 1 82 I3uth IllJi Ss 1 73 3 03, Ud Trunk rcH I 103i 1 102't O Nth Hly 1st ( 80 Mil I A Man MiPubllo . 04V, I Cn N A 04 tj 1 04 '4 1 04 ; I 04 'i Ills Centl A4 1 110 1 08'; OBH 08', 08', 08 . 08 , 08', 08 08 H7'4 07'. 117 '4 07', 117 . 07 i 07 , 1'7 ' . 07 . It It 7s 101 . 102 IOJ 102 l)2 !2 1'eie Marqt Si I HI'. Phil County cv 1 OS'i A 03 I . 03 A 03 II 03 IMtl Cln Chi ft fit 1. a As 2 81 Hcrvlce J lis 3 . 2 I 3 . I I 10 A 2 . T . I'ennh 1 2 1 o I 4 GOSSIP OF THE STREET SAY FOREIGN Officials of bank, triut tompmilcx and other institution-, on well an brok "" ore beltiff swnrnped with letters contiiinlrif- niacnt nppml- of Hinnll nml 'veil Inrgc invetotM from nil pnits of tne rniiiitry mmccriiliiK tlio Pennsyl vniiljt Itallioatl divldi'tiil. One liituk of tlcinl "trtteil jcHtenlny, m nddltlon tc. npiicult of the rouipnnr'K ilicntcle. lie 1,0,1 MTCIvctl (Utile n tiiiiiilii-r of per miiihI lettei-H from Ititlnmli. iit-iiiaiiit IU1CC8 nil sceklni; the munv iiifnimution. nnil that I whether the I'entiovlvnnln iliriftors will lie nble to miiilitiiili p:l men of Hie present (i per i-ent illviileml. it has been HUMeMed that I should 188ue u 8lnteiuenl iiiiiIkp mi ,.n m.. ,i,. eniiiiit tlio dlvliJeiiil pioeiici Im. whie AN E British Expect to Rid Soviet of Ito Most Objectionable Features NEXT DOOR TO RECOGNITION tinilon. Morel) 22 - The Anjrl-Rti" sinn Agreement, cnnled tliroiiffli hy I'i c- mlei I.loyd Oeorvte nml Sir lloliei I Ste- ioii Home, president of the Itonid of Tiude. In the fnce of determined op l.lnl, mle it won (.'Indued would linve n rei'issurliw ' -n I'lieri nmonK me viii nrm nf hnre llUlltei'H. JIC tlC Dot ill n tn,illrm In. ... . .. , ... . ... .. foreciiHt the nrtioi. of the .Ihritori. on I"""11"" b,,t" ,ro1" u,,ll", """ "" """ this important question, ii wns not ' llie enblnrt. !b nenornlly recnided ns within my power to Mipplv the iitinh-! mote impoitnnl fiom it polllieal thnn soiiRht lufoniintlon. If it eie po8lble. i it ePOnoinlc itnpllentions. IniiKiniich ns. nV he ll ":;,Ur1n?r,.! ir, ,tr,,!.,,.!!'l n! I nl.l,oBl. I. does , re,,,snl,e the Soviet first to ncnd forth the cornl news To Oovermiienl in the reuulnr iliploinntic I'tiniM down to the hiiltii'ii fni tx of the enxe Jt 1h my opinion the diieutoi'H tlienmelves do not renllv know whnt ne tion will be tnken. If it is nn win posNible. yuii win test municd evei'v effort will be mode to ktep the ic' mnrknble dividend recoid iinliroken. At the moment, the outlook is nol so prom iii)K. bill n meat iiiiinv Ihiiiy cun Imp pen within u month." Common Sense in Investing Money A BOOKLET which gives the fundamental, common sense rules of safety in investment has hecn published by S.W. Straus &. Co.-thc House with the record of 39 years without loss to any investor. This booklet will be sent free on request as long as the edition lasts. Write today for BOOKLET 502.Q i i Cslt O A i; rn inth Met 4'i j 1 84 j t . 30'i Canadlun Nt'nilni Met ct 4', Hbs rets j 4 18'H 1 101 'i Intboro It T 'J t 10l'4 3 . 113 t 101'. i i) . M', I mm I 51 't Ct'l I'ocine lsl 3 41 in 72. 3 Bin 1 73 I M Mailnt lis Centr I It H of 2 . 70'i N .1 Bs ' s 711 '1 3 0TV 10 . 7tl'i COcv 4'il 2 . . 70H ft . 74'i 2 70'i 3 7 I'i low a Cent I 4s C l A O cv 5 1 77'. II 82 .ll (lote I 1st 1 SB 1 82'; Chi A Alton Ii 3 82'it 2 41', lau Ume't 2.1 Alton :l")B 13 82'( 35'j Ji)P (loif t 4s 2 . n 1 flt'i tlcnillntc Ity 1s 1 80'i R Chile 3s wl 1 00 I 01", lift 4 on ftln Ud Jt 1st 1 73 8t I. I Ml (. 3 R A O dv 44 1 0(1 Vn at 1. t H K al A H V In 47 'i 47 47 4j; A H Kran 1 St I. 33 4 1 m i. Series A 1 C . 1 Cl)l 20 18 1 It A 33'il a Q 4s Kan C D8 10 D8 4 08 3 US l- HSU 3 08 'i 2 A 113 V. S 3s n 33 33 lift' r.3 33 H 3s '', 1 3 1 ft 1 SI I. t: Earnings 4V2 times interest charges t i I t431 WALNUT ST We own and offer a First Con solidated Mortgage 6 Bond, at 56 and interest. This company has a strong sinking fund fea ture and is earning over 4Va times its invest charges. Further information on application. GEOWKENDRICK 3rd CO. aivkers Members New York an Philadelphia Block Exohances w PHILADELPHIA. Telephones! Hell Surore tilt Keystone Kara lit! MirDiHuniiiuiniinnnirrm H older s of Cities Service Bankers' Shares can obtain some very interesting information from us upon request. Land Title Uldg. Memberu I'hila. Stock Exchange BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Is theie a mnn in the community who will join me in u maniilac turing enterprise of unquestionable merit? Am thoroughly taniii iar with manufacturing and selling, aiui also have estnblislieil clientele of customers. Have just resigned position paying ?iJ,ooo per year, and enn prh'e references fiom men known for their in tegrity, reputation and square dealings, as well as bnnk reterences. Such a man will have to invest upward of $50,000, besides my own investment. Hac vou the vision, the nerve and the money to join me if as represented? Not a gct-rich-quick scheme, but an extraordinary opportunity to et into a business where the potential demand is certain and the competition reasonable. Don't waste your time or mv own unless you really mean business. C 2U, LKDGKR OFFICE rCAP.TAL$50Q00O,OO1 SURPLUS (EARNED) $2,000.000.00 DO YOU REALIZE that you may jeopardize the future of your family by selecting an individual as your Executor? No matter how high your regard for him may be, he is not under the same supervision as a Trust Company, which is supervised by the State Banking Department and the Examiners of the Or phans' Court. It is also controlled in the management and ac counting of your estate by the strict and inflexible rules and regulations of the Orphans' Court in every step in its adjudica tion and distribution. Consult us freely and let us show you the ad vantages of appointing the Northern Trust Company Executor and Trustee or YOUR ESTATE 411 an C II S U II 4sIUnn 1 73 I Chi A llastern Iv C T Illy ' III guar ct r.a I ?l: 17 SBV. 2 71 ; I'hlcaao Mil A'lC DclKlum da Si P d 4s 4 V0, 3 RR . 3 . I'll' Chicago Mil A 3 tl0; fat l 4 '33 IK lleia m 7',a f. . 74.1 1 tid'i u Mil A I IKI'i Chlcasu Btl cv 4',in 3 . 83'. t 03 Chicago Mil A HIP til 4j 1 30 'i 1 Ml'. 1 . B9'i I . 611". Chicago Mil .- St V cv ss i nr 1 . 0' 4 os Chicago A Ntb W'n 0U' "1 2 00 i ill) '4 . no', 10 , no H oo ; no -j, A H iVan Caution Still the FasMwiul Moil of the leading commission house Hie K'niK "Ut of their vu,v to (llsioutiige nil tiilk of h liossllilllty of ii iniijoi' hull movement n the stock inuikct In the iinnu'dinte ftitiue. While there it u Kiowim: belief the worst side of the situation has been seen nml l he maiket is in n rulr way to enjo considerultle imiiiovement. ,el imition W still tin1 pnssuoiil, nnil on nil sides the ndvlce U openly given again! follow irn; up the lollies This was esneeiallr nolieeiilile ve terday inonilnc. when the pools "nml ' other speculative coinbiuiitions tnkini; odvnntnKe of tho eiibler cnll money mar ket, hhl nil. with considerable spirit, a number of hl?hli mnnlmilntive sin'- cialtles. It Ik generally recognized in euiHPi-vntive elides the time Is not i-t ripe to warrant any big splurge on tlio part of the pools. Such demonstrations, it Is tlgtited. would bring more harm than good In some iinarters the wisdom of the recent tound-iip of the aborts Is n.ues tioned. Ilecnuse it is felt in robbing the market of this underpropping the technical position Is correspondingly weakened and In certain to leave the list in n vulnerable position should mine un expected disturbing event turn up. Indigested ltond Holdings About the same condition annlies to the bond market, but here it is n clear cut, defined cose of indigestion. Dis cussing the undigested state of the market, the manager of one of the prominent bond hoiD-es stntwd ester day the nubile seems to entertain a. seine of the wonl. it is ncveilhcfs tan tamount to recognition of I be tie facto government The strongest advocnles of the agiee tuent have usmillv bid sucks on I lie belief that more inulil be iKconiplished In fleeing the Soviet regime from IN most objectionable features In opening ItiiMiu nnil the Russian people to inlPi'- o'lrse with the world thnn could bo achieved b a policy of Isolation andnn- tugonlsm. Krom this viewpoint the opening of ItUMiu to foreign influences, indicated in a number of treaties aud agreements already concluded, or about to lie ne gotiated, is a mutter of tiisi class im portance A wireless message ftom Moscow gives au extract from the official organ I'mvdn. dated Htinilnv, emphasl. ing Hint Itussln is entering upon a new phase of international lelntions In gen etal and economic i elation in pni'tlcii- Jar bv the (oiiclusion witlilti a few days. under the adverse ciicutnstances of the j Kronstntlt tislng. of two peace tieatles. with Poland and Turkey respectively, ' ami a trade agieemeut with I'.iigland. Tli" Pinvda says : "Cleari.v Hussia has become a mightt woild power, and tliis is lecogul.fil In the world Moik exchanges " W. STRAUS SL CO. iNCOsroriAtsu asMaiiMivti tt't Stock Exchange Dldg., I'hiln. Itirphett Smuci 618 39 yc.irs without loss to any Investor OTIS & CO. Stocks Bonds Acceptances , Specialists in Ohio Securities Members of New York Stock Exchange Boston Stock Exchange Cleveland Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchange Chicago Botrd of Trade Private wire connection with all principal markets. CLEVELAND New Vorh Ilotloi Detroit Cincinnati Columbui Toledo Akron Youngstown Dayton uenver Colorado Spring I Cojtvrltht lelU bv &. V Jlfiu & Co Series C ) 1 st r. 2 st t. i i n Sao 00'i H(l. How'n cn 02V. Sow'n Ss 0 or.', I'aulo of no, 00',, on'', can K lleU in rets 3 1 1 1 I I KlnKdom mark ct I . . 12 1 fll)ll . OO'i 09', . U9'i 00 W llw)' Bs 02". 02, 1 ft 3 cm I i i i Chicain n ll'd Pac fJ i i ". 5 lll'i UTS 07 , 07 '4 07". :. 07 OS's' (III j Oil 08', II 8 W US', 08 K Nor te 1 I KIpHdom wav el 8s 1 00 . 2 100 i ion i 09 U KlnKS 'tv B I. ft 1' Oe '07 1 11 Safe Bonds ;6r Investment' HALSEY, STUART &. CO. Inc. Lawrence E. Brown & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS io'.o niii. ri'Aii: 'iiifsi' ui.nu. Iitvratteule ami mlliiet uarluerslilu aid lncnine Tttt Itrtiirne. GRAIN PROVISIONS COTTON Our Outj, Letter Stilt. on HerHot Hughes &. Dier . Chicago HoArd vt Iraue sttubcre 'N- v- I'niiture l.iliu)lg "' ll,llie. Mtiitk l'.iilMince I I'lii.iiursli Ktuci. biiluuii 143G Walnut Street WM t Baca PltiUdilphU United Itwys. Havana Steam Railroad l.ll)l. 'vH I'lilla. I'lnii Hue !l. 1.1. I0.HII !l!J .V Int. to net 7.02",, Town send Wholcn & Co. Memliera N. V. X I'lilhl. -Hoik Kicbunnes 505 CHESTNUT ST. t Moore, SwarLt, Hindle & Clark ACCOUNTANTS Income Tax Cult Syitemi Audits Spruce 177 111X11 IllII.I)INO We Build Special Machinery ACME GEAR CO. N.W. Cor. 7th & Wood Sta., Phila. Chlougi) It tl'J l'ac t 1 70 Chlcauo Union Sta'n i Via j so ; Chile Cop'r fi 1 . 70W I 70 I 70 cjil!i- Cod r 7s I 0.1'i CUv ll'jinf- 8e J DO no 4 or.', 4 03 . 1 0.1 a os'i Ctv Chrls'n Ke 1 0R. cif Cop k r.'i 7211 1 TS'iJM I 7'i Cliy l-vona fis nil r.iek Sleel '(10 17 I llli II" Lako Hhore M (17 B'n SV4 I 0h'4 Lake S-hor M H'n 4s 38 8 81 Lake Hhoie M H'n 4s 31 1 82 20 82', Ionian V'lv le '2 09 't Mid Or r.s 1 7H Brasll 8s wl 10 07 H 2 07 'b Senb'it A T nj 8 .13 1 32', Seab d A I. til 2 37 S Air I. it" U 1 3 Seat) d A I. fl 2 474 1 47',. 1 4rti 1 47 S'n Hl-ll Tel Os 2 . 81 Ti So'n ('acini- fd lit 70'. 10 70i Sn Pac cv 4s 10 78", 1ft 7S. 2.1 78 'i I 7X. S n lUllw Is 1 ftS Stand'd Oil l Calf rets 102 I ' I ', 102 102 102 102 102 Ave a I 33', 33 'i S3', 83 . 33 3!t 83 ', 33 Tidewater Oil Co et O'.ja 1 on 2 on Union Pao rv 1 . . . 83 10 84 a 84 L'nlon Fac fd J 70', 1 7il H 1 3 1 t 1 1 1 Third S 7 8 1 1 I lieNinifois. .Mnrcli '22. Tin vlclori vhi Kionitiiilt. it i hcliovt'il li'n will not ilivuit N'lliiilni I.Riilne. Itnin n nolihi'viit picniiiT. f out the prnt'tirii. .olif. in whii'li lii liui Intely onibnrltfil rmlfi pii'hHiiri' of tin- lnCPtHnnt unn', In- i'nntiiiuii to piirnup IiIh iiroguim fm inJfil mi lotnnrilintiim with tin. unlit ttma nf tin' Socialist, nirt'i-t in fiutiintiiiii from Moscow I'otifirnis tin iiolt tlint iiMjiurutury neentliillons in., iiinlir wuy .sfckinir for ooiilition tiPtwci'ii tlio Iliilslioviets nnil tin Monh(vit.. nnil hopi' In vntcitnlncd tlint I'volution hiunul tlic ipi-onstriiption of Ku'-siu Im, nlivnilv cmnriiTicj-il l'li sov-inl rovolutionoiies nml iii- A REAL BOOK OF GRAPHIC CHARTS Covering the price history of all active Stock Exchange it sues has been pre pared by us for the uie of investors and traders. While the edition laitt copimt will gladly be sent upon receipt of 10c in ttampt to defray cot of mailing. Write for Q'10. J. F. McGOVERN & CO. Members of I'hll.i. Stock Kxch.mce 1130 Houlh I'enn. Mq,, I'blla. Hnir 30!l $1 invested today will produce prac tically the same in terest return with equal safety as $1.40 invested 5 years ago F o t suggestions write for Circular 7312. Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street Philadelphia ( lilrnso Sfn Viirl Ito. Inn Detroit conviction nt i he moinont (hat noun'- I "fiitulives of the iii-oppnitivi' nruflnis' tliliij; tfrnhlo is jjoing to happen nnu llii'j will In' iible to buy liixli-graili; M'i'iiritii's .si'vcial Mrrit,s cheaper thnn tin- ptcM'iit tmsis nf iiiiutii tiotiH. In IiIh opinion, iibnut thi' wort-l ihul ran hnpen nlrenily lias taken place, mid from now on the iluy-to-dny develop ment will be nf a constructive char acter lie milled tluil this tilimild not be interpieted us indicating that there tlmw hne modilicd in f-ome form the Nivii'l system bau'd on the reform, nduptcd bj the recent Communist, con gte-is Leniue's new orientation is leinlinx Ii'ik (.utiporterx considerably uwny fiom the left wing led by I.eon Trotzlcj . the woi inliiiiiei-, who (ommnnded tin Sovii'i Hoops in I lie tnhitiK of Kron- -Indl. and tllle lite inuny indication Mirme 11410 fiv ork it llruadnaj Spruce 8200 will he ii sharp advance in seciiriV ' f fe coming of mi open conttict I Tirlcc. Inn that, ijeuerally speukini. J rotky bus fotined n new bmlyKiiaril I the market for all classes of IssuOJ 'I'lisMing .if cadets Horn (ill the Hus- 1 should maintain a fnith even keel, with ' i'1" iIihkc. Hnil has oicnniKfil liis oin I ii tendency toaul miprovement Ilei kjstem of poln for the puipose if 8nfd that everv effoi t should be made I l.eeplus him informed nf vcr muiu , on the part of bankers In conHne new """"t '" 'Pinion iiltninst him I offeriuKS within ns nnrrou limits nm N ... .,,.....,, .,., a...,;.., tins-' i;10 h"'s?i "n,e,,,oJ,:1!r,,T --i-uio"Vubii;h " .,,.": proper, . iRestion nf sec.int.es now , ,,,.. inllllll.ti .,,, ,. aiiharmi Hnd oiitMani Idr. lintrodi.ee n tixed tax in pin. e of ,c j II develops that he iuitul .1 stribu-, flllslitiolH j, n temporary ...enu.e. .... ! lion of n large ...iniber of seem .ties put , ,',.,,,, ny in,,,,,'.,.,,,,.,,, , ,.,,, o.U in i went months was not nf the ,.,1,1,H . ,.fll,.ln, i,...,..., s,-i..i ..ni.l,. ..!..!.. .i ..... v. .......:..... ' ' - -' "-.. ....... I IK1" i fllll MLli:i . iii'ciiuei' im r-ri-iii 11 n-n thus snld have not remained sold, but 4 70'4,Unlmi I'uc 4. Hi Pacific 4s I 2 Miv H3 ',1 D8'4 .13 i .13 'i sail 03 'i C3!i tn.' 03',. I'sclOu 5.1 10 OS Moni'a 1'wr ftl I 83 V Montr I Tram ways (is 1 72 1 74 I . 72 1 74 N V Ctl CD 4 I'ltv N V l',i 1 70 Ma B7 I 70i', 1ft 02 N T Cut I 1'i, C N VU 4 '.00 77 3 Hfla, N V Cent' I ll City I'a Mil 0s I 2 8fii 2 tlil'MNew Turk Ct I C Zurich rcta 7a rets 14 73'1 74 71 74 74 I', a 10 Ml', l'nlon Puo Us 1 OO'i U K of a Ilrlt I'd 11)111 0 119 ', 1 00 ft WU, 10 1()', 10 00 .! ft . 00 , V K of O 111 It & I d 1022 II) Ol'l J K of O Hi II & I d 1020 2R 80 2 HK 1 SO 11 KM. 2ft Wl 1 ' Ml U K of II II, It I d 1037 ft Nil I v.'. 1 . oo I 2 . iooi. i :', crd cm cm A1 i mo i up, Ht Uo u i III0 l Nft, ID 8R"i .1 IO0, I ft SSI, Colo t S 4',s ft 100". Ul'il It tin S.in 2 7S".! H 100, 1' unct 4s 10 73', New Vorlc Ct'l! il .1.1 Columbia (lis i 1. S 3'4s I ft 3.1 & Blcc 1st I Ui'-i'U ti Mexlc r. 1 84'i New Yl. Dlt 1s ft 4ft Columbia Oai 1 11(1 1,1 ft 4ft. i V. 1st sta I-'-' Vk IjRht II. u a Realty A 2 8ft ' A Pwr 4a I Impv I ,1s Cons d Cas 7s 2 6'4' ', sft , ft 00',j,Nw Y N II Al I K(P Cuban Amor n llirl d fls uitar Si wl I 20 Cuban C t ft I ft ft Culi.l Kd Co Dl a 70 Tlennia.k Con ci A 8s 4 10O', ino, 100', 8 ov S3, 84 81 8.1 1 1 84 84 1 1 V Y ft N Y New 1 1 I 0 II ft Denmaik ct U Bs 8 1 n 07, 2 s Ma 3 O d Kubo i t i i :s, 111 ft 7S 00 2 7s. 11S Is, 2 78. ftoJU H ItuLb , 7s Tele 4 'is 2 07 , Ml U8 Hub 7't- TcIo'b (Is 1 1fla. 00 1 111.1 SOU, ft 100 Y W C UM S tfle.1 -s have been chaiiR'ni; hnnus ilnlly niiiuiii; dealers during the past few weeks. French Iron l'loilmlion An increase of npproximiitel. tour mid one-half million Ions in French production of iron ore in 101M, com puted to lill'.l. is indicated h leturns just received bv the French comuiiH.siou in the United tltntes. Tlie increase wus mainly in the invuded lejiioti of Ilriey I.oiiKwy, wheie the output amounted to 4.1H1,L'2!) tons. Til's imtpul wns live times the production of the Hriey I.onewv district in 1I1! The yeiuly Intal proiluclinn compured is us follows Dill). 1.-I2!.78! Ions; IflLtl. tn.871.lUT tons. Nt.il'stics for the inoie impol'tunl d.stlii In Hie lO.'O Prod Tons Workmen MeU-ThlotiUlle . . 8.074 080 10.013 llrlcv-Ixinsrwv 4 181,220 7 407 Nancy 818.201 1..H40 Normandy 337 200 t 20H An increase of about -1000 woikers is shown In H'll) the eleven mining d's tricK employed 10,ri58 workmen v The number in 11)20 wos 23.143 Western Money Conditions The steadiness reflected in the west ern money market wns nut materially nffccti'd by the flrst pament of income tuxes uUlioush the results nf the with drawals from the banks by Inittc cor pon.tions will not be known until check; have luiil sufficient time to be recorded. Ntituinlh, tli" amount of the payments will t.ill considerably shot l for the enr 11120. as business done during the i enr 1!H1 was of much larger propor tion mid profits realized much heavier in CM r icspect. Km the tune being the sluggishness , in liuMiicM. is causing a iiukIi lighter li iiuiidI tor hinds than for several months past and the enforced liiiuldn tion and apparent wlllluiriit'b of iiianu- ' facturiug concerns to meet the situation nnil lighten their obligations is very j mi. fin tory to the latge banking in stitutions The nossihillty of a st i ike al the milkers' vaids is awaited wilh mm h i imlet by the business public in gen rial, and the developments in the ses moiis of the rnilnmd labor board ns to i when and what will he the effet I mi wage., as well us fi eight rules, arc piii'iimo.int fin tnis enteiing into Ihe sun. ml limiriL'iiil situutiou today I'ntil mull time i.s tni'M' elements me elimi nated time is little hope of nun I. ic- Mvnl being seen in coinmetcial mid .ndustriiil lines TIIK TUADKK 1000 Shopmen to Be Laid Off Tii. N'. V. March 22 Moie thHii. Ilitld 'men iiuplo.ed Ii the Delaware and Hiidmu Co in the shops nt Co lonic and (lieen Island will lie laid oil, mdctiniteh next Satiuilai message received here yesterdav from Moscow by the magazine Soviet Itussia Tlic message added that the Hi.maniiiii loreigu minister hud nnnoumed the de- , iiarlure on Mnrcli 111 of a represent!- five to Ileval to ncgoiinto an agreement between Itiissin nml Itumnnin. and that the Itushian rcprcentn'tive to Italy had arrived in Itnlv March 1." ! The tnessoge. signed "Hussmn Tele- J graph Agency." added that decision to intioduce n hxed tn would neuessitut important measures for stabilizing ftus sin's niunetnrv svstem. KING AIDS POLO PLAYERS Robert E. Strawbridge Granted Per mission to Use Royal Mews Hubert i: Su aw bridge, of this city, lias obtained permission from King fleorge of England to use the royal mews nt Hampton Court I'nlnce for the American polo ponies which are in training foi the international match early in Ma Fifty Anieiici.n ponies liave been sta bled all winter at Salisbury IMnin. hut n heller (raining ticld wns required foi practice Whin this wns pointed nut in the royal famih llic Ilnmptou mews lu.me dlatelv wns nfteied and the ponies will lie trained at the Sunbiiry field iienrbi. U. S. Treasury Certificates 5i2odUe Sept. IS, 1921 534oodue March 15, 1922 Both issues dated March 15. 1921 ECURtTlBS DBPA1VTMBNT Commercial Trust Company Miber Federal lUeerr Hhn CitT HU Square West OFFICES FOR KENT Occupancy May 1st 1429 WALNUT ST. 3rd Floor (l.nngacrc Hotel Building) Aixm U'O si Ten in Hl7. We are jrl nc hent up n ihihh .ii'o tarcer odlcee hi 10U3 Walnut Sneet Moore, Leonard & Lynch CUSHMAN NKWilAM.. Mgr 7?oirt Drparlmmt 1429 Walnut Street Hoard Room Ritz-Cnrlton Hotel J(ri!ier New Yoik T'lilladelpliU t'ltt- burgh Stock Exchanges TA We Have to Offer Well-secured Industrial Bonds to Yield from 6 to 8C, Highest Grade Railroad Bonds to Yield fiom 5I., to 7. F. P. Ristine & Co. I. stab, too; ' I"' '"' in' 'til a a hi e Slow. , cftnnot'ii Widcncr BIdg., Phila. lorl. 61 Brosdwar New York 103 Broad St. Eliiabcth, N. J. We are interested in Portland Ry., Lt. & Power Co. 5s 1942 Com'wealth Pr., Ry. & Ltf Co. 6r'r Dividend Scrip Portland Ry., Lt. & Power Co. 6 First Preferred Stock G.UJalarK.e;o. DANKRnx Jlrwlirrt .Veu I'm fc mid '( 'Ii dilplna S(ot. Vxcliangt.i 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Atlantic, Gulf & West Indies Gaston, Williams & Wigmore v,iim im sn in the current Tiumbpr of The Kurdos & Burke Review I! ml t iiiw-.to s ntid Imrtl i - im i Mi i rtticlwxi the t mm i oi w ii, M'n free .p(ii itfiiivf fui No 135 Kardos & Burke . IIICKS A I) IIO l)S 1124 Walnut St., Philadelphia I'lttshiirsh New urk CIllt'HRIl' Direct I Itiltlmore eie A ires Hershey Choc. 7 2a. 1930 iPenna. Pr. & Lt. 7.i. 195 1 Gen. Asphalt 8s. 1931 iDeere & Co. 7' s. 1931 'Lehigh Pr. Sec 6s. 192 7 .Portland Rwy.. Lt. & Pr. 5s. 1942 AiCown&Cct Land Title BIdg. ' Meniliern I'lilb Moil r.Mlinin IS YOUR MONEY WORKING? ufll-kiMiM ii i itiiirtii time ii ml ritclnr criiiR ronip'tn rMiilrr itiUtif (onal riirtidil n iIimmc thr i onti tirflon (if ii mi (Ion cf IVntittlt A tilu' $100,000,000 HIGHWAY mm uprn Tin ttidn V III) rnl pfrrnap of ill tirtiftlN Iif ixilil tor nf tf tnuiir. I'rlnclpitlH dill dilrt's C 215. Ledger Office l" ' " '""' i,S m H I.L.SrvilTHtScCo. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1000 La Tills Bldf. Spmce 6721.2 ll.nton 4 'is AT'. tlT', 07 4, lTi UT ',, 117 i 117 ! Coll TT an .in 3.1 ', 33' I'wr Cs III ft i 1 ft Utan I' 1 77 V C Omm 1st 01 iift'i 'LI n.i, US 1 1 l. ,1s wn. Bo n 11 (Is Vs. C C I 7',p 1 ID', I I n.i North Western I 0.1 Hell Tel "s Vs. RiIIw h r,s H 07' 1 . . K-". 1 P7U West n lid 4s .... 97S! T 8S'4 XorrJ -S- -,..- " ' V. S. MlL rcei y . G Colladai SamuelMGeea RANKERS ,; hi I'll u 'oih rVji'ii'iye L'. S. Liberty Bonds Inwstment Securities bcvuitlic Nought and Hold mi Cammibbion KranUlin Bank Building TWENTY-FIVE HighGradeBonds Yield 5.50 to 8 We shall be pleased to sand our circular upon request. ISAAC STARR, Jr. & Co. Ilemlirrs I'lilli Smk Rsrhanie Nei lork lotton Kiihnnse Sixteenth and Saniom Stt. Not Merely a Place to Handle Money Ihe Hi'al Kstait" 'Itust lo, a "ln.-,iu's.s-titiancml" focal point m close touch with first hniul soutecs of im'ormution throuiiliout tin world, with a wealth of worth-while experience for you to thaw upon at anv time. Such lenitu you must use in order to know its full value. REAL ESTATE TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA Bronrl and Chestnut Sis. .Man ulio lias built up i'eral HtucU hrokerajro linns uanls partner with $20,000 to torin new firm with plan of proven merit. Ron C 217. Ledger Olhce Modern Banking Methods' In a Modern Banking House Resources $19,000,000 Union National Bank "lliere Jrcli Klrtr Crotset Third" I rilllwVDEMMIIA Time-Tested Bonds Returning 0 to $r'r EUWARDV.KAME&CO. MnrrU Ruilnins IsAtnlilitliril I? Y'r C. S. PAiTOiN &CO. in nirsTxtiT st. BANKERS Siffffor In biud auu NimUit iHiuiftil null w.w mi iniiiiiiUilun Mrmhf I'hlhi. N)fh KvtUmnw f ii A 7 iil'Vs-i lab. I fJ i . . '' C -viis' 5J v. ?t . ' . .;.? . 'M. f '. , . 4. W t . -nil ft' ,,A,