Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 22, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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EVENING PUBLIC ' LEDaEI-PHirADELPHiA, ' - TtTESiilY? MARCfl 22," ' 1921'
Hearing Arranged for Measures
Giving Magistrates Say Over
'$ "Home" Prisoners
' Kit a Staff Correspondent
Ilsrritvptirg, Miireh 22. Itpproontn
tlvc 8ovvcr. nf llnvp I.iinr-'s Twentieth
Word In Philadelphia, brought up hi"
Underworld IiIIIm for nlr nnd will Rive
them a public lirnring toiln
The bills provide that prWmcr-i ar
rested without vinrrnnt and on view
Fhall be tnKon before the innKMrntc
nerving in the district in which the ar
rests nre innde, nnd also pi'ualize po
licemen if the) fall to take prisoners
to the nearest ntntion house.
Mayor Monro aim citj ndminWttn
tlon leaders hold that the bills are des
Jgnntrd to eo that prinner arretted
in raids arc haled before so-rnlled
friendly maRitrate. whereas thp Phila
delphia police havn bien pendinR Mich
prioners to the f'it Hall
It Is generally believed the bills nre
dead, ns the leaders of the job combine,
who have had their ear to the ground.
hare repudiated them.
Mr. Sowers blandly insisted today.
however, thnt nil opposition bad "van
ished," and that n. n "courtesy to the
Mayor." he had decided to have - hear
ing before rushing them to final pass
age. Due to no Smothered
It is likclv the Sowers hills, if they
erer Ret out of the House committee.
will run up againt a tone wall when
the roll is called
At any rate. Mr. Sowers has made
arrangements for n hearing before the
Jndiciarj lncnl committee of the House
He has united tlie .vlnvor to attend
A. Merrltt Taylor Urges Bill to Con
nect His Systems With City
HnrrlsbiirR, March 22. A. Merrltt
TaIor, former director of transit in
Philadelphia, who li interested In In
tcrurban trolley lines connecting with
the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co . is
here today lighting for n bill, which
would permit the intcrurban lines to
connect with the P. II. T. for the pur
pose of carrying freight.
The bill has passed the House and
two readings in the upper chamber and
wnH sent back to committee The fight
is to get the bill out of committee.
Tnj lor Is opposed nppnrentjy by rep
lcsentatlves of the P. It. I'." who rely
on n recent decision of the Public Serv
ice Commission that the Philadelphia
Ilapld Transit Co. cannot be compelled
to cm ty produce or other freight, as it
is not a main part of their business.
Proposals to Change Charter
Opposed by Revisionists
and Combine
Tlv a Staff Correspondent
HarrishiirR, March 22. Senator Me
Nirlinl, Philadelphia, offered in the
Senate last night the bills proposed by
Mnvor Moore and opposed by Philadel
phia independents and the charter re
vision committee. Senator McNichol
was asked bv the Maor to present the
measures after Senator Woodward de
stined to sponsor them
When McNichol, an ally of leaders
"f the job combine, who also oppose thr
Maor's chnrter revision bills, pre
vent! d the measures there wis n stir in
. - rt t i . .. "'-Ill' II llli- tlMlllil
.Mayor .Moore However, nuns no cannoi ,hp Spnnte cmlnt)(.r "Has McNichol
coninouic 10 .ur icrt mcu-iumv , ", limped the job
he litis more important business on
hand. .
The cit administration pronably will
be represented !v Superintendent of
Police Mills Representative IMmonds.
of Oermantown. also will attend and
have charge of the opposition
Sowers' friend- are brave!) announc
ing that the bills will get out of com
mittee for n vote on the floor of the
House. Thev also say the hearing is
nucd the oi cnmnine and lined up
with the Mayor?" was the question.
"Are von Mo special representative
of the Mnvnr''" Senator McNichol was
"I a m not," he icplied. "The Mavor
nskul me ro present them. The bills
are up to him."
Senator McNichol. who comes from
Tom Cunningham's home ward, then
was asked:
'Are )ou breaking away from Cun-
tkeiy to take on inr imvor oi n pi nr-, . -,.,, thp othorsv
Ine of Kilkenny cats. It is even hinted
that Magistrate Carney will be here to
speak for the bi'N
Carney has mannged to achieve con
siderable "distinction" by hurling
thunderbolts at the Mnvor nnd police.
Carney muy be the headliner of the.
proceedings so far as tlio proponents ot
the bill are eonrerned. Put Mr Sowers
will not tnk . bnck seat. He is bus)
canvassing the Ilmi'i' for votes and may
nay stinging things about the Mayor
at the hearing
Sowers' letter to Ma.) or
He indicated this when lie distributed
copies of a letter he had mailed lo
Mayor Moore , This letter read in pnrt
as follows :
"In Philadelphia we have twenty
eight mncistrates, each in competition
with the other for appointment at Cen
tral Station. The mayors of Philadel
phia have assumed to themselves the
jower of appointment nnd )ou have
fallen into the same bad habit Reform
ers have for venrs complnined that this
power was nbu-od for political reasons
"The Mnvor is the head of the Po
lice Department nnd as such is the
principal ngencv accusing persons of
crime, and at the samu time is makin
and removing the magistrate at tht
Central Station before whom he brings
nls accused for hearing
"Do )ou believe that the executive,
legislative and judicinl branches of our
Sovernment should be separate and in
cpendent of each other? Do you be
lieve that as Mayor you should have
the absolute control over n niagistrite;
that you. ns nn executive, should on
trol a political function''"
ILirrishiirg, March 22 RilU tinally
passed and otherwie noted upon and
new meiiMin- ffend iu the Mine As
sembly an .i- follows;
Cyrn Li prml(tlK h hu"hva com
missioner to uh- , portion of tlio ni'inv
derived trim th lir-ni fWs of m itur p
hlclrs hi r inf-ire sprh 1 Iti hmiuhiIiik in
the construrtlc n and mnln' 'tnn . of siite
and slut. i'iiI hlhMAh fir ulan anil
othor i-x!tih u( th lipartinnt pissi-d
In the H usi
(Sowers Mil maklnc th aire nt which stit
rnnplujti mm lie iilm i 1 on th rctlrid IIhI
00 pass .1 llnallj In th. Hous by a
vote of U. h t.i 5il ns Th ri-tir-merit
ace n m li il".
Ilequlrlng itm Htnto Iluhirwty I)pirt-
-tnent to ms ntuin tltoura nlin hltfhas
ro bclm: conmr j-t-l anil 'i.rbid Imr defc.
ment of tTntH hliha tmit Mtrn nu-i
finally In th wnm nnd n.-nt to the llnuse
Authoniii- I hllu'l.-.i li'j tax r"plvcr to
iiu& i rtifira'u nnd rlairn4 for tajus
KptabliHhin. i conlltlnnal ils codr
ReiulrlnK hII ti.irhrH In P. tinnnla
vchnoig to dkf -he Math of nlbctan
lles-ulatlne r ttatt-H fir -ourl tj,X" In
third-class m -
Appr rr itins- i'lll HOI fir Tic instruction
or brldi.-1-s d troi-d l fr or Hood
Adding thne rmmlfn tv. th, V'ul. v Torse
Park ( jinmiaji iru
( oininltt' itlon
llr. Wolff I t n mail n mot i n thar
thn bill r I illr Ijdk- rt. Ir. r-nt
net, wh'ch m - i irr ! from committ
Tells Legislators State Should
Cot Revenue Congress Now
Is Collecting
Btt o htaff Correspondent
Ifarrhbtirg, jrnrch 22. A protest
against tlio Invnsion of the tnxlng field
of Pennsylvnnln by the federal govern
ment and n declaration that the legisla
tors must battle for more revenues for
two years were made b) Auditor Gen
eral Sn.vder todny at a meeting of the
Legislative League of the lower cham
ber Mr Sn)der said he would call on the
Legislature to adopt resolutions protest
ing to Congress.
In support of his opposition to the In
vasion of the state's taxing power bv
Congress, Sn.vder said that of the total
of $oO,000.(XH) in tpxes of nil sorts
collected in this state about SlVJO.OOO,
fHHI was collected b) the federal gov
ernment, leaving only nhout 227.000.
000 for the state and cities nnd counties.
Incidentally the auditor general said
the repeal of the Urooks high license
law would cost the state nhouf SI. (Hill..
000 in revenue nnnunll). Further, he
startled the audience when lie declared
that one-fourth of the population of
Pennsylvania were bootleggers.
Serious Need for Revenue
Snjiler said it was a curious fact that
last )cnr the state received more fees
from lienor licenses, despite the Vol
stead net, than ever before.
Sn.vder said more levetiues for the
Measuro In State Assembly
Would Give "Local Option"
to Communities
By a Staff Correspondent
llun-Isburg, March 22. Lenine nnd
Trotzky arc nmong the lending advo
cates of Sunday sports nnd amusements
nccnrdlnR to those who nre to speak to
day on the bills proposing various re
peals nnd amendments nf the blue laws
of Pennsylvania.
Tho Itev. P. Y. Schelly, of Phila
delphia, representing the lord's Day
Alliance, said :
"When Lenlnc nnd Trotzky seized the
Husslan Government they snvv In. tho
Christian religion n great obstacle In
tho way of sovletism. Churches weie
turned Into movies anil convents Into
gn rages and stables. Sunday ob
servance was slopped nnd today we see
tho result.
"Ocrmnn kulttir, too. ruled the fun
damental principles of Christianity,
with its lack of Sunday Sabbnth ob
servnncc, and todnv we sec the result
in thnt nation."
Ur. ScUclly. in opposing the McCnnn
local option on bunuay
Methodists Make
91 Pulpit Changes
Continued from rK One
Ohrlst Church 8. W. Smith. .
Dewreliux MemorUl W 1. nillmiworth,
Kbetiner V. C. 8am!rsun.
Kmmanucl C. It. ShlrV
Kpworih I'. A. flacks. .
Tho rn J B UnllUBher.
rielchfr nichurd lUilcllfle.
Forty-third Btrcot a. K. MeConnll,
Urate i;, J llond
Mnnavunlu Kbentier W. It. Shaw.
Mount Zlon U. S. Menlne.
.Mnry A, Hlmron W J Downing.
Nineteenth Street J, T. Gray.
Iluxliorouuh: Central W O. Tyson.
Kmanutil 0 V. Hurnwood.
Hldse Avenue William May.
8t AwlreWa A C Jamna
Sanctuary OeorK II. He
H. U Cooper Memorial W. C Ske-ilh.
Tnentlcth Street -Arthur Oaltes
Tweiity-nlnlh Htreet George N. Ilabcock.
Wlssahlclion V I.. Atnthor.
CI. v SI HAW. Ulalrlct Superintendent
Aabury Wavne Channel).
LlniK'n Slnet J T alchell.
Analomlnk W. C Dcnnld.
Hanitor J, It Itoier.
Ilelfaat and Wind Gap W. A Smith.
Ilc-nalem C. E. Iluraaton
llethari O. D. Wllllatni
Ilethlthim IYII Memorial W S, Dauton.
Wil-j I II. KctelJ.
llrlKtol J J Illnaham.
Canadoniilii T. II Jeffery.
Catasauqua J. I' Satchel!
Chapmana and llushklll Hiram McVelBh.
Cheltenham II M. Howella
Cherry Vnllr Harry Truax.
Cornwtdla T N Hyde,
Kaat Mauch Chunk ll. M. Archer.
Kuft Stroudaburn J. U Qrauley.
Canton Tint Church W. II. Fonl.
OU idtn W. J. Hiivvden.
VI. nmrlil J .1. Hunt.
H rond I'hurch -Charles Itoads.
Kant Ilanifor C n. Ilndcllffe.
Ilulim-vlllv C U. Ilenjamln
t.ahnslii C. A Anderson,
I.nnshorna r W. Scott
I.unxfird A S Vtorrla
I.i'hluhton nnd Parr villi G If. G. Ilowland.
men sure tor
observance, declared n originated In n If" " ' r.v.U J,'" J" "-:' -"''
siniill section of Pittsburgh, which al- viurrisviiii 1 ,m hhirry.
though in America has a population .Mount I'ocnno w. r l'lrjan
foreign in it aspects and sympathies. I M'(J"u1"1nn,,,l"m'" f'Bn'"5("1,1 rostofflce
He wild such a measure would L'ive for- v,',oinhnnhorir i nouiioi
, . . .. . " . . .: '-:: -...-..- .-"."-
eigners Here nn opopuunity to overrule
the American idea of Sabbath Observ
ance and supplant it with the continen-v
tai Mummy.
foreigners are hero in the provi
tl n
ir ihrn -
i Inn.
, bj
Mlth n neffrft i inirii, d ktii n
on the umlir i ,ii rtiiodinu th
or tho tommiM'
The -.Hfit tplfnfr .1 i r, nim tip
atnend"1 th. tui f r ei harueir .f r .d
bond it H'.'O f r tl s f ri.l s., that
holders in xrh ,tu.-ln tl i m -h iav the
iunR prtimiun h in ha'- f mi. I onds
be Imufd tlu vnr rhi b .1 th' i
reported ba k t tin si nate
HtnsteJn bill ih rtniit riu- u't "initno.
rtonera to ia - ti m ,.f rs nt an tljjr
between I"' atil hi i i rrtn I h. k to ni
mltten In th ( nat.
Other I IN t". mtnlifd w - r xi'i
aalarles f sheriffs In s inth r tip c m
ties riBuiJtinK' alwrtj tu n f (oliniiics
In I'htlu I. phu li rem, iik fru I iro nuar
nntlno jo ,ti i, pinnul. n thrl.iiiss rty
rwle am. n Itm Ms se. i I i lass tiirhjn tr
protector Llll
Vi IHUi. In eimtf
Plilt, I'hllMili'lliliI i Vuth r iio.
tarbs i ..n ibtm o ! ti l
ahd al bit in if .1 r i Hr min 1 it n
1 Iim Im th. ' .b n i i , ,
wi protn jtn t ,r
Vare I'hlliiilitidil i I - hli-l u,- salari
of msmiK r of si n I r - i . i, r C mmis
Ion at IJ'io rni i i . ,i no iar
fehnnti. la-hlich Vppr ir ,iiik ." i'i -do
to Sla' II h.i l il t l ml ti li
Klnteln Mb irhm Ir v loo, unalties
for vloln' m f Ih. li t of 11)111 r allvo tn
mpluvrn ii f c Ml lien hi ih atn ul per
lorinunc a.
Neu IlliU In linn. !
T'runklln. I'liiliidrlidilu Sup senr nies
ot the Hi t ,,.,. t i , ,np ,, , t to
rerulate trafti ml t imin p. na mP n t
luceedtnc I.'oo f r m im i-
(jiH-hrln: VlleKhrni '1 i nciun ir.urm.i
and estabtiab f.rn bt hftf I n juhim es
of th p fii-i ii liTitien iii.I iniaxtrm h ,,f
tfca cumin 'nwealili
llendi-ron Vlesiiiioreliuid Inrreacitif;
motor vhl '. ! ati. fiat, vi .- ,nt
Kituts, l.nmatitrr Auth- run i ojrts f
Quarter b.Hlni ii inmnn i, inr .,fr rs
lh casea iOwh tn
forrtiM, Mhuhem Itirpiirinv ti,M auditor
mneral to pr u l ' r Mi. null if a . unt
.Miller Lucerne H into s ii Hie itei n
tlon of unniplonihnt bv i it pi'i sutuitf m tl
inirmen whir il at t nil. url i un ni
IluJiieo, llurka Authorlli - th Imti ,f
lands in c inn n slth in i -i ij im 1 1 1, n t
loll brldui a iiir hiunlan watnra t(, imr
OUKhs and I ifnh p fir park purt hi .
(older. I'ldllldrlplllil -Vlaklntl liitr p
ports eldiiir In ihi trlHl of appeaU to
Common Pit-u nuns
Wulkrr. I'liiludelplilii Cllvuik the Uinkin
department sup ninlin ot tlu apinintmem
of cortsirate Julliidus 1 lesiators oun
r realner if !i i
Dunn, riilladelphlii (t.m nil a "immla
Idon of five I i It- i an hint irtr iit as i
oumetsry for ihi burlil of lwll n t Holdlem
tailors, inarin. n ours and no nil- ra
MI the Nallonul duml iiiinlm I' ll lo r.
port tu the Asftiii v f ItiJJ in miImih t
nerve without .iiiiusnsatlun r irucn an
appropriation of Jtoon to paj exuenna
tioiotuh. riilludelplilii id.llfyii,k- the
penal laws of the slute ns drafted by a com
inliitan appointed by the Assembly ot 1D1U,
'I am friendl) to eryloily. win
the senator's reply.
As both tho combine lenders and the
independent oppose the Mavor's bills,
thev ore regarded here as orphan chil
ill en who ure even deprived of a home
The Mavor s bills would llrjerallr.e the
civil service section of the new chnrter
nnd extend thr terms of one-half of
the membership of Council.
Senator Woodward explained that in
n telephone conversation with Durell
Shunter, secretary to Mayor Moore,
he explained his refusal to handle the
bill" on the ground thev have not been
nidorsid by the chnrter committee.
"I nm n' member of the chnrter com
mittee." said Senator 'Woodward, "and
for thnt reason I believe it would be
inconsistent for ine to introduce any
measure affecting municipal government
in Philadelphia that did not meet with
the unnroval of the charter trnmers
"I told Mr. Sinister I would be
glad to introduce nnv measure for the
Muyor if he first hnd it indorsed l
the' chnrter committee. Hut from tin
present outlook I think he will have to
go elsewhere for a sponsor
llarrisburg. March '22 In spite of
an effort bv Senator Woodward, Phila
delphia, to recommit the measure for n
hearing, the Senate passed finallv the
House lull giving preference in. Phila
delphia city civil appointments to vet
rnns of the world war. Senator
Wbodwnrd's request was countered bv
Senntor Vare. Philadelphia, who nsked
who desired a hearing
"The Civil Service Association," re
plied Senator Woodward
Senntor Vnre rejoined that the bill
was n worthy amendment to the city
chnrter nnd would give deserved recog
nition to soldiers nnd sailors who went
OTor the seas
Senntor Dnix, Philailclpb.ui sup
ported Sen i tor Vnre
The bill now goes to the governor
Bond Issue of $1,000,000 by State
Authorized by Measure
Dover, Del., March 'JL' Kuilj this
morning, during the night session, the
House pnssei House bill providing
for a soldiers' bonus The bill au
thorizes the state to ivup bonds for
SI. (kin. "DO wliith bonds would be
liquidated in fort) veurs The bill pro
vides a miiMinum bonus fur twent.v-tlve
months ut ipl u month The nveutge
serv ii e of the service men of Delawnie
whs ten months and it is estimated thnt
10(10(1 would be beni lited by the irifns
un should it hi i ome ft luw All soldiers,
-nilors, niiirinis and army nurses vho
thnt revenue of SI. ",0.000.000 was re
quired, or at the rate of SO.". 000,000 n
"You must get the money, boys,"
said Snvder, "from somewhere. I don't
care where, cool, minerals, gasoline,
manufacturers, nr where, but you must
get the mono) nnd it will need nil the
fight there is in vou to get it "
Warns of Federal Invasion
On the subject of the federal gov
ernment, he said
"If vou penult v ourselves to sit still,
just ns woman suffrage was passed,
just as the Vnlstuid act was passed,
just so sure will the federal govern
ment run the state more and more un
less you get up and tell the congress
men where they should stop in this
invasion of state's rights "
Mr. Snyder defended the principle
of stntc income from liquor sales.
"If a man needs a barrel of liquor
from a druggist because he is sick."
he said, "we should get the benefits of
a tax from it One-fourth of the popu
lation of Penns.vlvnnln are bootlegging
anyhow Wh) not benetit thereby?"
"Could a tax on manufacturing cor
porations bo arranged?" he was asked
"Yes," he replied, "and .vou could
tax coal. You're taxing rul'mads now."
"I don't spo why n muiilcipalitv
which owns its own gas or water plant
shouldn't he taxed like a private or
porntion. Philadelphia is an instance
Then there are oil resources. The heir
to our Pciuis.vlvnnin oil binds nre nil
over the woild counts and no-nciounts
in rurope and elsewhere. Why not
collect from them?"
Representative MiGill. Franklin,
urged a "clian sweep" of all resoiuce
on tuxntion In reference to the bill
board tax be said : "We know many
tirms nre spending what should be
their iniome taxes on billboards "
I'p-state numbem of the House of
Kepresetitntivos to the number of nft)
decided at u meeting of the legislative
state was the biggest question of the donee of(!od." he said, "and we wel
dnj For the last twentv venrs. he said, come them Hut we must American
the state has not done' anv imnrovine Mw them, not permit them to 'foreign
except in highwnvs. Now, he said, the""' lls '" opening the way for them to
greatest need was for more mone.v for overtluow Ametican institutions."
the schools Thousands of young" men' "The value of the foreigner to America
and women, he added, are being turned I "" '" Ms acceptance of our principles
nwnv from institutions of higher learn-1 nnd traditions.
Ing for the reason thnt the stiito Insti- "America always has n welcome for
tutions are tilled tn enp.ieit). n foreigner who has come to follow our
For the next two vears he estimated I Inws Put mini have come with the
purpose of overthrowing our govern
ment and the fundamental Institutions,
among which ranks high the American
Sabbnth. And this bill which provides
any town, borough or ward upon pres
entation of n petition signed by 10 per
cent of its residents mnv call an elec
tion and deeidii whether they will per
mit sports on Sunday , would permit
just such n step bv n small number of
foreign-born in any community."
Mr Iti adv. who is president of the
National Association of Motion-Picture
Industries, urged the well-nienn-ing
proponents to look into other forms
of the theatrical business,
"I am talking for the poor man's
amusement," said Mr. Prad.v. "Why
don't .vou look into grand opera, the
Mi tropolitnii Opera House, or "Aphro
dite." for instance?"
The galleries burst into cheers nt this
The producer said his association had
pledged itself to remove objectionable
features ftom the niovies. Censorship is
iiii-Anierican, he continued, and is an
attempt to examine the product before
"I never produced a dirty picture or
produced a dirt) play. M) daughter
(Aliic iirail) l never ida.veil in s iliitv
picture," he concluded nmid applause.
French Correspondent and German
Near Blows In Naples Cafe
Naples, March 'J2. Ill) A. P I
Prince Joachim Albreoht of Prussia, n
cousin of former Kmpcror William,
who wns arrested and lined in Ilerlin
Inst spring for provoking nn attack on
the French mission in the dining mom
of the Hotel Adlon mid an unph ilsnut
experience while taking te.i nt a hotel
here hist evening.
I it,, i, Inilnhlm trilo. linil ti..ii Itc-
l.-ague. neiii neiore nio morning session Unninj; , the orchistra in the dining
of tin I.egislatuie, to unite in behalf of ronm w,, wat(,,i ,lt UlMi.t aroso from
revenue jiiisnm it-Kisiuuiiii .vn iiion - nl. rljr nmI unpn .nt-tiofi the orchestia ,. ''"'
Minim; mi. iib. i r. ; '"""" i leader, intending to ask for the phi) ing ,iY.77i p ir,i
will be bent to having the t atliii inun.i- ,lf ......pinl piece of i.iusli . As he ad- 1 ir.mns-cVlMn u
fin tunm; capital tnx and Phillips nut- vnnci-d, however, Mns line llnsc. cor- Cornwall a. H. Omh
New Hope VV It Aatrll
Newtown n. C Urimtha.
1'en Ars-vl VV. I, Orny.
Itnn'a 1'iik C. II. Atiderman
Portland and lit laivnrc Water Gap Frank
Ma -U
Quaki rtown c W. Green
llaubsvllb ll f Wmtnn
Hnhtnond yHn. Hiiniln.
Siottvlll. A .VI Vivien.
Miotliutim nnd sl.ilnlili 3. (I Evarott.
s'lruudrLurK II. W Westwood.
bunimlt Hill X I. Dindson
TannerHvllle D It. Maxwell
'lobliatiini C VI Ilnddawa
'freviisi J U. It.irtM.1.
Tulljtown U A Dyer.
Wels't vil.slon J. T. William!.
Yardltj o II Kdwards
(i VV linXsON. District Kuperlnietidant
Av. .ml ili W. .1. Marka.
IlHlnbridKO and Palmouth trnest Ilenton.
Ilethbhem Krnest Jlarkley.
llni-hms F. M, UIoukIi
llruukllm J M. rithlan.
IIwood sjupplv
Ouster .Vladlsnn Street Gladstone Holm.
I'nrkstde I'Incc 1'aul Hdfy.
I'rovldinie Avinui H. X. Kelser.
South flu titer i: r Hoffman.
Trinitv c" I.. Gaul.
( llfion II K M lilt r
Pochranvllle J. O. I.jnn.
Columbia c'ookinan W. If. Ilcvt-r
Plrst C'hurth Samuel Johnson,
('roil, rvlllt T. II. c'rooks
Darin I, r Dausmnn
Hast l.unadiinne It. 11. Wells
IMilvatnnt II D Allott
lllam mil lklhl him T. S MJnk-r
rremoni T VV Itldlntcton
Krlindahlp II, It INhelman.
Fulton ' hrlMInn Kry.
libn Mills rnd s'lony Hank G. D. yulinby
Gr. dvllit H I. Gentrj.
I.iihIi nliurth ind Hint Hill II. Samuel.
I.tinsdowne A A Arthur
l.ltna VV 11 .Mlihener.
I.lnwool Hi Ishts Allan Judd.
l.lainrih and Hiiheada O. H Duffield
Man im Huok John l'rleat
Mh ii tin r I H. Morrow.
.Vfvrtdmllton Supply.
Media F A. Manlove.
.Vlurtoii f" II lVllon
Vbiiini Mnpi Mian iluldimnn.
Mount Hope Circuit A. J. 1. in son
Mount NVb C 11. Knopp
N w l.o.iloll J A. Scott
Norwood If -ijamln Ii I'lsh
dx ford W. T. Kwlng
I'liisp, cl Park G I' Heck
Ou irrvlll Alt xn ndi r Miitonah
Itldl. i Park II. C. Turner,
.safe Harbor Circuit II. X. Wrluht
.sli.iron Hill H. s Noon.
Mliam (I) luuare Liint W, A Ellis
south Midla (! J lllrd.
strusburK 11. c Dalens.
.swjrtliinor 'VV. II Humphrej.
Trainer II. D Ilublnson
I non and South M. dla John atringtr
I i land A I Tnvliir.
Washington UoniuKti A. K. Smith
VV'St Ch-ster Jav Dlckerson
West Grove G. K. Cnuner.
HIT lllsritlCT
a ll III ItNS District !uperlntndint
Vrdnii re tf Doill
Aikli'ii nnd Mount I'I 'uutit Ji scph Ah
lterrHlni i T K Metier.
llerwii V W (juimbv
Ulrd Ill-Hand 1" W. Gutbub
l"in Mam Kiolnur J It T Gia
St. l.uk-s C U Urodhfad
CliirbsioMi V A' KautTin.ui
c'lillh i ina and Gap W IT Hoblnson
c bur, hi an and Mornanlown M l
Ural resoiines tux bills reported out of
committee ami allow members to de
cide on one of them in order to pi initio
the revenue which the) decline Is
urgentl) needed
!. . ..i !a iiii'nii'iiiit i. ji srrr
lyMvisiu,, co. itown-I ti Davis
iespoi,dint of the Paris
steppeil in front nf the prlncii nnd umbi i ll lulus u H. liarncs
stoppu him. exilaimingi I ,Y,,",5,U'- 1ito,!,.JIIV?r''
.,, , ... ti t 7 ,t. i Dauphin S VV Drum
iii.li i oo iimiiiiii'ii li, niniw lllll -
self h"ie among our Italian fneiidi'nftor
the incident of tin Hotel Adlon In Berlin?"
Tiio Fienchnuin lunud nud (ailed to l Ji ln .ml r.l.n-er I.eruv i:ains
the orchestra to phi) the M-irn4IIale. j', "1, '-,- !)S0X
ind then, as rriticc .loaclilin nnd M. iiimevbnuk c r snikcid
DowiitiiLtowt. 11 r Haini r
l.hiiKin (1 ,S K.rr.
Gtorhtown K J llartmjii.
Glad vvne -W I,. Sleek
tllanmori I. Cunii
Assembly Canva, Show. Sentiment S - S$ZT"
Favors Return to Party Selections I stepped in and sepaintisl them, ciosini ivki c hurch it h. i.'nuf.rd
pr ii snvv sirviie ami have an hnnonible ills.
i hinge, would be entitled to tin bonus
Five Hoiiso bills affecting the bank
ing businiss ami advocated bv the stati
hank I'omniissloiiers and State Hunkers'
Assooiatmn were passu! hv the Seu.iti i
( Ine iocile the present laws; two
piciviili' for tnving binks trus-t com
pniuis and savings banks about .?;i,(lil(l
vearlv , one makes some hnnges in the
building loan issoeifltion Inws and an
other repeals sunn lnw not u filed be
i mine of tdi rixlificition
IIoiisi hills iiiillinri.ing the I.evv
Court of New rustle cntiutv to issue
bonds fm 'sson fic-ii tl, i,,, tWo bridges
over the lininilv wine in Wilmington,
were ieu-itnl fiivnriibh In the House.
The Striate passed the House bill
inniiging lie nniiif ot Delaware I outgo
to I niveritv of llehiwiire The House
Bv a Staff orrnspotident
Hiirrisbiirg, March 22 Both the
nonpartisan and second -clnss city non
partisan election laws are to be re
pealed, it was announced here toduv
It is declared that not only have the
legislative leaders given their snnctiou
to the program, but that both branches
of the Assembl) have been canvassed
during the lust few clays and nun)
more than enough votes to assure pus
sage of both repealers have bun
'I he initial move in the program was
made lust night when Senator Leslie
Pittsbiitgh. brought the K.vre judicial
repo.ilcr out of the Senate elci turns
committee Hnd started it on its wii)
Before the bill returning the nomina
tion unci oleitlon of judges to partisan
polities was icporteel out of the dic
tions committee tonight. Senator Leslie
had stricken out an uinenilniont he iu-I
silted some weiks ago which would huve
deln)ecl the bill's opi rations until after i
the judicial elietions of this )ar. It,
would nor have become opeintive until1
after the first of Janunr.v next. '
About twent) counties of the stat '
elect judges this yeai unci the senutors I
iiruj assi'iiihlymen representing n mini - I
the incident.
Assembly Wants U. S. to Collect
I..U1. nul. r Avmue VV, s Nichols.
it s Mr .t- VV II Iti"-VS
st Paul's 11 11. slider
ban n t tuenary H Dlnnse.
in i - 11 s I ox.
t ,.!..,!.. .1....1.. .. ... . , ., I'lK n--
ii-iii n-si union iifi-iuriuK It. to oe tlie Mniitrn sutph
sense of the t.eneral Assemblv that the vitddlctnwn- ' I Iienjuinln
war debts of foreign governments to tho ,1!j! !,!f!" .- Mi "l)'."
T I t'. .t.l . li i Mill !Jtll II llrPCr
1 lilted St.ltis be not canceled so that b nnt Ji.v-.vt F Davis
the proposed government bonus to sol- "'""'"""A . Walls
dlers, snilors and murines of the world J.;ri'7J, ,lr2Lv"'T'i lunkle
war be not imperiled wns passed by the' I'm m- j "ji skoath
House The resolution wns offered in ' '' '"'"i u- x satiiln l-o
Mr Rrenille Ilorlis I M ' ajl s and Iliirmoiu 1 S Whltaker,
.vir. ivrenuie, nerus s , , , v v Kaulfmun
Palunsra I'ercy 1, Carpenter.
HtfBlton V A. Tjson
Thorndale Circuit J H. Ttomllnson.
Tower CltyJ G Smith
Tremont Oeorge A. Iflmghead,
Wnvne 12. VV. Itushlon.
Wlconisco J. K Hlctler.
J. G. WILSOX. DIstrle-t Huperlntcndent
Ambler George O. Delmont.
llethel b. r. I'almer.
Hethol Circuit C, n. Tcrhunc.
Illrdsboro O. V. Klclnhcnn,
Cedarvllln nnd Templo (I'ultstown rostofflco)
J. I,. Hunt.
Chalfont II II. I'rouse.
Conshohuckcn T. A. Armour.
Cresiona nnd Orwlesbum W. II, Zvvelrlif.
Cutnbola nnd New rhllndelphla To bo sup-
Doyleslonrr. P. W. Smith
Uvansburs C. II Weller. ,
I'riickvlIK C H. Holston. '
Gllberton II. A. Scull.
Glrardvlllf A C. P. Oltev
Olensld S. M. Thompson.
Unmount I) W. Kleivrlst.
Hatboro K. W Uurke.
Jarrtttown A. a Ornhatn, Sr.
Jenklntown A .M. Kudcr.
I,andili J. i:. Grnulcy.
I.lewilljn Prank Illnler,
Mahanuv Clt W. II. llldlnisfon
Mnhinov riane John Dinks.
Mlnersvllle It. S. McIIeth.
Mnntsotitrv rtiiu.irL Gcort.' It. Olikslij.
Norrlstiivvn' l'lrst Church A. 1,. Shalkop.
Haws -Avenue .T II. rivurts.
Dak Street John Klleo.
Xorth Wales . I'. Stevens,
riiocnlxvlllt II O. CHrnilclmtl.
Port Carbon Charles Truax.
l'ottstown I'lrsl Church D A. Ittnkil
SVarles Memnrlal W. B Harkncss.
J'ottsvlllf W A Iluwden.
Prospectvlllc II O. Haney.
Itcacilnif rovmnnt A. II. aoudle.
Grice D. II Pranklln.
Holj Crns V It. D'ud-niuth.
Italian Mission It. A. Miiulone
People's C, P, Kulp.
IS lint Piter's J. M Sin llv.
Wlndsiir Street It. rt. Hiilfmnn
Iloersford A. M Wltver.
Snlnt Clair I T. .Edwards.
Hchuylkl'l Haven Paul llarton
Shenandoih I.. I Znok
Hprlnir City W. V Hrook.
TiunaiUa nnd Mlddleporl W 11 Vljus
William IVnn II O. Main.
Vallej Pors'e Thomas Klnsstoo.
Willow Grove 11 11. Johnson.
The Methodist Lpiscopnl conference
held in the Wharton Memorial ( Hunch
todn) unnnimouslv approved a resolu
tion petitioning llishop Berry to ap
point the Hcv. H. Vj. Johnson ns held
agent of the ponferrp.ee board of pro
hibition nnd public morals.
Mr. Johnson, known us "the raiding
parson" for his activities as a full
Hedged prohibition enforcement agent,
has been pastor of the Twenty-ninth
Street Church. He wished to be re
lieved of pastoral duties.
Mr Johnson is recuperating from n
breakdown nt the Lnkanau Hospital.
Immediately after n devntloiuil serv
ice led by the Itev. Thompson V. Mc
Klnne) , Bishop Berry announced ix
transfers from other conferences to the
Philadelphia Conference and three
trnnsfcrs from this to other jurisdic
tions. The clergymen transfcrl'd from here
to other fields nre the Ilev. Virgil II.
Uorer, former!) pastor of the Arch
Street Church, who goes to the Indiana
Conference; the Ilev. II. 15. Helms, who
goes to the Southern California Con
ference, and the Ilev. Thomas 11. Ootid,
to the South Carolina Conference.
In addition to the list of pastors here
were the Ilev. W. (J. Mitchell and the
Ilev. A,. S. Mlceli. from the (Jenescee
Conference, New York; the Ilev. C. 15.
Knttpp, from the Wilmington Confer
ence; the Ilev. L. S. I5wing. frum the
Northern New York Conference ; the
Ilev. P. II. Chapman, from the Col
orado Conference, and the Ilev I' B.
Short, from the Oregon Confeience.
Thanks Impressed
The committee on courtesies lauded
Bishop Berry and extended thanks to
the congregation of the conference
church, to the newspnpers and to vnri
ous officials of the conference. The
committee, composed of the Itev
Arthur Oaks, the Ilev. V. M. Ora) and
the Itev. T V. McKenty, piesentecl
tills resolution :
"Ilesolved. thnt Bishop Joseph j". j
Berty has greatl) endeared himself to
members of the Philadelphia Confer
eneo bv his mnnly, fratetiinl, Christian
deportment nnd bin uniformly Impartial
conduct of the sessions of the confer
ence, His prcs'ilcnc)' at this confer-cne-e,
as well as his social intercourse
vvitlk the brethren, together with bm
eloquent nnd Inspiring sermon on Sun
day morning, bus been great ble.sslng
to nil.
"Ilcsolvcil, that the thanks of tho
conference) arc due and nre hereby ex
pressed nnd extended to tho Indies of the
Whnrton Memorial Church for the
seven days of devotion so beautifully
nnd unstintedly rcndcicd to the con
ference. "Ilesolved, that wo extend our thanks
to the good people ot tho "Wharton
Memorial Church, who liavo honored us
with the hospitality of their homes.
"Ilesolved, thnt the conference tnkes
plcnsiue in tendering to the gentlemen
of the press of Philadelphia merited
commendation for their correct nnd full
reports published in tho morning nnd
evening papers. Their work this yeur
has never been excelled."
Thanh Blslion Nccly
The thanks of the conference nlso
were extended to Bishop Thnmns II,
Nccly. the Ilev. W. 15. P. Hans, the
conference host; the Itev. Chnrlcs M.
Boswell. the Itev. Jacob S. Hughes,
tho Hev. Itobert C. Wells, secretary of
the conference; the Itev, A. P. Mnn
love, stntlsticlan; the Itev. W. A. Fer
guson, conference treasurer; the Ilev.
Cornelius Hudson, conference choris
ter; Mrs. Albert T. Bowers, conference
orrntiisf. nnd the Bethany Presbyte
rian Church, which allowed the use of
its auditorium for specinl meetings.
Chamberlain Gives Up Old Post
London, March 22. (B) A. P.)
Austin Chnniberhiln. who .vcsterdn.v
vv.is elected liiuler of tho House of Com
mons and lender o! the Cnlonist pnily
In tlit House, announced to the House
todav that he was plvlns up his post of
i luiiicellor of the exchequer, and that
(he new chancellor would present the
budget. Mr Clinmberlnln did not In
dicate the identilv of his successor.
Mrs., Werner, in Court, Say.
She Is Daughter of Hugh
Craig, Jr.
A woman claiming to bo the dauBhtse
of tho Intc (Hugh Craig. Jr.. Z?$F
man one! member of the First Clie
Troop, nppcared In tho Orphans Court
claim to a ulnno of tho estnto Mr. Orni.
Inherited from his father. Uta,!
The clalmnnt, Mrs. Werner kn
lives In this city, created n sitreriM
nfter tho death of Mr. Craig. Jr nh"
claiming to bo his daughter. Mr (relit
was recognised nnd known ns a ens
firmed bachelor. a con'
It appeared thnt under the win v.
had only tho income from his fathseN
estate. Upon his doath his cUUil ?
children, if lie had any, were to mt tht.
iu fnclpnl left by tho older Craig. c
Mrs. Werner wns represented In the
case liy foimer Judge W. W. Portor
while Mnurlco II. Saul, counsel for tlie
Pennsylvania Trust Co.. executor of
tlio estate, resisted the claim.
In referring to the claim of Mrs
Werner, who is a widow, former .Tiidce?
Porter said her mother's relations with
Mr. Craig extended over a period of
some forty years, nnd sha wns known by
the mime of Scott in this city nnd In
Washington, I). C. ' ln
The in oofs of thu mnrringe between
her and Mr. Craig were lost, hut their
lelatlnns were attested bv 2000 letters
during thnt period, he snld.
Tho argument lieanl in court todav
was on exceptions to the report oi
Hampton L. Carson, mnster, who pr.
vutely heard the claim of Mrs. Werner
l A I'I
I fl ll ss
A trade-mark that identifies a
quality of fabric with originality
of style properly tailored and
KJe0 Shades and Styles
Hand -Tailored Suits
Ladies', Misses', Juniors'
22.75 27.75 38.75
Tailored Hats
Mannish Shirts and Waists
Made to order or ready to wear.
Sport Hosiery Silk Hosiery
Mann & Dilks
llurrisburg, .Man h UL' The concur- '',' "n'!,.Nl "' ij'dlniiii i: H Hsrshtorger
. -. ,.t. .,!.. .I....1 It. . , .. I.i I. lis ,, ,. I.SUt llflll.'lUC
hill nppioi nnriiig 'sl.'Ori umiiinllv foi a her of these Insisted thej would'not sup-
summer s, , m tl II. gn wns'pnesnl I l",r' '' meiiMirn unless it became eiper-
bv the House nfive ut once. The ametielnient of to-
tiiglit was made to win their support
ami friends of the bill believe its pus
suge is now ii smi i im
If the measuie passes, the judges in
the state. Including a Judge of the Su
I n me Court to sin ecu! former Attorney
(ieriernl William I Schaffer, will be
Tin Hn'ise also passu! the flouse bill
tn ieorgiinie rhe Niitionnl frtianl to
mnki It fimfiiiiii wuli the nntinuiil ih'
fe use lie t
Tin IIoiiM' difealed tlie bill to eleale
a stati Iiuuni of publie utilitv commis-
klntitirs itnd the si,,,,.),., .lpd Ihi. lull I..
increase the enliirv of the deput) at-1 mimui on tiuriy ucKeis
toniev general
Hearings Here on City Bills
IlarrNhiirg, March 1'2 - Senator House Agrees Against Arbitrarily
Vare chairman of the munieip.il uf . D uw.n.. n !..
fairs commltten f the upper . hninlH-,- ' Pllln9 Expense on City
nuiioiineeel todov a public hearing will II irrKburg, March 'J2 The Hoiimv
be iiiuliiotfd in Plillndelphiu Thursdn) balked In-t night on a I'bilnelelplua
itv Council's finance room i unary raiser ut tenting tiio unieu mil
Htterniiim in Cit
on (lie I'tu ndelphiu election and mini
t'llmnnic lulls The bills- were m heduled
tor u hearing h'ie todnv and totnor
rnvv senator Vare, however, foi tlio
convenieiicti uf Philndelphlans. bin
iirninged to have the hearings in Phila
delphia The bills in (piestion are pro
posed by a cciinmltte of city and county
othcinls and bv Council
State Gasoline Tax Asked
IlarrNhiirg, March 'J'J ( luiiruinn
I In u hi n of the House wa)s and nuuiis
committee today will introduced a bill
establishing a state tux of one cent a
gallon on gasoline.
to biot the salaries of interpreters III
the I'Mlnilclphiii courtH from ?25(M) toi
?:t.'(io !
Defeat of the hill was a victory for
the fric'iels of Mavor Moore, who huve
been opposing the impnieition of nrbi
tiurv salar) uicreui-ea on the taxpayers
of Philadelphia b) tlie I.eglHlature.
Convention Bill Shaping
ll,irrlshiirn'. March 'I'i Slate Chair
mini Crow lunk.s fur an eailv iiL-rt'i'iin til
on the constitutional uinverition bill,!
whleli lias Iieen in n Meniite coniinlttee
for u weik owing to objection! to the
congressional dintrlct as a unit,
ISN'T it idv,intiigeuus to purcluisc our i.olTee where
freshness in rnnsting is insured)
All our coffees are selected mid ro.tsted in n scientific
rnunner in our own establishment so ns to produce
Coffees with rich aroma
Coffees wth delightful fragrance
Plantation lb. 36c I French Breakfast lb 40c
n.... !..... ii. in.ln.i .. .
uM,iwT " ws,. uniiui7 . . . . . , ,j. JOC
Connoisseur . . .Ih. 50c Peaberry Blend
Uld (jovernm t Ulend, lb. 50c I Panama Blend
.lb. 50c
.lb. 28c
Own Baking
Hot Cross Buns
Regular Style 20 Doz.
Extra Rich, with Currants 28 Doz.
Yes put them in the hot oven und in n
few momenta they'll be ready to serve and such
Cross Buns just ;is light und velvety hs cm
be made, (
Mitchell Fletcher Co.
Finley Acker Co.
Market at 12th Chestnut at 18th
S600 Germantown Ave. Atlantic City
kLLkiSBBtSkkV "W tl.1 VMBwl DB AiBCLjLBtftlkBSsfl&BBBWsto aSnmXOfSBkKM
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No woman can afford to overlook this Complete and
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NEMO CORSETS mect th0 indlvIdual "ocda && wearers by prcsorvinff
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monoy. Tlioy are divided into the following Services:
Self-Reducing Service For Stout Women. . (22 models) $5.00 to $9.00
Wonderlift Service For AH Women ( 9 models) 6.50 to 15.00
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Smart Set corsets 03 model) $3.50 to 12.00
Thov aro desipnod for all typos and represent a aprvlco of a general nnturo thnt appeals
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They aro made in a variety of materiala.
OWLETS For All Figures (12 models) $1.50 to $5.00
They do for tho upper part of tho flguto what tho corset does bolow. They equnlizo tho
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the rest of thu fii'uri!
fie fitted by a corset hyaieniat in any good store.
A )'
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