Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 21, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2

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Honored for Bravery
Victims Berated for Poor Busi
ness Before Fatal Shoot
ing, Police Say
Two men were shot nml klllr, by An
font- Shutlovle, n saloonkeeper of Fourth
nnd Chestnut streets. ( Vittn1in. accord
Ing to the police, following H qilRrrel
In the lattor's place 1.11 night I
Fred Shnw. !, nl v street nml
Ralghn's avenue. Camden, one of Shut I
lovie's victims, -lied tills morning nt
the Cooper Hospjinl of bullet wounds'
In the abdomen. Charles Hoover. .'10 1
llldgewav street, Gloucester, who. it
is nllcgnl "is ill"' shot b Khutlovic
died last night in the smite hospital
Shutlovie surrendered to the police
shortly after tlir shooting Up vvl"
have n tn-nririK this morning
Conflicting stories linvi' born tol '
concerning tho dmnting Sliutlovic toll
the police the tun men attack"-! liim
ami he shot in self defense
Atl entirclv iliflerent version of the
nffair s given the ,.iico bv Patrick i
William, n bartender for Sliutlovic
He snid his cinplnver wns depressed on
account of poor business
On rctiirnuiK to hi saloon last night.
it is Fold. Shutlnrli' saw Hoover and
fihnW ilrlnlnc whiskv in a back room '
He limde some remark nlxiut tlie cheap ,
kind of drinks they were buying anil i -
again complained about his poor husl
Bens A quarrel started and the men
came to blow.
Sliutlovic ilnw a revolver, it is "aid
and droe the men from his plnce Hi"
rage increased ut sonic remark the
made in leaving, and he tired several
shots, according to the i-ollre. Hoover
fell with several bullet wounds in his
breast Shutlovie contlned after Shaw
for nnrl two blocks-. Many persons
were compelled to crouch In doorways
for safety One of the bullets fired br
Shiitlovlc finally struck Shnw in the
abdomen and he fell to the sidewalk.
I I a3H
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Progressive Eloment Foars Plan
to Delay Now Rovenuo Rais
ers Until Last Jam
Once More It Is Proved That All Classes Have Exactly
Equal Chance in This Contest
of Cleverness
Insist on Serving as Jurors
Dospito His Objections and
Docido Caso
Unions Prosont Their Sido of
Dlsputo Prior to Joint
I !,"M I IllH .
Of nfteenlli and Sprtice Rtreels
who hits been fixrn tho Dlstln
RiilMird Sen Ire Cross for Ills allant
aid In HavlnB (he, fninou1 "Lost IHt
tnJIon" of the Seenty-seventh
di 1nlon
. 0. u.
Petition Signed by Club Leaders la
Going to Governor
Appealing f loernor Sprout for aid
In putting the Martin bill through, re
tenlln the Urooks law. clubwomen of
rhiladelphia Inr e presented a petition
to the (lovernor
"It look now from report all over
ihe state." reads the petition, "us
thouuli the Martin bill, with the repeal
of the llrooks l.iw would ro through.
Wo i int j(""' help
Among the woim n sik iiiis the pttition
are Mr Edward W Hulille. president
of tlie Civic Club. Mrs I! S. l'rentiss
Nichols presub nt of the New Century
Club. Mrs Lewis I. Smith, vnecliair
iniin of tlie Pennsylvania I.enpie of
Women Voters. Mrs Prank Miles Day,
JitrsiiW of the Leani of (!ooc (!o
ernment , Mrs II H Hlrnej. president
of the riuloniiHian Club
Mrs Waltci II Shiplej , president of
the (iermantonn Woman's ('tun ; Mrs.
Kllen Duan l)nvis, chairman of tlie
wumi" 's Ueniocrnti" committee of I'hil
ndelphla oomitv . Mr tJiorcr A I'iir
fot League of Women Voters; Mrs
Frederick Sclioff president of the
Arthur McKeogh Took Word of
Plight of Americans to Regi
ment Headquarters
Hv Htatf rorrrnposd'nl
IliirrlslMirir, March 21. Hard coal'
i operators are expected to descend on
the Mate Capitol with n )werfill lobby
today to work nsnlnst the proposed tax,
mi their commodity which ndmlnlstra-
Hon leaders believe would raise about
V..OnO,000 in new revenue.
An effort will be made to renew the
combination of anthracite and munu-i
fiicturlng Interest which some time uo
were threatened with a tax on their
capital mock. The coat Intercuts will,
work for alliances anywhere and lur-,
tuvilnrly ore looked upon to bring pres
ure to bear upon Senator I'ciiroe.
who is not tnpnthctlc toward new,
taxes at this session.
In thlii connection, reports reach
(here from Washington that Senator,
i. ..nin. ronilr to leave t'lC
natlonat capital and that J.'"'" u""'
dav will and him in Atlantic City, the,
center of another conference on tuei
tt,. Af nun' rrrinttP.
All this indicates to many legislators
that legislation at I arrisiurB .e .. .,.. ....
working toward a me jnni in u- ...
days of the session.
That condition is alarming women
leaders, who already hove impressed
Governor Sproul with their know-led-
of the situation un-1 ineir unnuj ...
, more revenue to meet the needs of the
stnte sch-Htl Hjstcm and the mothers I
assistance fund. .... ,.,
The legislature is due to ndjmirn,
'April JS Manv oh.servcr are beein-
I nine to wonder how much can be done ,
1 between now and then, other than
i..ni. the most ordinary and routine.
One Hundred Dollars Daily
For the llcut fast Line Supplied bg Any leader of the tivenino Public
Ledger to th Incomplete Limerick Which Appear Below
1, Coatmt In npfn to any one. All thst 11
re-uitred for you to do Is to writ" nnd
Vnwer left at th oftlc of tn
ou In ilo Is to wni no ursiso rcnuo uamnii ivm -i""
rend In jour Unt line tn th? Umerlek, Rdmlialblc.
uatnir for convenience the coupon printed
IxMow I'lrnnu write nlnlnly, nd In
"ure to add nur name and addrtan.
All anawrra tn the I.lmr1ek which la
printed below munt be reeelved at th
offle of the Evtmno t'catIO I.anoaR by
roatofflee Iloj number Riven on coupon.
8 The winner of th ONF. llUNDIUii'
r)OI,I,AIl prlre for the beat laat line to
curb Utnerlck will be announo-d one
week nft-f the I.lmarlek la printed.
4 In caae of tlra. $190 will b awarded
each aucceaarui eonieatam,
1 o'el-vk Wr-lneaoa evening Addreairl n, The declalon of the judarea In eacn
Umerlck eonteat will bo (Inal.
Cut Out and Mail
Eveniivg l'rnuc IEiOEn,
. O. ffox l.i2.1, rhilndelphta.
Said a tailor, "My customers know
I can clean and press, dye, mend and ew;
Yet, with stitch after stitch,
I am not getting rich
OVrlto your answer on this line.)
Three women today disregarded the
advice nnd wishes of .Tildga Atldtnrled
nnd Insisted upon alttlng on a Jury in
his couit before which criminal cases
nre being tried. The judge twice has
declarid tlit? jury box is no plocc for n
woman. , , ...
Todav the three women declared they
would fulfill their rights nn cltliensond
insisted upon serving. The first case
they heard was thnt of a bigamist nuil
the women promptly assisted in sending
him to the penitentiary for n year. ,
Miss Catharine. Clothier, of 700
Hprucc street, wna the first catted. She
snld she was willing to listen to the
criminal testimony. Hhe took her place
as foreman of tho jury. The second wus
Mrs. I-ouls lloopcs, nxj-c iuin Jinan
street, nnd the third Miss Lillian
Sherkluic, 1009 Mt. Vernon street.
Walter McNeill, accused of marrying
two voung women, was the first pris
oner "called. He wan faced by Catharine
A Kllnger. Tlie evidence showed that
he muriicd tno pri uciooer mm, v..
ccremonv bt-ing performed by . y..
Glllett. 18.12 North Twelfth street, the
preacher who IB a lugmve irom jusm.-.
hlimbeth Spalding, a New -jork girl,
also faced the prisoner Slip said Hhe
had married tho man In fJ07.
McNeill cross-examined both wit
ntsses. He tried to. prove that he had
not li gaily married thr former in view
titrctt and Xo.
Cilu and State
t$i?i?Scn&oml&- Tw,a,,, ,lm'ricU w,nnM" ,ra'' '"""," ' n n." Charles H. Smith,
ccptional pressure and unes rare ik v foffl , of mmh(TS f 1418 I'rlncess avenue, Camden.
U1ber. who are most concerned Major A. J. Dirxel Uiddle'a IllMe Class No. 2. "Tliafa all right; bnt take
Those here who are "" co""r"?; VJ ,. prssshvtcrlan Church of the oars alonr. man." Maraaret D. Nv-
"",,, J rn5em and who want to sec Evangel, Eighteenth and Tastier streets, land, r.f.23 I.archvvood avenue. One vote.
thnlrKSfr ? revenues provided, are at a dinner given at the church. Thoto No. fl. "Where no traffic copa bother
ih',"rrrli.rT?V ilnSmi-ii on back pare. 'a man " Margaret B. Nyland. Two
?"!(,: v..-.!-! hv Mrs. John O. Miller. Tomorrow's winner was elected by , votes.
tly the Asaoclaled Press
Washington, March 21. SpoVwnen
for the packers' employes presented
their side of the dispute with their em
ployers over wages and working con
ditions at a conference cjuly today with
Secretary Davis at the Department of
Labor. This preceded the Joint confer
ence nt which Secretaries Hoover, of
the Department of Commerce, and Wal
lace, of the Department of Agriculture,
Bat with the labor secretary.
The representatives of the packers
were heard br Mr. Davis last week and
before going formolly Into the matter
in an eliort to arrive nt some satiRiac
torv ndiustment. Mr. Davis gave the
workers' spokesmen an opportunity to
pi csou t their case.
Secretary Davis said he planned to
call freely upon Secretaries Hoover nnd
Wallace for advice.
'ff c ...M(tnH nmlmm flint VAtatflB A
I a iutjiviuu mints .. i,aii.(. t" .
conditions in Knrope." he said, "I will
call upon Secretary Hoover's knowledge '
of those conditions, un questions re
garding the stock Industry I will ask
Secretary Wallaco's advice."
Conciliators In Attendance,
Besides the three cabinet officers,
those attending the conference were
nut ,. .;.,..: , ,i - ...ft.,,., i james u. uonuon anu vary .vieyer, inr
of the fact that OMctte liH no aut r park.r()i t1b Lane and Redmond
ity to perform the crremony. J"1 1 8. Brennan. for the employes, ond
Auiieiirieu nn.., -- ---: mu ' Hush li. ivcrw n. K. l'. .Marsh ana
The ense soon went to iiio Jurj. i ... Davls. members of the concilia-
oy .mish v.ioiiu.r Uon ,Hv,Bon of thc DcpartraCnt of La-
Boy, Refused Invitation to Attend
v Chokes Himself to Death '
Rldgawootl, N. J., March 21. Henry
Wntfsworth. Smith, thirteen years old
committed suicide Saturday In his home
at Ulcn iiorx by tying a necktie to n
iron bed pillar, knotting thc other end
around his neck and pulling away until
he had strangled himself. He WM
found by his parents when they re.
turned from a wedding across the
The parents did not know the cans
of the boy' -suicide until this morning
when they were Informed by his chum
Oeorge Cummings, ,Tr., twelve years
old. that Henry had threatened to kill
himself unless ho was Invited to the
wedding of ,T. B. Townsend and Mrs
tnnh Phnnnnllfi
UllUi: Vll' VIIV
"When I told Henry that 1 wn u.
vited," said Oeorge, "be told me that
nn would cnoae nimsru io acain unlcti
he was Invited too."
Henry did not get an Invitation
After his parent had gone to thc wed
ding, however, he went to thc residence
where thc ceremony took placo and
according to other boys, watchej
through a window. Immediately after
the. wedding he disappeared. Less tmn
half an hour later he was found dead
Milan Anarchlita on Hunger Strike
Milan, March 21. Enrico Malatesta,
the Anarchist lender, who was arretted
last October In connection with an an
archist plot, has gone on a hunuer
strike, In which he has been Joined by
the other anarchists arrested with him.
tesiitl was announced
in a few minutes.
Arthur McKeogh, of the Maryland
Apartments. Fifteenth and Spruce
streets, former first lleutennnt and ad
jutant of the famous "Lost Battalion"
of the Seventy-seventh Division, has
been awarded t..e Distinguished Service
Cross for his work during the Meuse
Argonne drive
Lieutenant McKeogh is given the
medal of bravery for crawling for
twenty -four hours through the thick
undergrowth in the Argonne Forest
and informing regimental headquarter
of thc .'Histli Infantry of the plight of
one ot Its oaituiions
Lieutenant McKeogh started off with
a iletncliiucnt of more tlinn twentv
men. mot of whom became casualties
during the effort made to sneak through
the Ccrman lines which flanked the
"Lost Battalion " Besides McKeogh.
onl.v two other men. runners, were able
to get through to the regimental com
mander. Lieutenant McKeogh shut three
(termnns during the trip ami wus him
self wounded in the arm.
Mothers' "'onsress, Mrs Max Mar -,,r- -'icKeogn Is n lormer .o orlf
Soils. Council of .Jewish Worn-n : Mrs. newspaperman and is now an associate
oeph M (larmm. l'.ighfh vvtr-l worn I editor of the Satur-la.v Evening I'ost
en's It. pnb'iean committee nnd Mr "Is home was orlgmall.v in New York
Imoctn llakles of the I'enns.vlvunia . city He is a graduate of Fordham
State Fed-mi ton of Women , I niversit.v. wliere he wus prominent in
' athletics-
He is a voung mnn with light hnir
and clean -cut features He told of his
exploit modestly to-la.v as he snt in his
office .and asked : "I'lease don't 'lay It
on too thickly.'
"I'm not quite the hero this citation
would make me out to b"," he went on
"I was given my orders and once on
mj wu, getting through the Boche lines
wns a tight for my own life as much as
unything else I recommended both
the privates who u-vompunie-1 me for
the I). S C. and both were awarded it."
enj-a nt.,1 nmnlnvAi nf VlA Willful!. No. l . "mil a rrftnlc haji tn atnrt
?Vomennt Voters and Thnirman of 'the phla Health Council and Tuberculosis her." snld Nan. George W. Stewart.
IrVKvew Sn7 "'' ""nut-. Chester. Five
the constituents of the members of the( votes. ...
Housenand Senate realize the posstblli-, AnotllPr ..,, , mmW. has won I N;. .,', 'St her wake up ad get In
Tie hasn't been in ntreet.
mnntTiu nnd unillrl l INOa
back irt the Senate committee on , probably be glad of the chance to get t'cnl m.in. I;. L. Itodfrey, lKuella
S, "J II-- " : eb n f a limerick prixe
., m.if,,tinnal convention, which is ' overnlls for three monUis. and would i ..No. 7. "Knot for 'naught : I'm a knot
appropriations, the teachers- salary mil i back ut his trade, but ne sajs, iiiis"i";l" ";,." '"; ". "'" '"
or the mothers' assistance fund bill. hundred dollars will surely come In I " "''Ut I beam In tho stern, a
Utile In thc last hour jam. han.lj." !?,"?" ma?,' ,S' WfT' M2 Kl"J "
The new coal tax measure which He is Fred J. Speidel, of 1418 East Hlghwuy. Bosslyn inrms, Carncgio,
Governor Sproul has intimated 1 will be j Wilt street. He is a "hot-press" , "i.""'',- . ..
tlurotiuceu in no-- i..'S. r.u.i v...r. ... iiruutr i liiui. id, uc ujiciuvce iuaiiiiio:i ) ,, ,; , t, -r nAo t-i ,
Is being based somewhat in terms of, which stamps hat bands with designs . V,1""-.. Samuel B. Mcnow. 2008 Finance
the federal luxuries tax In that it will i calculated to make you think that ou I""""'"?.- .Jiml,V()t.e' . , , i, i
call for a 2" per cent tax on oil coal ' re wearing about the niftiest tnpptecc , , ;-,- 5hnoil,'nt,', nwho .Vi
costing above a certain price at the ' ol, the market and that sou have nc- l!M ." J.011 '""",, SMnl t cn'
cumulateil a coat-of-arms along with it. V,,. AML'i," ' i'i "l
The bill in this manner win apply
I Ah for the jury who selected this
I wlnnnr l( t APtnltilf i ny "Htrnnff" fnr lilu
MKs Elsie Bas.smann's limerick won
Philadelphia Soldier Found Shot In
Texas to Be Buried Tomorrow
Funeral services for Private William
J Wis-' Troop 1) Eighth l'nlte-1 State
avalrj who was found -lend near
Camp Hemic, Tex Saturday, will be
Irom in home tomorrow at s a m.
I'rivat- Wise lived at 'J."1. South
Eleventh stret nml was seventeen
years old His hodi was found in the
open with a bullet wound through the
heart Mr ami Mrs William J Wise,
parents of the Imv believe he was mur
dered Solemn requiem muss mil be cele
brated at 10 i in tomorrow- at the Miss Jane Campbell's Class Hears
Thunh of tlie Epiphanv F.leventh and1 m. ,-,. w,., ,... -j -..,.
Jackson .tr.eo. and interment will be I History of Westmoreland County
in Hoh Cross Ceniefen Full military I Miss .lane Campbell's Monday Morn-
honors will be given hv American ing t lass had its meeting at the New
Centiirv Club this morning The views
of the week was given hv Mrs Wilbur
F Llteh, scientific notes bv Mins Alice
F Hurk and the history of Westmore
land (ountv br Mrs Trunk Burpee
Tins afternoon Warwick James I'rice
-lieiissel "fin the Siberian Stage" be
fore the New Century Club
Tlie Monday Afternoon Club of Mal-
m et the -iiimIiiious bud down in th- vern held a meeting today Two nn -
maligna J in iu.h II was said that pers were presented bv members of the
we inn not Imv whin we do not sell, club isotne IH-I Mnsterpiee-s and
Their Stories anil famous Musical
Selections and Their History
Tin- intire ntiiiiet i in favor of giv-
ing tlu ngriciiliuriil inter-st whut they Tlie Woman's Club of Unllev Park
neeii in 'In- av "f virtually pr-hihitivi met today Hussell C Arnold ihciisei
dutie- ji -until lv nml separateh from llousehold Ai count" The meeting
general t nrifT revision so that their was arranged bv the home -on-mlc
ninls iniii' In u-'-l us tin basis of department of the tub I'lan- sel-c-trndnu'
in tiintT making win. li will r'- tnuis bv Miss Eleanor Hamilton and
suit hi i In'ili s.-hi doles gmerallv aud re. nations by Miss Cecilia .snmli com
so that ir..ni.t relt. f .nn l- h.i-l tt-nn ilete.l the program At 7 :4."i in the
tin pr-s. tn ta.ni"ii um -- retnrv l-v-'imig tlie club will have its monthly
of the 'I r. iisnr M-ll-Mi is espis-uill v .oinmiinity meeting A Hunt Vanfier
Legion noMiiber
Big Business Links
Up With Farmers
Contin-M fmm l'.ne One
of tin ilnnsi r of a tariff which does no-
low n in th
s said that
do not sell.
Cabin. I Favors Farmers
nnlv to anthracite coal as the minimum winner. It i ertnlnlv uns "strooir" for lils ,hr church award. It was
....... .- ---- , .- ...- ... . , , , ..
for taxation is iiu-My io ue ueiwmi , line. It gave him llfty-two votes out "e nave u gooa Dimcn in v,iaRs rive,
nnd ." n ton. In this way bituminous 0f possible sixty-live. iThey surely are nil nllvo:
coal will be exempt, unless there is a Major Blddie's Bible Class No. 5' Charlie Carson, our teacher,
big leap in prices of the product at thc j pr0ved most hospitable entertainers. Though he's not a preacher,
"Charlie" Carson, their tencher, helped is uivvays tnc nrst to arrive.
us rush our end of the program through The members of the Bible Class,
in jig time, and Samuel Morrell. of some of whom arc shown in the picture
the entertainment committee, made an . nn the back page, were:
ol" tmldhcadcd man feel as though vis- I MrR- 'v- -" Karnell. Charles A .
ltin' round mightn't be so bad. Llebfried. Lillian Cooper, Edwin B.
As for the volunteer escort that we Bassmann. president: Bitn MncEllrane,
almost trot well, here we be. One Ufa I Adam H. Smith. Elsie L. Atruz. Mil
ton ii jiassmunn, ioici i asscn, .Mrs.
.1. A. Mnntiromerv Klennor Medien.
. .... - . ( ,,,, , ..... i,av i,.f...vc. I'.i.r in ini-i " --- 11. f- ' "" ' . " "
the various proposals m ine .vmyor in huwh IlmPri(.k c)ntest. HELP! Help!
alter the civil service system Powell 1 ilrjp ;
livailH protested against a o.u-e.ueu i with bo(n MRyor Moore ,, Major
Biddle spenking. the Editor got n lot
of attention. We suspect the camera
strengthened our standing with the
When the jury was ..photographed.
each member wos given a number, but
,.. ...!,V. ..-L AnA ...A..IJ . ...... &n
lint th" civil Bervlco law was similar fil)l (p)catrii in Mlnn Krance. "ran
n this respect to the primary election j BO fn.... th ,.. ..,.
I"w ,,,,! iii bers. The picture, which shows a big
"The Rev Dr Frank P. Parkin nsked Lection of the crowd, is on the bock
tlie Mai or two question: rage
" 'First Do you believe that It i rrn'e MjnnPr
would be helpful If the Civil Service irijw'n I si-vinirt
Commission had more assistants?' and H;? ujli wtuSZZ
His limerick:
"It U iiprina," cried ihr moiorboat fan,
Aud it t lime that my little craft ran.
With vrp note the nughter
Make speed o'er the trater. James A. Stewart. Alexander P. Gum-
' propeller, oar gasoline-can." ' ble, Raymond McFceters, Samuel
Others nn the honor roll: i Morrell, George McElhinDy, James J.
No. 1. "Though not LcnpYear. tdie'll ' Gulgon and Ilene Lyett.
Charter's Friends
Fight Amendments
f'.ntliiriul faniti lnap tlnm
, . . , , is still in peril from fifty-odd who
the other side of the facts involved in , ,lilln-t ,vin fat night's prl7.e in the
iirescutntlon of the matter
"The Mnyor criticized the reform
known us the primary election law, and
suggested that such laws were futile
because the enemies of good government
became skilled in ndapting themselves
to them, and the Mayor then commented
Historian Refute to Get Excited
Over Claim We Owe France
Historians in this city nre Inclined to
smlle nt the editorial claim advanced
in Paris that the United States owe
Franrc $1)0,000.000,000.
The claim was made in the hclair
by Jean Bernard aud was accompanied
by tlio further claim that America still
owes 80.000.000 francs on tlie purchase
price of Louisiana, sold to this coun
try by the First Napoleon.
Thc SOO.000.000,000 debt, it was
stated, grew from the Interest on a
sum lent bv Frnnce to the Continental
Government during the Revolutionary
War. , ,
Dr. A. E. McKintcy. professor of
history at the University of Pennsylva
nia, did not view the French claim
"Both thc United States and France
could find many financial claims upon
each other, dating even lanner ubck
than the American Revolution, if they
considered every claim that had been
made on either side," ljc said.
"Some of these claims we know arc
not correct. I do not remember any
thing about these specific claims and
would have to do a good deal of re
search work to look it up. But even a
trifling debt would pile up a tremen
dous Interest in WO years. If such a
debt existed some one must have liked
mathematics pretty well Ut have com
puted all that interest
Second. Do vou believe that your
proposal would be the entering wedge
in weakening and nullifying thc civil
service system?'
"The Mayor answered the second
question in the negative, but gave no
r-'ilv to the firHt question.
Iarli of Examiner
' Dr Parkin's unanswered question
was pertinent in view of the fact thnt
in Mav UCO, the City Council, realiz
ing that tl. Civil Service Commission
was being hampered by the Inadequate
number of its assistant., passed an or
.limine providing for sl additional em
ploves The provision for these cm
ploy cs was vtoed by the Mayor
the ( iv il Mervicc ' oinmision lo.nij
William Pheian, Jamen W. Craig, Mar
garet Spcrlng, A. E. Glbb, Robert T.
Orr. Ellen E. Mllley, Leila Sharp.
Richard W. Freeth. H. McIIenry, Mny
McIIenry, Mrs. Mabel C. Gamble, Alex
Craig, Anna E. Craig. John A. Mont
gomery. David Weir, Albert Rassmann,
Henry Orr. William M. Howell, How
rd C. Price, William M. Maeonaghy,
A. N. Karnell, William J. McMIchacl.
Elizabeth G. Cook, Mrs. A. Burtls,
Robert H. Gamble, Marian S. McFet
rldge, Margaret S. Craig, Elsie Rass
mann, .Mrs. C. J. Carson, Anna M.
Wilson, Mrs. E. M. Stewart. Mrs. A.
P. Gamble, Florence Alexander, Mrs.
W. L. Burtls, William Lowry Burtls,
Sallle A. Kisser. William B. Burtls,
George W. Phillips, Samuel J. Cook,
Harry S. Hartman, J. Leeper. Henry
C. Albln, J. DeWitt Jobbom, Major A.
J. Drexel Biddle. Eva M. Peterson.
Reed W. McFetridge, W. L. B. Miller,
bor, who participated In the extension
in 1010 of tho Altschulcr agreement of
Representatives of the packers were
on hand for the preliminary conference,
but the spokesmen for the workmen
nsked for a prlvntc hearing such as was
given thc employers' representatives
last week and the request was granted.
Mr. Ianc and Mr. Brennan were ac
companied to thc department by nine
representatives of trades allied with
the packing industry, who said they
were on hand to "back up" the em
ployes' representatives and to give them
advice during the conferences
Declares Men Won't Yield
"We will not yield." said J. J.
Brennan, of the International Brother
hood of Firemen and Oilers. "If ncccs- .
Nary we can make the packers stand up
to their agreement."
Mr. Congdnn, when asked if the I
packers' representatives had come here
with authority to make a new agree- t
ment with the employes, said they were
here only at the Invitation of the secre
tary of labor.
"Wc do not know whnt he has in
mind," he added. "Wc have no knowl
edge of any plnn that Secretary Davis
or the employes may hove."
Going into thc conference with the
announced "moral support" of the
American Federation of Labor, thc em
ployes' representatives were prepared to
insist, labor leaders said, that the pack
ers relnstltutc the arbitration ogrecment
adopted during the wur but terminated
a week ago. This issue would be
nressed. It wns said, eve- aheod of ob-
I jection to the 12& nnd 15 per cent
Treasurv officials In Washington dug i . j, ,.,:.
through musty records today ond un- ,
nounced that tuey nati uecn unaoic in .. ,, ntT . ,IMrl,
find auv record of the United States I BROOME QUEST OF COLUMBIA
Dr. Edwin C. llrooine, superintendent
of schools here, will be entertained ot
dinner tonight by the Columbia Alumni
Club of Philadelphia, of which Henry
F. Sauvlllc is president. Dr. Broome
is n Columbia graduate. Dr. Fincgan,
state superintendent of public instruc
tion, also will be a guest.
will spiuk on current events, unit there
will be - ommunity singing
Tlie reading department of the Worn
nu s Cluli of Itala Cynw-vd met this
afternoon nt the home of Mrs. T. C
At tin regular monthly meeting of
dismissed by tho appointing officer with
out iiHslznlni: auv cause. The civil
service system in this manner provides ,..
thnt u new employe may be tried out Measures In House Tonight Provide
and given a chance. Institutional Benefits
Old Practiro Endwl Harrisburg, March 21. (By A. P.
"Before the new charter an uppoint- Two bills of importance to world war
hn y three regular full-time exam- ient could be made roni any one iii mr0n8 w, bo prfsont,M, ,n ,,, ,,,msp
rr Sm-tlm r'f by -P "- Stewart.
"Wheuiver a -omplnlnt is made that generally necessary for thc applicant to Cumberland county Both nre backed
an eligible list contains thc name of tin secure the indorsement of the vvard , b the Amerlcun Legion.
'mproU lierson ,t 1- to be remembered leader . ind the appo in ment was tl.-n ( 0n(l b, far fl
ilmi tlie Civil Scrvico Commission has credited to that poiituai leaner, ii un ' Q
. , .lenie.1 the ndilitional staff which latter fell into disfavor the appointee Stat- Soldiers and Sailors' Home nt
th,. Cnv Council believed it should have was In danger of removal i Lrio, of veterans of the world war on
III. . i'i yum i ,!', ... ... .....I hi. ...u . rnnK nf the lieu- char- ... i. . . , . - .. ..
the Mavor ioiiipiBine-1 it ( un-1 -v -.. i-..,..- - "",." ' n- I ule same oasis as veteranM oi the rivll
owing France any money on account
of loans advanced during tnc revolu
tion. To Report on Catholic Drive
Reports for the first week of the
$100,000 Catholic campaign for a civic
center will be announced tonight at n
meeting in the Benedict Service Club,
167-150 North Fifteenth street. Every
Catholic young men's club in Philadel
phia nnd the vicinity has pledged Itself
to raise $1000, and several have prom
ised to raise more.
Mice Blamed for Fire
A shed at the rear of the home of
Mrs. Catherine Black. 3210 South
Montrose street, was damoged by fire
at 10 o'clock tills morning. Mice arc
believed to have caused the nre by chew
ing matches.
John DapUlna, New rtoaton. Pa and Stajv.
anla nurlaia. FranKrorfl. 1'a.
tlenlamln areennteln. 17S1 N. Marahall at..
and Ethel Ilivblnnvlti, 17.11 , sth at.
Oenrae II Soulhall, A023 nanattad at., and
Olivia Schaafar. B03S Haur at.
Jamra Coatolln. (100 Federal at., and Mary
Meaatna, (HI Federal at.
Walter K. Blaaaicr. .13 N Marahall at..
and Ella K. Dav la. 3610 N Ath at. ,.
Jfenn- Powell 1014 Holland at and Nina
arlffln. BIOS Imburd at
Ham Katz, AtS Green nt , and lie mi Maier,
I7S3 N. 21 at at.
Allien M. Ir. Ellcraon 70s Wynne nod rd .
and M"ary B. Seybold, 300-t C-idar at.
John Orarchlnl, 14S2 H. 1,1th at., and Slefano
Mmne. 2A03 Frdrral at
Charlaa Amoroal, 420 Carpantar at . ajid
and Aa.
ti otis tni thi in lion ami lie under
stun. Is tin ill- nid-- "f hu business b-t
Iter than im "th.r in-nilier ..f the n-l
niinisti in. n
Th- t.. il.li - llint llnpre.eiiUltive
Forilli- v r.'.i.seiiMiiB those business
intenst win h nn milv for the domestic l
mark i i- t i.iin menng for the support
of the ngrarmn inter-sts 11-' wishes to the oinun Club of f.jniierch today
pr-vint i nv t- v mn ..ii the agricultural l Mi- Mildred Scott of the hitc-vil-Bi'li-
diile- ii part fr-uii intion on the limns Foiiiidati-ui -poke on "Social
general s-hediilo ii that he uin i omit ' Si rvice Work ' Mrs lusejin M Mi
nn tin tin in !. I-. put through high . Cieadv the pr-sulent presided
geneinl m he.lules He i in a strong'
tHLti-i.i ,..siti.m i n.i-r the law he has' REALTOR LEFT $330,000
the mitintiM Hint In has bis coiniultti- iium-iwn uui uuuiv-uu
almost ...ilv witli him
Big Business for M-Hler.itc I ariff
Just who gets this block of agricul
tural voles will di termini' Inrgelv the
tiin i v Tiin iiuriiini' iiiiiiiinihi nil inn . .
v- ' ' ". ...j... 1.hj liia. ii n tint nclii tt m IiiaH nt
'MI"lltll,r" inn in i -..,.. ( hi
SH.'iO.IMlO, to Ills widow. Mrs (iii7ee
time wh'ili h- and his dir-s'tors wei- Ter io pui ...i cu , un i''- ,V' i Wur and stipulate there shall be two
devoting to civil service matters An giving each man Bt thf A?PrmnlnV representatives of the Iz-gion on the
instance wus given of the case of John list a 50 per cent chance of appoint- b)ar(, of (Jo h
". laborer, who had brought ult ment the n'slty of securing political , Thp . m provj(i()fl fw two
against th- citv, alb gin? that he hau M?";
. ' ... i. .iiu..i.nrraii "A Musor of I'hliadeipiiia may some ,i,n v.,,,.., ...,. .i. u . i
English Lisle
Half Hose
A good "well feeling"
lisle in a weight just
ndapted to wear in
changing from woolen
There arc striped de
signs in black with ver
tlcal stripes, in two
grades at $1.60 and
1.76; and a fine quality
solid black lisle with em
broidered silk clocks of
contrasting colors at
Ida U Vllloiil. 7L'ft ntia-ater at.
lloraca Homma. 2821 Walah rd,, and
Il Dickinson, 2H2I Walh rd
Attllln IVLuca. 133S H. 13th at . at
.nniAn riAiit. 027 Taaker at
Arthur II. Talor. (12S.1 ISlinwood ava. and
I.ula K. DeShellar. (Kill Allman at
Joaeph H Furreat, S120 Huntlmdnn at,,
and Adelaide, O. Derrlckeon. 1732 V. Alle
gheny ave.
The Bride's Silver
Silver o$ a metal is of equal value
wherever found artistic fashion
ing gives it eminence that lives
for generations.
Those who would bestow1 gifts of
especial chann are invited to con
sider tho collection of silver services
and separate pioces gathered for
the current wedding season.
J. E. Caldwell & Co.
Chestnut and Juniper
rrZnh of the Civil Service da, put Into effect here an order ..In,- , SoI.IWh" oVph.n." Scho,l. The Penn" i
Commission, however, fail to show that ilur to that of Mayor ;nor that Is 's,,vnulll department of the Legion is
then has been anv hearing before dire.; ors must appoint the top name o n , s0,,.(.t 1( two members for tw-o-y ear
. ii.hcr tt- -..minisslon or the courts m the list except for cause to be approved (rms jSt h , 0rnm, A .
I Family Gets Estate of Mark Haller, ipip,.rt attention to matters affecting
2123 South Fourth Street
The will of Mark Ilaller, r-al .st.if
'operator, -U.1 Ninth I-ourm street, he-
, , , .... ... ., tw. vinvor mis ov ine .imvui
be n,, n, lin reference to the ic "Such an order would wholly remove
nit it 1 1 mi -f u lab"'" the temptut on to be guided bv- the yo-
iiisiat-in it i ' , 'litical considerations In makiiiK up-
IMrt of Mayors iut polntinentK and removals of city em-
When it i- rt tin inhered that more mPHi
thun one-hiilt of the city's moneys ' "(IW here else In the Fnited States
nffer meeting sinking fund chargts and umjPr linj csUbllshed civil service com
loans, goi-s to pay salaries and wages , misslon may an appointment be made
it is not iiui-asonable to expert thutfroln ns many ns four names on the
the Mavor and his dire, tors should d ,.nKjl,e list In the competitive class."
vole a portion of tneir time ti mv iK
rt attention to mim.-ii. -... i...s Britain on Former Wheat Bass
' ""The Mayor complained that certain Waslilngton, March i!l. Creot Brit-
inii.loves lell 1-, take higher wages else- ain is again on a pre-war wheat-iin.
". ' , ' .i . ....i .... ti ' nortlni' has Is nnd Cermnnv "surnris'
The bigger busin-ss interest whi-h seek
a foreign market lire interested in ..ue
other thing beside prompt intion on
taxation nml n moderate tariff which
will not cliifo European inurk-'ts to us
and that is tin restoration of Lurope
as a step toward economic i-covery
here Tlu ir reprcsentullve in the cabi
net sei h clenrlv that there -an be no
assiuain-e of a t turn tn bustiess nor
mlcv liere uutl F.uropc s set -m ts feet
He says so wliciiev-r he gets a (hance.
Bury Bert Leston Taylor
Chiraco. Mar-h L'l - Mh A P
Funeral s-ruces for Bert L-ston
Taylor, editor of the Chit ago Tiibun- h
Ilaller and their eight - hil.lr- n
Ilaller died on March '.
Other wills probated todav at Citv
Hall are the following, .larub A Lmas.
."1.'41 Cedar avenue, $7l!Ql; Msuil V.
It linger, died In Phllodelphln (leneral
Hospital. $1IKK), Sarah 11 Brown. Is'ilHl
(ireeiie srteet. Ciermantowii, s-l'J.'.li
Louisa S Birch. 41 West Walnut lane
77nO John .1 McArdle. IWH North
Feltnn street StKtOO Inventon of the
personal estate of Ferdinand ()lnr
holtrer amounting tn t-HUl was filed
Held on Robbery Charge
William P l.uiiis .Icssup strict shove
A Lin- uTmii hi Two, ' who died iinminirdou arrested on March Kl
Snlur-lav of pneuiiionia. will be held charged vvlth attempting to force an en
this ufteriioon Among llic nonorary try Into the rropper nrotners uepart
pallbearers win tie iiarry rruu .uni
fon, Jo.seiili Mi-lill Patteraon, Henry
Kitchcll Webatir und Julian Mason.
The cervices will bo isimlucted by tin1
.ner. John Timothv Stoue In the Fourth
ffriun Church. Tho burial will
i.i.n. Insteiiil of stnvlng to sign u
lot of papers ami go before the Civil
Service Commission ' An instance was
gn-ii of an tmploye in tlu Bureau of
"The iniideoiiacy of the rates of pay
in cits hospital and nursing jHwtitionK is
well known
"IMie luck of available i ity employes
in nursing and hospital positions seems i
to lie due to the Inadequacy of the com I
pensatlon, and the remedy Is entlrelv in
the hands of the Mayor and Council
"The Mayor mentioned Instances in
which he was not satisfied with th( '
available names on eligible lists pro .
vide-1 bv the present Civil Service Com
mission Thc inadequate staff of the
commission Is obviously the reason for
the o.'dislnniil slipping through of per
sons not qualified for appointment
I'mler the law any name may be stricken
,nlml store Lever I IlkT 1111 I rcss-ltl troin lll lor irum-i inirr, aim n
streets was held under $1000 bail by I there Is anything radically wrong with
Magistrate Price today The manager any of the names on a list this remedy
of a store on (Jrrmontown avenue Iden-1 is avanaiiie rnrinermore. ine law pro
...-. . IL. HAJUlTn...J I.- i:-..!-'
Inch hear it." foreign market special
ists of the Bureau nf Markets an
. -: . .
nounced. llolluud ami nelgium, uicy CAiiTWTtlfillT - on Marrh 21
partment cIioosvh its representatives
- t-
Supreme Court Decisions
Thc following decisions were lendered
by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
today :
.. y'.T. ru''n Kukowsky va Phlla and
Itra.lliia; -Vial and Ir.m Co ajipellant r 1.
Sihulkll r.ium Award confirmed and
nptiodl llrmlKHnl
ll -hl'f .Iui,tlrr VtnflrhrUker Snav.l ...
Illiih-lnu KnckH lx.tK.'. Nn. n-l.'l Superior
-'..urt C I MoiilrinitT inunty l)err
afTlrnied at rimt of appellanta
llj Jus-he KruiT-ltop et UK va. South
ern I'enna Irartlnn Co. aipelant C P.
Iiilnviire county Judsmnt affirmed
Wolf t 111 vii Sweeney l' P No 3
Philadelphia Judsmrnt reversed with a
venire fuflan do novn
I ls
. . ... ... 1
say, are timing unit 01 tneir pre-war
tilled some'of-the goodyfound In Knnls
robm as hTitf bcenjwtolen from
villi's that un employe, whrn appointed,
shall he on probation for three months
end at the end' of that time maJJ. be
lt us ahow you we can make our lied
equal to tha duy It houeht.
iiiiaranie'd ohujI to new for 1 3 the coat.
Ni-w cover" furnlahed old uovera vvaahed,
Kealliera HIriMd und Made Into. Mitt
trraaea. Ilox Hprlnra ItenpholaUrrd. 37
trn.' eiperleiiM Inaurea entire aatlafarllnn
2a ana vrnsn
Jngton, Ave.
A11I0 nails everywhere. '" 37 yeaj
fhnnrcnlanBffnrff niii"
itn,' eipeneiie inai
WIM.IAM VOI'.Vfl. hualiand of Kathrrlne
D.inncin.llir Cnrtwrlsht. and aon of Jane
nuna: and the lute Thoinaa Curtivrlaht. and
trnther (if (Hoive T Cart right and Mrs.
Joaeph r lmnl Hervlee private on Tuea
diiv af.rn.Kin at S 30 n'rltK k ut hla late
resldeice 3nl Hathaway lane Wynnawnnil,
Pa InleriiiPnt nt ClnrlntiKll O Canton
and Vounrstnwn r papers pleas, row
IlLACKIirilN On flunda) March 20
nOUOTIIY MlaciCllL'llS Infant rfauehr.r
nf Commander an.i Mrs T. Mlackhurn
naed ft menlhs Hervlrea prlvriie
1 mtKIII.KM March 21. I'HAIM.E.S K
hualiand of Anna M llrehler aced ni years
Himi.uia may ue u-ii-q ai iiih late r'-l'1n(
1 1 10 AV Sharpnark at (lecmuntow n Mon
iln anil Tueada- avnlnsa Inlerinent Halt). I
mote, .M.I. i
I.I.OVD -March 20 Ifl2l UBTSV. mfe
nf (ieor.ti. t.lod i Innlnul. Il.'la'lvea
and frlenda, ala-i Ix-hUh l..tce Nn, ,i,1 f
nf II are Invited to funeral. Thur.la
. ... f.nin l,r I.I. rulilnrA '-TS1 V .in . i
. I,, ..",.. .,". ..... ....... a.... .- "fill 1
inierineiii viretiinno nu i-ineiery, r rienda
I ir.
ay call Vvednoaday eveiilnv
HOl'HTUN - suddenly, ji
view. N. J ,
arch 10. at l-'-it.
JOHN, aon of John and Kit
imiatoii inea aiouarintvi. aae.i 4 .r
ilelatlvea and trlenda are Invited to attend
funeral. Wedneaday. 0 a. m from tha real,
denca of hla axandfatt)r. Jamea J.i Me-.
pain vrr.ieimen ai,, ueniantoivn
juoly BoDiUctu-o Cwaeuit" '
Emma Hartman
1 502 Walnut St.
Showing of Fashions
For the Spring
m -
i- ----- -La ,. - , V.riit-.J ' .i.f v... --s , aaaaaiaa-l