Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 21, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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Judge Oicl'8 Secrets
J Kin Illril (lets Cured
WHEN JudRo Owl ciimc around to tell
his ovtnlnfr story to t'rjjiry nnd
Billy ho foil ml Hilly ferllng very dump,
"Wlioo! Whoo! What's tlio matter
With you 7" asked Judgo Owl.
t "I nab n. bad cond 1" replied Hilly. He
vfa trying to say "I have a had cold,"
ljut his head was so stuffed up hu
couldn't talk plainly
;"Whoo' If you have a bad cpld you
ought to take a dose of the medicine
Doctor Crow Kavo to King Bird," said
Judge Owl.
, Billy answered very promptly. "1
Trould rather be dold n story dnn dake
doso of medicine. So the Judgo be
gan his tale.
"King Hlrd caught a cold when ho
nil Into the rlvor And he fell Into tho
river when ho tried to catch a strange
bug he saw in the water.
? "It happened that the bug wasn't a
bug at all, but the tip of Mr. Turtle's
tall. When King Hlrd grabbed It he
grabbed hard. Mr. Turtle was startled
and hurt by the sharp pinch, and In
Cove for the bottom, carrying King
Bird under water King Bird Muttered
out In a hurry, but the day was chilly
and windy, fo ho caught a bad cold.
'"Tho cold mode King Bird feel stuffy
and unhappy. He couldn't eat nnd he
didn't want to play with the other birds.
Ho Just sat on a post and moped nnd
groaned. Blue Bird tried to cheer him
UJ by singing a little song to him:
J'When you aro sick, you should go
Over tho hill to Doctor Crow.'
I "King Bird didn't want to see Doctor
Grow. He didn't like Doctor Crow and
the last tlmo that he had met him he
had chased Doctor Crow all the way
home. That was because he had caught
Doctor Crow stealing birds' eggs. Krom
that you may guess that Doctor Crow
Was a sly old rogue. But King Bird
flt bo badly ho decided to visit Doctor
J "He flew over the hill and found
I octor Crow In a plno treo. Doctor
C row got ready to run when ho saw
King Bird coming, but King Bird hap
pened to sneeze and then Doctor Crow
knew King Bird was sick nnd was com
ing for medicine and not to thrash him.
And Doctor Crow wan glad to see King
Bird sick, for he. wanted to get even
With King Bird for chasing him away
from tho blrds'eggs.
" 'I hab a bery dab coad,' said King
Bird, speaking through his nose Just. Uko
Billy. 'I feel dold all obcr.'
""'Caw! Caw! Caw! I'll gc you a
doso that will make you not an over,
answered Doctor Crow, chuckling to
himself, and away he hurried to make a
piaster to put on King Bird's chest He
made this plaster out of honey spread
on a leaf, In this honey ho caught four
burring yellow Jackets, but he was care
ful that King Bird shouldn't sec these
little golden wasps.
"Thls plaster Doctor Crow put on
The Queen of the
Tiare Hotel
Loraina of tho marvelous hands, ensconced on a great
conch in the Tiare Hotel in Papeete, conducts the
strangest salon of any capital in the world. Sea-captains,
traders, girls, tourists, beachcombers with mo
mentary riches all pay court! Through this salon
flows all the scandal of the South Seas. Tales of ship
wreck, flirtations, lucky deals in pearls! Once in
Papeete you have but a fleeting interest in anything
north of the equator. When you go to the South Seas
(not if you go, mind you), you may live in Lovaina's
hoteL just as the author of this tale did,
Author of "White Shadows in the South Seas"
has turned more ships southwest to the Islands of the
Pacific than any trade winds. O'Brien has the magic
touch. As you read this talc of life in Papeete you are
one with the free-and-easy company that spends its days
on the verandas of the Tiare Hotel. Read the
Contents of the
"RED" By V. SfncrW Jfasham
(Author of "Tb Moon tad Supcacs")
Red was a tailor who deserted from
a man-of-war in Apia. ThcSouthScas
bad got into his bones. And she her
kin was like a field of ripe corn on
a summer day, all golden glow.
By AUtr4i6r ftrvfuwA
IIow would vou like to be an Amer
ican judge, as was Mr. Stronach, in
American Samoa? To go grandly
into the Council Chamber followed
by your associate native judge with
bare feetand huge epaulets, thepro
cession winding up with the island
CHIEF Hy Worim Johiuon
Cannibals! Yea. we have a few can
nibals left. Martin Johnun, motion
Eicturc explorer, proves cannibalism
y remarkable pictures and relates
his stirring adventure and capture
by a cannibal chief in Malekula.
11,000,000 Chincee will die before Summer, unless America helps. Give
of your abundance. Every dollar will help save a life. $200,000,000 is
Deeded for adequate relief.
iruf our coMirtmtion NOW to the CHINA FAMINE FUND
care of ASIA, 627 Lexington Avenue, Nw York City
Tbe money is forwarded to the American Committee for China Famine
Fund, Thomas W. Lamont, Chairman.
ASIA is the most widely read and distinguished maga
zine devoted to the romance, customs and spirit of the
Orient. Here are vivid interpretations of these Eastern
countries to which you may go to-morrow, next year
or to which your heart may travel on ahead today.
The American MAGAZINE on the Orient
ir than 60 iUus$ratiotiArt Irurrt of 8 pg
Out today 35c a copy all newsstands
Nu matter how poor her llttlo palace
may be, the mother Is queen of the
home, nnd. an such, should bo treated
with tho respect due a sovereign lndy.
Occasionally a very young and very
Ignorant girl shows that. If she Is not
actually nshnmed of her unfnshlonnbly
dressed mother, at least she Is not so
proud of hor, nor so considerate of her
feelings as she ought to be. Yet, aside
from tho filial and moral obllgntlon In
volved, It Is very bad form to slight or
Ignore the mother.
For example, when a girl receives
callers without Introducing them to her
1 mother she Is guilty of flagrant discour
tesy, and her new acquaintances, If they
; Know anyming nuout socini usages, dis
approve both her vulgar Ignorance nnd
her hard unduttfulness. It somcPlmcs
1 happens, of course, that tho mother may
be 111 or absent, In which caso a well-
I bred young woman apologizes for the
non-appearance of the real hostess.
King Bird's chest. 'Now. I'll give you
a couple of yellow pills and In a minute
you will be hotter than you ever luive
been before,' croaked Doctor Crow, lead
ing King Bird to the yellow Jnckcts'
nest. 'This Is my pill box. Hap on the I
door and gobblo tho yellow pills as thov
come out. That Is tho easiest way to
take them!'
"King Bird was feeling so mlserablo ;
with tho cold that his wits were not so
sharp as usual, or he would have seen
that Doctor Crow was up to a trick.
"But King Bird didn't think of a '
trick. Ho rnnppd on the door of the
nei-t, and as yellow Jackets camo buzxlng
out, hu gobbled them down fast, with
out seeing what they were.
" '.Vow you will bo hot !' croaked Doc
tor Crow, and Doctor Crow flapped away
as fast as ho could flap.
"And King Bird did get hot. Tollow
. jackets nave hot tempers and hot stings.
I When King Bird grabbed them ho heat
ed their tempers, and they stung with
their hot stings. These hot stings made
King Bird hot all oer on the Inside
"At the same time the honey plaster
melted and let loose the four yellow
Jackets caught In It. They stung with
their hot stings, making King Bird hot
on tho outside, too,
"My, but King Bird threw a fit when
April ASIA
By Aivirwr FmrnO
An article by a traveler among
tbe Gilbert Islands. Under the
Southern Cross, upon a moon-swept
bench, thi simple primitive history
of these people is enacted by sway
ing bodies and soft voices,
Dy Paul CougulK
Canguin, the French artist, has
done more than almost anyone else
to capture the flaming colors of the
South Seas, l'oems by Elixabeth J.
Coats worth accompany the repro
Dy oui4CroM
Willard Straight's last days in
China. ,
An absorbing and comprehensive
little history of the brilliant islands
of Polynesia and Melanesia.
And many other features
By Itr.t.KN PKCln
tho yellow Jackets be ran to sting. He
hopped and ho Jumped and he turned
somersaults In the air. Then he dashed
down to the river and waded Into It
to put out tho fire on the outside of him,
and at the same time he drank deep
to nut out the flro Inside of him. But
ho nnd to drink a lot of water and duck
down often before he got rid of those
stinging yellow Jackets,
"Then King Bird was mad he was
mad at Doctor Crow, and If Doctor Crow
hadn't wisely hid himself, he would havo
got tho thrashing of his life.
"But, strange to say, Doctor Crow's
medicine worked, and after King Bird
got through smarting, he found his cold
nil gone."
"Well, I wouldn't like to be cured
that way," declared Billy, "but I feel
better already. What are you going to
tell us about tomorrow nlght7"
"I'm going to telt you about King
Bird and the Wild Flower Kalry,"
hooted Judgo Owl, as he flew away to
Blrdland, "Good-night I"
Clara 8mlth Hamon Baptized
Anlmore, Okla., March 21. Clara
Smith Ilnmnn, acquitted Thursday of
having murdered Jnkc T. Hamon, who
wns Itcpubllcan committeeman from
Oklahoma, lust night was baptize,) In
First Christian Church of Ardmorc by
Dr. Crnyton S. Brooks, Its pastor. Mrs.
(i. J. .Tames, of Los Angeles, sister of
Mrs, Hamon, was baptized at the same
Splondld Concort by Flonzaloy
Quartet Ends Fourth Season
of tho Organization
The Chamber Music Association
endcfl Its fourth season yesterday after
noon with n fine concert by the Floh
zalcy quartet in the ballroom of the
Ucltevuc-atrntford, Only two quartets
were on the program, but those two are
among the giants of that form of music,
the Ilrahms In C minor and the Hoe
thovrn op. DO, No. 1, the llrst of tho
Hnsoumoffsky quartets.
It was in the lirethoveti that tho
Flonznley Qunrtrt rose to the highest
point of ensemble playing that it has
ever given In Philadelphia. Heretofore,
this nrgnnizntiou has not been nt its
best In the purc.clossirs, as its style of
performance nnfl of musical thought is
emotional and highly temperamental,
which elements nrc not always to be
found In the masterpieces of the clas
sics, especially those in quartet form.
Hut nothing could have been finer than
This is the First Day of Spring
Today,March 21st,is the first day of spring
the day that everybody has agreed upon
as the time when"business will open up."
Business is here. It starts from now. It
should be greater every day.
Industry is awakening. On all sides you
see the evidences of this. In every newspaper
you read of resumption of work.
Back to normal ! It is a cheering thought.
Employer, employee, dealer and customer
are glad of it.
Out in the country the crops are being put
in as of old. Mother Nature never takes a
vacation. She is swinging into her spring
work,making the seeds sprout and the crops
grow. The food of the world is going to be
produced. The foundation of all prosperity
exists as it always did.
Business is here. It is ready at your hand.
It is not something to be waited for, not
something to be wished for. It is.
The first day of spring is a splendid start
ing point. Winter,with all its handicaps and
disappointments, is behind, and can be for
gotten. Ahead of us all are days that grow
better and better,days when work will count
Goodrich Tires
the performances of tho Beethoven quar
tet yesterday.
For almost the first time In n Phila
delphia performance the members of
the quartet seemed to sink, their own
personalities completely In the great
music they were playing nnd to seek
only to bring out to the utmost the
musical content of tho composition.
This wns nil done without any loss in
the marvelous finish, beauty of tone nnd
perfection of ensemble which the qunr
tct has attained, nnd tho result was
a wonderfully finished and sincere
rending of what Is certainly one of the
greatest quartets In tho voluminous
literature of that form. Tho tempi
adopted by the Flontnlcy Quartet in
this work yesterday were more ncnrly
In accord with classic tradition than
has been the case In somo of their pre
vious renditions here, and their per
formance of the Hccthovcn quartet
must stand out as one of the high lights
of quartet ploying in Philadelphia for
many years.
The Drahms quartet, which preceded
It, was not so satisfactory, especially
in the mntter of tho tempi. Tho first
movement wns taken so fast as to ap
pear to the hearer ns 3-4 tlmo instead
of 3-2, as written, with n consequent
loss of the breadth and dignity which
In nnn nt If u tnfttn fVinKnnfaBInil. fnt.
enormously difficult passage in broken
unisons niter tnc nrst ending of this
movement was not perfectly played and
BSBS . Lflsvl kLs.
thero were occasional lapses In the in
volved nnd complicated rhythms. Tho
quartet played with nil Its usual per
fection of eliscmblo and exquisite tonal
color, but although there were many
places In the Ilrahms which were su
perbly played, nt no tlmo did the per
formers reach in this composition the
heights of interpretative Inspiration
which they attained In the Beethoven
Fear Dooton Child Kidnapped
Boston, March 21. (Ky A. P.)
With nn alleged ktdnnpplnc threat,
Mild to hnvo been sent by mail, ns their
solo clue, the police are seeking for
Marion Alice Hill, five-year-old daugh
ter of Fred II. Hill, of South Boston.
The child disappeared last Friday, A
playmate said that a woman approached
them as they were playing on tho beach
In the neighborhood, nnd after a few
minutes' talk with Marlon led the lit
tle girl away.
1100 sq. feet of most desirable
floor spaco; all ouUide rooms;
rents reasonable.
more and more, when mutual understanding
and helpfulness will bring their lasting bene
fits. The roads are getting better, the shops
are showing the new things, people are put
ting money into circulation. Your dollar,
paid out for a necessity, does not stop work
ing. It. keeps going on and on increasing
the volume of business.
"Good times" are coming 'back with the
sunshine and the flowers, with the hum
ming of machinery and the song of the
whisdes. The hour for moping and com
plaining has gone; the time for hustling and
prospering is with us.
In the automotive industry the news is
encouraging. Passenger car and truck manu
facturers are welcoming the first day of
spring with increased activities to satisfy the
coming demand.
And here in the Goodrich plant the open
ing of spring finds us ready to serve our old
and new customers through the Goodrich
dealers in the efficienmanner that has char
acterized our organization for fifty years.
It is the first day of spring the dawn of
the good business era for us alL
- '
Elklns' Bequest Will Provide 1200,
000 Ablngton Structure
Money provided by the late (Sforge
W. Klklns will be used this spring for
erection of a model nurses' home ns
part of the Plant of the Ablngton Me
morial Hospital, founded by Mr. Elklns
some years ago ns n memorial to his
first wife, Mrs. Stella Melntlrr Klklns.
Plans for the proposed building: were
sent to builders Saturday for estimates.
It Is understood about $200,000 Is
available from the fund created by Mr.
Klklns for the proposed nddltlon to the
hospital and that work will be rushed
if the homo can be erected for the sum
in hand.
YOUNG MAN, 35. whose experi
ence has been along tho follow
ing lines. Is open for .immediate,
connection: Accounting (Cor
poration), Bookkeeping, Sales and
omco Management, Newspaper
nnd Advertising work, Qualified
And capable of assuming full
charge, and producing results.
Befcrcnco, bond or security fur
nished. U 004, LEDGER OFFICE
Nftw York JoMiai.
Can Ukj Large Quantity
Lad ie Full Fashioned Ho
Ten or Eleven Strand Silk
, Mercerized Torts
Either Finished Goods or in the
Nearby Delivery
Address Rot ITS. TIax. -
110 West 4th St., N. Y. City
altr mK3 rVnAtZr? JL"!W
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