Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 19, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Image 1

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    li,sSj C ff i 'i? i
Clniitly anil warmer toniflil anil Sun
uentncj public ffie&cjcr
day! somo Hfil't ml" Sunday.
Tf.MI'l.RAlUlti: AT IJ.U'11 HOblt '
CT iH m nm i i a i jfiTTTi I
-anas m H7 ino insjiHj ( J
pr'1 " -"i- i .
V0L, VII. NO. 160
Retires to Deliberate
After Judge Audenried
Reads Instructions
"Electric Chair or Freedom," Is
Demand of State in Clos
ing Argument
Full Blamo for Murder of Peirce
Put on Elliott by Accused's
"Boots" and Moss Kept in Cells
as Case Is Brought to
a Climax
" Till Be Out Tonight,"
Prediction of Trcadtvay
' I expert to be on the streets l,v
tonight "
Peter D Trendway greeted Deputy
'Sheriff "Viol." Ttrimn wlHi llinsr,
nereis when lie was hroiii-ht im from
Mn.rsmcnsitig Prison this morning.
The man who probably will know
today whether he lives or dies seem
ril to hme legainod nil Ids enn
fiden r
The eae of Peter D. 'Headway, on
,Mil fur the murder of Henry T. Peirce,
hi N'nv ember 'Jl last, nt 12007 Market
"trrel went to the jury nt 1 o'clock
thu nfiirnoon. Court then recessed un
til .1
.Tialjo Audonilcd. who has been hear
nt the ne since last Tuesday in Hooin
Wl. Citj Hull, began his charge to the
wry nt 1L':0."i o'clock. The charge,
drrn behind looked doors, was n lengthy
The judge entered into a careful nnal-
Iii of I lie mass of evidence given for
'ml ncalntt the defendant, the two con-
fnnns he made, mid his lecital of tlie
Heuintmices of the murder ns lie gnve
tin ieinn on the witness stand.
The judge thPn spent some time in
outlining the law as it applies in this
. and of the uirious degrees of guilt
iohi(li they miglit find the defendant.
Pleads for Defendant-
hielge Audenried boenn Ids diaice
"ftti a inorniiis of debate bj the nttor-
" Milan Patterson, ,lr.. lepic-
Wilting the defense, made nn eloquent
Plea fr the dofondifnt'h nciiiiiltol. lie
swung ;u the ,iniites t K) o'cloik
"111 sneaking until 11:10 o'clock.
Hie nttniuo.v for th.. defense il..,.Inin,l
lliat nil th,. powers 0f ,1C (,,.,1,, ..,,...,
irrnud ngiiuit a man whose greatest
'nine mis bdng an nciessorj after the
'" Hi" llltfllci Hint 'I'... ,.!.. ... ...... 1.1
nit be i
---..... ,,(.,1. i iLiiutiiii i, mm
o'Miteil of minder unless it wus
CIMm lilnvill tlm l- till..-., 1....I i..... ..
- ' ,11.11 1'il.ll (I
wi'l'in. mio which he had entered.
Atsistnut District Attorney Sioii.er.
l'0 nilld( tile liniir.innl ..l.,!i, .,,l,l,..u
r ine ((iliiil,.i.,liii, , i,. (..n ...i
" 11 in ...lock, when Mr. Patter
wi.nr, ntu IW. mml,,,s (ftP1. 12l
He disK,., ,,,i ,. H,(t., f(). ,ll(, ,lllfl.I1VL,
' I'nstli. eniphnslzlng that there had
M'nn.1 peiH'culion of Tre'udwn h the
utli.)rui.. ni lhnt hv ,,,, l)t,u cnn.
"""I'd n,st linmlilj ,y his own woids
nil (leeiN
I''"" diMiiel mtoinej demanded that
Kp'J!'1 ,,w,,'rtr mill ili-r In the
licailwaj'j, None Itndc
rUMo-ir "'i 0l",',,,l, 1"'0,,1" i,l("
'Me I ,H,-. -Vf lie took his seat be-
me bo "'"' "."""-of ".win-know -Mr
is,,'" ""' ''""ter f all eyes.
', ''" ,n,lrt luid e,i. to older.
-" ls IIOl ii mil., ,,li. ..!
'n i "i",.? W TIns l,,or"""-"
'" I "' l's,,'0,"'"oom tllnt '
lr,.. ,.' n,,s",,f"'''l with criminal
'" 1 il,',n"n.t f"r " ,,,'" """'
,0,l'" nes , ? ,ftH "Bo H-Jnilinm
"""ted uiil """' J ll"v, l,,,,, 'n
U i " ,, " "f lliom ns cunsel.
I,cjf'l -i i. ,, , Cf'",,,,,ro ' I"" nexer
hnlle ",,a, ,,1,b,,rl- -'""rl or re-
"latlon i n ,.,i,nnnl .nse
U""l on .BW ThjrtTrtii-lta;
N0' W"rrled About 15 Minutes if
"e Can See President
,t. ,mh' leinheil I i.. wi.ii. ii......
fe ,j
Wn., ,!,' ','t'M,",',t ll.lrdi.ig.
on .1,1.. V . '' "rienntor.
..n" '"iii.l wnltlng nbuiit tirn-oil
i Imi
en itilt...i.iU .
c I'icaiileiitV-' K (isll,t rH n see
ti 4'l"uit icspuuded si,-. pcu.
En,., .. """;rIl!e'.yfc."'gtV.t ''.". '
SIKS. (J. II. .Mel'ADDKN, ,JH.
Who testified today ngnlnst two
women, former employes of her
household. Mho aro accused In the
MOO.000 gem theft from tho Sic
I'nddcn home. In this picture Mrs.
SIcFaihlen Is wearing one of the
.stolen necklaces.
Farmer Youth Confesses Mur
der of Chum After Appeal to
Religious Convictions
H.v the Associated Press
Wnrsiiw. Ind.. March 11). Meniniics
of Ids early i elision revived by u letter
urging him to confess hit. sins and seek
forgiveness, combined with the soften
ing influence of inotlieily ndviecj given
by Sirs. ('. 15. Sloon. wife of the sheriff
of Kosciusko county, lias lesulted in a
lonfessi.m from Viigil Decker, eighteen
jciiis old, in which he declares that he
alone was icspoiudblo for t lie death of
Leroy l.oett. it nincieeii-jenr-old
youth of Klkhnit, Ind., Ids "double,"
with whom he elm mined,
Decker signed the confession today
in the piescme of Sirs. Sloon, her hus
band, tin oo detectives nnd two Warsaw
Since his nricst Tuesdav at Marion.
Ind.. on the charge of murdering I.ovett.
the Decker boy has insisted that he had
no pntt in the Ind's death. Almost
constant questioning by offiiers failed
to bring any mlniNslons from him except
he bad spent some time l'riduy and Sni
uiday. Mnicb II mid 1'-'. with I.ovett.
Yesteidny be received in n letter from
Sirs. (Seoige Walker, of Nnppanee. a
woman wholly unknown to him, a dooplj
leligioiis appeal that he "confess every
thing to the man jou huto liarnicd."
and iniiloriiig him to "lean on .lesu"."
During Ids incaiccratiun Sirs. Sloon
also has talked with him. I.ntc jester
day Decker requested a Hihle. Later
Sirs. Sloon heard him talking ns lie
walked about bis cell. She listened and
licai.l liiiu quoting the Scriptures.
"Did you (ind something to comfort
y on?" she nsked.
The bo said lie hail found something
cr. comforting.
- Decker told her he could recite many
passages of Script in c and lie told her
of inrlier dojH when he attended chinch
"Hut. Virgil, if j on keep on telling
lies don't you know that you w'll only
make jour case worse?" suggested Slis.
"Yes. I know It. but I have made my
peace wit It tioil and I'm icadj to tell
all." dclarcil the boy.
lie then gne a complete account of
his tiip from Hlkhart, hid., with I.eioj
I.oott. wh'ch started Friday niglit.
Sinn Ii 11. and which, according to the
confession, ended Saturday morning in
a summer cottage on t lie Tippecanoe
i.ver with nil attack on the I.oxett boy.
Xo motive for the attack was given,
crept the brief statement that "the
devil old me to do it and I just did i."
The attack, w'lh n heavy iron bar.
was made, according to the confession,
slioitlj befoie noon Saturday "and was
not fatal, but fearing llie consequences
thnl might result from his us-ault.
Virg'l changed some of I.oiett's dotbes
for his own. ohtuln,cd n horse nnd buggj
and drove with the injured lad to a
railroad crossing. Theie be icleascd
tin hoi se, leaving tlie buggj with I.ovett
s(nled 'ii il unconscious. cocliiig that
n tinin would yonie along, demolish the
buggj and leave a body so badlj
mangled Hint identification would be
imposible except by bits of clothing
Those bits would be thoe of the Decker
hoy's clothing and he planned to .lis
appear, leaving the impression that he
had met h'n death in tlie accident.
The buggy wns hit by n slow fieight
tin'u. however, and the body tosed
aside nnd not mutilated. Later it was
claimed hj botli Samuel I.ovett. of Hlk
I'liit, fat her of Leroy I.ovett, and mem
bers of the Decker family.
Decker declared thnt lie was the only
one Implicated Slis. Sloon said tlie
bov denied that there was an Insuianee
plot to obtain pnvuioiits of pollc'es
nggregnting S.' 1,000 in event of b's
accid'.mtid death
Ten Members of Columbia Brigade
Held for Starting Fires
I .minister, I'n.. Slnich 10. The nn est
Inst night of two more members of the
Vigilnnt Fire ('niiipnnj. of Columbia,
brings tlie number of firemen nrrested
chingul with arson to ten. The men nre
being held ut tlie Penn Stute polite bin
links in this city.
Those niieste.l last niht are William
Ziegler, former driver of the Vigilant
file truck, nnd Clnjton Kise. Kise wns
in rested in Philadelphia. Ho is a govern
ment student and wns assigned to an
nutomobilo conipanv at "oO North llroad
street, that idtv The men will be sent
to the county Jail today to await trial
Resident of Neffsvllle, Lancaster
County, Celebrates Birthday
Lancaster, Pa.. Slnich II). (llj A
P ) Slis. Sarah Sillier. Lancaster
coiintv's oldest lesident. (elebrnte.l her
lli'li bithdn.v iniuivcrsarv lodaj
She is n lesident of the Itrethien
Home, Nelfsville, Despite her years
she ls able to convert Uueutly ou
events of flic day.-
Former Maid and Governess Put
Under Bail on Society
Woman's Testimony
John C Hell, attorney, for .Mrs.
George II. SlcPadden . .1r. whnu
jewels, valued at S.'OO.OOO. weie stolen
fiom her home the niuht of October 0.
sought to bring out at a hearing today
Hint tlie jewes weie spirited from Mrs1.
SlcFadden's diesscr iif'the folds of the
society woman's llneiri,.. lefi .. n r.i.:
befoie the theser.
Sir. Hell sought, bj his questioning
of Sirs. SIcFndden. to in.iimte that
Sllle. lllanihe Slnguit. her French maid,
had used the Hngeile. t fonccal the
Jewels in (aiijing them from Sirs. Sle
Fadden's bath to Slndanic Jeanne An
berletf French governess in (lie SIc
Fadden home.
Slndamo Auberlet nnd Sllle. Slnguit
were arrested Thursday, after the gov
erness hiirl applied for passports to
trance. Her home is In Paris. Thev
were both held In $r,000 hail todav for
n further hearing in two weeks. '
A Dramatic Si cue
, It was a drnnitic moment nt the hear
ing before Magistrate Williamson, in
lllO rillirlMniiLn n( MA.lt ... .. n
o clock this morning, when Sirs. Slc
L addon fncefl ,li. ..nM i .1..
niald who had been her attendant for
Sladame Auberlet. modestlv attired,
closed lier ejes just before tlie hearing
began and her lips moved rapidlv ns
though utteilng a prajer In her native
ll rniWtll .... Ltl. m
.w.vu iuiijuc, .-jue is lory-seven
J ears old.
Sllle Slnguit. thlity.flve veals old.
11 , '' "nil mc ijoveriiess, is
a blonde with a manner of self-possession.
She had 11 tailored appeal ance.
Husband Also Witness
Sirs. SIcFaddcn. a stately brunette,
enteied the nniii.hnnr.i ...:,t. 1 1
, - : """ ""ii hit Hus
band and joung son. Hillv. sjlie wore
a blown velvet hat. with a heavy lace
veil to match, a black Persian lamb
coat and maioon gown, with black
wit hose and shoes. She wore no
The hearing began a few minutes after
the Sic addons arrived, and Slis. Slc
Padden was the chief witness. Her
husband also testified.
Magistrate Williamson lend the
chaige of latceny and conspiracy to
(ominit laiceny, as piefoned against
the former SIoFaddeii seivnnts. lie
also enumerated tho pearl ueckln.os and
other jewelry tuken.
Sfl'u. Afclnildnii iiunnui.n,l ... l.n.... l. .
. ... ,. ,r... wtl.l u llll,,- lUJtl
some of her composure when she took
the stand. The courtroom was ciowded
with cutious men nnd women.
Left (.'cms In Itatliroom
After test'fying ns to employing
Sladame Auberlet two jeais ago and tlie
French mnid ten years ago. Sirs. SIc
Fndden dcserilied hoe nronnrnlinns fnr
bed on the night of October 0.
"I went to bed nbout 12 o'clock. I
undressed in my bnthroom, took off my
jewelry and placed It in a gold box oil
top of the dressing tnblc there.
"At PJ.-JO. having rend for fifteen
minutes I got into bed nud turned out
the light."
At this point she made it pla'n Hint
the gold box in the bathroom dresser
tontnined only the jewelry she had
u 0111 thnt night.
Describes Condition of K00111
"Tlie lest wns in a safe in tlie closet
in mj bedroom. There was also 11
suing of imitation pearls in Hie upper
left-hand drawer of my dressing case in
tlie hedroom. I nlso kept a black
leather has in there that I had biought
from Pnris.
'At i o clock the next 11101 nine, I
awoke and walked into the bathroom
and di ank a glass of water." Sirs. SIo
Faddeii .ontiniied. "I loke.I out tjic
window and went back to bed."
Sir. Hell requested her to describe the
condition of her bedroom nnd the bath
100111 when she nwoke.
"The general appeainnce of the rooms
was the snme as the night before." Sirs.
SIcFndden said.
"Yon must have left some clothes in
tlie bathroom." prompted Sir. Hell.
t'onllnurU on I'nce Two. ( nlumi, One
Former Drunkards to Honor Late
Head of McAuley Mission
New York. Slarcii 1!). (Hy A. P.)
The body of John II. Wybiirn. "the
Drunkard's Friend," wns expected to
be brought back today from Clifton
Springs to lie in Ftnte in the famous
old Jerry McAuley .Mission, over which
be presided for fifteen yenrs. Mr.
Wybiirn died last Thuisday, on his
sixty-second birthdaj
Hundreds of "ex-tanks" whom Mi.
Wjliuin helped back to sobriety, many
of them now prosperous business men.
nie expected to visit Hie dingy little
mission in Water sheet nnd pay final
tribute to their friend.
Himself an ox-tank," as he ex
piessed it. Sir, Wybiirn achieved marked
success in his work at the mission where
he earlier hnd been "plucked like it
brnntl from the limning," by another
reformed drunkaid, the Into S. II.
Would Cut Slices Off Idaho, Mon
tana and Washington
Spokane. Wash.. Slarch 111. ( Hj A
p ) Northern Idaho residents foster
ing foimntloii of tlie new state of
Lincoln, which would cmnpiise ten
uuntics of Noith Idaho, a pait of
western Slontnna unci eastern Wash
ington, nre to rnise a fund to be used
for piopngnndn purposes, it was stated
hero todav bv Hernan Taylor, of Snnd
Point. Idaho.
Tlie campaign will be started within a
few weeks, and will lie curried on for
two yours, he stated, The Idaho Legis
lature recently passed favorably on the
scheme to form the new state, of which
Spokane would be the capital
Not them nnd Southern Idnho aie
separated bj n high ranje of inoun
tnins. nnd this would be the southern
boundary of the state of Lincoln, if It is
formed' i
Unwilling to Accept Appointment at j
President's Hands j
Washington. SIni.li 10. (Hy A. P.) t
A. 'I'. Hert. Itpiiiibltinn iintlonnl com- I
nilttoemnii for Kentucky, has dediiied '
to consider aiipolntment bv President I
Harding either as an ambassador to '
some foreign eountrv' or as the Presl- .
dent's lepiesentatlve on the government!
leorganlzntlon onnnkion. '
in 11 letter innde public toditv nt the
White House tlie President nssur.d Sir.
Hert thnt he would have hnd a "very
attraethe post" in tho diplomatic serv
ice hnd he permitted his name to be
Included in tlie list of (hose under con
sideration for ainbassndois. 'Hie Presi
dent also declnred thnt since ncoetilnncn
pf the ambassadorial appointment was
impossible ho wns exceedingly iinxious
io unve .ur. uen 1 ( present Him per
sonally in the reoigiiubntimi of the ex
eciitlv" departments. In his declina
tion the Itepubllean iintlonnl committee- ,
man gave no specific leason for with-dn-wiiiK
Ids nntne fiom the list of possi- '
Dining Hie Inst lampalgii Sir. Hert
was 11 member of the Hepublicnn execu
tive committee of live. Prior to the con- i
volition lie wns a supporter of Governor i
Lowtien for the piesldelttinl nomination
and at Cldeago was one of the Lovvden
floor lenders. After election mnnv of'
is fronds uiged Sir. Harding to put,
him in Hie cabinet.
s .
While Preparing for Rescue They
Send for Doctor to Be Prepared
Four bojs. none over ten vears old,
rescued n nine-jenr-old companion,
James Lubj. of Switejivllle, Abington
township, when he fell Into a shallow
stream and lay in the water uncon
scious, Tho boys, with unusual piosence of
mind, sent h fifth lad off to summon a
doctor to joung Lubv's home, nnd then
improvised a stietcher 'from a board.
They put the un.onseious bov on the
"stretcher" nnd cnnleil him home.
Later in (lie day Stacy Lubv. the
boy s father, swore out n warrant for
the nriest of sevon-jear-old llenry
Sleisel for assault nnd battery, cliarging
tlint he had pushed the victim from 11
high bank into the creek. The child
was taken before Mnggistiate Wlllinms
but lelensed immediiitelj, the magis
trate announcing that he would hold
the case under advisement until Slarch
Henry denied he had iutentionnllv
pushed young Lubv. explaining that
thev all had been playing tag. and he
accidentally had 11111 against ids plny
mntc nnd barely was able to save liim
Armed Highwaymen Hold Up Vic
tlm With Dozen Persons In Sight
a ,
" rCr.-.'
of - i -
Two wcll-diessed young men
today held up William Harris. ,
North 'franklin street, and compelled
tin to turn ovc. to them 4, be hnd
n (lis pockets 'I he n.en threatened to
kill Harris if he made an outcry.
l lie nol.l-up tool, pluce ut Mnth and
AnMi streets, and it wns over so quick,
that a dofeen persons waiting for a tiol-
ley car on the opposite comer wore i
unaware of it. I
Harris told tho police of the Eleventh i
mm ,, nun mhji-iw niuiiutl Hill mc 1WO
men walked alongside him. When thev
reached the corner one of them pulled
out a revolver and "requested" him to i
bold his hands up. The other told him
to hnnd over his money, nnd in order to fcteps.
escape with his life, Harris says, he "Eternal Vlgll.iiicc" Needed
dl!.h0'. .,,., ,. .. 1'r, 'Ol'oit, in its initial draft, reads
Harris furnished the police with a I as follows:
good description of tli.e men. One. be I "We baj-e waged n long, hard battle
said, was twenty-eight a ears old and I nguinst tlie forces of intemperance nnd
Hie other twenty-six. Doth weie well lift our hearts in gratitude to God lie
dressed nud woie silk shirts. cause we have lived to see Hie dav of
Bobbed Hair, Short Skirts and Taxi,
steamship Snmland. Mnnv of them
sang ns they stepped on Now Jersey
soli and did not nppenr to lie especially
thrilled by the quiet surioundiiigs.
An nil-round interpreter who picked
up some of tho jargon summed up their
interiintionnl opinions in this fashion:
"Huh! So tlds is the United States!
1wiff nrn tlin ttirld tlm Wllitn Wnr I
nnd tlie onuniets.' I
" "" - - ..i. v "ii.i
.Ainny oi tno inir ininngranls were
silk-stockinged and liigli-heeled. Some,
(.raving rviarK uirl .mmigrants , Mh"; ;,,, ,,, ' ," , W "'"' J" J"- -""" 'hnges at h!s;we,e ih.own fcwaid vlolonih' " SI,. In the tlnid plnce. Vo fir as Secre arV
A Inzz orche.stia was the only tiling drop our weapons of vvarfaie In the dav I i.,; 10- ' l",'M" M,"'0'- " Mn"'1' ! "ngbt s d,est was bruised l.y the Fall is .oii.eined as a possih'e stieces-
a a. . . . ' IVI1TI IIIJ 111! IUIF Illll I,.,., . I., .. . 1 I
neccieci io g ve ii nnisiiing touch to theof victory The most vicious eorrunt1 ,t '"L,.'lr;m" ".' "".- "'""r'' "K'-s ui sieering wheel; Jlis. Worstall vvasiM.r. U is b. coming inerensinglv appar
scene at tlie f.louccster Immigration nnd dastardly liquor interests are vet I.,iVsp,,nl ,"ntim"l l0 ""Kin bis gashed nhout the face and head when cut Hint the Haiding adminiMratinn.
Station today. nniivi. i' ,,,,..i,..i ,,. ,i. . . . concution. tlnown nc.i iwi the uimUiiinM tin, i...t while ri.n.iuim. ;.. ..,.nr..i .....k..,.. ,..
Scores of girls with bobbed bnlr nnd neeesvdi, fm- i-n,,..,,,..! '.ii..i. ..'., .... hollowing the tiansfusiou Sir. Tliiiyer lost h number of leelb when Innled noliev of Mr r.ill s7, .-.i ,.. t:
il skirts, too. of colors which mnde slant vieilance on the ,,fc .r I ' 'll'earoc 1 gieatlj iinpiove.l. anil sue- against a s,.t will not adhere io It i.,.l..ia,l '
n rainbow helpless, wore among the fi lends of prohibition in state nnd in. "''Velleved ho would leenvor. lues- v D,-. II II D.ul ngton. of Cncoid- ,
sscngers wlio Ir nnec nshoie from the Hon uny nigiii a leiapse occiiircii. vile, tienled the in in id the, i. ,ii.iiiinr in uvvn i-.iny
too. were a little rougeh. but the anxious to lenlize our ambition in tliis
result indicnted Hiat mote rehearsals ' respec t overnight is a thing almost im
will be required in tliis art. i possible witlt (iod
"The.v are tlie most up-to-tlie-mln- , ,, .,
nte aggregation of Immigrants I have1 Palmer I. tiling Decried
ever seen here." said Jnines L, Hughes, j "Some nie nltoadv cr.vfng dcfint.
eiuei oi in" iiiirciin "i loiuiiKriiiioii,
and thev look ns though they will be
substantial citizens."
There were "J2t arrivals in all. A few
men weie piesont.
Tavistock's Citizens, Totaling 20.1
Will Elect Each Other
A whole town of nifiiclin!doi such
will be the situation in tlie borough or i
boroushette of Tavistock. N. J. Tlie1
nlnce Is on the outskiits of Iladdnn- I
(irhl. but thi'ii'iili lonisliitliin was sen- .
nrnted and tuntle into -i icgiilur boi -'
ouch bv itsen.
There nie onlv twentj u-sidents I
Tavistock. lliev will lie legisfeied
Mnrdi 'J2 nnd nu election will he held j
on SInreli 'Jft.
As n burgess, membeis of council, a
tnx collector, tionsurer, assessor unci
evernl patrolmen nie to be elected, vir
tunlly every liodv in the borough will
have n job nnd the people will be Hie
government piohnLlv more than in any
other place in the country.
Bandit Shot by Watchman; Woman
Killed by Blast; Bomb Thrown
Chlrago. Slaieh 111 (Iv A P l
A bandit wns shot to doiitli by n watch
mini, n house wus bombed ami a woman
was killed in n nivsteelous explosion
within an hour early today.
Two bandits ntteiiinted to luonk into
Hie Ad'er Packing Co. otiiees nnd one
wns shot to dentil bv Caiev Mason,
Negro watchman. Within a few min
utes a terilfic explosion sot fire to n
house in another part of the dt.v and
when firemen entered thev found Hie
bod.v of Sirs. Francis Soldi mer. slxi, .
five years old, stretched ncioss a trunk
hi tlie Nesro distill I a lintiib nlnreil ,
two poisons, shattered windows ami
otherwise damaged ball a dozen re.ii-
denccs. --
Temperance Roport Presented
to Conference Decries Ruling
of Palmer on Boer
' "I U U I T J) ULrAHIUnt
"If' hat's the Usp." Mayor
Replies to Dr. Mntchler
"What is tlie use." said Slavor
Slooie today when asked about state
ments bv the Itev. T. T. Sliltchler
concerning Snbbnth observance.
.!"" a mnn Mno piofessiM
Chiistinnilv. which means hiimniiilv.
willfully deiinutKos (he Slayor ns 1111
nlhei.l he evin.es a stnle of mind
whidi it would be unwise (o attempt
to analj'ye.
"It is even mnie difliciilt to un
derstand this state of mind when one
lends the application of Dr. Sluteli
ler's assistant for the use of the po
lice band on Similar."
Liquor toh'i ns medicine, salacious
moving pictuies. , ommerclalizc.l Sun
days nnd gnmbling were hit by the tern
pcrnnce board of the Methodist Con
foren.e. which made Its annual icpoit
mis inoinlng.
The Itev. It i;. .i0iltlon who has
achieved consideiablc notoriety as the
"raiding parson." is nresi.lent of the
i'board and delivered the icni.rt I..
the Wharton Sleniorial Chiircn. Fifty
fourth nnd Catharine stieets. where tbe
confeieneo is in pi ogress. Touny is tbe
fourth business session of tlie confer
ence. A fouofiil ntluik on what he de
scribed as n (iimpnigii to weaken en
forcement of the eighteenth niiiendmeiit
nnd Hie Volstead u. t was innde by the
Iev. Dr. Clarence Tine Wilson, of
I Washington, i.eeietniy o thfe Slethodist
1 O0'i! "'iP'I'eionce and piohibitlon.
, iJr. A ilson assailed the "boor rid
ing innde by A. Slitd.ell Palmei
, shortly befoie he yielded the office of
, Ul'"""-J sen.-rui. nnd Dv inference nKo
"PMildng of what he termed the weak
r.lrrt? ,n. yfol'f,p 'I'" "dry law" under
'the President who vetoed the VoisK.in
.iiu.icu loimer I'resdeiit Wllsm,.
The board of lemperniicc. prohibition
ami public morals, which is the o flic In
I title of the committee beaded hvlii
.lohnson. mps the recent decision .i?
former Attomcy (Icncral Puhner whicl
made it Jccal to prescribe beer an.
light wines for medicinal nurnoses
Tlie renort also IhsIim ., n, i..,-..
diate repeal of the P.rooks high' li.ensc
law and the .idmitlmi ,,r ci,n m,.,i
bill, nnd goes on to say that Pennsyl
vania Will be "(lislovnl Io the, nuriwu..
ud intent of the constitution of the
United States" if it docs not lnt- ilu.u..
victory. I he liquor ttufhV stands con
victed before every tribunal in the land
and is now an outlaw. We must not
mjibci. iiowever, inai eternal vigilance
is still the pii.o of liheity
"To leniaiu otiiesccni now. or m (int.
tor ourselves that the cause of iho
eighteenth amendment is now- an as-1,
sured fact in the constitution and
therefore. Unci" Sam will be the gient
law enforcer without the pniticular aid
of every moral agency in tlie land, is n
pure hallucination and will bring min!
n vwl Aatnat .. ti ..muA
Willi UII.IH IO IIU .tU;.
"Ours is the optimistic note. We
the Aineiican peonle. must mneli ii.n
goal, but to be too imnatient nnd ,.
i,iioi,iiik "i mm iiicsiiuu iroui a one
sided nngle, thev are too pione to be
lieve that veiv little hns been achieved.
Hut tlie American people never vet
started out to do a big thing without
finishing it This Is one of Hie lihri-es.
i tilings that God ever put Into our hands
Continued on l'e.e Thirteen ( olnmn four
H, a n & .s . a..
Igh Rent Compels Chicago Alder-
man to Leave 40-Year-Old Stand
Chicago. Slaieh ID illy A. p. I
Tin. Inidi ,,,i low ulti '..,,, '......'. i. .. ,
Clilcngo Inndmnrk. known us "thel
for forlv e.irs bv Alderman "Illnkv
Dink" Kennn
"I'm piijiug S. Oi n iiinmli nud the
new tenant, n restaurant mnn, I under
stand, is to puv S100O. I probaldy
would hnve stood for some inciense.
but not for stub a boost as that.
"Sinie (imbibition went into effect
I have been losing money eveiv dnv ,
but I had to have a hangout fortbe
boys I'm going to find some place
X'i .''" "w,n "",I 01"" "" " ,,,Bn
Chancellor Almost Certain to Head
Unionists as Law's Successor
London. Slnieh 10. i in A PI-
1 he election of J Austen Cliaiiiherlaiii.
. li.incellor of tho exchequer. In the
leadership of the Unionist pnity, made
vacant bv the retirement of Aniliew
llomir Law fiom iictive politics appears
assured, ns no opposition has been nil
winced. Mr, Chamberlain, it is iiiulei -stood,
will become leader of the House
of Commons and soonei or latei icsnM
the ( nniiieiioi-siiip tin u less evading
fhe convention to ole t a nevv Icm r
of the Unionist parly bus been set for
'Jlondny next.
I-'Chicago InnclmnrU. known as "th,.l ."l" :," ''""-'' ' ih-k..u. m.,
ilinngont fin the boys." ..pointed j t1P;Noith 1 vveiitv -seioud sunt, and .Mis,
vlclnilv .,f Clnil. and Jackson streets Muue E Majei. I'ollsville. Pa
Published Dallv r.Xf'til Suti'ln)
Copyrlsht. '021, by
.Tolin HouHlon, Jr.. four ycnrn ol-J, 2302 Conltutlon road,
Fnltvlcw, N. J., won thowncd In Newton creel ut 12 K o'rlnok
this nftcrnoon. With other boys be waa iiluylnj.; on the trolley
trcs'tlo between Olouccfiter unci rnlrvicw. lie lobt bin bnliime
when throwing a stone Into tbe cieck.
WASHINGTON, Marcb 10. Solicitor Ocutial rrlerbn todny
uhkeel tbo Supreme Couit to ndvnncc to April 11 be.xrlufju in the
appeal from the New Yorlt decrte di3nilsslng tbu goveiiimcnt'a
application for an Injunction to rcstrnin tho Wcatern Uniou Tele
graph Company from landing a cnTJTo on the Atlantic contA without
government permission. The cjututlon involved, Mr. Trlerbou'b
potltiou said, was, whether tho Frubldont bud thu constitutional
llglit to prevent such a lauding ami wus oue of great Importance
to the government, "Involving thu exercise of sovereign rights."
Farm Hand Raises $100 Lim'rick
We had considerable tioublc in locat
ing today's lim'iick winner. On his
coupon ho gave his address as '208 North
5th Street. We found thnt that is wheie
he lives Saturdays nnd Sundays when he
comes to town but that.duving the week,
he works on Roberts' farm, down nt
Somcrdnle, X. J. He sure raised a profit
able crop when he sent in thnt Inst line.
His veise is:
The birdies that sing in the spring
Make love as a regular thing;
Said a cop in the park,
"Now I think that the lark
Gels 'raven' when mocking-birds
Blood Transfusion Fails to Save
Life of Illustrator and
William fJ. Thayer, of Slillbourne.
illustrator and art Instructor, died
Thuisduy night at Jefferson Hospital
after n blood transfusion operation had
uppairntly helped his condition. He
was twentv-eiglil joins old.
The fact of his death became known
todnv. Nearly a s. ore of ids fiiends.
most of them prominent in the field of
Pit. volunteered to give their blood
when it became known tlint a transfu
sion operation might save Sir. Thay
er's life.
Fredeiick A. AiuIomoii. of Nni berth.
Pa., an illustiator. was finally selected
as best adapted to give his blood in the
The one ration vv.is inccssniy. ns Sit
1 bayer hnd lost laige quantities of
... ,llnT "" l",'."llm ol .'
"i age ol siueen nun coiiuniieii it
i ? i . 'i0,'"1',' la"Si;t nr trie niuus-
-; o i"'.-.- .,i.n-. m-
Was u"nmmo"
. .
a ii n -.i
nuwo.u n.i, ui i-iuys
and Plavers' Cub, First In District
I III' IIUIIII S IF, -M ,- ,, , im, - l,,'.
clrnuii l.i.l.., f .., .Im, f..- it... (i.s, i
ll... n
i! si urn women weie
time in the hiton of Hie fedeial cciiuts
in this distri.t. to serve when the
I tilted States llismet Couit c oiiveues
Slnich LN
Tlie iiaiins iven diawn hv Gtorgc
llioaclboi I,, erieik ol the' 1 llillllil I eourt.
tint of a total "f inn only seven women
jurists were dniwu Thev will sit m
Hie Fedeial Itiiddiiig. Ninth anil Chest
nut streets
The Hist vv cumin diawu was Mis I.
Unwind Iteln r, of lliellev Park, an aina
fcur in tress and uiember of the I'lavs
and Play oi s Club Another was Sliss
Slary L. Sclter. UOIH Hi ecu street, a
lortncr Keel Cioss wmkei The w onion
1.11. ' I II "" . , l ... i.uin .t i,M-,' 1,1'S,
t..,, otheih nie
Mis Nouis Sunt. Muvlnn Mis.
a...... .l.n... .ill...... .1 I.
;"";' ".,.,',"",' ,'..,, "V,,""1",'1 '
llll 1,1111. I. lis ll"' I'I,I1II
.Miss Louise M Ltlcgond. IKK'
-,,,,,..,, ti-aivi ininrn r,..
Tn VTr.niri Youth Trier! tn s, ' ' '"' " '" "" iiiciepeiic ion. e. In-
Ten-Year-Oid Youth Tried to Stop,(lllirJ , nUo , to a)'( "
Horses Drawing Ice Wagon
Ten -v ear old lliniv Si hell, till
Not th Eighth stroii. wns seveielv m
jiiied when ho tiii'd lo stop a team f
uinnwnj liorses at Seventh nnd Wniio-t
hocking streets, s,,,,tlv altci noon ,,. I ,,:ti""' "" ' ""." ,v "" """"nation heie
,:,. i about Ul h a legni v .
Tlie hoy was lollei knling wlmn he
saw two liorses. diuvviiii a diiveiless ice i sti Monica's Club to Repeat Play
wagon, coining iilnn. Tie K,ated in j So mnnv pel son. irowded Si Mnn
front ol the te.im. was knocked down i i, a's Catholic Club. IT'.'T Ihtuei street
by the hoisos ami the wheels p.isM.( ' Inst night (usee "Fanny Itrovvn" that
over bis body I It vvns nocissaiv to tiitn several linn
' The inleiiupticin enabled the di ver. idled away The piny will be repeated
who lind left the toaui lo deliver ice, tol Suniluy. The i nst included .lohnnv
entch up to it lie stuppi d the limses. Shihlooii. Cnllioiiiie P.aunii. .Madeline
lifted the suffering buy on the front sent
and galloped the ieHiu In st Luke's
Hospital. Pbysic'jins said Scbell nroh-
ably had intetnal injuries. Tlie team
was owned by the Alette Ice Co.
Philadelphlan Loses License
Hairishiirg, March 111 The State
llighwaj Department has i evoked the
nutomobilo licenses of Jem Mooio l"trt
Slervine street. Pldladelpliln and 11
L. Dyci, Altoon.i, for violation of auto
mobile laws.
Si,.r iptlon I'riru l n fer by Mall,
Public litt Company
t'liirriiMiMiiii mm' vwa
"Msiiwm'iI NntfvaflnWVsHlyirtfiMftiMJIik
John Spellmun
Somerdalc, X. J.
George F. Wright and Woman
and Son, Passengers, Hurt
in Delaware County
George F Wilglit. of Fi.lelitv Mo
tors. I,,,... Forty. ninth and .Market
streel. was injuied with two compan
ions in nn auto uc eident near Concord
villc. Dclnwaic county. e.irly this
Sir. Wright, who i vne incident
nnd general manager of the motor con
cern, was returning from a business
trip to West Chester with Sits. Jennie
Worstall and her sut.en-veor-old son
Clmiles ..i !.. ii i !
(.Unties. i i,pr Onrlv township.
tn a sleep guide, known as Concord
hill, on the Philadelphia and West
Chester liighwnv. the car Yielded into
i, l,nn,. i.m.1. ii . .i ,.-
a heavv tiuck belonging to tie P. E.
SlwiiplesM Dnnv Co.. of Concoidville.
i ne occupant ot tlie touring car
tuincsl hi In sneaking of the ncci-
dent Sit Wnglitsaid
" UHs n,, tc go to mv ofiicc today
nncl I lienul fiom .Mis. Worstall that
both she and her sn weie feeling no
sciious efTiils tiom tlieir injuiies. It
",1H "tnelv mc clinml.
iiiiciiiu inn is exiieiui'iv sum p ni.il
due to tlie sotlnos. of the loml it ns
. -. t Tf1. . . . .
mis ill ltd
cmpo sihle Io pnvint the en skidding
when tin brakes wen mi on.
Mrs. Worstall
n divoi.
III I'll is.
II, i
f ,1.1
""liner husb.lllel I
I 111
I "
1 Letter Asks for Valuables Belonging
to Estate That Doesn't Exist '
......... . ,
iiaiiisiiurg. m.iii n ui i i.v . im '
limuiriosn, tlie state. ! I ,egrd-
!. ii, u..i , . ., .i i -'"-
ol v.iliinhle i oal lauds, tlie he.uis of
eilii's, sites oi iiiilusiuni plants .nil
...m.il, ,lnln. I,..,.. ,..!... .. ,
i.i. .... , ,," i ii,,,-ii j IlI'VV
form. Instead ol peonle win me ,.. n,
Governed or (he auillloi gmeial , H,e
ntlornev L'l'neial for iiitormntioii ie-
garcimg tn." propeines or iiemnudliig im
medinte nosse.sion of what tliey appeni
to think tlie omuicinvvf tilth luis'm nust
letteii. ui i' now loiiunj liete asking for
valuable put eels oi packages thought to
be held at the Capitol Toi iu. irga
The lull si Icitei i nine fiom u town in
lllituno mid eoiiveved the infni mation
tliat ii pae hag-w as being held f,, au fi
heir, of Colonel .la.ol, ITakei !,.. ..'
,tated lo have come to Amcihii ' fin
... . e .1.. ,,'.. r ...,..,. , " 'e ' lie
lor uilieiv -nine j cut s I0 lb,, govern
nut nui iiniiicii
Attoinev Gem nil Alter ilucelcl
leplj that the state is not iistoilian of
all . '"""" u,,"'nS'l.' ' "no ! !.,,, r
Slot Inien. .Icisephiiio 11. il riiigton. Hrbn
Kelly. Maurice 'i'oweis, Tom Gtnce mu
Joe O'Neil.
Peru Accepts Resignation
Lima. Siaicli 10. Announcement is
made that the government has accepted
the resignation of Frnnelsco Garcia
Ciiideiou, Peruvian minister to ltd
glum Newspaper ronoits n.iir.,1
here vestenlav stated that Dr Cnlderoii n oin.MtKT ncr tiik rmKST smn.
had informed the government that he i"" Hn Du.nlnf n,.rllnment orcheitr you
wished to retlra H DCl,,r heard njrwhr. All.r tb. ihifrV
Secretary's Insistence on Na
tion's Rights Swings Franca
to His Support
Report Cabinet Chief Will Soon
Be Transferred to Supreme
Court a Myth
Washington. Slnich 1!). .-The first
in is of (he Hughes diplomacy and the
lappioaelimciit between this eountrv and
liaii.e is th.. virtual settlement of the
.ermnii cables cmtioveisy revolving
niftiini he . yn ,.aLle. France
s life, I her position this week in the
intei iintlonnl cuminunicatiou conference
in favor f the I'idted States, and the
disputed cables mo divided so thnt tills
coiliitrv vvi I icceiv,. in the Pacific the
i ii lie the line fr,,,,, .w York to Ilrest,
which the French had clnlnied.
I iider the ("ntnCvc agreement novr
en. bed. England will letnln the GCr-
nan hue. diveited from New York to
I niincln. which inns t Cerinany. Italv
will i.-tnin a line from the Arorcs t'o
' ,r.yr"-,"r"""!"'-,. rxnnr" hold
c. tain (.ermnii cables and Japan will
gel the line from Yap to Japan. The
stntus of ap. f,. which Japan has a
"U'udate is , l(,la.,1P, , j,,0
llieiil this quevtio,, liavlu. hwn '
"': the cables. This countrj's
Piotest to the League of Nations against
h,tllii'lll,IMI" l""Iat for Vap still
, l'orclgii Powers Await Ilucdi.. iii..-
I In this (.fibles .ontrovcrsy the foreign
poweis stalled along under the Wilson
' u.l.i.inNtrnt,.,!,. wishlns to find out the
attitude f iho new administration be
tore .oniniittinj; themselves. Sir.
Hughes insistence on tlie rights of this
, ..mnn., ii- H .o-ijoiiigcrent in tlie great
war. t.pgether with the indications of n
juo-ally policy in Europe, determined
I rimce's attitude in favor of giving
this countiy its share of the seir.ed
cables. With France on our side the
deadlock in tlie conference is broken.
Iho vigor with which tlie new scere-
tjirj of state has taken up his work is
me ciuisiauuing leaiure of the I lard
1 ing mliiiinistiatioii. Whatever indeci
sion theie may bo in tlint administra
tion icgnrdiiig the more difficult Issues
oi iiomestic policy does not appear in
foriign policj. Sir. Hughes has moved
swiftly and suiely.
Sir. Hughes' interest in Ids work and
the enthusiasm with which he hs
undertaken it is sufficient evidence to
tlie well-informed here that there is no
I ruth In the icports conMnntly circu
lated here tlint the sccretury of state
will shoitly ictire to take the place of
Chief Justice White on the Supreme
bench and be succeeded by someone else
in the Suite Deimrtinenl. A slnrr
printed tins morning that Secretary of
the Interior Full will be shifted to the
slllt(' portfolio in that event may be
; I-n--I witli a good deal of positlvencss.
'In the first place, nn man who had
lk,.M 11M important poitfolio merely for
n brief period would move with the
confidence and suieiie-s with which Sir.
, n,IB,l,"'s .'" '""'"& I", n"t place,
'"" I ibidem, having the minonxo for-
,gn p.oblenis 1,.,,, ,jn, tlmt Mr.
llaiiling has. could alToid to fill the
pin, e of secrelaij
i . Hie icpoits that Sir. Hughes is slated
'for an .ally place on the Suorome
i " ut h me circulated by eiicniies of Sir.
""sues, i no seciotai v of state is not
popular in his own partv Mr. Hard-
lug's "hoice of him was not likecl by
' iniiiiy members of tin S. n.ite. nnd when
, l. I .. . ... ..... ..
' " "us 11,1111111 ii ,ms i eporte.i Hint IMf
situation between him and the Sriint
"'""Id spoedilv become iiiipo.slble and
""tt he would siieidih take lefuce on
llie Supieme beinii That stoi.v has not
vet died out in spit,- f i th,. evidence
against ii
Whatevei ihaiice inete w as onginallr
"f sucli develoniiienl Iihs been disnose.I
f"f bv the sine ess of Sh Hughes' m.
ministration of his own department
.' '"' ""w T"."nM ,lls surprised even
own iielmiieis bv the promptness
7 I , , , , T '
.. ..1. ..!.,.'. 1... i.... . , .... ,.i
oi iiiieiiiiiiiiiiiui lenlions and bv the
?'," '"" "" '- -" f-"
In politic-, as iu eveivihinj ele
untliing -uiiei'ils like sin cess. And Sir
' t
has in tccl instatitlj and of-
( miilnurd no I'use Tx, Column Thris,
Five Others Wounded and Battle
Reported to Be In Progress
lielfilst. Madi l!i.- iltv A. P I A
gieal ambush hv Irish lepi.blimn forces
iieai Kin-ale. Coiiutv Cork, this niorn-
""' '" "'" '' ""'x ' rn" n soldiers worn
, . ... , , n , . .
s""'i """ "" "'"inn is repuiieci
I .,., ,,.!., is snr.d lieuvv .asiml-
ties anil tno ii.niie is still in progress.
With Six Weeks Before Adjourn
nient, Rush Is Due to Begin
H.irrisbuig. Mnnli 1! Six weeks of
the legislative session of lll'JI will re
main when the two Houses resume sea
sions Mondav night The number of
bills now in hand is 10SJ for the House
ami .""( in the Senate Some of th
bills have passed one blanch nnd ser
ei al hundrid aie appropriation bills.
The number of bills in committee U
well over 1000
It is regarded as probable that th
final rush of measures for tho session
will appear in the next fortnight, aa th
time for re.eivlng bills will expire in
tlie House on .iprn i
Eighteen hilh
'approval of the
I of icoolutions a
Eighteen bills have become laws by
viiivcrnor anu n numr";
Iso have been approver).
$4ki , vs.cjto-
s .
. -ik.