''v'lOTlPfSfS'J''' 'VA- " " u- ;mjt-jfr.1 L 1. . inwiKi.Jiic u' - 1j " rw ?vv. .i -vr ":, - -J, ( "-. -J,' r. A. '"i & rt V, I- EVENING1 5?UBIilC LEDGEBPHIIlABEliPHIA";' FRIDAY, MABOH 18, 1921 fl Store Hours: 9 to 5:30 A service of helpfulness true fash ions; dependable qualities; moderate prices. Of course the business keeps growing. Gimbel Brothers MARKET : CHESTNUT :: EIGHTH . NINTH Friday, March 18, 1921 We invite you to choose from col lections of dependable goods not ex celled in variety in uny store we know. For Saturday For Saturday gTOt -.,' ' ' Monc!lJiI!d for a gunjhichmc Is -mdment Which fTuin Dividends Gimbel Sale of lachin Famous Makes Savings of $7To $24 We planned this sale months ago planned Ux make it a worth-while event an opportunity for the woman who sews to get a high-grade Sew ing Machine at "rock bottom" price. Let us prove we have the best values in Phila delphia! Terms : $1 Weekly Singer Sewing Machines at $45 Regular Price $69 Onlv a limited num ber. $75 Domestic Electric Portable Sewing Machines, Special at $63 Ml iteiHIilii Best machine made. Can bo easily carried in a suit case. Take it to your summer home use it on the porch any where. Specially priced at SIM. Lessing Sewing ft ft I j macnines at $35 and $49 land so mo Parlor Cabinet machines are in cluded. Specially de signed tor Gimbols and cannot be duplicated at the price elsewhere. Terms $t Weekly !! in ?15 ALLOW VNIK VOH YOUK OLD MACHINE TOWARD HIE PURCHASE OF A DOMESTIC ELECTRIC UOUDOIU CA1HNET MACHINE. InilirU, fourth Hour mill iiliiwiy More Women's $45 to $80 Suits at and $39.75 buns so good so intrinsically good that it's like being able to buy up gold pieces 'way below pari The Suits at $33.75 Mostly U. S. serges and men's-wcar serges ; but tweeds, too; and the stunning new camel's-hair suits, already creating a furore. The serges in navy blues and black. The tweeds in lovely, misty, brownish tones. The camel's-hair m grays, blues, browns, greens. A dozen styles styles that last. Sizes 34 to 48. The Suits at $39.75 Fine tricotines, fine serges, and exceedingly smart tweeds. Special for Women Who Wear Sizes up to 48 In Each of The Three Sale Groups at $18.75, $33.75 and $39.75 All cut over specialized patterns and the smartest of the new fashion-ideas cleverly adapted to the lines her figurc-typo looks best In. At $33.75 serges. At $18.75 "Elcx-o-tcx" Suits. At $39.75 tricotines and screes. And at $59, $69 and $78.50 "Extra Sizes" up to 52 Samples Values up to $125 "Ones" and "twos." Adaptations of blouscd styles. Adaptations of box stylos. Embroidered suits. Hruid-bound suits. Dcadcd Suits. Mostly navy blue some black. Dressy styles with .rich embroidery. Beaded models oh, very elaborated beaded. And style upon style of the staple, good-for-more-than-one-season sorts. Sizes 34 to 48. $33.75 "Flex-o-Tex" Suits at $ 1 S.75 Eight new spring styles. Thirty color-variations. Cut by such carefully graded patterns that we usually only have to turn up the skirt, and she takes the suit right along! Sizes 34 to 48. M sses $15 nits- "Flox-o-tex" (tradc-tt urk) that wonderful grade, of wool-jcrsoy. Half a dozen styles. Spring color ings. Sizes 1-1 to 20. Sale-Priced $39.75 Smart chucks the entirf suit of checks; or the skirt and trimmings of cheeks and the coat plain. Tweeds, too. Sizes 14 to 20. Beaded stylos in tricotlnc. Embroidered styles tricotines and serges. T n i 1 1 o u r s tricotines, serges, tweeds, checks. Sizes 11 to 20. Women's $29.75 to $165 Coats, Wraps and Capes, Sale-Price $20 to $115 Sports Coals, with silk linings that match or contrast. Straightline Coats with belts. Capes and Wraps circular or draped; or shirred, or with shoulder-yokes wonderful variety! Wonderful tricotines. Bolivias, Veldynes, Vel de Cygnes, Polo cloakings, and Spring's own favorites Ramonas and Marvellas. Every Spring tan, blue or gray. Saturday Special at, $25 Silk-lined serge Capes black or blue. Silk-lined serge Coats. Wool-vclour Wraps silk-lined. Saturday Special at Wool-vclour sports length Coats and Wraps hilk-lincd. Wool-poplin Coats three-quarter length; hilk lincd. Navy or black. Saturday Special at $3 Holivia Wraps. Several stylos. Sonento blue. Arab tan. Wren tan. Ostrich. Kookic. Lnutre. IniI.cN, s,tons iif Drew, Tlilrcl Hour Women's Dresses Very Beautiful Canton Crepes Arrive Specially Priced at $49.75 Quality finer even than the average, because we bought the crepe and had them made up with "custom touches." And all the beading is hand-done. Navy blue with gray overdress. Gray touched with Harding blue. Sand, with navy blue. And the exquisite beading is done -vith iridescent beads. Georgette Dresses With Butterfly Beading Special at $25 Embroidered, on both bodice and tunic, with huge butterHies in silk and beads. Navy blue, pink, brown and white. (iIiuIkN, snlniii. iif lrr. Third llmr Spring Upsets Her Basket of Blossom -Trimmed Millinery in the Millinery Salons Flower-trimmed small hats smartest thing, imaginable to top Spring's new suits. Flower-laden oig hats for Easter's weddings. Ribbon smartness, too, vying with ostrich-beauty. Hats for, Youth, Youth, Youth! Hats for the charming matiou. And even the lovable bonnets for the .sweet old 1'aceo that loo their bit of Kasteiing as well as the young folks. Specials at $8.50, $10.50, $12.50 $15 and $18.50 (liuli'U, Mill ulrlplili. Milliner ".ilolio, I hiril llm,r Children's Millinery in a Special Section A whole section given oer to children'.-, milliner;,. Experts in child fashions arc in charge. Tailored Hats at !2.30 to M.'i.,r0 eer width In mi. and eeiy length .,tmimer! Dress Hats at $2.95 to $8.9." -hand made with sweet small flowers and ribbons. (imi. k rhini iic.nr. lisses' Wrappy Coats The Smartest Copies of Smartest Imports But Priced $29.75 to $115 Instead of Import Prices Uoln las velours yalamas even veldynes. Draped wraps. Wraps with the cutest under-arm whirring.-. VViaps with great pointed collnis and maybe a tassel from that! Fringe-trimmed wraps. Embroidered wraps. Wraps with "wheels" of soutache. And those stunning, stunning, stunning quilted satin coats. Plenty of "spring grays." Plenty of "Harding blues." Every tan imag inable. Soft browns, too. And greens. And navy blue. And here and there a bright brick red! , Sizes 14 to 20. Silk-Lined Polo Coats Specials at $15, $25 and $39.75 Silk-lined throughout. And besides the lovely nnturul tans, there's an occasional biilliant "tomato red" or a perfectly stunning "Harding blue." At-SlTi polo cloaking, lined to match. At $2.1 polo cloaking, lined with Harding blue. And those stunning camel's-hair coats aie $Ht).7."i! (ilmlirU, SiiIoiis of Dri-, Ihlril llmir Girls' Coats the Smartest Novelty Styles of Spring Specials at $10.75, $17.50, $25 and $29.75 That bcauly at $211.50 is of serge blue with scarlet ; or reindeer with brown or green. An exact copy of the .smartest model of Paris with its long, long shoulders; its tiny pulled-through belt; its rabbit 's oar cuffs and its utterly unique color pipings. A docn stjles at $2."i Wrap styles; capes; coats with fringed satin sashes. Velours ain. -erges and I'oirct twills. Ten smart styles at SI 7.50 Velours check-,, plaids, and invisible plaid hopucking. Swirl-backs, throw-tics, sports styles, dressy models. And even those dashing scarlet coats! according to style 0 to 10. A Copy of a $75 Original Is Priced $10.75 Cutest mandarin style of the season copied in polo cloth, flared sleeve and all. In softest tan and a perfectly adorable blue. Sues 10 to Hi. uliiiUrW, salon, of llrr, Third Hour. Sizes Boys3 ' Suits For Easter and Spring Single- and double-breasted models Knickers uro full lined, hao watch pocket and live leather belt. Boys' "Wearpledge"l$' f Suits, at I A Values if 15 to $17.50. Trousers arc full-lined for boys 0 to 10 years. Norfolks Norfolks at $20 at $22.50 Were J0 I Norfolks at $17.50 Were ?,'fJ Were $15 Suits for boys 7 to 17 jt-ar. Many with extra pair of lined knickers. Consider the very great advantage of the extra pair of trousers to the boy's suit and to your pockctbook tho extra trousers save both ! ubway and Junior Hoys Spring Top Coats at $5, $7.50, $8.75 and $10. Ages 2Vi to 10. Double-breasted, belted models of all-wool tweeds, .cassimeres and shepherd checks. llmbcl, Third Hour. The Coats: mostly wool velours. Dolmans, capes, cape-wraps., coat wraps, sports coats and straight-line styles. Embroidered, braided, stitching-trimmed; some with stunning big labels. Sports colors and navy blue Girls' Spring Coats in the New Wrap Effects Specials at $10.95 and $12.95 Velours, polo cloths and sihertones. The cutest dolmans, The cutest capes with a second cape lor a Olml,rN, Siilons of llrr. riilrcl llmir. pSffan 1 Til Pv IWTTy I mil KvBffiSMSgljaHRWa Mr a wpsSLl 4 w Wr' I If' I F i I F tv vferSsT'! Jslrwk L f'AJ v' & ?.?' I tar vr w -?-' fiKlA'RstV&. L' kv ..aft. ,i i SJ J A ts,"i - )i m ill I vJh Vi IT i jmm&- cwii I iimS i Wit !: dZTZSM&ti f iTiill ii VBSll. ; wCTf rifWffl.lsZlximlmU , m 1& -kw?z '-4 ft ! "'H. ( I ,vrfwTji' fflL,dl5C, ( I I 111.' of 1000 Women's, Mioses' ' its' Coats aeci Suits I S I CCtl y tSv Values Hun kit. Ml tJ v- A 11 Regular Sizes Many Extra Sizes, Besides The Suits: jerseys, serges and t weeds., even some tricotines. Mostly i collar And stunning hdled m.uM. unl luu-Us l..o navy blue, sports, uuioreu and itressy models Tan.s, browns, navy blues and l Ik- new ru.sl color. SiA-.s (! to J 1. Special While Dresses for Connrmat:on- Sale-Priced $2, $2.95, $3.95 and $5 Sheer batistes. Crisp organdies. Dainty nets. And dresses made of all-over embroidery or flouncing. 0er.sKirls. Panels Diderot- Kibboiu- Sues G tO 14. , . i.imbfU, hubay Hloro. i J iSM--" itf-ytaMi..'- f.uy4i ,.; iisfgjiLi li I K. I I I I I !