Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 18, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 7, Image 7

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JJsjjSTf v "v.-iflip. ,'-.-.n
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" ' 9
Organ Ii1's llt !) M wnd ,,s5
lllllll'H l JSlHMI
Store Opens at 0
Store Closes al 5
morrow Will Be the Great Easter
of the Season
Outfitting Day
"I Keep in Touch With Your
Splendid Store Almost
Every Day
Hid lis inexhaustible beauty and newness is a
nevcr-failiny: inspiration and refreshment to my
tired mind."
So said a letter that came to the writer a
thousand of miles away from his workshop.
rlo do something uplifting to others as we pass
along is well worth while, if we can send out a
singing note of music to eaVs or eyes or" jaded souls
whose tasks arc also to be creative in whatever
hpheiv they live.
The letter closed with these words: "Beauty
refreshes and strengthens the spirit and produces a
feeling of reverence akin to prayer."
Vn ,1, l '.'.
A Sale of 400 Women's Silk
Jersey Dresses
Prices $15, $18 and $25
Brand-new from the manufacturers, over half-a-dozen
styles, and in the colors which arc at once most practical and most
fashionable grays, black, tans, navy, Copenhagen blue and
Some of the dresses are embroidered even in the back;
some are in the tunic style; some have bright contrasting colors.
There are round and square necks, and there are long and three
quarter sleeves.
Sizes are 34 to 46 inches in the lot.
IV e have just one word to add they are so welcome and such
altogether surprising dresses at these new lower prices that we don't
expect to have one of them left by the time the evening bugle blows.
U'lrM I'lnnr, rrntrnl)
Miss Philadelphia's New
Spring Suit Is Here
Wool jersey, $20 to $27.50
Smart tweeds, $37.50
. Blue suits, $40 and $15
I run, well-tailored and attractive new suit' luintli pels of
hem arc icady for tonionnw.
Wool jersey splits, $20, S',25 and $27.50, conic in three food
ir'imls one with Tuxedo front, and are in heather mixtures,
H'n, nav, blue und tan. 1
I'wced suits at S.'17.50 ate in attractive gray, blown and green
"l tiift; plain tailoied; with and without be!t,i.
a blue .suits, $15. are of tricotino in semi-lailnicd models
i i general and better wear.
I I to 20 year sizes.
(srifHKj I luor, (lii'slmit)
Young Women's New Wraps
and Spring Coats
I :i-himable new spring wraps, $3!, ale of soft wool velours and
'h pieity veldynes in new Spring models; some with embroideiy, some
v 'i -I itching and in the populai brown and blue shades. All arc silk
1 .1 throughout.
New polo and sports coats. St.", arc in tan and darker hi own
c-; the polo coats arc good-looking full-length affairs, lined
'i 'Hi' limit witli .-ilk and with raglan or set-in sleeves; the sports
- .iii in thn e-ipiai Icr length and of fine tweeds.
ll in 1 1 to JO car sizes.
(.SiM'iimt I luor. ( lirsltllil)
Young Women's Silk Frocks
Delightfully New
i np, -hilling latTeta in dark blue, blown or gray makes the
- lit dresses, which have round necks, shoit .dcives and the
' lio'iffant skirts which are made prettier by the addition of
in tiny mfllcs.
Of drop-stilch tricolcite arc the ? 1-.." dresses, which come
lack, brown or dark blue, are in straight-line model with
i iow belt, ciochct buttons for tiimming and dainty cieam
i"i'"il collar anil cuff's of ombroidencd crepe.
Moth arc in II to HI) year iis.
Sf.,.iH I liHir, (lirstiintl
Girls' New White Dresses
und Coats to Wear Over Them
I'rcttj while cotton flocks, $7.."in to 820, aic of snowy lawns, ciisp
1 ' igandics and sheer white voiles, uimmed with laces, em-
'li'nos and libbons, and aie in (i to II year sizes.
New white silk dresses, SI 1.50 to SM5. aie of white crepes de chine
0' i 'unrgelte and aie in numbers of dainty new spring styles. (! to
.ir sres.
'iris' Spring coats, SI 2.5(1 to SU.'i, aie of polo cloths, tweeds
""'l 'Hour checks in light and dark' colois and (i to 11 year sizes,
'iirls' wraps and coals, S21..10 to $55, aie in many styles, in light
i I. uk color.s and II to 17 .vear sizes.
(SihihI riiiiir, f'lit-i fiui t
White Blouses
From Paris
Exquisite things of handker
chief linen and batiste, made up
in both lingerie and tailored
They are, of course, all hand
made, and show a great deal of
drawn-work, fine blind embroid
ery, tucks and real Valenciennes;
also they are all long sleeved.
Prices run from $lfl.50 to
Cl'lilril I liinr. ( lirtniit)
Wide Latitude in the
Matter of Bracelets
for many kinds aie fashionable,
from the slender, flexible little
hand of rhinestones that slips
round her wrist to the novelty
sort with dangling pendants.
The pretty sterling silver flex
ible bracelets, set with sparkling
rhinestones and sometimes imitn
tion sapphires as well, start at
$5 and go to $06.
Novelty bracelets set with. imi
tation jade or lapis lazuli are $!i
to 5.
New, too, arc the biacelcts of
four rows of imitation pearls
Novelty bracelets with one or
more pendants arc $1 to $7.50,
l.li'Hrlr.l Slurp, ClirntnilU
Long White Kid Gloves
$3.85 a Fair
And real French kid, too!
.hist the gloves to go with the
new Enstci frocks and wraps
lovely, soft long white kid, of
spotless newness and daintily fin
ished with three buttons at the
Twelve-button length.
li'sl A Mr l
Quaintly Pretty
Handbags, Extraordinary
for $2.75
A charming style that suggests
the picturesque fashions of Co
lonial days. A large bag with a
wjde, flaring mouth, partly cov
ered by a flap and kept together
by double handles.
Of moire and satin-striped silk
in black, brown and navy.
Of soft leather in black, brown,
navy, gray, red and green.
Wonderful bags for such a low
price. ( Main I'hMir, li("tmit
Faster Blouses
Mimplc, some extremely
r '"'il.ing ones ol mignonette
'Mill very simple lines and no,
mum, ST.Sfi.
v MUite delightful style m
' ' ' ' lie ci cue ith TilMilo t ol
' ind real filet lace, $ll).fi0.
eiy youthful white crepe
'' Hnnc slip-on blou.se, hem--'"'h'd
in square effect ami hu
' the collar edged with real
I M lace, $20.
f,r a most beautiful (ieorgette
' ' pc in bisque, gray or navy,
' '" stitched and beaded panels,
II s.'ll
' I lilril I lnur, ( i-nlrul)
New Envelope Chemises
With Little Prices
( "U may lake your choice as
' tin regulation arm holes or
'"""ii straps, over the shoulders
nmi .mie are lacn trimmed.
n"is hae lace and embroidery
""" ilieie arc stid others wilii
"'ii'-ioiilcry only.
'I'hey are all nicely made and
',r"- range from $1.50 to $:i.25.
Hiiril I lnur. ( run ul I
ool Sweaters for $2.50
Imported hliii-iin sivi,.u
'IX'IIHIL' ,i,.l ,.,,,,, .1, ' ,1... r
""y are very youthful und
ftty i,tid a number aro lik.
HttloUSlou jackets.
(W'rt ,UU)
These New Low Prices on
Children 's Coats
aie one of the things that niolheis and f tithe is are remarking
these days in the Childien'- Stoic when they come in to get the
youngsters' Spring nuttit-. And they add, too, that the coats
are more attractive than ever!
Smait, will-tailoied and attractive little coats of serge, of
polo cloth, of gahuidine, tricotine, jersey cloth and of silu are
all in the collection. Theie are plenty of light shades of the popu
lai' browns and tans, as well as Pekin blue, and the bright red
which is once more coming into fashion.
The coats are in many models; they start at ?!.75 and go
to $.'!8..r0, and aie in 2 to li year sizes.
Little hats to go with them, suitable, like the coats, foi girls
or boys, are in black, tan 01 blue straw and go from ?2 to $11.
( I hint I lour, lirMliiitl
Fashionable Women Favor the
New One -Strap Pumps
Some new st.lc. that hae just come in are exceedingly smart.
One is of blown or gray suede with a two-inch Louis heel, dis
tinguished by kidskin strap and tiimming. The effect is most pleasing.
Tin1 e are $l.'l a pail.
! Hack satin onc-stiap pumps come wiih a high l.outs heel 01 the
low .lunior) heel. These are the latest and most fashionable of all satin
pumps. They aie $10.50 a pair.
(I lrl I luor. Mnrl.cl)
54-Inch jUWooi Serge
Special at I
a Yard
We haii' I ad nnn wonderful aiues in all-wool seiges this Spring
hit we coasiilei this the ery best of all.
That fs because it is sutli a beautiful quality, heavy enough to
tnilo'r well for aults or capes and yol, pf n good weight for dresses. The
wiiit wiuiii i moat eiuiioiiuiui iui tui.i.111, , to iiiHiiugiii. nine oiuj.
M'lrtl Klanr nli.l,r.il Ms
, --T-, - XI"
Many Calls for Tub Silks
These Past Few Days
There i ically nothing that takes then place for warm-weather
garments. They aic cool, they wash and they wear finely. It is no
wondei they aie so fashionable!
The heaviest and best grade of pongee silk we have had for vears
past at S2 a yaid.
I'"ine white American bioadcloth silk. $2.30 a yard.
Wash satin a yard wide and in flesh or pink, $2 a yard.
(Itrsl l'loor. Client nut )
La Rana Pearls for Her
Easter Gift
Kven the school girl is pcimittcd to weai a pearl necklace,
and her debutante sister certainly should have one to go with
her piett.v frocks.
La Rana pearls are the finest imitation pearls obtainable,
wc believe. They are made in Paris by the best maker of such
pearls and they are truly marvelous reproductions of the finest
Oriental pearls.
They have come to be favorite Eastei gifts. For necklaces
10 to 30 inches loitg, the prices are $25 to $03 with 1 1-kt. gold
clasps. With diamond clasps, $85 to $185.
(Jrnrlry Slurp, CIiohIiiiiI mill Tlilrlrpntli)
Women Are Going In Strongly
for Sports Coats This Spring
It is not hard'to guess which are the most popular. First of all
the genuine camel's-hair coats in natural color, deer, chow, black and
navy blue. These vary from three-quarter to lull length. They ate
fully silk lined and from $75 to $1:15.
Polo cloth coats are also much in demand. Thev are chieflv in
natural color and are from $117.50 to $15.
(I'irst I i,or, ( iMitmll
Special Group of Women's
Smart New Springtime Hats
at $12
Ready tonmirow, so that any woman will find it easy to get
a charming new hat for Palm Sunday.
New turbans in silvery grays and the dark color.s that un
fashionable; new feather trimmed hats lor dress wear; new
sailors for sports wear, new ribbon and g.ij llower trimmed hats.
Not two alike every color that's fashionable from the new
"oats" yellow to deep blue and hats small and huge.
(Seroiul riiiiir, Chr-linill
Piquant Frames for Girlish
Faces Are These Pretty
New Hats
$5.30 for untiimmed and attractive little bats of vedda stiaw in
all the gay new colors of the Spring orange, jade, "blue, rose and
darker colors. Just add a band or a bow and they'll be leadv to wear.
$(! for r.ew pull-on hats in new Ficnch shapes for girls lintrimmed
hats in fashionable colois and becoming styles for younger girls.
And at $5.75 to $15 are scores of the piettiest new Spring hats
trimmed, of course-for gills. They aie of line straws in light and
darker colois, and are as simple or elaboiate as one could wish.
(Sim mill rimir, I lir-timl)
Letitia Corsets
One extremely pretty, light
weight model for Summer is of
pink batiste with very low top,
and exquisite trimming of em
broidered organdie, price $0.
Another for average and full
figures is of pink, and white
hroehe, with low, full bust,
heavily, boned and double fioni
hose-supporters, $1.'!.
A pink hroehe empire-top de
.iign has a long skirt with elastic
gores in the front and rather
heavy honing, $1!!.
9 I 111 rd I lour, ( lii'Miiul I
Beautiful Teeth
The proper care of the teeth is
one of the great feats of modern
Mental floss, 10c to $1,511.
Zymox tooth iiov.Jer, :!5c.
Queen Mary ilintal cream, 25c.
Queen Mary tooth wash, 15c
Also other standard makes ol
dental creams, 10c to 05c; tooth
powders, 20c to !0c; tooth wash.
25c to $2.75.
I Miiln Hum , I liisliiiil i
Frills Are Seen in
Embroidered (iuimpes
These guimpes are all just ,u
rived and they are as dainty as
possible, being pf organdie or
net, some trimmed with rcnl filet,
Irish or Valenciennes lapes.
Thoy ure from $0 to JfW.
Women 's
Easter Silk
Full fashioned silk with cot
ton tops and soles, $1.50 to
$2.75 a pair.
All-silk to the top, $2.50 to
$ I 5ti.
Chimin silk, $5 and $7.
Silk open ribbed, $4.
Silk with open clocks, $;i,75
and $5.
Silk with openwork ankles.
$5 to $8.50.
'"cry line sill, with lace in
seits and cmhroiderv. $22.50
to $50.
Silk snails stockings in
heay ribbed style, $S.
i l'lrl I'liior, MitiKtM I
Most Sensible Shoes We
Know Of for Little
Please note the lomloi table
width and the ll"ible slc m
these shoes that conn- in white
buck and in tan Russia. Thev
are to he had in button and lace
and are scientifically designed to
asoid the slightest injury to
baby's feet
The white buck shoes in si
2 to -IVj are $1; in sizes 5 to 8,
, The tan shoes in sizes 2 to 44
$3.75; sizes 5 tp 8, ?4.G0. ,
(I'lrM floor, MH f )
The Cheney
A musical instru
ment of note in Shcr
uton, Hcppcl white,
William and Mary,
Georgian and Queen
Anne designs.
$125 to $490.
(spi'iiml I'lnnr. rntriil)
New Fiction
"Flood Tide," by Sara Ware
Uassctt, $1.90. Another book by
the author of "The Harbor
Road'' is sure of a welcome. The
scene is Cape Cod, and the main
character an incorrigible opti
mist and inventor.
"The Knight ol l.nnelj Land."
by Evelyn Campbell, $1.90. All
the elements of Western romance
arc here a cow-puncher, an
English girl, another girl out for
"fJod's Country." by .lames
Oliver Curwood, $1.25. A book
which may well have "The Trail
to Happiness" for its subtitle.
"Kind the Woman." by Arthur
Somers Roche, $2. The story of
the girl of vour dieam.
I Miiln I lnur. I'lilrlreiillii
Your Boy's Easter Suit
should be of the finest kind that
can be had for the price you are
asked to pay for it.
Whether it will be or not de
pends chiefly on where you buy
Our Boys' Clothing Store is in
busincs- expressly to sell boys'
clothing of the highest grade.
Wc wcie nevtr more sure of
having it and plenty of it than
we are now.
We refer particularly to the
boys' Norfolk suits in R to IS
year sizes at $10.50 to $:',5.
Many of these suits at $1S have
two pair of trousers.
(SeiMiiil I'lnnr, Irntrnh
"Batterer Up!"
The baseball season is on in
the South and will soon be here.
Now is the time to get equip
ment. Oflicial league balls. $2 to
Other balN. 5 Or to $1.50.
Catchers' mitts, $2 to $22
Basemen's mitt-. S:;.50 to $1 I.
Fielders' gloves. $1.50 t !II.
Hats, 50c to $:i.
Uniforms, $1.50 to SHi.."i(i.
And eerylhing else you will
need for the game.
P. S. Special pi ices on uni
forms made to measure and
equipment for teams.
I I lie (mllcrt , -I II i ! r ,
Boys' Splendid" School
Shoes, ft a Fair
Tan Mucin i hue shoes with
heavy soles and '-mch heel-.
They are veiy carefully designed
to give the proper amount of
room to the growing feet and
with a view to durability.
1 1 'L- to 2 are the ,fi.
I I'lr-I I lnur. Mnrl.H i
Dainty Stockings for
Little Folk
Infants' junl children's silk
socks, $1.25 to 1, 15 a pair
Childri n's linglit-coloi cd silk
socks Willi fancy tops, $1.75
Imported ml Ion socks with
fancy top- and clocks, $l.5n.
Openwork -ocks in mercerixnl
lisle, 50c
Infants' anil i luldrcn's ribbed
silk stockings, S to S2.75.
tiirls" tull-lashioned silk-to-ihc-tup
stockings. $;'.5i)
i I irst lnur. M.irl.rl
Each Day We Make a
Fresh batch of I
so thai vn a.i a'w.i. sure to
get them deln luiisly 1'iesh. Only
the purest ingredients go into
them, and they ,.re dipped in
rich, sweet ihocolale of high
ipialitj. There are ci earns thai
will melt in your mouth, rch
caramels, jellies, nougnis, pis
tachio and yellow jack. $1 ..
If you wi-h to seial them for
Ei'stc- gifts, pa' lb. m in those
hollow eggs there an. all s0s
to hold ,ir,Mni ouant'iiis, from
a quarter of .. noiind to eight
pounds ;0c to y . a. h
I llllH II Srs s ( ,., ,
Women's Handkerchiefs
l a Dozen
.Hi bettur than an we've lieeo
able to g.'l at this low prue for
.i long tune The an o simwx
Irish linen, an real linen despite
their low price, and are in plain
iii'iiinuiciicu style Willi two "-.J
widths of, hem from which to 1
Ik, -M&i-i,,
1 .vM:-V-AV -f&M
v . - f , ,,y - 'A, Vi2l
V In
) f
j' ";iv'irir,?ri "nnr. i,
.WaV.I " UJ, ;'
r !.. . , fli(V ',
t. 1.1 19 ., , j i.ui 11 t BlulUMi I'
m.jyA fa
rt.w ." MitJrt ;"', ' RmMx nil '"4 Mmm
To Those of You Looking
for New Easter Clothes
The mmer.siil desire to put on now clothes
at the Easter sea.son is too uootl a thing to
l)e .spoiled by clothes' that are not up to the
mark in quality and fashion.
The new Spring suits and overcoats
shown in our Men's Clothing Store represent
the linent quality and most correct fashion
to be found anywhere in the country.
Men who want to be sure of having their
now clothe s in time for the great fashion
s-eason should note that tomorrow is the last
Saturday before Easter Eve.
The new Spring suits arc priced at fy.Yl
to $(55.
The Spring oercoat are $.'J5 to (55.
i I lioil I lnur Mnrl.i't i
10,000 50c Ties
Were Not Enough
So we brought in new thousands for lomonow's
gnat demand.
X'W 'hoiisands of the samt. sort of ties that weie
double this price a lew months ago and that include
all manner ol designs and colors plain coloi.
iiipes. figii.r-. I'aisUy patten's ami some splendid
polka dot,-.
Also Sonic Xeic .S7 Tics
tthnh aie nist the kind foi Easter costumes. Of
laskel-wea silk in Hides, cut two-tone ollVcts ,,f
great beaut .
( M.i in I I Miirki'l i
If You Want a Fine Silk
Shirt for Easier
ou 1,1,1 K, : ,, ,, i,, t ,o , , i .s,. .,,,. ,eau
"'"l sinii . . Im P ol t.i ln,,vir-t l.roiidi'!"t!i slk
niadt . and a fi w o j.t . ,u.i i ,,,i, r , -,. s
In all kinds of -'iipis, Kim the erj t;i ,
to the wide .histtr ctl'eits, ;ind iM beautiful com.. -nations
of n.u. Also t i. li janpiaid weaes
. lion I hint- 1 , i l,,. i
Beautiful So ft Ha Is From
Borsalino, Italy
I'.o -i.imo is not a plan. I.u' a lirm that makes
some o," il , nnest s,,it hats m the wo id
T i i wnmer- ale eioiiie it u Spring .,
!..i-'ir " "H u- I ght gi.,y and pen I slides, thep
light 'iih i"d t'le'i' Iii i'. tlit.' Light enough to
in wo ii i'ii... li th Summei, too
lb'. I I' e o 'i, , , - ,., , , , ,,
I 111 hi, i" ,
. l im I l..,,r M.irki-i i
.1 Utile Char-Out of
Men 's Gloves
A' ii' ' ."-hi i'i '-!'' . . I ,, ,. oi , ,.
" ; ' I'.' I m I' ie Hi'" I .i ;.io . i i 1. 1 the , ,K,
""'" "'' '''' :''"! "f t" ,. -Iiatton fastening
' ' a nail Ii 1 Tali and b '. n . apeskin I o-
' ' '- l 'hi (.'.. ,'i. I at a i i i ., . ii .,.m,.
i h 1 1 r in i i -lot i
Good Handkerchiefs
. $5 a Dozen
''" " - " " ' '" ' i 'He ol tncsi hand
k- r. hiels. i. ' i . i I,, ,. -si, ,,, , ., ,,, ,
alu.V. s nop . i i .,., u,i si; h .
I 111 h. I I Ui' I.I' '
H . H
11 . si l-,
" in M la ti i and hal'
Fine Half Hose for Easier
sdk mil, I i Ida. L, wlnii nio1 nbus, Ii5c 1-.
; ' a pa 'i
.'silk Willi i ml.!., d i link-. 1 ... mid $'i..Mt
litlibi d -i'I, - ; .'i to i,, wvt i lot I s , laticj
i . .go-, -i in s ,u
J mih' ilk will, t,ok oi stripes, $17j atul $0.
I'ruiub lisle, in black, white and colors, fi (o ?a.C0,
ic, in lilack, white and colors, $
J (Miiln i'Jpor, .MiirUet)
f ,1
M Alkie)
h . -J&.'VIA , & , " . 4 ..!. r . r-,
i tt"i,f
t , . ' ,-jf ,. t tl