flrw"1 i . f 'WENJft , PUBLIC LEDGER PHIi;ADELlniA;, FfflDAY, MARCH 18, loM'' r . J V - ' - 1 HW LADYFWGERS By JACKSON GREGORY' , IntvHaUl, 1011 ) Clinrlm Rcnbnrr'i A'om THIS STARTS Til!-: STONY ' "Uaiufuwcrt," n t,,lrf ""' " !r"' ilrinan m" " ""' merry uitpnti fan. ' "ir "h1cvl "A? " "' "'"' 1 ( "' rntcUWfl of a safe on lltti aiJ a'1 ii'iii fo ;ifiui. Vir immc-uv iMnrrf ; n yanytter frtr '' '' " W' "" " Lwr icAo i nnrloun to yet rid of Jy fingers, lie atlemplt a diamond ' iMcril from the person of rich Mr. Stctheril, because I'olly lie llrun atks I Aim '0 c i'( "' ''re, niiil ir firoira t amid lilJ'o' "''oM iriit ir detective in "..,(, JVic joh '""' 'urn knocked rom his hand and fallen to the - oround. lie is afUncnu engaged nt Jcrlnr f 1'"' KOMifJH ir attempted f in rob, a shrewd husinrss icomnn irith J ' rf heart hidden under a rough H titcrior. llnddon, the tanner who i nflcrcd the t'lOOO hrihv, hut charge of P ihe legal affairs u thts icomnn, Mrs. n ciih.'ni. and it it imo this house U that llomiie and huid Camden enter . ..i..f. nf It ini.tfrr.nj. lhtid 1111 Htccla mill in the ni -L ioi, and the old eyct of liuehel P Btethtnl miss nothing. P lladdon threatent .Ishe irith ct- 0 f 0 sure if he rcfutct to rob the county W fcniifc uhieh holds Met. htcthenl s 6 money overnight. AM) HHI5 IT CONTINTKS ' TJIOU Just n fraction of n second Ilml- X1 don hesitated. Tluit brief iimttiut was ilonucnt to Ashe. "No " nnswered llnddon. "She hnsn t " mispectod ntiythlng. She mustn't huh- P"i see," said Afdif. And now ho wns rertuln Ilml hi- dnl sec It w" ns pluln ns he coulil vM that llnddon whs lying nbmit tin money. N" lnuttc how mnny millions 1 jjMl Stethcrll mlglit lmvc, no mnttur i,ov much llnddon wus in Iht conli (Irncc. ho lutil never tnltcn n rcntof Iht money without hor kiipwlnlo. Nor Imd nnv one else in the wide world. Mrs. StcthwH'H money wnn luindk'd by mine other thnn Mrs. Stcthcril. I am pretty close to desperation, mid llnddon. "And yet I haven't lost my head nnd I'm not Koing to lone it. 1 'nm going to take no thnnces what ever. You lire going to tnle them nil. You've been with mo to the bank times Hough to know your vny urotiud. The niKlit wntchmnu Is n jolso to such us 1 oti. You'll get the money before mid night. At 1 o'clock you'll bring mo my ten thousand here. Then you'll take 11 hnr!.e und ride to the Junction. If you ride like the devil jou'll be there by n little after 4. At 4 :l."i 11 train goes through, westbound. At ':'- there is an eiistbound train. There'll be freights. At about !) o'clock they'll find out thnt the bunk has been robbed, alhmt the same time jou will be misieil." He broke off, nhrugging Ins shoul ders. It went without haying thnt it then became no business of .Justin Hud son's. "Yes," meditated Ashe. "I nm tuk- ing all the chances. Suppose that I shouldn't like the layout? That I should " mij," and he grinnnl pleasantly, "go rob jour own bank?" "Then," came with crisp decision, "imi're a fool! I've lost a pure with ?.() in it. I've suspected you. I'll see that the jiiir"o Is found among jour belongings. I'll Kee thnt it becomes dis covered that you arc Hubert A'Oie. I'll 'pi- that Lieutenant Amhioe, of the San r'rnncixcn police, is informed." "That won't get jou jour ten thou Mind." Ashe reminded him. "True," replied llnddon quietly. "Hut I am really counting upon jou for thnt. Sinic there is every renson in tin- woild why jou should do as I tell jou to." "And no re.ipou why I shouldn't?" linked Ashe. lie sighed. "It looks as thoiiKh jou were right, lladdon." The telephone runs. AkIip took it up nnd said a pleasant "(loud morning" mln it "Mrs Stelhenl." he explained, ris ing "It cuts shori our confidences. She says to tell you she's declared war igalnst Uoiid and that she's going after li 1111 immediately. You and 1 arc to go right down to her." "I'lrst." said lladdon sharply, "1 want to know what jou are going to ilo." "Oh." Mild Ashe. "About the bonk?" "Iinn't fpcuU so loud!" commanded llnddon. "Yes." "Why, crack it, of course! Here's hoping it panes to be worth the op"n ing." He run down the stairs, slightly ahead of llnddon. Ma) bo, ufter all, he'd be tide to write in Knid'.s book, "Prom Hoheit Ashe." "I'm gmng after thnt fool I'oud tooth nnd toe nail," Mrs. Stetheril announecd as they came into her oil he. "I can't waste a nt of' lime on a little rat like Mm, either. Steele, get me nij bank books, llnddon, is that brick build ing if I'orstcr's still vacant?" 1 believe " began llnddon. "Sinn up! Telephone und tind out." Steele brought the leipiired books. Hli'M'.li telephoned nnd iinnoiineed : "It's in nut. Mrs. Stctheril." "I!i lit it," she c iiiuiiiiinded. "I want - it fur a mouth. Take a .war's lease if ou ean'i get it nny other WIIJ. Steele, 'Isc the other Uiepllone. tie! IMTlius- ilali " "I'm U'"l I1I111," siiid Steele in a mo -, win. "What'll I ,, with Ima?" ' ac linn to iiii. That jou, Tines jlnli''" sin. ileinaiiih il irosl) . "Yes. I in Iiiiidn-I Stetheiil. I'm getting rendj '"lait 11 hunk in l.oekworlh. I w.im '""' in iju. i;,V What's that? I'll I'll) jou .") per lent on jour savings n nit . How nun li ate jou depositing i'h llond? Now. look heie. 1 waul fiim Diaw 0.ry 1 1 nt out todu. will jou? Ma, lie jou ci.n put it haek '"'light, maybe jou unit. 'e rente! 'lie In id, house right inioss fioin the "iik. I'll take ,.,,. f join cash for Jon Yes, want jou to dinw out jour Ill'Uiev ij 11111111." , llwdenil) Triieolnle bail agreed to '"i .Mounding leinnst. Slie clicked jie lui.wr with a Lrim smile upon '''( me Itniwn. of Itiowu, I.ee torier." sli .11...... ,,., 1 s: 1.. ..w U' " 'iniiini ,lli,ll. .Mil, liddon, got 1 V" "Iii'iilid for time mouths at foit 111 ' aliiliui -. "All iighi I lei Haulm mil Caipi'ii- ' .11 II1IK to em. (ioi Itiowu jet, ll'i her nf other 1111 11 she Triiesilale. Man lohl to draw out l.oekwortli bank tltic'e' And lo Itiowu ami then to Haulin ""'i niter in a m,u,. 'I'"!"' as !. had to al,"r 1111111 of them sin 'neir 1111111..JS fron, ih, '"in ail.-:- nmn ,f t , pmniiMMl to do ' -"' iLieeieil. .slie began to marvel 'M ? '" lllN "''' soman's power here n ner own x.illej. Mini) of these men re inn ,. tin,,, vV,.n , , u,lt hM, '" Itnliel Stetheiil; she had done nuiiii tr nioiv nm,, ,, ,)f ,,l:1 . hIl(, ,'' '" t'lU'h more; she was a frn nd nith haying; he was an enemy that 110 nwin, luio'wing her, .ovelul. I 'T'""'1! stint 11 inn on his pek old --..., iMti 11 ig,. til in ifiiiniiii ,i.i i.w. " ,, ) 11 mi iniiri nir, "I'll Steele, ' "i wna i.,.j, Mittsfaetion k lift,.,- the 1,U,. ,()h !.,. , Yl nu- him Ma, tin. llnddon, Ui-tirj I-'iench." lien,-, !',,., , 1U1( ,,,, NIn, ""'It'll 111 (Hi, linn. II. .11, 11 u 1. ." ' :-' ' 01 1 1 int k ,.1 ,1... 1 get Hie till II II - seemed, oi'iiwoitli bank. s,. ,., 1.111-iiiiuiiii naiiK. 1 ,','iV , )n"',"l .M'-Mllde with whom hi,., .'' '"'V!' Aliii-er) one she told Urn sl"' ""'l '"'llnl lllllt Id Ji ,1'Vls ;'"'' for their p.esldent. and uJd talked with her. set mu long dlstauec," wns the next comimiml. "Hilly Houghton a I the Merchiiiils' Kxeluiii-p, San KtntielHco." And him she directed lo start In sidl ing her shnres In the Itm-li Creek Milling 'o. Sell below par, stmt n scare, jump the (icm down. "Hood's put 11 lot of money in that wilicern," she mtied. " believe t gne hlin the tip. Well, ' Heme him cliff." She sat a moment lit silence, frowning at her stick. "Haddon." she said at last, "run info I.ockworth. (let Hint building straightened up. (t a sign painted thnt I am opening a bank as mmhi n the law'll allow, that 1 mu lending money on Urst mortgages up to two thirds nctunl value at (I per cent. Steele. Inke a letter." Tile letter. In Aitmlil It, mil Kvn I.orkworlh, tend: Dear Sir There's a lob open at my place for a sober, husky young man of twenty. eijjlii. Two dollars a day and found. Apply immedlntelj to lliixter, head gardener, if Interested. "Respectfully. "iiAciiin- sTKTiinim.." ".N'oW-. Steele, jou come ulotlg with me. I want the fun of, drawing out tn) money myself." And. a joyous lisht of battle in her ejes, she n t, viuj to the waiting car. In Hnddon's eyes wiw a frown of bewilderment which he sought to hide from her. A"h. wondered If he'd have to rob a bank thnt night or not. If so. whose bank? CIIAITKK NX The Methods of Umbel Mellieill. Mil-lionalic-vs Arnold Ilonil, hning no premonitory warning of what the day held in store for him. nppeared at the bank that morning with his customary pleasant smile and broad good humor. It was a bright morning, the world-wis a liisl nite place mid he had hud 11 henlthj young man's hearty breakfast. ICveti Kil True-ohlle's early cull to withdraw Ids funds made no' apparent climige in Mr. toad's good humor. He 1111I note, rather subconsciously, that '1 ruesdaln's maimer was bun led, that the rancher did not stop to shiike hands and tell him "the latest," but Horn! in his serenity iiltrihuteil this haste to the same Imagined business dial which had caused Truesdale to want a lot of cash. Hut little by little as the morning wore on the smile faded from Hood's ejes anil a look of tineertaiuty en into them. Hrown, of Hrown. I.ee & I'orter, riune in short I) after Truisdale had gone out. his air strangely furtive, passed H0111I with 11 quick nod "and drew out something over twelve thousand dol--rs. Hood icpoited the matter to Hroughton, the piesident. liioughton looked at him rather .strangel) and grunted. Itoud wi nt bai k to hi"s win dow and waltid. Tluit be didn't know what be was waiting lor in no way al tered the fact that lie wns waiting for iiometliing. He had nevei had much faith in the la.) man's theorj that "All things conn to him who waits." Hut it seemed a w oikable tbeoij thK fun noon. IL.. positors of amounts large and small came in in a stead) stieiim. and almost without exception they diew to the last nickel of then accounts. About 11 o'dod,, President Hi-oughton, erj Imi tuin this iiioining. iiilieil Houil to him and po.nted out of the window. Arms, the strict Mime men were imtliin- on n ow-i- the sign read : ' Hachel smili 1 oi-ster Stctheril became gicm-letteiwl j,in blick b.iililiiig. 'i In "Leased by h Hunklng Co." I'hen even Ihe fad a tiling ot the past. "I was going to resign next mouth," I.roiighton said null). "Hut I am not going to set tins bank i-uimd. I'll keep I") own .shoes on until I sec wheie this thing ends." Horn! understood perfei fly the old axiom which says thnt two tilings can't be in the Mime place at the sainc time. Ir might be extended to read. "Two men can't wear the same pan- of shoes at the same time." He went ,.., 1,, thiukiiii tin- ilnni- and !" said the had new-i-for her to ins own desk thinking n.irii. Anil fast. Then Uachel Stetlicnl. Hobbn- Ahe with l.er. (nine in nt sliaicht to Hood's desk. "fiood morning, Mr. Horn Id woman brightly. Horn known that it was possible be one-half so pleasant. "'mil moining. M,rs, Stelheiill. ' he iMiirneil her gieetiug mtber Hillly for him. lie knew that liiough ton was watching .mil listening. "will j have uotid. Mr l'.ond. ' went on Mu,. Stelhci-il pleasaiit'U . "Ilml 1 nave iiepiiMicu a tot n laoni-i tin- Inst few month:?" li 1 . 11 c now- iipprei-iiiiiii won- age." sa d llond. "Yes, I hw "Altogdher 1 haw. doin well," 1 iiiitimieil Mis. ; Havdi 1 I .' I haw 11 any thoiisauds in hen 1 uie 01 tor nie "The amount ha, ne'-u i-.ii !n-r iimu-ii.iI for a iniiiiti) bank. We haw- mu hem ''That's all right," she snnl ainiablj. "I'm going in diaw it out ri,'ht afte: liimh. St-i le ami I kI.hII cat 11 1 the Mi tlu-ril Hotel. I tnoi it now in THE GUMPS Old Skull and Crossbones Phie kbit's ou x (Yx.w.0 captain wt rlJG ls 0lM V 60MG T? W- HE'LL "tvIIMiV EL ON 1 J?C VoU ) 60INQ OUT VATK AIL MY A J U6HTMIM6 EvE-R WTtCE THAT , jT WOOL- YotTRe viOY 1 By Sidney Smith " AV.L HE IsOr A IA0NTH- for TriAT Roach imcugato.? ERE- AT?EN'T 2 fLKS; N THE VJWOLE FUOfc nWT HAUli Yvv? AME PtA- OWE lP AMP OMIT T0VMvl- GOT THE tC6 VOV. OVLfc TIE FllteMAC Tdtt VN'T A POOR IN TWO HOuE Vou C LOCIC W11X0UT EiTHtK VirrlNG VT UP OR FITTING ON THt VCOTZ. ijAJII I 2 ?d ,7s, kwoe- y SOMEBODY'S STENOGYou Can't Get Anything on Her .1 1 v I- ll 1 I . By Hayward IAIOT OMAJIBUS! Vou ..r-... SIA It ,I,C -- vcs! yfrHUUJ AM OMAIIBUS 10 A V7AGOM You Ride. Somewhere, mi VJcLL-VV - Thai j vihat I r.'Av: if You vou -o-jf that v COUGH lr?)lj'LL PIDE 1 SOMEWHERE AI-LK'lGHT -" 'jALLK'lGHTjjr ' ' Cju. V ' r CN ,--tv " vjt 1 v- v chug! Sfe W- 4 if VvJfe v SJ 1 ' . T A E.-HAVWSRO, The Young Lady Across the Way Aunt Eppic Iloan, thr h'nttexl Woman in Thrc- Counties : Fontaine Fox I SCHOOL I) I) S -.- -:- -:- fin DWIG We iisl.eil the )oiing lad) across the way if her father was at home and she said f)h. .w-s, he'd be down in a minute ami he'd menl gone upstaii-s to obtain a i hange of venue. "'" 57i5 PET EY The First Trip of the Season By C. A. Voight luring I oat 1. 1 lulled." Hither ''leilieril, lumped a good lor )ou to t.ihc win 11 ng. s, who'e tiling give ion a sort 1 1 I'oing to want tin 111 ash. "In 1 .ish," said l'.ond "Also." smiled lr- Slctlo-nl. wanted .wiiir tiih n c up u a i-rl.nii mat lei. I haw- telephoned m agent hi San rriiueiscii lo start ! Ilhi'j 111) shaiis III the Km k Cteik M llilig Co ' Sliiile lie apt to dtnp. nicn't lhc '" Iioiid iiiaib- m.iu slninge little i ;n -'iciie dcsiirii up,. a a pad wit;, a li iisi In Id n licil lieloie he lifted Ills ccs. "I'i i-haiis," he said, imll "Also, Mie wint mi. "I mu thiiikiug I stinting a lunik of iu own What no .will lliuili o .I ' Also. Leipniu mi nitcH-Kt in this bank, a pui-i l fiieailK ami 111 no m n"!1 niisiness interest, t nai going to speak to the tluctois about the wniiniN in the i residein-i . In i,-isc there should be a vacum-i I shall want to speak with Mr. Itimightou about that lni. "I nmli-i-t mil .wi'i pi-ri'iii'x. ,r Mellieill. lei 111 1 maiiagcil to sav uiiiitl). "ion are going to do all that S'lll 0.111 In bri nit me." " )i. ni' 1 1 v no. Not all thin I ( an That won't lie ins esni i . Omul morn ing, Mr. llond. Kcmcmlicr thnt Sd mid I lunch at the hotel li should waul to speak with about aintbiiig. wni know know w in ic to li'id me Now Itollil l IS lie.ileu I g'lini' In'Siin ami h" knew Sli tln-i il w-is m a p" it. on li. I'd " to do ii lull!, injui) And, in the I ght In b.mk (iflTn inl . w -niil look al ti onlilc w 1 ni M b lor. the I lick ill tiled II llild sin wl o, Its " bit o Inn .'innings to Ima ,. had sharp lni-!n w ilh In i been st.ibli n hit ihnii In laid anticipated. I l"ii I is pm i, pa per he made no longei stmngc iinlbne designs I'll rntbei- wi sensible, bank cr's sort ol llguii-H II" esiiinaied Unit for lei-tain olive lands he bad smi-ii! .-s'Jil.lllill. Thai In- bad bop. d to haw old the eight hundiid in re- for Ml llllll. thus i-li'li fi II I,' one bundled pel icnl on the (pilik tuinoier That ii.im Mi Stetheiil was ofl'eiing the nbsiiidh low sum of SMMIII If be aeiinlcil ibis be would be los 111 NlL'.IIIM' So mil' h wu quite, clear. (CONTINUED TOMOUIIOW) -. . I.- r : : f 77. TTTT") f nT r - O0METHmG3VJl0MC J "7 'jf"" A CYLIKSDE12. ' r-OH J)UAR ) a- am7h "The: old'sds yr wHATb he . ,.,,- r- V . Ni,.'r,L- .,.,,.., r S ( 1,' t J Trouble -Y Lx" ' ; r r 'WISfcwwj ' .V r m Cjv y 15s - t- - , fcr-fV&W MmsfcZZl ff' ' 0ri (7k iJK 'lit'; raVtSr:: -77- 7aFr$&$k SSS M 51 tlCQi WsViiGl 1 V &rvJ'- iWttt MfrW ex. i&. v-t-, y??5a 1 mitsMM& W,M 5 v-r JaSSSsvssisgBarsS ss&SSTltV " Vm H fflHlil j ' 1 1 r ' - : 1 1 . .VsV9tr - 1 THE CLANCY KIDS We Believe II : : : : : : ,' Percy L. Crosby : Jf ?1J rfJjLy WiJ J VL K'"JT..F0" ; le i yA , f m9R5S l vn ' -tT; , SHjMBI. nrUTHINO- i 1 in- TM JT V V-T-s 1sl sv ( -A " zm which ih- v?M .Tii tn n. skr--sss)sj&-Ai i .--JaJa .A sol,,.,! C A Ss? 10 f x-sr. s- vrSv v Af7 ,V ' V vLx 5i!Sv. $0&&-- ""St "SsZSsOss. ij J) . ?S?rfv ) s V-':" s . . r ... , , -riii y - - r - wv. -" ". v. "v 1 rpo.vi. ' 11 iiniff' .-a. 1 r f 1 1 Ss, J 8 i 1 ' ' ml . i' i . i.i t. . . .'. ; . h i. .. -x j -n n. "n. - - 1 iM -in " - ' "' "" ' ' " "" ' " '" ' - '- - - ' -fif 1 eV -. iiimi-., ljk.i. ,.,' ttiit , t r -. .