'FFHJ- -!,$ EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1921 ' ' '' - - . m 35 ji TffC Exempt from Federal and c-u; York State Income Tax We Offer ; NEW YORK GITY Short Term Notes Maturing from May 15, 192: to December 14, 1921 To Yield 5.85 Per Annum These Notes, being free from Federal and New York State Income Tax, yield the investor the equivalent of about 6fe to about 23 per annum, dependent upon income as compared to a taxable investment. DISCOUNT HOUSE OF SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER MBMUERS NEW YORK STOCK KXCHANQB Commercial Trust Building PHILADELPHIA. PA. Telephone-Spruce 7391 NEW YORK BOSTON CASSATT CONSERVATISM CASSATT CONSERVATISM is simply exacting carefulness in investi gating before investing our own money or recommending to our "clients that they invest. Investment recommendations are made only after the most searching study of the securi ties. In most, cases we have already dem onstrated our own faith by investing our own money in the security. In all cases the final test is "Would we purchase the security for our own permanent invest ment?" The current issue of "Cassatt Offerings" is a good illustration of Cassatt Conserva tism. We shall be glad to send you a copy. KINDLY ASK FOR CIRCULAR K-ll CASSATT V CO. Established IBte COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. , PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE NEW YORK PITTSBURGH UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrjTJt in . 3 Empire Oil Purchasing Company 7 Notes (NEW ISSUE) GUARANTEED-p r i n c i p al and interest by Empire Ga3 and Fuel Company. PARTICIPATING to extent in ratio of one-third the entire profits of the company after payment of all operating ex penses. An investment embodying high degree of safety and opportu nity for ultimate additional profits. Circular II on requeei Henry L. Doherty & Company G04 Morris Huilding Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone! Locust 1440 SCRANTON C. KENNETH GARRISON O. H. KILLION, JR. GARRISON & COMPANY MEMBERS 1 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCE OPENING OF NEW OFFICES 1030-32 WIDENER BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, FOR THE TRANSACTION OF A GENERAL INVESTMENT BUSINESS SPRUCE 8370.1-2 RACE 3973-4-5 OTIS & CO. Stocks Bonds Acceptances Specialists in Ohio Securities Members of New York Stock Exchange Boston Stock Exchange Cleveland Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Private wire connections with all principal markets. CLEVELAND New York Boston Detroit Cincinnati Columbus Toledo Akron Youngstown Dayton Denver Colorado Spring! We take pleasure" in announcing that Mr. STANLEY C. EATON has become associated with our firm. HARRISON & CO. BANKERS 106 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PHILADELPHIA Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges Did You Ever Buy a house and carry a mortgage on it? Buy a piano on the installment plan? Buy a talking machine on the "club" plan? Our Partial Payment Plan Is practically the same thing applied to the purchase) of high-grade investment securities with even less red tape. Asl: for booklet, "Saving und Investing." It explains the plan. LIU Alan A. Alexander & Co. STOCKS and BONDS COLONIAL TRUST BLDG., PHILADELPHIA Weill Locust 6310.1.J.5-4 Brunch Offlca Kcfilonei Knct 1071 llriilieton. N, t. Your Future Must be taken care of by your ability to save NOW Our Systematic Savings Plan enables you to obtain an inter est return of from 7 to 10 on your savings through purchase of high - grade dividend - paying se curities. Send for booklet. Also ask for our INVESTMENT SURVEY Scott & Stump Investment Securities SI'KCIAI.ISIS .N 01)1) 1.(1 rs Stuck Kiohunse lUclc. 4U i:iihniii.-r I I'lilliiilelnlilii Nov York J.oiimt 0180-0 lli-oud 1331.3 ILCON IE SFORZA TORNATO A ROMA Egll Commemora al Senato del Regno il Dofunto Ro Nicola del Montenegro Publlnhfd n1 Distributed Under . ,. , 1'HIIMIT NO 341. ...A'XnorlJM ''y tho net of Ootnbor n jj'jj. on HI9 at ths rostofflce of Phila delphia, I'a, a s nunt-nsoN Postmaster Qeneral. Itoma, 1" mnrzo 1)1 rltorno (In T,on dra, ovu lm prom pnrte alia runfe renza dogli Allratl per In tuestlone dello rlnarazloni dovute dnlla (lerninnla. e' Rintito leri sera il, ('onto Sforzn. Mini Ntrn pi-r k! Affnrl IMcri. KrII nl rero subitn dnl Prcridr-ntr- del Con slRlio del Mini.Mri, ove rltnne lttnga monto n oolloquln. 'JiiPNtn tiinttina, alln seduata dol Ho unto, U ('onto Hforzn lin ronimriiioriitn Ho Niooln del Montenegro, morto rcoenteinento dopo yrwant'iinnl ill regno. I .a sediitn fu toltn per im ora in M'Rtm (11 lutto. 11 Capltaiiii Pifferi, rhe fit nun iIcrII nititunti (li (inhrlclo D'Annuiiido, o' stuto nrrpxtniii per aver partooipnto null attarrhi eontro lo tnippo rcKolarl ipinndo il (ieneriile ('avIrIiii aviinzn' per sjjoni brnro la citta' ill Plume dal leKlonarl. 11 Capltano rrelnmn lie anclic- per hi I sin applicata t'mnnl-tlit die fu ni'onrilatn a ttitti .fill altri ycxmiri ill IVAiiniinzlo. II (liorniilc d'ltnlin orodo clip so I'nr-rei-to del (lapitano I'iffori narti' tnitn tonuto si nndrn' inrontro a gravl fti Ntidl tra fusoisti, nazionulisti cd e.-lc-Rionari. I'm iliriptipcio da Finine recit oho uno spavont(iM) incendio lia nuni completa inoiito distrtitto i cuntlerl naval! del Cnrntirti. cnusiindo dnnni di oltrp otto milinnl di lire. Ioperu dl ipegniniento o' stnta dello pin' anhio ed cfliearcinentp vi contrlbulrono i cnrnblnlcrl ilalinnt. Da vurio citta' contitiunno ud cssere soRnalati incident! tra fascistl c coinu nisti o sociallsti. (Ill incldrnti, pcro', non rapprohciitaiio nulla dl grave come quelll dello Rcor.xp si'ttimane. A Ucu-rIo Kmilia i Cum'IhU danno la enccia al socialist! o, ieri l'nltro, tin forto nucleo ill fahcitti Im percoiso il dvutnto hociulNta Zibordl. HRiinlc sorte !' toccata audio, al doputnto I'rampolinl. 11 Uoputnto (iramli. rocatnsl n Tor r!o Uiison, per farvi una Incliiootii Hiii roeonti conllitti tra t'acisti o socinlitti, fu assalito c porcosso a snnRiie. Dal pacst tiiabri RiiiiiRouo uotilc di occupaziono di ostpnc invahionl di tcr leni. A StimiRliuiio, icino Itleti. r!i apiiartmonti a ipiolla Kczluno socinlista lianno Invnso i podcri hcminnti n Rruno di tin ricchiHslmo proprictnrio, van tando dirittl dl uso rivico, Un dispaccio da Modena reca che i consiRliori comunali e provinciall, uscendo da un'tidunnnzn, sono stntl br Krcilltl dn un gnippu dl fasciati, I quail lianno iriRiuriato i deputnti ARnini e Chlossl cd lianno percusso e bastonatc l'On. Uonati. GERMANYDRyES FOR TRADE Making Progress In South America, Says United States Agent Washington, March IS. (Hy A. P.) Germany in makinR Rood progress in a driv? to revive her pro-war trnlo In low-priced articles with South Americn, according to n report to tho Depart ment of Commerce today from Cnmmor- inl Attache Charles A. McQueen, at SnntinRo, Chile. Germany 'a nppnil, Mr. Mi Queen said, is made for the most part on a prieo basis, though not as lo as he ron) the war. However, ho added, American goods are price.! so MrIi be cause, of exchange rates that German Roods nro at leant -10 per cent below (hem. According to reports from the cast coast, lie continued, the Germans are not working as hard in Chile as they nro in Argentina and Hni7.il, The opinion tirevails also, Im said, that Gorman competition is not a Rrcat fac tor In tho prosoiit checkitiR of Ameiican trade with Chile. LONDON STOCK MARKET Gulf Oil Corp. 7s. 1933 Natl. Conduit & Cable 6s, 1927 Lehigh Pr. Sec. 6s, 1927 Bnrnsdall Oil 8s, 1931 Gen. Asphalt 8s, 1930 Lukens Steel 8s, 1940 MrCown&Cq Land Title Bide. Mrmbcm I'hlU. MchK Kxlmncf J C. S. PATTON & CO. 81) A CIIK8TNIIT HTS. BANKERS RucrtflMor (o RAn.KIt-A RTHV12NSON f.Vda uqd btocka buucht urn! hU ,U cuuittll,HUH i com hlU, ihera I'hlU, Htork Kthmit Tighter Money Causes Weakness In Gilt-Edged Issues Trade Light London, March 18 -Oil shares were stcaiiy and frnctlcallv unchanged on tho mock exchange toilay Slu-ll Trans port was 5 5-1C ami Mexican Kaglo 5 Mi Confcieiices with labor procioiUd favor ably, promising Bond rcsulis aisled to a moro hopuful fooling In tho Indiistrial Kruuii. Alterations, however, wuro lr rcKUl.tr IIudbon'H Bay was 5, A tighter monetarv bltu.itlon caused a weaker tono In some gllt-cditL-d in vestment Issues. French loaua were stronger on tho voto of eimfklenco Riven to tho Urland mlnlhtry. Dollar ' de scriptions remained around tho previous day's iiuotatlons. , There was light protlt-tnklnp In home tails, but Grand Trunk.-, were hard. Tho shares of Argentine loads wero quiet twin niiM-ii. i.reater si.tointy w.m rioted n Mexicans, following hotter advices as tor til.- dispute with labor. Katllrs moved slOttlj. Gunernlly, tho markets were check end, with tradliiB IlL'ht There was the usual week-end absenteeism. Advance In Price of Raw Sugar New ork, March IS The raw sugar market deelop.d tlrmn.'ss late yester la wliin tin- Cuban sugar tlmincu coin lolttiv advanced its s, lllng pilco of '( to 5';o. Kiunl to fi L'To, duty paid, and i htnbll-liLtl .. innrket on th.it hauls (Julte a eoiwider.ible huslness was re pnrtLil In full duty paying sugara on the above basis The naes Included 1 iiii.OUu bags l'ono Klcos, aoat and i'di irutnit shipment, at fi U7c, c 1. f. ; lonn tons Jhlllpplnes. aoat, at fi.!7c; lu.uOu bags Cuban lu port at 6li cost and freight, equal to fi L'7c, duty paid: MGii bags Haytlan Ceiittifugals fur March shipment at 5 Olfic, elf; ifinu ImiiJh San nomlngofH In port at .Vow Orleans at i! .'7c, duty paid to a New Orhans tillm r; 7iino bags .San Domingo, s in iort at N'ow OileaiiH at 0 27c, duty pu'iV to it Now Orleans retlnor ; tihhi lings .San Domlngoeoi noat at 5 mitt-, I f. and ISOfi tons Kan Domlngues for March Bhlpnunt at BnlSc. c, I f. Th. Kideral Co ami Al buckle Hios w.ie thi principal buyers Importations in cluded Bl.Oiin bags Cubas consigned to tin- Warn, r Co Following the uihanci In the price of raws, the rellnod market diveloijcd greater activity and nr.ietic- ully all local ivllners l eadjusud tin lr prices u an um.incc ot L'j polnis, to & 20. less 2 per cent for cash. United States Treasury Certificates GOSSIP OF THE STREET A'cmj York Bonds A minority etock, or a company in uhich (he controlliiiR interest has pa.ied over to another corporation, occupies about (he koine position n an old maid "1 a party, that of being shelved in the (orner, This was strikingly oxomplllled yes tordnj In the complete Imlifferonf o shown toward the Welsbach Co. annual rojiort. In being of the current century "olsbach was one of the most lively speculntlvo footballs of tho local mar ket. Now a quotation for the stock is seldom scon. The United Gas Im provement Co. owiih more tlitjn a ma jority of the stock. Yestunhn's report showed cross earnings in 11120 to be largest of any recent jcais since 11117. They totnied $l,07L',hsl. while lu Hie lirocedliiR year won- $!l.ll.l)71. The Miinaxcniciit eharged off Slis.-IilO for depreciation. Then, after all charges, Inking fund and preform! dividend, there was left a balance of $."il!l.Nl1, equivalent to l.-l per cent on the $.'!, fi0(),()f)(i common stock, agaiiist II. I icr cent in 101!) and 10.1 per cent in 1!HS. During the year there was purchased $.'!0(vl0O of the company's collateral trust f per cent bonds, making n total purchase of those bonds toilay by the trustees under tho mortgage of ..".. '11 0, 700. Considering Uio very unpleasant reading mutter which recently has been furnished by various corporations, mioIi nn exhibition is refreshing and shows a few prosperous concerns are still on the carpet, Tow of the Old Guard If( Commenting upon the changed com plexion of the Kapid Transit Co. direc torate, a retired local banker, who has nlwayH taken a very active interest in the development of troet railway ptopeities, asserted yesterday there wns evidently a very few of the old guard still in the traction game. "Unless I am much deceived." he said, "the old interests who played n prominent part in the promotion and development of the passenger railway lines of tins city, or their heirs, have little, if any, stock in any of those' companies. In tho last two or three years, heavj selling of stock at times was moro or less of a mystery. The Identity of the seller, by skillful stock exchange maneuvers, was always cleverly concealed. It is now no longer a mystery, for it is quite certain many of tho former large shareholders quietly slipped out and were quite willing to let the dear public carry their share of the bunion. This moans, of course, that the stock has been widely dis tributed, which is corroborated in the largely inci eased number of share holders on tho company's books. "This docs not only apply to IMiilu dolphi i Kapid Transit Co.. but also to all the underhing companies. This does not include what can be called the original lines, which nro still held, because thej return an income which could not bo paid hy any living cor poration todu t Is It it Itedlirtlon? Tho t'nited Cigar Stoios directors yesterday declared a dividend of one per cent. In the previous quarter 1 V per cent was declared. Some raised the point whether this should not be construed us a reduction. It is pretty certain the stockholders will consider it a cut when they find tholr check calls for n . per cent less than that which they received in February. Those who nsscrt no reduction was made point to the statement "f the management that it has no fixed dividend policy. In other words directors arc free to in crease or reduce payments at any time. That may found nil right just ut tho moment when all corporations are tu'iiiti'liliiio eravol to find funds to pul dividends, hut no one ever hoard of this policy, or talked or hinted about it, a little over a jour ago when the pools nuil hneculativc combinations were try ing to push the price of thi and other tobacco storks up to me shvune. i.u viioiiments nnd conditions nlwajs make the perspective totall.v dittcrcnt. Central Kloctrie Stations The United Mates Geologii al Survey statistics on generation of elietric eur lent In central stations in IK'-'O indi cate that de-pito tho many Handicaps under which the centrul station indus tn labored last year new records in generation nnd transmission of electric (urretit w-ore made. Had central sta tion companies boon able to finance ex tensions and additions to equipment to meet demands mad" upon them for cur lont h Industrial users, there is no question but that there would hui been even gn liter Inci cases in inluiue of cur rent generated and distributed. The Geological Survey flgutes indicate that produitnm of electric current in 10-0 was 1'J '' per cent greater than in 1010. The total kilowatt hours produced by ci'tittnl station companies in 1020 is estimated at I.'I.OOO.OOO.OOO kilowatt hours, of which Kt.r.00.000,000 kilowatt In Hi fs were h.Mlro-electrio current and 7 10(1. 000. 0(H) woio -team generated. Theie was an increase ot l.i per cent in the hjilro-oloctric current generated and 1- s per cent in tho steam power current generated compared with 11)10. In 10-0 :iY.-M.M)l) tons ot coal were used in the generation ot electric cur rent, an ini ro.'iM' of It per cent over 1010. whi'o Wi.lisiV")!) barrels ot oil were Ueo to geneiuie eieeuic ruiriiu. an im pu-e of 1 per ci lit oicr tlic preceding J car. The gas ui'd in gen eration "f elietric current, principally natural gas. was 'J 1.. ".00,000 cubic feet, an iniria-o of IS (I per cent over the amount "I gas used in 1010. IBAr.ns IN 1W0H) Am Mnxlt'B & Qono'l nice (1 lirftr 1. -; 4 . 77 Amn T t T Hi Oovo't I .. 1 .. . I ... 2 1. . 100 . H Si. tins 0l lis l. jisi, OS il lisii tiss O Swltz'tl rct 1 loa'i I ... 102'i 1 HC'V, 1 . lojii 1 . ins4 2 1"2 '4 (JJ Trunk rotn. 1 4... I.. . .1. . . 5.. . 1. 1 10 fls', lis' lit) US', US', a v. IIS', tIS'y DHI, fis', US'. OS'. UK'S (IS", 0s i, CSV OS'. (IS l. US', 101 I'onna 11 It 7s 1 Rt'4 4 .SIN 2 sp, 8 M Amn T T Hi :t .... B(l n I7 1 . Dfi't 1. U7 i . wis in nil' 3 .. Ort" Aru'i Itcp'c 3 1. . . now Armour 4'K 1 1 7014 1 . 10.' r. I'll', Atoh Topekii 4. 102 4 . I0m S n. 1" nj Itinl A Man f.l 1 . . 10 4 ... 07'4 IS . Or, I'lv.rla & !". In Atcli Toiiekn A 1 .', 1 . . 2H S'n To 4 fi M l'.-ri -Manit 4 r... .. 77U Hud & Man Ini n as . .. 77W 1 . 77U Atcli Toiioka A H l'o cv 4i 2 . 0Hi llAlt A Ollln cvi li . . coy, j . nn II A Ohl.l 3Ul 1 . 81U Unit 6 Ohio 4l 2 . fls Halt A Ohio tin 1 (174 11 A II 1' I. i; A W Vii 4i J .... 1131 Halt A Ohl.i H : Went'n 3!.s 1 .. 70-4,1 10 . 70 'i I Hkn It T ct 6a I 2 . . 29 J tli-il V 7a 'Cti 1 . 102Vi 1 . . 1021. 7 . . IH2S 1 102', ! II. th Ht. I f I 1 S0'4. Iletli H r.s 3(1 Jan (love t lal'it I, 3 2, 7S 7... . h'.'H S . . Brkni 11 T 7a 2 . S'J., 'jr. 3 4r.H Jul' llmu t 2.1 in Ilka It T il 7s, 1. . . . SJMI 10 a 30l 1 . 07 11V . 37 ,rhlt Countj c 10 .IH'Ii 7 U3 1 Sfl'.lflpaillni.- Ilv l (i 37 4 .... HI 111 C Si I. A N h( O Jt 1M1 n U (Jhllo tin wl 1. . M ' 2.. .. 10 Ills Sl.cl I'ial r, . Id 2 HI 4 ti'i Inlb Mot 4 4s j . tin 1. . 30llt..ck Il'd A A Inl Mot Lt 414I l.nul'a 41.bs ?.. .. is 10.. .. eon 2.. ISVEjo I'autn of 11.. lHVij Urazll S.i wl h ISU 7 07'. IntburoHT f.l ut I. I'm Ml 10. ... r.l'j, a-n Illy Is 1 . . r. 1 .... 70 2 . R1 fit L, I'n Mt A 1... B4H S'n Illy (is 1... . .-.t', 1.. . sr. n r.t', 1 sr. I . . MiiStLtSl' ill ft. . r.i, 4. . or-'i r. r. 1 ' 0 ' r... . (-.'. 3 . . r.i 10 01 1 . r. 1 2 . . us 7 r.ns 3 on. Wu own and iccommend Pennsylvania-Ohio Power & Light 10-Ycar 8 Bond-Secured Sinking Fund Gold Notes lu .NmnoliiT I, I1I.II), oiiinn Notea In fJenoinliintiuiia of VI. 000, fiOO nnil $100 Tho Company supplies electric power and litflit in a populous and busy industrial territory of about GOO square miles, mid way between I'ittabureh and Cleveland, including the cities of YoutiRstown, Oiiard and Struthcrs, Ohio, and Farrell, Sharpsvllle. IChvood City and Shaion, Pcnnpylvania. Net earnings for the year ended August 01, 1D20, after deducting all prior charges, exceed five tinie3 the annual interest require ments on these Notes. Price 96 and interest, yielding over 8.60 Write for Descriptive Folder P.L.-G41 Hoffister,Wlrite & Go. incoaporiArio North American Building IMIILADKMMIIA ItOSTOV si'iiiv(.ni:i.n IKIMIII S( I. I'lTlsriKi ) Nr:H' Minn. 1'0IITI.A.NI 3 .. 42 , 2 C.in.i-tUn Nt'n 2. Itlya rets Ja 2 ... 101'i . 3 1 . 10H, 7 ' 47'i 47 17 17 4' ... H2I.I in.. S2 t I. A S I-'ran (li6't Isl 8rlc A . . (II I 1 110 . . . 1)4 I 1 l!0, 03' 2 0'. C & H 3s st I.I.X rrn Canada S n 1 C'k il 14 1 101 U 3. lOtVICan 101 'i 1.. .. MV4 Herlca II 101'i' 1 33 1 73i 1"1 ' I 1 . 33 fit I. Sow'n m 10Ui I, . . r,SH 3.. 02 H. . . 33 'Ht 1 Hon't. .'.a . . . . 83 Kan CAM 3s 1 . .ill A O cv 3s, i . . 71 1.4 1 1 . . . I'.a 82 ,K II"lKlum fli at 1' A Kan i' . f-2 1 .. . POiM H I. J',i S2 'IC Ilelc'm 7is 1.. .. (II 2 2 . t'U 4 . . 04 MlVa.i: llultf-m rcta st 1"! A Ht'.ux r ni.su kjbjibii nmmmu.iiiiiHii nyiiTia WANTED AN ADVERTISER rpilK livn Philadelphia dailies -- mako large piofits for a few constant advertisers who have discovered their great pijw-r, and learned how to i so it. Hut why are such adver ti;. rs almost oxrluslvolv ro(ullrrf U'ln Ho riot ninro miinufarturvrs I.-.I. . In ii'-ttupapor advt-rtlslm;? I nil'- nihortldlnR f..r Wm r t.l Ml '"iimp.-iny. th.- '.Vu-(iiira-1 i' 'noplo, and th ' K.ic 1 .ur" l"ii ! in.itiiifiicturors. 1 u.int or-.' more rlli-nt who l,l.-.s that j?'io-l ti.l' r'.slne will put Ills buslnoHS nl ') lu tho front rank. If Intor '!. I, rail me up (Uermunlovwi 1-J'i W), or wnto. HENRV FERRIS, Ad-Writer, 1.1! IV. llorttrr Iris-t 1 1 13 b'J IliOl' 07V . 1)7 . . 7 t,; i i; i ot iii it 2!) 'JCIiitfilom Den A il W Isi mark ct 8s . . 81 I 1 OSii 2 SDH IC of Italy "h Clili-iif.. Mil ft! 13.. . .St I' .1 la Klnu-dom ri,i 3 3 I 5 C A Chi 1 ft 7i 07 H 07 i !)7H (I7. ti7M 1 . 38'i Chi. .lm Mil .V: at r cv ss i 3... 05111 14 .. . (IS Chli"fttto A Nth1 2. . . HU "n Cs '87 11,-ick Ht.-l '23 2 !3Vj 10. ..1)1 Chl'.ai A Nth I.ako Shor" M. Wn fi'4 wl S'n 4a Ml City 7s il.. ('!" Seab'tl A 1. nj 1 33i H Air I. ata ta 1 . .34 Seab'.l A t. fl 1 .... 47S 2 47 V, 2.. .. 47j r. 47H. M 'So'n rnoinc fil Nor-I a 7(1 li 3 ft!)'., a it)l i .. uo 2 ... (ID'S, 4 . . Hlli 2 . . . (19 12 .. HON, 3 00 Oil K H Ba 2 ... 01 1 . . 01 ' Chli au It l'Ji & I'ac dl way ct 8s 1 . . 70' 2 nssJiHun.iM Oil of 3.. . . 82'; Calf rcta . WIS . lot's. . 1013, . 101 101 . 101 Tac lt . M) hll Ave nj .. 32W . 32.a . 32'j . 32 V, . 32 s, 31 I. ahl U 3a '31 'Tex t 2. . OS , t I.UU A Nuali 7s 5 1 10T, nuril Mtch Cfl 3"j- 12.. 05 1 . Sllch Cfl il fla' 3 2 7811' r, . sua .S A Or r, 2 1 .. 70'1 i.. M" It A T 2ml Third Ao 4 0 . . 37 2 . . 17 1 . 37 ,TMi water Oil SIo 1'aciflc Is Co ct 04s r,3';l r.3',. 31 51 II .' 3 8.. 0 07 I. It ... 07 3 5 . 07 1. 10 3.. Chkiic.i rntim 5 Sia'n 4Hm 3 . . . 2 f0i$ 10 3 '. . bOHl 3 Chlcaso Unlunj s. Stan Sa "1 SI) I'ac 1.... 100';! 1... City Ilcrnc 8 stunt a I'wr 10 04 2 . . 8'U. 3 tUH 1 . 8.1 ' City Cop'e 3i,'n Y Air II 0 1... . 72Ujl 1 SUV 1.. 1... un (It! '15 " li"." d." " SUPERIOR OIL Controlled by the Atlantic Refining Company Our special letter, showing possibilities of this (lock nt present low price and con taining other important in formation, furnished free on request. Ask for L'S P. K. Guthrie & Co. Slemti-ri t'Mla Hto. k i:ili intfu 1418 S. Pcnn Square bL'ITi; 300 M'ltrci. sr. i'.aci: 221 1'ru.ati. H'ii-'J :o .Vrn Y01I. n.1'4lt'li!iiii Tar c.a 3.1 I 1 ('' 53 1 . .1'1 52 Ts UKgtO Urlt "-01 A Vd 1021 (10'. ton, till C ' . III". (I 81 I 1. 1 . 72-j S' Y Cent' I 4ai ".m) . (nil. City SUrs'a 0 1 .. . 77'k U K of O Hrll 2 71s. 3 77 A I'd 1022 C N Yk 41., 03 N Y CM en (s j 041, 2.. . liJ'.i 1 0S14 a.!. Sl C N Yli 4'-s (17'N V C. nt I .) -J . (if 7. . . Si-' I 8'iV',u K of O r.iu Cliy 1'arla fls 2 sni. & x-j jo., 3. . ''.'. 1 ST Rfl 2 . . SH'.' 3 sol',' 1 80 I 1 . . 'Ml 'a 1 Hll H. . . 8S I 7.. sni'. N'.'W Yoik C I U K of O Tin 1 Amcr. Water Works and Elcc. 5s, 1934 Empire (Jasj and Fuel fis, 192 1-2(1 Lehigh Power Securities fi Butte. Anaconda and Pacific OS 1911 Niagara. l.ocKport and Ontario (is, 19,'S St. Lawrence Palp and Lum ber (is, 9.i:i Morton Lachenbruch & Co. 42 IUIOU) ST.. N. Y. I'hll 1. Tolriilinnr jlllilt 0107 IliKr 3030 Prl i'- 1'r. a tu New YurK. Chit .gn, &t Uuis, I'a hij-.ii l iiuit. ClvtaUnJ (i- ,rd Kii,id Talks To Investors 4. Nl.sfrrY ri:n cent of the inTcntor of tin; country arc tho profc hioiinl nnd luiHiiu-ns men of tho countrj'. Only n nmnll part of tho imi-fitril wealth of America in lirld liv retired rirli men, in net ivc indiridiinls or widows nnd orplintiH. Aid. TYPES OF INVESTOrtS nccI In Tcstmeiit protection nnil adrice lint the ninety per cent need it ftillr ua much nx those who do nothing but live on their la cstinent income. 1 iik WAcnvr. I-rviWTon can con centrate his attention on hl itivefltmenta und make n study of fundnmentnb), hut the active business or professional man usually ha little lime for Iohif; tlllH. CoSKQLL.Y, It frequently hap pens that a Keen business or professional man will mulie fortune evrry yctir in his actlre producing capacity nnd loso a larpe pitrt of it every year tlirough iiiiboimil or foolish investing. The -TinnD nusi.Miss mam" if wise, will consult a physician or other specialist to retain his health or strength. AIho, if wise, he will consult nn investment expert to insure the integrity of his in vestment capital. Otherwise, lie mny meet with just as much disaster in his investments ns ho would in his physical well-being if he insisted on doctoring him self when seriously ill Let us tell you about investment protection. It will pay you to inquire. Moody's Investors Service JOHN MOODY, Pis-urfent 1124 Ileal Estate Trust lildf:., Phila. IKISTON WAY YOKI. ( IIICAGO 3... 11 Cliy Tukli & I'd 103 1. .. S 1 8 Lukens Iron & Stcol 8s, 1U10 rii-neral Asphalt 8s, 1930 rit'ticral sphalt G, 192."i Pan lliindle Gen. ,"s. 1070 Chic. & Western Ind. T'zs. 00.', HEKRY D. B0ENNING S CO. T(I( K ICIIN(,i: lllHDINd Illrt-rl l'rl ilt- Ti-li-phniip to Nrii Ynrlc Mi'ili.ir 1'hlla. Muck l.rhiilli,-r Inl MaturlriE Ilitio Dal :. Arrll 15 1021. -. May 10 1(121 . t1i Juno 11. 1H21. t'fl Juno 13, 1021 3', Julv 13, 1021. il A UK 1(1, 1021. I'll .Sept. IS, 10J1. 3s Oit 13 in.'!. t0 !) 13. 1021 Hid 10ft Kill 100 100 A 1011 100,', I'lOl, 10(1 100, Aak.sl Yk'l I 100,1, 1 K; II'OA, ,-, 21 lilu'i 5 L'11 100 A loo A Kio A lllll', li.il'i 100 A n '.'n 5 111 3 nn 3 in 3 .in HMinnt frum normal federal lnmm. .., only. tAniiptabla for payment of intume tax due un dulu of maturity Liverpool Cotton I,li-riionl, Mnrch 18 Time was only a Kuuill Inquiry for snot eotton tod.iy with prlci's i-nslcr on tin' IhihIh of .1 ,1,.. ollne of Ilvo points for iiiililln(r nt 7 3 Id Tho unles were 3000 bnles Tlni reci-liitH were 2000 baleH, Inclurtlnp 300 bales American Futures were rjulet In the early denllnKH. Spot prices wera: Amor, toon, nilildllmf fair. lOOOd: (rood mid. (Hlnir, 8,66di fully rnMrtHnff, 8.OC1I: mid. dlltiu-, 7.311 ! low middling, C.41J: good ordinary, 6.1(0, ana ordinary, l.lld, Our Trade With Hawaii Doubled Slili'iii' ts fioin HiiMiili to tin 1'nlted Stuti's pi 111 tu ullv diuiliU'd in Millie lu the euleiidiir jear 1H20, eoniiuired with HUD. Tli" total shipments to the United States iiKlfrt'Eilti'd S1!)15,.'tS,'I,lS," In l'.i'JO. airiiiiiHt !?!).:H.01.r in 11)19, an im i-.m-i of SIII.U-'O 170 The j.rin -ihml in-i' uses ere: Cnniii'd pineapples from SIT i.li), 710 In 11)11) to $2!.17t), ini in l'i'Ji). raw sucar from STLl'tH. .is-.) in nil' to jirii.nriO.'jn,- t, ni-jn. retined siiu- from $,1,VJ,570 in lill!) to S 1,1 li-'.t i.'l- in 1020 In both classes of MiK'ir there were slight decreases in iiiinntitles in 1020; raw sugar de en HM 1 from l.Kil.DM), IH pounds in lDl'.i to l.(77.()71.l!)d pounds in 1020. and nliaid sucari from 15!, 015.01." lioiimls to 22.5 17, (i.'l.") pnundi. Slnp inetits of mollis' s roe from ..SSL,..(7 Riillons valued at IfT'Oif. ISO n 1!)1!1, to 12,12H.1.'!2 RiillniiH vuluid at JtKlTi.Sl'J in 1020, and biiniinas from 1 in, 111" Inmi'lies valued at ,'5102,7!it! in Utl!) to 1VJ.772 bum lies wilued at if 170, 020 111 1020 Shipment of coffee- to the I'nireil States dei reused from .", 1 II, ,';," p(,ini(N alued at ?i'..ri2.S.'t7 in 11)111 to l.sS.".. 70.'S piiuii.ls Milued nt $17l!.(l.'l.", in 1020 Shipments of merehnndiv to Hawaii (lurinK 1020 liiereased -Is pvi- cent over I Oil). IVir the year just ended the ex ports to that territory nia'recuted i?7-4, 0,"2. trill. HKiillist .SIO, Us'!. Ml!) In mm. Increases occur in neai-li ewr dais TIJK TIIAOKIL Venezuela Reverences Washington Caracas, Veiieucla, Mm-, , is. a Koveinmenl deirte here Mtenlay Rives the nun f WiisliiiiRion to 1111 'impor tant iiM'iiue, ami oidei-K tin hiiililinR nl a new pmU t" be culled 'iihinston Park, in in-li the statue ,,f ashliiRton will be placed. The old Washington Park will be named after Ilemj ('hi, and the 1 en monies uunlnit to the miming of the two paiKs will take place on April 10, tho duj the statue of Iloll var, tho famous Veae.uolon tttatesman, Is to bo unveiled, la Now York. Tho govornini'nt dccri,V, Hays it is tho duty of nations to perpetuate the memory of crcai men, . .s rem & i-j i!i;n i lu . . 10P, 1. .. 7.. .'.'!'. 1" l"l 1 . . s.-, 1 ' I C Zurich r. t I ... 10u ; . .-, , . i'" ' mi"' :; Yk i.Uht'iii 1' cQ jpaa3!SJumiJX3BBmxsBaMB5Mwnrarm n,.r.-,-;('!:ri 4,I,wr52 'sMV'rX HEWBBRBEB, 1 ;v;riv"Y";::.ji: hehbersoh&loeb V" sii:nvrL" A! I::-; J ? -: , - (i Colo & S 11 IS S . ,,M ;, )t'4M lll'", ' ' r '''''' !'CJ B Columbm l.a iN V Iijg 3h r Kt 1 .1 I I U "IIM"IIU' s51- ft i usIim1 i uieo no 2 oj, o ci , ltmigfjLu-u3iAmjjr,'j.i n.i-uj.m-rC 2 i n Y r.o i'.k a 3i - ,.... n. n t... , ,i. lmiv.t 5. PENNSYLVANIA ' r- ' - vii; ? :ri Railroad G'A's IS3G T..n ..;-' ' f "l"b -:',: Price on aP1,lirtion. l st . .-.vr",.( ? .;-. :;;:' edward lowder stokes 2 ss t , ,M( I M, mliir I'lnl i si,,iL ,,li,n. 2 ss. n ri,. s mil .r iiKisTtii' I Do You Prefer fl QncT. tor SwJ J O one year or 7,10t for wenty years Circular 7311, which will be sent on re quest, summarizes the advantages and disad vantages of each type of security and gives particulars regarding an issue of each kind. Bonbright & Company 437 CliiMtnut Street Pliilndelpliia tueiiKO lirlrult 00', tn. r !l UKur .s- w 3 . ini)'. 3 I'M., 3 l"i", Cuba II. I i ".1 2 00 ii 4 Ku i r J II 1. 102 Denmark i'j cl A 8a 1 f.T Denm.ir.. i in tt II Sj 2 0'l 3 Oil , Dim a i' n '. 2 I'l", Do ( .Hindi -' 1 . lU'v Dt-rn Hep e .' 3 .. Ml', 3. .sol., Dui I.tlit 0s r. . so V.rlr IJ.-nl M n 3 in . Urn. 11 (il li 1 llrlu II) 1 . 32 Tiirt Wi.rth i lllo O.I Ut 1 . . . 02 Gfm I i;kv 3s mi . .- ii.iL' s I . Mil's, i-rn i rili V, Rub 7 ' s . . . 00 X Oil i. St I . . or. . (M m -, l Tel 7s U'd S U0. , 1 ., i'0': 3 im. i n l"l . i o:. l"l jiV (J Cl.em l 0')'. I fil, I'll' Vh imllw'a ' 00 3 . SI". n Puclfl. '. v., i nv.n i, -. . f 1 s.l 34 'i W'nhl'n M.t 1 n I'litlflo I f.; . T,li, Went Stior.- Ik 34, 1 71 :.'. V & K Mlu 7 1 on, t'.iv rasi Co Is i I'onnu It 1'k It '. ('.!, I'.i K 0'ai, hi 23 llS' (isik ll'l III! no lis', us 0S' li'i ll ;i' 1. BS'i OsV, Wllnon (.'" Isl 08 t 1 hS'j Caddo Central Oil & lift. fi. 1930 Caitcrn Pcnna. Il. oh, 10 Id Kinpiri Gas & l'iit'1 (is, 102i ll.irrishuri; I.t. i Power ,'i, I'll? Lillian Power .'ocuiitics il. iiJ7 'Mt-tro)olitan Kdiim ,"s, l(ijj Plula. Suburban das & T.lec. .Is. PJGO BAUER, STARR & CO. 1 nnil lill.- Hull. line. I'lnl nl l,,hl, Ni i l.rl. IHllu. I I". llrouiln m ; i c i '.Wi i . i . nfficts I IN M JAI. II.:. I'B Ml ISllKL-l l'l,' , , n i n i i i i ii." 1 1 1. i iiiinin r.r.i ii.-rn-up (I". Fleali KrdurinK : nody DuilduiK '"- tie t -inuiie i umi i... u liomu, 19 I I '1. I . I I , . , .... ' ' l- L1 . '- .- on. .1 I -J JJ I "J. ' ' '' - ( 'muany . u .. i . ' i J l rl s- a I um.-hmt llrt muriicnKo (! t-nn-.ilii' ,-ir IhKIiis r u ml iruli) homlH. ii i. I . t l- I t n f n,,t v.,.- - .1. seul.a -i-tri, jinny 1 I 'ii-i ' ' "pun I : uad -i ' ' ! .. l " 1 . Il Ni-i.l ! lsiL. .i. Nj.s WlEGJiER, HOeiiEY & CO. Certified Public Accountants Drexcl Building, Philadelphia. I I A I. I V - ' ' r I'. Fhila. Jack O'Briens 'J' h II l- i n r niniill l.ln liuiij, JTT, 1 Illi: NNl J. JII.I.IIMj (,j - - ' I t "U I I . I I 1 l- Il HO I.. ''I I mi (jr u 4 II J1.1 .s. . I'd" I . 1st !',. L,1 -I', I.ih.'in :td I',. I,ihert 1th I', i. Note .'I l,i.. ic ol is l',s. I.ilicrti I.tliTt, l.iherli I.iln i ii Km, Oil It N7.1D .S7.IN S7 L' I !hi II s-7 r,() 1)7 :(' D7 :il 1 o.i !") II N7.10 n7. in .N7.ll) lill. .'Ill n7 no 07 :t'j !)7."l) 1 1 in in. II N". I"' N7 INI n7.L'H '.in :td N7 in 07.. 'I I Brokers Petition for Extra Holiday Nei, iMirl.. Mm. Il Is MtUioii was atuKi.l MstiTilii in iia,. a , Y.,rK Sloe). Kscli.itik'. .'.is,, .n ij,,, Fi ,l!, ninl (lie follow ihk .,itui-il n Th. iiiij. tlon liis lie, n ,i , t. n-lvi-lv Nluni il nnil will tu. (l.-clilcl im W, ilne-.il.iv n, i at tin r. Kului im i tluu of th,. iru,-rninj Couimlttec RAILROAD EARNINGS KUIK SYSTI M . 1021 Increano Jnnunrv rroaa . (, ..t.i s ' l t.Z Iijflclt n(tr taken,, llhl'.BIO -slTalaor ai.1. uv47. uoueis,.,,, ,iil,,J lUJ.ifH Put v ' air. i . ..i.., c .1 Ua.l 1 II I'M "O In '. 11 M n 11 Pi ttit o. N 1 ' ' ii l 1. c. H , 1,n, ,-l -in , -' i. . V M .- John W Tuw i -.-nl i ' i-i iV , i r A ' in -M I). I'.lll.W. II i ' i, hf s. -it irv pri'l it Mi'.iitiK. LT lilNsl.Ni.tuN II M . IjN, . it vm, III II IIINI. 1111 I WHIN. I .'1 i-l I I' . ! 4 r . ,, i lliinil-lll-ll.lll.l llllllilllii. .WmmiiiIihi. , , KI, ' I I, . " IS j( " ' I " I ' alii. i ,' III 'I 1 .1 II I . ' I .1 J . 1 . 1 III,,.. III. M l III. MM ' s . .,. , lM". li a i .i v ai I !,-- i- n ' Ml 1.1 , n . in I 1 I I j , , In , ,1 i, 11 -I "11 "i ill II ,1 . pr. i ,i . f in I I . l - I r- , 1 r .. - I iii u' ' . . .1 , H41.1 l- 1 ' un (rum H U.'U uiiij . $3 nil i null l.fcWIs W M..N1.' s r . ,, m..s r. i' ., CIIAIU I S J Mil 1.1 i: . l.l'l . I . II -f I I St 71 77 l'l ;.! i.i ' i 1 1 . i i 1 1 1 I i Jin i.l, li. I in iii I lsi ni nun , nuns i, ! I , ! T a. I " ' 'i ii, uuin' ' ill '(I'lnl t on, umi tlirrr qn.ir trrs (10) ir tt-tit i "HtiniJi. , ferred iitei-k ( ih n por.vtv pv ,u April 1 1021. to atoikhuidQrB (7 reciml al th close of tiualnvsi llurcli 'j I Jmi u . , uuui. iJiuipuu.'a . . i . -I . . i : . i "'.''i "71 111- il.. ..i .1 im. 1 .in I ii nl Tri'i M II ,i, ( ki . I'l.'l ill lu ll 1 !n!.. 1 ' . ?.,,' ...I J" I . us JUI I , ' 1 '7 I 'I'. J' l J '. o I 1 .1 VI IH t 7 M) II.' 1(10 111 1 H 14!) 1 1' 1 1H7 11 Is - 111. J'l.l J11 1 .'. . 5 2 I'Ot iiiu Iwr. d lj.i lUj lii, m rt T u m d'S. 4 ,r i (',,, "- n ro . i,,h ami -I... ."a un !,. . ,i I" M i m ai- 1 ' in I ui. n men " " l in) " ' ' ' will lJ ii j .i I. firaaa (. .......... .i.".v:. ...i IViUI.IAU J-.WI.4UIS ISMIl'i iv; TniHT (.'QJU'-Sy, vi.iu.i jsuifiid. I3t! arul iriruVVti'.. i-wiiu);''., a m i i 'ii item. iJ&-& X.X . ' a. ., vy Auf li.lli. ,-"V. lu s ' v- i.,( w-?iaLto mm&t', .-j