' y J7 .f'VV'- ' f, J- fr 1DVBNIN(5 lPUEETO HiEDGfERPHlUABELHrA, !FRti5&Y, - MABOH: 18, 1921! $3 SOMETHING IS SURE TO DROP SOON READY-MADE HATS I DEFEAT CHARTER FOR EASIER SALES FAR WILMINGTON bill was passed by a vole of '22 yeas to 0 nays, ' The Senate, bv unanimous vote. compensation law, which provides more liberal care in hospitals of employes in. jilted, Tho House also passed Representative Turner's bill authorizing the state Highway Department to provide a wharf In Lewes for u proposed ferry line to bo operated from Cajip May. Night sessions were held In both Houses. v passed the substitute bill authorizing the mayor and council of Wilmington to raise $200,000 by bond issue to aid the Wilmington Institute in the erection of n new library building, which, when completed, will be the property of the ?'' MEADOWS HURLS HWBSn57 AGIST GIFS Wiltf Wlllyum Picks Nose-Decorated Curver to Stop Nick Attrock's Tribe In Florida PHILSGO TO TAMPA TONIGHT city. . , Tin Mennte nnu iiousc nassc a oiii Retailers Aro Mostly Interested in Millinory and Other Fur nishing Goods DRY GOODS MARKET BETTER authorizing tho town of Lewes to float Sppuklm of M'rst riilllr. It might l, lntprem to followers of tho school to hnJi thH Shaw noniwll In now on tho road to recovery ana will lie home noon. Shaw h.S an ntlncli of ppenillcltl at Wcftleynn cSi leap, where he tins ben since Kradunilr. from the western school. K"iuaiin a bond issue of $1:0,000 lor improve ments. The House passed Senator Robert son's bill amending tho workmen'e i nmuxr fabwimtu. If. PllklDKin, rf. luwniv. ri. Mlllrr. m. llnr.mann, rf WrlcliNtonr. 3h. n llllr. M. f. Mlllrr. 1H. lir. jiPiMtimn nnfl llnhhrtt. ti Umpire Donni mi. WASHINGTON Mitrlirfkii. !1, l.itmntte. . Minnlm, rf. Hrtnvrr. IK fn.. 3li, llolirl. rf, Mrltimll, If, I'lrlnlrh, r. AllrmU unit JXikvn, IS I i uy sricic hall Gainesville. JH.-i., March is Th!-. was nxpertcd to lie hn Wfrgo-t da in tho history of the rnlver'ity r Florida Wcball yard. ho fiual contest licrTe between 1 tio 1'hilllcs and Washington n --li"'l n 1-I to begin tlii" afternoon nt " n'eloi k Kxtrn spans Cm mitm were marked on; All.. (....tii tit .1 nil nt lllem Cillil In lWaiPSBVfKB' advance. Tin, a'., was a big i'mHj 1 t'aWl'ttKtiilfpSnHafa ' ale of RrnmNt.-rm heats. '.'ivriLalttlflJWMlPf.&fll Will ll.,i,mnn decided Hint be Would F KfSi5f1$lF'roS f" Jet Lee Me.idnws brBin tins afternoon' rSS-r!iJw!ls.i??'S starao and wmi in Uubhell to linih it. iSftmfflffisiSftii l .ibis TJX t Era: .Neither 'f t'i ptnier win iiiiik tin' frln to Tan. ph. where tin- I'll it- end their prevent si ne with lln (iritftiicn tomorrow ni; rnmm. Vcter and l'-ruccs were bookid l" ,l tin- liitcbiuj; this afternoon. Manager "'m Altnxk. of tin' nMi -Sngton Yanim. -niii thnt b,- vn fecl Ini? trrent toilm. ii ml would uo in nml (.how till- ponilaoi' tbut be cimhl pitch tk ...B.K11UII. kwrjrrtii l m . t mmmm KCHWilLdHflC fVWjJ ' wRi'MPSliw HTMM i w" 1, I '" "ri,r ""'' 'r"'l"" iTJjaWy3wU' was chosen to work for the Senators in ftSfaW?!. W ' the last fev inumc. 9?6 1 (JfJIFffl'i Donovan nml ISill Shelf sllne will take "-W!f WjOliiwPM i tenra nf ifl'-' n men In Tatnpn. They 'Eawli Hw wil1 travel in v -pu-itil pullinnn. leuvin iTB,'Vl 5Ja hero at nu,inii;iii .i'i,i uiiiviiik ;u inniini in-lLKi - ff . 'iPLTI r 4i4 a.l viKi-iu Cifej-rjw. 1 wa. isffjifih- .r i'L,i,vtirr, ' v"T !8f!3fffiRS ffMIii htiKmiMfMml mwmmm, avMWMnfcmmr UxiMMf-wfffi .raaawia n- .VUl'iVJvf 35418 a-Tf Kfi'SKaffiF A S jSWiifliS 1 mi If In time fi , ,"i!vln-t at ibe lampa l!ay Hotel, and nil f the men who have been plaimg regularly will wake 111"! trip. . , Tlio pltel i i - will lip l.pfty "Wpiiiprl. Howard Crundail and lb'tt. The rlub will Icai v Iinniiii toinniTiiix nijsln and be back here Sun, lav mmniiii:. BASEBALL WILL DEAL WITH THE WHITE SOX Heydler Sny3 Landis Will Handle Problem in Proper Manner rindiurM. N. ('.. March IS. -.lolm A. llcydbr. i, evident of the Vntinnal ip, ."; jail'lui 1 1 : thoSO pTlr.V 1 - "'f He Chleiico White Sox who had f,ti under nidn taient. ou hearing tha' !" siati'' attmni-i in Chi cago had dmpppil the ine. He added: "We fni-PMitt jii"t xiieh aetion nnl prepared for it w iipii .Inds" Keneaw M. Landis m.k nppomied ba-eball commissioner "There ha alwai hi en ilmil.i anions legal men as t, ihe jurfdii ti n if the courts in smii in-tati .. Imr w(- an count on .lunge l.nndi dunui: with the problem in the proper man nor." Jieyuier ai-n sam unit up wouni on hi" determination, that jinne the Tlayer.- m nnestion would ever again appear in major league baseball. Jt no Jiatl any oiee in tin; matter. "PRO" SKATERS TO RACE McQowan. Baptle and Lamy Among Speeders to Compete Here Tho firt at'i on!- open pr"feir,na! lec-skatinp rm of the jear will be held nt the Ice I'nla,p ,,n M'lmluy nml TllP iay nights between tive ,f the bet pro speed tika tern m tli" world. Everett M'liowau. Noival llnptie. Art Staff. I-Mmand l.amv and I'.enn & Ikf ' zz j0 m7 r ' i mi i -nn,! mm ('nprtsh( l ilio l'h . Ki TrilMint. DEATH BILL TO BE SIGNED Nevada Governor Impressed by Uav for Execution by Gas Kpiiii. pi., .March IS. tioveriior I'.nile niiniiuni id jesterday be intended to sisn the ''human death bill" which liii pael tin; A"embly anil the Senate of the Sinte Legislature. The measure, which i" de, hired by Its niithorK lo he the lirt of its kind in the I'niled States, provide" that all executions of persons -enteiiceil m he ,Mcnte,l The judge timi wa- much in evidence, but argil who piiM-es sciilence upon the condemned i meiit- pre--iiipil bj the proponents won criminal will appoint a week within the nlmosl unanimous -npport of all whicli jiiilgnn-ni "ill be eecuted nml membei- of the l.pgislnture the person , niiideniued will be placed i in the cell at the opening of that period. ! On a night M-lected by the warden the MtLU Ab MUbBtH bUbrtU I b put into effect denth sentence -hall be I here will he prexenl the warden, a physician and si "reputable person" over the age of twenti-one years," the bill po ides While peacefully sleeping the vntiin will Miiriiiiih lo 111,' lethal gas in want i. tics, ribed an aoso- ... rn,-..i- ; . . , . condemned i- .ata shall be by admin- ' ww Pamiess manner Ntrntion of lethal ga- At liresent the' Authors of the bill declare lliey got law of the state permits a condemned i their ideas from the French and that person to select death eiiner by hanging they believe, il will lenmve from execif or shooting. lions the danger of uicffii leiny, which is The i lUidemneii person, uiidet the new declined to characterize, sumo hangings law. would not kno tbe exaet time for and shootings. When first intrndilccil the exeeutinn. A special cell will be the bill was treated lightly, as it was built at the Stato Penitentiary for those presented at a lime when fieak leglsla- Numerous Freight Thefts at Glass- boro Lead to Arrest of Three Men (ilnvdmrn. . .1.. .March IS. Three susneits wiie liehl under SI l lll() bail for court jesterdai after their capture bj railroad detectives following numerous robberies at the freight station of Ihe West .Icrsi'i and Seashore Railroad. The men in custod are Owen I'. Hard ing. thirlvlivc cars, of (Jloueester City; Willintl Jennings and Michael Johnson, of riiihidclphia. When they were captured, it is alleged, they were trying to break into a freight car. Chicago, March IS-Thc Drygoods Reporter Rays: "With Kantcr nt hand, retailers bavp most Interest In ready-to-wear millinery and other furnish ing goods. Lower prices on several num. bers of bleached muslins have brought forth some small orders from merchants for at -once demands over the counter. New prices named last week on lines of staple napped cotton goods by the Amoskcng nre lower than many factors expected. In some numbers about 0(1 per rent from last year's levels to jobbers and manufacturers, and nre hoped by several prominent secondary factors to prove the bottom touches, with these lines becoming as steadv as they did. in the giughnm markets following the flnnl move 'for readjustment by this com pany. June-October deliveries are an nounced on the giMuU at the new prices." John V. raiwell Oo.'s at-nnce busi ness from road salesmen shows a gain over laat March, orders are more numer ous and there are many more buyers In this market and collections nre satis factory. It. A. I.undrpiist, United States trade commissioner, who has been investigat ing the electrical goodB markets in Africa and India, warns manufacturers against giving exclusive selling agencies to Knropenn concerns. Several nianti fncturers here are well entrenched in South and Kast Africa through direct icpreseiitatives, and there is unlimited held for many products Chicago could teadily sell. Klectrification of African rnilwais offers fine opportunity. Natal and tlm Transvaal will in the next twenty years became important fac tors in world coal markets. There is everywhere increased demand for elec trical household appliances of nil kinds, especially heating appliances, which solve the heating question in mild cli mates and high altitudes. United Stntes manufacturers can unquestionably bold i heir position in these markets by care ful study. Japan has been practically eliminated on account of Inferior quality of goods. Mensuro Giving City Now Form of Government Loses by One Vote DEMOCRATS BLOCK PASSAGE Dover, Del., March 18. The new city charter bill for Wilmington was defeated in the Senate yesterday, lack ing one vote of the necessary two. thirds majority. The vote, strictly partisan, was 11 yeas, alt Republicans, and G nays, all Democrats. The defeat of tbe bill was duo to an amendment offered by Senator Robert son. Republican, which restored the party primary system in the election of commissioners and took from the bill the nonpartisan ballot system. As orig inally drawn the bill wns supported by tho 'citizens' committee composed of both Democrats and Republicans. Confeienre on New School Itill llccnu'se of the defeat in the House of the proposed new school law, which lias complicated the state educational system, there was a con ference yesterday in which Demo cratic and Republican legislators par ticipated, resulting in the suggestion of the appointment of a commlttc of five from the Senate and five from the House to stnrt to work at once on a new lull so that, if possible, it may be presented next week and passed. The Senate rommittee includes Sena tors Walker. Short. Robertson, Mur pliv and Insley ; and the House commit tee. Representatives Otwell. T. W. Turner. 1)111, Uuekinghani and Corbit. the political complexion being equnl. Three of each committee are members who voted against or opposed the bill killed and two favored the measure. Stato Hoiiudnry Kill Passed The bill ratifying the report of n commission made thirty years ago recommended a boundary line between Delaware and Pennsylvania was passed Representative Corbltt asked for re consideration of the bill, which was defeated three days ago, and after a statement made by him favoring the ratification, and by Representative Uuckinghnm opposing ratification, be cause it would move several Delaware residents over into Pennsylvania, the Guaranteed PERFECT or Money Back Hox of 25-cnl. COLT'S stool smokolcss cartridges and now AUTOMATIC REVOLVER $13.50 -HHT Regularly $24.50 liuy at Either Store or Send Money Order N. A A TZ VTVTO -514 So. Broad St. --. JT.Vlk3 9 1435 South Street .fannicsT nr.Ai.Kns IN 11KVOi.VK.US IN 1'HNNA. A'! Try This New "Flatstub" ' Check Book BLANK nOOKS Hound and iKe Leaf MTIIOORAriltNC rniNTINO ENfinAVlNO OFFICII STATIONERY AND SUrPLIES YOU save time and prevent mis takes by using this new patented check book. It affords perfect con venience in keeping your records on the "stub," because you always havo a flat surface on which to write. The Flntstub Check Book reduces errors and gives you your balanco at a glance and always up to date. About 25 of the Philadelphia banks have already adopted this improved book. Your bank will be glad to obtain it for you. Ask foe a "Flat stub" next time you need a check book. Or you can obtain it direct from us. WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 529 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. Noiv York Offices: SGI Broadway. Founded in 1813 "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuttniiiifiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuE i & Mm r irrV.ILMW'l 1 f'i i'VuTw - iSJf4 iiMIP "' Stan, Wmunn l.amv and iscnm '' JP. FW1 3t v O'Slckev ill he in.- sturiers. The di--H- ',ltt."l ' VJ'" lances will he U'jn. -4 H sit iuriN and h x'T ( ;'' ' ,l,p onP' '"" i1'"' ",r"' ""''' ,v,n' 'f' if, ''fit. Invitations a'-.- were sent in ISohhi " JJUi ,' 'W. , M'-Lean and Mot's V I. hit borii V tii fl; 1 lljl reiuseu in ,,,i' i n ini .u'i.iiiii i'R'iiS'viki' iffiif srHiW ,vas ia 1l"'' ' '' ' f""' "' k" "K" '"' Ji$.ffl' t:wt ilSil ' expressed his w.i'iiiijni t, take part in PitM (g ,;: tbe open, ,le,,,.t. ': U a h rvi 3 n rt b Mne in DuMrtiaiH -j I inilllhi"(l'iii i w (J J "I IIUIIIIMI rfin Tor th i" - -.!' f . ,:- f ( ftt the r d th finale h- y&iv .-?' v Jffir times rsis i ffl-i anally jpank"' ' 'SI mann fli ' tti Katurta-. . ireana tr , ' I tfl ' - Iti.hn. ' r . . tm . ll.it 'ein.in s5 ' 1.1. . 1 m -Kit w , w i m-'MK Johnny Gill Outpoints Rowlands York. Jt th.it ver " my. Jol in - It.iU'lMvN. wind-up ' front e l , liOUtrf of IhlliJolt len r,',,i,l .IBc-'. r ' - i istv SCHOOL COST S9.91 A PUPIL ;.'&, York High Scnool Operation j.' quires $9431.85 Monthly . Yncll. Mm , I Is I I ,'. I . re. I J-','irii '&. X the city sci ' 'In r - - , t (Off 5 Tii structi-ui ! i',i , " V'i ji ,w4,J i.-wi' . l:..i i .i , .. .... v"a i.f '. .! t- iiu,n ,i'," ' ' '.,- i. Re- I"'. - M. , aii,a - w-iiJ'jWsifiBa t ,-, - ', r iV'i' t- 'f llillr nfflli MM Improe'nents Mliicn IS la : i l'i ',, 1 i' ,, I ,,, , i, i in ii'i -- I, aduiii Ii .- ., II I, Klicl I, - Mill, M'l, I ' I I , tlixpnets an -That nmc int - capita in" it I . .i ,.u state fnr tl . ,,.,, the lit i 'I-:.,-bursetuent .,- '1" -S51 pnnil- i nt , .i snst $!l PI. The all, . that Sl.-t't , islarieh and i i' ices and s.,,,' , high cos' . Mauch Chu.i Puis Mjtiil) (Tiiinh. i'.i . Through f " lire depm n i j n , merce has ln ,,, n , . tcembei-b I, Pint: :' " 'v n nesa and i i -, iui.;.l , Jamrs J. Hevan i , ."' of publie i:,aci '- -n thls2S adi'iiaied I;, 'eii in'.liPi , Cotnmeu e a ,; .. i ,. , i i,f m, i,-,, ,v , limits so as ', take ,t, llto ! , ' ri a village one 1..1 t o th ,,:' M',i, I "' n pioper, nud ma1 mis ',' "p'ij 1.,,,,-e which is owned b '. ' iubu. ,i.,.i convebb'nt and i niut.ir.iMo m ii,'c,,r,i aJQCO kith the l.p-i dai" ciiittv .en idea and imp oung liousing ,nli' im - Mre. Lanahan Still Unconscious Italtlmorr, Man-ii I - Mrs. Will am Wullaee Latiiimn, "l injur, d Wtducadnv ..'i, n thrnwu irmn her lii - oon after . i," liii i staitij with a pai i f behind the I miinU ,t the l-.l Is Uida Hunt Club, still , inn mi -en, c- at ' v pard and l'cica I't.nt H" tutnl. !ic he was r. t - ,n.u e.ii.it, ' uim , accidi'i'i. " ' ' -a J , l ,i'l i.g irom a -in1 ui. i i.u 4tjnwai olt,,rn i i ," i e Voctfd. f mr fiFl Ph fsw'i ': W s Varsity'V VSft I tiff 15 , ' PVPirlQC I vXv'.vXv.j J'-"-1 iCu psii mm -iZ ;x "- y ' m '!::v.';::'::.' (J Q) 1307 Market Street f'y-'L. Jf ' v (Opposite Wanamttltcr's ) jf ,"fc America's Largest Clothiers Cor. 10th & Market Sts., Phila. 1 The most Sensational Clothing Sale ever held in Philadelphia Men's and Young Men's $30 and $35 ALL-WOOL SUITS and TOPCOATS Now Now 1 $30 and $35 Silk-Lined I TOPCOATS $15 The selection embraces Imported and Domestic STWEED S, HERRINGBONES, HOMESPUNS, 1 HEATHERS and WESTNIT fabrics. Medium, light 5 and dark colors. Ultra and conservative models for men and young men. S Every Garment All-Wool, Silk Sewn and Silk Trimmed ifiwi Jh!il Mens and Young Men's $30 and $35 ALL-WOOL SILK. SEWN SUITS $15 Right at the time when you fellows need new Spring clothea We make this Sensational Offer! 500 men's and young men's smartly tailored, ALL-WOOL, SILK SEWN SUITS that arc made in our own 5th Avenue Tailoring Shops in New York and have the detail product of the high priced custom Suits. Suits that we made to' sell at $30 and $35- And Are Worth It! Now $15.00. rs and YOUNG MEN'S TWO PANTS SUITS Were $35.00 and $40.00 Just 'WO of them! They arc the entire balance of the Fall and Early Spring Monroe stocks. Many of them aro SILK LINED. Not one bold at less than ?ri& most of them at $40 and quite a few at $D0. Every Suit With Two Pair Pants The fabrics are STRICTLY ALL-WOOL they are SILK SEWN and HAND TAILOItED-and arc the GREATEST VALUES EVER OFFERED-ANY-WHERE ANYTIME. Satisfaction Always or Money Beck! I 18 Upstairs Monroe Shops I In TUa Ynrlr Cv T A J ff A XML Ik WIWI Others: Baltimore, Yonkers Paterson, Brooklyn, Scranton, Jersey City Albany, Newark No Charge for Alterations ii WM RVIEWJ '7 lr.t3 COME UP! SEE AND SAVE! Second Floor, Corner 10th and Market Sts., Over Woolworth's OPEN EVENINGS SlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIllll Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiii,!!,,!,,,,,!,,,!,!!!,! Illlllllll Illlllllllllllllllimilllllllllllllll '' , U' k V ) b. ' .t ,..,'. "MX "J. .' cL'!tH.st "'.i fri.vf ':''" is'ti