Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 18, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 28, Image 28

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t,:v i "'i
The Soiled White Sox Having Fouled Out, State's Attorney Crowe Is Now to Have Inning
. . '
aaK vi vjzml;'- rii
MJkm -into
mm ml
mm mm
II i! .
I ffiv
?'',?'.!( 'HOT.E
K y'm
f-JS -.'if.
k W ' If
If- J" iu r
Fi'sr ' " . -M-i
("i , ;, .rite
l?'1 :roffl. Ikes
'i y v '.? v-v i'
r . ;
til ;2 m
TWA ,ii !(&
mi rul
Pitching Staff, ll'hich Wets Biggest Factor in Winning
Pennant Last Season. Expects to Repeat This
Year Hard Club to Heat
i; KOIltiltT XV. M.VXWKM.
lor( 1'iliinr rrnltiit I'ulillr Lriturr
Now OrlPiitis, !-., Marcli is.
;. Wilbcrt Ili'lilnwin i "tamllns pnt tl.is ji-nr. Ho lm tlpi-idod
i t ; mi... 1 1' ii i .. . . .. .. . i .....i .iin ... .. . ....
l ; li' rlllti which wnv. (in1 i;'" 'itim;iiii um'i umh iiii- ini4ri u u
i'r !.:itnl In "ther op, tin- -iiiih' lino up which was lined in tv
1 . f.sci siii" in the world rrv ran lie Mibtitutcd thif jcar. nnil tin-
'of i pcrfri'lly witifipcl.
:i!'h Hi.- ii" of rluuixiiipV hi aUil. "Wo limo a pood lntchini;
.1 ml iitittii-hl iiml fair intifldorn nml rnt.'liort. Not many stars, but
-,:r tnu'ilur. an I tlnit'" inni(r!i for tin'."
t'.'u rmi-i'ii flu vo'i-an aro workitijr out twion u iay iu the murky
. . . ... 'pi... .....i.. ..i....-..ii ..
W I'M''. U''Tt.!lJ til !tmt" T'r '"ii M'H-'IMI. I III' ll'fcllUlI l-IIIIIMJMUII'l i'
Intercollegiate League
Final Swim Standing
Triim 1It W. I.. P.O.
l-rlnri-lnn , . . . 8 B n ,r.3S
IVninlunl i ' -t .""
! . tiimlil i 7 1 KX
C c. N. V. HUH .lino
((tie Coliimlil i-l'rnn Eilmr not phiril.
vti:h nii.fi
To.uii Mwti W. I.. I'.C.
I'rlnrfton . H H a 1 .000
Villi' X " II .?."
I nliinihln . 7 I .511
( . r. N. V. .82 II .'Mil
I'mnij-ttniiLi 7 0 7 .001)
tlnr t'uliimlil.i-t'rnn inimp not plnrtl.
youi r-ir
i ..'... . i
- !' i'
to fill t!
rotund i
etnff. ii
the b-i
Cthfr 1"
derby -f rt -aro
p i'"i
York .it'1
bolori i tl'
peniurii ni'
Xn-ut .: i
wrlnl ! -.
have tlicp
Tin r"
Bpeoiul' t'
iiril l.'l. b'lt bcf'To that tituo n:iif twotit.v-six fAliibitinn pin.'
,il' t ! Kntli. wh'i'li i" mi'iHi'T way oi ronrrniK i" ill" "
. -. 'ri.''i,ff'M'" tin' Itob.ni liavf tn put isti t;nttioH ntnliT tl.' r I. t
i r:.i: n ' nrly Iftn'if !'.
!i.r t .it oi in .'t all iiiii'l nor tlio r'!imii'i" of Lis i 'i.l in t'.
ii-. Ho t'njuif- tli.' othor oiitrifs ti.n" r"f l"i'n -tri'iiuthoin'il to B
i ji'. f i '!.,t t..i-'ii ho ! ...lid lp nutii'jcil and dovf'1"!) u or.i (
li.MVfi'. tif i '! l",i.v matiii..f'f i-1 U"ikim! hi- '.i-n luird and w.ll
in pi'ifi-i' .i,i'. at tlnj i.nii'il of tin' "l-f'liiiiK K"tn:.
s;,, ..r. i. i. i at llio xtnrt honm-i' "t tin' fn.luro of tin- "-tars
nrnw .u-li Wlnnt. Ily Myers. S . rrd Sin'.tJi. lturlrigh liriiuoif,
Outt'if'.'ii r llimil i.n.l i p nidi' .iit'ti.r tiatiiffl JIill. wl," wa p'irflin-fil rrmn
Atlnni i. litnl rlifhn tit x.iw ahmit siilriri tron ( tn-iu'm r.Dott-. (iti'l
dociilfil to prfloii',' tin- wiiiti-r viii-.ition bpforo signini; tlio p:unT. Thi" hIioiiM
hno ii.oi" tuiin; i:: Mi-ii-init t".' l!'liinoii. I'.ut it ilnln't. U"bliv ailmitti'd
hi;) stniij1, ii in ti.i' iilti-l.ir.s ilotiiirtinrtit ami h- d.Mti'il iuot nf It t tinio
to til'' tl llii"--..
OW ) ir ii'fili'i'.ti A'i. 'in m..V tn the sta t.i utnr. Wnltrr
,'. ifi'.C- .fl 'iii I iniirtnl 'i "" l'Iri'Klif'f ''H'f. fill 'lri tfll
, , uh.i'hi rtifm't f"lt H'-'iukliiii ')' "I' hr'lrr of thr 'Irnf. "hnUh"
,r,ll ti Itr hi turn with l';c" r. f.t'i'i. Smith, Mitclirll, (inmti ami
1 ,ii(i u. irifi John MUn 'iti'l Vi'tryc Mnharl l fill ill.
Post a Fixture
Ttll'ICl" iiri- tbreo rnolitf. !'it' n't'i. but oiilj fnf will stirl;. Hi name is Sam
I'll"' .iti'i l'f v:is with I'lirtsini.tit'i. Va.. iti"t ;iar. l'it wan tlio property
of tbo I'ltt-b'trsli I'ltth. but llr"i!i!yn olninioil bitn nt tlio wnivr pri.-o. nml it
lookn us if Mnnti'V wa- i-ttini; nan in. Ho is n risht'linnilor tii'iining I'iit
nnd ha- n Int "f stuff. Kililif l'ln'lp-f. a loft-huiuli r. tii.'kod up frmn tlio stind
lots .f I'.ulT.tlii. ami Sohroib'T. of the I'loriilu I. ukuo. nro nut yt riady for
the bi -l.nw .
H.il.tii.' -ponds ni'ifli tini" with his pit'dnTs. llo pw. tln'iu n thorniich
rouf" "f itis'r".' tiims, purine pnrtioii'ur nt'i'ii'i.in to tin- tioMini;. l"vor
piti'bi r is i.'i'iu'it t" pomt firt bit"' n t!..' b;i,',s hit fn tin- loft if hiln. Tin U
tho tm.s burn t.i hold runnori. on the bno, .spi'.'mlly at sfootni. ritldinK
and t'n ".ina ' 'bo Holt nro tlio cliii-f forms of omtoIso, nnd bofnro tlio
trniiim.: - -".i ittls i-ot . tnnn is prfiriont.
T'i" nitihliig -"ir virtimllv won last yonr's p.'iiiuin'. It it oxpof'toil to
do (' .sai" thitii; this your. Kismklin ha nine first -"tring dingers, nnd if a
man - mi'" troiibb. ; an be replaced by one jut s good. Last summer
In the s.' mid western ti'.p Hobby nei an uverauo of three pitebors per giimo.
He n- -ii sf(ll b'" a'io h" hml tlio men to put in the box.
The inlb'ld will be nlimt the same n lat year, with Knney at first;
Kilil'iff. ond : 'l'in. short, ami .Ifilmston. third. Iv'iiov is getting old,
but bis i i'"".; Is i"..i!. ho knows how to piny t'.i" bag and is n valuable man
for a . i.l fl'ih. If he sPrw. Hay Selimandt will sten in. IMr Kibluff l!a
dovoln; . 'I nt" ti httir -ni-'iiid-sneltor. He on me tliroiiujh !n-f y-ir anil plu(,'!;ed
up a ii"'" w.iii'h tut. siipnosed to be weak. IVte shmild hnve uiinther (,'ood year.
l ( i son is one of the brainiest players in the same lie tieer bus
boon piveji the eridit he deserves, but he is in there, day a'ter day. doing his
best, stemhinc tin- infi"bl and cn.-ouriicitiK the pitohors. lie i the pivot man
of the club and is nti id-al man for the j"b. Olson is .10 per cent of the
defensiie .strength f tbp team.
l'or tbird b:is Jimmy Johnston has the mil. Jimmy was hurt iu the
world series last year, but bis kii.-e is well tts.tin and ho if us peppery ik ever.
Kohl y believes- be will hnve a good year, but in n f a ftiU-d"wn. Sheehan,
who vii ' ( in the w i rid -erios, or Kcly. n kid from St. Mary's College,
California, ill s,t in. lively is n !ik !y looking ymttigster ami should make
good. II" is nineteen jeurs old. more than si feet tall, stops into the ball
well and is a fast field. . 1'u-tor t'aton i- the otle r reserve inti.-ldi r. anl
can be used when necessary.
fV THE 1,'itHrUI. Wheal. V'er.t anil thi'Htli i ill iln mo.-t of the
t- " k. Huml. l.'tmar atnl Vi it drr thi ,ii6. Ihcnfvre this d
..m-'i.ii ii is trcll taken enre of.
Penn Mormen Win Tank Vic
tory, but Lose Water
Polo Match
Tin- rniiorsity of PiMin'-vlvnni.t'
swi, inning to.im seoreil tin itii'tri'ssfv.
vi. tory over rritieeton Inst night. Condi
ii'.oorge Klst!ers prtiteges benting tl.i
TUers ,",2 points to 21. The moot, which
was staged itt the Welghtman Hal1
pool, wi, I'cnti's xeoond vlrtorv this
iar in or tin- Titer tnnk teatri. Trin '
t"ti won the polo game. I
Mifflin Arutroiig, captain of thr
Quaker team, was the Individual star,
winning two tirst places. Atmstrong's
first victoi came In tin- fiftv-ynrd race.
when be bent Shriver, the I'rlnoo'on
star. h half a font in a stirring finish.
The I'rtni skipper also took first hon
ors m his f.n.irite event, the fan. .
dive, turning the tables (iM II. Pri
foil. Princeton, who recently boat the
(Junker "tar in the met t at Tigortnwi
rrniik Isomer continued his good wn'k
in the plunge for illstnneo, covering 74
foot ! iiclies before the minute .bad
1 he I Titiciton iptnrtot won the LWi.
yanl re.a by a yard. While tl.e Tig. -water
polo team .itclassoil the Quakis
1! to 11. Hnttiti" ami SehrauiT sturr- I
for Princeton, vhile Collins. Hnldemin
and Keitisti in dil tin best worit for tl:e
'rfT J? y
FLOR'NCvi.' .
vsKiawic'i, MY lO0
Cvttt T T Tf1 (-
STftiRWAT itJ The
Tot incip1;
-I J
Mblielc's "Bachftro"
Scoops Nasal Divot
IicUcilr IlclRbts, Tin., Mnrdi IS.
(). XV. .Tolinson, of Cliiingn, played
tlio most remnrknble golf shot of his
rareer yesterday . In fiu't it was ono
of the strnngest shuts ever plajed
and ho is still trying to cxplaiu to
his friends how it happened.
Ho was playing n niblick shot
when the elub in some mntitiVr got
loosp and tlio blndo nft'er fscooping the
ball nway mini! up nnd hit. him on
the bridge of the nose, taking out a
good-sized divot. Ho wears u band
ago, but this has not dampened his
enthusiasm for the gnnio nnd lie Is
booked up for today.
Or. Lnskcr and Cnpnblnncn Con
fronted by Intricate Problem Tonight
Havana. .March IS. When Ir.
Kinnnmd I.nsker, of l'erlin, and Jose
It, Capablanrii resume their champion
ship chess tournament hero tonight,
they will have before them one of the
most intricate and bountiful chess
I problems evolved in championship piny
for u long time.
, They adjourned the second game of
i the tournament tit 1 o'clock this morn-
These soring-like .lays it. March are ;;. ?.':-'!:V;iI.illv,'rt,w8,,,IJI!;C ""wlfi.
! eirtainl .stirring the baseball fever, fun. . tteriri: ieiimimiii iiii.n.intci;". J"mhiK
f" . , , ', , , . . , ,i , i ,ii i"l'"'i l'uieli'j. It3s South Tlilru'cnih
j Although the real start of the baseball ,,,., ,,
is about three WC'ks off, almost a bun- Tin- JenUli oriel woulil like t" hr.ir 'r.'in
, , , . , i ., , nil tli'-'iss ic.im" tinvltiK hum" nn'iiii'l".
i dreil clubs iu nnd around the city have A A so, my, l'jo? .Vouia liuckn"ii mreoi.
i i o tr t? stilted negot i.it ions for games for the
Penn Forward Is Suffering From, ',,,, -,M s,mday. a tegular
Sprained Anklo and May Not
Play Against Tigers
l.lnrnlii A. A. 'I Mre-i untnes with ull ".
.It Ml In .mhteia year eitll home alii. s. II.
llniclil, '.nan South MllUreU streot.
iinniei' .lay. was prmiuoiive oi tue in- .. ,... :,,,. ., , ,a,
... i ... i... it t., f.- ...l.n.. nf . ' " ' v. .".: - , .-
llllll liasi'Diui ihii'iiiv" i." " mi. in .1 v.. r,,.M .,, il iM'llllit nltlei. i mis einss. ". v.
the nines around the city, and tlio'parl.s n.i,,k.-i..v .mi.iT North Anierlvvn sifvl
' c.n. i ..lit. m.ml ,,f tennis tiilt- . .tue l.li'iii. "' V.I '."J N'irlh Tenij-f"urtii
ing their first workouts
tla . vm prinliK'tivi1 of Ihr in-
foriinT ours, tho ubonw of
Pen Points
Hobby lias 'o Stars
Ti roM. lilntrry lntU tlmt -rt mor
I'f ark.'?. !. J , yr'l i nf vrr..' m cnu-i. 1
'i.i 'at.xs. f tl. .u"1Ii'! K.ii.i, tu i m
t'i.. ji--Tt-'i -l: .1 51.0-'.. Afu-r .in mn i.n
h" K'ini. nim . ..'t'I ff ;in I a abort batting
.nJ :i idin Jri.. i; duiw i .i.
( null tiri" triisl tvrj Infield rrnt:na-
-rf .-titnlsV 'n ,i IV ' IKik drill. Tl.o ft
" ri o"tnptii'1 nf M (i- r. an th r r:
(-..-hil. flrnt M - il.i4. Pwj.-r.
t .'ittio an) .'-!. th:r 1 m Ti.
... nm! lui'1 I Mi",' i- t i itch r. ".nr
.' rtrt M Vi h.l ..' .- '.J. hhrhvr ut
I'hor. ani hu.llun ut lUr-J.
n.tnnj ulllf an r''o i a brl'ltant f,f
!ng imtwj at third. j- l'tltitr hnr-t-hit
pruuMWi with a.. Mu Q11 n w p..' b
vti-rin II ton vt forto h.n way lntu the
arilty innr wrKs
n.innj MrNlthnl ".rKH.! o-i it t..1, f-r
it -a hi hu :-' nt n ili pha . )
to l in Th 1' n train rld- fr'in Hin.d.'-r
ut. 1 th ttirt!nn- l h Kama t)u i-ri u.
VhWt Itemlrr ; '! aftr fh ou"". . t-r-f
1 " t( l,. r- Tin vhl.-f 'Kjt tlu . u-i
iTilHfN '-UKV lll his I .v t ;J ft, M.; i
.i Ju-- 'run ih an at.'nt i'rT'ia.,
.' :i l .1.-; a. trifl. tilv.r tt. w-ith'T.
Iiomip iiitK ih vit.v much in nlonrt.
'PliU miilitidii. liowowr. will most
- - ppihnlth In ri'iHMlioiI txttav tho start of
Walter H.ntrtnwr the f-itv thf.s.s,,,,.
ol IVnnsjIvunia basketball forward. ,( erunj s ,,., is ti. While Cb-phaut
n. be unable to piny .'igainst l'rii Club, a .iimior nine from the southern
ton tomorrow night in the final Inter- part of the i Itj . This Is the see ond
c.."t, i ,..., -,,, year "i, the diamond for the elephants,
(o.ieginte l.e..cu. came . (n,p ( (mi, Nlttll
Hunt, spruined his ankle severely in ,;,,,., ,, r,iit,.en-siteeii-.M'ar-obl
the - ui. I half of the game with Part- funis lust year.
mouth Wo.lt lav night, and has limped The team is made tip of I.e., Tobiiul.
badly si,,..- tl,.-..'. This morning after rIr'S"
Mike ( Dec's nitiistrations ,,, , ,,,, ..inJurjl I -;i . ,'nV.nn.hoM,"",,. '' .lh..n
l0B!- '.'ll walk be I hi , M k. ! I--iBfirt.r..Tl.ir. base, ami Ivldie ONVill.
to start, but his iviik bled him . Ik. u ). ,. , ,vm,,h(1. rlnVor yet
Dee snvs tl,. re is a possibility ot 1 int - ; - ,,,,,,,,. .mtfieblerf..
xmsrr statnng the game, but 'j I'ln.' -. Anv jlinir nilll. v, iMlln, to bnoU thi
ng through to e.tt re fortv in nntrv ,, ,,,,,, ,.t , t011, h wltl,
As tbo lanky for iir.l .s the sr.ir . (;,.,,.. Is"- jjlllin street.
pite tier on tin" nnsemii team, ne is ,..,, .,,. ,.rll,,.in, nuh u nrsi-cln-s tiavnllnu
Itltllteueeil bv Ills tt'ietlllS to rclliaill oii.i.... ' ,, - i,, lioe'., unit 'Mil t
llo. siili.liii.i. toi'iornm- night. loulil the an
lltintitiger ilciile not to play I'nv Mil
ul.l lll.-n oi In nr from Hie imumKer
f l.i-t lirs Hltflll.'i Ii. In hl'sall "in
llvtllrlil A tlilctli- ('lull, of C.ltnilell. .Is. I'M
Germantown Club Already Tak-
ing Orders for Gamo There
Noxt Tuesd.iy Night
There will ho a three-cornered sor'
in the play-off to decide the champion,
ship of the I'asfern llnkotbnll League
but this is only the tentative arrange
ment of several of the team owners
that aro likely to be involved and wM
not bo edlicinl until ratified nt a spr, ai
mooting called for the Hotel Windsoi
on Sunday afternoon.
There will In: no play-off for first
or M'coiid-hulf liotiors, according to tlio
plans, but if three teams get into tl
series, which is u 111 to 1 s,nt, ij
entire three will stage ti play nfr fi
determine the winner, each club pla
ing twice at home and the same nuni
ber of games away, or four in all
One thing is cetlnin, ttermniitowo
will play for the title ami Manager
Il.tve P.etinis already has tickets pnnt,.(
for next Tuesday night ami has filled
hundreds of orders. Il is said tli.it
Ileiinis will .hold out at Sunday's meet
ing for percentage und there are few
who would deny the cage promoter t1 -privilege,
Certnantown plays in the smnlie.t
hall nnd ltenuis nnd his associates, n
oilier in pi'nvulo a winner, have piu.i
ing tifter making thirty moves, having
worked the pieces into posit ions which
pioiniseil cliess enthusiasts wiltcbitlg
tue incoiitiicr a nuuiber ot brilliant
So far as the contending "armies"
were concerned, (hole wan no iifUati-
iigo in point nt number, each having I salaries that have uowr been
filename iiumiier nt pieces, iipu- ,io.i, bed in basketball. With eer n , it
blaiica, however, had developeil a ( soltl the weckh expenses are just 'ol. .
tlireatciiing setbncU by combining his ntel and when on the road the (.. tll,
iiueen.i both rooks ami u bishop, while hnve Hiitie.l them away, this even bi n .
the (.erinati master had thrown his true at Camden where three time, l(,
single remaining bishop far out into n ; mativ can guin udinlttiinci.' as ut i.e.
position that scorned to menace the inantowti.
black king. 'flu- other clubs reallv owe a debt
On the toiirteetith nu.vo. Ir. I.tisker ; to the (Serins nnd the suggestion ,,,
bail at his disposal a difficult coinbina- ' plav the series on a penentag" Iuim
tion that promised well, lnu he pi,.. ji i,,,u ro, anv opposition. If
let red to coiiUniic a conservative game, thriu clubs meet for the title two in, ,
will be played each week anil the rini
WANT TAFT TROPHY BACK ' lllr lin,llP "iK,"s "M1 '"' f"110"'"' '"
I the series extending mor a period e.'
two weel.s. Ilortiian I.aet.il will ref
eree all the games.
Ith ..11 Ifimm of 111" hlKh. t milli'l
I i ii..., , i'i.iiii'1. Ilia Slioildan Ktii'tt. luiii
; a. x J.
I The AufiK'iir A, A. bus orwnlzi"l ii sirniw
.en.ilir ifi ssniniil club unil will open lie i"
s 'i m Mis Ji.'U Morris, mni-ru the
I',, i'.im.- et1 i ho I C. H N. club, win t"1"
.hi'.e .f the team. II" wiiuM Ilk.. HI he Hi
u.iini'ii n.tli tuiitia for Kumea einier n. u"."
,,r .i"n. J. W. Morris, 31a Ardnrure uiu
na . Ai.ltnorej. Pa.
(.Ii'iiinore A. A., a fl-sl-.lnss trmclln
n ..' nojl.l llito to nrrunKe Barnes uh
i. ins hali Je.me Kruun.ls an. I , tfe' ms
te.i- iii.il. e nu.iinnli ea. Ed Wuriier. gfil
Ne'th 1" mi i ureot.
The s,, Held X, y, l'llli would line I"
I", k ilist-iMss nnil "mliir. home teams. A
A I'. . -'Ml Must YnrK street.
I iflh Wiiril. of fhonter. desires t Iwok
rile . wttl tirht I lilhs teulils of ihU . tl ''
1'inleii fur urll I.". 111. ,.'. or I'll K.l.inl
Ii. i.- .i:i.'. M. liowell aenu.', t'hi'ster. J'n.
Ui'lll,. . A. Mould ill.' to he. il I
f-' i l.iss Have. lnu lilt, en lor KUlll
. ..llntc il.lles: At.nl HI. '.'.I. ;(U
I. -or pet rt .f Maj. Harry 0. VUfr. SOD
.Ninth Tw.nutH Hl'el
V seia iin rlc'it hum! iiltdior deHlr. io
he ir 1 1 an t'liins niiei-in sikki muui'ine'iiia
n on 'i
.Hill Hi'
nani' i. ..n .is
Urn t. '. 'in-
.- le. it. I.. :.
ttl V II. t'..i Ity.
tCT lit IN f wiiere. .1,'
J '!' ,. t.v.'l.'tig s-.,T
be s...
tHI'l'll '
an if !
tile s. ;,.,
to s;t
ordi - .
the n II
It wi Tl
pit' iiin"
expei n :.
tea.i ii. t
battii,.' i
,"-e.l it it wii
r tw i n' gat'e
1 i It tales
I'-l t
t'l I
11 I
hne losi tin: strength." said Rohinson.
. iita. t nnd. with It' other "ii the job. I wouldn't
a tn b -'ru.ger Pfeffer. i'irmi an, I Id uther iir-
a. -a a i. 1 tie others should he able to win thirty bo
bicit lin'tv gain's to win ttc pennant, and if we get
pit.'l', rs will ile',i'-r th" snnie a- tii-tear
i.t.f -i.irs . m the ball dub. bit t!,e men play together, aro
gi'tn .in I that kind of -1 i i t is bound to win. Ilowcior.
g " in . "! iiinr mn til! what will happen. All I want
.in i ' ii.i-il out and we wi'l be i;i in the first division
ii '
lleilirjr l.lnllt. r,-:r.
-H ' f.iotl 1 . Si. Il I'
XI ei'18 t 1 l "ibll II
Iniiill fietirKe KMIer. el 'f.. s.''
ii'.a: i.'.i.ie ,."1 ' .ir '..ill At rif'.i !. '
K I . ' a 1 Kelt.' " l! .'... . '
I i ; i N " I lit ! ttu -
, ru. ii - " I i. ' Miil.inshll's V-
i- ..i - .n ), l . Kul.'e-r rd I
I t:.. : . , .-! Ita:,,l.u in l.u llf
liaseliall Happenings
lll-sloll. 1. .ls rl.e l.e
i.tf tr.
,i- , g'l.r - i i on the i '',b. II.- has no rules, he issues few
,1 t . . . ...:. .. In-, iAirybody i- atwh''d, has confidence in
g - .ii I 'b - ! s n w 1 ole lot. They ni.ri, harder and seem to cujoy
tl,.. I.- I -lb ' I placed "11 their s'.liliirs
' ' a ega'n ' - g...nl tl, - e-ir and will ! a 1 an! club to bent. The
s'.nt w i ' bo t!." prin' ipal asset, and it is a big one. The men aro
.'". ' til"' th" u.'l'i llll'l 'in W"fk o'l the Wellktl'sses of the opposing
Tin", can hold tl-,.- other clubs down to a small score while their
' "ii "long!, runs t" win.
I. ',.! - will be en effective in the early -eason games. This i
' p.' 1 rs me ., 'lape and lie b.it'or have not yet gained their
, I. .tl,
ii.il. J in i.'
'i if i hum .
Ki.iiM t.u.a u
nt..niit. Tt-li's I'r.t
.. n -i
.. il,'..
b. ,8"! i"
T. ., fe.
I .1 1 .
I.e. .1 1
r ,- i. .IT" i
le ,11 Wl'
1 I l.n'l. I.Ut'..itneil
Into iu '.hird Tl.-
r will siart with Ite.scii'ist m loiward.
P.ill (irne ininreil bis ,.. at llnnov r.
but ti"t sever, ly, and le will fart
againt the Tig. rs. Il.inny INilnl
ami Voegelin will bo the cianls.
'I'bc eniire Penn tarly. players.
a. 'lies utnl ti.'iiner. wci" eiuphatic yes.
tenlay in lauding tl.e I itirtniouth
pinx.ts. stud nt 4 nnd al.imni for the
tliiitmeiil lie-, i ei.d i.l llamnor.
Tli.v . nainlN lieate.l Us great."
said Captain Han M. Nb hoi. "! lie.
c.i.ildn't do i tn. ,gb for us. When we-ci-.-d
the Ibiiliiioltb students iheeri'd
us lustily. Alioge'her it was one of
llie i.,..st pleasant in; - weluifc bail this
y.-ur. The gain.' wa- the eh aunt pluycil
I of the season, v ii i little fouling and
I hi"sr of that ticln'' ul. I mink that
. m.Iy four personal fouls were "ailed on
I i'ic tun teams ilirii.g the entire forty
. i. mutes of pl,i
I I! iiit.ing. r. ill i . Voegelin. Miller
1 b'i ' Hoseim-i ..Il '.ti.r.il tie same sen-
i. n nl a McNi-'iol c.ii' fining the
'..u.f ami t1 tr. .ru i nt iiccoiiieo in"
I i,n ii, ,o iih iiiaiiiigeuicnt.
r .'..ii oi n. ti. Ki'i- ai ion ii i ne
r.i.n stuiie'its p r ti.e iTiiiooioti gam
hue lieen
'Hulls Wl''
' town. The
low aft. i 'i.
f l..i 'i.lnv.r atllll N'orth I'lftennth lr.t.
caliber ' if-rliiK r asi.n.ible tn-I I he J'r.inkln ( nih would like to book
I. W 1.x l.'.gs S.iuth Ktttm; I ir ,ne k ..n Its tioni" lerolinds with ltis.l,is.s
t ' iiii'lln'i i.iii.-a. .1 Wi.uner. alas South
1,'iin l.ir . A.. ,i II v ' """ ti"' "MiK I Hi . . I hii. -.
a. " ii .ii... iu n.w , -o' t ii ' .T ne i 'ii,,. ,ini.ii si (tali Is r..i'I to be mi
. I.l
I Ik-
l II- r n gllii'.i l.nst f'l ar
il,.' r.isi.nt
II Jilt. t T
L ' ffilh
l' Al. '. e.
I Ki'le'l.l o
s ulf. rlllK
,lon. gg
Ml.nllii All-star.,, i :. ul
' ...I. Mill. .' ", ,.:l I is ie
.s Ml - I . I., . i I t, I ill!
Hrst-, Iii.sn I, i, ii s Vol, II.
:.sti, y .cum s-r. , t.
'llie .1. V. Ilnras . A. I sre
i nm- v wllh ' - ass li-- -i n
-iill.il ,.' ir.-!' mIh 'I. I
.N"l' . .-It l - re.'
Ilriii'illu Itrutlirrs. a ' t rla-. ti.ii-Me.fi
r. i, nil', I 1, l ,.i, . 'it., f i,.,n t'''tn
.ff ' ivai il.!- In. Iu ', slits KdfS.fld
M !- 'Jin I N "f !'i"n -i et
The l."llsllli;lo!l . A. I,.i. I iivjo th.ill .1.1. e
i-s-ti ::i M.ir, n foi 'Ir1-' - i -s le 'i;e 'nlln
I. t 1 II I i.i - 711" I , .' st-e .
M.ml . . vuiild 'i .
' .. .in.-. y, , v. r.sjii. ajia
M -ii " i .' iiu-.
- iiil-cl'iss team ff .i ' t t . 'It ;: iinen
i' ol '.' i l.' I -111 !. f .llt'T-
l. i .1 S.u,.r ',, Li. . s,r.s t.
( ain'irl i ( h(b c. s'r s tw I Kane s with
let J Wl.aiiH. 1 i.i'.t Ka-i i ai .Irla
n ', ,.i-it. out. t n .ir-olil I atieb.
C.iniU'-l liuikh.itdl, 1'Jll Vurtli !
II I' 111
i, ven'e. nil.
Toledo Yachtsmen Will Launch 3
New Catboats to Rc0aln Cup
Toledo. ().. Mn rrh IS. Toledo
yaclifsnieii affiliated with tho Inleiiake
Kayoula Playo Dobson
Mi' i , ' I' 'I
.. 'ill
teams w!!l ti" "'en I"
Knvmil , I'.-nh .lie l 'In
Inili.iiiiiiilent It ink, t luill ill.
Yachting Association have added r.est to rlti, will meet ihe tv.i,
........ . . . I'.' I. f I V I'lHl ell" '
lim I ait trophy vnecs iy tlie iiiiiioiiuci
ment today that three new catboats will
lie liuiniheil bore this .spring in an i f
fort to uncover a boat which ha- the
speed In lift the cup. The trophy at
present is in the hands of Ih'troit
Two nf ihe boats, it was announced,
arc ilosjjned by .lolm Small, of P.osj.in.
anil are nearly finished. The third i
tn bo the piopertj of a local symlicati .
one member of which i Hoot-go King,
winlli'l' of the Tad clcnt scleral yeais
in succession. This boa I will be s,ni,.
liy King nnd will bo n radical depart
ure from the accepted cat boat lints, it
was said.
ilnl l..i -el
s I II
Tlie ( nlis V,
ii ,,1-i.tefs by tin
" ' , ( iver -"oi oi
i I'l I. I
Ih'Mrr A. ( .. 1
K ''I t til I 'i si I .1 I I
i: - -1 t j.i.-, n i
I lr-t i tass leaajs i
.- I ' -, ' ,11 lull
u . i : lie II . i
I ! 'i -I ii:,"i,.'..''.' ;i, i;
it - I .,itii .,t l' e
I A I'. K.
el.' I: -indents to I iger
ii i 1. a ' s :il o MPs Junior
. ami tli" mc.i ml nt .)
Ikv. t..nlhl f.
fi" .
' Willi-f
' 1'jn it mi
' hml it
. !; ;(
i in no i imhli .
.,... ( ., i,i, ut ! I'ln ' the
U n-e. '.( 'i like that n
5 inhfet.
the In ft
i, tr,,. I ... .
s .if'ert. !.
I,.i. Frank ihi.ier
, ' :. t mm' "f lh-'
,, I,, tr,. i Cm i . !
-Mtt an exhlt.iii.
.-. N.. tion.i.-e al l'..t'.
S ml
Aquinas. With Run of 25 S'r? j'-.
Wins, to Piny Nativ-it., Qi nut
A I . " i
get i.l
tit it.
Alb i ' '
M '
Htfll. ,' ' j
l,..-t , , , .', ..t.. t
Pol's ' '-''l''l
eecoi i
1 I.i .
It.lllils. lVlus-lii' Sew . ,' 'llie .
i'l-. ... nnd P I -is, i.iat f.,.! if !,a-.-.
af r'-t.,p . 'I. f t.s sens. m und th.
,f hrpi's J.-.ii ... Texiia Mi-ininr. t-'
l'h th- i i"..in lire a.s . hrl-'i,
' i iim I s- ' Kirs.is flty HI...
. ip 'i- '. :.',' 'I..-. ..f'ertl'inr.
Contenders for Lewis' Title Grapple
at National
A'! of tl.e ..- i. a'. "ii.. I heavy weight
wiost.liig ( hiii. .;ii. n wl.o tire to meet in
'lie three s. Ii due.l . nidi -lls-1 at 'll - call
Is. ills to a t'"i sh at t
'..:."!--..l l. ! ..:l!
. i I ii j i In 'i '" ' ' '
ff'ould F.xrliangi' llorhey
Itinl; for iviinmiiif! Tank
( iiiibriib.'e
.t.i i
. M -el. is ,n
I I -.1 111 fie Iln-
' I''. ill. I- I'
'.'I MB
: g I te.
I ...
r:. .r.
s t.tl! .'
J t.ll.
-'- tnat
. I lit.
Illg be.
,'d be
'Ill', b.
i i,-t-i,iu,t
i -
1 - 111 . 'l I.i I
1 i
I i
'it Jim Ini.n.
a.. f 'I " n -,
teim f r Jlo
.! .iiSI e IT
IJ- r. ll .- .
I, IP-.I S.. i
iir.i. iv i, ire
, for.. ,. i
1 .'. f- If. l tie
l-l- S. Oil U.l I
., ,. ,)- . J-
trvilN 'I' e r.
r llr.t ... ,
I nl .'i ",- l.
.'I. It ne ' ti I .
. I- I
.1. !
ii in
M -
n at. I,
Nntiniiul A A.
hi iu town thi-
"lle-l,llll ;- ! .'
..'.ti iider for Sti .in-
II.iilll A. il.sir. s .
IL- f ' r-l '1.1.1 lalll -.-I
ll'.' U. If- Tl. I. i.l
I her A. . i.iw.iM would like to sell, .till"
win. .1 ti'lh l.'iins of lb" s.me i-ullber.
Aslu hi iiri . n. 4!'l'' .N'olth l'h. r sti.ei.
All. I . C. a first i Ihih trafllnu lenrn.
i , .1 I!k" to l.'.'k "..meH Wfli hull' te.lllK.
iilfer.ntt tnlr ln.ln.'i-ni.. nta. Llm-r I'lttWiMs.
... M . t It.iiii.li.il Htrr.'t.
114-tlsOll I . ('., ll -"lIlllM-O le.llll MOUtd UK
to in ..t t" ins if this caliber, offt ' Itu K""d
Iii. Iii .iii' ii-, t.oui-e rishinan. 'Jl-'J south
riflll -Hi" I , ,
eltolirr nnil i-iltilirr would like to leiln
alil.'n llil..iss him. St.. I" indue, nients
it., i . i.e. I till s ie h l.iml.ri sir. et.
,-.,'m. The Mil's lllllle ll.l-4'b.lll ( lull il'nllld nk"
s-'.mr? I I -,-. ".mi. i.th t rst class n!ii"-.
I .lulu, I-' 'I" nil. .it. ' Nll-a Cum" l ..
Mi idoti mid tifflln !! , r.
I Iln- Tllollipsell . . i '-lies to m ' I'l'
k. ni. s mi'Ii tl'-t-. Is" ' i-'-i" it.ill.'lis. . ff. Inir
,,.,-. n ill.- so it.ui'- - M.it.f I'r. n. in bit'
W. -t Thl llll'l". et f'l" t
.snrimss l.eillh.r i.. r..l III'' b. tn ir from
flisi ,'lt.. I i 1 i 1 lilt, - in lh. M .11 I' r-t-f..i''
.N'orili I'hllll s Wlldwood iitei . itu
of il ii c illl r. rh i Hi's M .JililJ. M'll
.N,."l, I mill. I i-.rei't
Vcii.llini A. A. ... i'-l lik" ! f Wu
it, in - ni'li s. vn.t 't t'l line t, -n i.'i .'..!
int..'- u. In.: I f . , '.. i ! 'I'l
' ' I II. "t. I .je. Ill' Ills. Kiel! M.I'T, a ''In .I'M' cir.et.
f.r iruriranteea .liieiiiiaril A. A., ii t'l-i-ei', .s hi iiilioo
'il ll . ill. s , h. ii Vllell. ' I, mi. i i .In M I'J an .lilt" Hal 1 - ft 'll li'Uli.
t . .. Pi -f -s.uliald ut I ,, ,in, t,f the H.itii" i'.iIo" . m. r.-.is,,,i il,,..
, ', ', Luarani" . I.. Wa't.i.. -Jl X-.i'.li I'.fi-
llllli.n. hi- , f. oiwn I ,,,,,. i, vlr. ,t.
KU.tl.ili i .. ,,r.iinl lTnl.ri.lts . Itruiih tl'l, meild
ii .s Hill in,., i l.',il. --,I11. 1 e.lli I. lies uf
I . lip i 1 ill I, illl- In III ..It . t l.r itu M - I u
mi'l del Uullu, 1 l".l r- .iiu nun. ti-n
ICeli.ini'e A. ('.. a .it-'n :uir.oii r.tti".
1. is op-n d it.-a Pi .prli .,nd M..v fur uni
form, d l".'inis. S S l...i,i n, ..lilu . al
1. II - ore. I.
IVIthal 11. ('.. 'i it I .- i mi 1 ii -
1 ,' , I'l Illl 1 I' t ' , I '1 111- 1,
Ii,,,ie 1. iln ..'!,' '.i !'i il. i I n . i in, ,
:,-a l-oi. mi...' s'js s,,jr1 j. ,, p, .,,. t.
I"li-' - to .
II I .11 .,. I
V . ,.s I
..IT !
.. lJCl
Starting Steward Will Report Con
duct In Each Race
New York, Mui-di Is. -As a measure
to eliminate imigb' riding, the .l key
Club, il was iiniioiiii 1 today, has :i-
rangeel for the iippoiiittnent of n-i offi
cial to be known as the starting stew
Hid. This stimnrel will be stntienied along
side the' starler nt the barrier In wnl. '
the conduct of jod.e.fs. both at the
post and (luring the last fiirloims of
the races.
Reports, mi the conduct nf liibi-s in
each rucc will be sent In th" -lanitij
steward to tin- judge's pagnilu.
3 Duncan
A smallRoll Front
Oueit Pcibody ti Co, Inc.Troy.NY
M il, Is lo hook
.Mii ut 1111,1.-1.
L'101 i
s, micro Iran I, in; Iimjii ,. ,. , , ,
' I i- th n i hi n. i. l.a.li.l.iMir,
s ' i i ii i ii ,s- ,e, i
I'lie Uir.ilne Id, mis. ,, i,.i . oiori'd ti .ai.
11- I. nm With ll. mi t - -r-lsj fn h.iliird.li'H
I s,M , . .. J. j;,,, ,, . ,.., i( 1:utt.
i tli leini"
..r ...it of
.in t.I ai. -
..liiiiihla .liuiliirs ih
.. . i , : i .at t isti
r n ,- i i- r
-i ,
p i .i ti ..oi is iiiiiHli. d ,
t ,v. , ,. " ill grappl" w itti I
SO I- I . Pi, ". ill the 111 -'
.1.. '. " lil.'.'k. Will III!
I-, i, di 'in. ibe Italian, ami '
, , . i. I, I . I wi'i'll Wledeill.
... ,.' p. ,: '. ami .1 Ulili. the
. . N. -, r iinoter of th"
s, ,.,! .i ,i . o I il h'lit.'lv Inst night
'. .,. ..II 1. ri'iiiaii and '
,, Ii U ip -f '.I "ih. int. in dif-
The sliniiiriill, MlilKi'la.
, r ill .1 .1'. s '.. i
'a i't.- i f p , .a, IM i .
Ill's il.lss Ililll'llIlT 1- . i I
. i -ne t. ni' "i i " I i l
t'J Mlfl .1 -'!"
I'll.- It. lino e A. ( ..
e Iiiim'h.i .Iniiliirs,
11 'I Hlx'. n-i i.-ni- .
to hook t! I'll.", illlll
i .nil M -i I.. . 'Jlt:i
twelf ','Ur' ' A
I ll I l I D
i . ,.d in.- D
s i r. ,.r i I H
i'.'.ii'I, . M.' ' 1
.v Is-i.,, . ,i. :" to .
111 1
... ' ' ' in i 'ii
n . ii -- I'l .. ,.
Thoroughly Cheaply
tV 0 UoCv.Ksl.UJ
'20-N-I2H. ST.
I i. Ill' en I
find I
re i '. -.
gnili.' .
Nu i'.
Sum. .
and .'!
Mrs. Honaict H. Barlow and H. C. j
Fcw.ie-, Oie Point Behind Leaders,
pinehiiist. Mm I, Is m,.. i.,,,,. ,
ICE skating .v,,,'- ,v:!,v.:, m.
Ihri-i- smlui; .,..i,,ti. il.ilt. I llilliltllills
lo l...r.. ti Plhrs iimI I, ,h I rouer.
I Inn i. ITi .Inn 1,1111.. Wist 'illl.
Mi ffefi ail i Sle
93?. STI
Ill'lflltlsl I.l
) on .Into Know
With Hi
Opel ' ,-
r. h
nio i
for "I. '
Til s.len
kg.) i
or a 'i ,
A Isiltir inl.
In el ! .
hoi.!- .
tul" ..
Oll'li i '
inn ili .
Tin lie.
r a,..
m : I-,- ji .. i ,. . ., .
la- ". - . -, p w .: j , . .
I. ..u. !. P.-.',,"- W VI ,, ,, ., ,, .
' .' ii'o.i" . ' .", M.c, ..,
..... .-. .. . 'I i W I-. . .
'.- -it "'I ".I - .if P in l. ,i .
W nla. , ,' . i ,,. ,.P tl . .,.,., .
' i". :. M I! .,, : 1 1
- P. I II C I'm , L" ;
' -' A ' le " l.s
1 I. II...
i .1. ,1 , i r.
Wrejthnq Match for Greek Relief
ritlslniriih. N i ti Is ,' s. ,
l nlf P i i . . i
. , . I. n. I i ' . I
' "l
Hi. I
l.'l-. i
J ." I .
ii -
jy Bnad nnd Baintrid'te Jt1k
tloMiM I.M.NINd, IIAIU II '.'1st
III lll M HT.
Vlt I IN I Mil
s, ,, ,,,, . , i,.i I il , I, nil, I.
Iln. .'I ml I .1111-1 -I- lli'L'ill .1 crh s
' ' . i,
Eiiai .1 0 ,,i
mil, lit1 9 ,i .- i.j-j
irrirr !i
Vf iis ' l
w.tll sl
. '...-
Herrmann to Settle Dispute
Heads Dartrrouth Hockey
ll no. i. r. " t - p
Amateur Card for Djfresn.;
flonl'-ul " . - ,
'! r- h IS
i riiiiili.-r
It !.' r
Tl. dl-i.,,1,.
, i.hi i s 1 1 r wina i) 'ii mii'ikn
1 un i I'l vi nu n:c N-wii k nu
1 I I !' Ii Kill If I 11 -'I sill l I I K l
inn-,., ft iti ii .'.si i i r c-nils., ii.ii.im
. i i I, , ll .1 l. Ill l .t
, "iMHI ils Mllll (s IIMIMON
l)Mls(IN. t In
MIMIIH, :ui .V I NI wn.lt
...T...-. '..- -.-.-'-i-ffsi :,:,st;il.; '. r ; '.
( Mllltl ATHI.rTU (1,1 II
ft ll,( KAJAI Ii, lllll TH S
i KlllllTH ANli 3 tiViUi
III 1'IH llMS . Jill ti. V f j
We-t I'llllu Sir lima
t ITI.II ( MM. , IIAl'I'l McUII l,IVJ.-i I
Villi Wanl - Klttl Ward I
AI. tVAd.NKll . rJVNK (.ll.l.l.rtl'IH '
JJllIo llul lCciuliietoa
'"l S-vr-"
V.v- ;;a.,
.iH . W
lit i I
4r ?
yf Mdv to- jj
ifl Ore1 ci I
Us Su;tl I
Pi $25
( i $33 V
Make Our Factory
Your Clothing Store
Extra pants if you wink them, 'Mi.M.
He Make Them Riyht and
Guarantee Them
iMW'-.st; . .-' i'vvkSst&fessv-r-r
If wfBitww
ich ' mmsmmr '." n
M : mmy.Eseetcionaies UNvCWN
rl f , , j , f- ffw yx X,
1 '1iUIIir ' i I'm . WW WW WYVMM ViW iN
M i 3 llliim VLw I 11 ! Iw k
! l
i. i. lib r's pi-. (It (J1n-l2i
,1. lb .iIiiik .1 ith ,i I il!
,1. I .ii I i" i Iln b. ' .li
.'.i i I n I Hi i in nl 1 '
fir - l'i . m-o
"ili ' i in inn.
. ml
1 i '. ..il.s:
Other Suits at i?2."), $30. .S.'J.")
iLAXS ii JliLJl
9th and Sansom Sts.
Southeast Corner (2d Floor)
Kxrillcnt I'".k alor Si rWcc
Purchasing gititH' Ordcru Accepted
7ssiaaaal Jiaue
IN A WAY that could not be copied in a thousand
years. That is why an El Producto smoker is an
El Producto enthusiast.
There is something in that well balanced
menu oi cnoice navana toDaccos, in tue mijiyt
chiwlo nrnttrn iiiriinnarc i l.o f natc (i(yV . r.7a
-.uwv. ,,.o,i ,,,,ii,,i.,o, lailt Bwl ftiyVjife
Most El Producto smokers stay Clr'hlipv
LI Producto smokers.
And there arc ten different sizes
and shapes from which to select,
l.t.l..n!t.r. ,. I 0.. .l.i-ilryl..
U.yitlUlM,, ... VV. U..M...l. y'i
II. P. Cigar Co., Inc
tl.ll.ITH, jA'.-j
13t or 2 fit 2&
. o ri te -fcr-i n i vi'.
e. a iri f -t m i I n
MSw emoynient
la.i-H'":,i: - fe!ll&,M
,7 v . i v