3KSS wmmn t?.m (ff,fV f.l' 4".' WH IX A u mv. . . i' 26 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHlLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 19& mm tifmi fei"'. riwiti KraftUHa 7,ii'tar ! M li Bs4 $fr'fl l"11' Hi vi .? ftltttf , ' ,l'f i . ' .?i Y. : i'i1 V' i.' It . H V ifys'v i :.. " 'itf. i w v ;e--?j- ' r: "Mi 'rf . 131.' iu ?r M.t . r,.. ; ii I m ' ..J.'Wrt S , 1-fi.i ' ti , ' v ,' 4. ! ' mi i ly.l WiktraH, mm ;.iAi,iW(e'i, :mm im; sJ! t lilSii ... wmm II Vil .feS.ta'4' (.? 3 SHORE POLITICIAN ELD AS BIGAMIST li! Josoph Maloney, Wealthy Plumbing Contractor, Arrested Through News Story TRAILED FROM BAY STATE Atlantic City, Mnrrh 1!. - Joseph Mnlonr-y. wpnltliy .lhimbim: r.intrntnr and prominent politician, 1m bp nrroxtod bore tiv Pct'-tivf" Yn'e ami fiilbort on n rbnrsi of blanmv, pre ferred by Mrs. Anna Mark Mnlnne.v. or SpriiiRtiolil. Maxs. Hi- wfi" lipid nndir 81000 bail. Mnlnnr. . wlio i pri'Milnnt of tlio S'' ond Ward liopubliran Club. wa iir rnlgnH Ix'foro MauWtrati- .loxlma .ing mrtfy j-(".torclav. (mt tin linrintr n poitponed until todn. at !i o''1ock. t'r tbo purpuM of ponnittine .Mr. Ma lonoy to sooun rxidi'tn'i- of tin' m-ioh., marringi of bor li'ixband. Mrv. Malonov .-aid Iwr hiibanl dn npprnrnl tM-nt-on year n" fr'tn thr lionir in Sprmsfiidd. bavin; l"i alon with ttirir two rldidrt'ii. I.a' month a neighbor h"wiil h'T nn Atlunt.c fit? liPv.papr in nhi'h rcf'Hii"' .iv niml to n political tteht in wbn-h ,Iopli Mn lony rvn" i-okitu: t. ruain nmtrid "' the Sn-oMil Ward Kopnu'lrnii I i1 . Sbo wai convin 1. 1.- ttlC''d J"1 trrdny, that tin' Malom-v ni.!iti"i".l it the m,tt".pni,r a.- bi'r lii:di!d. and vlio coininniiwaifd "'itb Clii'f of l'olii-c Hnbcrt- Millr. of tin oit. lie r-p!ird that tin MalonM lixiny u- - n ar rird and had two .hildrm. Mr. Ma luiicv oamo to Athmtii' iMv m.d idon tilu'd .loHi'ph Mnl"ii" n l'T hiiband. "I don't want him as my hnband anv niori.'." In- -tut't on tin witni stand. "Thru it li inomv ymi vant?" nkpd Pii'il SalslnirR. rnu'ixol for Maloni. "1 tlilnk I am .'t.tittr,! to tin money l.o ha.- Ih'imi p.ij ins lo uniiit other woman Tor twi'iitv-otic yoar." vn In-f nnxwcr. Mr. .Malonvy then prortnocd a mar riaiti' cvtitlontp which stated that sho and Tatrick .lonoiih Mulom-y had been married in St. Miclmtd' t'hnrt'li. SprhiRtleld, in t -.n:t. She Mnt"d that Alaloney was the father of her eldest oti. now twenty -,ev on jenrx old. She stated that he had another son twent onp years old. Maloney did not make nnv iefene to the charges at the hcnrinif. Hi9 daiiKhter, about tjOM'titi-i'ii jears old, was with him. "That is tli" lir-t time I have seen that woman m twetiM -seven enr." said Malonev a-, lie left the courtroom after the hearing. "A certain person has been per- i iiting me. but I will prove t'ois-e cfnrije- t'a'se in court." (COURT AIDCOAL OPERATQR Restrains Arrest of Toledo Man on lndlanapoll3 Warrant j Tolriln, March If. A trmpornry ipsti'iiiniiie order pieventing federal i authorities from nrrestiiiR tleorie M. .loni's. head of several coal minitiK ntul ' distributing companies, tinder an Indict ment returned in Indianapolis, was is sued in t'nited States District Court here jesterday. In the nmerded bill, in addition to mnkiii; A Mitchell 1'nltnrr and govern ment ittotneys defendants. Jinny M. , Ihitigh rt, attornev general: Charles 1 W. Lapp, I'nifeil States marshal lit 'lpvolutid. and Hugh Hartley, deputy I "nit i States marshal nt 'I'ol 'do, ai'1' ! named. I Attornev s for Mr. Joaes explained that "i'M) act chaw l in the Indict ment occurred durlnir tin time tip fin ' and wits administration was effective in strict ncoriianci' ,vitn tuc nrui'is oi the President -utd Doctor finrliold. fur, administrator." Tli" onier entered br Judge. ,Iohn M. Killits yesterday restrains mnrslinls liom brlngln'i service on Mr. .lonest in any tli-1 riot olli-r than Indiana. 1 TO SHIELD PLYMOUTH ROCK I'lymmitli. Mass.. March IS. Ply- mouth Ilnck. the boulder dropped on the shore here from a glacier ages ago to become the stepping stone of Mie fore- ' fathers from the old world to the new, is to be protected ataiiist the waters and frosts of future years. The plan for its preservation under a inntuimentnl canopy original!) included only the re uniting of lis tiifi par's, but it now has beep decided to make the restored rock proof against the elements as far as possible. GARDEN PCKSSUCCESSpR Grand Opera Manager Says She Will Resign In Year Miirlniintl, March 18. Marv fJarden niiimunced yesterday alio would con tinued to manage the Chicago Opera Company only for another voar. Her successor, she sold, would be n man, whom she had nlreadv selected. When asked Inst night for the name of her successor, Miss Harden declined to make the announcement nt this time. She added, however, that he would be "an American and n, strong agitator for American opera." Chicago, March IS. Following a telephone conversation with (Jeorgo AI. Spangler, business manager of the Chicago Opera Comnan., which was playing In Cleveland last nlgiu. thi Chicago headmiarters nf the company Issued the following statement, "AInry tlarden's ngrcement ns gen eral director nf the Chicago Opera Com pany hns two more years to run, Her statement t Clneltmntl tonight Is nt trllmted to over modesty on her part. She will undoubtedly continue us gen eral director for several ears to coti'v.." Bicyclist Shoots Conctable Altnon.i, Pa., March 18. Whcti Constable L. , AI. llhodes, of Logan township, balled a man riding on a bi cycle to Inform him the law required vehicles to carry llghtN, the bicyclist drew a revolver and shot him In the bend. Charles Wilson was arrested yesterday charged with the shooting Park, victim of fever contracted I it. and held pending the outcome of Ithodes HpnnUli American War. has i,n. VV wounds. Ithodes Is expected to Co- by Dr. AI. II. Axllrod. cn ma(- cover. WliBy Foreign Connection Desired roung business man past thirty Flva years tmtu-trt.il plant man.igrr; now financial executive with largist Amer ican corpor itn.n in its fl. Id. Connoc tbn Ueslreil which will lead to for r'gn nsicmment Highest bank an.l business credentials. u no. i.kixu:k orricr: Try Genuine California Honey .Gney On H Toast ' Si CJrisp toast is more delicious with fine honey. Try it. Practically predigested, honey is a tiatural, healthful sweet. Gives 1485 calories of energy producing nutriment per pound. Also needed lime and iron. IC rrom L.alilornia tiie para- disc of bees" comes America's rarest honey. Ask for it. To be sure it's genuine Cali fornia honey, ask for SUNNI HUNNI this is the unblended brand. 24 Restaurants Centrally Located Suggestions for This Evening's Meal CHOPPED MINUTE STEAK OR FRIED HALIBUT with choice of Two Side Dishes. . .30 Mashed Potatoes Stewed Tomntoes firccn Pens Macaroni au Gratin Spaghetti Itakcd Deans Soup (small order) . . . .05 J Cole Slaw or Pickled Beets 05 Desserts Orange Jelly Cakes Pies Resinol keeps a man's skin fit No matter .-v eilicient a man may ho, it ho has an uirly skin trouble he is bojnd to create an unfavorable impies.sioti. Why run th;s risk whfn Resinol Ointment and Resinol oap clear away skin trouble so easi'iv? This contlo treatment has been prescribed by physicians for yar-i to heal .skin troubles and it larelv fails. I'.es-inAl -;i,:iv (- - - n ' s "ie rtatlv I.H" a ' .'-.r- .1st ;iour i!vi -;,;ivf tlf " 'nn WWJIMHW1M1IIMMIW MH1 HUNNf Delicious,(3Gnuine CaliforiuaHonct" 5-U. Economical Tint, $1.05 Alno ;,acftcj In amaller tlnnnnil one pound glaat Jars. A -i in 1r" a! nr ' ' pur 1 .irii t ? i i. i. -i -. s p. l-i , c' ln. h.M-r' I' R and druerflnt sel.j . "-li:,l Ar'(.j ,h f. .-l.-.NM IH"NM "' '."". 'I1' r.' !!' ) 'Vtrt.- i'H " !" I.. ,1 ' .. .-I .NM Ml .N.N I i.r I. .-j." I trro.H- California Honey Producers Co-operative Exchange Vni i';o.1l urpnniHt id i v' l' '''irr""i..ii JI(i-Jimiiu Los Angeles, California LSIS5' Butler & Sergeant, Distributors, 27 South Front St., Phila., Pa. yjj.cnlWBiMMTHitf''iiiiTiprtiyi j, i and Ice Cream will be the flavors in ItR. IVATE BRAND BRICKS i end i ills-J ones nj ; I i : for this week- iillDALi n milk;v7 Supplee-Wi Roll and Butter 05 Coffee, Chocolate, Tea or Milk 05 10 Apple Dumplings Puddings Fruits Fruit Salad Ice Cream OUR NEW CAFETERIA 1508-10-12 Market Street Second floor, Oiiposltf ltro.nl Mm t Statlun Open Evenings Until 8:30 BLOOD NEEDED TO SAVE LIFE Atlantic City. Mnrrb IS.-A mil for volunteers tn ive tliclr blood to hhvo the life of WntKon Mount, of Venice Uecently n timrt rif blood wn i.i from Clnrcnoo Snyder, n voternn ltln world wiiv and n nplsbbur of ? th Vlille .be o.orlC "v phyMrlnim uny tlint Mill i,wr hC T ' required. 00,J Is ! IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll ILLBYD) S V The "Low Point." Why our 'lumber centre is at Sumter. THE point of low cost for lumber is of course where lumber (rows. That is why we set up our "hub," or con centration yard at Sumter, S. C. There, in a circle of fifty miles radius, there are no doubt more pine lumber-mills than in any other equal area in the South prob abiy in the world. Such a centre is not only the point of low cost, but also the point where lumber can be assembled and shipped most quickly. It is the time spent in handling that makes lumber slow to move. At Sumter, the "low point," we save not only in first cost, but in time and labor, and ail the added cost and delay that so often follow. Buy your lumber at the "low point," and you hold these advantages of low cost and quick time straight through , until your building is finished. Some day you'll build. If you want the work fin iflhed on time, sec that the lumber cornea from LLOYD. William M. Lloyd Company THi: I.V.M11KU CHN'TIlt 300 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia r;oTAHi,iain:ii im;i SOl'TIIKKN SAI.r.S OITK'I- CIIAKI.OTTi:. N. f. Tilll!l IIHfl Take a Vote on Pies Take a vote on pies in yourhome and you'll make mostly raisin pies. For this is the pie that men think most delicious. Raisins furnish 1560 units of energizing nutriment per pound. They are 75 per cent pure fruit-sugar in practically predigested form. So the nutriment of raisin pie is almost immediately assimilated. Raisins are rich in iron also, which brings the bloom of youth to women's and children's cheeks. When you eat raisins you eat a "beauty food" as well as one that's healthful. Try raisin pie tonight. You'll never have to ask men what pie they like thereafter. Every first-class baker has this pie, or if you wish to make it yourself, we publish here the tested recipe for the chief of pies. SUN-MAID RAISINS Recipe for Real Raisin Pie Cut This Out and Keep It 2 cups Sun-Maid IJaisins I ',2 cups boiling water 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons lemon juice t tablespoon grated lemon rind Juice 1 ornngt 1 lablespoon jjrntcd orange rind I cup chopped walnuts Cook raisins in boiling water for five minutes; pour into sugar and corn starch which have been mixed. Cook until thick; remove from fire and ad J other Ingredients. Bake between two crusts. Walnuts may be omitted if desired. Use these raisins for home cooking, for they arc the finest raisins grown. Made from choicest California table grapes, tender, meaty, juicy and thin-skinned. Packed in California in a sun-lighted, glass-walled plant. Clean, sweet, wholesome, American raisins the kind you know arc good. Three varieties: Sun-Mald Seeded (seeds removed); Sun-Maid Seedless (grown without seeds); Sun-Maid Clusters (on the stem). All dealers sell them. Insist upon the Sun-Maid brand. Send for free book, "Sun-Maid Rcc ipes," describing many ways to serve. I Cut This Out and Sendlt j CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATED RAISIN CO., FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Membership 10,000 Growers - California Associated Raisin Co. ( J l'l. N SI.', li. l'"m-i". ' ' J Please send mc your book, "Sun-Ma j Recipes," free. J Name Address .. City.-,.... .State.. A 1 H ,'VS'M V,"