K$W fp ". 4 f , tWw(r(rtTV.71'.- "Bjrv EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, J21 25 mm I THE PEOPLE'S FORUM letters to the Editor "Z...nM Savlna Defeat LriT "a . ,ii(oro "' hvmwg t'ublle l.iiher: " ,, turn '"M.iB h.m Im-.i rt.ji.nmi ni 1 . 1 mill " nr0 "orr ert "U" llttfl'1"1' K, pi,ihln ronstltiitos In In- fr'"' i, m one foiirlli of thr slnle. (iiWun" ul(( lo nt, our dcmnmls Hl"",, i iinans n Krrnt clfi'l t """,.., tint !" fi'iiT"' PUl'llt nf 1I,H thi 'l,or , , m liour rnrficr ami gel d ',' ev , ,im work nnu Hour turner, i-nvi!' " t , mvn ns much recrc-i-lnfli,r' , n iiurniB the extrn hour of ,''", 't. ,ii " ii i vrii inn "".,,. ... c -I"" '"" ttl"" '" "" U " ., i riiiM.Mphlii business linn ' "'.A rl'K to null thrMnseltrii? Our ct,,''f rloi nnd litislnrm nlnces of I'tory ,!".., nM pbI" "rK " 1"nlr t,"r" t'11" ilio clock buck that fur. or, '"' i i up li 1o ,nl"' w,1 not r,rr 11 cf f ko lo work nn hour curlier ' , rr m liour rurllrr7 Tho fin lories '."h,o Mi.rle.1 nt 7 or H O1 clock (nlll.l I ii m T mill I ho Mores thai open wL".nii,i rln-tise iiml havo their etntilosi's I , rinK could easily ho dono hy I'1" in.ii.c iiml It "HI '" ,l Brent s&sr wr ,... w - Boston's Farewell Concert ik' M ' ",r ""'u'"' ''"''I'' l-rlirr; ,. it 'I' n ,rrv- pry Kr''", re ..... I i,n, lid, il llm lloston Htinuluiin irrt n, irt on Monilm nenlnc nnd Orcnn' . .niirort thl or ! '. . .. ..l.iir ', k. Vl lltTC Ht ITht Illlll" ..i ,,(nili,alA w flf ""' . ...... .,. ,,.jn ', ' ii nnlnitlnn. I'hlih line li.cn 'i f,i,ir ' lerlnln mrt of It llfi '" f . fit no doubt III" Hint.n Hin "vlr,Voi i -in m th" m iirl iilli hi p5.'" "" d. llBhlfJ tho (lu mill '.,, i H tl"1 B"w' '"" lh'' '"H'l'ilM i t '' mini' our wamin ilmimlli, , ,y n- In RollIB Id ll" Kndl llllHMil. rhili-lr r ii hip who uro limrrmeil In nit , ihi ' -hi iilil miiKo on limiiliv lino .iMimi "I nd h "no iifur Iho olhcr " hli il nrti nl.illiinit nro fornik ,, nil i l li 'Ii Wn u'"'1 lo " ,N" '""" ' ,i, I 1,1 hnrmonli' fin h-mni. of Now V-,k hi1 ' m I'' hlc.lKO Ol'iTH Co. hut ,.,, r " J"inc fold', wlwthor null ',,, ,n I rr i ii hit. .lri'ii nnv those ",i . ' " '" ""r """ "ur -,,.iri ! '1 '"i" dwindled lutti iilniii.l nit mm" ' M'."ioil Hi n third nf rln T", ,. ,,-i imfotitiniitr Uoull II not , go d i nB 'or our t- hninhor of t'otn ' i, 1 1 h I- iilKinn tr Iiib to flu Horn" I, li lp I'llthlilnlplll.l, til lippolllt n lommi'i ironmtlnn Hint would iiinuiBi hnu II tin I'd inurlrnl nrK.inir illmit. i nl .... t ... ii.i iih.ih I -'r no, in it or ,,i.i,, 1,1 i,,r, v..,, II ,, i Hi, cri'iit nrllnlH, loi tin .! , - ii' I ii I'oiini lioro I, mil j, or rvcntii l i ii luiv lo ilnpond fiitlrol liiHin injl orkini itniiis for our immhiil rnicr 'n, Mi, WILLIAM T illNMIh CI,, ,i hi i l irdi 1,1, 10 J I 7l' .lr--l BflllM 'il C ill. 1.1 I" or Hi tboUlul I KV hi i I i I. i Ft) US l ITS I I t' I CI II In a Dilemma ' th I'liii'W I'iiU'h I.nlli't ii ii 'r Broiit dlh'ininn, nnd h ir from other rendi rs who ii i ii dliMiiiieiil, n to how w i i ihi'iUBh th" tirt'kriii inn in i i Iiml n wiiv out and it t i. i' lio iin just now pon 1 , . roliB to heeome of h i nnd nik mattci' out, n . in elfin i t,i hi" our .in- in i our Interenl" , ,h lnu I'lilxen at l".il me ' th, mil fin from a hundl.d ii I'liiladelphla who P" d i, .in itto now nut nf wmk. ,1 U" ur" wiIIuib to nt- il Hi, ii thai will InlllB UK ,, 1,1,1 h our tmploerN that I i hlti itduilion In Halar r ill it he i an no Iniisor bo mi i, turn and HUimed when he i i , u the u'lRes he is now ih it if IiiiilM on ie, ei We tlalil BOl In do It to it tints ihnt .ir" aMked of I , of food and tet IhlliK ii i I tu heeii our l. mm en un it i in.: men ait. not prohieitit 'i .ii nnl helnc kh ilre.nlfullj ui i I ho"" who hie butten the II ,n would he iUlte willil'B il nn imih halfw.o with a sat- i.r i - in nt Hut the niu not will- Ins i i. nun Mimdiy until hitunliv b rl t i t ,t . Htifflclent tn in the 1 H i i ind tin f v uthi m ( ooi i uiu-i if t lh" neLeuMtliK ir .ii t I I lit, hid kIh lit r We inil-t 111 i , , ,1 tie ii f uu Urn hem thliiK 1 i ,, ih, i iul tliruhh out ion- . i is th, ui, n wlui i mpln I i w ih their Inllui net , to i i ip r II ,n n.itui ilh w i , i t ,i wui.e reiluctinii It I t us If v(e dl 1 mil. I'Huiuii: r iMCit-nii.i. " l ,1 II 1 1 1IIJI Yomcn Are Sure Winners it i I i ,i ,ii; I'lililn l.tilm i ill .1 Jul." if II w .It'll I .' I III 1 llil, 111 led I Xi.Ui"iI tr i J set iK" II K ' Ills ii t ii ui 11 it has diitii uinm. fc' tl i itld Blw id, ni e hi I II II It 'ii. in in iii hill' " I1 I I i i Ii, lilUkt m,,,il hllll!e,f t Al ,i mi In urdei Iii In Bull J ra old I lIMnlil It toiunili iMutitl Inn ro' I ,11 ,lll till K 111!' II t Ml il , Il I i 1MB full! Bl iP"S "t n i. i: i' u ' I M ii h I I I'l.M J'tUciH lo tho IMllnr Bhoulil lio us ,Jrl ,..n,ltl l" Hio lKnt ns iiosll)le, nvuldliiR motliltiB that would open a ueiioinliuUlonnl 01 sectuiliwi illacua- ElOll. I??.n.l'.e.n,llm wl" bo l,nl(I l" ntl'Jtiy "2" U.H Jitters. NViincB nut) mldrcsaea mtlsl bo signed tin nn evidence of pood fnlili, nltlioiiRli nutnes will not po printed If request Is nnido that tncy Ijo omltictl. Tho publication nf n letter Is not to ho tnlcii ns nn Indorsement of Its views by this pnper. Comnitinlentlons will not he re turned unless nccompnnled by post orp, nor will in inuscrlpt bo saved the Kiitiie I inns ns one uliindy Rlen, til ihotiBli with n differeni in Irt In It. AirnnB" tlii. lunula rn I n, InclusUe, imliu enrh iitiinlior onlv iitue. lino three llii"i, ko Hint tin miiu of the Mint erlltnl line Ik til tin mini of the third orllru linn hk the kuiti of the dhiKonnls Is to (lie times the rum of the Unit horlnintnl line. HAML-ni, sritNirsuY I'lillnilelpliin March III 10'JI Poems and Songs Desired Intr riff Mlmiitti. it Bhould let Hk ciiileH hao the benefit nf (mme .,, , IIAItllV J CLAYTON I lillmlelphln March IL, lt)J Questions Answered Old Forcpaugh Stock 7" 'rr 'i'",",r," ",r ' ""'"l I'vblir I, ,lrr: Mir Niiul.l m,u pt,,,,,, ,,,., mt ,n. eimii nf tho Mni ininpniiv t lint pIhjpiI In I lUMntiuli H T.n urn nhnllt twent MMrs nen I'lnreiiie bntterlii wiik one nf the i id- in lll,K Caroline I'r.i tilttln im nnntlur. and Hie 'ii" l fore MInk ItoI.erlK what una h, I nino I tun un nnxlotm tn knnn. I hae heeii IIUiib n, n, ,,Kl , , ,ul ,,, , ll In riilladelphia then. .Mill I' SIOKIN. AllanMi ot Mnnh It I'lJI The rorrpatlBh 'Ihealre wlilih fin rnr wn nuidiitiid as n Hlnek tomp.itn inue win ciiitiiiill replaced with nudeili,. mid Pti lures and In i.niv i oii.Iik n k a nhttir" lininie l, t1(, Kell tutiite tiwm r nf the tl'iln me n' Hi,, fnrinei iiumh" of th" rotnpanv Is listed In Ih" prrKont "WId'h Who U Ihn 'Ihealre" mi Wo (annul tell Mill Wllllt rillM l,i' nttm i.f Hi. hi Ii. ..I. .1.1. Ill" 111 si pnpiiiat iiUim-im nf tlm '..ri.p nvli nliiiK rnmpoti wire Hi nrcn Lcaioik nnd I'afiln Mailunre. Answers Sheep. Problem Tn III. I illlni ,tt tin iiiinir) 1'iihl,, luln'r fir Th ancwer In ,1 I, Ciinweir, proh lent Ik ihlrl k Mhenp r the wiunin had thlin six shop tn h"Bln with and Iml ns llinn inoi" Hit" would hiNo kimiiIx nn kIh i ii If Kh" ndd"il to tills one half ir the orlBlnnl iinmlii-r kIio ,1 hae tilnun Klwei and If sh" ndil", In ulit"l "tie imirili nf III,. ollElnal liliiiilu i of Kliorp eh" wmild line mi" uliurt nf n hundiod It i: lllll.ii IIIT.l.t) I'hil nlelphln Mnirh a lifjl em I r A Privilege to Help , I ,111 "ildl.i iiloi ,1 n , hub uf lh" I'hiiu I It, Miilhetii HHislalii I - t inllll Hill W.IH pilHSMil I .. I'l III Ii l.l.ls.r II fnl has anil Is BllilU to I ' I .1 M I' l, i nl 1 II ' i 1 ,, it T ur Tl lli-li'i's A Hint to Movie Managers , , u 'iiWn ,ih. i in 1 1 n pa l iiihh In i I Ii old tllllf i Hill as i ' tli ,iii-i miimi and i ii l. lie at n is until i es ' h ill 1.H " Ills p. t lams i Hi , KUlnlUnl dlf i III Bl 11" It avIlIB til" 1 I I 1 ,1 Hi, 111 it pannus -us i iihoiii the aid will In no win In i n pulute i Mi, nm to th" ini'tiHi! , - , n lhi si let ii Ini 111 ' -am. d itmunudri i Bn it i ii u, phniii, hemn al ai 1 iin. It lenullH in " in Is inal. rl.tlh r. "i '- not dirkini'd i oin ' Iin of ptlllle in t ui i Inij l il. tlnatieM lliusl he full 'n i I ntallv w Ith plop i hi re will Ii, fnwr I -alllr i nff, red t 1 i,i,. M W II Will ii tl 1 It Jl pSvor P,1SSCS for Cmp,0.ycB ''ii I'! I'lll,!,, I ,l,i, , " Ii it" I with an i hi 11 i I Ink Bit it pi as ! 1 'I It I wriii i m litni pi mi ' ' I "Hi i In I illinail tn n 111! low, be I mill, ,1 i 'i .in nsHiuiifrl m in 1 f'f rlnhlliB tin ir hue f i Ulell wi lllh. r w hll. I ho mi 111 an i na, i in, ' " Hi Ihuilni in it Mini Missing Letter Is "E" 7 i" I ihlm of ll,r l.ifinni 1'iibl'c ."ih'f Mr I am liu Insltn; InrewlH, th" niKwer to the puzlliiB inserlptlon puh Mied In the IViiple n Piiruitl nf thin nenlll K I'l III l( Li isii ii -h" mlKsltiK Inner Ik I! " I'lTKeMiif n rfif nilll. i:er keep thejia prec"plK ion K. It. IIIINDItlCK.iON- riilladelphli. Mn rib II llljl. AIkii answered hj Junii-H IS. Connell, I'reda Sellers' hind. Anthnnv C Ni ,herier, MIkk MarKtiret i Mnlonev. .lanntel SihnltKk, Adeline Itosandcr, I:bIi1Io MlBllaitlo nnd AtMlm Itosand. r, llBldlo MIkII icelo. llMnnn Knrth l."Ktn .i. Class i:iirHb"th Mclirath UninonU I. Kane K"Vnlnv c ouuB. Ches ti r I'a M I)ill WiIkIi Norfolk Va nnd Miss In in, llililntn Wisimnni .N .1 Submits a Problem loll, l.ihloi nf tin .tfiuiit) 1'nhltr l.itlur, lit) Khnr s ilunp m nur leaders the following prohlf ni rtrtaln miuub man iibkul his It. nice how ii'd sh. wn, tiui sin ianied to knov his a-" tlrsl II" told h"l he wiik twent.nlne ears old Mle replied Tin. aBe ou wen fmir tais hefore I was horn iipinls ntiefouith of the aBe I was when i ou wei" three ohik l"ss thllll I am nuw Ituw i,l I is hc" MICIIACI. Mliliilsii I'll hid. Iphli .Mn I tl i I'l'.'l Offices Taft Held I n I In I tlitui ul ill, Li , il. 'i 'i'j'i I.,, I, nt' .in- I'lease Mlal" what olfhes ( I'ltiileul 'laft In Id wilh lln Boietutiunt W I. MAIiDLN I'lill.idelplli.l Mirili I I ll'JI H In sldi tit I'afl was atipiilntnl kiIIhIoi of lulrinat tfMlill. fur tin Drst Ohio dirt til. I In Ma nh Issj and sill", I to 1S,1 lie wis solliliut bi tn nil of Hi" Cnltiil Mali- fioni I'llnilin I Mill ti IS'iJ. julB" of Hi- Cnltiil milk I'uiull luuit ls'l.i to tiniii leihiil nt of th rhllinpine i utntntssiuii and first Kim nan uf tin rhiliptdneK Hum In Hull Miin-litll of win litnlfr Itiuseelt I", II to I'm- and I'n sidt 111 uf the 1 nllnl Males llm'l to I'.H.I II. si, I. s III, V" ft dual iiIIIiik In his h, il .ipimlutH" ollli "s in 111" tin ol ( iliiltluall and ill 111, si it" of Ohio He Has a System 7 ii 1 1 l,l,l,i,,,l Uu I ,,, ,u f ,bl I, ill,, 111 I lilt Hilt .IIIHWil II) llllllltii I I In Ii llllk, 1", ,rolil"lU uf Ii i i lit lilt" puhli-ih, I ill M,ui I' niu, s I'oriun leiails. I thoilhlil n was ion i i as I h m a Hst.iu I, l hliti I i in at a laiiuii til - until . d i l, K.ilii" inul l,iii ui iiiikIi Killlilis up in in ii ill lltlll, Illiluli, I ul sipiiliy lilt lllilllii. -i siiuati It s j Kiiu.ins and s.i in i Hind liir,n. iii t, in nnl, linlti uiiiiili whiih uikti' in lad. a thuusiud i ui il s I il, mil I nuw uliai I hi villi ,,,uiii up i niiliinns ,ili,alt ol iiiis!.wis I in uli n folliiwid I, ui sit.in will 1,1,1 up u- -nuh as Mini -to. ill pnkl.m i. uin Mil lislnil If . ii i Hi., r.a.l. ik uf y,. I' , , loiuin i mil i - si. il I will in, r t in al inul i .aniii.iiiil I' I I I ' ' I'l I. iplin M.i t, h in IP. I Tara Hill iu a,, i ,ui ,ii a,, i.ii.i, ,i ; i, , ' -til U Ii ii hlstul v Ik III. I I I 'I. uu - hiil uf wlmh Muni, -l i - ' ' puna ' I ' I H MLII I'ln a. I, ,ln , Mnnh II I'l.M 'I ii i lull i i Ii.il lull ".'IT I I III tl).- ptu. Ul, llf I.. lllHl. II. I I I - llillis i.ii ih. i-t i.l N.nat lh ll -- Inlaid IimiIi.I al 'lata m lm ' on I l t d lm in nn i , mill l"s iii, 1 1 it, ' i il- uf In l.iid In Id III. i - , I - ' I In fin ,u- i niiiiiiiii -in i v -in si , l,i, . i" ml i, 'iv i i ' lull Iii s, utl nut Uu Ml- I- I ' 1st I I ..hi. I II I imih. I l. .1 Hi i , in I i m 1 1 nil ,it i led uv .''ill i Ho i i I ii iii i- Mnnt iiiuniit ih I ill, -t' '1 I he h ii p h ii mi , tin iiii.Ii I i - I ' Problem With Different Twist hi lh. I. Inn ,il Iu I , u I h III. X I vv t-.li I . il 111 IH I Ul 1 Irish Song Desired Tn ll,i l.lilnrnl (tie ;i rata' I'lihllr f.rihri Sli- Will mJ klndli publish In th" Pen ph k I'nrum th" words of the Irish snnir, ".My Little Pour Leafed .Shnmrork Prom (lleniore ni pirlnpn nonie nf xour nu merous readerK would please slipplv tho mne. JOHN P. I.OCJUK. I'hllideiphhi. Mnnh II. Itl.'l We do not lne n ropv In our rollection I'rnlnllv a reader can stiPDly It. Poem and Song Requested 7o it 1,111m nt thr I treliii; I'lililir t.iililri; Mr 1'iliiB a nadir of out mliinhi, t would nsK if mn i,r nnt of oiir renders eiuld stipph tin po. in entltli-d 'And the 'Itnln Mioel nn, ,m, . B,,tu; wlilrh I think Ik inll"il limit Toiik" the (lid Man, Hi. is, tlm firsi niu llm h of th" i horns h hm "ililll t , ise th" nil mall hills liei alls" lie's old and iint Just spmk a klu.llv wind insirinl to Inlp lltlll on lire's w iv M It II. I'liiladelphla Match l.'t I'l.'l Recitation Desired 'In It,, I ililnr of thr lamug 1'ntillr l.ithiri- Mr I'leire print in vnnr IVn le s Pnrlltn the pi I 111 ralhil The 1 1 vr ierll il li Msk IIIiiikIiii Yurka at the I ushniali benint last I'rldn. Mti P A P. Iluldnn IlelHhtK N 1. M ireh I a 1'IL'I We do not hae h iop of Hie rei ttatln 11. To lot ale It would It h. pussllil" for Mitl to KlVn K'llllit lltl"! ' Wants Two Recitations In 1 1, r I ,111 nr i,l llir In i 'uliir Lnhrr Mr Can nnv nf vutir rcmlers suppU Hi" wntilK of Hie re. llnllnn etillilnl "lh" Crown lint IndlBiiln Ih" lirst fmir llmK of whlih ate s ' Jtnt iats" ni la iltnn lfrn he Is lvn pars oldrri i Ihiltl lite VU i-li Milling h. it. N ills tl"W I hll" In lake whin lie b"1k HiiiiubIi ' I would ilsn appr iiit. if i,ii would ph tnlu for me tin wiihIh uf a nelliillou In which lh" Ion nf tain ind vv, "inn, Is de tei ihed. There an iiltlv im, ersis. The llrst hcBltlK ' How ilneK a wop, iii Inve nnn- tin more 1 hoiiBh life forev. r itK loss diivtiin. Ihip In soirim. nr d"p in kIu. Cine khiB telBtieth la r heait within ' Tho Kecund intN speiikx nf the man k love, and the last two linen ate. 'Ilett"r thin mm nr i hlld or pelf One, nnd forever he lovia himsi If '" M II C. riilladelphia, M inh 1 I l'.'.'l "The Crazy Kate" lull,, l.llxtnr o tin I.l i III, HJ f'ltMir l.filiir, Mr I'nii an of ulir re. idi tk Bii me 1 tit hncm intillid "111. i'rtiv Kate" the Ktort ol a Klrl who lKt her lovir at Ma and he lain" ikr.niBeil 'I In ovtnir of a mnall boat named it for le r the Craiv Unii 'I he Ikki III . s of the pnetn al" Itnvt rluiit up Into lit r "n, in I tnrnl wl),i" I was tin th tilumenl, I wan tellltlB the hi til uhuut Wat, I. P ( AMl'lttH.I I'liiladelphla .1.1! i II 111 l'.'.'l Old Poem and Parody i n lif f.il fin n ii hi .in: 'aWli l.-ilwi I Ml Call toil in ant of tuui leailitu sup I Iv me with Hi" words (if an old w,inH en ' 1 1 tint ' Winn a ilirl It nn minis mid a Hoi I Points ' I hanieil tu In it Ii sen ral i i.iik uko hut line h. en uiiahl. lo evet " j i tin a ( op of sain" , I di not even rem in j bet inn uf Hie wi.ii.s so van tou stipiuv the plltidt IU Haiti nil till Hunt width te ( Bills as follows YI)"n the humid yhailnvts paltiei and tin I llliithel s fate I see. I MAIHIAHHT MI 1. 1.1 I'liiladelphla M.irfh 'I I'.l.'l ilii: I'Ai'ini! up tiii: miinisi i: Win n the atiBit p.iKKiun u.tih'rlng in nn liuilhi r k fan I ki And sin bads mi In tin hediooin f.t.t v I I it k me on In t kn e liru I kiinv thai I will latch h and niv II, Kli Irt faint it Ii - I k 1 hslin foi th" iiattii uf Hi" shiiizlv. mi j III, hi n ( t. (K I i Hvii) iinl.le iif tie hIiiiirIi li.in nn "iho an I 'I SIII.B Ala' i tlmus,iii,i I .ii niiiK f.mil. s Into a. Hi, I heltlB Htn 1I11T. n, i ihouMind h, "s ami hornets math nit u it 1 .1 1 1 - in in uv in tn i 1 liM.ll Iu lie piltil uf III shniB oh mi w.i i in nnd weird refrain In n sudden Intermission whlih nppearii my nnly thinee. I sal. ".Strike Kentlt mother or you'll split in) Siiinliiv im mn' ' She KlopK a mnnii'iit draws her Ureith nnd the shlnsle holds nlc.fl. iiil kiss "I had nnl ihmflii of that my son, Just lake ihem off ' lloiv Mnses and th" ntiBcl' inst your pitt ing BllllHfs dot' n And thou, oh fatnllv doctor put a good soft poultice nn. And imv I tilth font and ilutnee et.rlast- ItiBlt cotnmltiBh As I llsdn to the pitter on mv I, retches of the shlnule A Poem Desired In lln l.itUnr nf tin V, mint nt,. I.nlu'r: Mr I would like tn set ilic I hi tin-111 i ll liltnl ".Nolnlts child," which starts "Alone In a drum pIUIikk Ktmet ' ji:sh; it tiooiimiH.' lloxhorouBh. Plillmlf iphli, March s. ll'JI. NiilliiDVS CHILU Alone, In the ilreart. pllliess street With ni turn, old dress and bare, enld fed, All ilnv I te watnlired to nnd fro llunk'iv nnd shlteriiiB nnd niwln-re tn B'l. the nlBht s iiimlnu on In ilarkn"KH and dn ml. And tin ehlll fleet lientlni; upon tny Inro head, OhI win does the wind hlow upon me sn wild' Is It IstitllSi I III tlnhudt s child" Jlls1! met the w l' He n s l Hood of Unlit, And warmth and In nut v rnnl nil HiIiibk hrlBlit Iteiulirul children In rnhes so fnlr Are cirollnv suiibs iu i ipnirh lln r wonder if Hid in ih ir lilissful kl Would put n pour Imie hi Bnr Ilk" me WntidiritiB nlotu in tin unreiiiss stud .Nuked nnd shltirliiB nnd nothhiK to fnl1 i h' whni shall I do when tin uuht tomis dow ii Ip lt terrible H.ii'knrin all uter Hvi town'' Shall I Inv mv down math the nntfrt skt nil tho (old hard pntetnints alonn 10 die' la n lite hiaullful thlldreii tin ir pintrrs tint" said Atnl m.imitiafi hate tinkeil ihem tip sntinly III Iml I No dear ntithcr etei ui on me smiled -Whv is ii I vv mid, Dint lm nnhoiit s lilliP ' No fn tli' i mi in ither lln Klsler riot up( . Ill nil the world line im, nvt, th litile iIokk run W In it I .tatider Inn near then, ti- Nun- ill OUS til FCC How etirjthlnir shrtnl.K ttotn k htBpnr I l' me! Perhaps, 'Us u drenm. but sometimes, when I lie. llncltitt far up In th" ilnrk hlin skt. I WulchliiB for hours .some larx.. brlBltl ' Ktnr. I tnney the lsiutful Elites nre ninr. And n h'.si of hrlBlit-rols'd nnuieliKK tlitnBs, CnniK tlutt rlnc ii' r me tu Klhhil wIiiks. I A hnud Hat is stratiBtly k ft nnd fair, I Caress s bi nttt my tahBled hill, i And a tnl. , like tin; cnrul of sniir wild I Ird i 'te swietest tniee thai writ et r hi ird Cnlls nn. i ian a lear let nini" I Till nit h. art nnd Kiilrlts nre all nttinit tid t, lis tn, suei unbounded lot" nd bids m 1 1, nt, uti to tin It lui.n si, . And tin it with KU'.lt pitiful, sad 'etirpr . Tint hi k nt me with their svt", t I, lip , v , s And i - ms to m out of th ilr in. n Kht I am kuliih up in ih. vvoil.l , r II it nd inv iv finitt lit" htuiB i ind ' ,inis so wild I ntn sure I shall lln n be snmelio Iv s (hlld ' I'hlla II i is Al-il nnswered liv l heiiduli .1 (lleen Itlt erslde N J and M II. .MnrKlnrt. KIsIp Iteinier I'mndtii v .1 - 'lltsnk v ,uj tot pendlnn In Hie poem When ih Piost Is on tit.. I'unkln ' You misunderstood Hie answer for the pem was not ifuuistid ns alt (he till -t poems Hie lontrtKhted and tn print nil" It would hi neissnrj In pit tiermlRKlnn of Hi" publisher " I, li e liati Ufa lu'eii ah!" I, find Ha tioetn tHRlnnlnB "Ynu KHte the liest tears of mil Iif n me Por 111" tou lulled lllieearilnBlt Constant Itfitder' would like , k t poem refi rritiB 1" n tettsus i iium, i ni, i i m laliilmr thin Hue "What do nu tn"nn bt KhaklnB tour h. id" "W. L T Is nnxlous fm tli i. 4 1 1 pcrtnlnlna to St. Prntnts nf f.,i-i ml tho birds He has been una hi, to lied ii Two renders, nnswerlnc the ipiert ,r ".Miss n It think Hi" ii tn ?h. .1 r In "KiHvk tireatn ' . tun. a , p. of UtlK in our tolled Inn ttlihh w win 1 1 to ' .MIkk II. tt " If a naui" and iddr, i 1 forvt allied to UK. Mr (Itelton South Lnnkhmii" I'a semi us n siainpeihtiddressed entfif.i, rtti.l w will mall ton a iiipv of 'I la. Pa,, t pun ill Ploor ' r iiinnot rfprlnt 11 'Hie People's I'oriun ttlll iipprnr dally In the KtPiilii"; t'uhlle Ledcer. nnd also Iu the iund.it I'iiI, lie Milacr. letters illsiiisslnB tluielt loplrs will li- printed, lis well lis rnillestetl tMietns, unit nuestlnnn of ceneriil Interest ttlll he nnsttrrrtl. HnrflBr v m JLTHH IV r, ''aklin Sugar RthnhTE WIiladelpiuvc: ; OJii iV, w:-if v, ?vrr & - 1 TWfti VVj .Crisp, Warm, Spicy Gingerbread made with Franklin Golden Sy rap How it delights the taste and appeals to the appetite! You don't know how good it can be until you have made it with Franklin Golden Syrup. This Franklin quality product is a real inspiration to the housewife who likes to prepare the most appreciated things. It can be used every meal, every day on the table or in the kitchen. Franklin Golden Syrup is made by the same large, happy family that makes Franklin Cane Sugars. This family num bers over ten thousand members, each one of them anxious to win and keep your confidence in the good name Franklin. Their enthusiasm keeps Franklin quality high. The Franklin Sugar Refining Company "A Franklin Cane Sugar for every use' Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners, Brown. Golden Syrup. 1, -1 lu' ,1 I, t I -II mv t ith 1 ,iil I I !i 11 , - I -Inn. I v In KS 11 ' M nsilelt fni th 1 ,si 1 iviiib visit, , (,,,! 1 , 1 liati- fiiuutl hi, v on '"Oiuli tritlllH It U III,. 1 I" u n rantllleK 1 niikcHi iv 1 .in,. ,,, ii.itmiiH lir. 1 Ibis stall iiieni la nut ' UluliS I' 1 allowed 10 trav I m and nm i 111,1111,1 1 "in , train ttln ie Inv Ihsiefiiri I am sine n 1 low did hv p rsims " lailn.jil Minipanii 'ilioiiil inipliivi. il.tlv 1 me nrtiiii 111 iiiiih klvi 1 1 ills when , i, n hum h i, 1 r iu 1 US Willi,,,, 1 ,Ul niu ' iii li Hi H,IS I ... Ill "' I fin '""" " " " "' "' "h'1 IfotJ " "' hi. ... . i""iiii tnnuHi ,5,.un ,ro u. : L""!:.k.". IK rV hnul ' . """".IIHII IUr III ' H ll low to Ul t.Dat- m 1 as uucr3Ji l2iCT3 1 WNOUNCING- ftyyiT?yKc lVKll V i tvUMBEd OF Billboard iv ur 3io ral m l3ty ftr.cT.I 0-T rliA..! tfS lrit Ann 5) liSii!1 Irjcolriccjl FaWs m kUl AvSi? Yi)kS 1 if IK IITIIT R33M H fi rXaiTiliS J iiiiiiiiiiiiigO ?XS.V.vXx- Chary v Accounts Solicited: flVHT) t v y 1 1 s vsO' J vj m& irafunfiu 2 m van! 00 IS mm di ew Jtiats for Easter Wear Special 1 1 Priced for Saturday V 1'llkl'e " IllllhllP- Oil - tin- - 1 .if'' I.atu'f llitls Small U11111 Hats Uat--foi Spline uiti Chif Spurt Modi'i and Dicssy llat-cvi-iy lltntli' nf tl"' latest SpiiiiK ff- ll'l'ts J Tiimmi'ii with ftuits, linirht llow imk, laii"-, pitiB ami ottianit'iits Hlut'k, Ulai'k antl-Wlntr, N'avy, ill own N'cw Hluo.s, Jniles ami TnnKcrinc. 5 -fill hM 12a I'urchasiitn Anejdti' OrdcrBlccepicd -. ASCO 0 Av S J An. 1 i A! A .c .0 A s ,c o A S c o c 0 ASCO ASCO oil CTfiDrel rn BK ASCO ASCO Act We've often explained to you the work ings of our Producer-lo-Consumer Plan how it enables us to give you the highest quality groceries at the lowest prices. A striking illustration of this lies in "Asco" Blend Coffee. Without our Producer-to-Consumer Plan, without our direct connec tions with the coffee markets of the world, we would never be able to give you such a superla tively high grade coffee at such a low price. Compare "ASCO" BLEND with the highest priced Coffee, or the blend you have heretofore considered the best. The first cup of "Asco" Blend that passes your lips will convince you that you have found that "coffee satisfaction" you have always longed for. "Asco" Blend has a certain delightful distinctive taste that mahes it stand out. 1 hV"""!! Hi "Asco" Blend Coffee " Try a cup of this delicious, delectable col fee you'll taste the "difference" ! f.n We thank the patrons of our big, new Combination Groeen and Meat Market, at 239-24 1 S. 10th street, for the business they are giving us. Bi sun to read our Butt ( i and ICjjfl Athntiscnu nt on atiothn pagi, ti Asm Stores all nvor I'liila. unci tlirciui'linii! I'minsvlt num. Nutv .lorsnv Ihiliiuiim nm! ln-..l...,.l Vi S3 " ' ' " """ a r s&sr -, -v .-- nv5v ; v hssss .-um, s..-. ASCO ASCO ASCO . ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO IWWviWNty.-rtt r,..i...wn.Hi,.. ...i...,. vi.i. ,isvi,,.,t.sisi., ,.Mrtsra(tia-iy,,iM,fa,wfcuwitttiirtitlwl,lA., A s C o A s C o A s c O A s c O A S c 0 A S C 0 A 'S' C O $ f ICO ASCO -KOSHLAMD- MMMMUAJKwmmm&&zmmm&)vm wmwm Sale ends tomorrow night! This is positively your last chance to get in on this wonderful money-saving opportunity ! Suits, Tp Coats & Overcoats For Men and Young Men Full Dress & Tuxedo Suits Included (38 to 48) That were the standard of value this season all over the United States at $SA A $K2f o $ &ft.n w TTii h fcnaw m tr 0) J Yours, if you act quickly, at 10 & $70 XV-. iffiXWMS2& Tomorrow night at ten sharp the greatest sale of clothing ever known in this city will come to an end. Therefore make the most of this last chance if you want one of these astounding bargains. Nothing like such price-smashing has ever been witnessed in Phila delphia. It offers money-saving on a scale hitherto undreamed ot. You can get a fine Suit or Top Coat for Spring in this sale d0i save $20 to $30 on today's price And the Overcoats are just a great bargains, making the pin -chase of one now for next winter the biggest kind of an investment. Small charge for alterations. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! &$r v. if n i h ? SVj vk. Ready for Spring! 40 Famous Nationally Advertised Brands $25, $30, $35, $40 $7 38 $9 $10 Men's Pants T QQ Ei i i Jjr J ( 1 not inoiift stoik in sutli a wide tangc ol GvL colors anil p.vtt'riu tlint tun lloull ciimh In A l)le to niHtili yoin Coat fuel Veil V4aal' I LAND 15-17-19 N. 13th St. and 24-26 S. 15th St Open Daily Till 6(00 FrirJUy Till 9 lOO Saturday Till 10 P. J J i Chester Store: 3d and MaJcet. Wilmington Store) 824 Market mm KOSFl V I m i i itti. i k r !! t'.l ,v v.rf.tli.SXi.5.f, . " ' -tsv-(i. i I