v ff tm$i t"'7!-T ' v ,- -..-ni -, '" ' i ; ' f , A '7:"3!ITij '"' ' fw Wp? f ' rrw''' ilT "yF VT" ' V , ffl . 22 13VKIG PUBLIO LEDaBK-BHlLM)BLIHlA, FBIDAY, AIAROH: 18, j,0iML , T lw-WSSS W V mm m : 3k III,; A'i t- alv ID i . WK - "". ' ., .'Tif " F5. 'Id zmum,M try i 't1 tmi t 3 ..,. .ft J. ',"' S .' " ,V ' Mi J1 ,r U .. I T"-, ' ' V ' . . . " if I ' I 1 !' 4 J I:...'.' '- Mi, .v ' .& V Kftb ,'7 ' W:k,SI'1 . . r f K 'i!'. IFt'J'fl fil ' Pui I s I ft A l' slt v.. IF 3KI J.v mWW. if 4'-s i I' m' -vi be w H ,i- af . 1J ' . IH 1 J IP' t ,fa .. t.tn 'i ?i R f Lrlf '. '"Mt V'M. f ?' Willi r?:Z)I44 F, Conttnnnl from I'mrx Onr "Trpnilwuj. did ou KIM IViirp?" "No, sir." i, "'Did on olriKo li i in nti lilown it t nil?" "No, ir. I diil not " "Did nn lime mnlliim: ul nil to 1 with tin- killltig of Pence''" "Nn. -ir," "Trmilwiij, I unfit mi to tell nil the fucN Mini nil the luirliciiliit' lend iDR up to tin' UilliiiK of 1'ilric. t wiiiit jour torj to dnte fioin t lit time jmi left the inoMiiK piittirct with Mime JIorom." "Oil the eMMiilip of oemlier '.'()," Trrndwny liegnti. "Mnrie mid 1 went to n motion piiture shnu- on MniKet Btreet. CoinitiK out of fin re we met Kllintt mid 11 mini mimed Miimhi. vlilrh wns by preions iirrniiK''M "' Thry wiinted me to plnj pool with them in n pirn e on .lnnipe- street. Marie did not wunt me to " itli them. She hnd I n h k foi n nmple of nights, mid I Mini. 'All iikIi). I won't ro. We'll walk iironml to the M)oliooin mill I'll till thetn o ' I went Into the poolroom, mirl Mane wniled outside Went to Ap.utmi nl "I to'il the itwiiinger of tiie pim. room (hut nn wife was feeling luidlt nnil umited me to dike her lunne. I then left with Marie. We went to i'if toetith mid Market stteet, where we l'Oiiclit p.iiiers. fruit mid Imnej , then wnlked to Wiilimt vtteet and went to our np'irtineiit at No III III. I "We were purtlj disrolieil and read-1 ini; the i,iper ami eatinu ni 1 i n h when a Kii"i'k lame on the ilmir I t"M, Mnrie to iiii-i I- it. Mis. . 1 1 . I Kll ett v ( n at the door. Tin) i nine in ln wan ilrimk. and no's) us he nlu.i wn , when he wan drunk. He aid. 't'ouie Oil let's gn out mid Ri t siinii'tlnns to drink mid inf. I .aid. "No, Marie's i.ot feeiine well, nnd it's too lute for nsi t i'He the npmtiiient.' I "Mils heemne .11 in.j llal 1 ih eidi'il we'd ImUit rh out to shut hmi up ,Mnne Hen went into the Imthr. "in to dress I looked at m wnteli mid .i it Wlis o'l loi'H. I Mild. "We'll Ii.ini- to lnirr, and we deeded iil to wait1 for ii titii mid win nn out ' "We walked to Twi'til -tirr-t . and nnrtli on Twonty -lii-.i. :iiul ai Mmkitl Mtri'Ct We noticed si'MTIll peloids - texieateil Mor-s got in an iirKiinieiit villi one of them. Marie and myself wnlked on ahead. Mo.s continued nrK'liiiK witli and eiirsitn; the drunken man. Mnrie and I walked on ahead, nnd I told Klliott to go hack and get Mops. No 1'l.nc for tiirl "A. tte neated Twent etli tin'i v met atiot hei drunken m.iii. lie jiudded ' Moss b) the arm. and I sa-il to'.Mitr.e. 'I th'nl; you had better go hone' Moss is worse 'nml getting worse eteit imii-' ute This is no place for t.ni ' Marie, llic.ii It'll us. The drunken man who. 1 nfterttnid learucil was l'eirie. tol-'i lotted us and took hold of nit mm "Mo., nnd Klhott w.re tt km-; ' nhiail of us. We wnlked ninth on ' Twent uih street passed the tiatlun ol Me l'.nust'tam.i (ailroml t" a siilooii I W ,. Ll,i: 1 1 .ir...'. ! told me to come with him if Iwant'dl . ,:;i.- II.. ..,..! 1... 1, ...1 ........ i.. 1.,. I lipuitni'iil. I thought this would he n comI 1 lunne tor me to yet attat troiiil Mo.s. iid Klliott So I'einennd m -ft turned hack. I didn't .ay any thing to Mos nt' KHiott. When ite iit to Market street, I'eiree told in- he h i, nn opiirtmenl theie, mid pointing to a red 11 Jtomohile, he said. "That's my ear. ' "I'l'ine did let iinlnik mit dnnr Iml the o:.e nil the third Hour. We unit into n.i apariineiii ami we innl a eon ni lirn.ks. 1'hi'ii l'eirce asked me it I lceu. tiller.. i I eel i ,...,ii.!.. I eoiiI of chickens. 1 su, -I'm 1( ,,, ,,-, , llinll The i-ipI Kill .il il, ,u I ll , - nit wife h you want t" ft up i i pnrtt. I inn get her.' I'ein .- .aid. Will right. I know a girl in Wei I'liihid-I- , ulna that I inn kit. we got ml i , Lis ear ami started tor a garage at l'n t r nt li mid Mm kef In t;, I ga.nliin I'lirie then reuieuihereil ihat he lull ii'liad) hl't'il hi. ua.nlm, lank ami ,' tllttli'd south oil Nlllet'cnlh stlrrf. "(n the way ib'.ui l'i nee pulled a pint llOtth ollt nl Ills pill ki t It u.i- hnlf-tllli'd tilth whikt We Lot h Inn. ii drink and then :i 1 1 1 1 1 j, , 1 on to n,t apui l ii i-ii r rouiiil I'eiue Itrinhin; 1 tlleil to 11 II 1 1 n l the nut. I'll ilnol but the kit timildu't tt.iik nnd I had , I (,. llll Ihe ll, II. A t nllllg III. Ill ll t III I in l1. .rn' reiuaiii.il in tin uir 1 inun I Mane p.ntlt undie.s, , and told l.'-i 1 had nn i a man who had a ,ir an I itimt.il a. to gn mit ..ii il putt. Mm I dull! I want in g... I i, ,1,1 I,, r I thought I ii wnii hi d. all tight Wluh 1 mi- talking the born snumh. I I mid Mum in hunt and dr.'-. and 1 d gn ... whit In tiBiiinl Lent nut lnr to inn. I, In i , i iih-t I tt III .11 . Inn n 1. 1 the in. I. lull- ! I found I'.ii" talking anl dniil ng with a cop ' "In a lniiiuie or .,i Ih.. gn i an e down ami 1 I ...k In r In he nun and - . ' g"t into the n.. . u,e .a .1. 1- li tile Bl-IV 1 .,.d. -Till. I. nit ,n. Th p hnd the bottle mil, m, -,. in if and hiiml il it I.. IV n- I1, ir i I i to ilie .up. mi kill it ' .nn ng. dun. ' a nl ll '1 h p Inn. lied it I', ir. . -in, I In mint, d ll. 'ii, i ' In. til., ti, ritill ii. and tin i np gi . ,i ' in me nnd I put il on III. .. .,i Is ,, , l.llll -mil finable .tlillimj tl,. . ar di.l I HP tin.. lit "of lllnli- lliil . i.oiil on it all, nl .li. et ami ..ill. I. ii I flll.ll'tl ' !" W. .f I'l.lln I. I,l i , I', nnl in- .1 i t.- to r. '. I t'.. I...-", said ' "V . . i il ,,' l,i t. t" ,.. i ', i' , I ' lid ! i ,,- I ,i ', . , , .. .... i ,, , , I dm I u in i urn ii .. . i doesn't dnii. I'. ii i -n I i III.' nllll nn, s in ). J. n I l. io ti I I Si, tl' I II . d '1 ml I. "i ti . g. i !., - a . , again be in-' ti d ni1 i' . p-i and l.ntr. i .... ilil, , i , , n HCtl'd, h Ml I .lie I, "W. I. , I , I i i him,' nm. vi . i - i - I" ,i, , tmd irmihl. i ... i ng 1 1 . .ni iMrd t..oi nod I i. .1 M ii , ; , for linn I'. ir 4 a i I .ni . ,.' i '., nnd i "in. d " i i' i. i - M -nnl hi . d .!i i 'li i,., I . I , i in , i slip, ii -. , ahi. i nn. . i I'-in i p a. id tl i . 1 ii . , i isdle. t'n ii I.. g,a - , . ,. . i If ami , ft ii i. nm (ill anttil lo (... "Mai I' ll i n iml ' i I - i Is intm.i iff I and I u..1. I unit t.. s." out L'i . g- I i I .. I', in , . , in tl e nn. ii. innl I. in I .in i di h, a (tot ni'k iltmii 'ii d 1 - i d in Mnn 'I gill ss tie h 1,1 I,' M.I ate I il'i TliHi I,, i in, ,i. I, . . nn, ilUa mid I t'.ld ', iii ' i i- . ., .j. ii, i., drm n . ,ir. aiel I . I ml l.ii.r l i i,,m lllld gel II H -I I ti d d . Iiiiii .ii.i Riinil I nff. I.'. to il'.n tin . n I,, ' garngi and lak. Mm,.- .m, n,, i,, would till r hi.ric Id In n ..-!, I , going iilong, Imii iImi ii.'i.i.i pi,,. lllg tte WOIIIU I ll,i- in, i, l ,el i' thinking it tin. in h..t ili.nk I take with b in. I i.. -.. I1. 1 I'd iindciih d tth tin 1 In tin id ill ll 1 not a. In mi- .. I, Mos, .mil I 'IIkiI I trite "ll- l.ll. I ll git-- . I . I hand Sudd, nli ih. door .i i., I . I in tu, Ik., I I'Mn ni 111 d Mo . ' II. re Judge And 1 1 led n lei r ip. d , with II uuesiioii ' Win n mi. ..u I jtiunilmj''" "1 was sin ml in,; in 1 '. . . i.i. 1 ' 1 1 . loom ! I lie 11 j 1 in .s tin n . ..i iifni. .1 n .. rt "Klliott .nine in llrsl He had a gun in one liand and a lilaihj.nl. Iu the oilier. I don't know whether he said, 'Throw '-iii up' or 'Hands up" Peine didn't seem to uuilrrstmiil. I u.is sii prised, I was iluiufoiltldeil "JVIrcc Willi, 'What lines this uiean?' 07V STAND, GIVES HIS VERSION OF PElRCE MURDER IN DETAIL TREAD WAY'S "WIFE," CLAIMED BY ANOTHER, IN TEARS This yniini; uiinimi crratril n sen " esen).i) nl lite (ri.il of I'flcr I). Treadw.-ij for the murder of Henry T. IVIrce. List Noiemlier. The rIiI, who insisted that her llrsl lunne was Itutli, and (hat Ti rail way was lnr litishatid, was ion fronted in the tnurli'oniu h i;din DitlTy. of L'iltil MrKe.in street IlilT .said the jrlrl was his wlfp and Hi.it her Hrl name was Mahel Vliririimii Mrs. Kulli Maliel Tremlway DulTj piompH) r.iliiti-it Later sh,- insl.ieil that she was in.irrhil to Trrailway, ami s.iid thai she would "sink lij him" lo the flnis.li Klliott said, 'What the hell does it Innli like' and hit him on the hand with the blackjack and then a couple of times ovir tin head. "Marie s le.tiuctl. Muss was st.iiiiliui: ' '''' 'l,k"r- was suriried. I was il.iwl at the suihleuin--s of it. l-'lllott thou hit I Vim- a nmple of inure times "'' ''' bl.u hj.ii li Hew Iro.u his lianils. ' s.ih to I'JIinlt. 'Don't do that.' anil he s.iitl to me. 'Shut up. or toii'l! get '"' "'.' I loolieiK at hlin and I s,iw lie was miller the inlliieiiie ef iliugs. ' "' "" aildiit. I was atrnitl. Then I"' l't IV.no with the gun. I iltm't """"' if Mss was llu-i llicn or not. I didn't hnt.-.t whither he dad left with Marie, ilie ictolter liandle I ,e. Then '" '''' l'I'k 11 winicli up friini the liner. 1 tt.is il:ie:l anil 1 w.i. scatetl. "IVine fill. I lonkeil dutn at his fare. It was battered and lilooil was rutmiiiK from it. It made nn- s faint it tuaile me '!k. I saw a towel limit; lug eu the wall and I took il ami put II otrr Ihe lace. The man gioaucl. "I tin ii' il I Klliott 11ml - 11 I ' U'li, lllll toll lo I ' I If si, (,, , , - o, 1 1 III il ju.t a. had as 1 .11:1 1 ml the girl tiir the last pu-oii , u t'i llllll You II in It good I ten 1, .1 i.nl that I w.i. My lining'!1 went d.u k ami I I. ni -lulu red nn; tl I'" ilieiaitll lllld tin nl, I1., ML, I In -.1 til l girl and m -.iv iiiyill. 1 ibmled t .L'i tllll llllll I lilt tl III. lilt dl fore .n lining. 1 t'.nlt a di i i ' 1 went to tin- lamlni. debut and sal down Tl.ci 1 t..nl a ill i i "! w i.i.l.t .if tl.C Mn'T i I nn',i',l i i . ....i. no- -iiiuy "i ineiniie "" ' ' llliit Itnlli! lie main 'il ini n I inn ii"i ,., i, ,.' . I ll. . ink" anything f.o.n lln1 . .'.,,,.. ..,,.1 i. 1 .,,1 time a tivt iinnuie. K I ..- ilnttu ttilh a dag and In -aid, l'"iin' nil. n i in Ihe e.ii ' In Ihe h iltmii nl He i.ir I lo'ind a millet Kilinii -aid. 'I',;i it. m.iyhe il n.i l.i dun - la ' n in ii ' It did hate ii .'llli.il Told of Killing We Ih. :i lr ti In t .i .i an. in nt. M.nic tt i" lying hi be.! an, I M... w a - il 1 1 u nl tie In I .li I k ii.' nhi.kt . Muss s.il.1. ' hat hate you ihu..." i ami Kliintt said. "I hilled Hull guy.' 'Ih.it was me nisi in.ii i im . . '" "" diiiefioni I'-ir.i . pia.et.. "it ..j ai tun'iil- l.lli"tl had I" 'I nn' h" l.ud ' m ln.il gut in a .In "ii ih ' he .... ildn t mine fn until if f.i.- a ! ' " " H. -n.il tte wc-o nil ,u 'it ami 1 w.i- at'iml 1 told Mnrie m -' ' p and i d "I a- we had h" . the la-t sei-,, m tin. man niiip i i .iinl il Mu.i.i! . 'nil 'I tilth us it t W i. a i.ht itoml pmhahly I," ha ! l"i it. ".Muiie m . !"l t is I I id i. I i r !' v... I .i f led I to nnd 'I" - .iml s.i d W"- " " li.l. g"ll g ""'"I " a. inn ...in m a- .Main and i i.. It," but M- i. 'I'i.i gmn.' aimtai ' Whi'e Mlkilig. Klliott h.nl I He ho. i nl. nil In1 hud UI ked -m. "I I'' t. ng- and tm.1 I " to ut .. . . i . tl" . i i in tin ! M'..s..iid 'D.ii'nt r . ( .iiikI n mid I'll git nine I .' i I d dll't ItHlll t". h. ilis-t.d w. -n Ul! I: nl' .III. I. .i l.ll. 'I'" '! I I. gl.tll alld S lln . -I'M- and I g ' I . th llg- ' ' t In 11 te ml! l'n i 'I . . I ' I lllg t tto dag. 'I i I nnl ng a' llm uih i ' d - .',ii ..ne had in. d f . ' I ',!' s n g it it w I. II ii In in. in and Lit'' him a il' M I mil I ml in. I a; ne.ii. ! mil i ,, k nml ' il'"l I'M .1 udiiig ii lie lui'li. ,i I i , . ij in, !,. I ni I l- id ll ' ' .' , '. t ii. g" I. ' I 'and a.l ii . ,.,,.., , i , i . 'n i i' I v i i ' I i I. g ' i ! ' n ti i d I . ii' I p i . i. t '.l' " il I i.l ,ii' I 'In n. n ti. i ', . , In ll I In- I ' n ii, .. th. I .. li i I I I .- I S,j ,, , Went lo .Mn.s's Itnuni I il. ii n ' "i. ' ' - i i ' ' ' ' ' I ' '' I". i ''.' 1 I ilir.k I i ,1.1th I" Mall." t ll ..III. t. 11 . We v.M ' ,, "I . .,'1, -t'i I I "ill . ' 1 .... ' . . .1 1 l. 1 I . ' I 1 1 I ,. , 1 ' ' ,1 1 l'i' ' ' ... I l - I ! 1 r. 111 i . o 11 t . . 1, . n .. 1 j I . . t M -, . , t, ,. ,1 t, ,, I M '.vl "I ...1 U. - M". ' U 1 . . .im I in 1 ...ii 'i 11.. I . I- I el t H ,. II 111. 'I ml III I . s nil tl . n I 1. I I 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 t ' 1 I tt 1 ' U ' 1 1 . - ' ' ' I. I I' .1 in 1 , U- ' 1 in 1 1 I 1 .1,.. il. , all , o '. .1 I -. I '. , lo I I 1 1 I I'm M. don I nn .n. n it u I 1: i, nm ..i.t nnl Mn- i 1 'i 1 . a 1 on. if. t 11. 1 1 1 .ml tin 1 tin -I'eil a', 1 ut mil Nl Mi- Hon. 1.- ami M'.'.. mil I 1. is1. mg t i in bin 1. I.. ". .,.. III. tl I st 1 .1 Mull. 1., , ,. .., it 1, , Lignili 1 1 ,- 11 1 . nml l.in ia illn i. a il ti -1 . m in 1 t n 1 ,, - 1 1 . .. li li 1 . 1 11 ni a n! ; t '1 n -If Wi tu t.t tvesf , n stpni. e si..f f,, 1'iiti'i titli or N mefeetith. tlun west on Wi t it to the house when- M.tr e ami I h ul room.. In the middle ol tin ''lt i hlo. I, we pn.sed the politein m who I id In en dunking with !' ir c innl an I remltt.i.t leplud 'les. sir. it i ; but nt'.ir p"l iniiii. walkini: e.n-t. We I'll innke another one mill tell the loiiiiniud out lo Sixty -tlunl and fln-i truth this time.' 'I'rcadttay was duly m -in.l-. w In r" tte .topiHil in trout wiiwied, ami knotting this, he sat down nt .1 1:1. .i.-e 1 loiiml llieie mid iioiid ami iti.nle another state in." u- Imin. Delect in- I'.cNhnw iinuileil a copy of " ndiieil man 1 ame out mid .i-k-d this suiieuieut to the ili.tncf utloriiet. wl it w-i. wanted, i tohl hi 11 tte w.ii.tnl who hnmlul it oter lo the attorneys fin gn- and ml and the coloieil mini u-ate'the ilelen.e. il.- m n a. ml I went in the ,,lii, e ami .Inrt Hears fonfesslon 1 in. I a tt lute man. I don t know tt h it H' .'1- mul oil -o.t. I gme him 11 Munrt I atterson. .Iiv.. for the tie- Mi d"i: 'r '.ill ml g. I the ehiinge lie, ;- made strenuoiis eiTtirts to I p I n-k d htm f '.. itatiieil a ilrink. nnd HM-Mateiuent mil of the etiileiic 11 n -ml '-! ' . .. ,..... ,.. .... tiay I ,irl in tar "(Int. ne 111 ll 1 ar tliet Win- all 'm.g'iiug and -liming. Marie vn. ki'iL'l mg and .iipuiieil lo be hating .1 g' nil lllll.. The .inflight tlS Inn.e .11 1I1 Ii ' n il in. 1 11 got a Innl to ( it with, and Mis. ami ih,- white Hum Innl a drink. "I a-keil tin del tiny lo get to I En I- . ilium, inltl Vol man t-niil. Tumi ll ar in 'iind and -I i on tln -tieit nun "i-e " ii ir iiii'n unii .toil "II ' "II Unit III. ni'e pike "I follo'i .1 ! e in. Inn Kim-. ii I a -e U"lt n II III' pile Jilt- f I ll!g 1'hn.ul , lii i a liille w it . I In aid a in i :ivl a la1, liin ni lie .il I fn'iinl ll , i. I- nr d ui,. 1 ... i 1 1 I in ; the me i i all ,,! iiiii ami trii d to l.fl It III! I ill, I lift ll II little Int. nililihiiiiil.cn! . ,.i, o,,,stMi es tthli h von ,1. I'll!.. i, I. ..I .. fin.., i. .a , e i.. ..l i, i.ui'iii iiii '" ni" " .'n".i-'"i in. umiiH ' ..,',... , I of I,, , 1 e, t.. ,,.... : ! . ! ' '. . ' . .. ... . "' .. ' . , , , . i I 'i ni net i nr l a I if i .on, mil a Inw ! .r li.'iidki i- I i, t Id liiil tin1 ,.w ,. M, tt ,,, i,,.,,,,,,,, ,(. ,,.. l.ll' I-' in tin 'ell hind side n I 'I, l,,., .,, nng." load ml ilnew tin- gu-i ,ii id,. ii.;i.i.; '--ii,. ,,..,7i ..,, f haie il, uiaiuled k. Iliil .nl, nl t mad , I,, i. I, ,.,i vi, ,1.., ,i,,kr ,,,,,! Nnl Ills (inn. s.ns Tre.ulw.iy . 1 1- Mnuiiil. in. ti ii.. .leii.!t I W.i. that to r g' a " Trcadv ay ..II tl . I nil, ' V.I." ' V i- it . I." ill 1 1 i ,i , .e .nm ' ' ' N"" I I lid mil i t. r t 1 ai ' I....1 il tt... j L'l'll"'" ' No " i ' Wi II. He uenl mi i I if lil.nl wi . t.. ii ., light Sol i. i,i, li it II ' . ' ii ii- nnd -i ni I t a. a .' '" n j t h '. I hllilge Was blllg l.ii.l s; . V . to 111" U'l'l I," I II a ' . i ...in, b.i.k again W. !. I ti ,,i I i ,'u t r a . mit i - w li I ' i-i in fi ml i '1 i -a I i. i..ii. -n KMlntt ' i I ' "' 'i , . I . gel the pun I.. In .ii ik. lllh . In i I -ii a - In t I up II 'II II--I ! il n I I. ! It "111 I ll-kl .1 I ' ' III ll 11 I'' . nag. T'i- t i ,l . Ho i. , " li Me.ll i id" il i . . i i.. . ' I . tt ' ii n ml., Mc.iia .in I . ul g.ll .ILi H dll l. I ... 1 . ' li I ! ' "I1 ., it 'nl ask" d li i i .i'i it ll In l' I. I! lllld lie - ll ' - I 1 I . . i. iii llm gaiagi ain I . ' '.'! .. . M... . We p'iid t' . d. - I I. ..Ill 'lie. of t' .11 .1 -- .1 i" do nil il.e i. . i I ai '.'I I l...l'ie ll.' ! ,. t .', I I ,1 d'.' II II' t . . I ' . ii d' mi ing nml .. .! ' i , . i r i' 'I M. - I ...I I ' i . i t t I' I Ml L.tl' ' ' 11 III i .it . . 1 ..ti In ii ii .1 . . '.' I . 1 1 11. lit' . all 1. 1 ' . Ti- nl'ia' s 1 .11, 1, - . ill. '. I 1 11 nh in . ami , , ad I , i I. ft ml, nil '!( , I inn t. d ,, ' lit nl v ill ... ' , in , ' . ll ' I ...II . S.li . .1 I .' I I - II ' I, tl. tl I I I 1, Ir 1, I I ' '.,1 it . Sj 1 , 1 ' 1 1 I , I , 1 11 1 1 1 nl,! ,1111 ,1 1 1 1. I . . d 1. .1 1 1 ... 1 in I . I 1 nl 1' . 1 ,, ' . f ' .- 1.." 1 11 iii: '. a- lend . 1.1 . ..' II Hi ! I. ' I. ol I, , I .' I 1. ' , ll .. It . I I . 1 1' i.,l oil! I I ...-In ll-f. .1 I -I I I I Mill I i I , 1 , id nt I., d ., .1 lad 1. 1 tin l 1 I ; ' a 11 nl 1 ,1 !,. 1 0 I M01 in IM' I, ' In I ' It. Ml III .P. I'd 11 it, , il'v from .'tit t, P lllld. I 1 I m1 .-it :i 1 1 I tto si.iii iiie'il- I. sp! tnicd Mi I ipi. ll 11 I Int. 1 M M. 11 IIKlsl an 1 n nl. - 1.1 . '. I. ,1 n 'I I ml . a 1 Im i . 1 e 11 .1 Mo -' t P I I' I I 1. d it ti ii... IM, . 1 '.'.nie nf , , ,1 'I 1 iv Mo.. tta I I 'I 1 , M n. il - . 1 , .link - ,i. , in I ' .' tite uu i iui I Hint all Ihe b .1 -I 1... 1 M, m ir.rf Wt mil .In l.i ilc r Dint ) 8 rl. had nut thing to do with the crimr Wt diil it "I then s.iitl to him: 'Then the state- ment ton inaile before is wiongV' ami iire.etunt. The judge oterruled tin. 't"Ji attorney for the defense ones- i' .". tinned the ilctictite teiy clo.ely to Hnd out win Tieadway hail not been giten -i he.inng imiaeilialely after his urre.i nu, i) h( Cull fl-ssinn itself Wlls im.ile Mr. l'nttersoti emleatoieil to -l,,, Mini Ilie i onfessinn Innl dun inaile d Tnadttay that he inmhl ban ,. leitiuii will t further ileliu and also i,, .1,1,1,1 Hie nirl. He tried lo Ihiott , ,nmi , n ',,. coiifi..ion as one made i.. ii.m ol ii iiaigani. l.teiy limit is .apposed to know the law - ml .liulge Audi lined. "The de fend nil', liieiuls shniild hate num. ,, Hmt I ui'il get a hearing tt In never he ttanllsl ll nil a Will nf habeas enrpus. 1!'- In ing i, I do not think flint any tali nn nt nl, mined wiuilil !' irieletmit . .... nm,. leciini. inn ton i He ant pine- I '! V ' i"""'" ' ' " " !" '.''!. -.irl"ln" '.. .. ineie i. mniiing m -m,u thai lln- i nu ll --inn it,i ..l.taiiu d urn lei- iliins.. ' "Wit tta.a't be giti u u hearing be fore thai Iim.-''" Mr. I'atti'ison de mand. d nl lllteitite lieUbatt Tin llns.-iil I. n led. llllll the nlljl'l Hull tills -ii-lamril "Wlnie n.i. the prisoner kept''" a.keil Mr I'.1 Met -on nl the detect ie ( milt Keprutes I'.ittcisnii "III C.-iiiial Si. ill. ni t out Notcinber o." .. 1 I. . I iniii i1,. ' "Wii- tin pnsoimr ma mtcii a hear ,"; ng miiI, i le tumid innke k .stale- "No " .. - .. ii I. ai iiii ' "Tinil inn ll .i.( said 1. 1 'I'leailitav''' lie -aid tumid he ll-iil again I him " ! "I'I In. I Tli'llllllat I'd' ton he Iwiiniiil In take the lespuiisihilit v him- , -ill III nnhr to gel the JJIll out id , tin ll.h '' I ' I'.'l .lie plllllg llllll tlue sl'C.'t nt , hi- iii lid.' .aid .1 ill (jt Audeiiil.il j The nidge liiinetl to the itilin . and , aid. "II. has ju tolled you along. .Mi I'll- an Mi I'alteixiu is triing to l git mil In ilu tl'hllt (iiiil Alllllglltt Illn lie can do." 1 Mr j.. I-, r tinned and hotted to Mi. I'm It i -..ii -at ing: "l mere ale fin - tlni "I.i, , In, ii in Ihi- i tiiifessmn "N"," aii.it' red Mr. I'ntleisnii and ihe . . 'if' -i'.n ii ii. lead. 'lln I..IIIIIH.I u.a'll, icli'il a. i !.". hltahy as Di'fcii'c pi 1 n g lnr Ihe did' 11-e Mi ll Mm I, In.ldi II 1.'. I for bis 1 III 111 nil Ih. -ion f I is 1 Intnlrt . The alln .11. I ih '.n.'il Tnadnai butt l.illde ii. .mi f --.on 1 , it . ..s mid "Itoi. 1 - Mi M nn . k d1 - .bed u..1 1 11 11 1 lie..- 1 pi ...... - pi 1 . 1 ding tin 1, 1 .'m of Pei'.e, in. Iiidmg llm in'.' i. : the pntii.'i 1 in in limit ol the W ..'ti 1 -in I iipai tiimiit 'I I , p..!i. t man. nfl. r be b n! I -. i tin di n l had 1 . 1 n on the n nut m ii.i. .ti it. tl aluio-t empty bott avn l.ll P. in 1 -aid ' -tmj Ihe ill ml li. ill. 11 1 . .i .11 ti d to (111 it again. 'I I . ,...' . ' ..1. I. mil f... g lie the li .ill. I, ., to P "l'i III 1 ll.ls III. 1,1 1 llltt S III IIIL" 1" -1.11 I Iii lull' Iiiii. , nml all Hint tun. Tu id,', ni and the Kill wile uud. I Ih. .I'M'lIlt nf th. p. on . 111:111 I'ein. -nnl 1 . I ,,. In o dll' 1, lllld g t llm b.ltt'e I, ..I U i- ' ill hmt 1 l.al Tnnilitai -nnl M - 'I n adtiat dm .n't ti.e Iiiiiioi . ii.i ll.nl P. in, icpliid. 'There',, um I "I, e -. ni lln- punt that dots ' W. ill -how that Tnadttay bad no ule i . 1 1. "tiling to Ul it IT .Matkel st t. tin "' n.i ..11 for tin niurii being to l'i h'l in it 1. 1. til. . will shim that 11 ti 11 -'.nl t ul llm re.pu-l nf pi me Hint Im 1 .; ha it . ut in 1 Imi, , In plea. 1 hint utnl hat. a ... .i.iblc ill ml. We will shot. 'I 1 1 niiini. I', ll,-,' nnd the gill m tin m.i 1 1111 nt W . w ill .lion what took plili e tlml P. in ' ban. led Ti. in 1. 1 I e . inpll boll e to llll. that P. II. . led 11, . 1 Ikiee jj'ii .'. nf liipiiir . Hint i girl ligl.i'i -ii.peil. that Inudit... ,i,in and that 11.1 drank nml .1, Pell 1 n Siik V'.iin ' W. tlill -holt Hint l'i Il.e 1 nm. I 1 '01 inniilni' di ink and gut i k in i I it nn. ii... I Im a thud ilimk V, II .Ion i'i.ii without wtniiiii , kln.lt bilge nl 'llllldllllt l. I'm 1. ti...- ami J, limit nl I .. , , 1. ami Llhnil b id a gun and I in I III' I. IK 111 li.lll'l We v.'l b, I' e ll .It'll l.v i:, "nf tin youth, .hint out of hi tei'tix this .otitij' mutt. dumfoiimled, pmilc-ntrlekeii. to think that I-.lliott would do Mich a thiiiK. 1-iii'W not what to do. lie hnd no part in the crime. 'We will show- thnl the cirl and Moss inn from the loom; Hmt niter I.'lloU leni relree. (Mk ,y , nailM'alcil by the kIkIiI, put the towel over l'eirce's face, not to aid in killhi? him, lint to eoicr tlio horrlhle upedacle from hIkIiI. We will show that Klliott said, 'You are iim nan iik i nm : you nnd "I'notn Wile the last Kiel! 111' the compmiv of l'ciree. W- will hIkkv the m Hon of,,, '... . ... TieadwnyVs mind. We will ill-close the ' '"lm,p'1 from "" """ thouitht that came to him nt join Wnl men repreKeiillni; oild-iiumhereil enn nut ctieet, the vloliiti he had of the I torinl district would he elected for four n lleemnn Ka.liiK nt him mid Marie years, mid those lepresuiiliiii' even that time when they were in the car ' numbered senatorial dixtrleta would he define their npartuienlN. It wns milt elected for His years. Half the ineiii then, tte roiitend, that he firt took purl '"'''t of Council would he elected there in the nnffir uud Med when he lealized "fter at the end of each two-year per tin dancer threntenliiR him and the Iml. f"' n four-year teini. Kill. i Mr. l.ou'ciiKi'iind pointed out Hint "We will show Hmt Treiultta.t took ,'li' eliiniBc hnd been HllKKested mi there iiothiiiK of l'eirce's; Hmt Klliott look ' would nltvuy.s be some members of the Iiiik: how Treiidwav went dnclc ti the iipmtnieiit on Wnlnut Mieet with a heart crazed by what he hnd seen, and uud, .Marie, we ve got to get out of heir: we were the Inst ones seen witli Second. I'udgots to be passed by I'eiiee ami we will de dlniued for it Council no later than Deieiutier I, In nil.' Then he Rets Into the uir with j stead of December I.", as piovided by I'.lllott mid rides to I'lghth mid Spiltu: Hh' iharter ul present This would lianliii sticcts, wheie Klliott getn olT , Kite the Mayor aiU'ipiate lime to con Then they go to Ciimden, wheie Moss siller the Itines of the bdgel. litis, lent lug the girl in the car. Then, Third. To permit floating of leni tte will trace the route lo Wheeling, pornry or emergency louns by n ma W Vn. We will show Hint when Alois joiit) vole of Council. At present a ami Klliott asked Treadwny to tit .ert I two-thirds vote s reipiired. the girl it till leave her. he Mini then, lis I'mirth. I'lovislonul appoililecs under he vats now: 'I am innocent ami that the law limited to a probationary pe girl is innocent; I will stick d.t her,' riotl of the three months, would b? per- He Did Slick by Her And he did stick to her llitough llink mul thin, uud did make coiiliu dictory stntements. with one thing iu view, iiicspcctive of wliut happotied to htm, the freeiloui of Hint girl, who told him to stick to his story, ulthoiigh she wnnteil lo get free mul intended to 1 hniige llc'IS. 'Then, dcslilute, he took s(lmefhing of Tcirce's. When he wiTs m listed and In ought hail: he tuliM the story, this time inci iiiiimitiii;; Moss, At no time had he ever said that he himself hud killed I'eiiee or had taken putt iu it. A lei he was aii-cMfil in Wheeling it was not as Defective Mulgretv s.ihl, that the detectives located the grip, hut ll.at Tieiidwiiy told them where the pawnticket was and where the articles Innl been piiwiicd. lie also (old them he bad nothing to do with the inuiiler. "When he returned to l'hilnilclilim he was tauen to ileteelive heiulipial ters. . . . in" u. -inou iiji itr m- inoiti ti,in i ' newspaper photographers, and then made his first written statement. The deieitite. kept Idling him afler Hint it was not siitiicient. When Mo.s vn irrcsir. ne toiunariiy . r ,.. mi- , ... . , , ,.,,,,, ,,,, ,)r William Irwin. Hie ciiine mi Moss, even though lh.it i ., ,.,..!.. i.,, ii?,,,,,, n,. i,,,,.,, i meant the lieedoill of Mils ami the V .- 1 1 . i . t .', V. '. gill, ami ft. satisfy those ,ete, liu- who ;V. mI";' " ' -' A"" !"' '"' th.y alter day uud i.i.jbl nfl.r night ;",.,,,lll,,"r-I '"T" i "i ,,.'II,I,,,S' , '"''r kept after him so Hint tint would git a ' ''' ". Mnis I.. I ooke. .loseph stun mint thai they thought was con- " M',K,.'J or'V feorge I). Poifer Al ilusive of guilt, made that last state- I :' -"" , ""RliL Mii Levy. 1 run umtil cleaily. evuicrutiiig Mo-., ntnl ( " '' n-li- Kinif tilth the same idea in mind that he i Lilwaril L. Loach, Vitian I'rmik would iiImi secure the frt eiloin of tlmt -ill"!. Ldwmd A. Noppel, the Kev. Dr gill who was on the slant!. ! i-iiiik P. Put kin, Direclors Siirmile. "We will w that tune and tiine 'I'w ining, I'urbiish, Cortelyon mul Civil again hensketl the tb'lcitites when ttoiilil Servite Columissiniiers Woniliun' uud he git a healing. He was limn Noteia- Nceld. I.i r -ti to December I! ill Central St i- - , i i . . I.. i, .i I fill nnd th r lour ol Iho. i' nlglits ii had for his bed nothing I ml n iiiinili'ii muni., no nillott. iiothiiu; lo n--i Ins In ad on. Then llllllll.l. litter getting the Hit Miient, which was the end sought, tney gate him a bearing. He was held by the toroiicr ami dually Inoiinht be foie you gintlemen today. "You nit n will ciuicluile his i i.t of in- i ict is justifiable, mul you will bung, in .. tirilh t of mil guilty." ANONYMOUS APPEAL FOR T HEADWAY MADE Counsel foi Piter D Triiulii.il re i cited Ibis aiioiiy moil, letter today: "I think Mr. Treiidwny an inn nl mini lie might luite done mine minor tilings, but I think he never hit Mr. I'ein e I think the Mime s h.s cnun.i I. Mnss and Million . Klliott. n fugitive, done tin deed ami it Mr. Ticinlivay out tin towel oti'l his fate In olllv dull.' so lo put him mil of misery . lie was soi 1 1 , mi iloitbl "Tin girl Uouus. I think, wns in hliime for the it hoe thing. She saw- Mr P"iree wns di link nml thought they i .Mi, Taught championed Ihe rule of would li'ive mi i '1st wil to get a lot nftitn tbinugli which the ih.ntir min im, net. mit klinwiug Mnss uud Klliott mill-.e expi.s-.d its cont'd I mil Hint the ii.ls going to kill Mr. Peine. plldlic inlelesl would be si! f. d best if "That gill might mi er lo he set fin, appointing nllieers had l. miiki u scire Sin is icspoiisibh1 tor the whole nffuir. ' lion Inun ihe tn-st uto nanms on a list, ll tin. she who lurid Mr Pi lice when "Tins i. a lihcinl system, hut it doe. he lost hi- lite in tin att. inpl. 'I'heie I not tip. mi Hie dour lo linn li I'avoi it ism me .nn1 lids nf nth. i gills walking tin' 'in making appointment.." he .mil iitt like her. lining mill uwny fioin "Those ttho hate the pott it to make or linn u ites; lots nt ilieni. You ought i n ll iii. ii.'.' nppi.iiitineiil- i annul teach lo s. nn etample of her. pel soils dolt II Hie list. II,, HI, III! I how "I ban as good a son in i vim gieat iiiay be lluir polilnal intluence." I,n alii, d l.ii ii I Ii ami be was lined away i Mi. I'augut -tatul ihTit Council last from his g 1 wile, lni iilnlii'd him, I Mat uu-nl an niiliname .Mealing six uud l.in'.e his iiuilhii's Imui'l. I net r I iiihlitioii'ii positions iintler Hie (nil split to sic hull 11. lie nniiy nn Mi Set t i. e ( 'niniii i-.. nm n a total annual Tii nli'iiy's .noi- inoibi'i ami si. tip.. I i ost nf sr'.'!7ll, but tin- Minor tcloitl doii'l think li ght to stand foi an- lln Ini' The tilt. Mr Taught ..ml. ..(In r man - i ' inn ii.uihl hate well -illui ijt , in inate tiie "Tie nil! who imii. ill It 111" V J ii t lullt position.. if WUfl&l64t j&r 29 N. THIRTEENTH ST. A Timely Announcement to Men Tomorrow, Saturday w Gran Vc Will Give TS-q W h ,fcr 1 A pair $1.00 Silk Socks with each pair of shoes purchased (fXV Silk Socks FREE vl vl '"-V Opcn-nB Day Only yy'l " tCI adtilc Strap 1 ' ifTj, WI 1 fie JTep nowaat Rprinir model ( J 1 Xfaaf'X 'Inn Flusd.i Calf cuttom mam. ' -.rs, 7V1.. Vl r"jUI .ta llazt Tlnne to wnH the one who ought to stand for liuirder. He, .Mr. Tremlway, iIocm not look like an unkind mini, lie Iiih a rooiI fnee. It wiih Mr. relrcc'n own i fault. If he. had heen what he ouulit to hnvc heui to u good wife perhiipH he would not. have lost hU life. "A moth i:hk ri.i:. Mayor Hits Faulty Civil Service Law Council who would understand the leg islative practices uud mi entirely green hnd) of men would not come into olllce .simultaneous!) mittttl to hold positions until the preiiuintion of nn eligible list. rifth. Would authorize appointment of uny one of Hie Hist four applicants 011 mi eligible list, instead of limiting the choice to the tirsl two applicants, as at piesent. Those Who Attended The following men and women, in terested iu citic alfaiis, attended the meeting : Kiihard I. Austin, (icorge Hum ham. dr.. Thomas I". Armstrong, Chailcs I,. McKenn. Theodoie .1. Lew is, John Story .leaks. IIurIi Mcllvain, .loliu l-'isler. I'ottell Kvnns. I'rederick II. Straw-bridge, l'eiey II. Chirk. Louis .1. Kolb, Arthur II. Lea. Theodore .1. lustier, Harrison S. Morris, .lames Ilatemuu. Joseph II, Vnn Ducn. I Inw ard It. Sheppanl. NT. II. Kelly. Dr. W. W. Keen. William II. Maigcrisou, i-.i,,,,,,,.i s!,..,.i:..,, i t i......ii. .... ..,.. .. I.,.,. ,i ... ..... Mv , ,j, Oakley. Mrs. Klldolph Itbiiikenbiirg, Mrs. , s. Prentiss N'it hols, (leorge W. Coles, Cyrus An ileisnii. Mrs. Arthur II. Lea, Mrs. Kd wuiil W. p.iildlc. Kranl; W. .lones and I !.. I II I. i i.iii. i. . imii ii. - I ' r L'.-i? IIr-i nil A A'f T? t.i i n oijill lUij Ullini7tj FOUGHT AT HEARING The pioposul lo allow an appointing otlii er lo n'lect liny one of the first four names on a i Ivll set tin eligiblt list was eriliei.eil todat bt Albiit Smith Caught on Ihe ground il wmiM help in upbuilding a political mut'liiim "When any one of four unities may hi appointed cm h may he letpiireil to go forth and seek political iutluciu e," said .Mr. Taught, a member of the 'baiter loinmittee ami of Ihe committee of one bundled. "The appointment mat be gitcu lo tin one with Ihe biggest political sup port, iriespiiine of nii-i it . When ni I'tiliileil the appointee feel, he has ob tained his position, not on Ihe basis of ineiii. but beiaiise i.f his political fi lends. I'lidei- Mm nib of fiiur a pnliti inl iini'liitie inn uisily be built up and till tll.!il"-ers plol'ille the inonev. SHOES OF MERIT 'MEN tH 1 to. PP Coming With Envoy STKI'IIANK l-Al ZANNK Chief editor of (ho Paris Matin. wlm will arompany SI. VIvL'inl to America when Hut hitler routes on ' Ills .sperl.il mission SOCIETY AT TREADWAY TRIAL Molly Thayer Finds It Interesting and Sires Up "Boots" The drnmntle nngles of Peter D. Tieadwny's trial for murder hate at tracted to the coiiitrotun a number of society folk. Among them is Miss Molly Thayer, the tennis player, who recently published u'book. "Of course, the trinl may some day nerve us story material." Miss Thayer snid todny, "but I did not go t0( the courtroom especially for that. Sonic friends of mine were going anil, as I had never attended a trial, 1 thought it would be interesting. I truly found it so. "It is perfectly remaiknble the way attorneys) put their tpiestlons ami obtain the evidence they want, 'i lie wnoio proceeding is most interesting. As for 'Hoots' Rogers, she seems typlcul of that sort of life. I wouldn't consider her exacllv beautiful, but she has a cer tain attraction." Miss Thayer, nn attiactirc blonde, busily took notes during the short time she was in the coiiitrooiu. She said she did not expect to go back again, al though she was following Ihe pioceed ings of the ciise tbiou,;h the news pnpi rs. FIRE ON W. VIRGINIA POLICE More Than 100 Shots Aimed at Six State Troopers at Willis Branch Charlrslnn. X. Vn.. Mai.li is. (lit A. P. 1 Moie than 1(10 shots were lired at the six state police stationed ul Willis Uraiiih. u mining (own, I ues.lat night, aetonling to a loug-illstniirel Slntes for the picscntuti. n i,f t' I I ....... e . !... ', -..!.. ..f .:.... . . lllt'ssnge ri'ieiieu lien- iuii,ii nolo i.ien .lean, a iieinli.v village. YOUR CREDIT'S GOOD iii 1 12th aid Walnut Streets You'll Want a Smart New Outfit For Palm Sunday and Easter Buy TomorrowPay Later 1: These Wonderful Specials for Saturday Women's and Misses' Sport Coats fj Pa 71J1 Of AI!-Vor I',. Cloth. Fi.utrt Pleated P.iuk lP 0 iM" Morlels nn.l C'ulV . M. & 535 bport Suits, Wool Spun d? S() In nil ,l, CJ U....... ....... . l) Jf ff l"" i ni-.v ofiii.i.; niiiiiit" liin(iclilr)moi'low. Women's and Misses' In n fine qunlity Silk Harked Satin. Hand ' rmbroidcred. Others bead tnniniecl. $1 a Week Pays the Bill After Easter TTQ 9 TH WfYT& rt JUVt a-fl! Dress Up Your Boy For Easter Stylish New Norfolk Models $05, $SL95, $11.95 Boys' Easter Outfits at q Cntv is-iiti"- i.f ;i -tvl'sli sUit, rin and a tb f fc I I'finr puir if ''" fj XJv SI. 00 A Wook S. E. Corner 12th and Walnut S& 2330-34 NORTH FRONT ST. ( 181G.18-20 ,,-.wu.-v. Atlnnlic Vivatii League tiF ustBe UroadeneA Crntlniiril from Irtr ont itfiPn Ilinf flnn.n.... it. Mr. Hnrillng can hnvn n .. "?;. Vision that he likes V.nJ V "1 nn.l llnly will favor sued ' "n this country may de,n,,d.if 3:, M America's support as i,r,iH (. ' nW An ,im'.,i.....i i... irinani V1"'"1 "-'"vrril these 0. ,fl powers upon ninenilmeni. ... ., . e hi l.llis the rnimt.lm.nil Kwi ' -.-ni Hint t 1 nmeiidiiients If niloptcd would l,r, ' .'.1 I'liilcd Stntes i,, ,!, k l,r,l. M carry. '""-ndmwJ ltlll If ,,(tlrt..tt, .1. I with Its Piit-r.li,,, . . '" ,(,l!lltl ens er from Ihe mnn,l.,nt.i . , .. "M Be would be more dlllicult fron ,,,'"rn',e' ll point of Washlngtot. 'n " " M"ml- in the parly hero lo eiiterin.. '0,l,i" e.ll encue In not- f...., V "b "'i' tires. Hnr.ll.ig wishes to currv ,, , "i" JI' palgli .pledges of pass'liie ',, " .?"' lesoltition and getting i:uin ., '.""I don the league for a ., ., ll '! "ban-l "'"'tniJailoa,1 VIVIAN! WILL ACT ll ON COUNCIL'S BEUALli Paris, March IS. i nv A ,, 1 Iteiie ivinn . ex-ne.-iiil,... ..r i. ' ' his forthcoming tisit i tl ,V m,0 , Stiilei. will go prepmed ,0 , l Lni!'" half of the Council of tin 1 " b';', Nations, whether ,,e rmtH,8U:,,J Stnt, of Nations provided Article Y stricken from the coteimnt nf lengue. " eagui (hJ This hns not been disclonnl nmn,, nor by M. Vivinni himself, but u,? 7 iinderstanding of bis Inllnu e M1" rlntcs In public life Hmt ih,, in"? Hm primary object of I.Ih vlt.t 0 Wh Alms In ()erronio Objrrllon. At. Vivinni will set rm-ti. linns which he considers will , i. easy for the I'nUe.l States to on "r ih League o Nations. II0 has talked ovp ZVZ a. ,V"L?:L."it,!I''rSci ctiniinil it tlm t. ....... .. . '" l"1 l'i mm iincuntiu tu I1....1.. . " a J 1 . --.... 11 rp ri fi it' l?H 'i'.Vi."B H,c,Ial l(Ie,lSc 0 the t'nlteU States. kl Fnrtlicr. it is iiiKlerstoo.I that M Mvlan will point out Hint the Krone ntwl nlltn.l ...i.e...,. n . . .' '-IU' - .iiiuiiu iii 1 1 1 n im . " "- llllllltll llDIUllJnn thl covenant of the league l,.,.n,,,c V inseparab y interwoven with tlic cspoii turn of the treaty of Versailles, Z with regard to the niliiilnitration 0 ............ ..... -.i-ciiiu. nm nilmlnis trntlon of Danzig and the I'nli.h t ' . t," . I..,1 "J1.." J"" Siven titl ... ...v ......... ,n ,11 me 1. upon nnd Mai medy to IIcIk iiiii. ami. f.mMi. ..... is chnrged to siiperti.e the iT.trirtk .. .....lino., m uriiuiiui'iii nml that her late allies, along with ...im. , tions, ufler the withdrawal of the ,ijc ...... 1. ij ui'iiniil.sioil. Lauzanne lo Accompany Hn, M. Vivinni became a sii-n.i ,,.,., of the Lengue of Nation, durm t recent meeting nf the iis.eiuhh 0"f ,; league nt ticiicvn. It seems n hai ii-ini.i-1-ii 1..1111 K.iurgeuis n itic princ pill rrenen exponent or the leiign.. Steplintie Lniizmiiie. chief eibinv the Matin, will necoinpant M Mvu to tiie 1 niieil Mates M l.iiii.iniir one ol tin important icpie.i'in it to, ithe r reneli (.overimie'it m tu I nil , i r.'llt'll ioilll in t lew tuning III., tra lot the war. rTP tj S ? $1.00 a Week While you enjoy being Stylishly Dressed Ask to See Our Special Outfit at Consisting of a Stylish Society Suit in Blue Serge or Silk Mixture. A Fashionabe Hat and a Good pair of Shoes. A Complete Outfit for a Gentleman $1.00 a Week - . I i .. niuiu. -, Dresses n on Tir'rNTw flBBirc LcSiiil MW.&& Atlantic Avenue tm .., nm . J Ula fS. - J2b lA& JSLU JfU-ri $A, L-rfv W7.h Y - 4 ,w ity. N. J. , J ' ' i 'i iirtAj'Vf-.Kw . -r4U jfB.-