Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 18, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 21, Image 21

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r . ' ' '
- EVENiyg'' PUBLIC ' TPaERHIlfcDErPHIA; I'BIDAT maboh 18, 1021
T' . u.itil tnvtfiritlll !
ThfJ1 !"n
It "n
,, .liili'. H'7" .
li.nn ronlil item .mi i uson.
onlnn t mn mo, k
4 to 8.
8' to II .
H'i to 2.
'i , ( -i
Market St.
Shoes and
Stockings for
all the family
District Attorney Accused of Work- Louisville Girl, Unconscious Nearly
lng With Staten Island Bootleggers a Week, Pneumonia Ends Chances
New Vorli. Mnrch 18. ('Iinrsps Hint IinUvllln. m... i. iq n..i. ,.
Ailed . Norton, assistant
torncj of llirhinnnd i-mtntv,
I I'lilfnn, ii elcik In the nfliip of
.... Rn.tllv PlaVS. PrOClO-!Io"'t me'iHtnl examiner, wire
preSIClC" i wltli bootlcRRPM opeintliiR
cessor Just Exorcised,
Islnntl woio timiln In Ulclimond fimiitv
court .rstorilii h.v Wlllliim Continlly'.
who Is holns tried on h ImiKlniy
(onnntt tputlfir.it I tin 4 Vm Lit. ah.
Caddy States
anrAH SERVED BOTH WIEN.-KOR"' lilnj to Kmirt ,,m.
' inn,
...... i. ,o l. .11...... 1 SlinrtU llflnr (nminllv imun
.inn Ainmi ". .iiiiiiii. .. ..".. .' .""'
1,1 ' v........ i i . ....n ......
..In, MIH crvru Hi riium nil l ,.. .
1 .. 1.,.. ... ""'.'l .IWHUfl l'.lU'U I HI '
"" ' . i. tfnnltii? mill forinpr I "i '.,.... m.. ...i.i ......
Pir-Mii'"1 .. - wiiiniii.. t.Mii inr uiui ,i
u-i .hi.. nipnKiiiK in .Hi-. . ii'i mi nvuii it .vein- u tic cnintv
" " ... ..!. . .. ..."..
would iinnip me. lip snlil I
rtifdinR ("""
I" t... ia ii f i iivornpp nlniu
or nil thcc prosecutions nnd
tlip judgeship mid hp would
from Kettliij? it "
the fni I'Ip of Hip nveinjce. He
Lhniit tld to RPt nioimd. I could
..Mm '-'0 nnd th'1'' tnt III"'-"
"' II tin111""1 rn"'(1 Rivc' lllnl two
u, n lifilr "'"' ,,PHl ,,'n1, "'"' Knn"
iti,ti"',,, ""' I,enl t,lr ,ifc ""t- of
Hr..,n5ii.. .ilnnt ni Is pprv nop in
Delaware Co. Association of Clubs
Name Norwood Woman President
Chester. Pa.. Mn'itli IS. rtniii'i
nnd dirpitois wco I'lerli'd nl nu nil ila
nipptiiiK of flip Dplnunre County Asun
cintion of Women's Clubs In Minim
Hnll. in thix city Thp Nrw Centuij
Club of Ciipsti'i' m led ns hot
"iianiiii , ., ,, ,"
.... ,. I.nti IP "Pis n Booil ilnvc. Im
inlftl ''' ,tirUs n,lt M lhK'
,ntin,nl ..ii..... ,....
. i rnlt IP liri.'l vi-n I. Ki'ili'l- lllllt
ft, do ...Ml "' " i,lM " " r"
I thciti Ami !"' "''ot, his nlibl when
Jlrs. A, A. ( rooks, of Norwood, wtiv
11111". I I. f .. ............ . .. ..ii', im KiriiMnrii, 1,l
Vhnt nl " dnviiiB Riimc with rlcpti'd pipsidi'tit : Airs. K. A. nrnull.
t- nood tiil's? wns n sited. i Swiirtliiiinic. ilit vire pn-sldi'tit ; Mrs
"Hanht.S KPf ijlimit J(l(i yiuds with A. It. Ccnrj. Mcdin. mtoiiiI icp pii-i-,
oo'l phihs 'Hint s the bpst pnrt 1,1,'iit : Mr-, ltobi'il Alllrr. llywood
f ki snni "p t''"1 ,n M' ,IC' ridp spui'tni : Mrs. Chillies Mimer. I.uns.
krottsh I'"' nil "ut ,lc NIoilw n food
ijm flint- tip s''t too much of his
jfintn it nnd don't let his nnus tnkc
uclnli ttirmisli ' t11"1. ''""'s Rood
,t boti',i limn U'iNoii. for AVlNofi
downe. Iiensiiier
Hepoits weie lend h.i coniinittpps on
cduiPtiiiii, A nii'i iciuiiMt ion nml IprIs-hitler.
nl . . .
Wlin """ ''l0 "inlti'r with px
p.iilpni iNoii s ilritlne RnincV"
n1 sre lliiidinR is ii Iiir limti, lie
: ...I,, nrniim -im i.i'l nun CO inn Ell
I l.casup of N'ntion's PiRht nnd Iip
on t f' "Ioip ii it ii M'vriiifiivi' jnrus.
rfan iiniin i"".1" "" "ii", ' iiMin
., went iiioiinii ior iiip exercise. ,ur,
"How innin inn ii iiikp ii30ii in
ft aioiincl'"
"Ahout -00 I don'l think liny ouc
nr kt pi M.oie on him
U, Pat. Lowers Dlnlng-Car Rates
flnnli.i. Mn t li is .eductions inns
f frmn ."i lii "II per i cut on the price
fnTi.nn funds .iild in, its diuiiiR nil
Hi Iippii inmle. il wi, an noil need h
e rninn I'neiiu ..eni .lesterdnj. Imp1
nacc icit to thp tuition for cich of
iKNitiOil meals .cived on company
nor. in r.l-'ll wns Riven as SI.UL'
One Jerseyman Has Five Jobs
Villonal I'aili. N. J., Alnich IT -
Size and
A Brand in space of
An appealing tone
mail 'is,i t mi ti t ofliccr. iunitoe
I the pidiln si Imols and constable.
a iipiioinicd supei visor of Mect.s to-
Length, 4 ft. 10
hv When mil etiRnRcd in the duties '
f those nlhees. he luoks nftei ceilient
Geuting splendidly ready
with Easter footwear for
Children, Girls and Boys
rS S) Jr3
"':'' JiisTtP 7' &7
J? N I 1 (
" 7 . v
Child's Unique
JiC.irlV 0lorilV5fte.iRo.v's Oxlnrd
Mothers, especially those who appreciate variety, distinction and
character in shoes, will be delighted with the wonderful variety
we have prepared in our great children's departments. And the
important thing about all Geuting Shoes for growing "feet are
built on the famous "Shoor-Tred"'last which means foot health
as well as good looks and long service. Here are three special
Girls' Calf Oxfords
Boys' School and
Dress Oxfords
Sturdy, flr-xib'c Tan Klk.
Sie.s I'riccs
II to 2 $5.00
2'2 to 6 5.50
2 to 5.... $2.75
("Shoor-Trcd" last)
V rices
to .... 7.50
( ".Shuor-Trcd" Inst)
Scores of Clever New Models in Children's Brogues; French Sports Shoes in
Various Colors and Combinations, etc.
Children's fine ribbed heavy-weight Silk Stockings, in black, white
and Russia calf tan sizes GVs to 912 at prices from $1.50 to $2.70.
IT he Stores of Famous
l9 South 11th St. (QuiclcService Men's Shop)
Every Foot Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brothers Supervising
district at- tne with mnillr.nl ,nn i.. ail..
ntnl Archie
Caroline .tnschtnt'iilp ,P,1 nf aim
iioImoiiIiir i the city hospital jesterdny.
HiMjiPintii nuy If pneumonia lind not
dpvplopcd. hrr dinners foi recovery
probably would Imvp been even
Miss .tirschiiirlilc wns poisoned In
funics from n jns stove, nnd hnil bepn
in n slatp of nn(l H0r. Tildny.
rlijsicliuif, who lifetime InttTPstnl in
the obscure girl ns thp spark of life
IliRprfd. trnplo.vctl n wriilth of medical
Knowlpilac t stive her llfp
Miss ZlllKclllllptilp'M I'ODimitntn. Miss
on Htnton
brnujsht to
liL Inn.
- -
: ...
, 1'iiinth.v Smith, died Wednesday vvlth-
RMI. SHT. .... ..... .
uui i i-KllllllllR ( ollSCtOUStlCSS
i ,
in" .ns,i i
mil up
win IiniK'
wns nfter
keep tno
iV '
I . -
1 "
I gVERY little movement I
I means more thirst. I
l AUanu.Oa.
ss v wjm? s v-
vr JBVBaBVia'H
Tone Equalized
the average upright h
of satisfying quality l)
in. Price
CO., 1111 Chestnut Street
New Instop Strap
New Instep Strap
In Tan Russia Calf or soft
Patent Colt. The stvlc that
Sics I'riccs
2 to 5.... 2.75
4 to 8. .. 3.50
8'.. to II.... 4.25
1 1 J2 to 2. .. 5.00
("Shoor-Trcd" last)
(pronounced otting) V'hestnutot.
fsona. ShnAC !inJ
Shoes I
'"'VO U1IU
j Stockings for
all the family
We're Making- a Specialty
Tomorrow of
Mighty Smart New
Hats forPalm Sunday
At $10.00
derful Assort
ments Small,
Sort of
You Can
Tiemendously smart hats chic, 'saucy
kinds, dignified tailored styles, big graceful
alTaits ot soft becomingncss.
Stiaws nnd sniait combinations of straw
and silk all colois. Trimmed with ostrich,
fruit, flowers, pirs nnd ribbons. Woniier
", wnndo'ful hats at so small a price!
One Frult-and-Ftowcr-Wreatlieil
Model Shown.
S ' 1 'iB jrgS Millinery Salons,
Second Floot
Here Are the
Loveliest Silk
In Tune for, Easter Choosing
At Really Extraordinary
$13.50 Baronet Satin
Snorts Skirts, Special at
Of rich, handsoms quality.'shirred ut the
top and trimmed with novelty pockets, self
colored silk braid and beautiful pearl but
tons. White, black, flesh navy, eopen and
green. Bands fiom 2b to 32 inches.
$15.00 Baronet Satin Q 7 c
Sports Skirts, Special at $' '
Box-pleated all around and of ery
beautiful quality. In white, llesh. black,
navy, gray, taupe ami brown. Will be
stunning Easter costumes worn with piett".
$25.00 Famous Roshanara (J1C
Crepe Skirts, Special at lc
Perfectly stunning! Of rich, heavy
quality; in laige and small figures, blocks
and stripes; in all the newest colorings,
including light antl dark giay, light or na,
blue, flesh, tan, taupe and black. Shirred
to gracefulness, beautifully finished.
uai:nc'.s,,orts $10.00
Also swagger models in large bioUen
plaids, in brown, tan. light and daik giay,
and stripes in black-a.id-gray or nnvy-aiid-gray.
Box and side pleated, .lust f.;ncv
how tremendously sniait they'll be with
little jersey jackets or bla7.ers!
Sports Skirts in
Worsteds and Serjc. . .
'Die worsteds vclour-l'mishcd; the serge-,
of very good quality. Lai go broken plaids
and checks, also black-and-white plaids in
the lot. Iiox pleated.
$10.00 Sports Skirts
In velour-tinish worsteds and wool sciges
in large and small broken plaids, checks
and stripes, also fine mixtures, silk poplins
and tricolettes. Skiits are box and side
pleated or shirred.
b'.'E' 'BJuS Second Klooi
Every prvtty new Easier frock or suit iinml
hm c its pretty new petticoat you'll find
ehnoding here most advantageous in
hiilli variety and value.
.50 & $7.50
All-Jcrscv Petticoats
$5.00 '& $5.95
Of very good quality and with attractive
llounce.s pleated, sometimes trimmed with
ribbons of contrasting color. All wanted
light and dark shades.
$5.00 Silk
Petticoats "
In messalinc, taffeta and silk jersey
also some with jersey tops and mcssaline oi
taffeta flounces; big assortment of change
able and plum colors, r.xeellent .styles'
$1.85 Sateen
In black, colors and also figured effects.
Very good quality; pleated, tucked and ruf.
fled flounces. SNCL'"rNDURJjS Second Floor
y-i Xs I1,'!, v i
J;l ' I r y
I It" 11 I Pi
. jJ Mt.7.1 V I VX SS.'l.'i
U? si; ti.oo 4v Vv
St-I,,.,, l-r.l, IS ii.! I, Store 11 I I" I M 'n .. II I M 3 -
Beautiful Georgette Blouses & Over
blouses to Wear With Easter Suits
, b'Jji
y l
I XkV I 1
' -
In a Very Special
yBp?frk A K
cv ,n ,.vv m
L I , luZilim &,
3 $5.00 '
F'ai ticularly lovely models, i-lahoiatcl, prettj witli laces and enibiuulein'., h'i
stunning with conttasting pipings atid folds.
Tiimmed with Val., Venise 01 filet laces, cmbioideries, frills, tuck-. uoies and
-coies of styles, and every color and color combination imaginable.
Models with long or short sleeves; i ound, square, Peter Pan m -shaped necks,
in flesh, white and bisque, tangerine, giay, Fionch blue, gteen and ouhurd.
Il's a f.mifj Time Since Houses as Fine and Desirable as These Hare licen
Offered at the Loir Figure of $. . Four Models Shewn
SMI Ll ' s&JZS Second Klooi
Easter Coats
For Little Tots
$9.95 & $14.95
A tt. active
little coats of Vr J
polo cloth $ iVj
serge and W;JU.
styles, some YffiJW
I, e 1 1 e i 11 1111 yyj (-yfimmm
others plain. H . WSM
i the i.gh. L mmAlp
tans so popu- HQ tIhW
lar this season k j' f
and other good
Spring shudes.
Sizes 'J to i
yea is.
Dressier Coats for Little Folks
Lovely Kinds at Sl(..i lo $26.30
Charming model's in vrloui, ciimel's-hair,
silk and other very fine materials. Smart,
dressy coats in scores of new styles and
coloi-.. Sizes - to 0' -ears.
I'rcttv Little Crepe de Chine Coats
for Babies, $8.95 to $l."i.."i0
Aduiable little coats in white, pink and
blue. Daintily smocked and hand embroid
ered Sizes 1, 2 and '! yeuis
Liltle Girls' Organdie 'rocks.
$3.95 to $0.93
White and coloicd organdie fiocUs. all
attructnelv trimmed, some with touche- ot
smocking and otheis with ruffles. All
ashcl. Sizes 'i to0 years.
Daintv Net Krocks for Little (Jirls.
SJ.93 (o $8.95
(liainung little white net fiock.-. all
1 utiles and libbons. Size. 2 to (! yeai.
Spring Hats for Children.
$2.95 to $4.93
I'Jain tailored hats of splendid quuhu
stiaws, tiimmed with ribbon band- and
Caps for lSabics, Very
Very fine, daint.v v into lawn cap-,
attractively trimmed with lace and em
broidery, some ruffled.
Tub Suits for Little Bovs.
$1.95 to $3.95
Sinnit styles in sizes 2 to 0 veai-
S ' L'.r.bcRijS Se:ond I'looi
La Bonito Corsets
.ire Sold Exclusively by
i. Snellenburg & Co.
In it Complete Assortment of the
Smartest Spring Models
(iiuile-top models foi slight tiniiics
Others with low-bust lines foi medium and
lull figure-. Well-built models foi lull flume.-.
All have the fashionably long hip
hnes anil come in pretty louttks and hto-
$5.00 to $15.00
Snellenburg Special
Corsets in Girdle Top nnd
Low Bust Styles
$4.00 Corsets at $1.98
$5.50 Corsets at $2.41)
$6.00 Corsets at $2.89
Special Sale of SI
Brassieres at . .
Brassieres made of good stiong ma
tetials trimmed with lace 01 embioideiy
nnd hooked in front All sixes.
SFJErLPS'' 'jS Second Floor
Ajfi 'jW Jp - 9-r
,sl - ' WJx
aiiu.'.rjafK-- M1 'w - i
v -
Sale Tomorrow at
For Palm Sunday
and Easter
At Prices You'll Find Very
The Children's Gloves
Washable PC to (IM OP
Gloves at cJOC DI.OU
Chamoisctte. duplex and (luetic gloves;
comfortable, well fitting. vei good looking
Launder beautifully; white ami coloi":
sizes 2 to 1 1 vrars.
Gray Suede
With speai point and two-tune cmbioid
ered back.-; one-cla-p -tyle-; -ics .". to 12
(Jirls Imported
Glace Gloves. .".
Suitable for the young mi-? made just
like "grown-ups'." Oveiseani anil pique
styles; white, tan, brown and blaik, sr.ps 8
to 1 1 years.
Girls' Long While Silk
The coirect gloves for the short-sleeved
Palm Sunday frock. White Milanese -ilk;
double-tipped fingeis for extia service; 2
clasps at the wrist. Sizes ! to 10 year-
The Women's Gloves
$..00 French V. K. Suede
Gloves, Special at .
In the popular Sprnm style known a-"slip-on"
or "Biarritz" with o'-inch tops,
spearpoint embroidery and elastic at wrist
In .-oft shades of mode; sizes .'i'1, to 7
$5.50 to $7.50 Long French fl i rn
('loves, for .... D 0)
In 12 and 10 button length-, white and
black; 20-buttou lengths in white onh
The Men's Gloves
(J ray Mocha Gloves.
With self oi contrasting embroidery
These gloves have very trifling impcrfei
lions in the leather which do not in the Icii-T
affect their good servue
Natural Chamois tf T A A
Gloves OO.lU
With spearpoint embroidery in scll-iol-i.ieil
oi black stitching. One button
Genuine Buckskin (J T QA
Gloves tD-J.OV
In butternut or buck coloi, with i in -pci
nil speni di two-tone ombititdci, one
- -s I ii -t I loor
Value-Specials In
Not Approached by Ofl'er
ings in Any Other Store!
77 esc two tremendously good
specials far tomorrow:
$1.25 Knickers of QUts
Fine Batiste ODC
In plain white, pink m finvveied ri p
in wi ijrond quality and in tine whin
oi pink batiste
.Made with nlain tailmcil i utile en I
with pretty touclu- of taiuj stitching
S.1.00 to $5.50 Silk Envelope
$1.98 & $2.98
s''v I, pmV -nf c iv good qualitv
lie in enuie in a bj vanetv ot beau
del the dainty "undies" lor your Hauler
trip at these murvt loudly low prices!
Snl t-i. ' sburuS Second Flooi
2400 Men's $1.50
Athletic Union Suits
3r 79c ,C3D
Of llnit tUnli'j plaid and stuped lawn;
niu'le as onl the best vti'leivcrar for nun
i- mafic; cNtiaoT'lina y foi (hi. Ion price'
$ i 'ihl 'co I''ii"t Floor
Four Wonderful
Hat Bargains f or Mbn
who a e ctiuiMing then new lints m i,me
lor Pnlm Sundav
Sl.OO to SG.00 Sample
Soft Hats, at .
"The V eUer"A cr Smart New
Soft Hat.
$5.00 and S(i.0O Soft Hats
and Derbies
$1.00 New Spring
Cloth Hats
Other Fine Soft Hats and Derbies
it. lug a-sortnient n .
$5.00 "' $7.00
John B. Stetson Derbies and Soft
Hats, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.00
Men's & Boys' New
$1.50 "'$3
Spring Caps
Boys' and Children's Easter Hats
in Wonderful e CA .: Cft
Variety ipl.Olf pd.dU
Not a smart huster st 1 mi-nng not
a wanted (oloi Plentj ol blue serge
s.ulor hats and middy hat- included'
I' u st Floor
Sale of Men's Socks!
12.600 Pairs at Savings of More
Than a Third'.
Men's .'JUc Mercerized
ccrizc". 25c
i Socks, Pair
1 I me metceii.cd Sinks with double soles
and etia spliced heel- and toes
t llktck, ( ordoi an, nvu and (irau
ouble soles
'Men's Sl.OO "Onx" Silk
1 Socks, Pair
Puie thiead -ilk "Onw" soik- with
double soles and rtia -pliccd heels and
Illnck. ( ouloi I'll, unman ( alf. artj, draii.
I lit.iiipayne. Green anil II lute
VvH l'irst Floor
1200 Reg. $3 Glove
Silk Vests for Women
Pinl. glove -ilk vest- of hc.iw qualltv
puic sin, ( hai ming l'a-tei gift- tor tnti
nate In, ml- to exchange
s I'll st I'looi
Distinctive New
Leather Hand IWs
I4 or Palm Sunday
High Class in F.er Detail of
Their Making
.lu-t the pi I e o1
oininaiv kinds, in ,in
ecMlent .i-sortinent of
lent he i - w Inch mcluiti -
Jiin -eal. mm hi co, goal
'-km. eti
' Iilg VailctV Ot r.,,1,,1
JooKing It. lines, all ,
JlllH.I With -ilks ,,f fi,,,.
.qu.ihtv , -rime fitted
(with separati puises, ,u , ,., f,n,,
pulse- Qunlitv exci'pnonallv tine evciv
detail itiiuativi ot g,IOi! taste and particu
la i i a i e
- I i' si I luor
j "Majestic" Heavy
Tourist Inner Tubes
limit nrersi;i fur sit per-ser rice
fniin a i '. i it. Ti:i:i) , otv
(heir rtinurl;ablg low prices.
I.Mr.i ht,,v v til'n - di - gneil 'ii Im i ,i -.
'iur- ilioth.n .1 and lain iii irhom -t itch
i -Main l.i pl.tunii in- unlnm , hargo
inv pi im i ilt ii i.tivc
U cannot duplicate ruling like
tlusc uIkii our pnsciit stock Is
rubes, :j0.i,, S2.50
rubes. :J2I. s:!.25
'rubes, :i:)i, ?:!..)()
Pubes, :52ti,, Sl.OO
rubes, :,'Jvli2, SI.25
Pubes, :i()xl',, SI. 50
Pubes, .'5x5, Sl,s,"j
i I hud Floor
. "i ' ,1
jfcjaiifrbg &-. .'jJSlftlfJllH't.i, t
.. tW-lf
in Kwftii.-i