Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 18, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 13, Image 13

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through a
Woman's Eyes
Ihisiun the Catechism
Vp. jou -sure ou'll love me when
Jj blonde I'm not really a blond,
gjj jou think you may be torry
"IS' matter wlmt I might do to you
'".' .. ,r vou would never
i.ini tvu
Organ plnys at 9, 11 and 4:50
l'liltn-H nt .Noon
ft'SWull by Unit, HIS turn
"Arc "
Riiro jou enn nlways love
u i,niic like mo?'
1 If a rich nnd handsome man came
,v land courted you would you still
stick l "'' .,,, nv T0U liked Blim.
"I '""u.i'." ", .ri.,,1 ,nn rod l.lllr
" 1"W tbeHorrV?"
jou su.. "- . ,.,,:. mnr
l ..nonr. "" '"v. . ....-
Arc 50
II always be my little tootscy
tiud I1"
always call you
coiif. "
I"W . nmn tho nupstions and
" " ."" .. .i.i
iatisfai'toruy seiui'u wmu
n Hint salisiiicioniy -iui ..........
' 'n of irrentcst Importance In
S!m"".f iS'th No ponder they say
u lottery i
the lit
"CWVot "k 'him. "What (. the
'n, nurj.br :;a yo t
iaturcd cnoiica to hui.m i.
my tant
to Court of
.nidations?" "Are mi
.';, ,.,idiMi. win yo pc , P0'"1
',' 'ilnve we enough tl.lt.B8 In
,,nV' Do I Batlafy you Intel-
,all-'.or will you have to turn to
Kl"il not nk "Are you wlllinfi to
ho , a (-'low up the ladder? Will you
hrf a well ad hnre?" "Are jou
K and undewlnndinR? Wilt ou
5,1,, how. a haven?" "Are you In
tu,ted In my work nnd will you be
on,- on- to talk things oxer with?"
"Will u consider making n home
,.,,i mb or do you expect the dell
' ... .i.,ni tn .In It for vou?
ThMo matters which form tho axis
upon which their wurld will daily re
....... r tr. them, ntmnrontl.v. mere
In-isnifi. nnt detalln, unworthy of their
nalt.-il consideration. "Will you not
nun vMicn i die: is uiu que-uiiii, imv
'Will ion understand mc while I am
ou mnv iay "What difference would
it tiiakp, fhe'll marry nnywaj. what
(ir tli- niestlons and whatever the
imiwci- That's tho way It always I.uh
ten. don. . Ih dorn; and will be done.
IVrhnps thev would marry nnywny,.
I' UK told Iinit he was nut very siir
,bi.ut tlu offlce she would only be in
,'i;unnt about hia beinR unappreciated.
n,jrr lnm and hope for the best And
to n with the rest of tho questions she
ouslit.to .isl. .
lint there is this to remember. l-or-nnrn
d 11 lnronrmril above all jn tho
da jirol.U-iiis of married life. Knowl
fdf f whuc there may be rocks ahead
mil Imp thi- h'iIp to steer clear of them
liw.'od of crashing into them run speed
t .Mil And if it will do nothing cIm1. n
f ,k r.-aliziition by the young people
n( i I .it liat in the things that count
u i -i " them both that certain and
lailii 'iftirnmUi of foolish blindness
-m il i mnmeiit. Tlierefore, I'm for a
niMon of the catechism.
To Lecture on Egypt
Ap il. titit.-il liM-tiiro on llgjiit will
to f i I. ni'lit b. lr. Iteiijuinin I..
C..r, li. f.iie the Hi brew I.lteruturc
S. i d in tin- iniilii". uf the sneief. . ".HI-I
VJ ( i mile strict. Sunday afternoon
M m l'.ilin will lecture nil "Will J
Zin - n.Im- the .lew Mi l'robletnV A
I ,i ji.iin will precede lmtli lei1-
i ii iiii.n is free.
irviSn fih St y
Sports Suits
' materials all. tic
h .iml Scotclt Ilcr-
ni .mil Cislimcre
li bi bpi.lk $75
1 ' utt l these Lottsol
' ' "mil tnodilb is iru
ir uli.il,!,. the tailoring
'' 'l t'tii lurfcct
Dress Special
WORTH 15.00
new iind i.iiD- AmB
yiar Laiittm
t repc. All the new shades
Easter Hats, Easter Frocks,
Suits and
Coats All Low in Price
Stairs Store
2500 Charming Easter Suits for
Women and Young Women
$15 $25
200 Wool Jersey Suits, $15
Perfect suits for service- and general rough
wear. They tire In tnilored and Tuxedo styles
in brown, reindeer, tuupe, tun and I'ckin (due.
One Ih sketched.
Navy Serge Suits
, $22.50 and $25
Everybody likes such suits as these ripple
coats, braid trimming and pretty linings dis
tinguish them. Several htyles.
Suits of Tweeds and Mixtures
$25 and $32.50
In lovely misty tones of gray, blue, green,
tan, Co'penhfigen and rose. Juckets are lined
throughout with silk nnd are belted or plain. A
?!2," suit is Bkctchcd.
Fine Tailored Suits in Navy
Blue and Black
are ol tncotmo, nairunu stripe suitings anu
mannish serge. Some are severely plain, somo
'nre braided and others are quite elaborately em
broidered in silk or beads. $37.50, $30 to $GU.r0.
Women's Fine Silk
Stockings, $2.50
A fine, even quality, silk to the top. Soles,
toes and heels are reinforced with lisle. In
black, navy, smoke, silver, polo gray, Cordo
van and Russinn calf.
Children's Easter Coats
will probably be chosen tomorrow A delightful
assortment of styles, colors and materials in '1 to 0
year sizes at $7.F0 to $13.50.
Included nre the newest polo cloth mixtures, good
navy serges, black-and-white chqeks and soft
Children's Easter hats, $2 to $7.50.
Easter Hats
At Their Loveliest
$5 and $8
Perky ribbon bows, interesting .stitching unci
straw braid, feathers and flowers have their parts in
making the hats gay and pretty.
Shapes are varied enough, for there is one to suit
every woman and colors for all preferences.
Sports Hats at $8
are of soft straw with all-over wool stitching Rose,
blue, gray and brown for your choosing.
Children's Hats
are $1.75 to $5, and there is an almost unlimited
assortment of tailored shapes trimmed with grosgrain
Nothing Less Than an All
Wool Suit Is Good Enough
for a Man's Easter
Wanamaker's is one place whtu y, u arc a'i'olutely surp of get
ting an all-wool suit
The Gallfly "store for M(-n. n few -fops down from Market Street,
specializes in moderately priced suits that ai-c all-wool, well tailored
and carefully lin.sl.ed.
Thi- i- tin- place to got an Caster fuit worthy of th r.r-asion
the semi-eon-1 rvative, good-looking suit that you want
$25 to $37.50
Cheviots, enssimero-, worsteds and flunnelh are the nil-wool
material:), ard the patten.- and shade' ale the popular ones of tho
fieason a well as the old stnnd-bs.
I'lenty of men's soft hats in Spring colorings, $4 and J5.
(r.nllrrj-, MnrkeO
Boys' All -Wool Suits
Each With Two Pair of Trousers
$13.75 to $18.75
(Sizes 8 to 18 years)
Iery boys' .-uit in the Boys' Store ii a desirable uii and that
is something tu "say at this tin.i. of jcar. 1'ine Spring and Easter
suit-, for hundreds of Philadelphia bojs!
All tin- Spring tones of graj, green, brown and tan are repre
sented and the suits are made in many different Norfolk styles. Mate
rial are mostly cheviots and cassimere.
At SI.'i.T.'i all-wool imvv foraa suits, fast color, with two pair o
trousers make splendid suits for confirmation and Custer.
Boys' Caps, $1.50 to $3; Good-Looking Hats, $1.75 to $3
(Gallery. Market)
Easter Coats Easter Capes
$15 to $19
Capes, coats and wraps of velour, polo cloth and serge in heveral
good models between those prices. Also nn excellent' straight coat
of navy blue poplin.
The dolman that is sketched at $15 is of navy blue or black sorgo,
lined throughout.
$22.50 to $29
Fully fifty different styles of sports coats, street coats, dolmans
and capes of fashionable Spring weight materials. Two dolmans are
At 22.o0 a velour dolman in ostrich, moufflon nnd Sorrento, lined
throughout, and trimmed at the sides with tassels and silk stitching.
At $2t, u navy blue serge dolman with heavy silk tassels and
lines of tinsel stitching for trimming. Lined throughout with plain
color silk.
$32.50 to $59
Wide choosing t this prico range, too. Lovely wraps of such
luxurious mutetinls as Bolivia, Rnmonn, Andrin, camel's-halr and
Florlzel. They are in soft frays, tans, blue, brown and, of course,
uivy tricotines and twill cords.
A ?35 wrap of tricotine in navy or tan is sketched.
Beautiful Wraps at $65 to $97.50
Many of these are copies of very fine imported wraps and the
most fashionable materials of the season have been used to make
them. Soft and stately things of great beauty.
Easter Dolmans
ii franc rmi
600 Easter Frocks at $5 to
350 Easter Frocks at
Over 1000 Easter Frocks at $15 to $25
Never such charming fashions, never so many
of them!
V $39 $25 . $15 i f
$25 . $15,
New Dance Frocks
$25 to $39
Fresh and new, they are of radium
talTeta in turquoise, pink, maize and
Nile blue, especially designed for
young women.
Extra-Size Dresses
$22.50 to $39
Dresses of charmeuse, taffeta,
serge or crepe in navy blue or black.
So varied are the modes this Spring that
women are choosing whatever is becoming, and
wearing it with the assurance of fashion.
Thousands of new dresses will be gathered
here tomorrow for Easter shoppers. Extra
space and extra salespeople will be provided
for your convenience and service.
All of the Dresses Are Moderately Priced
Many a Third to a Half Less
Dresses for every Springtime occasion and
dresses for all types of women. Tomorrow will
be a great fashion day and the Down Stairs
Store is ready.
Dresses, $15
In navy, black, brown,
reindeer and Copenhagen
blue, trimmed with braid
or embroidery in dozens
of different ways.
$5 to $8.65
for dresses of navy bluo
tricotine or serge, em
broidered or trimmed
with tricolette sashes.
for dresses of tricolette,
serge, tricotine and taf
feta in great variety.
Plenty of navy blue.
"Seconds" of Men's
Fine Shirts, $1.45
Woven madras and other much
wanted shirts of the better kind".
The fabric.-, have slight imperfection-
which will not interfere
with the wear. All .s'ze.s.
Easter Neckties
25c, 35c, 50c, 65c, $1
Silk and silk mixtures in
stripes, dots and Jncqunrd pat
terns. Practically any color a
mnn wants. All are "special."
MJiill.Tj, Market)
1000 Easter
at $5
New special purchase of fascinat
ing tricolette. mignonette and Geor
gette crepe tie-ons and overblouse!
Lovely shade of dark blue, stc.l.
beige, flesh and honeydew. Trim
med with -uutaehe, chenille, go.d
threads or bi.uitifully plain. Ma
jority with siifhrs. Similar models
in our higher-priced slocks haf
bi-en reduced to meet this new rate
Blouses Specially Priced, $3.90 and $5.90
New Mi-h blouses with tuxedo collar arc made of popular Jap-
uns'. SH.'JO.
lace come in
liver, pink and white,
if v"k
anese pongee, fc.J.yu.
(Jforgette crepi oerbiousei with imitation Veniae
trr:iv. ties 1. wnite. m.Me anu ieit;e. eo.s'v.
Lovely mignonette tii
extra fine at ?o.i'l
on blouses in navj,
Wanamaker Easier
Bown Stairs
Children's shoes, 35 styles, $1.60 to $5.40
Women's shoes, 45 styles, $5.40 to $9.90
Men's shoes, 35 styles, $4.75 to $9.90
Boys' shoes, 10 styles, $3.90 to $4.50
shoes the family
Handsome Afternoon A Wonderful Group
at $23.50 and $25
Dresses, $35 to $50
Crisp and rustling taffeta, heavy
Canton crepe, deorgette elaborately
embroidered, crepe-buck satin
trimmed with beads ; embroidered net
over Georgette, beaded Georgette
these are some of the beautiful ma
trials used in the making of these
beautiful dresses. Many are copies
of French dresses recently landed.
Headed and embroidered taffeta
frocks ; Canton crepes and lovely
crepes de thine; dresses of foulard
combined with Georgette; frocks of
checked taffeta. Among these are
many exquisite sample dresses of
which we have but one or two of a
kind. Choosing is wonderfully interesting.
All t he-
wants for Ear here now
and ready for your instant
service. Quality of regular
Wanamaker standard honor
able leather, expert cutting, un
skimped workmanship. Styles
to satisfy tylc critics inter
esting, different, graceful.
Prices on trie new low basis
so verv lov in several cases
that you might not feel uU; in XS
paying so little if ii were not L
that Wanamaker duality is al
ways safe to invest in as all Wanamaker
shoes miust be .satisfactory or we would nut
have, t hem.
Women's Easter Shoes'
$5.40 to $9.90
n.'imtih made, jmiopful modish hupj
even though the are inopenMe. Gr.tj.
brown and black -iinlc, black a(in, eall'.-kin
or kidskin and plenu of lirht and darker Ian
calfskin and kidskin. Brogues and -trap
pumps in plentiful variety. ,
Oxford- of rather light tan calfskin with
ball strap, perforated tip, rounded toe. low
heels, $0.90.
Oxford-: ol dark tan calfskin, imitation
wing tip. ,H.!iu.
Brogue oxford- of black calfskin, outMile
wing tip, rounded toe, SD.uu.
Pump.s of gay -in-de with patent leather
trimming, high French heels $3.2f.
rump- of tan calf-kin with one -trap,
baby French heel-. S.23 and $i).90.
Brogue pump- i-kotched) of light tan
leather with two strap and buckles, medium
heel, S3, in
( In Uitll
Children's Easter Shoes
$1.60 to $5.40
Tlurty-lie new .styles for big and little
boys and girls of I to 12 years. White buck
skin and buck finished leather, white canvas,
brown kid or calfskin and black kid, calfskin
or patent leather, some with white tops.
Plenty broad across the toes, nice and smooth
.y--. t!;--s, ' - ty -. .--.x j.s... -A
I:i0e sliei'-
at $ 1.7o ; .-it
of tan calf'
11 1.. to 2
Lace shoes, specially
srz.es (I to S at fc'o
kn .-ize" SI
at $.-.4i.
sizes Si
to 11
ol ran
to 2 nt
of tan calf-kin. wedge heels.
-ueh 2 to ." at $2.7."; sizes 1 to
it at tier.
Lac e .-hot :
turned M)le;
S at iv."..2:.
White button -hot - ot buck-t'.nished
leather with perfuratinii'. -i:vs i; i,, s at
!?l.2.": size.- SL, to ll at .-. 2." ; -ize- ll-. to
2 at So.H0.
White lace or button .-hoes, ,-ie- 2 to ,"
at $2.7."); -m- 4 to S at t:5.2..
Strap jiumj)- of tan leather, -i '. - .. to
ll at SU: 111., tf. 2 :.t ;:!. ."iO; uatenr leather,
-ie- 2 to .", M.G0; -i'es to s at S2.2H; -ize.-'
Si .j to 1 1 a: S2.7fi and .2.7." : -.- - 1 1 1 ., to 2
at S.2". ' ''" ""' '
Men's and Boys' Easter
; Shoes, $3.90 to $9.90
Ten new t-'Mt- for men ,ust upened as
well a- 2." other good -tK- - none more than
S'.V.'O some a- low a- S-l.W
Oxford- of genuine sk11 cordoan. Eng
li.sh last, Sit.UO.
j Brogue .-Itoes of dark tan leather. Sl. 10
Oxfords of black calfskin, F.ngli.sh la.-t,
Oxford.- of tan cahVkm. English last,
Brogue oxford- of heavy grained tan
i leather, $5.90.
i Boys' tan leather shoes in English last,
sizes l to 6' 2. at $i.ou anu uoys' wucnor
shoes, sizes 10 to li at $8.90.
(Mrn'a Clallerr, Mrket Htrr.t)
-r ik&'f. .'&.;
Llf ,rJ"
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