ftv- WiiS p-ri ft!m"ty' 4 itV Ik?- I fir w tf EVMIW TOBLIC, DGIi)R'-I,HIL,At)EI:PHIA FRIDAY MARCJl 18, 1921 '11 Anry Wynne Tolls of the Birth of a Son to Mr. and ,lrs. Carroll Waimvright She Hears That "Why Not?" Will Be Repeated Next Month Kn to: Wr: NANCY WYNNi: JTTQT fZnSSIP A RHTTT PtPnor I? lny m Auntie t it in I iy vj v vwwj. ajlvv ji JUyj. JJUs pm iu ner nomo on Monday ncxi .ir tinii .Mrs. Oeorso Andrew Heist, or MatidUBKy, o , nro receiving concrfttii-1 ;'"""" "" inn mrtn or a (son, on Mnrcn in , rx Hem wnn Mls.t Ollva Hardy, of mm viiy .Mr. nnil Mr Kilwnrd D. r" Lynch or ion .Spruce street, will opnti their L-iMiiiKf, i.-n ssoiitii iiid(,'wny avenue, ' lielsni. N ,f . fop the Kantcr Reason HI r. i.i .. t nAM. t . TW j on hrnr tlmt the t iliroll nln- of spi-iiir Unit ilelMout oirlirstru ill llic ! street, Im at the Homestead. Hoi KiirliiB, U -i ifrliti. of nv joik. imve n .vming' " '" "nnin 01 tnc real orclieHtin. J won- i mm- " i ii im-.i win niiRiiiPiii inni. imirr initeriuil I"1 niiefnl. my I, Hint orchestra in inn liti'ii iilionl peifi'i'iloti Anil joii know tlmt rffiiient of mil' own ilf-nr rlty. Yon M iHTr(ft- Imix on (lie ninse in (lie Aenil know Mrc. Wninwrlslit vviis Killtli einy. where lie who directs tin opern iVniild nml ! nnil lirr iiltmrtivo hii.- insi.i- Mnmls. V1I, in culil small hand eloped lo Klklon nlmnl n .war llnri our frlrnil. Dave Vogels. will ill-B-0 ''he.v tire lint Ii voty nniis tni'l J1'''' ''Is nrtnm unci arlivM'Pi. You did not vw'nit to tviilt lo Knin pmonliil know, the cieillt of the production and norinisslo"' wliieh would doubt Im litnt1 dltccimn of the perforinnncoM in reiilly bcn forthcoming, bill with Hi" addition ' due lo Helen Cliaxon nml Uup VtigiOs. nfter oii lmve come out" op "In n beennse lliej plnntied nnd worked mi, I je.ir or two." It Iiiih turned out In lie ''"''oiir.iijt'd and rolilcd until they put ii serj hupp innrrinse. and 1 inn nine tlini piny over, nnd it's renlly linrd to cvcr one i liid lo licnr nf llu; liirtu i which wiih more responHible for ilf of the little son. I Niiicr-as ; to tell the ttiith, I think we cun Nr.l'elj call it quits. A) liilKiiiR of Mi tin, did 'jinn ' know thnt the Hn-sell Hutlers, of T"IINNIK hns been roIuk l Mihonl Hnverfonl, Imvr a new little ion? In t) for Mime lime. Iml now and then his fntt, he iv their fliHt son nnd wns linen ' mlnil Roes wool-cntlierini; when I he Ie. jnt n week nRO. March 10. If he Is iim mhis arc beitiR ulven. And so bis ninny. cute nnd pretty ns his little sliter. iiik answer to Mother nbotit IiIh lessons Anue. lie will certnlnly be nn nddilloii "f die (ii, Is uuderstniidnlile. "Wlmt to thll world of ours. Mrs. Itutler win I dldou le.im in school today, dearie?" l.ueile I.uson. They live on Ciiidou I "We wur. tclin' (iiolntions." said avenue nt IJerkley rond in Hnverfonl. lohiinie. "(low nice." said Mnmmn. where they have bouglit n mo-t nttinc- ""' joii lemember one to tell meV" tie luniP. "Well," mid Johnnie, "this Is one: "A gnod inline Is rather to be rhwen Pl.t.. thpdnte for this iciii's Klower i """ rn ureeclies. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES l)r Tliomus H K Morton, of School lane. Ciermantown. announces the en Market hns been hct. and it will he nn Mny Hi. '1 lint s n Tiiursdnj . nun lot's hope it will be elenr. I.nst ear'.s mRrket fell on n beautiful dnj . lint the rear before j on remeinlier how It rained off nnd on durinc the iln. nnd ou , - -, . , . i ".in i .ii uiiuMJnil. Hiiuu.iin.r."' till' u could not be sure ill liny minute RBorncnt nf his claucliter. Miss Hnrali hetlier to co on or iiui wiiiiiine icie , wistnr siorton, or the nryn jmwr uiuo, However. It did clear llniilly. nnd the i i!79 I.exliiRton avenue. Now York, nnd .in riiinuci iviiiKuu r ruiuic, run 01 .iiip. I'iniitii, of Princeton, N. .1. Mr Frantr. Is n Hrntlii.'ito of Princeton '19, and diirlnu the war served In nn ambulance coips nnd Intel In tbii t' S A lintlnou corps Miss Morton Is a urnnddauRbtei of Hip late tr Thoninp (1 Mm ton and a niece of Mr Arthur V. Morton, Miss I It Ion K Morton and Mrs. John Story .letiks ,li , nf this city proceeds of the day were not lerinuMy Cfrcted Mrs. Hli K. Price is chnir mnn iiRiiin this jenr. nnd lier nsslvt nDts nre the slime three ns lnt enr. Mrs Andrew WriRhl Crawford, Mrs V Howard I'liiironst mid Mr. Tliomus Klwju And, of course, tliero will oe strniRs nnd string of otheis. cliniimcn of I he various booths and of the "eats' snd aides, nnd nil kinds nf assistants It one of the most p!cturc5titie of the Into sprltiRtime fetes nnd every one Innks forward to it each jenr. You re member of the performniK'e of "Why Not'" which caused so much fnvorable comment n couple of weeks bro, opened with a scene in the Klowcr Mni'hcl. a: Why Not?" did 'l) InlkitiR of on know it is to be given nRnin and this time in the Acndoun of Music? lis to lie held on Wcdncsdnv eveniiiR, April -7. nnd it's to be for the benefit of the f'lilnesp l'niniiio Kiind. Won't It be interestinc to see the nf- fnir translated, ns it were, from the Little Tlientre lo the Acndeint ? fnet. if you were looking mound nt all on Wodnestlnj you niiclit have seen nn (sinnisliin sight relative to part of the transplanting, for ns T wns oulmb walking along the street I linppned ti l"k up nt the npproiich of n huge timk mid there wns Helen Kliuson i who. mi remember, wns lesponsihlo fui the pioduction of "Why Not?" nml who ncteil in ovorj cniacit from that of producer to stage linuiil riding down Chestnut street on the side of nnl truck, personally conducting the eniivcjnnco of scenery from the place it its ilelnit to the locality where another triumph jn to be scored I understand thnt n few changes have been made in the inmedv. several s. cans i nmbiiicd, nnd some new ones put in. And. oh. boys and girl, think Mr nnd .Mrs. Chniles B.irlon Keen, of 1 91 s Pine sttcet. have Issued Inventions for a theatre party, followed by nuppcr nt the Itllz-i'arlton. on Monday ovenlne. March Js. In hnnoi of their daughter, Mm .lane de Kinder Keen .Mr. nnd Mrs Keen wll nlso entertain nt din ner at their homo on Friday. April 1. In honor of their younger daughter ,Mlss lUldn Keen. Iieroie tne meeting or Mrs. rhniles Ktewait Wurts' Uanclne Class. Ilr nnd Mrs fiooigc Knlcs Maker, of Old Oaks. Ilosemont, will enlcituln at dinner nt the Hcllevuc-Hiruttont on Thurfday evening, March .11, before the box pnrl'v to bo given nt th'f Mask nnd Wig performance Covers will bo laid for eight guests Mls.s h'ranepH .1 Moss, dubiitante t dnuglitcr or or nnci .iirs ueorge ms iimus nr 7'j Miiriicn Hirppi. im i'iiiui Liti I tng lis l.ei guest Miss Ktliel Cuninilngs. of rtnslon, who will tenialn for a few wei lis Mrs .Ios ph Wharton l.lpplncott, of Oat. Hill. HPtharos. and 171 1 Spruco strrot. wl.ii lias been spending a few il.ns In New York, hns returned to her home Miss faiol pielilo Smith, dnugliler of Airs I. Iiow.uil W'eatherlv. nf 3919 I'htMiiut slieet. will bo tin- guest of honor nt a theair party to be given by Ml. nnd Mrs. Alfred D. Norrlii, of Cier mantown. on Saturday evening, Apt II 9. The KiieMs will Includo Miss Helen 1, Sowcll Miss KlUnbeth J'-nnes, Miss Vlt glnln ICarle, Mr ICdwnrd C C.issard, Mr Mnhlon lliitchlnon, Mr. Laurence Hod lov and Mr John II. Sproul Supper wll1 follow ui the Supper Club Mrs Charles II Howell, of tr,J3 Wal nut stred. who has been spending the Va.. where she will temalii until after i;astcr. Miss ,loephlne Sen III, of It 13 North tJrond sticot, will entertain nt n card parly nt her home tomorrow nfter noon In honor of Miss Kllzabeth lluik Mathleu, daughter of Mrs. Peter N. Mnthlcu, of 1500 Notth Broad street, who will bo married to Mr. Donald H. Whltotnan on Wednesday evening, March .10, In Urn Messiah Lutheran Church, Sixteenth and Jefferson streets, to be followed bv n tcceptlon lit tho ManufnctuicrH' Club. Mr nnd Mrs Owen J. Moberts. of 1827 De t.nneey place, will entertain nt dinner this evening, In honor of their daughter, Miss Kllzabeth It. Itoberts, before tlm meeting of Mrs. Charles Stowart Wurts' dancing class. Mrs Mitchell O. ttosenanrten nnd her daughter. MIs Peggy Hosengnrlcn. of 2017 Iicusl street, who have been spend ing Hnvernl weeks nt Hlbcrnln, Kla . will return to their homo enrly In April Mi nnd Mrs Webster K Wetherlll. of Kent and Aubrey roads. Wynnewood. will gtvo n dinner this ovenlng, nt tho tlcllov no Stratford, In honor of Miss Anno Wetherlll. daughter of Mr anil Mrs Herbert J Wetherlll. before Mrs. Charles Stcwnrl Wurts dancing class, Mrs. ttuscl Dunne, of tho Toufnlne, will leave today for Iloston, where she, will spend the week-end oh the guest of her ion. Mr Morris Dunne, who Is a student nt Harvard College. Mr nnd Mm. Dmlle C. Cleyclln, who hnvo been spending ii few weeks with Mrs. Oeyelln's narcnts. Mr. nnd Mr-. John Hampton Harnes, of 1817 Do l.nncoy place, since their return from tbclr wedding trip, will occupy their bonte. Tregarlck. Devon, the latter part of this week Mr. nnd Mrs. Barnes, who have been spending part of tho Lcnton season In the South, have re turned lo their home. ALONG THE READING Coloiiol and Mrs S Horare Allemnn, of old Oaks Wyncote. huve Issued In vitations for n bridge pnrtv which they will glvp at their home on Tuesday eve nlnc. Anrll 12. In celebration of tho fiftieth nnnlversaiv of Colonel Allemnn receiving his rank In the t'nlted States nrmv Miss Sainh Spalding, daughter of Mr nnd Mt llenrv Spalding, of Wyncole, will return In few dnvs from SI Mar's School at Pcekiklll, X. Y , of which she Is n student, to spend a fortnight with her parents. Miss Anna Irene Cnlrns, dnughtcr of Mr and Mrs James Cairns, of Onn Iinc Is the guust for n few days of Mr, nnd Mrs Alexander Mitchell nt their home In Baltimore wj-1 "oHk i b ' , V,&'AKr&!S)gs,-$to-&xizx'.i MtSS HAIHHKT COKKHAN I'KAKCK Who will Im married i Mr. J. Kussell ICorlt on Juno -1 In the I'linl Mclltmllst Church, Gcriii.ni town There will iiUii!i:iiiuiiiMiiHiiiiiiiiioiiii;iiiiiiv George Allen, inc. 12 4 Chestnut Street 1214 GEfiMANTOWN Mrs "nnil. J. Kaber. .'l-'7 Keyset stioet. entertained lit luncheon follovvcd tiv raids at her home on 'Wednesday afternoon. The guests included Mrs. rtobert M Baiton. Jr. Mrs. Chnrlcs A. Barton. Mrs. Owen Jarvls. Mrs. c trace Bogeit, Miss Itay Knber. Mis. Kdwurrt J. Mm ray. Mis J. F Hcmberger. Mrs. ll.vnn. Mrs. (leoign W. Cleaver nnd Mrs. Krnnils S Devlin Mrs. Annn Scatclinnl. fin". Knsl chel ten avenue, has irluined after spending some time In Atlantic i Ity. , .Mrs Anna i onins. n"" ivim .il. ... ..n'-autmn home tomorrow afternoon. be twelve guests Mr. and Mrs William C. S. I. ex. and their son. Master Cordon l,ex, IK. Vest Durham street, will go to Atlantic Clt over the wook-md. MIhs Mllderd K Kcllermnn. daughter t .....I m iionrv Kcllermnn. Jr. 7122 Devon street, has returned after r.n.i.u,..T n fow dnvs In New 'N ork Tlic ,mmmMii nf AIlss KollcrmRti nnd Mr. Tllchard l.ltlcll While has been an nounced The Thomas l.eipcr Post, O A I! . C.ermnnlown braiieh, will glvo n In Idge nnd live hundred party nt tho Bellevuc Stratford on Saturday afternoon, April .. Mr and Mrs. John H Johnson, 101 Knst iniihain stieel, entertained nt n St. Patrick's party nt their homo on Tuend.iv evening. The gucst'i Include. Mr and Mrs A Itnvmond Buff, Mr anil Mrs William .MncNoill, Mr. nnd Mr Allien W. Weytuann, Mr. and Mis Krnost H Baldwin. Mls.s Kathleen f alov and Mr Artnur inie.v .vir imu .' ttnff vvlll leave tomorrow to spend sev eral weeks In Camden, S. C Mrs l.aiirance C. .lost, of '2I West Semour street, hns as her guest Tor a short llnv hei slstei -In-law, Mrs J 1411 wood limn of Ha at Orange. N J WEST PHILADELPHIA Mis Bolieil C.raham entertuliied vislerdnv at a luncheon and card partv at her hom.i nl M00 Catharine. itieet. Mr and Mis Wolf Ivlnson. of 1721 SaiiFom street, announce tho '''igagemeii. of th.dr daiiKhtei. Miss Dora ( Inru I.vvlnson. nnd Dr David W. Kramer. Mrs. I-'r-derlelc II Tlghe. of H19 ;"- gorn terrace, entertained fit a Ht. in'- ( neks luncheon yesterday Tho table was; rlnboratelv decorated with green and, fnv-ors were also given The guests , eluded Mr- Waller l.owrle, Jlr Jinrr rraii.'. Mis leo.pe CJiilnn. Mrs Ctiniles i-.i.lilte Mi- (ialen lltneiure Iivld I i oivev and Mrs Bilstei after spending several days with friends In Olcnoldcn Ml. Joseph A Smith entertained friends nt a smoker at his home hist evening. Miss Snrnh A Silverman, of S04 South Klftb street, will spend tho week end with friends In New York. Mr. and Mrs. W. Christ, of 1624 South Second ntreet, entertained Informnlly at their home on Wednesday evening In honor of Mr. Christ's birthday. Friends of Mr. John Armstrong, of 1S53 Dally street, will be glad to know he Is recuperating from his icccnt Illness. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr nnd Mra Benjamin Wolf, of 1.113 North Broad street, hnvo returned to their home nfter a two weeks' stay In Miami, Kla. Mr. and Mrs Kdwin M cjoldsmlth. of 2308 North Broad street, have re turned from n several months' trip on tho Pnclflo const. Miss Marian A Harris of 1217 W'.st Butler street, will entettoln tho Alpha Sigma Sorority on Tuerdny next. Tho members Include Mrs Klmer C. Taylor, Mrs. Harry Hebrnnk. Mrs. II Bnlfmnr Conicy, Mrs. William Horshev, Mrs CJhnrlcs Austin Carey Jr., Mrs. Paul Boyd, Mrs. James I'ltzpntrlek. Miss ISdlth Hnlnes, Miss Alma Bertrcli, Miss Rllzabelh Hette. Miss Naomi Blschoff, Mlrn Martha Wolff, Miss Obdvs Vance, Miss Olive Dues nnd Miss Helen Conine. Mrs John II Bans, of tut North Nineteenth street, piiImi tallied Mis Mnn.lv Kneclke and Mrs Frank 11 flrnv at luncheon yesterday before the meet ing of the five hundred club which wns held at the home of Mis Krnet Chalk, U39 Nortn .Mneiecnm sireci. Mr nnd Mrs, Z M ( orneu Iti9 North Park nvenue, gavo a birthday pnrtv on Tuesday evening for their daughter. Miss Helen Cornely. The guests present were Mls fll utys Pnrry. Mis" Kntherlne Heslcy, Miss Evelyn Mntlnck, Mlrs Mario Lawless Miss Irma Hughes. Miss Marlon Keppnrd, Mr Josopb Cornol Mr John Cornetv, Mr Kdward Cornely, Mr Olonn Parry Mr Clinton t'rbneli nnd Mr Ulehard Oirford Mr. nnd Mrs Cornely nntertntned the live hundred chbs of which they are members at their homo last evening. Mrs. John Michael announces the marrlngo of her daughter, Miss Uuth Jones Michael, to Mr. George Ynrrow. of this city. NORRISTOWN Mr and Mrs John O Krat7. of Lower Provldoncn, celebrated tholr nftleth wedding nnnlversnry by giving a recep tion nt their homo, which they havo been occupying for tho past forty years M, Kratx is eighty years old and his wife seventy-nine. They have five children nnd four grandchildren Highly teacher nnd oflleers of the Cnlvnry llfiptlst Sundny School were en tertained at a supper followed bv meet ing Among tho speakers nt Ihe occa sion were- Mr. Frank Moore, Mr. Chnrles Wnlnwrlght, Mr Charles Snyder, Mr Elijah Kox, Mr John Parker, represen tation of the local organisation nnd Mi Harry Culp, a layman, of Wlssahlckon Mra Sarah Pennypackci, of Oreen nnd Dim streets, observed the eightieth anniversary of her birth when she was tho guest of honor nt n dinner nt her homo. Mrs. Pennv packer has four chll dren, Mlfs Anna Ponnypiicker, Mls Mtiv Pcnnypnckoi Mr John Pennypacu. i and Mr Jcs.-e Pennypncker MOORESTOWN Mr snd Mrs Moore, of Brooklyn, ato guests of Mr nnd Mrs. Hurliett limns Miss Agnes Bobbins and Miss ICdlth rtohblns. of West MaJn street, nre enter taining Miss Helen t'.vert. of Philadel phia, as their gue.sl Mr William Busby spent the week-end at Atlantic City Mr and Mrs. Joseph Haskell enter tained nl dinner before tho Wellesle, College Olce Club concert on Saturdav night Among tho guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Borton. Miss l?n Negro nnd Mr Deacon, of Atlantic City. Inntitioni or Announce- mtnti Writs ur t'lnine Cnr l.ntruttil or I'rlntt sttinpKs, RPYAL ENGRAVING CO., 814 Wlnol Si I WORLD MOBT nL'AOTllfOXj ItltUktHB jl V.1I trr. Mii I'lIILAtJl.t.PlltA & l.tSAUIMU TIIUATltbU Dire, lion of ..V. J J. HIIIUJLIIT i CHESTNUT Sf7 fel1. i Last 2 Evgs. Last Mat. Iomor. Till: SrAltKI.Ivrj sit Hlf A I. c.iimk.iit mi With llif Nnw Vork I'jHt nntl troductlnn lll'.'J Mf MTl; AT 8 HIIAIIP Seats Now Selling PHK-WAK I'lUCKS FOH ALL PKRFOI.MANCKS iMXriII'T HAT BVfl I Entire Lower Floor, $1.50 Balcony, $1.50, $1 Entire Family Circle, 50c ; N. Y. Century Promenade Revue MARKET AT I9TH, THIS WEEK ONLY , A. M. TO 11:15 P. M, Iffluil mxnim 0 Iti WlM a AAfliyiniB)in rtk3n OF the: I lfi n rt rAMom itony o ul A rowrtful Rn.J larllme plot." tnqulrtr A prodnriion of roor, dignity, alnctrltr snd ronmiilnn I, rigor "A plctum nf rfp,stiil pxrrllence, ' N. At It is intcrcMnc unusual and IhrlUln.' ' Tin uftini nt th rrlnelpsls tr."8 out 1 s fnr atnivB tho nrilinnrj' ' Bulletin. 5 u noitls son uppirbound." arnmg Ledger. ' Cast of Favorites WY.VDIIAM STANIHNO. MAIIIjON HAifllj TOS NAOMI OIILDISIlfl LAWBON IIUTT VOCAL -lenr: Scott NBW rnATCItlJ 1Cnrl 'co11 liBPEnTOIHB i II A M mill' M nn Irony. 38o rr lipnirii unrt ttn'riny Losna. Mj LVENINUS AI'THK ft O'CLOCK HATLIIDATR AND ItOt.tDATB llalconr. line Lowrr Voot nil -. Ilftlrony Iy)s, 73o I s.t w..k- MAN, WOMAN .MAttniAOB" A Vlt-lfAL WHIZZ HAM; WITH V CAST 'II INTLIl.ATiriN. l. MTAKH ii.'. SIN.)-t DAVt't:llH (IMr.UIAVS ll!.i STANTON , ,WK ASi J52 MATT MOORE AND RUBYE DE REMER i" i . civ Viiramoun' I'leturr "THE PASSIONATE PILGRIMM M IV3ANN & U.LK5 1102 CHCSTP4UT STKEET Mrs. William 'i SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr ami M's 5 (VionP nntioun. e Hip , ...n.u .Inlirvl.t. r -till I nvenue, Iiiih Konn tu Now orlt for " i Scinlilr Cp'oiip. I" .Mr Drimlnlo ( . .M.ir.zn, three weeks' vl-lt I of ..".I South I'.litlith Htrcot. Mr.s (Icoi-Ro tlllnc-r. .'II Kast lllcn-i M , Solirt 1-. i ntcrtolnpil the mom- land avenue, haH icone lo Atlantic "' i itor-ft of her card cluh on Tucnilay nl- for nn exlcndeil hta.v. Mr. (Illncr Is ternoon at linvheoii nnd flvo hundtnl. convalescent fioni her recent Illness. Amons her i;ucst3 vvero .Mm. II. KniK, Mr nnrl Mra Kilwnnl .T. Jllirrnv. .' IJ Mra ! Kl-Ih . Al r.s .1 rt. mniv. io. .....;. Kast lllKhland nvpiiue. vvlll entertain at cards at their homo tomorrow evening. There will be ten Rucsta. Mlts I3dna Mnglll, 6116 Morton htroet. vvlll entertain nt llvo hundred nt her n.i.1 i -i-..,in Mr vv Hnrnor. Mr'. I Noon Mr, IL Uanl-lt. Mnj, ( Lcffnl. llrs. J ll.ilpln and Mrs. C l'.oherts Mls.'i Isabel K. lt"enfoldt. n( llJI mtiipr ntreet, has ipturncd to her homo s v U TO m Pa Gv&?p 'iSVrS? V An ail-worstcd fobnc - not a wool cr?ey that naj a proMcn reputation for style and economy Mew Shades and 5tyles Hand-Tailored Suits Ladies', Misses', Juniors' 22.75 27.75 38.75 Tailored Hats Mannish Shirts nnd W.iists Made to order or ready io near. Underwear Sport Hosiery SWSHUBERT KV,'N.'r, MAT. TOMORROW "" $2.00 ATtM STRIKE! rSTHLIP tAMMtlSTHH 5 SUP31ML BID m UUVevjLSae UiUUJUlii r r) A Musicontny r BUM S.GW r u wt - -rMi f'lii'tu s p nullzail'.n of .SnnmC Mfrwln't iv fnl t1. Ih -.toiv of irhoMA ttf ! fH in n in r i i ihftur.fin.lH of mjcnsiaa readrf I M VVI, , Pnlty Arliurkl. Prew Mtx't Million! TOICW C-. L,- LSLHJWS DAT ATT 151 MAItKET BTOBBI ricm N'nilonal Prent LON CI1ANRV AND Lt'.WIS RTON In "Nomads of the North' tiv jami:s oi.tvKn rt-pwooD vxi vvrk oris Mvt.vNnii m kibmbt" LYRIC EVGS. AT 8:20 ARCADIA SI,y,Sl',BtK,-2 I'ara mount I'reient rt.niti.srr virion a i.loiij nuuiiEa lo "BEAU REVEL" ,rom Nov" b' si vv k loin Wrb'i r Wh.it'.. Worth Whll V'n Tf i - rrow nl 2 v S' piu.jji s I Silk Hosiery PjlANN St. DlLKS Ufl2 CHESTNUT STREET Adelphi L331 Mat- Tomor. Positively LAST 2 EVGS. T,, Th Orcati forneiv Triumph tn Tears iV, V" illtltM II.JSR ITPKr-il" jrfS) y-"'- ysinnnrrvi ryn mnrarrvr f jiyiiUrWttliJOS icJiiiiWigwwai 1 VICTORIA yrssf? S?,ft. AIL 1 to tTiUSENTU BERT I YTELL JN fist .. . SHOWING "The Price of Redemption" SLWT VVLT.K "TWIN DEDH" ' C A DITni '- .MAKKKT BTItKBT , V-l I 1 Wl. ALI.-STAK CAST la TIIK aTKALBKS" DIT'irM'T' LriKKT ST Bel. 1JT1I IV1SJ1.1"N 1 MAV AILISON In "Arp All Men AllVr GLOBE 3 7T Cosmo hamiitopi VIHAMUVCA Mfimvh. V Seats Now Selling lit i nnntock and M r i (;' tre,i , tht Urightent nn'l Mfrrirt C imdy of Rv:rnt earn ArMNsfiHA siahm:t street AT .11 MPKR rnntln Vmn1vllle. 11 to 11 I es' vrnHOTI" ntbrrn , I'lllljVLIULi lliA " 1 II11KMU3T TllKATUUH t lGARRICKLAST2EVGS. t l..tt Mh Tomorrow FRANCES STARR i H N P i"0NE" H s Ploy by LJwurl Knoblaek .Stip;iortif by tit Original Belatea Theatre Co. j i.t tloii'in nnlli,nrnu MitlfJIrtnn (Authors of l'..n With a I'aat ') WUh WILLIAM AND MOLLY ItOYU MclS'TVRE Now-a-days it's Allen's Hats will he quito tho mortt hccontinj; you havo evor worn for you may choo?e it at AlJrn's from a vvoalth of charming style.". Wo havo planned for a btihy day on Saturday. And Announce a Wonderful Showing for Women and Misses in Spring flats Fresh From the Workrooms Wonderful Choosing at $10.00, $15.00, $25.00 SEA-VIEW Our nl tin- ru-Urr Iwi-tlnip piling nilli the siifirr-siiunt petite Louis heels, llnr " oi i y Imeki, grey sttrilr nml the neu tuns fit ,7A7-; EIGHTY-FIFE ifc V 't. . fASfTV. OWBk Jm Dainty Hats for Tiny Girls in the Children's Depl. " -i a $ 3 Do You Trim Your Own Hats? Wo linvi. nn pxtrnmiilnnry Komi lino ,if ll.it 'l'rimmlim" The Following Specials for Saturday: Imported Hat Wreaths. special $2.25, 52.."iO. I'lovvor Sprays and SpriK 87c each special. Shaded Uoses- now importation 87e, $1.00, $1.23 hunch. Veiled Itnsoh special $1.00, $1.25, S1.50. I'eather I'ancies Burnt anil Glycerine Ostrich Burnt (innae and I''eatlier Novelties. OK COURSE. SHK WILL 5PKXD HER KASTKR A'l" TIIK SI FORK. XI) 'MisfNcn 'iaaa$s Sale of 100 Skirts at $15.75 TliPRf nn n ninimfiirturiT's -nnipl. h ,'inil liroKin rlf aoitnipnt I'lH t hi ip In onb ono f-ltlrt o.icli in in.inv nf Hip Ii-k nil Iis ILituni-t .-inn Knllli" I'nnlln nnil wckiI pi. nils 111 iH-iiiit'ful rnlor toni'H, Inrlinl iiib HiiminiM vvi'iuht plniiU In n.inni'l nml rm llnl"li An iniusiml np IKirliinilv In Hieilic .i Ilni'lj i.iIIoikI hIiIU of r. .il J'JD nn lo J23.nn vain.1 at !,..; 5. I IM- l l III I-KOI. kS -.Ol l- AM) lll-.RK -n MOM I r-LlZING Ol'" IS1MK l IOV WITH Mil .1 I Rl I I I I 1) hKIRT- - llll'RI- WITH II R 15 ARK" Wl'JIl WHICH Special Full-Fashioned Silk Hose, $2.00 I Tins Is ii v orv nppri.nl iifin fin Lasipr n fiill-fiirhliinpil puro Kilk j , lion., vvltli llsln k.iiIpi' top .iml noli- nnd i-oini's In nil I Iim nrw lnule.- fe fyr Sprlne Uliuli. HiinhIii i.ilf nnd polo Bir P Full -Fashioned Mercerized Lisle Hose at 75c a pair; 3 pairs for $2.00 Women s lino (,"r,nl- lini-i' in l.l.u l rnidnv in and ltil""iii i.ilf ihnilpj Thcj an. Until nii.rcril.'.uil nnd nn- .in ixirlli-nt iri.idi' tor n-.-il n'ili'i Will l M'OKTIV dll.l-.T II I) SIIID t OI.OR I'N'I'X TO TIIK M'IU' Sill-- WINDS HKR S II.OR II T IIS Oli:i I I- C-PRICK. Sill- lO.MIM l-'ll-.S TIIK IMCTIMI- WITH lll-.K 1-W'ORITI- TWO-STRM' I'l'MI'S IN- -l UK SM RTI-ST Ol- SH I)1-S CH-NKM-INGI CHIC WITH 'III KIR IM'.TITK I.OL'IS IIKI'II.S N'I1 M.MIM.Y IRK1-:SISTI lil.li WITH HKR ( RKIM-. SI I K STOCKINGS W HI-WK ( .MK HI-'.R l-ROi K l III- SKCRI- I lll'T lll'.R I'L'MI'S WD HI R STOCKINGS SHI IU'S -T IIA1.I.M1 N-S, l-OR SHI- KNOWS TIIM t) IIKRI' I'l.SI-: C Sill- IIM) SO MNi DORm.l- STVI.KS M W- S ITST WIIT SIM WANTS ND AIAVAVS SO Ml'CII l.l'SS IN IMv'ICli i ii v oni-: wori.D ixri-t i. Q7 i u I Wilnnl Walnut Mm Tomor 'J 15 Hhnrp i w.llliui al vt, MK,t, t s. 15 Sharp no evi: si:,vivr ihium; i-nfLouuc UlCILVItO WALTON TULLY t'rptni i Tin; nrti.vT AMi:nn-N' .m-toii GUY BATES POST "The Masquerader" (,pvt roit nvxt wri'.ic svnv mwi, ni'iir p.u V'ivv rnit rvsTrrt ivfi k Bcllevuc-Stratford Ballroom Tonight at 8: I 5 I "The ew Id York Next Week SEATS NOW Geo. M. Cohan's Production Of AUGfSTl'S THOVIAS' NKW AMLIttCAN VL.V? NEMESIS 'T EMMETT CORRIGAN and a Big Cohan Cast I Pop. Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50 BROADlast I-evgs. I ,i via Tomorrow SAM H IIARnt- rr.n.ns -, WILLIAM i Collier THE HOTTENTOT i i iftnr irn ind AVlltlom Colllfr A Huts' JMy Wtthnut Any lloraeplny I NcxrWeckSEATSNOW I GEO. M. COHAN'S vitonrcTiov nti" tub AUbOLt-lU DllAM.VriC THtLill'H ea 59 wkimMki Sir Jim. W.irj ( ria&TDfece In Piay (ofiitrucfion I A Comedy on Divorce Po: U II V Ii 1 1 I I I 1fto Pop. Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50 i lliirnv. N V Casl i itLr-- n.n m thi: zi i n.s. Hiir - ii m ' iik i mv i km i v ur I LS-N.-YI.V A VIA Dancing Between Acts A 1 f'i T'"-h.fni t'ufi !'r r ' t I M .linisn t 11 M Tt'kMi nn d1 n '"Jim METROPOLITAN Zk Tomorrow Evg. nt 8:15 rtnla CTpii.i1 Onpr.i to Present A1DA h i H' I l .III I'HiC1 I" . il ii vii i: -, nim , !,. i. I r I n, . I. rt , -i -ei l i on iiU M . il. II i il n rj.:. i T ii s KITTY DONT.n V IV i .. I- ... r I r, ii ,-J AN.V CU NDI.KIl j ii - mi I .1 i n i.j in a mi f TOTO i .iii:i. v im-.h ,i V I I 'I vv -I i - t n l V 1 II , - . I 'v llll .III III IIH I Hi! f. '.' ' ! ll llltlll (. I III I I III i -. in j tut llli nrnt Embroidered Fancy Silk. Hose, $2.75 gj m No- iViM-:KTHn i rxv . , , i i . . ., ,. KOSELAND DANCING Mrond and Columbia I M I VII. I I , V ,.-,HT I- N ' V , I II If Ii 1,1 I ' Ii V ' III ill' l I - ' ''i Private ln?trtirtion V , ROSP1 AND DANCING 10n-1 7 Market St l!:iririi.n M.it n. r S.i'in n.iv rnDDTCT MnilTi ,VT 8:10 I vyiit4j iur k-moi row nl 2 10 POSITIVELY LAST 2 WEEKS Francis De Wolf WILSON HOPPER In a Ki'vv ,inr V"mlrotis ERMINIE SM lNf'ltf. -l IV ITITI l viuiith Scats Now for All Performances i Ono Vp, l-t.-tct Mnn. March 2R MASK and WIG CLUB hOMr.Mobv'siidN-' Sen Salr- Mon Mar J I In, m. ACADI-M Of MUSIC IOMOKROW Al I V 2:30 II' M I V Ml 'f i ' ' I I I I -1 I I- ' I I I ' HI I . . ,M II If ut ' r ST. whv Plan I'ihii Mil. Hum', full fifliluliPil, nf intiidi' "r vvllli cIolI.s finln oiilci'cd 111 lil.K L or vvhlti sraUc w lih i inl.t i) iiK'i ill fu.nl Tlil ii a roBMlai f I no New Imported Veilings, Special, 50c We havo Just wrelvptl a xpleiKllil ii.shihIiii ii uf tlifsi- nw vkIIIiirs m fin. , ni.wlio.i nml vv (i veil hpotH 'l'lirv iiiiimmiI tlm l.itrNI voL;iie In siikim vcilliiKH ami ari erv un ii.-mii I a ln.-n LI J j AHAN 9 rivate M,t in v ,vt - 'i . Instruction , n nf Mi I W, Academy ,,', I tics. ,,,x" AIDA i.i VII I I . , I . I". I. V . IIVII I. I I JANE P. C. MILLER Conseiator . 1028 Clirslnul St. ) At -- Muxlo. u v 8 nn, l-rlml. vlnraiitonl. i li.nl fll Allen's Hairnets, $1.00 a dozen "The Oii Oriiiiiiil Qmlity" "Slipiiou" Can Shape Hair Nets. "Import Spcciiil" Straight Shape Hnir Neln. Hoth styles are 10c each or $1. 00 do.en. While .Mid Grey are $1.50 a dozen. &S!BI GOOD SHOES 92 Market Street lhatuhes OOlh J" Chestnut, 402S Lancatter Ave., 2736 Cermaiitoun .-he.. OOOI Lttimanto..n Ave. 0AWHteV''S: f. .PEOPLE'S "-'-": v ii i ii i URUIKSl'KA ' Ml N I I ' DhlLADbLPlllA 1 1 10 Olieit ' 'inoi 8lS 1 '"onslu, i fano ' . llililPiqr UKi'MELM ' ,r " MAI. DIAMOND i i'i i ii Avm. 1 ! i row. 2.18 1 1 l-inyar In mi- Mu.N OK VII I III AUNT bAj m Hun. 3 30. MEXICO 1 ?' w:h GIRLS of the U S. A EMMLT'r WEI.C II MmatreU f A AT1IA u " s'' 'In I d . . ,. II ' 'I- -It HUH H fAflr'J I ASINl I ave Mmion's ici-" SKATING st "' alack" LaJllNW Own Company ' . ! , -, V." rU.V i Hall i on M.ilifirH mill I.ih R I it f.i fllOt), Wml 3 , ffl i.. v Hun, 3 30, MEMCOlNMOriON nrr i-.n mm. TROCADERO T"" 'r''l ' nofiej ON I'tCTLRKS i KUv-ttWLy Lilri Tinstittii s ,cjx:j: 4 v '.ii: y lriVvf-.