T'W r r imffl&w w(M?wrei!yth-mX'i?i ' rt"; f" -inMwtJl0mk - V $ 1 EVENING PUBLIC, LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1G, 1921 17 '' ffffiffifflff TODAY'S MYSTERY STORY Dv PIIILU FKANCIS KOWLAN i .. ,i !......., Vofii'nri t "ml C4W ",J,"W', , , ,l.mt """' '" rrlmlnoliiBlrt infor to ,Vr Tli is V, ..) 1.I..I. l.n.I Iww.li tt WAS Hie A """" """ """ I rhnlkro on Ww Mo nf tlm niitonin- r.J" Hint lo-l Hnrvry Hunt to n f0 r , 1 nut It Ih-ro and why? tlio qm-Mtlon ho nkeil lilmclf, mid lr whlHi Iip nrlcn out nn answer In '?' M-ht f tho Information wlili-li th pre.iJcnt of the Mm tree Co. hnil given hlTi,p rlmlk mnrk could have liml no ihi-r piirP"sc t,lnn ,0 plRMnl l0 snmc" i I, that tlili wnn the rnr br-arlnB h0" ., l.,ln,l nut for nttflfk. mntll-V. HIP """" - illlliT imit have It wan tlio duality nf Hint mill, nitrr Hint an "t ip Mmm I.Un been Innocent. If ...... ,.n.,iPii to stem Hip money lie " t. .w,l,l lmvp driven away with f. . . i.m.t l.otherltiK to elialk up hit car 'v" . ...! .,l,.t.. Miller ni nil""""; " """t irppiiipni- "i t-"" """i"'' If . . I.- iml I P II Knott ." i..iv pNp knew It until he ae- lii.nlly C't t' I'"' nh l"'..,m,,!'-v.:,. UIP Ilium bank nnd rnnic out And only somebody n. hi 11 Itntn knnwn .....i inn imiirv .uiini "" .......... ni"""" h".f. .,, ... !.. rnr miiIp were there mt n prearranged plot on Hie iiBieinli would hnve been nnit of pernons who knew Hint . ..( dm pnniiinnv often withdrew "e",unH of money at n.M times nnd "itlmiit ndenuntc protection. 'llio per- n lm marked the ear iniiHt ! hnve been the nroiiini tin found ;;inBfr.chnWMtn8?UMcrImw "'." . .... 1-.I...-II.I.. .lll,.it nl. ....!. ..wnhnf lm unnilnl 'o oimin himself. Hico Ilirut llfiured The neM dny Miller's (lend body wni i III II PO 111 linn." umiri i mi ". .i-.'... ...I.I..I. Hunt l.n.l fninwl q lll.'lll HUH " """ '" " .-.... ,4 nlmmlnned enr. ,,.,,, Tlieiii M the hC resolved itself down tn Hie routine -of nhndowlng the bnnk eiiaid in older to establish contact with V. re-t of the Rang, Hunt turned it mor nitliely to the police. Rvcntunlly .,,, niito bandits were rounded up. It ili.e loped that Miller had been fltopped n,l diapscd from his car with the mime at a point nenr where his body lind been found. Then a member of the ans hnd driven the compnuy car further nut before abandoning it In order to ilclnv the finding of tho body. CIV C'aii you solve this mystery of- Tlw Mono. Lisa Girl HAKVHV IIl'NT looked nt the girl curiously. Slip bore his scrutiny undisturbed. Slic even smiled n little, nhwiH Rlil." Her ejes olttnjs seemed lo hold Hint mlf taunting, hnlf vmK ln.crutnbl. il.v. For the rest thcie wni nothing rcnmrkablp about her, unlpos it cre. perhaps, that nhc had it little more poise l inn tin- nvcrage girl of her yenrf, for she Kccmcd to be quite joung. Hlie was neatly and mcdMilv dressed, but her clothes were not the sort to nt trm t nttcntion. In her brief conversa tion with him she hnd shown unmis takable signs of culture. Her hnnds ' were small nnd well cared for, nnd her long, pointed nails upre ccquHtcly , mnnicuied. No kitchen work there, I thought Hunt. Finnlly she looked up ncross the cafe table nt which they were sentcd. "You think I do not look like n girl who works, Mr. Hunt? I nssure you I ' have enrned my own living for four years, and I am really in need of a no- ' sitlon. I have been given notice by my present employer, nnd I leave him to morrow. ou see, I am perfectly frnnk with j on. I have been fired." "Frankness is nlwnys a profitable policy in the long run," murmured the criminologist, "but it is not nbout these things that I am curious, Miss cr 1'atton, 1 think you said your name was. I nm wondering why jou think I nm in n position to give you employ ment. I nm, ns jou may or mny not know, nn Independent operntnr. Some people think me entirely too inde pendent. I follow the game as n bobby, not entirely ns n menus of livelihood. It pleases me to tnkc only the sort of enses that appeal to inc. I hnve never had an nmbition to build up a big busi ness or a large organization. I have nevpr taken any steps in that direc tion, nnd' have no intention of doing so now. I nhvnjH ploy n lone hand, with no assistance except such ns my good friends among the police nnd the agen cies nro good enough to accord me from time to time. You have been frnnk with me. I will be cqunlly frank with ou. I need no operatives. Still less do I Intend to take on a novice for in struction." 'Terhnps when I tell you whnt I hove to offer you," smiled the girl, "you will make nn exception in my case." "And what have you to offer me, Miss I'atton?" "An intimate knowledge of llruker Baden's business, nnd the man's own personal affairs." She smiled In quiet enjoyment of the sudden interest in the criminologist's glance. "You sec, he is my present employer." Hunt hnd good renson to bo interest ed. Urukcr linden, one of the most prominent, if not tho most reputable lawyers in the city, wns, he had ren son to suspect, the secret power which In recent months hnd been making it self fplt in the underworld, nnd was icspotislble for n i lipid lncreac In tlio number of successful nud profltnble crimes. A "stntc of wnr" alrendy ex isted between Hunt nnd Hnden. "Whnt position do you hold?" nskod Hunt. "Tjplst." she snld. Hut slip had no snonpr uttered tho words thnn the Monn hisa snillp disappeared, nnd her gaze faltered undo the cold steel which hnd conic Into thnt of the criminologist. "Miss Pntton." lie said, "vou nrc n liar. io back to linden nnd tell him to choose a better spy the next time he sends 'one to me." Hut tilml lir hnd the nirl loll, nnd how dm llnrvcy Hunt know it: The nnticrr wilt appear tomorrow. (lopyrlRht t021. by Public tdKr Co,) (? ouflljertp's jf aultle nsltefj olmt Jf urniture ittost Luxurious of !3U Davenports, Chaise Longues and Chairs Every piece a masterpiece designed and specially pro duced for homes of character. Furniture that conforms to the high standard, required by the discriminating taste of the period, and that imparts a luxury and decorative interest not obtainable with any other. Produced only to your exclusive order, in our own workrooms. Sample models may be seen, and coverings selected from our comprehensive stocks in our warerooms. Dougherty's Faultless Bedding Hair Mattresses Box Springs Bedsteads 1632 Chestnut Street KPMpWIwmiMIMNMM I I Apartments at the Rittenhouse Modcrntu priced apartments arc now available at the Rittenhouse. All outside rooms, and furnished They include Two Rooms and Dath. i Three, Rooms and Bath. Four Rooms and two Baths. Rittenhouse Hotel 22d and Chestnut Serve with Oatmeal To bring the rose tint to women's and children's checks. To increase men's energy and vim. Do this, madam, for tomorrow's breakfast: Stew some raisins accord ing to the recipe printed here, and mix with the oatmeal that you serve tomorrow morning. Do it for the added flavor to make oatmeal more attractive. But do it mainly for the food-iron that raisins send into the blood, and for the raisin's mildly laxative effect. The bloom of youth The tonic food-iron of raisins helps to bring the bloom of youth to checks that perhaps are paler than they should be. Then the nutriment of raisins 1560 calories per pound gives men and children the energy they need. 'For regulating, tonic and nutritious properties combined, one can find no other food that's so effective. The luscious flavor makes it easy to serve stewed raisins frequently, so there's every argument in favor of their daily use. Try it for a month and sec. Look in your pantry now. Begin tomorrow. Send for free book, "100 Raisin Recipes." But first try the recipe printed here. SUN-MAID RAISINS Stewed Raisins Soak raisins over night, pour water off and place in itewpan, putting in not quite enough water to cover and cook slowly for about an hour, then sugar to taste and add a bit of vanilla. Some raisins do not require much or any sugar. What Dr. J. H. KcllogS ays: (Dr. Kcllof ll ht.d of the famoui DlttU Creek Sanltirium.) "RaislnsareservedontheBattleCreek Sanitarium Table every day. A pound of Raisins has twice the food value, an equal amount of Iron and seven times as much food lime as a pound of choicest lean steak. The sugar of Raisins is much more wholesome than cane sugar, requiring no digestion and being absorbed in one-fourth the time required for ordinary sugar. If the American people would eat more Raisins and less meat the results would be better digestion, less rheu matlsm, less Brlght's disease, less heart disease, greater efficiency and longer life." Use Sun-Maid Raisins in all your cooking, for they are the finest grown. Made from tender, juicy.thin.skinncd California table grapes. Packed in an immaculate plant in California. Clean, sweet, whole some, American raisins the kind you know are good. Three varieties: Sun-Maid Seeded (seeds removed); Sun-Maid Seedless (grown without seeds); Sun-Maid Clusters (on the stem). All dealers. Insist upon the Sun-Maid Brand. Send for free book, "Sun'-Maid Recipes," describing scores of ways to use. ! Cut This Out and Send It CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATED RAISIN CO., Fresno, California Mcmberjhlp 10,000 Growers California Associated Raisin Co. llt'Pl. .N '13.11, I rmnu, Culirornli Please send me your book, "Sun-Maid Recipes," free. Name.... Address , City. .State. SWeitneilny. Mnr.li 10, 1031. Slurp OprfiM Ilnll,- n 9 A. M. (lo.p. nl ftUO I M, M nellenburgS ENTIRE BLOCK-MARKET UTtx 12 STREETS L J In Out Economy Basement Tomorrow The Season's Most Extraordinary Sale of Women's and Misses' New Spring Suits and Wraps Special at $y J Smart Tailored Tweed Sports Suits Smartly correct and serviceable for early Spring wear. Pocketed and belted, made of particularly good quality tweed in stunning brown mixtures. Pictured. Graceful Velour Capes for Spring Stunning tan velour capes, well designed, beautifully embroidered. Just the thing for Easter wear. Shown. A 1 -Hi Wonderful Lot of Pongee Blouses Special at $2.00 & $2.95 In the plain tailored styles so tremendously popular, serviceable and becoming. bNLLLCNBURaS Economy Basement Men's Solid Gold Cuff Links For Easter Giving Special at Pair Round, oval and square shapes all beau tifully hand cnRraved, engine turned or plain polished. Bright and Roman finishes. All in "No Fuss" Loose-Link Style. bHELLEMBURCS Ft Floor $3.45 Fresh-Cut Green Carnations for St. Patrick's Day 15c SneTTTnSUrgS First Floor Wonderful Shipment of Brand-New $4.00 Cloth Hats for Men To Sell at Only $2.10 The Rood - looking, snappy .sort of hats liked so tremendously by nil men and vounc men for spring wear; in ail the leading shades and an excellent assortment of btylcs and sizes. f?TSniijJt.ST 1 I 1 I Mi 1 1 Special ! Men's and Boys' $2.00 Caps $1.50 In checks, plaids and plain polo cloth, also in blue serge. Very good-looking styles. $2.00 .Misses' & Girls' Imported Berets The jaunty French berets so nonulnr fop all sorts of outdoor wear in nil the new Spring j'iiiu nit: iuwe.u in tpu city. bNrLLrNiVRCS Frst Floor- colors. This Cord We're now selling our last shipment of BEDGOUGNANI -SlJGttK'UUirrHHIl- rr, w yj w , In the crroatest tirn sain nvnr hnlrl in Pliilnrlolnhin bringing you single-cure, wrapped-tread tires of the very highest grade for Exactly Half Regular Prices With the usual Bergougnan guarantees 8000 Miles for Cords 6000 Miles for Fabrics The Famous Bergougnan TRIPLE Guarantee: 1st By the Bergougnan Rubber Corpor ation, the Manufacturer. 2d By A Snellenburg & Company. 3d By a Bond Issued by the National Surety Company. Every Bergougnan Tire in this sale is positively of fresh, new stock every one a "factory first," bearing the name and serial number of the manufacturer and covered by the TRIPLE GUARANTEE. Bergougnan Cord Tires at 50Jo Off -Tax Paid $.37.40 Tires, 30x3 Vz N. S. at S1S.70 $64.84 Tires, 34x4 N. S. at $32.42 $48.04 Tires, 32x3 '2 N. S. at $24.02 JS Tires, 32x4 2 N. S. at $34.78 Ictl 1R TirP 19 vi NSnl 10 10 S72-2 Th'S' 33x4K N' S' at 536.10 $b0.3S Tnes, 32x4 N. S. at $30.19 $7G 40 Til.cs 36x4,2 N s a( $3g 2Q $02.48 Tires, 33x4 N. S. at $31.24 $85.84 Tires, 33x5 N. S. at $42.92 BergougnanFabric Tires at 50 Off TaxPaid $25.20 Tires, 3UX3 IN. s. at $12.(iU $48.04 Tires, 33x4 N. S. at $24.02 $28.36 Tires, 30x3 2 N. S. at $14.1S $49.88 Tires, 34x4 N. S. at $24.94 $35.44 Tires, 32x3 2 N. S. at $17.72 $61.(59 Tires, 35x4 2 N. S. at $30.85 $40.96 Tires, 31x4 N. S. at $20.48 $66.94 Tires, 36x4 2 N. S. at $33.47 $45.91 Tires, 32x4 N. S. at $22.97 $74.20 Tires, 35x5 N. S. at $37.15 SneTTenbUrcS Third Floor DaintyHand-Made Batiste Blouses So Crisp, Cool and Becoming Under Spring Suits fc Special at $2.95 Sheer, dainty blousei, hand tucked, hand drawn, hand embioidered and hand made. Roll or square collars, some with becoming vesteo fronts. Unusually fine and pretty by far the finest we've seen anywhere at so low n price. Two Models Pictured. Pongee Blouses Continue Popular $2.95 ""' $3.95 Tucked, pleated and tailored models, with roll, Peter Pan nnd convertible collars. Pretty Cotton Tub fl' & tf') fr Blouses p $L,yo Fine voiles, batistes and organdies; tucked, lncc trimmed, trimmed with em broidery nnd frilled. Round, square, V shaped nnd convertible collars. White and delicately pretty pastel shades. SneTlenbUrgS Second Floor Spring Clearance of All Our Men's & Boys' $7.50 to $12.50" Sweaters ! i At the Amazingly Low Price of $5.00 Pcnna. knit, shaker knit and plain ribbed sweaters in shawl collar and V-neck styles. All high grade, splendidly serviceable, good looking. Wanted colors. mm IB ' bNELlNBURcS Third Floor Sheets & Bed Muslins at Splendid Savings 78c Bleached 81-Inch s r Sheeting, Yard OuC Of n standard grade that's unusually sturdy. 43c "Mohawk" 13-Inch Bleached Oft Sheeting, Yard OyC 63c Bleached 72-Inch Sheeting, AS Yard 4VC A standard make famous for its excellent wearing qualities. 98c Best Quality Fancy Striped Ticking, Yard.. 59c "Dwight Anchor" and "Pequot" Bleached Pillow Tubing 6.)C Tubing, 12 inches tide, 18c jard 08c Tubing, ij inches wide, ."0c yard 98c Fruit-of-the-Loom Pillow Cases. G9c Each Beautifully scalloped, with hand-cut edges. Size 45x36 inches. $2.65 Bleached "Erwin" Sheets, $1.39 In single size for twin beds, 03x90 inches. $3.00 "Erwin" Bleached Sheets, $1.85 In the extra large 81xOO-inch size. 69c Pequot Pillow Cases, 15.3(i- ac Inches, Each 4"C $2.75 Belvidere Sheets, (t jf In the wanted 81.90-inch sue; hl.4y of good "Behidere" sheeting, vy b'. . '.". "j5 First Floor Wonderfully Fine and Sturdy Dress Trunks Special at $11.95 With ulcan ized fiber co enng and in terlining, and 3 p 1 y bass wood frame- t h e strong est trunks it is possible to make' Fitted with best steel hardwato and deep divided tray and ;i!J inch. You ni v a full Jhint nt im pvctal low price! 5 i -5 Jouitli Floor 111 . hie-, o.'J. 3G Famous "Paris" Baby Wagons Regular!. $8 Special Tomorrow at Onl $4.95 The jolliest little wagon- ou can imag ine for woo youngster-- as pictured, substantially built, entirely safe. x 3riXy," 'Tljijji Other Express, Farm and Coaster Wagons Now in Springtime Demand $1.50 "' $15.75 SNELLEHbUWjS Fourth Floor JA n V N. SNELLENBURG & r.n.- :N. SNELLENBURG & r.n -y ' 'S 'k ,N h '., -ij i 4.