Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 16, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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    - t7 -r vi
'SrmMVF - rnjw"
rsfs '-vfsiSigi pf
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ere WO lit fit
82 - JJutMsTt .
1 itfSh 'k?v' 1
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; ii nt i . ' .'
t'f I
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NMrt Mltnr l.i riilnr InlH- l.nlcri
San nloiiln. Trns. .Mtnrli HI
TtltS i tlir 6rM irnMiint-iniiiiiK imiumik rump 1 luito
vl!to(l thtt fur. lint there nro thirl cimi ntlicM tn hi'
hrnnl from iVintilo Mnrl. mlinittnl lie hml h""" f tin'"''
Ine n lush a "t'lrntli, llmui-h Unite,! mil hr pi-rfi'i'tlv
uHfrfiH itli lliinl or lioltir. lint .Inlm ,l;i Mitinm
m Miner "f tin liiunts, hns- bivtr(l 1 lio ntiti'. 1 f h mil
tn win tlir t'onnnnt . nnil is ti"t Kf pplriv; it 11 sn rut
"If thi linll 1 lull iluc nut hitting ' Im snul. "tv Mill
Old" unilir tho win' firr ntnl Innki' nitr linn 111 1 li itor'il
prtf Tin1 "tl'Kmirk K flu1 nnlj ( hint; it Inrli An u' nn1
non 'I lie piti'lii'ix nri' rnming ulniig licttir thiin !!
rxpeetnl. the eiitihern nre Inch 1 ln ntnl the outtielil i
ill tnlioti c-nre if Therefore, nil thii' ieinnin t
develop 11 mmiMi'iil nttni'l; mnl iti snnie ball t'iime I
fccliere ,' n ill in that
AH of ninth menus .lolni .l:ij i tnkinp mi npiimi'tn
ilntit n' the proopei'ts for the npproni hinp enmi lie
hnn lome forti tviii nthlete envoi ting nroiltnl the 1I111
Binml ilmi 11 here, mnl there nre yottie lil.elj IniiliinB joutii;
ster in the mob lie n hinielf thnt the "rooKin"
nre "f n ni't' li liflti r smile thiin eier before, mnl In- imt
did me swell nor j hutitiiiK in the pnt unnii.
Tin i' n but one jilnee to be ll'leil- 1 mnl li:ie
nml ttohlii lintip 1 expn-teil to tep uito the brent li He
Ik 1 he 5. iilln prip inppiil from St I'-nil nml nobmh on
the firetitt hit ki'Ueil ill ultli n Km" l All IIKree he ,
the gni'll. mnl "ill Pl the lenzne oil tile, or onl to thnt
ffeft A.I thnt iiom lein.iiii" ! for him to tntt the ion
fl.tgi niioi.
Tin lui ..'lb lm hem ion n lien- three eek nml i
renndinp into bnpe The u.-niher lm been iiimiiilh
fond 'ind thi iliuer developed rilifi . epe mill tile
pit her It look- n. it the -! ! would sei nuiij to n rood
ftnrT. wh-ili n. not 1 no ne hist ii.ir. when tno-.t of
the preiniiti.tr! work wn- done in freenis iienthei.
11 iniiiie foi hull-elf It In IM lltowtl. teeeiitl.i of Still
Xiiioiiio nnil he iltlj eeiitif Held. I'.rown i1- tl M-eond
editi.in nl I till I .imp', of the unlet) din. lie bits well. i
III-!. II -lie tlelib'1 mnl if tliete W IIII.I !! Pllktie., It In ill
ht throwinc nnil. Mellniiv kiii lie - the weetet Iimklii
lulter be bn een III Jeiiri. Iltitl li pefferth "iltNOed lillll
111" 1VOI ll
IS ii en tnl that Ihimii hut if 11 rut, mnl. hut
Am tnr he Aim 'ii'iii nWe In Ihrmr fit inlt Ihr
nthn Hi h prnl Ihr wiiiIii 11 ilh limn trlln
Uirir in ! iiiiiiit'oii n. nml imn Ihr rfuji1'1 i ". I'
ll iiah i thi nr. hr i iiiip In mi 'i iniulni
hi ilh.
Jcnninii.s Mi; Asrl
a NttTiim: i.iiMiK
t Wnlker
iltiidiler who looks 1001I I Ciirti
r i !in wiin .miku-iii 111 iimii nun pun "i
Inst lenr tini-hmi; the eiinn with the (iimitf, lie j
tii-l nnil n v'ood btttei Mel it mi nis lie will tr to keep
In,,, 1 Kins till i on the iob nml piobalih will be
tfi'il iiuniliit lett litimlcil pllebev the Ml 1110 !! ltlst Ji'lir.
Speneer i lnii!lllS "I' "'"
Alex (illtoll. "f Neil Noli. N. !.. Wheteier thnt K.
looki like n giioil mtili'-r lie litis iimvlitiM'il fmm Mil
w.nikee. mid ln work tin Minns hn. won him n pliiee on
the Viirit lie i 11 -1111111 Inn klop- .ometlllllK llleiled
heie for m'hiii' tune nml tll in with Meliiiii! '. "i-ti'tti of
pltl! He will be i n III tint 11 Slllili I If." -.illiiniel
Mnder. lionz.'ilo mid Miutli tin1 the leternn, nml will
reinniii It i likeh turn llenluie will h -ent b.iik to the
hruli for n not her lent
li(!i:iiv hn on- let' u"od ii'Mxiniit in IliiKh
.! lillim!". The foimer liettoii pilot ,v lull of "pep " I n-
'be men on their toe nt 11 1 i times mid does ln wmk
siiioothli mid with. .in .1 hitTi liPliiiiK .letinins wns 11
Mike for .MiCeiiw. fi.i be luis .1 win nboiii him unit
E6C- im Your GYe - "md
You'ue. ?oQoao it amo
You wjiw Your
eye Yoo Give
(CrtS7 1
r -i Js 1 r ji-j r v
TRue - Awt 10 .' The
Cwder is Gome
Take it out
oh- Boy1..'.'!
AlrJ'T T A
Amd GL-L-LORious
cptri ikj r
f 0 4ri5fei&
I vi Ta Tata
ft or Docs 1 1 Keep the Golfer From Topping, So Why
the British Outcry? Baseball Fines Sometimes
Hard to Analyze
..1 .. ..,....( 111.. v..l... ni... 11.. i i ...
piii.M'r o nFiiiiiin mi' in 1 ik.-, j im hip oi DiHIlP 1 , tn lit,,
Up' K f hi-hc. ImttiiiK r.vn nnd i in the pursuit of otiifieM
l- eiuly dprllii! he nml lili , pltit rolls tf mi cnKine. Ilnseball, ,
1 In it'iteh n snlnry iiKreeliieiil. rliiB. Is munetliinn tunic llimi n inPr,
t n
Mill Hike
Kelt HIS giioil
lie hns li en in
result .
itflll hml iiit fcni' ii ''M' iirnr. ' nid
i 1 f,inn I hi ).it' hi i' rlnl 'mi ml ijiinui. mnl
ii I i thin frll if nil ii. II ifil fif lln i'h'i fid 'lAr-
(ri)i)d llillini: rctlcl
Tll '1 it i- d'flerini no'i The bovui. n nre coins 51101I
JD.'in.l ine 1 lib nso bn iinpiimd Kot xiunple. ttike
the mlield I nst Mm Ceorse Ki'.li w.ts in expei iinent.
Pew bilielril be wotlld si,k tllfo'isll tile s,,son. lull lie
Hid .ind dne'ope.l into one of the be.t hist l.iienien in
the lensue 1'riiiik I'risih i nimthet 1 1 now i the best
Infieldei in liie 1eine nml is ii lnr 11 1 eitliel olid civ
third . ocuis hits ntiollier lenr's expenenee undo lit
bpll lind will be iiim-li better. The outlook 1. uiiiis'inllt'
jfopd .ind till I mint now is some ionient hitlins
At 'lint tl well known mntinser i worried nbout bis
.Infield Hum 1 oft is not m the best phi. mil lui nnd
:miKb' c r.ick nt .mi time. 'Hip stellnr linrtlop i 1
fracile pm 'mi 11 hurt enili nml eiin't tatnl the siemlr
crlnd lie I1111I stoiniteh trouble mis winter mnl mdioili
knows liov he im!1 simid ihe gntT Knpp nKo is 1111 epeii
niuit in the bis 'ensue True, he wns n snisntion in t 1"
.Amerii'.in Assoc mtiun lnt leitr. but before be went to :
ThiiI he llnvpied insloriiuisli in Cineiiinitti. Tlii'i tn 1
he hns fc lio", soinethiny f-otn the stnrt
M.tJraw is su.irdins iiKiiint 11 fall down mi ilu ft
Mile of the diniiionil nnd bus spent eotiidenilde tune w itli
three of ln rookies. Cross, a shortstop from S.in Antonio,
.lohiiiii Muntoe, ii ho seiond bused for Iteuuiinint hist ie.it
"mid Km tlrimes, the Knstern l.e.isuer. who !in pto
nioted Inst full This tiio bit- b-en put thmnsli the pirn-,
xii tli tJross nnd Muntoe in the lend If I'.npp Hop-. rris,-.
XTlll be moled to tllltd. Illld one of the lounSMers sent to
M-eond If I'.niieloft Illso is toreeil to the slie line., then
the pennant dream mil tnke the lush dive.
It ran i-a-ilx le een that the intield 1- imt nt nil fir
tain at thi- tinie Kellv and 1'n-i-h are nil risht I'mim
tntiM reeoier hi- b'tiitli. nnd Uapp imit d'-liver the goods.
Outride of thnt. en ri thine i loielv
There is n new nutfielder on the Inb who should make
Till. I ll li
kill.' with the pltihet mnl
Till. IHil Hum-it. mini tl Mill, uriuilll, 1 nin 11.
i Ihiii'ilm. Ilni ir ami ln, nltit. m r imiul innil
mnl I'll 1 ill mnl ll'iiim Wni" yiCuiiMnr. i"
I' nin. nhu hml 11 tin mil im' '"ii "i"' i'H. iiVijijiii
Li I lunula; I'nl h, n ' tin ime i . nnd
111. I .,i.if. nl l.'ml.tm-l IK "'ii In hr noml
;. ,i.i'i lirlhi. li'-'iii - lii nihil iiinl llmii'i,
., Inn cie; ffi'i ill mhi Jn" 'iiirlnu unit I'himli
Ilu a e mi I. n Innthii ' I hi li urn tin", flm h
hull tr 'nl m 1 1 11 111. '11 lion Ihr tlnm . mi Ihr
niliiii 1,11 Ihr till i' in ii . iVi.ifd t'l in 11 Sirnnir-1,'nri-
iiinl I Inn- I m . I m I " nu.
Connie Hud hea
PA I' Sl II '.A is res.lfded u .1 tliel It Mill be leineinhei eil
llini I'oitnie Mink wipel bun 'vm some New ICns
laud hish si'lnml in l'.'Is nftei be bud b'-t but one same 111
three ipnr nnd sine him 11 Hull with Ihe Alhl"ties. She.l
didn't deielnp ninthins but 11 -me mm, nnd mis sent to
Si nil use He ivotkeil iindu I'.it-i liotioinn Ibeio and
tils,, in Newark in r.tr.i. Lift 11, ii- in Toronto be won
twent!-si nml los: seien satin - lie won nine in a row,
whnh Is S''d in 11 uj lensue
Takius it till in all. the ibntiies ,.f the Hunts depend
llioll the mlield lillpp and It.llielott .lie the Illlsleril's
The nut ti-lil is xm'I inl.en cure of. .iitlonish theie is .1
iiiiiinr that some sort of n de.il will be put throusb befole
lew Ions. It would be haul 10 hmul the pennant to the
timtits nt this tune, because n- it sinnds it isn't ,1 pen
unlit wintiius tenni l'nssiliilitir nre their, but jmi ean'l
1 titer the viovld's series on lhoe thinss.
I .iskid Ilusbii .lennmss what he thonsbr of the s,und.
s 11 is bis first jmr in the lensue nml the men lirtuiilli
-M.inseis tci him. he m.i- in .1 positicin to tnuke nn 1111
tc .i-ed atinlisis.
Visitors Will Have Strongest
Line-Up for Contest Coates-
ville Meets Camden
Chumberluino and Cullen
ir ' Start for the Green
Despite Slight Injuries
'I ii. Imnl snnie of tiis,i (hull flint nmi
be plnncl nt M ivce.il I-'urnl Mull. Kisbth I
nnd 1 .01 nst sirreis. will be sinseil Ibeti
this iiciims when riiiladelpbin i-Iom-s
tie lillsteiu 1. ensile -easou With lll'tld
ins The I psiniei-s nie all primed for
the fi.n nnd will ptoseut llieir s',inses
line up in nn eiub'iuorjto bent nut
Trenton nml plni either Cnnidijii or
tin ninntnw 11 in the plni off. I
The llsltols will luue I'.lllie Uieeh 1
nnd I'lnnkte l'oi le at forwatd (ieiuce
Hussein at enter nml l.m Mnhuie mnl
(ieccise Mollis nt Bliaiil. Hefole Uieeh
can pi. ii lie inusl pai :i Sill tine foi j
bis lui'e ilisiui bnnee lit Tienlnu on
Aliiiifl.t x niht. Me mi- not the nffen -del-.
necoldiliR to ,.,ei liiliii s. I'.olle1
lieins the 111:111 t tin t should have been
Ilannier. X. II., MiiU'lt 10. Tln
tunii in tin- bills of New Hampshire i
all ns(lS loilni Not in the nieniori ot
(lie oldest lesidi'iil hns 11 baskethull
same exi ited so mileb inteiest and
coinineui as the mutest si bedllb d fm
louisht betMeen the I'liii ersit.i of l'enii
si Iinn'ui. leaders of the ind riollesiale
leasm . ami Dim luiouth. in seuinil pl.n 1 . 1
11 hill I' same don 11 the bidder ftoiu the
lied ami Itlue
Tonlsht pntue is iihnt 11111111 ,nll the
dec nllliK one nl 11 senson, nillile interisi
ins hi the wotiilertul lillll ins of Comb
1! ire '.aim's ieeoiitrueted liteeti
i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 A in toil toiiisnt fm I'etiu an I
it " ii nssuted the ebmupbinship. inn
should I'rini eliin nin Siiturdu.i msht
in Tisitlown A defeut. and the Ked'
ll lint liiral Conches Say
About Tonight's Came
IDIIIi; McMtlltll.. l'i:NN I'rrillr
liniis ite Hie no si all flic (ll I llilncs to
111 il.e wlii'ii Iwn tennis nre ns eirnl
tn.itiheil us me Ppnii nml lliirtiiimillt.
illiu's teiin cine ilu 'l ere 'I lelttte burls
home nml It sliuiiht tin the stiiup tirre, I
I lit ills It will be 11 re.il rlosc eiine nil Hie
w 11 lliriiiinli.liiil I lime fniul linnes nl
Im, inline (lie Tulllirs for I'lillli Imiinv
iciic with I lie IntiTriillrirliile I.ikiip
1 h.iiiuilnnslilii In spirit ImKpil uwii In
m.i mernnl imrkel.
t.r..iinii: .iin. ii.niM()iTii
llli-tliinutli re.lllres the stnllBlll vt Hie
I'l'iuisiliimlii iiiilnlrt ci till will tlclit Imnl
In win Hi rtiiiintilunslilii. I'enn tins 11
mi-tit te.iiu, tine ef the iM-st tlierp is In
the If iciie, lie! wc will Ice nut there rier.i
minute tlchtlm: the c.ime cf uur rurrrrs.
(ISK 11 bull
tills rimiili.
lili under ennlrui t.
winter ur
nwtier tan to lenrii 11 smnry iiKii'euieui, 1 "! " -cc,, ,,,,K ,,,t. Uinn u ,n(,r,
It! Just what prinri of law or Just Ire 1 pintefsi in. 11 is iiiv iixiRen nf cxistrnrp
nn he then lie lined for fnllitiK to te- -',r. nt Iip lilmtclf xymild piohnblv at
)or(' 1 the "rnlsnn il ctrc. '
II" UK hns nirppted ailvntien inoupy 1 pHACl'ICAI.IjY tlto nnlv 1 lintiiti.
lip ciin l)i fiirced tn refund tills or lie J- needed In foolbnll now Is to ,nnuf
flned mid suspended. Iltlt just how lie I Ihe hcntini; rnpnoit.v nt the h-ndine
nn be lined nnd Mi.s-pcndi'il for fnilini; statliitins and bowls,
tn sjsn n (iintraet Is mintber nffnlr,
A HOl'T the only opponent who In,
"TTrlMfAlU)." 'nys an pxrltniiRC k1voii ,.,, i,,,0,mi(1 ,,,,, h
VV "has nuly lin.rd three loiinds tic in the Inst jenr Is the Inrtune 'I'nj
Islnei; he fmisht Prank Mnrnn in Ullt'i." t'oiuiloM. nil. All riolits t-cinim
1 The three intiniN roferred to were
nsninst Oenipspy nt Toledo. Hut xvjirto FR&WKFnRn A A PI AMO
11 W an in nnv loxtns in timsi- - ... ... . i-niig
three rounds? TIip niil.v blows wo mw
struck were Dcmpsey !. Wlllard nnil I
I Willnn! vs. the Hour. l
! I nfnrttiiuilrlv 1
Tim ribbed niashie wbicli sn tnnn ' Manager Goo. Johnson to Coach
, r.ritis'n professionals are kicking The l'riinkforil A. A will lmlil it,
I iirniiit do-en't ipini lurly meetine nt the 1'iankfnrd
I- rst. Hep nu 11 keep your pjp nn1.,, ... , . ., . """"""
the ball ' lfllirnry this i-vpiilnp. nt wlileli limn tin
Seennd. ICppp .urn from lirrllns ftl)all .sitiintion for iIip cnmlnK (,easoa
shot .will bo tnoroiiRlily diseused The
Third. PrciPtit 11 topped bull from osan ful. t1(! 1JW1 b(.aMu is ( . ,,
poppms into a pond , ! nml Hetter Tenm in lrnnkford "
lourth. 'linn 11 sine, headed for out ,j(mnl( Howker. who. innmiced th,
of bounds, into 11 lumk. ,.InI, s, ,,,,. l,h nsuin been s-igned.
I, ,,.,., ,, , ,, , , , I Tlic "Vcllowjntdietx" no doubt nil!
T MA lu thnt the mints will Iip 111vi, 11Kin H iMr tutor (.port;.
nlilo to show that s-nllitiK nut n ball .Tulinsnn. who linn alreiidv piovrn ldi
KHiiip isn,'t a prime, lint Ihe .snnte eoiirtH ' ability nnd is rP?arded as one f the
will nt lriifct have a eoinplex time of it best eonelies nroiind I'liilfulelpliin
in an.! effort tn prove Mint ndllnc nut President Slipppard Ito.vlp mid th
a bull snnie is a pntrintir net ealliiiK linnrd of direetors have hrld cevpraj
for nn.! publm reward. ineptlnss nnd decided on a numher n(
fentilieH which will he prespntPd toulBht
HfllrtTU'S nt IIip Itridgp lind until- with the idPn of prnvidins clean nth.
ins on "Pint:" Jlodie in hi" liPinie letics and 11 winning cntnliiniittnn for
defense of nn niyile crnshing job with Pinnkford.
Howard Bowker Again Appointed
I S' Ihr hrit lonkimi h;i(i nrr h
In laid jiniil.'ni. "HV ihtiuUI hr nh
In' 0 Unit qnmri thi ycm."
1 ;iil tjf 1 JO?, In; Piih'i, I rtt.j.
hill r hi 1 11 ,"
Ir In n 111 i
.Maunser Mieis will stmt the -ame ,,,. fnl( ,,s ,,. Iliu)tl ,.,
Illic-ittl lillll llll ill., is . 1 1 ill.- 1" icnain
iispirnlions of both Trenton nnd Cain
I den nt tiiuis Ibis eai-ou and is coiiti
ill 111 Mint the Phils will 1 lose the sen
I son with n liitoiv on the home inuit
Out in t'nniden the Skieters opposi
I'ontesville mid tbei tnnt win both to
I uislil and l'iiiln 11 1 Trenton m linisli
in a tie with the liernis. (Ine defiat
.'iris the second -halt title to the P.eu-
I in ,, ciiiliinnlic.il iinuaser ixenueiii mis ,. v-,,.,7,1,,. ;,.,t c..l th,
iiieuibei' still troulilis bun. while I ham
wind 011 the lied nnd Mine tenm. misseu
the Main in Philadelphia nnd arnved
allei the reiuuiudi'i' of the train. lie
met .Manaser Stiickland in New Ymk
and they cnine diieilh here. Coaeh
I'ddie MfSiciiiil. stuted this iniunins
Mint lie nml mil (leclileil iieiinitely on
II til live is
d. which.
I.,... j..... i. in ,i,,i 1 ...,,. I.. ... i...
I (,.'... ,.,, 1. .11 .11,. V.., lillll 11, li ll 1111-
came. Iluut'.incei' and Itn-cnnM are
lai tiiioiith. Mlnle exiitcd. is mnlhins j 1 xpected to start at the forwtud posts,
but oplimisiic. I'ullcn. the star for with (iruie nl 1 enter mid Danny Mu
wind, nnd tin. I soal slnmli r. amllNhho! mid Al Voselin m i!iiiiiil
mid Itlue tenm wi'l be foiled to win , ine-iip for tonisht. Hill
Iimii the Tiseis to tie I ).n linoutli fo' s,ffeiins from a slight cob
Ihe lensue lend. These tui'ts uiuke to
lm"''i' " '"" "".h "" ('!'- n"" '; , The Penn playc, ,- 1 coinfiutnlih
enns ton. U-K miui.es winch Mill 11.1 ,., , , ,.;,. , .,., ,,,..,,,,. ....;,
Keep I ,e,u oul 01 . lie same u w 11 , , , )HI, ,,, tl,,m,B,
::. .::.., ' , " v.,.:. n.v.. . ' vver. u, miiitiu t m.
1 ' v ,, ..: 1 ;, v;,. i .. ; I, i""1-.. i"v "
Mid(Iloneiht Champ to Cue
O'Dnud Chance to Trv to
Repain Crown in Vn- York
Tomorrow ipht
in i.on-i ii. Mi'i:
WHAT n difTerenee a li'tle time liki
six lenrs IcOkes ill the life of II
boxer! Thnt nv.tfiion in fiuesUon i
.lohnny Wilson whose I'siunc e.ird for
nhout n 'p.ir have been ncrnied
'Wor'd's Ni.li'levveis4if hninpioti
It nut back in P'l"' 'hut Wilin went
throusl n i;s,i ten rounds with
Knockout S'.enev in 11 New York bout
When .Ichnn . ouifd Ins purse for
that mnt-'li. in. ludnis coppers, nickel",
nnd dimes. 1 .. d,.. ..u rcl that thpfimidi
bnnk r-'' bus ben npre.i-'d bv .ll '-'-i
Tomoriow ms'i' t'ns s.it.ie Wilvm,
nnlr on this m-.- mi n tlie lole of
flmnipiou w i. -tep int.. Me r.us nt Mi
frden to fn. M'l" ' l"'l ,M!k,;i"
will b" f V II be.fs! was the title-hold' r
until h' "- 'i warded tin wmns nd ni
n twelve-ro.n.d r4nn'' de, wmi in a
Iwiut i'h Wilson .1" Posfon .'ii tin
nljrht of Mai 'I P."-" l"i"" ' nt lut,
O'Powd li arncc tie , hnmpion
For Mi- i.riulcz' cf ivins Ijnwd
the oi.pi.itcinif! of trvit.C to Min buck
i.i. wi , ...un Wi'si.n will r. .eiip th-
inm of S4n Him What n ditf' r'uee (
exneth '' ? T'inioi' th.m .Iohnn !"'
f- .l.,i ceo. iii.i' win, Mieeiiei n, thPilu'J
iinie tow. i - iMir- iiS" M'ke wont
do so bml. -ither. imt " ?'""! "Mil. ' l lr.yi
not so bnd filiowd- -hure f H." i ''
ll omen ee Claret i'iotv
I'rcciy: I ote for More
Pittsbursli. M.ii'ii PI I'lniet
flowpd so fri'h nt ,i boxing -hnw
heie tlint iionu'ii pii tntol-h nre
anxious i ni' b.i. k I'm- inon
Thi'.isiincl of fn 1 1 fun-. iiicluiliiiK
Mills Illld tlniishteis of steel col -
pointion ofiic ins. nttended a boxins
slioi! .ind u pleiisnni i .me wns bad
bi nil. i veil ihousli law ipllllitities
nf blood were spilt in eneb nf Ihe
M scraps Attei tin show the
women mud i nninnioiisli that tbei
bo iiilii.iitt d tn tl o next listic per
forni.lliie It wns estunnteil the
lars'st. irowd of wnnien thnt eifr
iim a bf'Xins miitPh was in tittend
Tomorrow's Show Lined Up With
That of McGulgan's 1915 Program
'ImnonoM nisht's show, the s.,rcin!
,"s! Pairi'l. nisht's boxins piosniiu nr
rmiS'd toe patrons nf the National
is hi 'tis ollipiiiecl with the set
of semi.- of Jnri li 17, lnlo. which wuh
protiiotid b the late .lack Milluisnn
Mill, h !". I!i."i. will he leiiieiubeieil In
loi nl spot tsiien nv ttie sre.itpst boxinj!
oniiMcii in the hi.imi of Philudclphiii's
tlStlc- .i II li -
To sinri mill. Ilnrr.i (Kid' I'rowu
will open tin ptositim ii.ni. . it. m uisbt
in ii mutest wuh Italph P.radi. of
Si rnciise Y. Tlicj met miouiI
months uS" at I.nin, Mn. , . i nil llrnwu
was Tenib led the U'fercc's di i imn ill
the tilil-ll "f twdie lolllllN.
.Ine Tiplit is scbidiileil to S" on in
die si nml niniilii'i nsaiust (iene 1 1, .
iii'cn' "t New lor!;. Jtplit, in hi
imrans"il a liieiinnuar.i i nnu"! in i am
i in lutween ine .xn-rniiiiiieiiniiii sins . ,...,..... ... , , i
lioikex tiic nnd the P II. II. Y W ' " ,"' "; , " ' " ' V ' '
C A. It will he pln.ied in ,. ,lK"i"kle fo s,.,e,l weeks.
.iniion iiikc. hie pin! eis nn a s,de nml. aplalu mll. who was ratited .is
Pastern I.casu. iule. ' ciipttiin last week to u d l.rown.
llermaiitown won its liiml same of who lins iiMo stui r n contest . will play
il. sen, ml half nf Auditorium Hall I the other forwm d po.i Miller and lleeji
i :..i., i, .. ..,!.,,,. 'I', ..mi.... ,. miUiti-! will niintilete the tenm nt suards. Ihe
triniinins !- '-" II was one
liiHL'ICs tnilMs m i m - Is 1 1 i.i i
plaieil in the l.,iscru I. ensue mnl
President Schefft r in-1 shook his bend.
The visiini. wcie Im ky In nillke their
setuwav and it was uiicsuri for u
sunn! of I'i'li' .' o esi m i them tliiiutsh
n tiioiisuml wild Im. 4 who waited on
the Hillside Pun with the olticcis of
tlie law on bniul tin- tu.xiiiib thnt mn
i lined Pl.i.nis ItairoM. Nnrmaii nnd
While had ni'i,il windows smashed, ns
these weic I ho nun the emwd Was after.
The L-aiiii it-, it" was a walk-away
for the Im al- and was nnlv nillde what
it was bi the aeiums ot tlie xlMtin
uuiiitit. The Poiieis may just ns wel
llll'IH ."'I ...injinii- cicv i.e.,,. ... f. -
of Ihe two ili tensile nu n wen- members of last
ewrl jenr's freshman quintet So far this
Illld three sub-
stilutes in their p.utj, exi linlins .Millei.
Undine, Miu-liilnsh mnl Sullivan coin,
po-cil the trin Assistnnt Munuser X.liu
meriuan nml Assistnnt Conili .Ine Po
sait.i completed the paili .
'J'onisht's, contest will lie lefeiepil In
Itilli Kelly, who olheiulis in nil the
bis basketball contests ffi Iloston. The
saine is due to Murt at S slid.
season iliei liuic cuuscii no enit oi worry
to opposins fm wauls nnd I lunUiliKcr
nml Itnseiiiist will liuve llieir hnnds lull
i liulins Miem tonisht.
I .nst nisbt the lliiitinoutb quintet
held u short workout to perfei t the
Msn.iN nnil to set ll hue on the de
Tensive plans.. Tin. freshmen acted as
the Iteil Illnl P'lue. Isns lis niuili nl
the Penn sjtem as could be iiistilled
into them in a few dnis.
Wbile nartmouth students are brim
ful! of enthusiasm the! i om clle unite
liberalli to nuione who cbunies to auk
Basketball Statistics
i:sti;kn 1. 1, r.ii;
w. I.. I'.C . ! f
I uinilen 14 I 17K Ho. i, line tl ll noil
Id-rin'l'ii III I .Kim I'lillii I ,.....
Irenlon III !l .lili niiiesiltli- :i In ,,-,h
Tin-i mi;i:i's s( hi.di i.i:
TiiiiIkIiI ( ci.ilcsillli- ut (iiinilin; Km l 1 riir
It I'lllllllllSlllll.l.
I'rlU.ii -Ciiitiilrn ul liuitiiti
s.iiunliij -riilluilrlnlilit ul llpuilluc.
ivn:iioi.i.i;i.iri: i.i.ai.i i:
. I.. i' v. i.. r
I'l'iitl 1 I .H'.X rrlliieliin :i , ,t;,
iiirliiHiulli 7 - .7.H l iiliiinliia ; 7 :(HI
m.i. ff th loir 1111 I them on Ihe . mupiis tbat Penn bus n , ..ri.HI n 1 .fi.ni w . 1 H .11,
men on ine nwi ""ii . ,,,,,1,, . ... lie. ..n,i this. i:ri( s si m-1.1 ...
Ine Kelt!
II ,1. ' .,
111 M l
HI I Ixt'l ll
I,. 1 r.M tns.
fnios lUnr
1 l"c nun Itr-
lnsirKe si lirrllii-r ln p.cun'1' r m '
, uCrta! I ecl sen,, rl'l.ril I I ff di II
1, he 11 HI"-'! Pr.ti.kif J1' I' n in the 1 Knocked oul O'lJiinnell
,i,il rounfl nrfiiier n-a--3 n" s cu,
"Khr.'l . I' n iciunili
lust lout shewed thnt he was li.ntlms 1 in ire ' lei matitow 11 ( lub save one nr I
in sooil torni when he mei Kiuu koni best ilemoiistiaiioiis nf the n'asnn, PI
Piillv ns'l". I nu 1 Iliphv ami Hurry Prancldo hein
P.'iuii! Ixiauier, hems 1 hm-cn as a the spe, ml .un s
pl 1, lllllilc oppiilieut lor 1 n.iiiipi..n ,1
I.j 111 li. - i ,c imif of Mie semifinal '
His o.pi.i . ut will be Kail Pui'Miir. ,1
SrelU di t. Ilsive boxer I
The wind lip Will be betwien I UsSecl I
sei.UHieis. nilllieli. I-Cid Willi., ins mull
Ine 1 1 I'nuriell About s) e.ii- ,,,, -1 ,r t low iisfnllc iiml nrnmincni i"-
e drawn out b the wnrrti
!,. n.c, ion. 1 - o , o, , , , .. . 11(, iM ni,
'.... 1 e 1 1 ... ....nt 1 no 11 in ri h titiP''iI nt ( iimiiil. in thin
III! II1I13 MUX IIII'M liviui, lin 11 i 111 - , , MM.-.
:i- tin- ml visitor in thi' pnmn. The tijtf. Hr iiip ium".
... . .. 1 ' 1 . . 1 . . .. .s 1 1 li . 1 n w 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l; . iiiiim 1111 11 1 " 1
1 hpj nrincil here
this ninrnitis. none the worse Im their
Ions jmirney and fielins in the
ot spint.
Po- Miller
who is n substitute for-
Tin-. i:i:k s si m;i)i i.i;
Tiiiilulit I'liinsjli.inl.i ul Dartmouth
I'rllHeliiii ut Xulp
luluril.i.! l'rnnsjli.inli Prlnrelnn
Springy Divots on March Links
tin ixii itxrn
111 i nlum 1 ' nil " ill
"inn mi nn.
i.lne I I Ilnuru'll About sj ie.ii- .IK". , "jir.N low
'when loi! Wlls Jllsl out of tlie u ellllls. . J.VJ. . ,.
,l"0 Is iillif
Inline l ll.iker. 'l f'..'t-..
crXecUM tec K-' Hfurtfl III III" li
it beins his sixHi bout. ilhuius
nn nse this time.
nnd whiit i"u uiishi cull purlins miii
ImIs if
c 1 r. ,1
c Matnt-
i-l ji f .r
I. i.nili In
Not Meet Pete Hartley
Olympla on Monday
Willie .luikson Pete Haiti
..,,1 ,ra M' x. 1 1 in an
,, I ., rt n Thi-i
mtlht Xl.it. I
I li.ca Ice. ms..
rpceipts ! to he jc.11.1ni".
TllP ' I lo'nl- ll iisoii 111111 i" i- ' "
u1I for tiftun rounds to 11 jinigf's de n1Pr. wp, . 1, vI
inlddlpw isi ' 'i "'in '""' " -. 1 11 !.f
of fans who Mini Mini U ilon i nn '
ill 'M" , . I... , 11 til... Halt 1 ii.ri.i I
lllllil.imi. .-in-iii... ." 0 - ,,-. ,,ur- llri! his .-rtfl
11 xi. tin of eirciinistances , ",,,",, ,,,,, ,t h ,1.. . .1 fi. 1 .de.ihUn
.. re. . si. ...nl-., uric . ., v.... t-n.
in ttlll! Iloston 'IIUI -"' I ' r ,,.nc- ..
H l f W I-.. 11 backets, loo- in the'
of s, ,,, ., tnlli til" tltiP-llouiet 11111 j ,rr, (tli ml 11.11 O'.s ,tr ii ii."
! Tie s'uc 11 n 'll ' I" -I- i"i ecic'ic.
.1 ' ,nin
1, f. iivi-notl 1 it I'amn mnti Ii for the (Miiiiiini Club next .Mmi
incrrcv, ih 11 in in s Iim 1 , , , , ....
ikhi roun-l I cut , dttj nisbt
as iieen 1 anceieii .in. K-mi
lis to t.ike on Km ky Kansas in New
j ork on that dute. An e.xplan.itoi i
I letter i'ioiii Mati hiiiaker lliinitiu Taj
, or. of tin iilimpia, is impended -
shine ,,t Siindii! lo the tirsl tee 01 one
I ut our small cmnmunuy son cuius
I !,. ii it is more or lei-s the custom
r... !,.. ...nlvis 10 I'lithei' nnd lay small
.elds ,,11 whether the linksmeii will hit!
, 1 In liist ball or not.
at No In 1- were refused because ihej
win t small nml 110 embryonic golfer
. 1 . i... . .-. 1. 11., ..ir
t.llli-u 10 Ilk Id- inn inn-ni " "
,,e lout otf the bull for the cilifn Htioil
of sunt mil bri Tim bree.e. stinid up
I v ihe icii.Knis driver, wns ,misi com.
fm tins
Not iwn ;lo best of them nre above
tl,. disiie to "i.hnw 'em" at the tirst
1... iippuientl.i. nor lnimune to im-i--
n llowcl u.i-
hi II. 1 el '1 I,, .it. toi,lk'h t .
r, .r 1 c 111. I ni ,' I , - m 1 I t-f t 'l
c Ulltf t'l ' ''UT 1 HI 1 M.H-. lllirtlH HI cl
llurr-. 'icci.rr ni.l V 11 n trri M-H.oitii
tune '
inn n In- ' '.'W n
Xl'.'..,. .. .. s.cllll.tlHll I'lult
wpinre- ..IT ik. I.ew T lull' 1 ui'h bis
richt Hrni utendPd Wilson hii not
.bppn .1- populnr a ' nnmpioii ns mi-.
n nnwd M'ke was 11 tisui indmdual
in the rms when In tilled nnd be enve
bntlle to en 1 j 1 hnlli user. Wilson has
been 1 at her n pnsne haniiiioii
How ei pi . 1 lass w in 01 1 1 101 e un '" ,
onh one I tie-holder It will be mini .lliunn- lielilifll l.ln
O'Dowd or Wilson That a ie. i K...h Ph,,, ...h, j
hot, to n th" l'wt 1 i.t.fidlinff K'l'heII
'm nr- J alitli-i v.it. (f i hi- r.i. 1 r .!
' li I... tis ti .in ma'fti'Hil tu t -x t' '
!! Ti. nt lh" f'ljnifli A A IU-XI M I n.
At 1.' h J MiuiK UJ"f 1 Uhki nin . t
J. ksui n I.irth .( Niurii 1 it t hi r i -nu
n 1 1,, 1 u f r .Iji I. inn to i i rl nn n
ii.'nitjfr nh If irr . .
'if.r-t.i . ft rii'ni'i lmx- I .ijntHO
f.i-im f i .Sfrt i in 111 l iitf 1 ininlt
vl Ii hi r M'lk'lfl J OHlI'-tl 1 hHll I11.1II ul
'. IrUh 1 f runrl iHllfl im th"
, t, 1 ei .in Ni-w 111K iiinl n MUf hi .1 m in
I- i-i J.wkion frum l.,n c-utru i i ih.l
I I I.i it tn J llMtfht bnx Hi- Ki (VdllhHt. .ll
-II in Demi wm I 11 ..'I t.ll H "a in1''-" MwIihuu MHBre (litril'n iwxt 1.hi.
t.,r ttitn J'- Mu-h at h -IImtip' . .' -'.tn. r- . ..i. , f .Uwt t.lnm i i.j u
iih Him HMniticw Sn.iH Fih--r of lU.i.l ' ih 1'lii r- i. f tunl I h-w. y in It-men
I III mi r - .... ..f ... 1... t ..... ll.il '(".., r. , .1 .1 h....l .J .
Sfl 1 HH J TMlilK' I ' r A nntJT ' ll 1 ih-m hi- i inn ! - 1 in- m nan l 1
. ntr 'inn iiifiin r 1 1 1 1 .i-1 1 11 ti.i'ji- n .-.j in' 1 1 ii 1 1 in
ih Alt' 11 .1 wti ii irti it a iuim
ittil) tl)
1 1 .irl
m t
I l;n
nff.-r nn
ii ihuij now
Scraps About Scrappers
Rounder With Marty Collins
If0 Kim... '"' l;!'':.''.0;,'.","' I Wins Almost All Way in Twelve
r"n PHr.... f K..1.1K W linfr .l 1. r.li,,
i.. . it in ci "1. 111.1111 mil c 1 . 1.I1
..ot, -.. . . t . .
round, .ii "'.y.''.. ' ,,;.-:.; !.. t, . I! ,lilnu,ic. up b 1"! Mil Uilliiiiii-.
Iiurni1 i" !- . ...,.....-
It'J;; "li'l',' 'IV.i r; l.'hm, Vml" ,for,,,er ba.,tu.n . t..ini..oi.. sh.iweii nil
Vi-Tiiim u.iiiir i rnmmi w "on nr.l Jmi. , oorts nt 1 la is in Ills I J round bout ut
Ii 1-11 ic 11 is 111 -1 is a wr unrttcv Cdiiae.
I i- ui . m. I 1 1 r I. ii... .I.,, it . en A -. c 1 j
1 .. i.i tiu ui'ci fcuiiiil' uiv. 1. r Jacks. 11
.il I libit to
Veteran Boxer Defeats Harry Baker
in Auditorium Wind-Up
I. .1.1, 1 U. loir ' lel
tlrst HiMnn i" the lie -ii' ili.iiiiiiiinluii
vtith 11 Ul r.llmi'o.i Amoislii" the nvt 11
ui lh. I tor He iniilul wuh un mi fioni lie
hail. Ic-'-B
Jtl. lliiriim IIiiIIIiis J ilininiaiilslin.1
llsll'.r .ll the I HOMO I'lllli cm Mlllll.lV
win if nhe nliuucl it i.iuncl nlili Ml Mllilnil
. un ib mid -Mi Hlid .Mr. ' 11. V.milei hec 1.
iluiiiili 1111 nnfiH wee.- put nn t vtill.lt mi
cfitoMurijH .Mms llullliis will ri.e.t in 1
hmikIiii, fur ihe ItrttlMli wcindi'i. ilih-
lh. 1ft stie Jul ty Mil, ibll Mt
Harry Spraker vs. Yng. Terry McCovern
Ynj. Blackburn vi. Marly Burni
Lew Grimson, Referee
Smart and practical with
a sole that you can hard
ly wear through.
CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut
Established 1868
Innlshl lli'li
1'i'Uiia Ijui'in 1 1 iciiiin. .. -v.. ...-. ........
Viat n t'atuv Die 11
P.I.t Cnrh.im ef Vinii.iun i"rrci. n4
rri if pc.rninn 'rim the nnrltiraHi
rc;v;; 'i.: .v.- ':".: f.r; '
, IIMII. II ,- I " MM '",- , f ''
Un ll .Ml K-i it Ol nn 11 I. IN
niallllnc !llirr.l t" r I. . ! r nil
unnolcini' of "1 wrik iihun ciif'nI'inm
jivfndr lh I'amlir n . in "n
cilrht ftlier moppin
Ivtil !Vn In 1 1
..t ni.n.t -Mftml.v nlehl .1 mm T9rnV
( IioM.JtMctoil in 'he 4. nit frrrry
iJcUuvtrn 5rin Uo31, Johnny ttojle v.
lhc main bout at lie Auilitoi 111111
A lll-l IllKllI III 1 In cc. ind I (lillll)
0 ii,. ..f It, ' on 1 s bio us 1 nl I 'a K 1 1 's b 11
eii In the smth sosnm the lathi's
1 iiglii cji' wax dainii(!f-il linker wcilud
j IU.1 iiniiiids and Kevoirc 'aled ut l.'ii
I V t ti.- Mi f 'mm mudi nn cm client show
' 111K unci iiniic iliKciih mil 1 11, inn
1 1 c i- in. nt' limit Ililnlllu' III 111. s.-li
ind .,1 I In ii 1 -I ' 1 M c'liun s hi, I
Hi. was t (.ki"""' 11 10.1.110UI mnl 11 I'ai.iv l" 1 i- "i n iim lui.
wa surprix ns iio a 1I1 tin' Kid lloit'ii,, Itiec. ked 1. ii It h It. nl u nn
linmlleil I11H N" Wh ''Mi""-"1 ' i'1.'"1 'Vi""1 . "'" ,'! ..,'t".",".',l
11... ..., 1,. ..-ui, ico -,.!, uiniino of I 'J 111 I rl Micrn Ultli 11 iiuiicii Id Hid boili
linvlry 1o.l u ilmw recently 111111 Jn Uif flit ecHlnn Kid llrnwii nuit tn
jjlllr -S J 'll. iry .uai 1111 111 uiv min ruuuu,
' 'in,.. I, .1 t, 1. tm sis were
I on .1 pi.-ii-.itit time nt I'ltieliui-M neiore
I lhc North nnd Siiulh open last M'llsnu
laud I. ml wan bed all nineties of till.'-
in C , . ,.
"Now He shull see soiuethlUK H'.ll.
smil ll I mnl pelkllll! lll II- IMUllT
llac'ii set out his while pellet oil the
tee . t
Si- r r rp' me of the pi fittest
toppul shots of the ilui kldded. hupped
nml twistid lllluel.! nl Iin-l llltMl"'
do.Mi 1 lie tinriiu.i Tim pill' i- i-ileinl.
puss, i iiliuiK 11 Kiel fill llUlllii
'I bet nil do n ' wns whispcml
'I hen 1 nine .Inn Humes He, ton,
snniited lils shot Muupinnlv tlirmiKli the
i-oiikIi. Viiii'd haie tlioiiKlit tlioj d
ui 'ule llu'iusclies Mi li
l.o. uU a-t 111 lecnll how .I'-nv '1 invert
ropped a nilli littlf Ix'iim'cr lift thn rn"t
tec before the 1 riiwd when tho .eie
1 up malcliet iveie held al Minion
Tin ie is im Minn will' t'r a star in
ti c ll.11 1 1 li.ikei I ,i, hi,. 1 be pulb 1 ! lib nb th.m to miss
P,sl he sinl It III!! Ills noes iu.
Gaycty Theatre
Hill III. I.. MM" Ml I'.VIKV I II.Mtlii;
1'INM.s IN AMI I 1.1 It '11)1 UN llr.T
rn;n ui:i.ii.it ut iii.i.iti 1. snow
Silver King vs. Kid Broncho
Tiki UlBHiBPMfiflflHJQsSWLKttHMD yijili UL3I B
. .1. ii.ii..r I , 1 ,.i f,., .1 l.m . s.i, si I'liiiiihs iiw. nuns M,it, n,t,
rt,. I I.0-1 h Bi.lf ti.m linn iiieler lh- in- 1 sff tin- iinilerriil l.ln lilrnl l)ls.hit 0r 1
.f if hein imblilii .it Un ink.i in'lin limn l.luhls nml llruiimliiiiK
-c lie 'I 'I I I is lli.xl" 1, U Mirlli'i IccMt.iicI Silittiirl IK.t,Ii.i 1. ,.r. Icsl.i ..III ..I... ..,, .,...
II,. ns,, sin.. ,.tih.etii nil 11. ,11 litiiibiii si iihl IrUli tunes iu j ,mi;
cie .if 'h 1 . .1 I'lcuci.es 1, 1 ,ti, . 11 1 r ... 1 .. 1 . .
. All Irish societies Invited to Attend
Pine nllo . in. . is li.i ,,l sil,lr Hlieii iiiii-liile Dollt. Ilailies.
s.-i 1 11 1 1. ii,. .im s,liiiiiiruiK I'mlift Itiibi-s, 1 uiintiihi IVns
i.n .1 .cum i.-l, , . 1 1 i, . , , .Liiniuesi. wort. Inskeis 111, 1 ,,h,r ,t
,1,1 inni-lllfs,
IMilili n-mlnils ihHt If Hie II, it,jn fj;
. , t ,- it, Phi f -I lh. W.ilUer i up U u n
.-cccl,lt le int le. iince t It. s tuliioili-i Ihi-ln
-elm miliiuil" Iiinl uiiiliHlleiiuulile hut t)
, 1 ii..- lie 1 1 rt .1 It iliuiciii I le in nniie tu
III. ins tit au Intoin.itlulMi 1 tmiet ll I
ll Is .iilil ih.t' team ni.tt(hN-t i... n
111 tin ,s sif nhnli In ith! 'he lOlis.i-l
.sit,h 1, mi hen hlite hi i u .ttiHIlcl.cl,. .1 111
.un. .n,t I Ht.ii.i ihiit let until Annie it
lei cl. tile III Hlletli. lipell I lNIU.IIlllllhle .llie-
ttlll tin 1.1, f HIlKtlrt lie .iliiimii
th" I'.iirckii A ' I'nurth KiKinient
.rnior.i , ulien he oiiielnvsed .Mint! I'ul
litis nf Nm York I.efcr'o limit Al
i Hindu gnie ihe de Moll lo Williuin
li tin- hhiii iikIi' all flo- win
I ililir IJHi'c ' - I'l'"- ' 'I'l'".' ! ,B
. I.Viiii'ii I-""- i"ini'H he in. f..r Die nniti
c llrflllll "' . . . , . .,, , . 7,1- ..... i
u, ,, i a iiiirniii c t,. .., '. .-- ....-
Ii thl'e hlllikmi ul
!.,. , . t,t, et 'h cnu
..,,nri Milnf.di Siiulh ii ml Im
ttnlahi'i i'l '"
fiiNi tiehl John
lie llniMie'l
Hulk" HIillti-nuuT en ' if I'H
l , I 1 I, II I f I f el ' II II I l'
,1 , , i .i ui h S Minn
, i Hi inftik Kdn ii'ii ei in ll llniiln
tho 3 Ml enir llm teurnn tins week
iMuilemore hub eien fifUm when Ihey iihouU
liuiias, ninuiiiK u ti'si i j
X. WViLMUitiJMexloaJCxiatlfcin1
f must disposo of our stock of used truclth nt a t?rent
ftnerifiee, wltiih iiulutles suili iniilics us HKO, (;. .M c
A small amount in ciihli at time of deliver the li.ilaiue lo he
paid in monthly installments..
This is jour chance to secure n khI used truck nt n ridic
ulouslj low price.
jrnpii-r i-joa
Ki iMRnH
PEKKJiCl utility and convenience is
the Scripps-Booth idea of "completel
The tools, for instance, are carried in neat
individual compartments in the left front
door. The curtains are mounted on steel
frames and may be placed in position in
a few minutes where they open with the
doors. When not in use, they are filed in a
"ready-to-put-up" condition in a conven
ient compartment. All instruments are
mounted in a well-lighted group on the
instrument board which even contains a
spotlight socket and a glove box. A
tonneau light, imbedded in the back of the
front seat, may be pulled from its socket
and used as a searchlight. The headlights
are furnished with Non-glare Lens An
Alemite High-Pressure Lubricating Sys
tem simply, yet efficiently, lubricates all
necessary parts of the chassis.
Throughout, the new Scripps-Booth 19 a
car of wonderfully worked out utility
and convenience.
Poplar 1991
Samuel Earley Motor Co.
675 N. Broad Street
in. iti;ii a itt hi: it mi mu-.s i,ii.(,i;
lllrnlnmi. I'w. I uiiiilru, N. .1.
I I.I.I, "s lll'.Ml.N (iAIt.M.I'. U. II. (.i;l
Prion. I'll. UiiiiiMumii V .1.
i.i.i.NMDi; i. mi m.i; moiou u.
lileilHlile I'll,
tlesl I limli-r i
Al l stl.l.s 10
i Ki-iiiliiu:. I .I
(i.ii.K nuns. (,n.(.i-
Ilrllirluoiii ''
If you want one to work at a high desk
or tlie newest kind of machine,
advertise in
1230 North 26th Street
Jluc IDI7
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