HR ' Euentntj public" He&ger rniLADELimA, momdat, march w, PWVHiH Ml P I I' V 3&$SJ AAT f AS. 0A ( :m & S $ m swaajirr'?s!?.. w - - ,hhtm nvvHLr pppppppst ipjptv ainnm v. ii,pA .;! '.Tfi . y . mm.s-'m&vrs. i.'..v .' lnfcM'aL, . ' sjasiKr -w . svrivspr . r wsiba. iiiiiiii iiwi i ' .v r; i: 11 s4rari itl jiv ,vff l, tw-., .... . : .'"sif-li ..- -f- &?- E$mmm m rfHfJW;' Bj.&k juar . ,i -J m z&imt - r i . i m b " jmm rmtMbmmmi&m&$&.&m - - siHiniHnH CTWpiWiWKaBii jHSikiiiiWL J ftys v ' PtBHHHMBiBHHHnBr Jm jfAwtiftWrS ftai.'?cg8s8i s,aaa9egaAija , . ..wSHa&Eu . v a. .s mMmw,iMSv-'i'!m WKmms&smEi mm i' nun mil win to i.". 1 iii'. tii ra iw : ffJH lit Jftf 3 e3 a $i Sffl i'!"; :j f i :.!fg o ,,J HP If 'MB. .71 Sfr'1", &. v M SMRSP IMagST" rwia n r i i r nwr . unyinnw jii-53E2Bf - g wiffi iEKBin- tw) S " K w.'HHTtSviWi -T. X'vtas --s: 5tM,r'vt?Di OrEgatel. -'-- .v... ... .;xiyLX'0?WLXmKX WMiWii;. KHRuBai?MU if s5wjbri. . W',simihM ffvary- i pgh fi-i" t'i'-tttt J-an 'fl?p,;wfry'rrp . . r .. . i"?EEasw -. w-7. . lltl' Wmk . rf!V;ll! .i HKT CZi"s J.,' jw f Ji -r-r!X5v4f Ti" - V1"" CB V 1B1 Ml Iliff'llllU'lli " 1 1 HMMa f. r PJCc l"4fll lfu,Jii 'Jill gtiyyvJi J'rjgg3TBgA,yT.W,l'.Ji;-ttafcajil V3WTayCAA' 'tXJ ' ' 'lis BasiHi rmmj' wmsmMmm 3raiBsax WmWmWmmnmw&mmp ?m yrWmtmrnwa' mms namiflp .aeMMan mrr. xKKegflmMS'v.vie obh. atsssfftacw r imniVFA urspjpjskqk?' to-tS8K im. i T?Ssi 25?; mrsH SfclM9 fttrigfi. SURE SIGN THAT SPRINCJ IS NEAR. At Twcnty-tliinl and Tnskor streets n photoBrnphcr found John luurpny, wiuinni Wiuiicr aim joiiii vuiun ns nicy siunvu "'" "a ihuiujus. Ii djer Tlioto Service APPEARED S iIL(iPTR Mi. M sclris, of New ork .a ti c Pr u' Co-tumc Hull, given by the Socirtj Imlipinluit Arti-ts at the aldorf-st ii a ou l ruluy niirht. U ! .1 I I I I, SAILING ON 'HIE IMPLRATOR. I'ollowinK a fow dajs at Atlant c l t Mr. and Mis. George Sloane an- cMcndmtr tU'ir honeymoon, taking a Puropcan trip. Mrs S o.w was formerly Miss hluabetli Uodiri. l'tul Thompson A GLIMPSE OF MAN'AYUNK. Portion of the Munayunk Canal that . lined on either side with mills was snapped by our photographer ycsterda. A Pennsylvania Railroad passenger train on the Schuylkill division va caught on the bridge. I. dscr Tlioto Sir, ! 1 ' rf!r V. . "M S w 1K ,r ?,i'j? H H.i . fSJ VsM'e .1 ?S .JSii ' XHHSaEL 5 1 lS"i n ii -38 -tvc.1 .v s ?,- Sl & i l? .v-S.t!R TV. JT 'Ww'aS'. .J is3?" . j V'VvvX'1 fflSSBL P. urlt PA W n r ? ,n. fr"-j ?-sr'c'Ji 5Sii 'Wfi Kiw . " vf ,'s-feiMJOwiSlP NICi 'VV JSSJ (feJK;- W "W" 4 JA o; ?W iHfex y;-j.iW-:."i'M!.la;i-vjait;'-:, mmJmfflm 5V.S1WWFi!'t Vfcffi-rS? nV'iSS.iS.Fv .x f Am "NS ilCT'v.. f 1v fi ' LM1 5 ' VLL THE WORLD LOVES A LOVER." It was in this comedy that the young pccople of the St. M. E. Church, Forty-fifth and Walnut btietts, showed their ability as stage folks. Miss Frances J M.s. Ruth Worthington, Miss Eleanor Armigcr and Miss Ihlen liabcock (left to right) were r of the cast. Andrcw'i Armlcer. mcniben lj dcor Til. iu s. r, t "! r v. ! x. A MANALNK MARATHON. Hisler and Grav, scratch men, in the annual handicap event, under the auspices of the Mt. Vernon Athletic Club, run oer Manayunk streets on Saturday. At the right is Thomas W. Kelly, the winner. He is a member of tlv Mt. ernon Club. riMjimff INTERSECTION OF THIRTEENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. From the roof of flu Adclphia Hotel the photographer pointed his cameir down on this scene. The trolk car is passing up Thirteenth .street, while a Chestnut street line car waits for the signal to proceed. i. Jk.t riwto f r. 51 i " " ".mf ..1JJ.I31!;W! &' 9 GSM" WAjAS vey.&&r f i.vr mfji itiifflw.P.C.?r .vi'JjflB t "jHMrCl -t fa?i6j. -c-$-? jk -srinqp.r , v. . a m ? TIGERS ON DONKEYS. These Detioit linsnhnll nlmws mo Imvnn, , .r,,,,i Hr.,o . c a ).,. tv Ty Cobb, the new managei, gae his approval to the hour of race track work. Heilmann, at the right,' rode II"' winner. I nilvrnoo-l i I'nu rv .wd mjMMiM mtLtmH". J'l iLUaA" kj. k-'iLiis .cl'n.JlJxU.-JByJlJr" mVjrijIlmWfM I '"- '&-ff,rKt- - vfMwnei PRFSID1 M IUKI r burg, W t- r ,i w i".i I ' it it f I'.rir' ..' Marion, MI.sS Sl.C t' ur-u I A'CKLRMiV of the Industrial f Hohokm N. .1 , was here on Sat ,. 'ttid the ionfcrencr of girls clubs 1 il liuto berifi. CLARENCE SAMUEL KING, of the Atlantic Coast Shipbuilders' Asso ciation, talks on marine week in an Editorial Page interview i mi STEWART STORE FMPLOES JUDGE LIM'RICK lift to ught the. an: (seated) Peggie Wilson, Kath ryn Carlin, Moll L Chenni Dirtha Rurns, May Wolf-on, (standing) .Jean Mann, Mae Lucas, Saiah Pollack, Sdm Cla.vniaii, E(Ht'i Kasanow, Sally Alter I,, deer I'll - OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO SEMAPHORE SENTINELS THE BEAUTY CORNER f. $Mm fmMMmmMm CARRIE sMDEK, 1J7 Muii'i uu'i -tic fi n. i i i r .' i . opt. at on of smcmi tape polishing ninihiucs at tnt nmi of Juhn I. L.mbt Jk. sm , i mni !. i- Hi' 'u-e L t uuiw p rut.. Pini(IPATED IN IMLRCin TRAPSHOOT ,1 P. J -hnai-n, Jr., of tw si, (lelt) and W. W Posey, of Philadelphia. Posey was among the first ten in tho scoring of the clay beUgur 1'liulu fci.rvlci. RESERE PATROIMAN SAMULL I VT TIMORE, of 1051 South Bailey trcet, has been stationed at Juniper and Muikct streets for eight years. Ho is thlrty-ninu years old ntid siiiBle-ALattimoro joined the police, force nine, A'CUIS 0 LuiUcr I'Jiulo HinUu. ')'L?, ,N PHKSIDENT HRIUN(; Uillord Pinthot was snapped as he lift the White House Nulluiui I'lioiu, MISS ElEANOR W. DICKKY COO Eu ,t Lippincott bticet Philudelphia