Cw-'fjm PgTWi ".mmMJIBBI It a 3 pi III tfMa aftJ i ! I tit i k f HH. J I ui ii riitt' ' UWM ii:"3h 1 Mff ih to'lftl' J 1'Rf f kn3 M , fcir 1 fl'toSffin 'I? Ug ami ',. ,Ai ; row if . ?' a at me vw mif f..T HI !7 JM ;! art r Kii ft a J m4 j i I j. - ' ureromarva iaflacnrn ."rvyv t r j c - ' .wi wi r.'vd . r ',, X tt -" , Suentng public Uzbzt V1 u ' PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1921 Y'mwTPr f ' ' V T i ' -- V V &" rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBET9BE&Bk.v.!w 'f 2 K.. 1 BBBBBrBBBBBBBWr 9BPva -'. 5" ul 4, y i fH? BBBBBBnMBBBB i J" 7 Sr 9 I "lW VBBBBBBBBB BBBBBM8wsd2?MiT' ; TVF uWvvcJfe bbbbbbbBEWW! .Wfr JAMES HAGERTY, ON ADJUTANT, clearing twenty-five feet over triple bar3 at tho recent ladies' horse show nt Pinohurst, N. C. The horse is owned bv Mrs. Leo F. Janncr, of New lork Intermit onu RIk j i syi n 1 V SWITZERLAND SPORT GIRL. While Philadelphia is onjoyinjr pringlike weather, the folks across the waters are following winter sports Central News rhoto. '' , ' " ' - ' i ' , v, : s -' v k ,t Cv'H t?,!-)' JU-ritXTLt "A.')i3 ;KjsTv Jt2 Zf v Kx'''?'1 !" .. SECRETARY OF LABOR JAMES J. DAVIS was pho tographed at tho White House a few days ago. He's a Pcnnsylvanian Ledger Photo Service HIGH ON THE GRAVEL BEACH. The S. S. City of Columbus ran ashore on Lovcll's Island, near tho entrance of tho Boston harbor, Tuesday morning. Five tugs failed to free her. Tho cargo is being tdken off International. rfflMMMBMWMHMft5aMBlWMB b1bBhBBBBBBBBKBBBHe9BBBh1BK BBHkHBr MBBBBBHHHBBBJJmnBDBBBBHl ''""' iMifiPWi i if TTim,,, , , TWIN SISTERS. Tho Misses Hnttie and Betty Hildenfingor leave for Paris. They will buy trousseaux for a double wedding Underwood t Undcrood. ' iUl I f lll )i BENDER THE TUTOR. Chief Bender, long a member of Connie Mack's championship ball team, is assisting in coaching the Pcnn ball players. He is telling Pitcher Harvey how to hold a runner on first base Lcdircr I'hoto Sen Ice JUST OVER THE BAR. Fred Nolte on Franklin Field yesterday afternoon as he keeps in trim for the field events Ledger rhoto Sen Ice BPBBIBB si Iftli iMb In sfa9BBBivi&&BB1BBDV! BTjuBBBBifllMffjis JIBBk MBfrffiffiBBBrffiiiiBlHlBftfllBB BhDBBIBIhbBhBhBB & BBBBBBBnBnlGRBH BBBwHJB1I1 IflP'liKvwBBBBBBt-. s n BBBBrVlimHllli IWMimH JPIiBBBBBBjrl:v'' 'ML BpBm mm IBilIT InB'lr innnlBBpBr H BBHvMEHBlaiHKlMSiVBBF' '-iBM :J iBNHnBBBjaHBVln&yi; Vvn TBbBBBBBBBBK jSbVAH IBnPiJHBWiBBBV'wJHI KflnLrirMiffBBBBBIfSlllPBBBBBK JSHBBH 1 ' " ' V, ' V ill BBBBji1 I xf i'j i J i i imBBBB i ilMWWii' mPMTlZ9l&mvseKSVb 33 J&2 &JnBBBBBHttflBBBBlBMHroi HpSHbI BBBjKfiH i lal ?2'Bhbhb1bhb1bb BBBB;:;'l'-'tl--'iB bbbWwM'JIbbHbHHIIb SiA' 'w H BB9B9B9lBBBMQfl9PI - r iiiirr'i-nr-iimiw BBnmHBBBBBBBJBBBBjBBJBnJBBM-aBnBEi-S HELPING IX GIRLS' WORK. Miss Gwcn Martin, Miss Ethel Hoskn . and Miss Frances Clark (left to right) had much to do with the plat i for tho conference of the Philadelphia Council of Girls' Clubs, which opened yesterday idetr riioo sru r OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO I i ' i 'i bbbbbVbbbbHP::'':::-' I BBBlBBHiMBBBmi BBBBwT?HKMfBi btbbtbtbTrI '' WM&1mm BBBBBl "FKil'f I HHHH9rBHR3 aBHI&PwHBBaBBI Ms 9 ??' SKm2t& wBW BBBHBBHBbw-BcVBJI rCV bIBbHkPkuBHIIBBbV ' PABBBKdKv VkkBBBJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBKaBN&MH yvMP9HRSSPBHHHH BBHBkL V " J iBHBBvM BBBBHBBBtSBYW BKvJBBmL. BBBnHKftBfMKBVOBBBBBH BBkmHb: j ffivw. BBBIbV bVPmHbVbBHkK A AVSffliBBMBBHBBBBlBH Hb1bBBbV'H. H )jrJmjBS.KaSBiB BBBBBiBHwsBHBHk' ' bVbBBBb BlBBKBBBBHBBBBnnBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi BBBlBBBBBBBBBBHHn'lBBBBBBBH "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRBBBBBM BbBBH BhBShbhH&bV BBBBBBB BBBBBB&BSBBBBBjBBBBBBBBBBBVrTT-v I" M'l' " ,, ,1 nHBBV'3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBJBBB IBBBBHIBBBBBBBBbF ';' - hBPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH bbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbm -'A. nHBaBBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBl IBHHIiBBBpBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BbV jiMM&' IBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBd rT!TP8BwF bbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI iBiaiiiiiLmffuBBBBBBnMiJBl BBBBBL;. vMPBBBBBBBb1 HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBc ,"tvv 'v 'y" ! .BBHBlBBBBBJ iBiJTf f i,"Sf' v ik 9 ' "' tflMfirt ? i i V"Tljl t B BBBjBBBjHBBKBwBBH5j9V?2MMHo4BBMfe4A BBBBBBbH " Hhbv ' 9BBBBjflJx S BBBBr-,? W5 IThBI BnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBv,BBBBBBBBBBBBBJI BbBBBkTBT? BhSl ' BBBBBBBr HflBflBE Bf F flH BBBBBBBjBBBBBB9H9jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF A BBBBBBBB. S&WEn J flHBBaKtl Vi WWBI HIRI, ATHLETES. They are members of the girls' gymnastic classes at the West Philadelphia Building, Y. W. C. A. Grace Wolfcnden is holding up Dorothy Mocrk as they practice for a circus. Tho girl at the right is Virginia Chcesman Ledger rhoto Service MIKE J. RATTIGAN (left), engineer, and his fireman, Dennis J. Devinney, engine crew o'f tho Atlantic City flier on the Reading that makes a fraction over fifty-five miles in fifty five minutCS Ledger I'hoto STlce BBBBBBBBBBBhJHPsBbmRomBBBIBi fHJmt -jti ;& j. "i'ffi x v BBJ wBBBlkBBBBUBIBBBBBBBBBUMjABBBBHlBBBMB9HBHQBBl BBBBBBBBP ,v -HuJBHBuB&BBBBBlr "" . iBTflBBBt j '' K yVBBBBBBBJR H (f BbBHBHBBBBBBBBMB V1 .YIp WT f 1BK$JQW '"'' SHHBBBkiMBBBBBBBIr BHSBBBBBr l BBBBBBBBM' '-'-. PT IJBBBbW Qt JHBBBMi'flm.. 101 ''BBlL fP M iWMJSSSKKfJJ9K'iwimKiKbu. mBBBBBBBKmmBBBBBKjJS.BBBBBbI " flBBBBBMOfaaBBk Ml jgjjLii5jai JIQil r MBLUHBKtttBtKKStmBHKtSBM y BBBBBBMBB bh 1 MISS RUTH WALLACE, daughter of the .stcietary of agriculture. She's a student at a Baltimoro collego Harris t Uwlng. DONOVAN-ARMSTRONG ADVERTISING AGENCY furnished the jury which selected the limpin' limerick winner for today. The names of the members, reading left to right, arc (seated): Elizabeth V. Clark, R. & Pratt, Cecile D. Robinson, Florence E. Matthews, M. W. Sweeting; (standing), Jules A. Scatella, Louis W. Vogt, II. C. Kiefer, J. A. McFadden, E. K. Keiniger, Harry S. Macauley, T. II. Kraye, B. S. Smith THE BEAUTY CORNER BBBBBFBlE0BT"ttBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtai dMMBBBB!9DBBBBLliiiflHBBBV jlmKWKKMBtBISffiM AT HlS UESK. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, of New York, EIyBBTBB)HPt3btfiBBBBBriBBBl ns assistant secretary of the navy BJnfflflJSI yBBMZyBBBBBBBBE'ja.viiItvi'vit'-' BBJ rh00 BHfBBBBlMBBBBBgSBBBBffBBBm BBBBraBBBBBrBBfeC-RWV" a. BBBBBBBrP . U JBBBBBB H ' m BBBBTBBBfVi flBELZTuiuL UBR kTSBBBB? N iBBBBBBF m . a! BProffF BMBBBaJBMlBWB44,JMfe & S ilyKi08i3BBlE'w. I I' I ibbIiI Jill F--"" bHbbI SEMAPHORE SENTINELS BjpjBB-j-jaBjBVQ ll"'10&iMiBlBW , J H&BBK a5llBBBl - -tf 11MI1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI ANNA SCHULTZ, 1102 mnchinc at the McCu Nortli Hope street, operating a file-cutting ffrey File Co., Fifth and Berks .streets Mu.'sr inuiu onvtct. MISS JULIET GLYN, youngest daughter nf Elinor Glvn. tin author, was married recently in London to Sir Rhys Williams, M. P, They wro leaving tho church when pliotogrupneui ventral itciro tnyvv, CLARENCE CANNON. Parlia mentarinn of Congress. He's a Democrat, but was selected for his station by a Republican 'speaker National IMiotd. RESERVE PATROLMAN WILLIAM J. RILEY, 1510 North Thirteenth Btrect, has been btatloned at Juniper street and South Ponn square for a year. He is forty-five years old and has five children. Rjlcy has bpen on the forco twolyq ycai. tVidscr rhoto Service. E. L. OLIVER, instructor in tho Wharton School, University of Penn sylvania, talks on unemployment in Huranco in an Editorinl Pago Inter view i . Ledger Vhoo qenic MISS ELIZABETH WOODS 2HI .South Fifty-scventh street Philadelphia i u,m.-i Lk'nEL i Ui w,.,t. :MsixiXt L .tt-v . ; . .. -.UK ..y.tajo1! j t-A-'tt M',vff Wf'SitNU. ti. ' ,; SC k jj