Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 11, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Image 7

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,fKan plays did, 11' and 4:60'
Store Opens at, 9
Store Closes at 5
Tomorrow Will Be a Great Day for the Choosing of Easter Clothes
Riding Out to the Soldiers'
Home One Day With
Abraham Lincoln
hio friend discovered that the President, like
many others of us, had the habit of loading his
trousers' pockets with little scraps of paper
culled from the newspapers and magazines.
Mr. Lincoln, at a sudden turn of the
conversation, put his big- hand into his pocket
and brought out a bunch of scraps and picked
out the little piece bearing this verse, which was
apropos to what he had been saying of the
urgency of prompt action :
"A weaver sat at his loom
Flinging his shuttle fast,
And a thread that should wear till the hour of doom
Was added at every cast."
Who wrote the verses the writer does not
know. Possibly Mr. Cox in the Book Store will
March 11, J0S1.
Pin Check Taffeta Silks
the New Word for Spring
They arc the very latest
fashion and they ufe a revival
cf the silks of our grandmother's
For the new Spring and Sum
mer dresses with their panniers,
ruffles and frills, they ure quite
is lovely as anything you can
imagine. The checks are ex-
(Klrnt l'loor.
tremely small on navy blue,
brown, tan, gray or light colored
grounds, ;!G inches wide, $4 a
This is just one of the new
Easter silks. There ure any
number of others. Some are
coming nnd going so fast there
is not time to tell of them.
The New- Easter Blouses
Have Many Novel Features
There is the oval neckline,
for example, with the points
joining over the shoulders. It
Is cry becoming and very pretty,
One of the newest blouses has
along roll collur, ending in points
st the waist, and u vest effpet.
This looks especially well with u
tailored suit.
A most attractive touch of
color is given some of the new
Georgette blouses by mcan3 of a
colored camisole lining tomato
red or French blue under navy
(Thin) l'loor,
blue, for example.
Embroideries and b e u d i n g
placed far down on the blouse
to lengthen the waistline and a
new embroidery of appliqued material.
luce - 'covered chiffon
trimmed with colored
They are beau-
N e w
metallic ribbon,
charming blouses arc
made of crepe meteor, crepe de
chine, Georirette crepe and Can
ton crepe. They nre $7.85 to $05.
New Covert Cloth Coats
in Platinum Gray
Sumc time ago there were
whisperings that covert cloth
coats were to be brought out for
Spring and now the prophecy has
come true.
They ure in the new color,
platinum gray, and in three very
imart sports models. Two arc
(I'lrnt I'loiir,
belted and have the straight lines
and rows of stitching and the
other is one of the new circular
model.-, with raglan shoulder.
The nice thing about u covert
cloth coat is that it goes with
everything and it is especially
suitable for Spring and Fall.
Prices are $45 nnd $47.50.
No Experiment of Making
Ugly 1 Jungs for Women
to wtttr has ever been a sue
cess "
But ewiy time people rme
eteici.-ed their common sense
und n "ense of beauty, their
mentions have been accepted
Kladl and they have flour
ished I.. It. coicts. for instance,
have met tln-se requirements;
'hey are comfoitable and ihey
make for beauty of figuie.
So in- of the L. R. models
'or Spring include
U Si A strong p'nk coutil
cpr.-1't l.oaily reinfoiced with
e'anic around the top
n'lilril l'loor, Clii'Ntiinl)
At $6. A topless model of
pink bati.ste with elastic gore
in skirt.
At $G.5U. A similar model
of pink broche.
At $7.50. A design for large
women. It is very low at the
top, with wide elastic hip gore,
and heavily reinforced.
Another, of white broche,
topless, with elastic, is for
average women.
At .c9.50. A topics, of white
urociie, tor slender women.
Silk Kimonos From
Tliu "it- thin silk with still
thinner linings and interlining,
'My liiivv native sleeves, a'o
land-unb-cderei and muv be
had "i - v. Copenhagen,' rose
md b! i i'ric.(. M'J.t:,.
' Hilnl I liir, Oi.lml)
Collars and Sets of
Real Filet
Cb.niM n'ot collar.-, aie being
urn this aeaon, not merely on
ores.es, but on coats and sweat
.'" Hi" are $1,10, $2 .10 and
th? "crd"R to length, and
the ct, of collttjfc and cuffs aie
V" tllP ('
'M'"" l'loor. 'Ihlrtrnith)
Lo -no, ke,l s.tvle. of nainsook
otht; . u'ul fc"ltll'- Pitching;
and ,,w c'm"'" "ry ''asings
ibbn, Jn,s,1 or l'1"'" casings.
MUOOtis nn, .n...ll... MM ,
t et , , ' ";. Mie 1)101
KU '", Km'" -tvle w'th
l! ei ". "lll"is t waist,
i.- -ijiy ,nti)ty.
'"i ! 1 l,,r, , nlrun
New Pleated Sports
Skirts to Fit Larger
In fact they are made especial
ly for larger women and both the
striped und checked materials are
chosen in exactlv the light col
orings und size of patterns.
Theio ate fine all-wool serges
velours and prunella cloths, some
laid in small box pleats and in
such fashionablo combinations as
brown - and - tan, black-and-white,
gray-and-blue and others. Sizes
go from U4 to 40 inches waist
band and the prices are $20 to
(I'lrM l'loor, ( rnlriill
Women's Silk
Umbrellas at $7.50
Good examples of what one
inn get for the new lower prices.
They have blunt ferrulea, white
or amber teeth, and handles of
bakelite with bnkelite rings or
of wood with leather loops. Tho
covurs nre navy, brown, green,
puiplc, black and, taupe.
I'rice $7.50.
(.Muin i itur. i;-iL,;
New Bead Necklaces
Have Pendants
Sometimes Tyo
sometimes more It's all a mat
ter of feminine fancy, for all are,
in fashion,
The new necklaces arc of color
ful imitation sapphires, topazes,
jade, nlonc or in combination with
imitation pearls or in novelty de
signs. Thoy nro quite attractive,
quite new and will make pretty
Easter gifts to wear with Easter
$3 to $15.50.
(Jmrlry Storr, Chmtmit)
New From Paris
iu terte SUtta
We believe these to be the finest imita
tion pearls to be had. In color and luster they
very closely approximate the beautiful Ori
ental pearls and they are worn by many
women of unquestioned taste in dress.
Necklaces, with 14-kt. gold clasps, $25 to
$65; with diamond-mounted clasps, $95 to
(Jeirrlry More, ClifHlmit nnd Thirteenth)
The Tweed Tailored Suit
Is Having Its Fling
At this moment there is a huo nnd cry after the severely tailored
suit without an atom of trimming such as wo haven't known for
years women seem to be discovering once more the extreme smartness
of simplicity.
Moreover, such suits are not expensive tomorrow's group is priced
at $37.50, $40, $45 and $05. The tweeds are American and English,
in many grays and browns; the coats are cut in American and English
box styles, or else slightly fitted; nnd the skirts are of tho regular
straight, easy-to-walk-in type. The suits at $G5, by tho way, were
made in London.
Sizes for everybody that is 34 to 42 will be found in the group.
(l'lrnt l'loor. Central)
$00 Lovely New Spring Hats
Around the $10 Mark
Brand new, of course!
And pretty as can be!
Saucy little hats with ribbon bows flower-trimmed hats that
are delightful hats with feathers in the most approved Spring
fashions they are all here. Many small hats hats of medium
size and larger hat3 oh, it will be cusy to find just the one to
suit you.
(Hrrond Floor, Chestnut)
One Particular Style of
Women's Dresses
deserves a little advertisement all to itself becnuse it really is such a
goo'd style for $50. It is of Canton crepe, cut with a shallow neck,
elbfrw jlecvos, a pleated and bloused bodice and n rather full tucked
skirt, which is also box pleated. There isn't an atom of trimming on
the dress, and nothing could be simpler, but it looks right for almost
any daytime use, und it isn't remembernble.
It comes in brown, navy, beige and black.
(I'lrNt l'loor. Central!
Young Women's Delightful
New Afternoon Dresses
of the fashionable taffeta, of the popular Canton crepe and of
crepe do chine, have arrived in numbers of new Spring styles and
The styles are distinctive, the frocks are smart; tho colors
include the blue shades, the popular grays nnd the much-liked
$30 to $95 and 14 td 20 year sizes.
(Sconil l'loor, Climtmit)
Young Women's Smart New
Cloth Frocks at $49
Usually good-looking frocks, brand-new, and all of the fash
ionable wool tricotine.
There is dark blue or tan und brown shades, the dresses are in
several good styles, including one jacket dress with a silk blouse beneath
the jacket, which may be worn separately, and they arc frocks to wear
all through the Spring.
14 to 20 year sizes.
(Set'otul Dour, Clirfltnut)
Fine Wraps and Spring Coats
for Young Women $39
Far better coats and wraps than $39 ordinarily buys!
Just a little group of fine Spring wraps and couts from one of our
good makers who was anxious to turn them into money quickly.
Fine Uolivins, velours, veldynes and covert cloths are the ma
terials, and they are in sand color, beaver shades, Hindustan brown
nnd Sorrento blue.
Tho models ure distinctive and smart, they arc lined throughout
with pretty silks, and ure in 14 to 20 year sizes.
(.Tcoml floor, ClirNtnut)
Becoming New Sports and
Finer Suits for Older Girls
New wool Jersey sports suits, $27.50, are in Norfolk and other
good sports models; aie of fit in wool Jersey, and come in navy blue,
tan, brown and heather mixtures.
New dark blue suits, $45, $55 and $05, include suits for better wear
smart, well-tailored suits in plain-tailored, braided and other styles,
oome have short pony coats, somc have riople nnd others "have btraight
juckets and all are lined throughout.
14 to 20 year sizes.
(.Second l'loor, Chefltnut)
New CameVs-Hair
Coatings Are Very
This is the genuine camel's
hair with the nap on both
sides, us soft and delightful to
the touch ,as anything could
be and it is very much in
favor for Spring conts, for it
is warm with but little weight.
The width is 54 inches and
there are two shades, one the
naturul color at $7.50 a yard
and tho other reindeer at $8
a yard.
(First l'loor, t'lirtnut
Handsomest Silk
Sweaters We've Seen
for Some Time
They are mado of the real
spun silk of a heavy qunlity and
are in Tuxedo style.
One model has a block pattern
in the weave, another a striped
effect nnd a third has a long
Tux.edo collar nnd cuff3 in
checked silk. All have sashes.
Black and colors from $23.50 to
(Flrt FUor, Crntml)
New Velvet
Sports Coats
Have Arrived
Already women have been
asking for them to wear with
their new silk sports skirts.
They are made with a Tux
edo collar, but can be worn
closed if desired, and they arc
belted and silk lined. In nnvy
blue and black velvet, $45.
(First l'loor. Central)
Boys, Your
New Spring
Suits Are
And they are very good
suits indeed. Herringbone
patterns in browns and
grays 30 many boys like
these. Plain grays that are
very neat and smart looking.
And of course, brown shades
Single-breasted Norfolk
styles, some with box pleats,
some with inverted pleats,
some plain; all fine, well
modeled, well-tailored and
priced very much below last
Spring's figures. Suits in
sizes for boys of 8 to 18
years now go from $18 to
$30, and they are fine for
the money.
(HrronJ Floor, Crntml)
The Wares That People Want
Are in the China and
Glass Ware Sale
The dinner sets and cut glass
and other pretty glassware for
Easter tables and Easter bridal
gifts are the mainstay of the
The prices ut, which they are
offered are one-fourth to one
third in some cases even onc
half less than former mnrkings.
The qualities are the only quali
ties we want to bo identified with
the finest qualities made.
The varieties are the largest
in several years. All our dinner
sets are in the sale. That is the
whole story. Getting down to
particulars, wo have French
dinner sets of 100 pieces from
many famous Limoges potteries
at $35 up to $400. We have 100
piecc sets in border patterns with
coin-gold handles at $75 which
we believe are uncqunlcd. The
gold incrusted seta begin at $250.
The collection is tho most superb
we have hod in years at tho
(Fourth l'loor,
English porcelain dinner sets
of 100 pieces from all the leading
potteries in Great Britain are
now $35 to $120.
American porcelain dinner sets
of 100 pieces in extraordinary
selection are $17 to $60.
Japanese dinner sets of 10G
pieces, $30 to $60; all these latter
in border patterns.
Glasswares and
Marble Statuary
Hundreds and hundreds of
pieces of fine cut glass are one
third less than regulur. Imported
decorated glassware and light
cut domestic glassware are shown
in large and beautiful variety at
one-third Ies9.
Italian marble statuary and
jiedestals, the largest and love
liest exhibition in years, at price3
one-third below former figures.
Easter Rabbits
Easter Toys
and Easter
It used to bo that the toys
and novelties for Easter were
of little use nfter the holiday
had passed, but the toy makers
have been mole considerate
and tho playthings and novel
ties nowadays are of the kind
that the children can use for
n long time afterward.
Little wagons and horses,
trimmed with Enster toys, are
$1.50 to $5.25.
Novelty autos, including
Fifth Avenue busses, $1.25 to
Fur labbits start ut 00c and
go to $0.75 for the big ones
trimmed with bows.
Baskets tilled with toys, 50c
to $1.50.
Net rabbits, filled with toys,
25c, 50c and 75c.
Stuffed duck.', $1 to $2.50; on
wheels, $1.25 to $2.50.
Stuffed rabbits, 50c to $0.
Stuffed chicks, $1 to $2.50.
Easter "pull" toys, 85c to $2.
Ljitnd pails, garden sets and
sand moulds and sieves, in gay
colors and trimmed and filled
with toys, are 75c to $2.75.
Noah's Arks, $4 to $0.
Empty Easter baskets, 10c
to 25c.
"Uncle Wiggily" a new
rabbit, all dressed, $2.25 to
Wax paper, shredded, oc a
Easter novelties, 15c to $1.50.
Baby Buntings, 05c to $1.
(HrMilli Floor, MnrLrt)
New Silk Handbags
of Some
Just the sort of handbags
women want to wear with their
new spring costumes.
Several styles in funcy black,
blue und brown silk with shell
finish frames und inner frames.
One large bag has a ruflle around
tile center.
A novel bag n of black, blue,
brown or gray silk ornamented
with bead and chenille embroid
ery, and with a deep ornamental
frame of colored composition.
Prices are $15 to $25.
Olnln Floor, I'hritnut)
Good Sturdy
Handsome New
Spring- Shoes for
are here in a variety and excel
lence to please every mother.
Not only that they average
somewhat lower in price than la.-,i
One of the very best is a prac
tical tan leather blucher lace
shoo with a heavy welt sole
und it is full lined an important
Price, $4.75 for sizes 8Mi to
11 and $5.75 for sizes 11 Ms to 2.
This .shoe is particularly well
made, with soft too and just tho
right nmount of loom for grow
ing feet.
Children's patent leather and
dull leather ankle ties with welt
sole, $5 for sizes 8Vs to 11 and
$5.50 for 11 'z to 2.
Patent leuther pumps with no
strap, turn soles, for children nnn
growing girls are $5 50 for sizes
U'ii to 2 and $6.50 for sizes 24
to 7.
(I'lmt l'loor. MurkM)
Children's Si!k-and-Cotton
Socks for 50c
A new shipment of silk-and-cot-ton
socks with fancy colored tops
an' in mps 2 to '.i vears.
Regularly a hnlf nioro.
(I'lrxt rloor, Murltrt;
Women's Silk
Muslin Union Suits
at $2.25
Athletic style suits of dotted
silk muslin, with bodice tops and
ribbon shoulder straps.
Ordinarily they would bo much
higher nrlccti nnd a former ship
ment of the same goods went out
in a jiffv.
tltf-l Moor, WrkM)
The Enamel Ware of Good Health in
the March Sale of Housewares
Every modern housewife knows that there ure two kinds of enamel cooking utensils,
one kind 'that protects the family health and the other kind that does not.
AH enamel. ware in this Store is covered with pure enamel, free from injurious
ingredients and the utensils are planned in sizes and shapes that make them most useful
and desirable.
Although the selling has been larger this March than in any previous sale, because
of the great quantities with which the Sale started, there is practically an unbroken assort
ment in housewares of all descriptions and the savings range from 10 to 50 per cent.
. , (fourth l'loor, MttrkrD
Men's Spring Suits
and Overcoats
What it is that makes all normal men more glad
to put on new clothes in Spring than at any other time,
there is no need to go into. Whatever it may be, it
seems very natural and very good.
This is to let all men who feel this eagerness for a
newer and fresher appearance know that new Spring
suits and overcoats of the finest ready-to-wear kind
made in the United States are shown in splendid variety
in the Wanamaker Men's Clothing Store at prices on an
average about 35 per cent less than those of last Spring.
A substantial lessening of price without any lessen
ing of quality is a good proposition.
A substantial lessening of price with a distinct
improvement in quality is still better. This last is what
these suits and overcoats stand for. This season they
are better and liner in fabrics', making and finish.
They come from those particular clothing organiza
tions with intelligence enough to know that for their
own interest it is good to put quality into their product.
The one object of these organizations is to excel, and
they know how to achieve it.
They surely have achieved it in the suits and over
coats that we are now showing in such fine force for
men who want to walk in the front rank of fashion thi3
Spring and Eastertide.
Spring suits, $32 to $60.
Spring overcoats, $35 to $60.
(Third Floor, Murkrt
10,000 Men's Easter Ties
at 50c Apiece
We might say something about how much supo-ior thoy are
to other 50c ties, but just have a look at them and then try to
recall where else you have seen such ties for less than double
this price.
Just ubout every kind of design a man likes stripes, figures,
Paisley patterns, dots and plain colors Among the .striped tie3
are many regimental or club stripen, such as are almost neer
found in 50c neckwear.
It is surprising, too, what gootl, firm siiks are used in these
ties. We haven't had anything like them at the price for year..
Surely the opportunity for a man to get his Spring neckwear!
t.Mulii l'loor, .Murkrti
Men's Good Spring Shirts
at $2 and $2.50
Like old times, such prices, nre they not?
The $2 shirts are of percale, in stiff curt-, plum neglige .-tyle
und in striped designs.
The&2.50 shirts are of hemy madras, in bolt cun, plain
neglige style and u1m in colored .-.tripes and checks.
Both excellent for their low price.
(Main l'loor, Mnrl.rl
Fashion Without Feathers in
Men's Easter Hats
Just because a man's hut is not fe.stooned about with bows,
or ribbons, or some gay plumage it doesn't follow that it hasn't
style. ,
Hero are men's hew Spring -.on hat and derbies that show
their line fashion at a glance. The soft hat? aie in delightful
colorings and the derbies are all covroct in l;n
Soft hats. $5, ii and fS.
Derby hat.s, G and $.
(Miiln 1 lour, Murkit ,
Men's New Spring Shoes
Are Down in Price
first thing a man will notice about the new shoes for Spnng
i that price.- are lower than they wore on the same grade of
shoes last year.
For example, at $7 50 you can c!ioo,e from oino excellent
sty'es in oxfords. There aie .-tia.ght hue and blucher models in
black and tan culfsk'n and black kidckin. all with shapely toea,
but tho.-e on the blucher models somewhat fuller than the others.'
At $9 then are black Hussion calfskin oxfords on a straight
last, with a new style toe and perforations around Che vamp.
Also black kidskin blucher oxfords with wide tors.
Tan calfskin straight lace oxfoids of plump leuther, with
heavy single soles, aie $0,50.
Mahogany cordovan oxfords, with straight English iota,
arc $12.
In high shoes there nre two uncommonly smart styles that
vill appeal strongly to young men of fitshion.
One is a black cordovan lace boot with full wing tip und per
forations a modified brogue style at $13.50.
The other is a Scotch tan grain boot on a broguu last, with
perforated toe ci-p, amp und lace stay und heavy ,; V
?i,uu u pair.
(Muin l'loor. Murkrt)
.t .
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