www vjp'mm y"'v 'lul thfi 1 ii tM l :tv ' . r i i i ,.'.jfl - W Pi " i i Waft 4.; ! i ' : v!n ' ' t m i "i "& ,.'0J ti if -'3 in $r.v: i P i cntf Kh r "UT 1" I . A . V, ' H f . J ,. ' r. i 'j Wi-l .? i n A VOtf i I IT l ",t .'Wfl .yp mu it's !;m 4 rinnv itf' EVENING PUBLIC iLEDaERr-i.XJHILABliJLBHlA, FRIDAY, MARCS 11, 1921 LENINE CAUSE DEI I DISORDINI IN ITAUAJ L'Aziono dei Comunisti fu Ordi-I nata da Mosca per Tentaro I la Rivoluziono Published nml DItrlbu(J Under , , I'KRMIT M) .111 Authorized liy the net uf October fl 1017 on file at the PoatnlTIre uf Phil delphla l'.i a m nt'ni rwv PostmiMcr General Noma, tl iniirrn 1 1 nutoritn' linntm dcfinithanicnto stnbilito the 1 orlRim not rpc titi ilisnrilinl iotminitl in Itnlin fu Mosci. In b.in m documentl nrqnc htrntl ilnlln pulilu rixulta rim I diionlitil in p.iroln fuiono nnlinnti ihi Lrnitii II minimi nto (oniiiiiisla In Italia fu unit nn to ini7intii I'd il yowrno Su it t in lttn-iii nnliiMi Kriinili l"'iiiii7p prr In i rholtiioiii itnllmin I fonill nici.url tr It prop in itiilu ImNi'inlt a uimni ilt-poiitiM nillc bundle xi77iri i I i (iiiwte cniniio ilitrilniiti in Itnli.i u hip71 ill agent I n irri'ti Si dice i In- il (iotiino ill Mwii man-to-net, u tin rrn taiiltim'iiti 'r fnl liiiniri' l" uiiifnti (iiiitinfTiittt i i i i id'tiimctiti pr')lto ill ipmnt" r i nii i. irm pi r l'i nifxintu ill iitnpnrti fnl-l oil nltro importnnti nrf h;t i xpttinintia nrrh mum i omen In ni i jur intinitic iri' In prnjmKiimlii ImNrt Men 'ittrurro la Ihtiiiiiiiiii 1 Itilii la Sl77ern o In rrnticin, i iinali Hum i ' ratio ud i lndiT li iirii;linii i d( II i lJoli7l(i allc front nri d lli arlo mi7ioni I doiMimnnti mil i stinti miIIii pt'rvi n i ol ('onto Knroli in rtrciin, fntoiio per In polma la cnnfirinn 1MI0 tiiiu rninn ziotii K'i boNi oli,ln rin-i Al motntntn di'll arrt-to II I'unti pn-dt tin t rn u I u-opino di fiirt" loMiui'titl iln l,t nun on lo ipiau qui "to d mi orditn pi-r tar diatiipir- la rnol'iionc In It ih-i In M'gnito all aru'Mii tltl Contc Knroli la poli7ii pprquNi' li n' tit urir per oik M)ptttf fu miii!" ant lie ijutdl i tlcl Stmluio d! I'nipnli lloma, 10 mnr7o riitpnoi-i Kiunii n I.ondra si'Knaliino oil" i ginrnnli mulri-i pnbblioatio rhp II ri-iiltnto dt Iln ('onff rcn7a cola' tPnut i.t daL t'onslulio Su premo dogli Allfilti, ptr la qtlpstinni dolla tnssu dn imporxi ulla inrniuiiia sullf osporta7ioni, rappriftitercbhi' mi msuiTi'sso dtl Contt1 Moi7n, Mini-tr" per git Affnri Kstori. II finite Sfor7 t lino till'ultlmo m Kuitbbc ojipnto nirnpplirii7ioni' tlidlo 1.111710111 t nntro la (itrmanla. urn 1 lie poi inrobbe linito per ndi'riri I'n ilHpnrpin dn I.ondrn ret a riie il ITfuerno ill 1'erlino piisentnrn ic 1 lleati una nmnii propimtn -trondo i ipinle la liermnnia "i ,uiitort.bbe t!i paean tutfi 1 debiti 1 ln cli Allonti hanno oon c!i Stati T'nlti a patto n nnn kU m'iik 1 unjnsta altiina itidtnuitii IIOMH-AID 9 mmm A V I'arty Cake for Every Day 35c m , Store Ordeirs CdSo easy to use Jjj ?r e'ei K I jri - (W ture JC j h ft h t V J f r 1 te er t r- Y Iff ) )tn I h ur v IU .M ' ( trut V 111 ; 30 e -n If tall rbni or Wrlt s.R.WEAVER 1 j 1112 ChestnutSt. rr,. 3ij OUT ctar-ocru C?exXAi tMjvA.LjJiJcssAi lCtV CCLdvu AMflW MlaXtsj VJV-t ty?. IjJa. ntvr idfluJI iXjyx wtJtU ft ttll 'tt4 "rjjn inAa.'-. PROTECTION! ggmfflpEsm CARBINES, U. S. ARMY SPRINGFIELDS Cnu?ed to Shoot 2000 Yardi $3.50 r ' "- rl 1 o ihrao ijiio in h" "in- An ufi hi vr . r. 1 In U I h lit p i j tii r 'h hdn re lan th t i i h card iiii Kr i lU JT T f huUHQ o a r in it SCHOOL BAGS, 75c ll' rWV i Ira I rl fflt" ' ' ri Ml i PRICE 75 CENTS uir ha 1 tr ! t air-. of mi f r i t f 1 k f II i m u i - r a r a h on j ru S i r Hi n 1 Hai ma a the to fur bu th m' n or t lUnd lurl km w laT u t rf iU f nu if b f r fir r It I i-. v If r clrl I i I rirrurT o r otb. r neb a u Id t" without Oi I If lUt Ul J I'M i i i" -i i x tr v MAll OICIH Its Kf ( I l I II CORDOVAN SHOES SUM - to ft I'rhr S3.00 W. STOKES KIRK 928 Arch Street, Philadelphia Dtore Opns Sally t 9 i. A and CIosa at S.30 1. IS. All These Goods on Sale Tomorrow!: Kail 3 98 viVir-v "eAmmLyzrxx? ?&vpm. -w T efi -: They represent a blf; cash purchase and offer the best values of tho Spring. Made of fine milan hemp and llscrc. The New Gray Shades, Black and Spring Colors, Trimmings consist of burnt ostrich, vulture, ribbons, and colorful floral wreaths. Four arc pictured. '' Untrimmcd Hats, $1.98, $2.98 & $3.98 Vnoinf fdisnos in llscrc. , mll.in Vi(mn and batavia. IAt llrothert i-irst I'lror, innn HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Market Eighth YellowTradmirStamnWhliEvprvinrPirrrliawAlinflw I Filbert r Cn.jL ana Thon Ordtrs rill4 A Hell, "Walnut 3000 Xtratoaa, Mala 4J50 $3 Foulard Silks, Saturday $1.69 This New Purchase Offers a Wonder fill Saving on Ono of the Most Fash ionable Easter Silks. Beautiful deslpns Illch new colorlnc;, majority navy blue Tard wide I $4.50 Printed Silka. $2.98 i . . PuT Willow and otlier weaves. lxrcly patterns 0 lnchen w,3e Lit Brother First Floor, South itti For Spring Wear! $15 Seal Plush Stoles Also vera molo and k e r ami. Charming styles with pockets and ball trimming. Satin lined. $Q.98 8 IAt Brother! Flnrt Floor, North Unusually serviceable and uncommonly 'smart these Easter coats and frocks for juveniles! Saturday Sale! " Girls' $20 SpringCoats Drcsny, sports and wrap models. Wool velour, polo cloth and mixtures. Somo are trimmed with fancy silk stitching and others have largo pockets. Lined Newc.it shades. Wl ft; & )S ' lr Si 111 r Will A U-flf t, throughout. Sixes 8 to 14. Pictured. I Tot Spring V$7.98 t I Coats, Pictured I Of velonr and polotlne. Lined throughout. Sizes 2 to C. I it tltttttt -1--T- T m m m White Frocka. $4.98 61l an SiJTtu yr8?rgandlC' EeOrSCtt0 an(L7"C',rrett"y trimmed- IAt Brothers accond Floor Mrs. A. R. King's Footwear for Children World Famous Shoes Made in Philadelphia In every instance the value is better than tho samp money will buy in any other make. Firat Step Kant Slip For Infants Children's Arking Last Misses' and Young Women's LEATHERS Tan calfskin, tan ktdskin, patent eoltskin, white buckskin and whito ivory cloth. Iff " ' ( f Infants' Shoes & Pumps Wit $2.19 to $3.79 Children's Shoes & Pumps, $2.29 to $4.98 St'ccs i to 8 Girls' Shoes & Pumps, $2.98 to $5.98 Sizes S to 11 Misses' Shoes & Pumps $3.98 to $6.98 .Sires 1lii to 2 Big Girls' Shoes & Pumps $3.98 to $7.98 tones SH to 7 We are Philadelphia' sole agent for theie celt' brated who. Lit Brothers Vr-t Floor North tr- n r n i ic mens ao & ao oamDie Hats )$A QQ Saturday M3 Entire sample line of n well known .New iorK manuincturcr. ,e hpnmr styles in the latest shades. Sizes d', and Iht. Ht Brothers rirst Floor 7th S' 7 .r5cifl ih Men's & Boys' Clothing, Spring Opening & Sale! Varieties Greater Than Ever Before; Prices That Set a New Standard of Value-Giving! Choose Yonr Suit on Saturday! Boys' $15 Blue Serge Suits, $10 Norfolks fully lined. si A3; Sizes G to 18. W I, VW v&.j liL r hA j-svttaaaaW v A N7s axt ftBaWt3bs3b Tffxy At vx w aaaaaT ' m, wvi- 7, i0wCA '4 vv 2H naaaasSk'Vt l toaataaf 3. KU. ullaamv'9WH' ll 1 . ,''akHa7 Ul KERSCHBADM CLOTHING 25J45 For stvlc. for mnhiriiili inniy 1 ni. .l.iui-. i -n1.11.j-1-1.1- .!ii. ii .. ; Vi ----- ".u, ii 1UU70 vniuc, no umt;i ;iubiiiii(; in r iiiiuucipiua can cuiiipun: vriwi tnese suits 1 KIrschbaum thoroughness is in eve ry seam of them. And we particularly feature: KJRSCHBADM - T -v m - t $32-5 Two Trouser Suits In all best fabrics. BdRSCHBADM Spring Top Coats Snappy lines; all wool $07.50 Young Men's $Q Spring Suits ' Double-breasted and sinc-Ie breasted. Dashing and con servative models. Men's Spring $.50 Suits U With extra tro users. Spring grays; also fancy mixtures. Quarter lined and all wool. ....... Men's Suits for Spring, $30 Two and three button models in casslmercs, worsteds, cheviots and bluo serges. Also flannels in green, gray, brown and bluo. All-wool and hand- tailored. ................. 1 Men's Serge Suits, $25 Single-breasted and conservative models carefully tailored, and all-wool. All sizes including stouts. .................. .......... $18 "Dubbelbilt" Boys' Norfolk Easter Suits! f illCS Boys' $7.50 Spring Reefers Of all-wool blue serge. Sleeve chevron. Sizes 2": to 9. Checks and plaids; blue, brown and $l-98 gray, pm stripes; light and dark I chcckB and broken nlaids. Trousers f t ?hn,dcs of homespuns and plain ox- , nnve peff topg belt ioops and tch t J ford & green. Double seats & knees, j pockets. Sizes 7 to 18. second v Norfolk) $11 CO ! va"" ?Z "Z .snug.) 11-Wl $10l$15 In l.itfst donbln-brcaRtcrl model. t AllJtBanl and mlth m-rtrr, .... t ........... Cheviots, cassimcres, tweeds, 'loor. 7th St Men's $8 & $10 Silk ShirtsfJ.85 One Important Phase I "B" of Spring 'Outfitting J J, Solved! Save! The Majority arc Worth More Than Doable! better qualities comprising broken lots taken from our regular stock and reduced for Saturday. Satin strined crerm H chine, silk broadcloth and satin striped Jersey. Novelty or neat colored stripes. Strictly high class make perfect in every detail. All Bizes in lot. All the W0mk ' 65c Silk Four in- 49c Rich heavy silks in I brocades, neat and fancy iigures and sell figured effects. Ex tensive variety ........., $3 English Madras $1 .65 Shirts. Neat colored stripes. Double enffs. ...... ..!,,, g, ................. $4 & $5 Silk Stripe Shirts, $1.98 Best quality woven madras with lustrous silk rminglcd with colored st Lit Brothers First Floor, stripes prettily intermingled witn coioreu stripes. r, , in st. Women's $3 Gloves, $1.95 Correct Gloves for Easter Wear! Klne Trench kid Two clasps Self or contrastlnc embroidered backs Dlaclc, whltn and colors IAt Brothers First rioor Pre-Eminently the Greatest Showing of Easter Apparel in Philadelphia xmJ 1 fflR And Values that surpass all others! outfit every woman and miss in this ci All are expressive of the very last wor - - - - -----! msscs Dresses ; i Extra $41 F ! HI DVkv Kfi Hi E9 iaBH Rjfl y fly ' Special Mignone t t and serge in brown, nay and black. Youthful long lines, sash gir dies and elaborate silk embroid- f cry. Illustrated. Ready for one of the busiest Saturdays in all the year ready to stylishly v srn7 nortrnv iiiifti itlffri r riant rtnnnle nnnfa cnitt t1 J- d in fashion and all are marked at the lowest prices known for several years. - Misses' Dresses, $25 Tncottne, taffeta, mignonette and Georgette in all the new col ors. Many are beautifully braid trimmed or piped with contrasting ilks Pictured. $15 Misses' Sports Suits Extra Special. . . . Famous Fulwool in Spring huea Have notch or tuxedo collars, I platted back, and patch pockets. Pictured. ... .- Misses' Suits, $35 N'av aril Mack f rpf fditurlnE "ip n w boj, i keth. shiv.1 coll irs 11 l'i lr ild trlminlnt; sLctchrJ Misses' Dressy 51 Q75 Velour Wraps jf IV I.lKht Hprlnr shiulf Iic turpsqu" capo iffi-ota v. t' ntrastlni; silk ntltchlnt,' bketehrd , M , IAt Brother "-iTond Plonr Dresses 1 q Navy, I V For Women ............ rn . incotine ! aw .75 Is tes black & brown. Heavily brairipH. shirrcd at I hips and finished with daintv embroidered organdie collor also other rrrnnnq von. iArW I qrately beaded. Pictured. mfng. Pictured . . . ....... Women's Sports Suits, $19.75 Continental Fulwool in norm lar colors. Have tuxedo collar, narrow oeit and jaunty pockets. nKeicnea ....... Women's Dressr Dolmans. Velour in spring shades, romely silk embroidered and silk lined. Sketched. Juniors' Coats, $12.98 Of polo sllvertono in rose, Copenhagen and Harding blue. Youthful ripple model in raglan effect with box plaited back and largo pockets. Illustrated. pSm fly rSrstiy V V w nvrj57i -Wlf? 1 i V F JV COP I FdaJtioi I fi i FA $25 KJl hand-gT UkmmmmSrm Km fv!J ' IIohKrv and underwear advantageous purcliases cnatue us i announce wondtrful bargains for Saturda) ! Women ' s Sillc Stockkgsfoui $2.25 ICfe Values HI 9 JLtx $2.50 Values 1. Full fashioned thread ilk and other colors Black, whito, navy, russian calf . Women's $1.25 QCci Union Suits. . . OD I ; Women's $1.50 C 1 1 r C v Ir m r 1 , B . ,,, i, I I Extra size. Fine cotton t I! .i?,h,"fc!l. 6K bl,uk' nbbed Low neck, sleeveless. . r . . . i Lace trimmed or tigh Infa"ts' & Pf 59C W', 55c Vests,' 39c' GC bSJC 20CKS, JC ) in, .ottnri ribbed Low m l Hn nr"rrrliil llhl u ' in i Miiftn und hnin 1 n't! Htyb lain i-olnr tlt diicy X I'l, uli and HlilteFlrnt Ki tor South W7 S ample Waists Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine in colors to match the Easter Costume J8 Blouses delightfully fresh and pretty featuring plaited vestecs, and deep cream lace collars broad silk collars, fine poarl buttons and hemstitching and very dressy waists exquisitely embroidered in jet and colored beads. Sketch Shows Two of the Many Winsome Models on Sale Saturday Lit Brothers Second Kloor Silk Petticoats Underpriced Saturdn a twenty pi' Easter petticoat $5 Values Regular Sizes. cent aung on pretty S( Values l xtra Sizes tytJjo $ 4.98 Of all taffeta or mi salino or Jersey with silk flounce- Plum colon, pn tty chnngeables and black. Pictured. IVc carr a complete line of extra-size petticoats Sf ron Kl ior DRASTIC REDUCTION SALE OF Columbia Graf onolas The cut in Columbia prices, authorized by the manufacturer, makes it still easier for music lo ets to own a Grafonoln. The figures at which we are authorized to sell all Columbia models will astonish you! They ure lower than pre-war figures! Bnlance Down i n c o n v e n i ent I payments. tta3B! Saturday $4 to $7.50 French Pearl Necklaces J $1.89,1 ' Sample Line! Vv I i or od sl7is tlnest n ,a ty eu0n Onera Irnittli, H 'nch Hrofir r rit Floor, South Men's $2 Shirts, $1.35 80 snunre pcrcalo In neat stripes Soft cuft Boys' $1.50 Shirts, 98c Striped percale Double oufCa ,'" - m i-i Women's & Misses' Wear Dresses, f6.7.ri & $9.75 Silk and cloth J16.75 Sports Suits, $10 w nrprtne shidos $12.50 Sports Coats. $7.50 $18.50 Coats, $12.98 All-wool polo cloth $9.50 Tan Ualn Coats, $3.75 $5 Skirts, $2.98 Cloth and silk poplin $9 Skirt, $3 Wool tl!lldH. fcpriTft nnil rvnn 4 poplin I'lnltcd or tailored $7.30 Skirts, $5 Kttra sizes -3D to 10 irabn bands $14.50 Pur Scarfs, $7.98 lllnck brown und taupo Man churlan wolf iiii.iit RuhmMmc,, . " irlrls" corstn - - - ... --- ... M- m m m ' $2.50 Corsets, $1.50 Cllrdle bunt - P'"1 coutll and rncy to Also W n you clrls' cor HATS TRIMMED VI in 'nV hh'Mi: $4 & $5 Ready- j QO p tQ Qfl An unumial i"lcction I Srrnrt sprlnc nhapeu of batavia, fanoy braid Hnd fab-rlc-and-itra combination, effectively trimmed llrtght new colore Ttco sketched. $3 Untrimmed Hnts, $1.98 Horsehnlr or not . many with Mm. crowns Majority block black, navy, brown rd, sand ............... Children's Hats, $1.98 styles v Alloa blue. - JT-- O.MI v ' -iTil Pino Milan straw In Jaunty styles nlth ribbon streamer. J" nnu 1Qci Men's $5 & $6 Shoes, $2JM ) Tf (Jun-metal bluchcr, also Un ti ............. Women's $1 & i $1.25 Stockings. on in ubick, coiorn anu iwo-ionc i " " . ,ni effects Pawhlonod lee W,- K Rr .tfi 1 $0-W Boys' $12.50 Suits, $7.98 $1B0 Night Gowns, 98c ,i, et. 0 riiai-coior uiuo eerffi Norfolk-j. 7 unguiar inn i-.xtra BlieH n.m.mefni tr oxfords iU"1 '" iiecuiar aim extra nlron. Tine two-eyolet lien CulMn n-' to 17 yiaro Men's $27.50 Suits, $17.98 . niti wlUl t'bl'-y. laeo and M;58ca, & children's $3 Men's $21.50 Suits, $14 $3.50 Shoes, $..: MlXIUrfl. nllltlq find n n.tic(nAa '!!'." 'A' ;..!. ! 2 &AJLfc UJh TOWELS mimuri'B. piams nnu pln-nrlpea uun-metal ami nn o , ulijct ' nanipiKno anu mi.v Sizes to 8. l.t JrofJir-j F.ftb Floor ViBlt Our w 21 REUurant-nit.oX Eysrjtalsg at Swe; rilQw-SoviatU rioos of Our Ktw jButlCtuz, 7ti aaa K.vkit cte, SAVE A THIRD TO HALF! 25c Turkish Towels, 1212c 19c Huck Towels, 12c Volortd border IGxJS Inches All whlto. 17x33 Inches 50c Turkish Toweln, 29c 29c "ck Towels, 19c Hx36 Inches All white I 18D16 'n,r1'0? ;q t. ..i.:.i. t i. in- 4ac Huck Toweh 25c Oxt, ,nd "tV ' fariTo'-?. lll-.T! ''-' -" r - - . ., . - F X ( IU biiw h ' Hmnipaeno a lu d. . .. Boys' $3.50 to $5 Shoti, $" Tan leather. SUes 10 to ' on Subway Vootwcir Tnfiflwn f Immolietlo In ,',, ,1 and (.olnrn. . ,n Boys' $6 Coats, $3.1 Doublo-bteajtfd 3 lo S i-t :II BEOXJXEBS (I 3 i t y . li!J j.