frrH,f " IW. vM w m im m , s f j"& EVENING PUBLIC " LEDGER-PHILABELPHI A, FBIDAYrAbfi II, ' loft DREAMLAND ADVENTURES "TnE GREAT FIRE" 11 DADDY POINTS OF ANGLES FORM 4TR1MUIG Kc ii riiAi'Tnn v Tlift Smell of HmftUe 1J T PI RE Mory l nbout two youn? hurned up In n hollo tree " beran ' Kfrtdy Wnodptcker belnii.ris his tale. "Oh ! Ooh ! ' Rroaned Orat Horn! Owl, trylnir to aqueezo throush the dOfr vt the liol'ow tree where He wa shut m because he hnil become o fat lio coulun ! net out The two jounir iwli wte baa young JiR'l and had hern tr Y.K to flml bird tir tn jm " .., m Uerlilv W OOiI ecker. wlnkine at Hilly and I'mw. i' wns telllnif hi fl.-e Rtorv h n.iri 01 nlllvo nlan In ilrlve firmt Horned OW . out of nirrllaml They found the rest of King- Hlrd In m old tree litre rlc es wisr in the neft 'Whoop- f.t d the vounK ol 'Here when ue Xeant on fresh eue .. . "nut Just then ti'ons: .-imp Kirn? Und to e If all wan Hell with h' nut lie KOt there Jtmt . tne younn o were Kolng to rrah two of the es "Kwl chirped Kin TIimI, and he Rao ti-e bin neat owl n pevk t'.taf mud him bo HUrs 'Ktvltl' and he cave thu ot ter owl n dip In the neck Then 'kwlt ' kwit kwi Mid how he did eUsh those outii!oN And he kept on slaehlnjr them until the ' hid In a hole at the bottom of a hollos iree. "King Hlrd d dn t follow tnum .n'o the dtt'k tree but the-- went fn '-p lti trurk as they could, and irtcj fcta til there for hours and hours " "Hoo! Hon' Id have rat.--, if KinK Bird'" boasted nreat llornwl O.t Reddy Woodpecker winhen nnui JJIIlv and I'cKfcy nnd rontinued ntory- "They stared In that hollow tree Mil.. BUddenfy thev bintlied irnokc "Oh ' Oooh ' I smell amok" too groaned Great Horned Owl. enifrinK the air ! "The tree -non on tire' shrilled IVdily i "Woodpecker And so were the trees nil ' around They hud vuish from the , campflre of n rtrelets hunter And th , VIrda were scream ng 'Fin- "! , 3vlr ' ' "Oh: Oooh ' croaned Circa'. Honied, Owl . ,. . The tounp oul? tried to i;et o'lt of the tree, and then what Uo jou thins the "Wnat?" hooted Ore.i' Horned Owl J Tell me quick whM did 'hey find , "They found that th- bottom of trie tree wan on fire and thy cpulrtn t get , out!" screamed He tidy WmlpKr , "Oh: Oooh'" trroaneil Great Horned I Owl, once mor tr-lnw o B.Ueer throush the door, and once more finding himself too fat ,.,, 'Thi Are spread fas'er and faster. screamed Ileddv Woodpecker in an ex cited voice Tho tnsld of the tree rrew i ot'er and hotter' The outi(,' owls BCTeeched for help but they seemed to , screech In vain, for rll tin? birds were Jn wild flight And then uha' Uo ou think hnpivned" "Oh' IV.oh' Thc were burned jp BToaned Oreat Horned "i "No, they r.' not bum.-d up. for juat ns the tree begun to hla?.e I r.nrnel nlong," said Ileildv Woodp-cker Great ' Hmed owl nnd a'l the birds wrv 11s tenlnif with wide open ears Hlllv leaned , over and wh'apered a message In Judg i ijw:s ear ' KU to tho perch i.t the i Haiti lilltv 'jruu V I i p mfc U Ml P -- A Ice or crack revealed the desired Infor mation "It Is of no use. mother. Mildred said at last, ns she picked up her crocheting on the lounge. Ilut while she had hunted her crochet hook had slipped from her work. "Well, mother," she laughed, running her fingers nlong the crnck In 'he lounge. "I think that we had better hire a detective " To her mrprlse, she pulled out a lit tle card nddresed to "A cheerful curly-haired bo.v " On the back It read: "I'leasB accept this sled from a lonely man, who wants to make you ery haBDV this vear I hae often seen vou laying arouna tnn nouee, ana l nope go, he, walked boldly and resolutely down the busy lrect. "Ill find him," he aald to himself, confidently. "I Just know that he Is tall and has dark hair, and he has a nice smile, and eyes that Just shine I I Just know Itr And he trudged on con tentedly. . . . Yet not one of the tall, dark-haired men was Mr Green. In fact, they frowned nt him when h asked ihem. Still Hobby studied each new face ex pectantly. Gradually the little fellow's enthusiasm began to weaken nnd he grew tired . . . . , "Guess I'd betttr go home, he whis pered tearfully to himself nut ne am not Know wnicn id JOHN OHKEN, card thoughtfully to that some day we will know each other. I turn. He was lost' He sat do-wn on an lour xriena. Hhe narsed tho her mother She could not understand why the sender, who owned their home, and was one of tho wealthiest men In the city, could be unhappy Her thoughta wero so busy that she did not notice the Hush that crept over her mother's face at sho eiigerb scanned the card 'We must ItiMte him oer Mildred spoke at Inst. "Yee,' her mother nnswered almost incoherently, "we will When Hobby learned at the discovery he was Joyous. "When, mother when ' ' he kept In sisting. "Some time. ' he answered absent- I mlrdertl ut Hobby was rot satlslled He home. walked slowly over to his sled, to think. Mr. things over. He wanted to fee his "sled arms. friend a' once But how was he go ing to do It. when hn did not knerw who he w'as. or where he lived7 No one no ticed when he stealthily slipped on his coat and hat, and softly tiptoed out of the houie. He finew that he wan not allowed out of the .ird. but lie felt that he mut find this lonelj friend at once I Although he had no Idea which wav to . !. fni-uvn drmmten nnd cried It was then that he felt a friendly tap on hla shoulder, and a voice, was , saying, "What's wrong, sonny?' Slowly he raised his head. A tall man with dark hair was leaning over him. His eyes twinkled and hla smile was pleasant At first Hobby could not speak, because of his astonishment and then, he gasped In wonder, "Arc you Mr. John Oreen?" It wrs the stranger's turn to he sur prised, and he survoed the little fel low with Interest , "Yes," ho answered flnall. and he spoke with difficulty, "but how did you know' ThlB Is the first time I have been In this city for h long time, and I thought that I wns forgotten." "Oh. I know.' Bobby replied happily I but weorlty. "Now, Mr Green, take mo T'tl full von the street Green took the tired boy In his nnd carried him to hlB car at the edge of tho sidewalk Meanwhllo Mrs. White and Mildred wero frantically hunting for tho little boy It seemed strange that ha had disappeared from his playground, ana that the little sled should be unused. "Phono Mr Green to help," Mildred said at last Mr Green came as soon as he wai flj COKINNi: 1-OWK Kuclnl proved mich stupid things with his old triangles that we are glad to nnti- a mure httmantzinz note sounded in geometry When, for instnnce thej designer of this frock of beige I'oirct twill teke.s up the subject his theorem , . t.lj , 1. nnnn . twr IpinnoUd I 1H ii nir iiy.i-3 i.i ..Tiiv ixiiun' placed iimr below the collar nnd ar ranged no thut bit of tnpestry embroid ery shown at the decollete are dircctej toward the npcxes of triangles formed bv the oversktrt. the result will be chit " More than that, he proves th point by pointM. The long wuistlino of this frock is brought to a close by a wide band of the tapet-tr.v embroider., corresponding to that of the neckline. a Pla7o' Save me. I Cut me out of this I 'Th woods nr Reddy Woodpecker tree ' nrc : ire Xow what do you think is going to hnpi,n'' .... ... . , . I Iii u 8Upio Heddv Woodpecker will cut Great Homed Owl "ill" I And then will he try to cobble tho I birds" Or will he run aWA .' The net chapter will tell THE DAILY SOVELETTE 111 llTIIF.I, M. FAIIMKR Bobbv patted hlH rew sled lortngl. and smiled happily at his motner nna fjM'Sf rf th tr Great Horned Owls dark Kogules, anil ' gijier who sat sewing before the tire in. ii i.i "iiin t it a uancy ' He asKea iur uie curncu I.- 1,1m nor ..,! C-l.lRFf.JV of mv D'an Judge Owl nodded und Hew tip to the perch beside the door. "I heard the young oN dying cries' nt on rtnddy Woodpecker ' Tr.ere didn't eecm anywa to Fae them when of a sudden I thought of a p'an " "What?' hooted Great Horned Owl "It was to out a hole In the tree w ith jny sharp beak answered Ileddv Woodpecker 'So I began to bore I Viord and I bored while th- rlrc roared and roared and the oung owls im plored and Implored me fo hurrv The Are crept closer and closer '! dun I go' the hole big enough so fie smallest owi ' could Rqueeut- through Th-i the other ' tried to squeeze, after him but hfj was fatter and got stuck I grubbed him suid pulled and pulled Oh'" shrleki-d Great Horned On". "I amell smoke' ' At that moment Judg rwl grabbed th dark goggles off nreat Ilo-red Owls nose and xwltched the red uoggles ove.. Great Horned Owl h ocp The red cla"-s made ecr;thng look reel Flri-' ' shrieked Great. Ho-red Ou hundredth time, as he carefully It out of the door ' Yes.' they agreed laughingly wav ing good-by to him There was a gust of fresh, winter air and then the outside door banged I nm going to hunt again, for the card that carre with that sled, Mildred. ' Mrs White said as she thoughtfully laid aside her nor' I am positive there was one ' ' So am 1 agreed her daughter, as she Jo ned tn the search "I wish that we could thank the giver Hut the hunt was In v.iln for no crev- vXXXXXjxXsxjixj, HOME-AID V ftaww &v FUfij Ltrt rflted W'rtb Mflinn 35c STORE ORDERS Increase Your Buying Power Why ute your own present stock I csh. when leading department tore and ipeclnlty ahopa accept our store orders as ctb7 We liiue them on very low terme bued on lmth ol credit. Our methods ar fair and h atood tha acid tatt of 4S ytara. Let ua ilva you da talla Write for Details Today Marriott Bros. 1118 CHESTNUT STREET CTXsCSiKVVCVXVvVVVVsiV ' ni':' .ii..j'"?' 7,'"." "j'flil"'',' : riTl'''!,nrim Aluminum bilad Mold Style I! free to You A salad mold to use with Jiffy-Jell tfl; e " T.e- I fli .ry makes a ts-t. Rri'n sa'ad .-''i1 H'i is in aluni.num mold to t:e wth ir --to rna',.c i alad Jjai tor J'X ! is worth 50 rtnti b".t we s.ipol- free. Sec offer b'o' !inT--lr;i iot.'! n ter flavOI Eiis'li are desseit fl or to tnae real-'ru't dc.e-ts The fla'.o- -ome in ! cnd ''orm in bott'e. V e crush tl-e t'r'i't cotidene t'ne : re and 5j' '. co the f'tii . rt.'i aid t: esh ard tbundsn: 'i' !;tTi - 1H deserts Old-Jf !e de-5e-ts ha'c 'he tlivor in drv t'orir Millions ro'i -ie lift.. -I" the chi'd'fti ake It i rea' essence v,h'. Ii nia'es t!'ee ert so he.'lin'ul and de'.'O' tr.r 1'U' de 1 f-. e( r.: rio moir tnan like n-5ert witlou' tlieni So ou i'rouM insist on JifT - (e'.! on the qiia'ity desse-t 'o'l owe that to ; ou'sclt v ov. " the tmir to cr .-e hff--II .i p'.ent. F"tit i cot'. -ft -le'l ii nor nd e'.erjbod netds 'rui' e- cr; da; Our mold offer P.i :10m our grocer si pacg j(;m J ft Jell in aiiorte'! flavor?. '"ill out the ("TV) trademarks in the nri.'e on fon o- package end the six trade-tnarV!1 w :th the 101 pon bc'.ow and ve wl' mail thi a',immum salad mold No extra price Ppite 'nee 1 s' fl 1 . or. . ime rrdVe a -.raps 1 Cut O'lt lifii 'e!l salad !oi' w:II niV. . oupon no" uii salad II W'.'ii mc, a inea 'oaf We also make Jiffy -Pie, a new dessert, in two flavors Lemon and Chocolate. Ask your grocer Jih'y Deiisert Co , Waukesha, Wn MAIL6" THIS hn lo;d finn 0 'Jj 'tade mark' 10' 'h it Td m the a''im n itn a!:d mold, t It D I White Gloves I To Suit Any Fancy In wrist lengtba, the demuro Florinc, ttvo clasped, at 3.85 The conservative Seville at 4.50, with pearl clasp and rich crochet embroidery And the piquant Bandalctte, with its chic band in 6clf or black, two pearl clasps und two tone embroidery, 4.50. For over the sleeve, the dabbing Fielder at 5.50, stunning with gore invert nnd 6trap and then Our incomparable long glomes, 16-button, nt U.50. Ail made of beautifully ott, perfect-textured French KidsLin. Centemeri Gloves 123 So. 13th St. (NeH YorV btorc. 100 Fifth Are.) summoned, for he wag much lntejested In lils little tenant. uut ne was greatly surprueu wnen Mrs. White met him at tho door "It cannot be CJiacc, my old friend, can It?" He aked vaguely, as ho grasped the door for support Mrs, White smiled a moment In splto of her worry, but remained Bllent. Anu nave you Known an tuong . ,ir. Oreen continued "Yes." sho assented "That it whv Mildred always paid the rent I did not hnow how you felt." "I was always Korry that 1 lost track of you," ho answered, "but come, we must look for tho hoy'" Just then there was a tramping on the stairs and a little olco wns callng. "Mother, mothtr, I v found him 1 I've found my 'sled friend' !" "Vour 'sled friend'?" Mr Oreen gasped, as he followed lloLhy up the stairs. "What do ou mean and where have you been?" his mother cried as she dtew him to her "Mr Gieon has Just come to help hunt for ycru. He Is wait ing now In the parlor'7 (jea, uoony muiieien untier nis breath as his eyes fell on tho back of a gray head and n pair of bioad, square tho'jlders ' Suddenly his friend left lilm nnd rushed to meet the man In tho parlor I who had risen excitedly to his feet. No 1 one seemed to Know Just what hap pened thon, but Dobbv was soon rnlsed I to Ills friend's shoulder and a happvi volco was crying In hla ear "Meet mv dad, Hobby We had n little foolish trouble a number of years ago, nnd we wero both too proud to give in until we felt that It was too late And now. sonny, sea what you have done. You . "Oee,'1 he alghed softly, as he huggegd have gven my father back to tne, and his battered teddy bear closer. "Per I know that f, rar liaps nfter they get through wllh eaon "Yes. mv boy." broke In Mr Oteen, , other they will give me a chance," and 1 Sr. "You have found my son for me " I nobby did not understand It all, but 1 he felt strangely happy. 1 After supper he sat thoughtfully on . his sled. He felt a little bit lonesome, 1 Ho could hear his mother and Mr 'Oreen, Hr , talking nnd laughing mer rily together And Ills sister and the younger Mr. Oreen seemed to bo enjoy 1 lug thcmseles, too, laylne his curly the red sled, he Nexreomplele noTetelle ."f-oi) .ririniint head down on fell asleep. a?MOTei0aaT1MMa'SfM' II 111 MILLINERV BARGAIN HOUSE A Wholesale & Retail WAX Special Week of March Wth to Ledftr Reader! Bugle Batch, 35c for I ounee Sogiloi Civtn in Copying The Only Store Where lou can set Msttrlalf. Trlmmlnsa. etc for making your own nut. Kxelnalra Trlmml lints. luttmX him York Mdala oa Q.0t dlsnljkr free, . . Our tkt Onlv HUrrt t 11$ Kin U PMndHyUn J,, 53 N. 8th St. . ... f 'V'TJt If Instant Postum a table drink, of delightful flavor, healthful and satisfying Made at the table , a cup ac a time , strong or mildL to suit the individual tate "There's a Reason for Postum SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE r ssaSli tjprm ps?l 1115 CHESTNUT ST. Furriers (OPrOSlTE KEITH'5) Milliners miewe; M prrnni, hats 5.00 7.50 & 10-00 rrom the great millinery centers comes a collection of fascinating new millinnry no woman bhoulrl mini. Individualized hatrt for every occahion are presented abloom with color and gayly trim med with flowers and feathers. I III .7srrr- A mgk i:aw h t 'J jjj ilk1 TT II mm W W II H" VAI IIFC J '! W. that 11 T gOutfrt TT'TIf lk irnnH"!i i liivi uliiiiu'irrs-tJi ii ii ! prove our ability TO SERVE! Women' Suits Coats 29." W,UP 824.!1 Dresses 19." Mmn't and Young Men's SUITS 98 jp (ton 9a 4a7.Up Think What It Means! To have all the fine new Clothes you want; to have them when you want them, exactly as you want then) and pay maiily and conveniently, week by week. uifi four month to do if ml Here is a dean, practical and liberal credit plan trrangod for all who love good dress. BEAUTIFUL STYLES! FINE FABRICS! WIDE CHOICE! MANY TRIMS! INEXPENSIVE! 5uch quality, with popular price can only conic from a biff organization. With no; es cverywnere, wo avo powerful enough, to demand fouieat price and iiist on higheit quality. Try us! SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS V 736jMARKET ST. S. E. Cor. 8lh and Market Sta. Open Saturday Evenings Skg Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET 'I i x A rigistoied trademark lnsurnifi quality, jtyle and worltmanjrtip. No otner similar fabric lias proven so satisfactory. Sold hete only r New Shades and Styles r 1 rox)iceii s's W A 3 0r Tropical Fruit la- Wwi 'W' 11T - WJ&r Cream will be solil f'riclis by all Sup- -,-, -a-r-i-i T 35L' Z?Lr plee dealers this ICE CREAM -sSySSI eek-end: be"rc J-3kW to order early. cjfipf ': -- I Here is delicious famous the most of all the S Hand-Tailored Suits Ladies', Ivlisses', Juniors 27.75 38.75 22.7 5 Tailored Hats Mannish Shirts and Vits Md 10 order or ready 10 er Underwear SUPPLEE PRIVATE BRAND BRICKS Supplee's superiine lee Cream, into wJiich has been frozen juicy nuggets of the most luscious fruits grown in the Tropics. Tropical Fruit is without doubt the finest Ice Cream ever made ANYWHERE. There Is But One Private Brand Brick ! tjt- ' rtl SUPPLEE'S Sport Hosiery MANN & DILKS U02 CHESTNUT STREET Silk Hosiery in flavors in Elm vim llottlt In each packet 2Pkgs.for25c add- pla.plv A 1 aV uifULB IIh I ymmw supplee-wjlls-joxes hCWM 1 . , . . ,, - i