Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 11, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 12, Image 12

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Ite '
Huclitvheat Calms and Honey on Sunday Morning Are a Thing
to Look Forward To Shrimp a la King Is Appetizing
- "'1
Please Tell Me
What to Do
M. A.
.1. inijon.
ny mkr
ICopvrlol, nil, hv Urn. .If.
AV rlchtn reamed.
rpHIS wrt-Jc flnl (is well pant the
middle of Lent, ntnl ns tlic blustery
March tiny still enll fop mi nhiiiiiliint
supply of fnol foods to ninlntnln the
body heat, niftthor run till sitvc tin"
old 'fashioned btirkwhrnt inki"i for the
Sunday bronkfiist.
To arrange three mrnls for Sunday so
Tiint the inrrkPtinK may bo plnnncil with i
economy nnd little hbor mi Stmdit.1
fhonld be the renl pride of the prnrtlr-'nl I
Jionieninkcr. I
Purchasing helter-keltnr miiken for'
Waste nnd Itxutlicii-nt monts. This In
turn- brings discomfort nnd discontent '
and unbappine.sp. I
Buckwheat Cakes S.msnge
-inncy Colleu
saucepan. Add the meat and brown
well. Turn the meat frequently nnd
when the meat is nice and brown then
add one-half oup of Hour and brown n
deep mahogany color. Add
1 hrcr nips of tenter,
(htc-hnlf ilottn onion.".
Cover closely nnd then simmer very
slowly until tin- mint Is tender. This
usually requires about one nnd three
quarter to two hours.
Klmliarli Pnrifllng
Cut the rhubarb In inch pieces and
place in a linking dish. Now place in a
mixing bowl
TJircc-quartcri cup of nuqar,
Voffri nf tiro ropn.
J'our tnblrrpnani of huttrr.
Cream until a light lemon color nnd
then mid
Three -quarter cup nf flour.
Tiro tcnipnnnn of hnkinu poirdrr,
Onr-hnlf nip of milk.
Kent to mix and then fold in the
I I srilllv beaten whites of two eggs. I'nur
I over the piepnred ihubarb and bake in
a slow oven for forty -five, minutes.
! Serve with vnnllln sauce.
Shrimp a la King
j Open n can of wet pack shrimp and
I wnsli well. Hard -boll tun eggs. Chili
1 1 t,- ..1. ..!!.. 1 ...,.
" - firs. I 'tit tin. i.i. upon .i. tut. I.. t.H.. !...
I '- .... ........ ...it nui.- mimi'iii",
i of relcrj ill inch pieces and then inr
boil and drain. Now place in n sauce-
, Tim ouil one-quarter rupa of mill:,
j Our-half nip of flour,
i Dissolve the Hour in cold milk nnd
bring quickly to a boil. Coo'; for five
minutes and then add the prepared
Thr hnrd -hoiU'd ro3,
Th pirpnml c Irrv,
Thrrr tiihtripwwi of liuttri .
i (hiv tninpnui) of milt,
Onr-hnlf tranpnnn of pif.riku.
Heat hIowIj until M-aldlng hot and
then stir occasionnll with a fork in
i order that the eggs and shrimp do nnt
j break: Serc on nicely buttered toast
and dust with paprika.
I WiiMilngtnn IMe
Place in a sniiccpnn
iriflntrilH cup of ,nur;ar.
Yolk of one Int or rg.
Three Inhlrnpoonn of butler.
Cream well until a light lemon color
and then add
One-half nip of roll irntrr.
Our nml nnr-hnlf mpn of lifted flour.
'I'hice lercl tcnapooni of hnkinn
paint rr.
Heat to mix and then fold in the
s 1 1 til ben ten white- of two eggs. Turn
into n uell-grensed and floured deep,
liner cake tuin nnd bake in a moderate
oven for thirty minutes. Cord nnd then
split ami till with the following cream:
One-hnlf nip of sugar,
) oik of otir eg.
Tiro Inhlrnpoonn of huttrr.
Cream well and then add
One nip of milk,
Srrrn tnhlripoonx of jtour.
Itlend until smooth and then bring
slowly to a boll and cook for five min
utts. Cool and then flavor, put be
tween cake nnd dust the top of the cake
with pulverized sugar. Cut in wedge
shnpi d pieces and serve.
I 'mi!.' fi Tiriffif .. in .. A..y.H 1.. ..
shortening until .smoking hot in a deep , sen.le di.sh while the enke is baking
Noodle Soup
Celery Undislies
Stuffed Skirt Steak Itrown C.rnvy
l'otntoes Mashed Turnips
Tomato Salad
Ilhiibarb Pudding Coffee
Shrimp a l.i King
rntiito Cakes Sliced Tomatoes
Stewed Apricots Washington Pic Tea
The market basket will require
Txco grapefruit.
One package of huekirhrat.
One .nmall cm of tomutoc,
I'nckngc of noodles.
Thrcfnunrtcr pound of sausage.
One nnd oiie-iyuar.'rr pounds of skirt
Soup hone,
Onr large can o' nhrmp.
One-half dn:rn eggs,
llnttlc of honey,
ttoup hcrbn.
t a dishes,
One-'iuartcr peck of potatoes,
One quart of turnipn
One-hnlf pound of southern tomatoes,
One hunch of rhuhaib.
One-hnlf pound of nprirot.l.
And the usunl weekly staples. Omit
the cereal nnd cream on Sandfly umrti
Ing and serve the buckwheat enke n
Its place.
Stuffed Skirt Steak
Hnvc the butitiir make a poeljrt in
the steak nnd tlien snnk stale bn ml in
plenty of cold water until soft, then
turn into a cloth nnd squeeze dry. Itub
through a sieve to remove the lump.s
and then turn in .1 bowl and add
One-half cup of finely chopped nuet.
One-half nip of finelu chopped
Three tahlenpoons of pnrn1ci.
One-half tennpoon of thyme.
One tianpoon of salt.
One-half tennpoon of pepper.
Mix nnd then fill into the prepared
pocket. Sew the opening with .stout
i-trlng. put one-half cup of Hour into
the ment and heat one-half cup of
The Darkest Hour Before Datcn
Whnt started it'' Oh, perhaps o'i
couldn't set the drevS m time for the
party, or you had quarreled with Jack
and today of all das. The Wilhs
were coming to dinner and Mrs. Willy
d'd hint that jnur veiMnn of .Inck was
iuo goo, in oe inn'. urn never rniiiu i nn no. cei r Hii nnl.n vi.i...
net lis thoiiBh nothing li.id hatqiened. no , White, vonr new lrrni,rn,Uhu t......i
fllkj ! Now von were sure of it Si,,,
perhaps before the din-
Then llattie phoned and told oi that
three of the girls at the bridge vester-
.ay hud been offended at what vou snld
nnd wouldn't come to your hous,. next
week. Then cume n note from the land-
i Mini iinoin a rnise in the rent. And oh
Answer to "A Reader"
t'nless you lnn a ery remnrknble
talent do not ko Ir for actinic, tny denr,
U Is ii lonjr drudgery nnd requires
(Xtriiorillnniy'tnlent to succeed.
Elnora, Ind., Has Another Problem
Henr Cynthia I am n popular girl
In my town nnd have filwaya had many
boy friends, but It seems that the
"would-be belle of the town" would try
to run them off.
Stnllle has been coming to see me of
late, but the "would-be belle." the tame
ftH nlivays. Is trying her Juck on him.
Slnllle and I Mere the best of friends,
and for about u month wo Ment lovely
ivenlngs together, but she told him
something that somewhat peewit him 1
don't know what she told him, but he
said he wa.s very sorry It had happened.
So am I. We are friends, tiut he Heema
to be my enemy when he comes to my
door In his Mnrnion .14. He Is still
co"inig. hut she Is also fit 111 talking. So
what .hnll I do?
If lit keep.s coming, why worry.' Aru
ou sure this girl Is talking against
you? Why not ask him what she aaya?
Wants Her to Elope
Pear C.xnthla I am a constant reader
of the llvnjflrJn runuc LKDor.n, but
have never written to you for ndvlce.
1 am a girl of seventeen and not
nt nil unattractive. While- nt a party
I met a yming man whom t have liked
very much wr s'r.ce. One night while
coming home from thu theatre he nttten
me to stop off the friendship of other
hos. This I said I would not do,
.mil he, he.iring what I said, turnea
.iwny abruptly, ulthout as much as say.
I Ing good-night.
Cynthln, I love thin young man very
much, and when he called yesterday he
asked me to elope with him, I consented
at once. Faying I would meet htm at the.
station, 1 haw thought tho matter oer
and am nt quite n loss as to what to do.
fiirt you, and some of your readers,
advise me upon this matter. Good-by
anil thank you.
liooil luck to your column.
Whatewr you do, do not elope. Why
should jou'' If you want to ho engaged
to the m.in why not have him talk to
your parents about It, and gain their
crnsent and then In due time be mar
ried from j. our home nnd not In some
I other state Why not be stralghtfor.
jwarcl uhout things and talk to your
. mother about It. dear? Young men are
I often carried away bv an affection which
, will not last, and the girl who Is willing
, to elolM' 'S 1th them -i.. t"r" ts no goou
' reason for so doing. Is very, very npt
I to rue the i ct In .v very short time.
! Who Calls First?
I Dear (.'vnthln I have read your col-
umns In the TCvrcsrisn; rvm.ic I.r.noKn
I and have been er much Interested In
your answers
1 T nm rni.' tnklnt the llbnrtv tn lisle
1 your advice on one of my own problems. J how It did
Recently one of my cousins has be- changed.
come eng.igcii to oe m.irrieu tuiu w
h.i had quite a few arguments con
cerning the proper steps to tnke.
I hae always thought that It was the
proper thing for the man to take his
Intended bride to call upon his relatives
nml Introduce tnem, ana not the place
A Green Costume
E'zilHuipRHKr v ''' "''' v!
:a "S :
Ss'n'jf ' ZJ's'.
: J. n. K, '
Here is a very simple regalia wliicli
can be nuide "in no time" for tin- St.
Patrick's Day tea or for any other such
All that is necessary for the foun
dation is n piece of crepe paper cut
out nt the neck, so that It will ttlf
over the hcnil nnd fall straight down
front nnd back, A wish or n belt
may be used or not, ns desired. It
used, It Is wise to run It Uirmigli silts
nt the waist line, so thnt It will re
main In pIhcp.
The lower edge may bo left straight,
cut In fancy outline or fringed the
side edges left plnln, folded over double,
or fluted. The neck mny be cut out
square, round or In V-shnpo, but must
In nil cases bo large enough to slip
over the bend. ' ,
If the full fold of crepe paper is
too wide, cut It to the desired width
or make a plait In It. The slip-over
shown here is made of green crepe
paper ndnrned with shamrocks cut
from a fold of deconitetl crepe.
The Woman's
Dyeing a Sweater
To thf Kdltor of Woman' Vane!
Penr Madam I have a sweater that
Is very faded-looking nnd streaked it
some places. Could you please ndvli
me how to dye It?
Wash your sweater first, nnd let It
dry hanging over the radiator In n bite
or pillow case so that It will not stretch.
Then get porno sonp dy. or a plain dyn
which has to be boiled, and follow the
directions. for dyeing wool, which will be
on tho outQlde. Follow the directions
..nnitv nn.i vfin will hnvi no trouble In
getting n good, smooth color. A darker
shade o' the sume color would give you
tho best results, or else black.
It Must Be Fun to See Everybody Who Comes in the Building,
Hear All Tlicir A'eutf, Notice All Their Clothes and
Get Their Friendly Greetings
Don't Worry About It
To ffir Mlfnr 0 Woman's Paoe!
Pear Madam This Is the first Ume I
am writing nnd hope you will help me.
1 nm In my early 'teens nnd am bow
legged, but not so dreadfully. Can you
nlease help by telling me some good
If this Is not very had there In no re.a-
u. fn .nn In bother lltiout It. Pretty
nnn von will be wearing your skirts
I,..,. .noiiirh to rover It. and ah there 1
no way of stralghtmlng the bones when
thev have once mown crooked, the best
thing to do Is to torget It. Perhaps by
wearing braces you could straighten your
legs, but that would be painful and
TUB nvernge woman, nccordlng to a
director of state labor, would rnther
bnve n Job operating nn elevator at $7
a week than n position as a domestic
nt $7 n day.
"While operating an elevator," , he
explains, "she can observe the latest
style dresses other women wear, nnd
slip run see and tnlk to tho various
types of men,
"She likes to be wherp there Is gos
sip, where people come and go, where
there 1h likely to bo excitement."
Whether all this Is true or not, It
must be lots of fun sometimes to be
nn elevator operator.
You'd see all the girls, coming In
In the morning, some cheery and fresh,
others droopy, others with n pout on
their lips nnd n chip on their 'shoul
ders. You'd hear the news from nil their
different neighborhoods, "Oh, there wns
a fire out our wny Inst night i It wns
awful. I didn't see It, but my brother
wns telling mc about It."
"Tho cars were blocked this morn
ing for half an hour there was a
smash -up right on the trncks. A mnn
wns hurt nnd the enr wns all smashed
up, ami everything."
Adventures With a Purse
st U'llXnEil whether vou wouiil uc
.111 Interested In the little novelty I ran
across by the merest nccldent? I will
tell you the renl truth I do not even
know the nrice. Hut let mc tell you.
The marnage of trances Carter
and Jerry Page began on a fiftyMfU
basis, rranoen was working and In
sisted upon paying half the bills, out
,,. .11,1 nnt rrnHre until the ltarloices
miifcd into the Mime npnrfment hoiiar,
nml she sate Jerry's attitude foiciirij
Cbirt.i.ia, that she had cheated herself
of her liusbnnd'n chivalry by becom
ing ii financial pi p. Hardly knoic
(1117 U'.Vif to du, but ronsclnua that she
munt do nomcthfng, Frances all ut
once decided to go to the other ex
treme and to mufec herself nlmonf en
tlrrly dependent upon Jerry.
Clarissa Gets a Shock
rpHK very first person who noticed a
change In Frnncea was Clarissa Mar
lowe Frances dropped In there one after
nion, a thing she almost nvr did. nnd
Asked Clarissa to a dinner party she was
g'ving the fotlowlng week. Clarissa begnn
by being kittenish, but found tnat some-
COMHc'if. lOtl, 61 PubUe Leiotr Co.
YOU'D get "Inside stuff" nbout nil
the various employers In thp build
ing "Oh, I'm ten minutes late, nnd
the boss will call mo down ! he's nwful
strict, honestly you can't do any
thing." "Oh, you ought to have ours, he's
great. Always pleasant, never sore
nbout anything. He's n lovely man!"
You'd get to know whether Mr. Wil
liams' wife wns worse or better, by the
expression of his face.
You'd learn to judge by Mr. An
derson'H greeting whether or not It
wns safe to make n facetious remark
nbout the weather.
And you'd see so mnny different peo
ple young Mr. Lewis' wife, for In
stance. In her trousseau clothes coming
happily In to go nut to lunch with him.
thnt old grouch who comps to see Miss
Mary on the eighth floor Miss Mary's
sweet, and this Is an aunt or some
thing, nlwoys fussing about the eleva
tor service.
YOU'D get tired.
You'd sit down for a second to look
over the morning pnper. knit n row
in jour sweater, ntitt with a buzz the
Indicator would point to 0.
You'd get the office boy up there,
enrry him down to the seventh, get n
load of three there, go all the way
down, back to the fourth, to the sixth,
to the tenth, down to the fifth, to the
third, second, first, up again, until
you're dizzy with watching the floor
That's the time when you think
longingly of thnt lull In the middle of
the afternoon of n $7-u-day domestic,
when she has 11 chance to sit down In
her own room, freshen up a bit nnd
call her name her own.
It might get tiresome oncp in a
while, going up, coming down, going
groups, glad to bo throueh withiT
day's work, throwing bff the ik "
of tht offlce nod our riTnlr Jf.Prt
responsibilities of the1- day. i,h thc
And even If some of them u. .
any good-nlght, you'd kn?wf' ,
watched them troop out the , nnr ,1"
they would have n good-morn nlhx
for you next day. s rc!)
Artistic Lighting
Soma day you
will buy lighting
fixture!. If you
want them to
atlify aoe
that they
come from
Morris Sklar Co.
1018-20 Arch St.
I'lmne Walnut itta
'ii 1 m m 1 n 1 n 1 1 TT frrtTnrfyyC
. I tm 4liut fnn tlm onlri nf fnmlnif ilnn-n
nbout It, and then mnybc you will want , (,own . t to .
Sho opened!
worlc Frances hnd
Sinner who was there, nnd now, on
account of that little thill!,' this morning , mi ant to leave
Hie would nave a ennnee to tn.nK nwtul 1 ner tonight
tilings and pcrmips nv tnem. xnai
started it.
Yow SouVs in Your Hand
1 W IMi f! II f ON
V 7
It was a black world
tin winter grnne.-s
,l. .1. .1 .-.!.. .1 .,
in "iik. 1 me window. r.ven thing wns
wrong iwerj body. Nnbodv was worth
wh'b nothing Oh for a nice warm
lltt.e ho'e to i-reep into like a nrrlfieil
moiiM. Or better still, to die get nwav
.10111 nil the-e menacing troubles to
'lie. die, die!
Thm the phone rung. It wns Jack.
I III sorry it I was erui this mormtu-
the Pttle girl forgive mc?"
For one thing she wns more ex
pensively dressed with more attention
paid to small details. Mcr manner was
baffling, she was very sweet to Cla
rissa, but the result was not pleasant. Of
of the man'H relatives to call first upon I course Frances hnd realized In the be
ginning that to nttempt Clarissa s baby
Ish appeal would be nil wrong. Instead
of that, she had cultUnted a certain
brilliance, a rather dashing form of wit
that wns almost daring Sho nil but
petted Clarissa, and made that young
person feel rather like a small child.
"Is this dinner something special?"
sho asked, struggling hard to get back
to tho place where It had been so easy
to say little cutting things to Frnnccs.
"StieclalV cooeil Frances, "Oh, you
me.ui Is It Just one of your little do
mestic affairs where we all help? Oh,
no I've asked two or three other people
nnd I'll get Annie to serve. You'll come
then won't ou. child, nnd wear one of
those simple 11 ml a trllle girlish frocks
at yours'.' They suit ou so well,"
his fiancee after tho engagement hns
been annnunciMi
I have met my cousin's flanceu, but do
not know her very well, and some of
my relatives do not know her at all.
CARItin L. A.
When letters can be answered In tho
column Cynthln does not send nersonnl
replies. The answer to your problem Is ,
very simple When a man becomes en
gaged members of his family should I
m .1. , -u , always c.ill on his fiancee and her,
blacker thnn ... it-t,.... i,i .......
1 , , ----- r i.iuiiij ,,111-11 it ,,"1 i'i"."iiirn cuK'ifiiU
tint glowered in I she takes her fiance to call on her
family, but his should always call on
her and ills family should Invite her to 1
d'nner after they have called. I
It Is not good form to take a girl to
see a man s family until members of
that family have called on her first.
I PlnrlssA nlmOMt pnsned
and shut her small pink mouth nnd her
round blue eyes grew more ana more
like those of a doll. Frnnces felt an
Irreslstlblo deslro to . Inugh. Had she
ever been disturbed by this child? It
seemed Impossible and yet It had been
only too true. Oh, her plan wns work
ing splendidly, and after the dinner
party Jerry could not help but be im
pressed. For It wns at that dlnnen
party that Frances expected to get In
some of her best work. When she hnd
mentioned It to Jerry be had been any
thing but responsive,
"A dinner?" he echoed.
"Yes, a really nice one. I thought
we'd have nbout four couples and get
Annie to serve. I've asked the Mar
low es."
"I like little Impromptu affairs best."
Jerry returned. 'A dinner party always
seems stiff."
"This one will be different," said
! ranees determinedly, nnd It wns, for
trances had placed Jim Marlowe at her
right nnd somewhnt obviously devoted
ull her time to htm during thc meal.
Now Jim had always liked Frances.
Me nad stood somewhnt In awe of her
iii-i-nuns 01 ner anility to earn money so
easily and for that reason ho hnd never
thought of her as he thought of other
women, as he thought of Clarissa, for In
sinnce. Kven though Clarissa bullied
bltn, ho wns quite comfortnbly conscious
all the while thnt be was boss In his
own homo, that her mentality was com
fortably lacking, nnd thnt. If anything,
he knew more than she did. With
Frnnces, 11 woman who hnd to keep up
with thc news of the day. who read
three or four papers nnd who carried
on a surprisingly clever column In one of
them. Jim had always felt Inferior, and
no man likes to feel that way with a
woman, neither does nny woman who Is
clever let a man suspect that she knows
more than he does.
In thinking It over Frances hnd come
to tho conclusion very qulcklv that Jim
felt she knew more than he did, and so
she laid her plans accordingly. Htic
nsked to thc dinner Klsle Marriott and
her husband. Mildred and George Gra
ham, and the Harlowes, and then pre
pared to attract all the men present In
cluding Jim, for whom she reserved her
choicest remarks delivered In nn undertone.
to look Into the matter further your
self. This novelty of which I speak
would be for your toilet table or dresser.
I It is 11 white celluloid piano, standing
some four Inches high, nnd measuring
probably five or six Inches In length.
It is, you understand, a grand plnno.
Hut there would always be that send
off nt thc end of the dny when every
body would file In at once, tired, re
laxed, filled with that gond humor thnt
thc end of a hard day nlwnys brings.
One raises
velvet -lined
that odd?
the lid, and
box a jewel
s a
100D-NI0HT!" they'd nil sny to
vJT you. "Hurry up, enn't you
don't you know I have a date tonight?
Think It's going to rain?"
"Well. It's all over for nnnfber ilnv!
With sports suits being worn so murn aec you tomorrow."
this yenr, there will naturally be n
Inner number of snorts blouses put In
their appearance. One shop has 11 par
ticularly good assortment of shirts for
women. They look exactly like men's
shirts, nnd bnve collars of thc same
material as tho shirt high also like
the soft collurs on men's negligee shirts.
There are 11 number of very good pat
terns among them. The price Is $2.n."i,
which you will think reasonable when
you sec the nice quality.
If you like plnln white handkerchiefs,
this ndventure will bnve little Interest
for you. Hut If 5011 have a hankering
for colored hankies, If you get my
meaning, why, then, read on. I have
found some nll-llncn plnln-colored
handkerchiefs that are really nice.
They come in blue nnd old rose, and I
suppose In most nny other color, nnd
their qtinlity Is such thnt you would be
willing to give them as gifts. Their
price is thirty-five cents each.
Fnr names of shnnn lutilrrun Womnn'a
Pnrr Kdltor or phone Wnlnnt or Main 3000.
They'd leave one by one. In twos, In
Specials This Week
1118 Chestnut St.
Taffetas, Canton
Crepe and Satini
Values $35
to $50
This Week Only
75 beautiful new Spring creations
sffered nt this price.
All Worth Double
Stalla 800 to 812, Reading Terminal Market
Uniform Quality. Lowest Prices High-Class Service
Shoulders Spring Lamb gP
Best Chuck Roast
Lean Rack
Lamb Chops
124 cts!
Boneless Pot Roast
Lean Boiling Beef
Lean Boneless
25 cts
Open Friday Until 9 P. M.
Aatu A5CO ASro
I till
Things You'll Love to Make
MHIN till till' lii'Ull l.il.l
A. Ken a i'11-fiirnii'il mull
tur. uturh t,luA.M I 'i fti"d ln
rlnewherr. U nn onilliniu tnlirl.lliR
111 llir limit lliir. liiritr, lll-fiirmrd
fitnr U rspei'lutlt liid hre.
Nnwh"'' eW !n 'he s,''.fnc o rrvT
rendlng Is the st 'nt: of 'too 1 i.-h of 1
pood thing' more rllctngl- I'TOrnfo'
thnn In eorrn-t'on with the "'nr th.'
hend line or th If. Ht nrln.irl'v
a Fmall well-formul s'nr Is n sign of
hrllllnney, th-it s ,f It i found on .m
of thn mounts or on th he.irt Imi P it.
hen It Id on the hwid Pne or tne 1"m
line, then IIIih the hlg. i:i.form.-il st.-.r
It Is a sign of 'explosion.' l-im.-.n! of
Tn regard n the heud lln", the rr.ison
for this Is rot w) nhii ur- I'"- exe, m.
brilliant of tm rrlnd Ii nlrrnt lr.in
nlily coupled with prentrlelt, h ieh
rtnmp one c nt It vt abnormal, or
"odd " And hs tin- normal 1 'i 1
nftT nli. th :itarl.iri! , I'm-' n ir it.
conduct Is gauged 'hlf. u 'rn tirilllun'-v
Nlileh mnkrs the mlrd ems,. 1 n ul.. ..1
rormal l .ok..! op is ' t s 10-t o
mental 'it'iiibhihiI. 'A'iitii(nr A.eX
SJldcr I'ojK' si
'Gr.'ut mi , .,re t ,'r to ir.id-ss
near 1 1 1
And tin-'! iirt'"o! s do t .u'r iiour la
Ui tie."
liiit 11 dear nhwiyi apologizing
jvlien it wns jnti- fnult. How vwnidcr-
11I it An to him- tii.'li a husband what
bt'iuitifiil iwirlii Unit produced micI. n
li'iobiiinl : "Ilmv thankful I should be "
And. surr et gli. ni jnu looked up
'1 nn. rfh tin- winduw from where vi u
. t sunn,- nt nie pnone the (nu
v 1 re imrtitig nnd the uti ennie burstitig
1011-11. . L'.iiriiuii nny: "Wlmr
"ie iiuitti r with nie 11 moment ngo'""
Hi. Hattif'i g'rls Thnt m notli
n,.'. Vmi uininl 1 it,, tbem nnd vx
!"iin The liindiord? .Tuck would ilmil
' ifh bin. :n the derided milliner , 1
nn h tie il.-iilt vifh nil thing-. II
-lio ! hi win, s who In thU hind of thp
fi;e nnd home .if the brave And l.uuioe
U'n-'i,iigtiiii Wlnte there .ie , ,,.r
ivor,., gl'kteniiig throueh 11 brnud mile.
Whiit n' going tn wni.t fob lunch!
1 1 'lenrV' I.eave Mm? Nn. indeed.
1m I.ouife U'iixhiii!rt(i!i U'liifi. 1.... i,.,.i
Rit Frock-Collar dv 52
N wHmtKHtmmMUUL'iSK ' WWm M
mmtM :
( j-" ' " r j 1 vr
1 ..
1 ,
Tiiinorrorr 1'rnnres lln An Inning
McCurdy Bros.
Are Offering
New and Interesting Spring Models
Two Leaders!
... 0ur "pl? Se" E&BS and Louella Butter have gained their enviable
positiona as leaders in their fields because of their sterling quality.
Yesterday witnessed another triumph for our Producer-to-ConBumer
Plan, which enables us to give you the immediate
benefit of all fluctuations in the world's food markets.
Big Reduction on Fresh Eggs!
mt.v firmly ut-
1 J' hi I of ;;rent pru
I. I'hcil to lie tettlllg,
Ir need nut b.ive been .Tnek's enll
Air other plfii-Miit thing, ntnl the -imi
eon ing nut. wiuild bnve tnrteil the Ji'ill
lolling upwind just the uiuiie Of
loiii'-e. vmi kn 'W nil nlotig thnt yi u
M11. Id bnve meilid nnlv to tnke Jnel,
l-ldi. but ll'- enr-.. kl-i him nml lo.
r it i- ,t your sprint- frocl" ou will
. ,nt a Kflt KUCK'K-roM.AR Cut n
1 .. of fur a comfortable width nnd
loi g enotiKh tu tit mound our neck.
. 1 i .in use the fur banding thnt conn h
1 the vard.) I.lne It with silk Sew
sti.ill liinki nnd silk loops to the ends
it ! bund for elolng If Finish the
ro'it w.th n flower made of limp of
v or-ted 1 r ItH center and looped oitrlch
r 11 inliig fi r the petals This Kl'Il
I !',, K-i'i l,l,AIl will be one of the new
irr.'iK high collars worn tb's sirlng
Girls' Spring Coats,
Women's Handmade
Tailored Blouses
' nu'il have 1! lived with
: "ii,: to settle Mri Willi
or 11. 1
Stf ill je Wi'f if i,m n f,.w
"' -ei -Hi I, ! 1 liHIige'' J. st
' .1 - -f 11 ri'l it ami t'.n jut
1 .' 1. in," .1 it nil iino f
"i ' "i - 1 i-t before -i.nrp.
otiep nnd
liinrai tits
.11 e lltf'i
one ilt'l,
e ''iii'i.e t
Fluff; Urtn RIW With Mirlmnti
oot 5
(lo f untlnnril
awaGaBuwiiwAftw Miww m
fi Tommy says, "1
n 1 1 11
wisn 1 co 111 a
change myself
into a giraffe when
mother serves Ancre
Cheese, so I could
taste it all the way
?M fAf Genuine floqwjbrtS7jrtr
B r.- VIW I .,- I'lt'l j
1 1 Fbec n
1 v' W
1 fix s
I .11,. i. Ill' 1 lljf
1 r' A
On Q
The Quality nnd cut of
these garments ore worth
your inspection and the
prices may be
more interesting
than vou could V.
find elsewhere
Women's & Misses"
Tailored Suits
All Wool Tweed Sport Suits in Brown and
Grey Mixtures. Others of Serge and Trico
tine. Navy and Black, some embroidered.
Others $ Ck rj .00 $ A 0 .50
nil uik"1
Suits for Stout Women
1 rli intMiU 11 r hIwiih tu In found In our rnHrttrl. t ttiKt imrtlculur
i itrc in tin hiimltlnic of our iiifntn. il nn ii trlnl tinl lie mnlinrJ It on
Kt ijiirillt mill iiiiiiitlt -ery ttnte on luy of im. r ultt tlio bfnt for
flit iiuinr
Armour's Shield Hams, 8 to 10 lbs 25c
i i
Legs Yearling 28c Loin Chops 28c
Sugar Cured Picnic Shoulders 15c
Shoulders Yearling. . 15c Rack Chops 12j;C
Armour's Star Hams, all sizes 31c
in odd nnd .tyluh Houtt, Uei 39
a?U, SOA. Nvy and Black
.! Trirntlne. carefully tailored.
:.oo to $ci;.uu
M with
ft tucki
Nice Lean Salt
Pork . .
Small Pork
Shoulders . .
Swift Brookfield Selected Eggs, in cartons. . . .40c dz.
Nice Lean
Original Taylor
Pork Roll ....
Felin's Best Pure Lard 13c
drawn work and hand
ine. ja.uu vniuei
Girls' Spring Coats
Regulation coatt, also wrap effectt, of
Plain Color $Q.98 to $ 1 Q.98
Velour ind J J, J
Polo tport coati
Onr Store Ii Eif to Reich. Only 16 Minotti From Center of City.
w file C uratrlSros
- X.
W fxfl J
to 53 ( 1vAa
Serge V he II
-9S vli(l)
5 f I 1 aXsy
r I 'i 0 One of the 1,750,000 hens required
, ' iAf to 'V the eggs sold in our stores.
M si
(1 J
ii f W
ft m
i ft l;i
u pi
tntnr , I1
...... ..v a :s
assssssssskssss; a v.
"Gold Seal"
The finest eggs you ever saw. Biff and meaty and
positively fresh right from tho nest. One dozen bis
new-laid eggs in every enrson.
13 Eggs
Every egg guaranteed fresh,
lowest in years.
This price Is the
The Finest Butter in America!
The Delicious Golden
"(J? w "
is now
Made from the pure Pasteurized eream of well fed,
healthy, contented cows, in therichest dairy sections of
the entire United States mado by export buttermakcrs
under strict sanitary supervision is it nny wonder
Louella has earned such a splendid reputation? It's Q
butter. "Taste it."
Richland Butter 57'
Pure creamery print butter.
Visit Your Nearest "Asco" Store Today
CeF3 e much app'ocii(e thc splendid business thc housckeepera living in the
W-s vicinity of our big new cornbination Grocery and Meat Market, at 239-241
So. 10th Street, are giving us.
Abco Stores all over Phlla. nnd throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland ,
ys'vs.xra!,'Rx..sau;-jvsni - .- s.v t-v .- i--v.-.. -Tssssa-
6145 Woodland Ave.
6155 Woodland Ave.
vt a i.i. Mioui.", n m n m m
Asm Acrn Acrn Acrn A3twi
a n R n "P hiiwi mi.iii
ifckiii.Nv.N...jE..n .lvvJ.MlC.rAS!M-ltSHiJllfSUTI
xW7S ;j
" 43Ht.!.. '',S- V.M..