tffS$ ' '"- FiihVj$l TVJW'r-,.' lMK'i:W7 -'4 ' - "t .''! r,: ? ' fiv i. t m. t Jtd ' . v V. Ti-v . '' - v f v 't EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1921 19 PHILLIES ARRIVE AT GAINES VILLE CAMP PENN STATE BASKETBALL SQUAD IteKM Smiliw Kith Bill Donovan Greets Grinning Bill Shcttslinc Quaker City National Leaguers Training Starts Immediately With Full Day's Work Il HI'ICK HAM. f, ilni"tlllp. I'M.. Mnn-li . hnt it In nionil nntl Ilutitltistoti slmpc n ilvlMMMf I'' "oU.inR"" Mr. for the Phil!.. ,1 Donn.nn "" "ro vnfol on" when thc'.imln body arrived mid who Hn Iho vvi"n '"" ' ' m,vp uron "timing tor mo inm torcc f0",r"' . ,t i.ptii-iiiiipn. Tlio davR. nro Kernnn. Hnbhril. MondnuM. kt '"I'lffVoncr liriweii Wnrron C. unci I .''Irtrher nnd lboiirvriui. Mciulovv pr..': i " ...,,i mini i"""" .; .1,., r"t til ! " ."' ' Ip,I illl (Ill liriil("t nliniil n tlintw.titl ntilo. ripprnrs to lip In flnp condition nnd Willi' limine i Bii i "ihipi linn up pxpcrm to navi' n room .i t ..III., tint emlt'll- I m'flKnil . tirilVlllPil hlu nini iiriinnu niiuiiifl .. l,ir III 'tlliii'-."' "-'. . .-. ----.-- " ii"1"1 ..ii ,,f 1'lcn (la I mi i.cmcir.v ins up now noiiovcs n vaiii '" . .!. tll.lllIt.U l)onr,;in .Smiles Thp bojs who iiinpd onrlv. urenni pcnlril h.v MnnnRei' Donnvnn. wee nt (lip train when It brpppd down thp niiddlp of (Iip main tioct nnd east nnelioi' n block below thp White IIoum Hotel. Mnnnger Will hud ft smile thnt equnled. If It did not defeat, Dill ShettxlincV. Hut ShottK bml bnd his IroubleR. The trnln wan u few minutes late and if one would have judged b.r the plovers' lonvernition. It win the blithe Shells that wus iespnnlhle. It wire a great ride through the I l'inrllns eountrj for some of the voiihr I'lilllie". a few of whom had never been further mnitli thnn I'orter street I The trip, however, rcembled a trip tn Smith I'hiladelnhia. nboard No. - l.uuelv hi geiiing ine kihk uui i uoup.v on iiiieeuin sneei i tint is it intui -viein .nil nil" pmce i lesenibled Mien a Jnunt in fie nmiiui' that our PIiiIHch .i,.rl,,,. tlu tnnnv . . ..iiplpi iiii iiiii ii ilk ' --.- i L.,n pvrr ii'""" . ,. ........ ..... I-- Jf,,r. Ii low Hie M and I), marl;. trniiinBl'l' "' nn.jVnH. those FlZ I ' ' ""J Mf""""" 'r, nrl lnl.,.ig the slluatlon over ", '!,;, in- for the r list work on 0wMk vtrw bM ft&ri'm m iL m MK ,aBiBiBA W sBHt I BiWl 'RWUBr xHHr J'"B v -MJm QUAKER QUINTETS i READY FOR FRAY, i All of them were but not hip uui I""-""" , .. 1 ...,i,.i nt full wn . .... mm liissiuc logo nt't i" ti,,ninn un to have. more rR" "" them ill s" t i. Warm poqointi "inlo.1 thnr n lull daj -work ,',,1,111 put in lodav. a'lliough Iip d d ?"!-l,ould LI ni He it ipi'iiivi' wingn. In- u ... . t ti-.ii . iiiii n (in 1 rl hn in. 11 (111 111IIII1II1 'IIJ"! ""Itl'l ' " Stale's live vvlilili will laclile rin line liinlshl lias lost onl.v two tnmn to dale. Reading from left to right the II.i.vits are: Front row Itcplosle, renlcr; Wolfe, forward: iupluln Kllllniter, snaril; IlinKlo Haines, giiard, WIImii, finvvaid. Ilarh row Cimili Hermann; Itllner. suhsllliilcj Koeliler, Mibstltule: Manager M.vcrs Havorforcl Basketball Team Will Tackle Swartlimore on Gar net Floor Next Saturday i pt Snlurdnr will ee tin lo-e of the bniketball seasoh of the two Quaker colleges in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Ilaverfotd and Swarthniore when these nneient athletir rivals meet, at Swartb tnoie to settle t lie tr differcpepq in the lourt game. The llnvrforil Swarth niore nnniial fool ball battle has beeotne a gridiron flassir fm- Plnladelphinns hut the interest vvhii'li the biiHketbnll game next Salurduv has mused iiinnntf followers of sport In the two institu tions is n elose second to that which is aroused over footbnll l.aM .venr marked the flit Havei fotd-Swarthniore game and the Cm net won bv two field goals in the last four minutes of plnj Itoth teams have lost onlj thpir last jear's raptaius. llob ' Hiii-rltt of Ilaverford and Yoder. of Basketball Statistics KTI"JI I.IJ101K . t im . . i. v.r. rmnilfii II a .HI3 Trrntnn H H .(100 (iermnn'n l I ,'M llillwln 4 1 .jnn tteiullnx H " ,S3 ( ontei'lle 1 13 .107 THIS HKKk'l Sf lir.Dt'I.K rnnluhl lUiulliiK ul ('iiliulfli. I'rld rtilliulflphln Ht Trntoit. intiinlnj f'nmrten nt I'liltajJelplila i tiff. nmnlnnn nt HfnilltKr. ivTriiror.i.KiiiArr. r.KAot r. w . :.. i . . i.. r t . Penn I ,H 7 I'rlnerlnn 1 I . 120 Dartmouth fl 1 :MI ( nlitniM i - .-, .vu (ornfll 4 I .VHI Mile I ; .us ruin hkkk'k -t iir.itii.r. InnUhl Coliimlila nt CornHI smiinlHt I'rlnreton at I'rnni ItHnln i "jid i"""H i t C oliimliH ep t ( oriii-1 1 thing over on eai Ii other in the loaching line I.oii Martin enptainpd the 1017- j litis Penti five, and is thp Swarthniore mentor, while l.ardie Davis. (apUiin of tlie following seasons Interi olleginle League championship team at Peun and iill-intorcollegiat centei fur two jeiirs , is tin1 Haverf'inl i nm h I Hoih are tiupils of l.on .lourdet and both have instilled tli fatnoi Penti "tvli of pla.v into then ;eaiu o that the contest will lie n battle of the fin iiiuii ilefi'iisc nnd i.ittiug sjHtem Hoth (pilntcti linvc in'idi good re ords in lliis seaon's gHines, nltliougli Swarthniore has had a stronger mIiciI ule than th" Scat lit and ltlad; P.otli ipiintets nine ueiLatiii vraiiUlln nm Murslmll. I rsinu KLKMANIDWNI-ANS PRESENT PETITION C. H. S. IS PICKED Evening Ledger Selections for Indoor ''Quad" Games LANDIS SUMMONS s ami Muhlenbcrc In I"" both have had sonic ' ,' f Want Eastern Leaguo to Recon sider Action in Awarding Cam den Unplayed Game ( oatesvilic plaved nt Oermantown last evening nnd the 1ocIh won another i:atern League basketball game by thp lroie of ,n,.o The features, of the Mening were a lead of (i to 0 secured 1 In the visitms in the Hrst two minutes "f ilnv and several petitions originated In rooters nuking for n recoDFideratlon In i lie Knstcrn I.eauue of the decision which gave Cinndeti a victorv ngaint Trtnto i List week without )ilnlng The pit it ion points out that Camden his iiren reimbursed for financial loss to tin- I'ttint of n $1(K)0 fine and a hip Inline oi winning the pennant, but v. hut about (icrmntitown. an innocent puit.v'' The (iermantowii management lost npproimate S.00 l.iBt etenlng. ns tlie tans ill.) not Him out. ngurinj; i lub i out of the running I'lie HL-iiers do not blame Presidunt U.. .-.! I.... It C...I ..Til linn, I C fllJICS. Mill .-'1 111 lllllll'l ,', IM1V 111,, ,.,, ,i "... ..... .. f ...i . .... , i.. ,he services f Hob Matke. the ScaHet T" nrL . V . , "',., VcT" t S. Scheffer. but hold it was an injustice and mncK crncK torwanl vvno was iosi ;,, n. K- ,;.'.. ,,.... to the men who have the smallest hat' T OP IN .Mill mis piacc ipsemliled Mien a Jaunt in fie niiiiiut'ik .. . , . . . , ... . 'r.i-Miri kiiiklri.les in the 'of mlts. There nre no skip. slops oF IVleet Scheduled for Wanailiaker , Uimnln rlay fiiineil t the i. . nf thp Biealesl ' ' . . it .!.. 'u l,,nl men nu . .1.. T!..ll .. 11 ...1 ...I 'PI... ....!......... Fvergin'J' 'H" '' i'"i". "" llir i nn-uii". milium,-, - ,'iiiu,-iiiuii . ,,(,(,. got a line wnrkniit. stopping and start ' i , I . t I..m . nulnn.l... IT.. I . .1 1. 1. 1 (1 lu ..n..ll ' I ) 0 1 1 1 1 V 1 1 1 1 lias liail spjcrill OI l"h Ji-i"innJ, l imivm- fiiit on the lawn in i untecl ' nig 10 inaie u imcKnem posiUoii on uie OUADS uiiiii '.111 nnl IMsh ' 2-'f V inl IM-lt , UO-Miril llnsh SHO-Minl IIiiMi llne-Mllr Kllll IMtltt l'rH7lf r PreytiT Mrf ii rill Mtiiiullni; Hut nl .Iiiimii Hirst r.i-Miril 1 1 lull Mnritlrsl'rlrl VV hinpr Srhnnl Vfrllonulil ( entriil K lllsh .fiinni Alriart 1. . i.nnni II i IVHeliiivs attending the fniverslt.v I niversit of 1 lorida footbnll team f V oricta So far the.v have not been. More of the Phil ies were evpected .Mn tn cot on the diamond because Sam ' to arrive tnda.v. I he others begr.n ,,, ' l, i.,.n givim; the inlleld a daily their labors b.v traveling to the college i! Minieling I'iKe all I'loridlan, field two miles distant The.v travel Vti.lliK. dinmntid wns and onlj. Hut afoot as the nentest nollev is in -.'hi, nnnllier weeks work. Sam will .laeksonv llle. Roof Today Postponed on Account of Rain shot 1'iie I'iKinviii.i. II r-t Vlit lain TI1VM I rntriil W,M I'hlln VV eM I'hllii Ontrul I'riilrnl I entrnl eiilnil VVi! I'hllii I'OINTs "7" ft- -: KAUFF TO CHICAGO Call for Giant Outfielder Be Moved to Be in Relation to Zimmerman Charges on the tlooi fit if the i rack Stevens Tei h live Swnrth more tint up a great fight against Princeton, but made poor against I'enn Ilaverford started slowlj but in the last few weeks been gathrring mo mentum everv game and is at the top of her stride at present with no defeat for a month PENN MEETS STATE PE 1ST 1 PITCHER HITS HOIROFYEAR Stout Sends One of Dwyer's Benders to Deep Center in Practice Tilt TYnn vnin.t has a P.abr Until in the Biikm: He i -lim Stout, twirling Itpir.m' tin tnc Ken unci nine nine. I He Ituili Sioiit is stnrting out as a p teller iistrul.iv he pitched for the versiiv almie with I.lewelvu, for thtee iirnini'- .mil gave the ninnd nine an tvhihitinn nf earlv season twirling that Mit iiietn fin iivvav fi inn the base paths. fit-, pitilutig linwever. was not tlie MRS. R. H. BARLOW WINS With Mrs. D. C. Hurd, of Pittsburgh, Has Gross 78 at Pinehurst Pinehiirst. N. I'.. Maich II.- Ilrs. Jiorothj t'ampbcll llnrd, of Pitts burgh, went ovei the No 1 course at Piiiphurst .vesterda.v in 4" II Sit nnd Mrs. Ronald M. Hat low, of Philadel phia, finished in I!. IP. SS in a four ball best bail lontoM. which was won b.v these two plajers. with an actual gross best ball or 7s .Mrs. Martin i. Itrumhnugh. wife of the former tiovernor of Penns.vlvania, and Mrs. Cfsirge W Slatzell. of Phil The annual indoor "fiiiads. ' sched uled to be held on the Wpnamaker roof this afternoon, were postponed on ac- . count of rain and. weather permittitiR. in.liinl liisli will tnke place tomorrow Hundreds of ' AnR-S'rt Vihi!' athletes fiom various Hint, schools of ; Jne Mile the cit.v iiavc enrolled in the different i stunilliu: llroiul .lumi ti . lliir.ninK hikii .iinnii lepicseutnl are , shot Vlli events The sihooK H I ! I II II t 1 I i : t H 1 4 " H tl i I 1 in : :t i ; - i f'entrnl High. Wet Philadelphia, Northeast, Southern, tjetnuuitown and Krnnkford High Schools (.'entral High is tlie piccm chain pion. having lost this event onlv once over a stritch of lift ecu .vears lly vir tue of its showing Hi dual and tr'nn gular meets this jpih. tlie Mirrois go 'nto the I'onipetltion a strong favorite. The Crimson and (Sold tiackmen were beaten bv the Speedlvus it a dual nect. but win n time in taken into con sideration Cunt i ill loom as the proba ble winner WV-t Pli llv is the dark horse of the meet, while tlie other to anv great ndclphfa, nnnexed th" second set of prixes with a best ball of .'"'". i m-JiooIh should not tigitie achieved with the aid of substantial ..vtent hnndlinps. i 'pn champions will he unable to de 7 fend their titles ui account of a lining iiiMiiililltig ti ut ill r of Ills work jei tila nfteiiioon It wii(. his hectic iiici vvint char over ,loe MIMU imd and rolled to the gate at the rurtli id( of tlie held I or a pitcher. tli lot Mould onlinai il.v have been a iouhli, in iio.-iblv a triple. Stout. mem h Hi i tm ss of tool, tnnde the i ii fm 'In hrst Peun hoinei' of the ViJI .( 1 nm Stunt pioved vesterda.v tbi In1 Williams eerv opportunity to liakc t'enil and t oai h t ariss is tn cur Imii that opportuuitv. Stout Immei lined up more eiithu- um niiiong tin -eveval hnnilred stu- in who hraveil tlie warm springlike in tnnu tin appi iirancc or l.dille I ol- t ii. tlie ( liicago second -sneker and ifpriroii kiisiniu giiiiiiliau of the Atner imi Img i l.ildie vied with Chief llrmlpi in g ug the students u (lent (' ins Imigiii the ball ainuiul the in e!il iniiiii up grounders and engaged In 'he hulling I ill 1 he j nm i fund tn.ibove mdiiectl.v refilled m i vntorv foi the liist I to ii ".i i. i I ive innm;;. vvi'r. t ji1 wtli the first dearlv outpla.ving thirmil Mike Whiti'liHI's brilliant work nt hi.t tiase i nine in for consid- liable in mm Tlie funnel' Kutgers lad (avortri) uioiiuil the initial sack like a "i ran though In h.i. .'ilwn.vs plaved thr niithehl III iooped up glolltllleis, ihii.'Iii low 'mow. ii iiil high ones with ' tin agililv .it a StutTv Mclnnis. If nun im (In woil, he showed jes- tmliii hi -I I snlvi one of the big 'hi' ni ion! mil in' I 'o ii Ii Cariss In I'll it i ln In hliiig Mike niel the tn si i i ii i nne . nnd ulwa.vs ol "f 'In iitn 'd Baseball Happenings Wwiiiiiehlr. Irt MnnaR r mil ll,raon i8 enpocliillv fle.ind over Hie .howlniriir the reirult pltcher helnr ''""leil tn ("Htchpr llaj ivihiilk MulK.pnnnu nml MeSminev urc rotnl. an in to r; to the quintet for the closing games of last season Swarthniore will pntpr the fra.v with a team inmpnsed entiiely of footbnll stars, l.arkln the giant tackle of gridiron fame, and lluss Yar nall, who i as slipperv on the bnsket Imll Miurt s he is nt hnlfback. will be the fJarnet guntds ItenJ.imln a Star Swartlimore elected Stowe. the for mer Swnrthinore I'rep star vvno nas !?.!:n..h.1,,,.lI?5..,,0.n. ". "'IL.-"'!? !?.i Basketball Fives Will Clash I IM IUl III t'f I'lPIIIP', II P 141 III "I i II- court vnrsitj quintet nt the close of last i Welghtman Hall Tonight season, but Stowe was Injured In the I Pcnnsvlvunia and Penti State will football season and he has been unable collide tonight in vvhnt the upstaters re to plav basketball. Penjamin stepped gur nM ,i10jr mt important basketball into the breach and has nblj filled game of the season Last vcar the Ued Stowe's shoes in addition to being an I nnd Plue team, captained by Dutch excellent shot fiom the Ifi-foot foul ci k lianded the Centre county ol- jusl stowed nwa bis eve-. mark and he will stnrt against v nl- ' leginns a reverse bv tlie narrow inargtn when the ilreml summons' ton. the Scarlet and Ttlnek pivot man. of a point in Welchtmnn Hull It was Sim nlnnio. I'evas, Mnrch II. .Judge l.nndis. high comtiiKsioner of baselinll, reached on: liis mighty jinn Inst night and gtabbed Ilennj Kauff right out nf tin tiinnts' traiiiins camp. Kcnn.v had ning menl next, while num. of ( ierni'llltow 11. Is Pavitt should take third Central ma.v -coie the gientest num ber of taunts with IIS, West Plillly comes net with Hi, tiertnnntow n with TJ Notthenst with 111 and Southern and IVniikfoid ma.v gel one or two polnUs 1 esterday'sSrliolasiic Scores ( cinne to him to irnorl nVi soon us nos- sllile nt the judge- chamPer in ilii-'P"im auiiougn wun iienmnii in im cngo It is presumed tliat I.andis wishes line-up the offense of the Scnrlet and to hear Hennv's toi v in relation to the' Plnck rpiintet is bound to be dangerous Zimmerman nthd.ivit ' ift all times Captain Henderson and Itube lk'iitoti. who was also men-1 MiiPm h make a bang-up pnir of de tioned in tlie Zimmerman statement, ist fenslvc men to stop the (tarnet for- wondering whethei he too mnv not bci winds Place and Kemp Hnverford's defense is her strongest ' the onlj defeat suffered b.v State clur- summoned to nppear befote the judge. i nut up to a into hoin lift uiglit the I southpaw had reicived no such dis quieting news REFUSESTO TELL PURPOSE OF CALL tlio onirri looKid upon with pnrilcutur fuvoi I'.iMitlenn, Cnllf -Johntu K-llifher ori. Iiib ou' at BhortHion for the Cubs tn under thi care of cm i?jh Hp-clallM i'u" to u bad blow tn the ee lerctved In Mondv s prac tlie Tom VVIiplnn. of I.jtm .mbs 1 litv trlid ii Hi Mt I i nit thi. plac .vft vacant l,v Pied Merltle's rehap" UnirnliiHi, l.u T he Hroirns nn rxpeited to taUo thu Meld v,ltti thi Ham" line-up as last veil evcrti Kccnud bate and the kev ione a u'li will lo'end thu bv ll'll oiug I lleaaon tact var with i 'tuittHliooifa or Martj MiMauus of I ulfra Tin aie pui-lna up a Btron.? llcht foi tie immii Shrevrporl l,n. "lUIn?' rtulh was a busv athlete at the Mmkeca trnlnlnir t unf here vffiterdav Toirlni; rookie tractle In the forenoon he iiualllled i a eM line i uniedliiu tlen atient an hour coachlinr Uft lienil plteh Ms. In Uie aflTnniiri he jilavnl first liac niched a vvhll, wink d In iintei ilnld then v i nt t.i 1 it nntl i uul hi 1 uti a lmmri aril a tar of Klimleti II fhishul M" ilav l lelievlnl Ih nut hdv of Ins liunli n 1'ltti.hurKll 111 ae onil sou id of th piraltH will ass. in l" tlda and v III 1 ih' cueila nf th. iJonnnnl Stove l,aue h a ineeihiir nf lha' o K.intratlon line thuu MiuO inTKOlni will itt nl. and th" feitoio v HI he n speeeh delivered bv Manager cleoin Olbson throuBh it wireles-i tr.eplmne fiom Uie uprliic IrKlnliiK camp of tin. club in Weet lladn Ind, Hun Antonio. Tex Dave Hanrrofi the illanta' aliorutop, who was repirtnl 111 n. ered the prai tlce rame veatnrdav and ills plasid unjllilliK hut phvsloal d'fecl" llul Sorlllz rl. --cntt ve simtFliip n th llostnu lied So vvhn or, llalnliiK h r will BUccoed Harrv lliiopir ns inpliln f thi t am Vddlilons tn 'I lad I ul list aie l.lnier Mv i h t vv h i vi tollen fm 'ho sov lawf HiHHiiu and tnuher M Waler 1 el hi r nf l III tins sn-'l a Kintrai but th" iippvaiuni ul huh a liaiiiini; iiuartefa Is extinci'-d New flrlcaus la. I'm Pi hi pia me jam" of the llronklvn Nmlniinln ikii ilule I Inl ttiiliv waa piislimnid mi m count uf rain Hunt!) and Saddle Hie M. ileum II jiiillcnii siiings to- 1''' i ii igli iluss i'u hi ut Havana to 'I'1 I i In low is ii lunl in tor nt the ""i h i ii si( ycis n w iij , has an i'- lp" a i She is civ en ton weicni iiumli ipim Diffeiuul lives and itln i good ones at the Vlrsi linden I ml The l'ltmburKh l'iiaie i Inn a wial'h of iimhlnr mittrlal In1 uiMliInn i i Wall r Suhinldt tne rimilnr un WO! It of Mike Wllyon t iron rlv of the Sl.t I.e.iKUf Is ri iwirlt 1 to be Hatlfffm tnrv I'llff a si coid airing ..itihei. and Mei'nr mlik a nikli a e working hud lo land the lislllon brlilnd tht hat l'i th 1 eiielm I'letatlii Uui- shun n -ai i 1 . 1.0 " a" In .1 I'll II e ' Ha ml ii ihei i ni Ps wun b have i im then i lass aie . I'll st .in llitti r lilting, .lusihtua vhil Aitliui Midllletnn. I limp nl the .No i th. Kav 1 im Iilih Dili ml, i:hortcr, ixih Duke ItulT, Slippti ol Slielbv which does not allow a plajer to t'eipate in two branches of sports at the same time These men are Itnrrou. of Southern, and Sleiumer. of North cast llnrron is the high jump cham pion, while Slemnier wears the half mile crown McDonald iels fall McDonald, of iVniinl. who has equaled the ltiteist liolastic recoid fm tlie lift.v-ard dash, is picked to. win this event Walters. West Phill.v's star sprinter, ina.v give "the Crimson and Colli captain a grtnt nine, as he had been winning this event this jeat. Pavitt, of Central, and Matthias, of i!i imiiitow n. iilsn mnv nlacc In the tiirloug. Pavitt. of Central, looks like the winner Walters and McDonald' are on a par wilh Pavitt. whose gen , ernlship. however, ma decide in lnsj f"i . ,,. . In the Ciiailer Piaziei ot v est I Phillv and present clmiiip on. has t Iio i idge on tieasv and l.evitt. of Central 1 I'niiei ulwa.vs is capable of pulling on a gnat spun! It was this teat when uiibled him to beat .liniuiv Kusscll, the Central . to the tape l.evitt is a newcomer, hut despite this be has won all of his taees. Pia'ler also is picked to win tue "SS0 title, although tin Central men have been doing better . time (Vntial should liguie with tieas.v iinu Howard and Northeast with Iliiiuuerlv who is succeeding Sleiumer as captain I of tin Hed and ItlacU tnuk team an I vi..'....l. l Mllo .,11 1. in i,,' ...... The mile run will be taken inie of bv All Curdv , the Ci utiiil stai Pitmk, of Cent t nl. and Hill, of Soitheiist. shmilil tight II out im sih oud plai '." Pitn. of Centinl and Sweeten, ot West Phillv should stage a nne in the huidles Petri is nipable of doing seven sk nulls in this event Hirst, of Centinl. should win both the standing binad .lump and the high lump lie has equaled the broad lump moid of 1(1 feet l1" inches, which is hold b.v Woodward, of Central He lias done " fiet s nn lies in the high lump UennicM'ti nnd Sw iter, of On 1 1 ul. and Pliiller, ot (ieimaniowu, all have done over ." feet 1 Inches. In the shutout Mi'CIhiii. of Wct St. Joseph's : West I'hlladel Ifli swnrtltmere HsKKTIII.I. r-l I'hltuileliilil.i lllxh. Ml lrei, lo. , St. .Ipseph's HeserTes, : pblii ltrsnes. 14. AWsl Chester urnial. ''"tii'dnor" UUI'. ' "rfonl ( nllege o!flnitvvooil MlRh. 7.1! lliinimiuitiin Hlxli. i'uniilen IIIkIi. ll Grmiintowiv lllsli ,'iH. Writ tiilhiillo IllKti. ill svvurthmore High. ivt Ciithallr Reserves, ti: Snurtlimorr Chitngo, Mnrch 1 Judge K M l.nndis. commissioner of orgnnicd base I'lie reserve men decided the game for Swarthniore a year ago for the (iarnet had some (second stung men who were almost the equal of the vnrsity men. while Ilaverford was weak in scrub rc enforcetiients This year the situation will be different, for the Main Liners have a crack string of men who can be thrown into the conflict at any point Rucknell, who tan sub nt either guard ing tne enure season Coach Kddie McNichoI and his nide, Joe Pogarty, stated this morning that they had not definitclv decided on the line-up for tonight Uosenast snlTered a broken nose in the Swarthmore con test nnd was unable to pla.v against Yale i SBturdav night It is possible thnt he may Ire kept out of tonight's contest to save him for the Princeton gnme Snt urdav night Uosenast wants to get back' into action and the coaches may grant his desire b.v starting him along with Huntzinget at forward tonight (Srave will lump ientei with Captain Dannv MiNichol and Al Voeglin at guards The preliminnrv gnme tonight will hi ine together l.ardie Davis' lndefented cud the Inrgest nayrnll Almost 1000 show ing ' persons have nthxecl their signatures to ine peimoiia. In last night's gam" the Germs pin veil wonderful ball once the.v vverft under wav. Clasgow, Hough and Hoi man nil were in form, especially Hough, who came through with three pippin baskets. Median had a field night against Dieghan The totals nt the end of the first half were 111-11 and the final count 31 -'JO Tonight Cnmtlon pla.v s Heading nnd the Hears nre desirous of meeting the Skeeters in a tilav -off. so will nnturallv be on band with the strongest club and plav their hardest Manager 1 ill M.vers will journej to West Chester. The Phils have been there n couple of times und, like nil other visitors, hnve returned on the short end. The regular line-up will be in action and with any of the "brenks." at all should be able to hand West Cheater Its first defeat in or forward has been pushing .Mnencii nml TToilrtvnn hnrrl nil npnuiin nnrl It liflH hall imj nmimnm.! He,,n . t.-a- .!.. i been onlv bv ii vet.v sfnnll mnrgin thati freshman quintet and St .lolin s s,rnon I Giants to appear before him for ones-1 these two men have held their varsity - : t r tionine. The New York outfiplder is I berths against this' competition expected to reach here vodav or tomor- i I,nl)l) lH another forward who mny row. i see action against the Garnet Dave l "Mr Kauff is coming in connection is a strong man to have in re with a mntter nbout which I wiiiit some, erve for the center position Other I information." said Judge T.andis Ilaverford reserve men are rt n "Their is nothing more I can sav at guard . Hunsicker, a guard, and tuith- this time " The judge declared he had ric. at forward. Ifettrl-ll'.,. IK . . . . , ... .." ... ... I Uilnutiiii IIIbIi, 1i Amhier nirh. ik , not requested vice rresiuent nnu .xinn- . . . Coatlies I,,inSc.wne lllnli. :i Mootiliurv Itlsh aRer ,j0m J . Mc Craw . of the .iant. to ' ""' 'Me" " t,",t"e,, 'l'i.1',!'.,,,.,,,, , i',ilnnn Hlh K.lrl-i ''ome here, ns had been reported ' Not only are the undergraduates, the lluclclon Heluhts. ., HUh tf.lrl-l. whl( ,.,,,,,. Ii,llll,,N ,,, lutnni and all followers of snort at the "vils Hill's sfh.Hil. ".Oi sfcTrnn Schiwl for i not discuss the tnntter further thnn Ins two little Quaker colleges keenlv in- Olrls, ;. ..,..... h.ief statement, it is believed the in- terested in the outcome of the clash, terrogatlon of Kauff has to do with the but the rival coaches are both old Penn alleged expose of Heinle .initiieininn. stars, who nre burning to put dome llrvn thvn HOC IvI'.V .1; p I' i.lhiilrllihli. Illxh t'lwo lex. la' Mnr.Ai .uul hl H'ls ue all ret tor ihe i pemnk' name tndav. whl, h .ri1!J::hV"'':,V"ra;rnl., '.i i'hiih. has be,... the twdv. not be fnr mom thin hm or li IiuiIiikh and no pitcher will Bu more Hun 'hree loundij as a slaiti i und weight mine than ."!) feet and ooks like tin piobable winnei Kaufl 'lose (iiilillibut i IM" f DlO-iii l ' .1 ' oimii.i inler I l I tli k .nihil i tin. 1,'adms I. iv ma so far ihi iires- I 'lso I h. viliiiinla stable tl -So lo It i redlt Hold- ' - VI Hill rn Hllll "i i in in. th" b ujliu horse I'HM Sun'p I'll'lU. with biu nioiie uliinliiK huiso K l (ok arrived fiom anil haa la.en Ioh.hi tllilf il I., uiel 111., hors'i are H l i. de llriiii but II in li uf Ibein will be nil, l"il pt i oiiim nidi i II HI d' lit. I" iivn n In Uffl' ji I l Ileln.U ,tnearl,, " l"j Carson n i t Th I, Bests Wagond 1 Ii u L kinit a rf,. left "Shi Knva to I he head foe I' ' i- liHiituiirii.- f,)r aii.mi ( uc, assed Kiblle Wnminil of in the eiBlii round wind up of ' ii A i' 1k)Iii Hhniv In the w I inbei of Headline lamed ;i'h M Itevnoldd of Mana ishl round aeintnlnd up Nativity Juniors Win j llalhis, Tex I.mrv Hardin vterin third isiKimen waa Im onlv abvntre; when tin lidlnna donned iheli itnlfnriiis toduv lllll WamhF(un. aeiord iMHeiiian woiked out with hia team males fm the HrM tun. V iinu It H'orm hnii'11'..pped the lndlan ves nnU bui tl" athletes ni.nai."d to Bit In an hour of throvvhiR and lattlns- duilui whlt'li toe Wood lifted the IihII for over the Irfl tic Id frnc- Leonard-Kansas Bout Off New x.ork. Mi.rvh ti - 1 he llftcen roun I iiuhtwoleht ehainplonshlp boul between lleimv I eonard the tltleholder and Itmkv Kansas of Ituffalo lentatlvelv sei for Man Ii IT was posltivelv declared off xalerdav followlim retelpt of word b Te ill kaid that the shninploii was sunerluii from In ftuena Yalo Rally Beats State New Hnven llanh I) 1 alu aprum; an mi expeited defeat upon tin, Mulwult l'i tin state basrktball learn Inst miih. sendlus Unit llvi to IH setond dlsanter nf the sea on bv a "..1 lo 'jo niarnln Althnunh Val, srored tlrsl the vltoi took u lit io T lead afler ten ininuteH and tlontd tht rtrst half ahead by 1 1 to 1" viiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiinitiMiiiiiiniitiiiiiiniiiii -i 1 ii DUNHILL PIPES Q a The lira''. .MWT . 0 V55 WJ' X-S V W-&$&Wr i li to II Act! .Sen Imii li co .sii ri 'i. .. inn. I in aid' i JBHtrr i Rough Carved Brayere liuporli il from Mfrnl i mil I 1 end n ,-( mher Shapen .s,cWc 'nhiclcljiilci .ifriiri C0ATES COLEMAN CO. I.'.V iiiiinirr. Inl I rust llhU, 'I rain rinoi I utusi .'Villi 'a I Ri rillllllllllllDlllllllllllltlllllllllllllCllllllllllllltlllllllllllllClil Sill II i I s ilefea.i'd .he I'nnceln the urine of .'X to IS Melled for the S'iuivll nun (lit siiovviil th bem ' l'i iiKKrcKatlon ' - ' fiAcmoWS r7toWjmtfgjG&u. 2 3 rd Y E AR (' uQs '. - 2,'ntyzyts The Famous uFour, Touring and Roadster, $1445 Coupe and Sedan 2145 LARSON-OLDSMOBILE COMPANY 800 North Broad Street FRANKLIN Light weight Flexible construction Direct air cooling 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline 12,500 miles to the set of tires 50 slower yearly depreciation (National Averages) Neither the above principles nor the above results can be obtained by cheap methods. That is why the Franklin rep resents the finest quality of materials and workmanship. Franklin Motor Car Co. C. G. HECK, President 911-13 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Boll Phone Poplar 4056-4057 JvWwYcA Jfrftr Aimnc MotraOtierNewfcfk MEN too ho need TROUSERS! N 0V is your oppor tunity. Our entire stock of trousers, consisting of ALL-WOOL Blue Serges, neat dark stripe hard finished Worsteds, Flannels in dark gray, blue and brown, and many other attractive styles and tex tures divided into FOUR low price groups. $2-95 $' wer $4.50 and $5.00 p .yD S 4 -wore J&.S0 and $7.00 wer JR. 50 and $10.00 6 -sro and .75 J12JW) $15.00 No Charge for Alterations j5 J 5 40 & 4-5 Si IK. Lined Toocoats x The selection embraces IM- -?V & jff PORTED FISHER ANDy ffA KENTTCDV'S DIAG X sKjS ONALS AND HERRING BONES. SCOTCH TWEEDS. HOMESPUNS HEATHERS AND WES NIT FABRICS. iff"few5k rjfie"sV'a jr tm Nbtn MM MB fl. im di ft. S8 ri'-iL a a SI TfViftV iArIF EaFkd? COME UP! SEE AND SAVE! We Are Busy Because Our Prices Your Prices! Come Up! See and Save! You Buy Monroe Clothes direct frofn the maker via our lower rent Upstairs Shops from America's Largest Clothiers Are 18 Upstairs Monroe Clothes Shops in New York City ,cccojOMyi j "" OPEN CVENIrJOS llaltimorc, onken, I'atcrHon Ilrooklxn. Othcrs Srranton, Jersey CilT, Mbany. Sexvark. Second Floor, Cor. 10th and Market Sts., 'HJTWHO LAUGHS LAST" MEANS NOTHING TO DONOVAN HE'S BEGINNING TO SMILE FIRST Championship Cage Competition Th flrat cam of n Brle of ttire to 1 ruin th rhimplonfhln of th Vo',Allon1, School naktbiill I.tvuuo will b pluiil at th f.ntrnl Y M '? A nyir.naiilum nt 7 4!V o clock tonleht Thi contoatinta will ti the Philadelphia I'ovv.r Plant i-hool tram whlrti won thu nrt half of th. n.rlH. and th" Tmplc au.nt'it which won thr lant ha'f 1h x-.ontJrn havn b-n playlns a vorv fal name anil murh IntTrnt la r.ntur.'d In tti final Rim'i of th lragvjA contssti Watervlew Seeks Cage Games VAh'.i- ipw I'm. null ii i ontr t-ama waci Kivmeti at hotn" Mith first rtvtn tearns ali fourteen to Hlxtpcti olds for the Junto tatn. Th nftilori! In" not lout a same for I r.- nrii ind ri far havo won nln.t-.n ntrnlKht Tho Junior have von .ntun "tralshi Address Louis Main earn n Watervlew flM-rmtlon Center Haln.a t an' MrMahon uv Ot rnantovrn 003'i Mf Dl m m ivtvK lfCH". 'Irll OVER WOULWOKTH':. OPKN KNKM.NT.S - . - -svJC ' "' . ( J M if' vC Al.t lV"- ' iAfii&' cv i" R1 lM