Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 08, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 6, Image 6

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    "X'SftNf X "" "' ' sv "- ifsS
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Myron T. Herrick Considered
Most Likely to Be Made
Ambassador to Paris
MivliiiBi)i). Mnn-li S I'li'Milmtt
Hnrtlina; will shortly snf rnimitlHriitinti
to tlio tnnior nppoiniini-iif m tlip lipl
matir rnrp. With lii nlit at work
nnd ilnmtMiV jioII-ips sinilniilly hnniuK
thpm.rhri nlnnc tin' linr of the !
imbliMiii plutforiii iiikI IIiUiIIuk'i uttfi
onrps. the I'lni'f I'xi'iiitivc-i will turn ln
Mt tout Ion to foH'ian policioM mill tin
turn whom ho ilcli"i" to rcpn-fx-nt Hi"
nntinti nt th- Rii'ii' world i'npitni
London. 1'nriH nnl '1'okio. l m
Won rmisi'iit. uro tin1 piitniiml oM
V,p filled llr-rllii. Uiimi- ii tnl i-vi-inuam
1'rtrogrnil rank ti'-M m import iitn-o.
with ntbi'r Kiiropcon. Ainti.- .mil Sontli
Ainn-irnii cnpitiiN truiline nloiiK
I'robabh mon- iiitrriwt . iiti't' hi tin
appointment of im" iiiiiIihsmuIo' tj
Vrniire than to n other mi m 'If
rliplotnntir ion-ire. For thti !is--iintn'ti '
General .Intan I lVr-bini: nntl Mron
T Herrlrk nie most fn-nin-nth di
ussed iind Itppubliuin lenders belief
one or tin- nllier will bpI h 1 ''"I "
few- lni- nso tiptirral I m -hini! tint"1'
rereived "tpflilih iiMMPiii'ins p:om.iu'ti' '
In the ilNniMnn. hut Herri, k. lnj
onoo served in I'lin-. ! now i.-surilcd
here ns likely i he teHppiin'd
t HtP l'
( (ilon-l
llll 111
cepteil the London n iisnuirnt ami Ifon
told to get ready t.i M iibniiiil. 1 If
umbnsondor to the to'. it of St .lame
1h the foremost lifute in the diplonintn-
i-ervicp. Iiv virtue in ni" hhihm i....
nt thnt mist nnd 1 r--iilTi t lliirilllii:
directing hcnd of the military cetnb
llidimcnt, yet cie.n lilni no nctive anslKn- i
nienl HN dntip.t nl present lire rlilolh
ndior. n ml while it W understood bo
will hnie much to do with the renrunn
ixntion of I In- iiriny inuler Hip Hurillnic
HilininiMnuioii. he linn no desire to tit Up
up routine work in the Wnr lk'p.trt
in cti i
Perthing K irisniileil in l-'nintp in u
poiiiiliif hem iind in the opinion nt
many Itepiiblirniw would muUe un ideal
iiinbiivMiiioi His Miltiry nnd allow
un. ps us ii foil geii'Tnl of the nnin
Mould I'lintiniii'. by provision of ('on
Si.'ss. nfli'r his rptiienipnt from nillitury
servo p TIhim if pnt to lri be would
ilinw ii snlarv of Sl'.'iOO n uinbussu
dor. ii ml S'JI. .()() uddltionul in pay unil
nllowntKPs for hi. military rank.
Italian Government Probes Exhibi
tion of Panels in New York
New oib. .Mmvli S W A. I' -liiili.in
tioiernuiPiil represpiitntiips ln;re
me intestieiitinx to learn how the Met -lopuiitnii
Mnspiim of Art noipiiipd the
fiimons I'liriu ii'i'lno fip(oos, which, it
i il.iiniPd. pip sIhIpii u'ai'i hi!" from i
i lie I'ii In 'o ie .Miixnitli'o in SiPiinii
luili. 'I is -aid. believed the liiiz
Agiscono di Fronte alle Pro
vocazioni dei Comunisti
Puliluhrrt tnii t)Htrlb'0i) LnJfr
A.iihnrljfcl Iw ihf net f Octol.r n.
"IT. on nt i Hip Postonict of rull-
l'oniRt"i' Ui'n r'
-t forever until it lenrneil ttipj
tin I been exhibited liere early this year.
Iiiseoverril ill lVS'J. the fnscoes were
iiei to einiiellish u room in the pttlnre.
in l..l tor the t i it ii t I aiulolto',.(mimi ,.IV H,
' I 1.,,'iili ilelln t'liinerii
stud or 'He llliiseiiin
the icipiest for in
1. 1. nl
'I'lie expi'iitive
lifter ilisciissinu
Knnm, s nuir.o
Mm llniUNtu uocise.
r .inn nltrp 'JflO mi tin stutn iirrestate in
scKllito a Knivi cotillitti avvctiuti in
fasnle Monferiato trn fascial eommii
nisti. sefondo dWpneei ulunti ogRi nl
giomalp "11 Tempo "
1 fnseisti teniiPto nun jialriotticu
iliuiostiarione inentre in corteo proee
, devu'no per unii via in prossimitii' della
ICiunera del l.iuoro. furno futtl hesno
' a colpl d'arniu tin fuoco du parte del
trovuvano en trn i
predetta. I fascist!
declsl a non tlar qimrtlcrc nl comttni
tl lc dl cul -vlolcnzc. le nrovocnatonl e
Kli oltrnggi avevnno oltrepaasato ogut I . . u,,,,,,,,,,,,!, ,. rvneeted
Untile. i wuno . .....-.-- r-
A KfiTiirn. a Mtlatio. nel Cremafico Rernarry
til In 'LWniia, i comunisti bantio ilovitio she. Mareh 8. Following n rotifer
Imtlvrc in rJtlrntH e non nl sonu fnttl ,m,0 iprt. between the Duke of Mnrl
Ii1.1' .,W:. .JW. U-aDno. mirwo ebe '.,. ,, 0Iie ,,de nnu tll0 Ducliw.
i iiiinu uon e paesc icconno per u - r ,, .... in, .,.i
1 bolsccvlsino. In Tosrana la ealtnn e la who as Consttelo Hndctbllt. and
trontlulllltn' e' totnatn nviimiue u mil- ' .laenucs Halr.nn, thfl J-'rcncli airman
Energicamente innto ,nP enmpagne gltirgnno notUiem, ,nn ,,ti,c,., society people hero have
.ii iiuniciii) iiiuerugiio in mseisii o ro- . ,,. to understand that both tlie
I tiinnlsli. M)tn pern' grnvl ootiseetletize. ....i,. ...i ii, ,i,l,,.u will tnke new
' I sorvIM lerrovlari procrilon. regolar- nmtBS ns M)(, nn the London coitrtu
t mcnl1'' x l,i,nll make their decree of divorce nb
1 . I..i
.i.tt-n, '.!.' uVt" '". ,li,-llllnl;a',,11.u,' Hepoits are Hint Hip duke wilt be
dell On tJlolitti seeondo In ipialo II deli; ,',rsl t0 rcmnrr.v. taking for l.i
.iilfJe rtn?".tl' ''r.1!' S ftt" m i1'1 bride Miss (llatlys Dcncon. well known
tnlliardi era utiito rldotln nil mi mil ardo... Ame,icnn and Buropcaii society, and
r. lV?r, Html moilo convalldnta , Vistrr of the I'rlnPPS.M Hiidalwill. A"
dttll On. Schnnzer. I ex-mlnlHlro del - . m)sslble nfler that union the
Tesnro Hollo il (Jablnptlo Xlttl. IOn. 5?,"hc "-T will bfcomi : the brMo of Hal
cose di linanzit in Italia, hn serltto un1 .im. t rlimrtitt confereiiee here wn
una ilozzmn icriie """" '"'." "",' '''" ' "" .'.' for the tiuvpose nl arranging inmiiy
H"i" Bietiut.v uiv tuiiio UIIIL1II U II
deficit era rldotto ad tin inllinrdo, c die
dPttn deflelt pnteui eicre fncllnient"
'itniniito n mezzo della sistctnaxlnne
delle rate del enmbio e ptr i enusegtienti
ptezxi b.issl per lo ni'nnistn delle dcrrate
delle innterie prime iiU'estero.
IOn. Sclinnzpr ntseri' rie il totnle
iIpIIp spese deil'ltalin iliiranle l'nnno
11121-112 dovrn' e.sere di Id in'.tiiirill
di lire, .umprri) un iniliiiidn di inle
ri'ssl sul debltl .ill'I'stero. ed esclnsl I
tl milinrdi di perdina iicr rnriuiiito
Two Army Filer. Killed In Fall $200 DRINKING FINE URGED
Ijoulsvllle, March 8. Lieutenant
.ToTui T. Lawon. twenty -four ycam
old, of Hartford, Conn., nnd private
.loxapli Head, twenty-one yearn old, of
Vnrwonil. X .1.. wern dashed to death
at Camp Knox near here yesterday when ' borough Council inceli
an army airplane fell nearly .".mil) feet, several cimciiM will urge passu
nm vlf.n nntl II ..t .
alittpd especially at elrmiiii...:.""1
ordination would provide fnr , ',
Glaaiboro Citizen Back Ordinance, S200 for drttiikcness. mm. " bn.
. r.nrh vir nH olsnrrfer miixlmttni penalty ii 2.-,, ,red
. . v resolution ndonted u, ..
filf.stl.n.o V. .1.. Mnr1i S. Vlinii Melbnillst' Knltrnntl rl...... "'
.....t.u. ... ... -., .. . - --,--. v.,.H, y iiurrn
..,,.,.,...,........... ..,,..vv,.i v nurch. nui.vl
tonight, l assistance in wipprcitslng rrlmi. ."6t
ge in n presented. l,Hlln
della farina nil Kslero.
tot in.itioii. .'iiioooii'eil
ler would be nliiiilt ti
is n. .1 ciistoinniy . lb'"
Hancy tiolng
It is understood bv pron
the new adininisiration tinii
r:.orse HarvPN. of New lorh,
'I he fre
Hi l!'H
"f lie
s W.M.
t.nuiv ill" nun
ll In tl list.'.". It
s.inl, to ilivul.'
n. nine icipiesteil
iisln from I'nui.
lisoosero al fno.'o p costrinspro I coiuu
ins' i ml iineinlerM.
)ii Mine it t tl ' giiingouo notixie di
iiioin eiiegiclic ila tiarte del fasolsti.
i.ssih imioniilisti pstr.iuisti. i ipiali
un, taniente ni . ittndini ib'siderosi che
innii !o siato noriiinlc delle poe. souo
ultimo die II totnle degli I
inlliolii per In nuovn tnssa sul vino
1 bnlnesi settlements.
Vlvlani Off to U. S. on 19th (
I'arU. March S. llene Viviani.
I former prime minister, will sail foe the
I rnitril States on La Lorraine. March :
10. on bis mlsvlon from the French
(tovornment to the ndniinlstrntlon of
1 President tlnrdlng to extend the felici ,
tntinns of tlip governnient and reaillrtn
Its friendship toward the existing anil!
I r.rnrlollU lllllninlst mt'lOHS. It JS Ulwlfl
Pit4 iaro nc" itooil M. Vivlahl will discus, outsland !
nttoitl tier le'Ing nuestions the most prominent of j
I i.,ss.. r- .ii ir, intlliii-fii. eomnreJi r.Ofi . whU'li i the Prench indebtedness to the
. ... ...... ... .s. .., s,v-,. ....... n sfv'.t I . .... I
l nuru oiui-c-
fnid to feef thai olonel llurvev woiiio
mnke tin iiiliinriible envov While i'
cannot be said that this selection i
unanimnuslv upprowd. the uuilerinii.J
iiiK in administration circles is that th.'
ppointmput has passed the point "t
discussion and is viitually settled. 1 lie
opposition to t'olouel llarvev iimoug
Kepublipuns centPts around his edi
torial attacks on Hip Hiiiish mm ins
penchant for indiscreet utterances nt
embarrassing moments- -n during the
wiiur... . nnitii!?n of pislit years ago
and the Harding .ninpaisn last full
For thp post in ToUiii 1'resuleni
Harding desires ihe best einoy he cmi
find, it is umlerstood beie. .lapan s
paniion and the development of her in
terests in the Pn illc togetlip with her
atgressiveness in relation to t'laiia and
the entire Far Kan. has raised tins ap
pointment to first rank. President
Hnrdinis desires ii continuance "'
fnendlv relations with Japan, but at
the same time, want an ambassador at
Toklo capable of vigorous representa
tion of the Amerienn viewpoint.
Cornelius Vanderbill. "f New Vrk.
has been suggested for an ambassador
ship, and while it is probable nothing
will bp settled f"i several weeks, n i
among the (..-.ssiliiliiies for the jnkio
issi-nnipnt. Kolaml S. Morn-, of Phil
adelpliia. appoint ed ambassador i"
Jnpaii during Hip WiUm administra
lion, and who served thpre tor several
rears, m now at home on special detail.
H was called bail; 1.W .lutie nnd in
recent months has bad a desk in tin
Stnip Department Ii i uu-b rstood
he vull noi return to 'I'iiUio
a roinotc I. N. Morris
Irn Ne on Morns, minister t Sw
dn. i ..ne of tlie outstanding figures f
the dip'omatic . rp who hn- chosen
that held tor u uitei-r. lie is injlily f
rarded by the Stat" Department and is
especial'v .lose tn rh" n.-u administrj
tion. Highly placeil Ki publicans would
not be surprised if he wr iromteii tn
on of the linger ciipiini- a- a reward
of me-t when the new assignments an
made. I laud .lay n. Hill, fornier.y anions
sHdor tn Cierniuny. who a a ruiitur
up fot secretin v "f stat". is regarded
as the most iikdy ihoii.' for ambassador
tn Herlin wncii diplomatic telatinns
with the lierman Government are re
sumed It has been suggested that his
service ai I he court of the llohen.ol
jenis m gi.t mal.e him un.ic. eptuhle to
th" lierman iepubli. tint Un- objection
is no' viewed seri.'.s ,n State De
partinrnr cirr'e-
The suggestion " ijenera1 pei.n.ng
for nmbasMifior . I'm,- u.ci r inspn
ation in the -omeur.a' in bis; i- posi
tion lie o. copies ll- g. tieriil .it 'lie iltni,.'
of the t'mtei St.ll"- a- w ", ,i - in ln
recognir."! jxiiiUlnnn iib.'r.nd II - m
ilary rank mul.es i , -, ;,.: ,,. i tii
chief of st iifl. wioi .rde n. 'n a - tl,"
Steamer City of Columbus Strands
In Dense Fog
ItuMiili. Man h s - i 11) A P . lie
(iceini line si,.;imei Cii. nf t'o'iiiiclis
with Unity iasseng"rs ;nu n genera
.iirgo from SiiMintiah. ran aground n
l.ovell's Island in tlie innei harbor heie
curly toiJm Slie went on bow tirt m
ii dciiM' to. but her stern was seen t,.
be in deep wnter when tliP fo lilted
.mil it was expe. ted to limit ier nl high
Fiie tugs weie sent l.i liie aid of
the City of Columbus iind the crew nf
tin' Stony I'eii.'h c()iist guard stutmn of
f-red their n.d
Maple Sugar Season Opens Early
Itatlleboro. Vl.. Mm. Ii S. - Ity A
P i--Although linuili. nppcii by u iu.it
agp of till -nils, 1021 maple sugar lin
.-i.ililis1i.il n record by Its earlv ar
rival in this vicinity While tin. nor
mal seiisoii does not open until nbnjt
, Mar- h 2H many farmers have alreaih
tapped trees. Heports today from all
districts indidite a heavy run of sap
I O v " ' A TPl A
I -rJ&ss. Jl Mf'l
NO Rome is finished right 'til
thirst is Quenched.
Allanu, Qi.
Odd-Shaped Bracelet Watches
Arc much in demand. They
answer the purpose 01 time
keeping convenience and make
a dainty ornament for the
An octagonal watch of green
gold with jeweled movement
ribbon wristband $52.
We Invite a Comparison of Prices.
S. Kind & Sons, nio chestnut st.
Mann & Dilks
A registered label thai distinguishes the
all-worsted knitted fabric from inlcrior
yrol Wool stands alone
for .-ervice. style and
Spring Stales and Color
d-Tailored Suits
Misses', Juniors'
27.75 38.75
I ailored Sports Hats
Mannish SUtrts and Waists
hlosior Silk Hosierv
Real Estate
Title Insurance
J Our nanie ndvertisea our buines l.o
risy nil it ha dono for the past 45 yenrn
tince we originated title insurance. Our
buine ba grown becaue it deserved to
grow. Fnir dealing, honesty, integrity,
efficiency nnd, above all, service are the
foundation atones upon which this business
! If you re in the market for title in
surnnce it will pay you to pay us a charge
for our service in checking up the title to
the property you contemplate purchasing,
and ascertain if it is clear. If the title is
clear we insure it so, and the resources
of this institution stand back of its
Ivquire u( tii her office.
How are your collections?
That is a vital question. Slow collections have no place
in the 1921 edition of "Successful Business''.
Lots of men arc lying awake nights worrying about
collections. The subject is discussed at executive
One way to help solve the collection problem is to get
your statements out on time. Obviously the sooner the
bills go out, the sooner the money comes in. These days
a good ledger is "worth its weight in gold".
The L. B. Card ledger will get your statements out on
time. It ivill do more. Being up-to-the-minute, it will
give you an instant record of the credit of every customer
on the books.
We'd like nothing better than to have you come in
pound the table if you want to and say: "Trope to ma
ivhy I should install the L. 27. Card ledger ' '.
We'll do it today if you say so.
Write for sample cards and booklet -
"L. "B. Card ledgers mechanically posted"
Library Bureau
Filing cabinet
wood and steel
Mann &. dilks
The Real Estate Title. Insurance
w Trust Company of Philadelphia
523 Chestnut Street 45 S. Broad Street
Urns from Indrptndrner Hull
.& in
lie Stoisc that i
l "air;'.ratp. he Onp-F'r-rc System
Downtown I 117-111 Chestnut Street
faiiAszM f&rtrt
eppe built I Here's Good News
mat Demands
Card and filing Founded 1876
i H systems
910 Chestnut st, Philadelphia I
Salesrooms in 49 leading cities of the United States, Great Britain and Z'rsnce 1 1
s inm --z u asr 3zs w zmi
TL AiiorirTiaiMrio for All add B
:r- Bkaa. pbst' am sb-sv aimsi ak ww a-- asats. sasaa sasaoafe ssaa avBaaa . i ra
tl'illUUMI'ifi! I TP
itinniitivji. 1 i T?
S t
I .In oo In llulldlnr
Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets
Any VICTROLA model you
desire and a year to pay for it
on Heppe's Rental-Payment Plan
ll J ll11""' : 'I iw
IROUGH tlie 1 leppe one-year rental
payment plan yon simply rent a
Victrola and have all the rent applied
toward the purchase price, being
free to purchase or return the
ictrola at any time.
1 his is the easiest and most sensible plan ever
devised for buyers of ictrolas.
Call, write or phone for full
When writing, use this coupon.
CJ.Heppc& Son j J.W', '
in ( hfttnut
k Thompson ft
nuifitk inrl
,;;" Philadelphia
tnn.l rr, full vrtl.'ular ulir.ul m Ilppt
th lt.r 1 sr-ltntsl I's.rinfnt Plnn.
1'iclrola XL Slb4.i5
with ten records
Pa ftt down, nnd ts u-etl;ly
through the
Hppe Rtntal-Payment Plan
Quick Action
After Saturday it will be no
longer possible for the men and
young men of Philadelphia to take
their choice from more than a
thousand standard Oak Hall suits
(worsteds included) at
Half Price
Every kind of suit in every pos
sible size and style is in the offer.
There are weights just right
for Spring wear as well as splen
did Winter weight suits among
"Make hay while the sun shines."
Wanamaker & Brown
The Whole family can Dine for a Day for a Dollar
From Grand-pa down to "Buster," these delicious meats are thor
oughly enjoyed by the whole family and, like Oliver Twist, they tuk
for more.
Mother appreciates these meats most of all; because they are conve
nient to handle; they are easily and quickly prepared; there is no
waste; and she can keep a quantity on hand for emergencies.
She knows too, that Uncle Sam's guarantee of purity is behind every
can and that she pays less than pre-war prices for this nourishing
canned corned beef and corned beef hash.
Insist on your dealer getting you a supply of this wholesome food.
There's a legitimate profit in the sale for him (wholesale prices listed
below) and a considerable saving for you.
nr primed htlow.
your purchsies.
They will jive you some idea of whit you will
1 lb. crn, I5t pr rn
2 lb. cent, 30c per csn
No, 1 cans, ISc pfr tun
No. 2 csns, 27c per can
1 lb. csns, 18c. pir an
6 lb. cans, $1.00 per can
Discounts to tpply on
November IS, 1020, tr
sll nurchsaes of surplus canned meats on tnd alter
as follows t
Market at Sixth for
Sixty Years
f 250 to l,000
1.001 to 2 500
2. SOI to 4,000
4,001 and over
. S per crnt
.10 ptr cent
.20 per cent
The Government will pay (releht on carload lots to any point in the Unned
State located more than twenty miles from shipping point untied
iYJtVf S Pu;t""" "ch 100 "" "t to prevail, when Pircha.e. .rh
1100.001. 28 net to prevail: when purchases reach $500,001. 12 , ,0 "DV
rail; when purchases reacb $1,000,001 and over. 35 net to pieva"
Buy It by the Case
Dealers' orders should
be sent to Depot
Quartermaster at the
following addresses:
Brooklyn, N, Y., 19th St. and Firs
Boiton. Mass., Army Supply Bast.
Chicsjo, III., 1819 W. 39th St.
Atlants, Cs., Transportation Bldf.
San Antonio, Tea.
San Kraneiico, Calif.
Office of the Quartermaster General.
Munitions Bids.
Washington 0. C