Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 07, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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." v,'-?
ftj Wo Handle Only the V.ry
EB H .-lO Lbi. to Every Ton
nj For 35 Yenrn
8 "V Serve You Riht
MJ Si A Yard That Has So Equal
M W Trenton Ave. and
H R Westmoreland St.
Kj Ef II II I'mnkford 51.10
SSj Kj lvrr.tono Past 233
A Beautiful
Dinner Dress
N'H of Spring's now
and mtist fetching
models. Pearl grays,
browns and blacks
lace and sa"tin, cas-
9 cades and maline on sides.
The waist is all of lace
over satin. Panels front
and back.
I & Brown
u Woman's Shop 3
I Market at Sixth
Saturdays Mystery Solution
TN TUB cae of "L'titltio liilluenci'"
llnrvcy limit expected to find u
woman nt the lteilly home ItnporsotiiU
Ing tlie .votingcr Miss Heilly. Tlio plnn
was to get tlio Rlrl out of the fond so
thnt this womnn could hnve rt free rein
in influencing the old, rich mid hllnd
mint to sign nway some money or some
Hunt figured thnt Jones' ndrcrtlc
ment nnd fnke mot ion -picture Arm,
while apparently n rnundationt method
of getting the sir out of the nv, had
been adopted lieonuwo they were quicker
than trying to win her confidence.
Under his direction n plain -clothes
man went out with the warranty, ask
ing for the girl. The tt..iimn who posed
ns the girl was tenlly lemarkably like
lier, enough ho, the detective declared
Inter, to have deinred him. who knew
her by sight, lint nt the attempt to
serve the warrant for "Miss lteilly."
the woman, pnnic-strlcken, explained
that she was not MKs lteilly. but merely
taking her place. Then they served the
other warrant. .Tones never was
Can you succeed where Hunt
failed in
A Mystery in Typing
'tf'IOOn Heavens, Harvey, haven't
VJT you ever failed to solve n mys
tery thnt "wns put up to jou? Don't
you ever make a mistake?" ,
There wns a trace of irritntion in
DcKyne's tone. Tor Hunt had just
unraveled for him a puzzle mi which
he had hoped to balk the crlmlnologiM.
"Several times," Hunt laughed,
"but It Isn't good business to advertise
one's failures, so I don't often talk
about them, Hob."
"Then tell me about one of them,"
DeKjne demanded. "I ask it s a
favor. I'd like to conceive of you In
a position or error, jnt to convince
myself that jou really are human, you
"1 shall tell you about one of Ctil
len's murders." said the criminologist
"I'll do Cullcn's memory the honor t"
say that he is what I may cull the
greatest genius for crime I have ever
known. His methods wete always sim
plicity itself. lie was known ns a
master mind among erimiunls to tV
police of two i ontiiietits. Yet he notci
wns caught in n crime until his er
last adventure. And then ho cheati 1
justice lij committing suicide. A re
mnrknhlc man, cultured, a splendid
education, yet utterly 'without ion
science or compunction, lie took human
life as jou or 1 would take that of n
ll.v or a moviuito, and with none of the
irritation with vthith we'd do it.
"This case I'm going to tell you of
occurred several jears before hi? dentil
I clashed with him u number of times
in those d.iy, and always came out sec
ond best.
"Well, there was n girl in his ring,
who. I imagine 1ml fillm in love with,
somebody eNe T Cnllen, this meant
Do we serve you?
the possibility thnt she would
ClllbnrruMsillP Inf.irtnnHrin Sn
on the slight clinnce that she might . he
reunited her. Ho did It in n spectaculnr
mani.er. tit the height of the evening
revelry in the once-popular Regal Cafe.
I was sitting only n few nblej. away
from him inj.elf, for 1 had him uutler
surveillance in another matter.
ithout warning the lights went
out, leaving the cafe In darkness, save
for the east end, where the windows1
let in just n trifle of light from some I
ndvei Using signs down the street. This '
girl was silting nt n table where she I
wns silhouetted against one of these win- I
down. From the darkness nt the other
end of the cafe enme the flash nnd re
port of n pistol. The girl slumped over
dead. There was the wild, hysterical
scene jou might imagine would take
"I knew Cullen had done it. Hut I
there was absolutely no proof. That !
end of the toom had been pitch black. 1
and ever) body's memory was confused.
The people at the table with him, tnor- '
oughlj tcspeel idle by the waj , swore,
he was silting down there nfter the shot. I
They had spoken to him and touched
him. Of course he wns. He had step- '
ped aside n few feet to lire Hie shot, '
and had slipped hack into his s-eat
again. I could see how he had done It '
easilj enough. Hut I couldn't prove it.
"Ciillep knew that I knew, nnd It
worried him not a bit, for ns soon as I
they g"t the lights on again, he caught '
ui.t c.tc r.nd favored me with n cjnic.il
smile. He evidently had tampered with
the li'i'iting sjstem in advance, for thej
fcund a fuse in tlio cellar with n timing
arrangement attached to it. But his
movements could not be traced to the
cellar. i
"The one thing that puzzled me was
what had bei mm of the retolver. Kverj -bodt
in the room was searched. I was
partliiilarly careful to .see that he and
ever.t body near him was given special
attention m this respect. Hut we i
couldn't find it. With three men of the
city fone 1 kept him under the closest
surveillance fm n weik. and I tell jou
there wasn't a moment when that limn
was not under hcrvntlon. II.. tno..- it
and with c.tnical bravado used to aid
us. He would leave the light on in his
room, for instance, when he knew we
hnd taken n room in the same apartment
house, across a small llghtwell, so that
wo could Keep iiim in view even when
he slept. He slept with the pence of
nil untroubled conscience, too.
After four days I got a tjpewrltten
tnessnge from him. It enme through
the mall. We had seen him write n
number of letters and mnll them, but
no wrote none of litem on a tpe
wrlter. He didn't go near n type
writer the whole time, In fact.
"The note was one taunting me with
my failure to find the revolver, nnd
told me where It was. It had been
tossed ip on a ledge that formed part
oi me wan decoration in tlio onfo. close
to tie ceiling. It further challenged me
to deduce now tlie writer had written
It. and assured me upon his 'word of
honor ns a gentleman' thnt it had not
been written for him. It was, of course
unsigned, and so carefully worded that
It could not be used ns evidence
"To make a long story short, we
never did get anything on fallen in
that cae, nnd 1 failed utteil to figure
out how he had written it, until he
gave me the hinn long time afterward,
when I was trailing him on another i
''And jet the etplnnatlon was 0 '
simple that I mentallv kicked myself,
iUI nni lIHIIKlllg or It,
"What wns it?" asked DeKyne.
Do wow know?
'1 hr answer will appear tomorrow.
Lowest Prices
Onnlltr UffiS nt
$135.00. 9x12, Special. .$55.00
$60 00, 9x12, Special.. $25.00
$30 00. 8.3x10.6 Special, S30.00
$30.00, 6x9 Special, $18.00
$55.00, 9x12, Special.. $29. 50
$30.00. 8.3x10.0 .... Special, $29.50
$40.00, 7.6x9 Special, $23.00
$33.00, G9 Special Sin.KO
Boy Falls and Breaks Leg . , , m m ,, I
........ v ...,, (W'-Jttl-apglSJijLt f IjM.
airplane, wntcli Had cnuglit in Hie H ;f2'jE!rW:fli i Im
lirnnelies of a tree mi Snyder avenue, R . rff VMTLLIiLLLLV YrT V9n
William Clark, nine .tears old, of L'VOI 'PIHIIIBPV1:;'9 IHL
Snyder avenue, fell nnd broke his left I nfim Hj HHRIbmI 4Jdui
h'g in two places. The child was taken B 9 MM Pi 7i fin3iV) jHJ
... .-.!. iiurs iiosnniii, w nere ins ill V uJUH v yn
juries were treated. He had climbed to I 1 BMHfinBHHKBkHPW ISy
the Inn of tin, tw.. iilmn lii, Inut l.iu' w ftSTsnUi W WHImiiS
r ..v.. y m Ka lH MSA Ik ' iWT ZW TtftTinTH
i.Moiiih"ii iiiiuigcu io me ground, u (Rub HI W J fl K fHfflHH I
f.. M BBt''ps',sssVVPsVBB8JBJBHBHRn
Liivc oieam 3 itrr3 DBnUfw&Jlll'WsiH
SllVPs lina Je-1 9 1 B H .!! I VI ' 1
"- -ipMiafe. Hn i I1 in I lii f I I
sZaaPK JI'L rlMRI V 1 B I li I I . Hi
iwjl. ' oLJVWwHflSCir.--. ft II " V iLAafMMAi ill 1
.-- ". tnik y jw , i um v mi i t w n . isiwii itma 1 r h ,
WfL kVB DTftl a itv!a mXTLm 'ISifSA SkWA
tt&&AtM& mmMLLE-WtfW !
I SAVES 20 TO 407c of f iffiKjfexg1 t
YOUR GASOLINE IWnt,Hmwr,ii.,iSiW.iUl.,ry
91 Lllmlniitc. Curl. mi cites Jour Jlolor H
III .. R.m l , Un 1-. I , .1.--,. Bf
M 100.000 In ump. . i or I Ir ulnr m
ffi A. L. KEIL I '
I Q DUtrllnitor for ljistrrn I'rniiiilinnlii H '
1133 Hourse Hide;. Philn., Ia. I
Hot Cross
AyivC x
Vra 1 1 ijv. x.
x my,
All el,,,, rnMr'V. t&S '
ml stMes In Wil.' y mIsXX
lot a Atnni .tor,, S AS! I
11'in.li ml Vel- A .'& ( I
tit'. Ill nlties' I
1'OOT AM) Htlll
Instnntly relloveil
ly our npoclfll nrch
supports. IttteJ ami
udjimteil by experts.
Our Hi-amlens
r.lantlr Hosiery, the,
most comfortable
support for tnrl
roo telns. snollen
llmlis weak ktite.s
anil nnklen.
Trussea, nbdomlnnl
and nlhletlc sup.
Or all klnt1n t.itt-ffiMt tY.nni,ra.
turcra nt doformlty nppllancea In the world,
l'lilliidehililit (Irtlmpfslle Co., 49 N. 13th at.
tin out unci Keep for reference. I'. U
ADAMS At Clattnn M .T. , tt..k
B 1021. Cantnln .KHIN W. AHAMS. aged
Hi seara. Servlro on Thursday afternoon at
1 o'clock, nt the Other II llalr Hide . 1820
( heiinut at Interment private.
ANDntlSCtt? MarenM. MAIltlAnnT AN.
plnso.V. Helatlvea and friends ar IntMted
lo nttend funeral services. Tucs, 2 n rn ,
at hei nleic s resldeme, .Mrs. James Mur.
iiny, iii'io i.iineKim pike. Int. private.
nenna nny can .11011. eve.
aui.it. - .Marrh II HIlIDfinT. widow of
Adam Auld Nntlre ef fuiieriil Inter, from
her late residence, S20 J. 23d nt
nf John Avr Itelatlves and frlenda In.
tiled to ntten.1 funeral, Tues 8 5n a rn
lute rtildenee loud Church at Krankford
Bargain Prices. Come in Todav.
LUMAA KUG MILLS I'lonccrFactory-to-You
J aspcr adovp. i,amoriahon r,,-,i,.,u i r. ,;'..'' ?. SV.-. ?f ui 5 o.
- "
Open Every Evening
c nf cltv. to Cambria Sf
Till 0
The old-fashioned Bun, baked in
a new and better-fashioned wav
baked by the Exclusive Meeno-
han Electric Process and simply
delicious !
-H J s doZ.
Electric Bakeries
IS South 52d Street
2G01 Germantown Ave.
11 So. 60th St.
1009 Market St.
mm . mW I - -t Ann r j .- . I I
i ivx&xwb. am s sn fojBawAs l . -s-'. "'. ! ts1 i,r sa r ; siy fii m
' J zs m
We wish you could know how well and
how carefully the new Packard Single-Six
is made It is built by the same mature and
experienced organization that is building
the Packard TwinSix, and that for twenty
years has made Packard Cars incompa
rably fine You can buy this Packard now
at its new low price of $2975, o bo Detroit
This very moderate figure is only the
beginning of its economy, for its costs of
operation are almost incredibly low
319 North Broad Street
r, tin ihti'i. OimKrrinwn, Itcuiliijt, Sr.ifnriJ,
nKtun, inMllnm , nrK
i i
ra W vjj LY) Atljntli (lij, llillililiriit llrlilu-i-ii ii ( .mil n II irrlshurL'
S7i r iiff a Its' Irininn. MiiiLhhI. t lli uiisiHirt Wilim
IhJl &sk e vtrbdvi who o
I Kfy liiifflMKaiiii mini liii 1 r
WLm mi iimmmmmmsi iii i ii ! u.u.TT'r?-"" -L ... ' iT"TTr"MMBMM, n'li'ii "
& f Jl s
m r J I
tW r' PVK. iWT l
p 1
? L P
wns one
Solemn requiem mass Ht. Joachlm'a Church
10 a. m. int. St. Dominic's Cetn.
n ff,lfr rt William U., Jr.. and Anna Pow
ell Jieclitel, ri her 4th jenr. Kuneral services
i. ..'. - p" " ft' '"'r parenia residence, i
B. Ulmtvoml ave., Sharon Hill, Pa. Int, Ar
lington t.'cm. Frlenda may view remains
Mop. ove.
Ili:ciC March 4, MAT C. wife of
Horaco JI. I). Heck, aged 21. ltelatlves
and frlenda are Invited to funeral services,
Tuoa., 2:30 p. m.. at n-sldenro of her father.
Charles Schmldnall. 30in N. Tth t. Int.
tireenmouiit Cem. llemalns may be viewed
Mim. eve. North Pcnn Council. No. 151,
1). of I, Invited.
,, nRniTTKM.I. r- On March 4, 1021,
(lABrANO, beloved husband of Justine
IKrlttalll, njred C3 ears. at Ids, late resi
dence, fiT2H Vino at. ltelatlves. friends and
all societies of which ho ivns n member, nru
intlled to attand funernl services. Tues.
March 8, 11121. n n. m.. at Ht. bonnto'i.
Church, OSlh nnd Callowhlll sts. Int. Holy
,1,.'.,A,DT' MBrch 3. 1"21. MAnOAllKT
JUtAOY (formerly of 13111 Chrlstlnn St.).
Ill In I vi". and friends Invited to attend fu
?.,,2,'Tu'"" "0 . m. Into residence.
1273 R. Ilonsall st. Hlirh requiem mass,
t'hurch of Ht. Anthony o Padus 10 n. m.
Int. Cathedral Cem.
lll'IKlTOlU-' Mrs. HntinntlT (Helen
TdUllttenill. nired "IV nn tln.rh f ttithnn.
mann Hospital. Hertlces l'reshpond C'rcma-
lury, I,. I . iues., Z,ilU p. m.
, llUTTWIFini.D. Of Tiethayres. Pa.
llutterfleld (nee McCormlek). ltelatlves and
iriends aro invited to attend funeral. Tuea.,
It nl ni 41'i ttiilnut at.. Jenklntoen, l'u.
Hlirh mass Immictilate Conception Church
U:30 R. m. Int. Holy Sepulchro Cem.
CAI.I.AHAN. March Ii, MARY, widow of
Chas Cnllahan (nee Klnlry). ltelatlves nnd
friends Invited to funeral Tues., 8 n, m,,
2113 M, 17th st, Ilequlcm mass Ht, Monica's
Church n a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem,
CAIlTHIl March 3. AMIIMA K.. wife of
Hiram A Carter. Helatltes and friends nro
Invited tn altpnd funeral. Tuen.. 1 n. m..
H0(l Market St. Services at Temple Luth
eran Chiirih, n'Jd and Itaco ets . 2 p. in,
lit private, Arlington Com. Prlcnda may
call Mon. ote.
('AVANAUail. On Mnrch 4, 1021. KD
WAltn P., husband of Mary f'avnnaunh.
Relatives and friends, also City Hall (luarda
and all societies of vthlch ho was a member.
Invited to funeral, on Tuesday, at 8:30 a.
m., from his late residence, (WO Race st.
Solemn mass at Kt Aumintlne'a Church at
IU a m Int. Cathedral Conietery.
( I.AHIvP. . Rii.Mnnli l...h A MATIY.
widow 0f late Ueoruo Clarke ltelatlves nnd
friends of the family, also members of
f nlon Tabernacle lllblo Union of the l'res
btlerliin Church, Invited to funeral serv
ices Tues , 2 p. m . nt residence of Mrs.
Annlo Alexander. "441 Jnnn.r si. Int. pri
vate, Clreemnuunt Cem. l'rlentls may call
;won. eve.
hand of I;mm.i Constahcl Vuneral services
at residence, (lurnsey ate . Ablniston. Pa..
nT.d fc," 30 ' Int. Ivy HIM. l'rlends mny
cull Tues. evo.
CO.VU AY. On March r.. JOHN J.. Jr .
??""'. ..J.on.'! J- "d Hessle 11. Conway (neu
MrOrnth). I'linernl Wednesday, residence. 83H
. .!"'' "' Solemn rciiulcm mass Our Mother
or Sorrows' church 10 n. m. Interment Ht.
ill""1 timo,r' Itflntltes nnd friends Iti-
I'DIlKnUY. March 4. THOMAS J., hus
band of the late Kllen Cnrkery. Relatives
and friends aro Invited to attend funeral,
recv, S.3H n. m., late residence. .1.124 Mar-h-t
st HlKh mass Church of Our I.ady of
blnrv 10 a. m Int. New Cnthedral Cem.
,.il,9,s.;7Z' Cups May. N. J., March 4,
I.l.lAlinrif widow of Hamuel O. Cox. Rel
iitnes and friends Intlted to funeral, Tue.,
in a in . from the Harrison villa. Hervlees
;t,'.h'.,'hurrh nt " Advent 11 a. rn. Int.
Cold Springs Cem.
DAIlttAH At Hnrtsvllle, p,i,. March .1
J"HN 51 lUIiltAII. ak-'d II. Itelatlvi a and
frlenda lotltid lo funernl. from Ins late re-l-dmre
'luis. March 8, 2.30 i. m. Autos
win meet i ar, p. m lroeys from Willow
tlrote nt llntt,nro.
IJKIIAVIIN March 4. 1021. SARAH S.
Il. I(A i:n. Relatives nnd friends Invited
to funeral serMces. nt Ht. Thomas' Church,
vt hlteinnrsh Pa. Tues.. 2 n in
DII.HI. Mrch II CATHIIRINi:, widow
of Caspar Iilehl (nee Hrheld). In her H2d
'ear l-'unernl services Thurs . 2 p. m
ifidenee .msiij N. Stli st. Int. private.
""'Att "1"' '"m Please omit tlowers
Hi lUHHIJRTY. March (1 JOHN, husband
of Murv Di.uBherty (neo McDnnaldl Due
""JlCf from Int. residence. 2231 8 3d st.
'""In March (I, at parents' residence.
Monro Pn 0f scirlet fever MARY Ht'Er.
ilauKhter of William 11. and Marv Trlro
li.iH.u. m her 3d sear. Int. ArllnKton Cem.
.No funeral
MUKXl.llll March r.. 7CATI. C. widow
of I.nuls Prevler Relitlves nnd friends are
intltnl tn intend the funernl services Wed
-' r m . .it her i.it. rcHdime, as'pi N (inrz
M Int private. V .rth Cedar Hill Cem Re
in, ilim niav be viewed Tues S to in p m.
lrKI-'Ni:p.. March C. CARI. A . husband
r Louisa A Duffner, nKed .Ml RlntHes
end friends are Invited to nttend funeral,
tteil.. a p m from h )n(, ,rB,,,nro,
23. . Olney ate. Int Northnnml Cem
llemalns miv lw viewed Tina 7 lo HI P. Ill
Dt'.NriAN March 4. HOWARD '.. hus
band of Jtnnle M Dunniin used .IM. ima
iltis nnd frlenls nlo University I.odce No
!,.',' ,!' J"'1 A -M : '"' f.immnnd. rv. No
in K T .ind I.u l.u Temple me lnvitd
I" .ti.ml funervl Tu- 11 n m. from his
lit. re.n.en.e 3131 N i-.ti, i int p.ivnU.
I n nds may call Mon . 7 to II p in
.UY.J:St March 4. 11121 RICHARD
DISKS husband of the lato Mnr In pes,
ltelatlves nnd friends are Invlteii to attend
funeral. Tile- . .S ?o n m .n-ln.-., ... t
Mters It. US w Cumberland st Hlith
.....nB ,., i..iw.iru a inurin in a. m. Int.
prlvnte Ilnlv Hepulrl re
KAllIHH March .1 WII.I.IAM wniOHT
MAN iMed 211 j ears funeral sertlcen nt
r,?.M-V,';0 , "f ftther Dr. Itindilph Paries.
Jim, ttalnut st Tuesday Mnrch 8. nt 11
nli,!..,!lU.,,lv",,' Kindly "mil flowers.
i,,lA Jn,i?i "7VI,r:h n ALllBIlT I., hus
fiY,1. i f ',',mlnl" latnrln. Relatives and
..-.i. ' " ",. '"'Plojes of Sheriff's office.
-.11- ttnrd l.r, utli.. Committee, Kenslnir
I. m i ii'iip M..d.Tii Woodmen of A . West
iniire ..nd II -n rini. t... ...... . .
w i . , . ..,,..-., in .uiierni
........ . I'- i" . laie lesi.ienei. 21 III ;
...... in. . rien'is mav can Tues.
1. in. Int. licit u Cem.
1 i'J2D,"M ,rrn '"' CHARI.KH A. TI.OOD
?.?.. .' n."1,,,,1i" ani1 "-iTids Intlled to
funeral services TueH . 1 p m.. at 2137 N
Hanrn.k st. Int. private.
...lX'ST1'n At M'dford. N. .1 , Mnrch .1
Jr '',!"'", ro7'I;" '--l 71. ile'lnt tes nnd
friend, nlso .Ir o. f a, at No 0 nre
v.'. """," ,, . i i,i, "r. .vieninrrt -M ,
2.11, in Int. I. () f). I.' Cem
. ii .ni i.. - .1 ii rr n r. t i ii
""-- ", t'L.-Wl T ,. ,
joncpn u. jonnfon. runorm rrnrnV10of
Int. Barren Jllll Cem. ' '
JONBS. .Marcn 0. nl her resbi..
Oormantown nvc, ANNA Jt ,i,,?ci Sj'.t
Into ndttard T. and Jlarla b. Jon.."1'" Of
tltes nnd friends Invited lo fui.eraf ' "U
jnurn,, . .ii. residence of hr r"Cn
Mrs. John H, Ucrry. 200 Harteyho,r, ,l"!:
Int. private, ,c' t., q,,'
JONKW. March
B. of 1S2 o
nve Atlantic cur. N J., HNo ..,AI"ni
llebitltes . t.d friends, membVi " J-W
Mulders' Union, local .W 1 ? "t it
l.i.due of Orioles, nre IntltJ ' ,A,u"lle u,J
noral, from nls son's risl ei.eul,'"d X
Cornwall st Plilla., Wed. i f, .?,' H""! e
Tlcs.. h lo hi p. in. ' " "' Vl.. .h
KB B.N. .Mnrch .1,
Keen Relatives nnd
1 wji,.iiftm fe
kpfv.rs. tupi.. n.
her Uter. -Mra. Wllllnn i rM"Mn(5 1?
T ".... .. , -wn i, i
tiRiienifr in urnnii i
caret Kcllchpr,
A n . .
-i,' .. ".UUJITI.-
KunerklTSe,.0,.1."" ifiS
S0.1 Judson st. H'o'lmi m'i,onn, ,'
nt Ht. Frnncl. Xavler Church 7,1 n' "'" ra
lives and trends. i.i. ....Hi!'" ." m. ii.T.
Xatler School. ne ' .. ' '..ot ?t. Kr..
" 4III. !!
cros Cem.
KBI.I.UY, CATHAHINi: C in,,,..
dauuhter of Into Jnmes Madison ..",
ABnes Kflley died Pel.run.rv 1 ni Ii S"
dence. 4121 Chestnut st. it,,V..iSJL 'L1! ml.
memory Tues,. March 8, nt I " "I
John's Church, IStii ami Clie.n, , : m. St.
live., nnd friends Invited. 'tna '"' IHIfc
Invited to funeral Tues.. o ' B,aB?."i
-..( i"'v tuuiria hi.
d-.,:"" io rtii.
requiem at Church of 'til . iE" m." ot
m. int. Holy Croo. iT." "'U"1
it'll H, I.
OS nt the
K. Hh,.,.. a. . "-.' "' "II MIU
w... . --".. ,n i rince it. Ha.
"y... I', ill. int. tli ii.. ..""
- " '.uiiv i-.m
Funernl services nt l,V re, .Inn.'JTi MN H
of his miu
n-lntv. Anm. if
dentown. AVe,!.
i ,s.y. . .....: '" hi.
..v..v.t.iW..tH..iftr.,h K Inrt.
u. husband of the Tale rho.it. ' t ugn"'
need 7.1. I--unernl Wed n Vn"e.
. . --r-. -., .tiiunio SI.. iT.m.l.n i. .-.'"
iciRn teni. '"' ll
I.ONa On
widow of aeorite W ixvnV ' ?AIU J.,
nesdny afternoon n't 2 "o'Vlocka.' T.'
residence. 7U7 N 3ttth it i.' h". '"
"CM' Tu'e'i Sa'evenl ,. Pr,V'"'
wldMvTlilanT? &r ''5A .
- --. ...... ra.
Mcntttfli...!:,, .!? '. P- m
hand of Salon n I J ? rV." ".A ulI- !
iPSi -'' ' Camden, N. i. ni
runorni sen Ices Wed.. 2.3n n .1 ..'
call Tii.h 'nfter I m. ' l""l, ra,
nfter S
i iir.AM. .March I BI.I.A A wife or
rnv'l i,CikBA.rf"f n"'- Wl'nai Tare
Invited to attend funeral services Tues "
P. m. late resl.l.-nee. nil) Hun'tlnir p'irk
ate. Int private. West ..iur.'l II II Ce n
. PL'M.KRTON. Mam, r, RALPH son of
John i. ml Biuaheth riillert.'n R.Ht'lv.s
"'',' , frl".',:N aie Inv.iel to nttend fun.ral
rel "A1",',",' i ", '" lislv at hw late
lilt. prU nte Cormantown.
iJAI.I.Alllinit. Suddenly. .March .1
,'AUV, J,. '11,'l'-l"'ll,"r t,f Mrt D and lat
Ii.lin J (lall.iuh. r II. lam... nn.i rri..nrt.
are Invited to nitend funeral, from ih. r..i.
.. ... ,. ,. m. '.. . '." ' ' "
ii, -r uui-ie. .vianrire It ly, i;. Mer-
neyonil Ht. nton nvi. . Chestnut
n ii, m. Iteriulem mass Church
ii iMiiiirs. vvnuiiam, 10
l'u ' Hie . em
I. n. e
in ild
Hill Wed ,
of till Sel
lilt llo'v
tlANHTBIt On March r,
.1 . tvlfe of Jnculi (I mat. I
.lenee, r.'.H7 I..ituna street.
R. a. Mns. Pa )
hit. d II 1-uncral from the resldei ,.,. of ht.
hii.th.r-in law Wllll.vm l.inrjln 1st aid
situ... I,- Illrdslr,. Tu.H f .rlnoun
Mi.ri'li ,s and will Ih- strletiv private lit
HI MI.Ii.ihI M c.ni . HlrdHlmro ' '
llfll.DSMITII At Ml. Ilullv. N J March
fi. M. ZAIll'Tll ri,,r r,,,'n..' .J -mrcn
.. v.'.'....:"..'.,. ,-"",'.:""" "t"1
. .i. i i iii uti (jl til.
1021. MiNNrn
At hop rofll
(Kormerly of
i""i .Miiirn i. i r i.ivfinn
daushter r,f llarrj nu.l Seliarlo'ot,."ii.;.'.i'
iBe.i is iii-intltoH and frl. mis are invn. i
ii Htlen fun. nil tfe.l s-in .. . '"I'leil
lier imrenis' resid. ,,. mil itipi,,. ... 'm';"."
tunu lieriuleni m.its St. Mari'a ChiirVl, in
a or lin i, rival,.
IIACKBTT -Mar. h 3 10"l loltv i,
husband f Manic a Harkett ii.i.h.. 1
friend s .Inp,i,,vei",,,rfKi!' tl'"i'",un", ""'
Hialetl, s t win. I, llHL member ,r.l ,'
tlt.,1 to i.neiid funeral Wed 8 3,, "'"
late Ksldeii,,. 2i;i Nicholas . ,.."' m
UUleni miiHs Church of he tin.? n"1", r"'
"ha.rs- i'(S::';u,
r. h-tiv'IiiM'pi --; 'v-P tY
W.,1, 11 ft. ,. liar . 1 '"..""" rL
ntuhka M i: nn,r ,,:' l.l.
leaves Reaillnk- Terminal 7 '.""".
ii 1 1 i.i'ir m ... .. . : :: in.
........... , ,, ,, ..Mi .
It-loci Hall,, U.rrVa"',,'''"
inemliHrs .if l'i,in v. ...
" i.i rriti.. v 7n
ii serv res vv. ..
n-liiw'H r.-sld. ii...
( UUllli rla.,.1 u,
Anilitvv and
tlv.s ,mrl friends
sun nf Veterans V
II. M.. Invlt. ,1 i i,,,
.' IIU 1 m , at Inn hnillie
rs ., I. lle.iri;.. 1113 w
tin v.re. ninnum Ii
I !! s I.i in ri in
.IWPJ.W?! ' "nuncK
"" i .H.i ry i ; iml
! Ml r. s ,1. no.. Ilr.l . ll-.'1. I U. s . '
P. Ir.l .!..,.. it.".'.'."," .','' Jtoxll
m..y .all .tl m ov. nine
band nf I.u. ii.... , "-'.,. .ln"-S P., bus
the late Thomas Hlldilarv I ":L,,,n . ".'.n "'
r.lir.. ..,i .:' ""T. 'U'lHIIVll
..ssr.s 'IIIIICMfH Of Atiritittl t. i
tn nit..,.. I ..".". '.'
-- ..... nil 1 III It I J !'
his late re.l leneo . . i
, . - - -" . .
i"iiiin mini st
and friends
rl.s, aro Intln.l
i 3n n m friim
i lnlstlnn si Holmin
AnihuiD's Chnrih 0 a
1'ianlt Ilarpei (neo
llolmt ninirir"
Int. Holy Cri'.as
L..V.V"'). '-.Wife of
friends Intltr.l to funer,.! ....'-. .".Y." '""I
n. in sl-.l I'. ....!..... " '"T "
: . .....v.t.i ii ave
Int prlvnt.
iii:.s.m:.ssy. llrch 4 vmv .
nf late Thus and fl.-bai Ine llV, I"ut""r
Parish Peters.-! I. c ijTivv' ' ""7r"Y ,f
Ite'ativeo and friends ll M v Kn.iJf, '""''
vlted lo funeral Tufs "'Ilty In--(
Wni MiConncht. I...n. as tr a i 'vV'""
inn lives. Ar.lmnre. Solemn r.n.i U """
.Wither of duod Couiisil Cl"u Vh i i,'.''" ,,"'"""
in a in "unii iirjn Mutvr,
lllMtfll.D Mi.r.h n .. ...
J IIHNRY husbin.l ,,f ,V,"!'T,' .v.
his Tilth .v.ar Iteli.iu,. .,".". I!" Id
Intlted to all. ml fiinnr,.i .... ,rl"'!'l
i in nix Is Iv it ih,. nmi .
-. iu,er a -"..ii .'iiilll N Hr , I i
I 1 1 1 ll I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 II IHIIln I I .
HICKP.Y Mini, I IMkVi..i ""J- .
Jouchlm's Church 10 a. m. l 11, if.. .
Cem. New Hrunswlck. N J ' ''
HUNNKMAN At Ilfookilne xr...
Mnrch'o. JIBI.EN ItlCrtAHnSf'wft'"'.',.,?.''
nam cooir Hunntmart, Jrunarai TMeidVyi g
1. p..
; - 1 ues 2
1 ' M oris Iin.
Hi' Aililtli
. .......j'.. .
Com. Monrestotvn N J C,rm!l
.MACIAROI: March' .1 vrtrnrrvi . t
tor of the Ito Thomas nn.l 11-An,5ru,?J-Baruo
need ST. Services nt nSS!..(
nephew. IMwnrd I JoiX.. Yl l' W 'co'ult
CClnoVI e-V,KriU',t0 -' ". 2 ' rSt
i",11 ft" 0'.hPr "oclotlcs of which he is.
S1iollirJiro ln.v .""' ,0 nttnn.1 fu?rJ'
1 3d n. rn , residence 1024 W York .i SV
ARD'cHB'ied K'?f,?i. $$!
Mii.i.i.n. smrch r.. RKnncct wi. .
Charles IV. Miller. Helnttv.. Vi'j ,.' ?'
nre Invited to attend f ineral Tue.ni o'l""1'
from h-r late residence. 2.iir, N ' iift I1,'
Int private. Remains may- be tleW?j 'jio'J,'
MOFI'ITT fin f.e-k .nn.
husband of the Into Catharine Mohltt. H!:
lives nnd . friends, also members of A
S"l"lJ,...Ch,J.rch- nro 'nvf to the ssrvlcVi
. u.-.m,v uiiernoon nt 2 o'clock, at his lit.
res dence. "3lh hi aii.. ?:.?' If. 11
JlondnlnT0'"" i
0Jan"-,yn "'rvlces. Tues.. 3 p. m.. Int. ml.
dence, 330 Oonen nve.. Mt. Airy. Int i.
ate Kindly omit flowers ' '
M' I ll.l-r March it. TIIOttAS p.. mi
of Susan nnd the late ,T.ims Murfett In his
...d year. Relatives nnd friends, nnd Fran.
ford ( rocein' Assn. nre Invited to att.nl
funeral from his lato resldenc. .V); iimh
rn.vVr'".,r'' PV W',, - m ""'"
Ml'RRAY Mnrch r,. KSTB1.I.A 1'. wifi
of James K. Murray. Punenl servlcei
Tues . 8 p. m . Powell Inne. Cnnllnnton. Del.
Co Int Clnrksvllle. Del Wed.
NBIinil. March .1 IDA. dauehter of IsM
Jieob and Cnthlnkn Neher. need M n-lt.
tlvcs nnd friends. Tnbn Verr In memlsnof
St Jncobus' Rv I.uth. Church Intlted to
""'J services Tues.. 2 p m. rrsdencf.
innil Oermnntown nve im private
,h9,l,-i: l,,h Dl'. '',1 Mo loji, nni'-
CKI.I.A M widow of Henrv A Nobis nuti
.3. Punrrnl 3d Dny 3d Jin th 2 n, rn..
re. dence. 1.120 H. 81th st. int West Laurel
Hill Com.
O'HAdtN Mtrch .1 lll'Olf busbtnd ef
Rose O'llnirnn, Inte of Dvtnrt Drsi-rstom
County Derry. Irelnnd. Reintltes anl
ftlends nro Intlted to nttend fun.nl Wed.
8 3fl a. m. from his Into resld-nr.. Mil 9.
-0th st. Solemn hlnh mnss of ren..i!.,m St.
Onbrlul'H Church 10 n. m. Int. Holy Cron
PATTERSON. At I.os Anijelrs Cillf en
'""nnd of I.ii'irn Dencler Pntiervm. of
33IS North 1.1th st. Relatives and frl.ndi
nre Invited to the servlco rin Tuesdav aftfr
imor. nt 2 o'clock, nt the Oliver II IWr
IIMb 18:'n Chestnut st, Inte-nvni p-lv.i.
PAl'MNI'S. March K. ll.l.. M1BT
PAI'I.INI'S, beloved daughter of Jamn 1.
ntnl AKno C Hud.ly. innil Wolf st Fu-
nrnl services 0 n in. Tues.. ficm Villi
Marls foment. West Chester Pi.
PniRfi: Mnn h 3 CHARf.llS A. hus
band of Minnie Pclrce ltelatlves uiri
friends Invited to funernl services Tues , 3
p m shnrp. residence 21.111 N llouvlr st.
Int Arllnatnn Cem Vlcwlnc Mnn ev
I'CN.MAN March ti. 11121 CIIAIHXfl T.
T'I'NMAN. In his Tilth year Pun-ral serv
ices nnd Int Wed., nt Port Carbon. P.
friends In Phlla may view remains Tuts
eie nt lato resldonce, 3T21 N. D-Mil st.
PHPPBH On Mnrch 4, 1921. riifiEXCE
B I'BPPBIl (neo Senrs), wife of Enrl Pep
per. Relntlves and friends nre Invited I"
the services. Tuesday nfternoon at 231
o'clock, nt her lato residence. 3913 Haiti
more ave int. private.
PHTTY March d 1021 nUZAIIETTi.
widow nf Henry 11. Pettv. Funeral services
Wed . 2 p. m.. nt the parlors of J tt'esier
Craft itr ton 2nto Diamond st lot nrlvat-
widow of Hunt! Clulcley. Helitlves an!
friends Invited to funernl, Tues., S in ra
'mm residence of son, Huuh J. Qulffley.
1727 Mnster st. Solemn requiem mass at
Church of tho Oesu in n m. Int. Holy
(ross Plensj omit flowers ,.
RAPPOl.D Mnrch fl. KANNHT II . wife
nf Into Christian Rnppold. Funeral services
Wed 11 H. m, 8H37 Falrmount ave. Int.
RITCHIE. On Mnrch 4. 1021 JAMCS K
niTCHIK nelntlves and friends are In
vited to the servlco on Tuesday afternoon jt
2 o'clock, at his residence tlOS North 231
st Interment prlvnte.
SAII.RIt Mnrch 4. WII.I.IAM J. hus
band nf Mnmaret Sailer nnd son of the lato
Wllllim and I,oule Sailer Relatives anil
friends, also the nth District police nre In
vited to Httend the funrnl. Wed. 2 p m ,
frnnr his lato residence. M'.rt N Juison at.
Int Mt. Pence Cem. Frlendi mnt call Tuss.
SCHAr.FBn. March 4 FltnnEMCK
W husband nf MnrKaretta Schiefer (nea
KIIiib) Relntlves and friends ulo Ml
child Arnold I.odite. No. II3H. V and A.
M and Corlnthlnn Roval Arch Chapter, Nn
MO nr invited to nttend funeral services.
Tues 2 p m , at his Inte restd-nce 723
W f iicM'iand st Int Ch.lten Hills fern.
SHAFBR On March ll 1021 Tllllftnn
ilaufnter of the I itn John It and l.vdla
Shafer Services on Wednesdit moinln t
in o'clock, at tho Ollter II Hair lids l-
chestnut st Int. at Ht. .Michaels Cemetery.
Itlrrlsboro Pa. L .
WALKllft March .1. AI1RM. hustunl
of Cella Walker. nBed 80. Funeral s-rtices
and Int prltate. . ,
WAI.I.ACi:. At IlnddontWd N J;
March H Sererant IIAItllY W bub.md of
meK J It Wallace (lien Miller) acid 111
Reintltes nnd frlenda. nlso 3'ith Dial I ""J?
Station Meridian Sun l.o.lite S'u I.H '
and A M, and nil other soil .ties of utile!)
hr wns 11 member arj Invited to fun"'1
srrvlces Thurs 1 30 p in. from Is I"'
lesldence illO'l N ITlh st Int Hiilelll
Ceio Trler-fls m 1 v cull Wed ie
WAI.I.ACi: March .1. KATHARINB 0.
.Mnuliter nf It.le (Samuel nliil Ki"nH I tt ll-
laie Relntlves nnd friends n'o Inv ''d JJ
serv ces Tues 2 n in., residence 401s
W.ivn. ate Int prltnte. .
W(K)I) Mnnh ll AS'N widow o' lames
Woi.,1 tiKid 8S Ite'atl'es nnd f' ends In
vited to intend 'un.T.il Wed 2 ti in 'r"nl
her lit resldonee 311 I N 31th st Fj.l
of HihutlMII Int. Mt. Pence C. rn. Ro-
IllH'es viewed Tllr-H. eve.
W(l i) FltANIC D .ins 40 ""I'd n'v "J
Mnrch 4. 1021 Sertlcos on Tuesd iv Marrh
H 1021 nt 11 n. m.. nt ri'Slib'iii . Hirinln.
ham Civ ster in., Pa. Int.rm nt Weal,
mlnst.r C metery P'd'n . ubout 2 3U r m
whe-e f'linda may nttend.
WOdDllOL'SB M.111I1 d. HAMl'PI. ?
husband of Caroline J. Woclhuii. In W
T2d a- Funeral services IV. d 2 P "V
Into res deme. 111.1 Sellers st. Pi mkfnrtl
Im nrlvale.
WltlUHT Mnrch .', MARY P l.low nf
Itli bird P. Wrlcht. It. Intlv. and frljjj'
Intlted lo fune'iil Wed. 2pm 11IJ
Fniilkrod st Friuikford. Int Norili Cedar
Hill Cem. Ri mains may be tlevved Tues.
7 to ll in.
YKRKIN March ll nt O'nev, I'hlH
HAltAII P widow nf William A Verse,
nnd d.iuuhier of Ihn Inte Abrahnm niw
llarhel rpdlke In her 112.1 your Helatltes
nnd friends nro Invited to attend funeral.
Wed 2 P 111 at tin Snu'crtiiii M p
Church Int William Pent? (Vm Train'"
S morion leaves Rcadliii." Ti'imliinl 1-D
valv BROAD a)9
- "hiA
L a j -ii ' 1