i . R; in,' '. dre' . J. i ,oi ; ! i -a fee (fl HS,.' cniT i 82 ; if ; if ret cntii Ap Parr, f v ci if1 V tne" llkt,.. ,rV ino ' )i jioi pi TO HJVgs Hi l" FINAL HONORS PAID III I UAlllU II A Ult iu )nm olmimv Impressive Services for Dead Statesman Hold in House' of Representatives PRESIDENT SENDS TRIBUTE Hy the Associated Pros Washington, Mnri'li ". CoujirPH nnd nil official Washington toilnj- luv IMied n tribute of lore Mini respect in the memory of Champ Chirk. Funeral service wore hold in the groat hall of tin1 limine, wiioro nunc than n third of Ir s life win spent In hi Country ' serv'eo nnd where the echoes of .veMerduy's inaugural events Mill Pernod to hover. On Mm crowded Moor were grouped member nf I he llon-e thnt passed nut nf eileneo then, nnd of whlrli he wn n member, nnd with them in sorrow M-md the enutnr. Mie jlistlocsi of the supremo court, ciiliinct members, new nnd old. nnd diplomats from innnv tuitions. Piled high with Mower, the casket in which the veleliill slept slood under the speaker's dek where he liml served eight years on vvntoh over del horiilions of the House. All nlsout !t were blinked the bright flower thnt poured m from friend1 evervwhere. Anil in the simple services without show ir pomii. nnd in the shaken voices of those eleeied bv tlirlr fellows to spenk the love in which the deinl lender was held lay the highest tribute of nil. President Sends Wronlli ' Among the flowers grouped nhnii the , "'hnntage. n bus Un honest and eth rnnkot was a wreath nf enila lilies from 'lent executive, of which we have hnd the President nnd Mrs Harding Stand jtwo in the l.isi ten years. Thai avci ing on easels were others wreaths sent age is higher Mum usual. There has by men who served in the Missouri lhe n some talk nlmut iMdllics in lhl ml delegation in the Congress just ended. or who will be representatives from the tatc when the House reconvenes. There were floral tributes, too, from the Mississippi nnd North Carolina dele gations and from Irish svmpnthUeis. Among individuals who sent in Mowers wore former (iovernor Cox. of Ohio; Senator rnderwood. of Alabama, ami Mrs. Underwood, and one offering mnrkod simply "from .1 little Demo cratic boy from North Carolina." A monster basket of flowers came from the Democratic National Com mittee. Supreme Court dusflros Present The hla k gowns of the Supreme Court justices as Miry tiled to their places, led bv Chief Justice White, added n further somber note to tin ceremony. Across from Mm justices, the. incoming nnd outgoing sicretaries of the unvv, Mr. Dcnliv and Mr. Daniels, mt with Admiral Count., chief of naval operations, and tiny were joined later hv (ioneriil Pershing, whose uniform was the only touch of color along the front row of seats Ambassador .lusscrnnd, of I '1 mice, at with the others of tlm iliplninatu corps jut behind tlm space rrcmd for the bereaved family, and when the Sen ate, had entered Mm chamber nearly all the seats were tillcl with men hi dark clothing and with only the light ijp ses of a child hero and there si.ntcd mi her father's knee relieving the picture. Simple Service Held The simple services in the House began immediately after the sorrow -stricken fainilv was csioited t() jis place with those on the floor standing reverently. The Hev. .lames Sin a Montgomery, the now cliap'ain of the House, vepented old texts from the Ilible whhh bring lonso'ation. hut left to Mm Uev. Harry N Condon, chap lain emeritus, the prayer. A quartet standing at tlm clerk's dek sung "How Pirin n Foundiiti' n." nnd Mmn Hepre-cntative Mann, of Illi nois, chosen bv the Ilniise to spci; j. grief, began his dingy. Mr. Maun, long a personal friend of the fin in,"' speaker, plainlv snvveil the doei cni" tion under wiiicli he spoke. Hi re- lerreu to .ur. i nrK as --t in loving , , ... . .... . . 1 . father of the lions,, uinl the wise coun sellor of the country." Mis memory will remain as fluence oil the House and the try," saii r. Mann "Tho an in- i i.iiu- o who knew linn In si Inved hini b yet there an- ini'liniis win th st. and r saw his coiinteiiniii e, who uev,r In.ird his mngnetie voee. wh" mvii 111 time u' personal need received his i-miti-el tliey, too, loveil him." "A great legislator, a wonderful par liamentary debater, a iinii,,' partisan, but always n friend ami bilmvcr in the plnin, simple citien. Id as a plain simple man whose ideals leaihed to the skies." Senator Itoed, of Mismiri. who fol lowrsl Mr. Mann, -aid that ' he who sloops today bears w,th ln.n to the torn!) a legacy s() rare that oven envy is com pelled to pay the tribute of admira tion." "Ills long life " tin- senator said, "was devoted to till service of Hie pili- lie weal. Upon his lountrv's a'tar e placed tlm whole wealth nf his uum niflcent talents, tlm zeal of youth, tin energy of middle life. Mm wisdom of idd ngo. "The fires ,,f patriotic ..ve for hoiue nnd country cnn-iuncd l.is ti sou' Ilfi wi'l live hei l)ise is works vm 1 li lie lives be, 11 use Ue helpul hln-ny t" ive. Men who i lv" uei-i die. In ever-wideninig 1 in bo felt. his inllui'iue vw'l "lie wns th. best bi'luveil ,.f t..i r. cans. At the com !'isoii ,,f tue hrn f -mv' the casket wh. opeiid and for .1 v, mounting fi ; i passeil by ti, !.,.,(; m , ir 1 last on the fate fami'lar to eveii 10 11 woman or lild alec t the nations v npuoi. 1 in 11 it was trunsterri i to .1 spicml train 'uat will an it tn b 1r1.1l in Missiimi sol giaribil to t.n ImsI by an is t of f 11..W House n.i int. -1 and sen.itois 4,, i,m w jtm laid nil . REPORT, D'ANNUNZIO WED Aunt of Bride Receives News of Event at Erie Erie, Pa , Mmdi ,". -i.,ilu-ele , An runzin, poet, aviator and leader nf ihi mlUtnrv forces that . cupiul Piumi lifter the signing of the armistice lm -married I.ui-ii Itac ,mi, celehrati d Italian iianist. and is hv.ng .n liar done, in the nnrthi rn par' of Itiny, lie I cording to informal ion contained' in a ' letter ni'civid lure hv .Mire Italia Sagraniosa, aunt of the ,et', bride This Is the tilvl news of the where iibouts and marn.ige of d'Aniiunzn to j each Amer ea The marriage took place in Switzer land on Fehruarv .'I. afti r d'Annunzio had left Fiume il.e biiir re. eivi.l 1,( ie says, and was a private affair, only friends and witnesses being piesciit ' i n'Aniiiin.io h fifty -live. He wns still the husband of the I Indies (Jul ldise at the time of his leav'ng Plume Tho poet's bride s tvventv-uiiii She is the daugliter of Donna Carla and ' lieutenant Colonel Vilturm llaecarii.i ot" the Ilarsaglieri Sim is a native' of Vcce. and is celebrated through-j ojt 1-if. "!' as a pianist. According to the letters received here, il'Aliliunr.lo Is happflt 'iistalle I in a ' lirnnlifill villa losiled nu the n - tl J.lig'j ill liaidn in not hern ll,t.,v ' j-i'tw Women Hit Council for Veto Defeat ro",lnu"' trl"n '''"" "no li'irrs Mr-,,cvcl1"- 'It Is n matter of regret thnt ( ounclluifln Hurrh wit nhent from l'hiladelphiii. The imporlnnce of oery vote win so clearly shown thnt .Mr. Ilureh's absence, nnd his consequent In ability tn make effective tiny change from hi iinnoiinrod ,,ppnltion to the veto which he might have experienced, hnd he been present at the discussion, is tile more to he regretted. "The Illness of Councilman Horn l nlso matter of deepest regret as his nbsence deprived him of the opportunity of supporting the Independent group. Hnrhlinlz Kullrd When Tested "The vote of Councilman Ktichhol ugiiinst the veto Is credited with Mm ill feat of the veto. We regret thnt M Ituehholz lessened the strength of the independent group of councl'men in Mm City Council. "We regret Mm votes of Mm other counellmeii, Messrs. Cox, I'omnmr, (iiifftiey, Hull, MoCnnih. Ilotaell. l'riinkeiitield, Walter, l.imelmrncr, Montgomery, AVcglein and McKinlev. "Ilesolved, thst the foregoing ex pressions of regret rolled the opinion of this meeting of the central coun- I'fluianii' committee of Mm Women's League for (iood (liiverument (tlic first liireting held since too vote ngalnst the .Miimm s eiii) : "Iened, nlso. Mint cope of tlm fiuegning be vrnt to Jhe I'ouili'illiii'li concerned from this committee. "I'dltli llllznbeth KuIcn, elmlrman, " entrnl (.outieiliiuitiic Committee. "Anna lt'nkiston Day. iliiiirmnti, "Women's League for (looil l!ov eminent." 'ouneilniiiii Pevclin's nddress fid low s : "Tliis ndiulnlstnition lins one great ministration. I ani not qualll'md to spuik about that, but if there is any politus it is not uhed fnr )iaitisan pur fmses, but for defensive purposes only. Wrlgley Conviction CIlcil "Tliat wa one cause of the failure of the P.lanketihiitg administration. Mr. ltlankenhurg failed to face the facts. The conviction nf Magistrate Wrlgley for manslaughter would not have been possible under an administration that was a ami ready to give in to politi cal iiitliii noe.. You (an see the differ ence in tlic two departments in the ac tion of the coroner. "The district attornev ami the police worked in perfect accord iu this matter. Coroner Knight's action was typical of the conduct of an office that Is worse than useles-. Knight discharged Mag istrate Writ'ley with a halo around him. Tlm whole machinery of his ollii e was Usui to give him 11 clean slate. Women hnve one faculty, and that is of long memories, as every married man know,. It will stand in good stead In this case because I know the women will not forget the' coroner's act inn at the next election. Men are prone to for get thoj-o things, hut women never do." Pcvelin Commends league's Plan Mr. Dcvi'lin coininendcil a plan the league is 1 oiisidering. If calls for Mm ireation of eight coiincilinanic sub committee of the leacuo. These bodies, 01m In each district, would keep in touch with the (mined members In their respective districts, note their votes on all bills and keep the lengue informed of 1 the attitude of the eouticilmeii toward proposed legislation. Heforc Mr. Dcvelin spoke. Miss Pales, who presided, gave an outline nf thc eontest nver the Municipal Court tip prnpiiatioiis. "Senate Inlence" at U. of P. Scored CcnlliitiMl frnm l'nce One framed on tho thenrv which regard- the I I niversjtv as n iiarodnal school unh peculiar obligations to render public m rvice to the state. "The alumni theory, although cour- tiouslv t-eated in the Pepper report, is not disi use, in its iniMirtant de tails." Taken l'p In Detail Referring to the suggestion in tho Po pr report thnt would leave the col lege and the Wharton School free of state control the welfare (ominittie report continued: "It will he practically impossible to preserve these departments free to state iiitluiime while the rest of the organ ir.a ttoti is ri iv ing state aid. It is inn m festly impossible to remain half slave anil halt tree i surprised ox lanuitlnn nt welcome. Alumni virtually are unanimous) "You are now speaking to the lie in opposition to mnking tlm I'liiversitj i iiynmin of tlm Evkmm. Pi hi k a state institution. I I.h'm.hi who stalks the streets looking Allied with tlm desire t hove' for i iile to whom he may give 100 the I . of P kept in Its present status is u growing sentiment for n' powerful and aggressive head to push this policy through to a successful ion c U-Iim. tienernl I.ionnrd Wood is becoming a - s''i- mm innre persistent cam i- ilate for the linslt on nf nrovost nml ih-re is strong likelihood he will llgiue in discussion lo.lnj . W lirilhn (Irihbel. a prominent Phil ndolphia ii'utunus nnd m. mb-r of the general alumit. so, ieiy -, ,ieaking of the ii sti- uti'in - affairs, -aid: "The question of the election of n imvv provo-r and the adoption nf the F'llwrsitj policy ar" d isniy linked, sin. i- we . unnnt go to tlm mrin nf the ' i 'On r v i want and -,iv, 'Here we have no program or policy, but we want vmi tn take charge of us. nnvvvav.' sentiment for Wood "And mi the other hand, ve cannot airv .. it it stiong ami i.otiuf i,Mc. llllle m. hire the right kind f man nt the head of tlm I Diversity Ponn sv. Vim a lias had ton innnv dr. ,.,i r), treat inn I'oiiiie.ted with it. What it nre U i,n v is u strong and Hggrosiv. piriiialitv to back up words wit! ai turn "TI i- n verv decided wnl uncut among "i. aniuini lor innera W..,wl Tins i no rt due to the fact that il,..r Is :i lingi iimiv factor in the nlun.ni I do - lni ,.f us feel that Hi-ncral Wood's war I'M.nl. and especially lns fnculrv of ko.piiig his Month l.ut and lifting, -ion. in riiniiimeiiil linn for pusitinii of provost." tin PLANS FOR TREADWAY TRIAL Assistant District Attorney Exam Ines Witnesses in Pelrce Murder Plans it..vii forward tmlav fur th trial mi March l.'i nf Pitir Ii Trend wav. in . used of murdering Hem i T Peine, manufnclun rs' agent at jihi',1 Market street, Nnvi nib. r L'J nf ,,,( year t Assistant Instrnt Attornev trn is r '.umiuiil Mrs. Pence widow ,.( n,ei slam man: W T Peine l,i luoihii, I and Mrs Mvttle Ashfi.r.l. wl Iu. t-' an apartment hous- at I'ul.'j Walnut strict. It was nt the Walnut strict nddio-.-, that Tread wav is said t. have hw.l with Mane i "Moots i Kngns. whnal is under arrest. JohoiiIi A. .Mo. iN an ih. r dcfendniit. Tieadway . a.-iiiriling to pri-viit plans .. nl he trinl -j -piuatel). i .K VJENl2sT(iv PUBLIC - - ,' SOMEBODY WON $100 FOR HER AND SHE DOESN'T KNO W WHO Miss Keefe Is Patient in Hospital an d Simply Wouldn't Believe When Told of Her Luck Award Was Made by Votes of De La Salle Council of Knights of Columbus in Lansdotvne ?"'?' s "wnrd In tlic limpid llm'rlrli r?..'.('N.t. vV-s ,ni"10 ' - Nallc ,. .1 1 N.'. ?"" KnlKl'N of Columbus, a their clubhouse. II Ka.st llaltlmurc neiiue. 1,-imtlowne. Tho award lo hp nnnnuncoil on Mnn- K,s ,," "i-'Klo hy tho classes, of former memhers of dm A. U. V. studying under to auspices of Mm Federal Vocational U. limit streel. .Have yii a little appendicitis in jour home? If so, you mav win n prise in our limpid' Hm'rlek contest, lor it hn.s now been proved thnt nnythlng enn happen in (ho scramble for .?1(l() chocks. I. Veil the oflieo enf M-lilr.1. 1t,.no n hard-boiled eggs ami linn both oars caullllovvered from many battles, ns suies us xx ith a ad smile that ho thinks we really do wish to encourage strug gling poets. And he ought to know, bi-oause he once lived in Orcenwicn illage. N. V.. whom he saw how hard it is for rhymesters to keep Mm poaee ..111, .I,.!- 1 II... I.. 11L . I'opooatenotl. the feline volcimo. In case nioiiinros. ins name is we ever refer tn him again. cll. tins s the story that we hud to "ntiiral sympathy for an old nnd de tell to I'onnciitopotol when we returned I "H'" hnK-been gave vvnv to the rogulnr from interviewing todav's winner. She j disapproval of the litn'rick fan who is young, sue tins brown eyes and brown inlr and a lovely nlnk drossitiB irnvvii - and iippendicitis. Or rather, she had it up until about throe weeks ago. when hrr appendix went where nil the bad appendixes or appendices go. Tomorrow, if nothing unexpected happens. Mist, T.nulse Keefe, nf Hnln, leaves tier room at Jefferson Hospital minus ber npiiendix nnd plus $100. It's II . IllllLn el.,r, l,n..r,,L.. V... .1....U,, I i .-. ..i...... ,.i... ,, niii'tt mi i 1 1 1 1 t about "how -mm1' she wins the money than she does about UU1IL llll " Mill'" the operation we hav re hinted nt. 1'or. while she likes to write, nnd was I oven t.iktng up the study of scenario !,!...- Ii.if.in ului n,,,n I., lit., Itr.kt.ltn1 "tlllll, I" I'M'" -,U ,1,111.- It, .tit" IK -1 , I., . j she hadn't been sending in nuy lim- erichs. ner moiucr. .virs. v unries in- . Keefe, bad been doing it right along. nnd she hadn't been s much ns making an impression, she fears. Hut some- body who knows Miss Keofe's ainbl - tlons. her longings and her possible weakness for such modest devotion that snmchmlv sent ill a limerick in her name Evidently it is some ono who would rather see 1 nuio Keefu linppy than find SIOO in his own pocket. Anyhow, whether he'd rather or not, she gets the SIOO and lm gets tlm well, what ever pleasure there may be In such anony mity . (Just here Popocatepetl cy ideally yawns and remarks thnt the poor sap will probably loutrive tn lot tlm cat out of the iiu' before tlm first posf I.enten dance What Popocatepetl doesn't know about the ways of so ciety '. I Didn't Ilollcvo She'd W'm Miss Keefe. of .oiirse. didn't believe she had won any 5100 when we ca'lod her up. Her voice was as smooth as cold cr'im and as cool as cra'ked ice when told she bad won. llnld -headed, aged and obtuse as we are. wo sort of L-ntliorcd that snmchmlv had been twit ting her nncnt her desire to write, ask ing her if iippendicitis wasn't enough to suffer with. etc. Hence we tried patiently, then (irmly . then frantically ti, iirc.e In tier that she was a very lucky person, even though in a bos- pital. At Inst her voice indicated that she was willing to he convinced that she wn worth S100 more than she thought she was. So, in that dignified manner that has made- tlm l.im't'mk lTditor an nhjei t of veneration and pity lo traffic cops nil up and down Chestnut street, we hobbled forth with tin lim'ricl; cou pon in our empty pocket book, mcom pnmoil by the gentlemanly photog rapher We found Miss Keofe's mother there. who had thought that we were friends j about to play a joke on Miss I.nuie. "W 'ife plv- i were never more serious m our was nur gentle. liniil-lieaieI re- to her nrciied eyebrow and rather Ink The camera was leveled and eom iiiiuids vv re issued as to pose nml light. So what could a poor gill do? Sic II simply have to belli vo she's wo'i. icci pt the .100 with as gum gince as i nssible and cunvnles,,. at leisuie. Miss Keefe v.iis edufatcd at Mi-s Hnll. v's pnvati school. She lus wrlt rei free verse ntul had it s. nt liack. i I "v in as you and 1'. She reads vvi ' it sounds like tell ng, bit Popo . tm ," t' levils a scornful gaze on u. so tin- truth must out. She rends nmgii ri'n - with creiim-iuiff tiil.s and pink ni I purple covers, featilling ladies mi . ill. ho-e nml a mood for roiuaiee Audi to tlirk thnt one can lie in bed in a r ..ii full nf orchids and roses doing i tl islv while kind friends who desire' to n main anony minis huml.lv write Ir .in I. lines that bring in huudrul do 'nr . hocks'. ' We gn.e at our notes, we re. all n-arlv the orchids and the brown hair aid ive-, even tin' healthy older for b.n.l i that she gave to tin inirw ji 1 before we left popm aepi tl. you win The Knights oi i olu'iihu- verun t coiiainiv iniuirunu i' , In. i I' i ,ri ei.vv ieh Village I to of "Anv thing i an happen Lliu'rirU Night for Knights was a regular liiupiii' hrn'ru k It last niglit f"i the knights. It was i llllg nf 1'" I'" Sllle Council in i..vv in- nod a iiumbi r of other cuiin - I... ns hnd been invited We went out I Hole with Warden McKent) of tin I .a nin 1'. nit' ntinry . iu a beautiful 1 in, ti-mobile sent bv l.eclilier .Inhii (!er- ,,uli. and we n minded the warden t lilt r the In-t time we rode with bun was 1 i, .1 v years ago wiim in wimui a w mien "ml vv wei.-n't a inii'ri.k ed i. i That riib- wasn't mi an nutoino I illier. We told Ini.i it was In a ni-i-il wagon and he iniupud the srai I Il-V t tin- exit In see that we didn't get out And we told hint ilsn t lui if lm i ' uhl see the letli rs vv i gel Imic ac i ing us of ull soru nf things In ! wouldn't linve let Us stav nulside the I walls nf the pen. He'd have had us hrmiglit in aim hi-pi inere nun son. thing n ir cni i. -puiidcnt- agiee on -.v. n if tin v can't agree on the brt last lim s We n-ally had a wonderful time at that meeting of tin-knights. Tl... speech that tin- warden made w.i-, one of those human iiiieri-hi tilings that you never "jfi.rijoi, nrul linn we had tin- ride hm k noun' vvnu nun. miring wuuii we t ji I K I of old-tinmrK in politics and li.iiiniilisui folks who nr.- dead and almost fnr- i-oifi'ii uo.v, jinl as i ouiiit-Ivcs will "fl -! )r. .i.vh i',i i'iit LEaEI-lLApELHrA iV'tob&AX lkfedH 5i 1921 " L . f One Hundred Dollars Daily For the Dcst Last Line Supplied by Any Reader of the Evening Public Ledger to the Incomplete Limerick Which Appears Below RULES OF THE LIMERICK CONTEST 1. Contut is open to any one. All thnt li required for you to do l'to writ nnd Mud In your lait llnni to tin LlmerlcVr. u nc for oonventfnco the eouron rrlntrd nalow. PlcnM vvrlto plainly, nnd b iur to ftdd your mnw and addreim. -All nnswfrs to tho Umorlck vvhlrh Is printed belovvmuBt le received at ttis ortlce of the Kvkmxo I'Cdlio Li nor a ,y II o'rlnck Mundav evening. Address THK WIXNISIt OV TODAY'S CONTEST WILL BE ANNOUNCED ONE WEEK 1'UOM TODAV Cut Out and Mail EVEOTKO PtlJlLIO T.KIIflER, i TO THE LIMERICK CONTEST P. O. llox liti, PMlaMphin. LIMERICK NO. 72 A soldier from France named O'Kcefe Dined out and they gave him corned beef. "Next time T go there," Said he, "I declare luuiniir nnx numndr Riven on coupon (Write your answer on this line.) Name , i Street and Ko. City and State ho in a few more weokn if tills contest IBWUKW- - tneir own- two of em, in fact Thov hnd tnn lim-einbu - .i i '.".... ,1 ".V.. i indue tlieni. niirl ivlmr, .'... l'.i I decision we could feel thnt eve., (I,. miesn t agree with our opinions. i.i ... nl "ln "" I'l-ios wore 1 hilip .1. ( ulhatm. of I.ansdowtm. and II. Heir, of Colllngdule. The result of the balloting bv the knights showed that the winning lim nek wns signed hv MISS LOl'ISK KEEKi: Riila, r.i. Tllrt liinapUh u..l....t..-t ,. , . - "' I'l HUT lUIIllL' , .-no- us i.niows: I ,,.. s . ,,'.'" Hi'".1 ' '" "linker, tntd Hill, ' "',.", ' !"," " ""tK r a mill I'd miiihtu snon ur Thnt it ihdn't suit re mr , "College bred four ucarx' lanf- I knead skill." nrt t, y , 1 OOCICCO JulCIlS i rt.- rr , Oil)' U lllOClVrCUlled ' nnflimeil from Pane One cense is desired with description of lo cation hy adjoining owners or other wise? l'mirth. Applicant',, birthplace if n native .' rifth. If naturalized, when nnd where.' iiMn. .Mime of the owner of tlm premises? Seventh. Number of other places con- ,,., . t . ., , ,'... - ...,,- .Inteil by the applleant and location r" i.J x- I'.ighti. Nnino nud address of each S,.unhJl,i"",l:,, if th.1' ni'l'll'-ntloii. U ", ,. ,;',,'" ,,' ,'"",, ""viuuaiM iuis;nnii ninl.e the time pass more ......... ....., ,,,, neniiimiurcij ; Ninth. The petition must bo sworn to. Tenth. Tlm application shull contain the names of twelve qualified electors certifying their acquaintance with the petitioner for two yvais. Eleventh. One f these signers must make nthilavit to the truth of such al legations. Twelfth. If the store is sold a new petition must be gotten nut and a trans fer made by the clerk of the courts Thirteenth. The application must then again lie advertised and n fresh license fee paid. Whero tho Joker Lies Tho trick, catch or Inker l tliiu nm.i I remarkable piece of lecislntin.. lies in the fo owing provision which makes it possible for any one citizen, or more than one. tn drive any cignr dealer nr manufacturer out of business hv mere application tn murt : Fourteenth "If imy.rltizon is ag grieved by tlm issuing of such lhonses the same may he revoked hv the court oi qunitcr -csMns upon petition and 110 other li. eiise shall be Issued to sncl. I persons f. a period of two years. AllV l(l.t.in ..llint. fit. t.t n Fifteenth licensed (inner who sells tobacco with out a licens,. shall ho fined $100 (,r sent to prison for not less than three months and not more than six. There is no anti-tobacco longue or similar organization demanding Its passage. Jt i, ,. hover's hill. Senator August P. I)fti. of Phila delphia, proposes t., fight this meiisuic iu the Senate, if it ever gets there. ,. t.. -- 4--..-...1 ....... itii, ,1 ,, It s pirfectlr ridiculous." said tin senator, to pay an lt ompel every 'cigar dealer idditionnl nnd outrageous tax in addition to those he already iiavs. In- eluding mercantile, real estate, in come, state and federal tax." I do nor think that Senator Unix in ed rise to any supreme heights of ilToit tn take the hide off this very tinnsparent uunsiire. It will lever get on the House cal endar. I .isije.l the chairman of tiic ways and means coiumilteo today. "Whin shape is the Knntner tobacco lull in 'It's in a hell of a shape." was the uply. MINGO WITNESS SWEARS ! SLEUTHS HAD SHORT GUNS! ... ., Woman Testifies to Threat Made by Felts to "Get" Hatfield Williams,,,,. VV v.... Marti, .". ,11. a i . , V ii . ,.;;. i . . ' . A. I I hat Maldwin-1-clts deteiiivisl inrno, s hnrt guns nt then- s,,cs whin tluv left the hotel lirepinatnry In i- ii. nil; .-.. tie,, nu ia.s .nil. ,),. unci having evn ted striking miners' famriies fnuii Stum Mnlilitain Cnnl Cn. hniises, was icstiticil m Circuit Court here to- , i i... . si... in ... . dav Miss Lliabeth Miirgrnff. sister uf on,- of tin seventeen defendaiils being I tiled in i ollliecllnll with tin- death nf A, belt C. Pells. Iciidci- nl the evicting pnrtv i .htc.liv Id ih-- juiy she saw the pi hale - . nine into u hi, lei vv here she was i inpli.vi-il Ian- in tlm aflernuon of -tin cm. i inns She testified they vver" carrying i Mies While taking down thiir guns, wiiiicss said, she heard ' Felt-, -i.v In several nf his men that he I wa- "gning lii j;et I hit f of Police Sul llailiehl, Miuni- Tisteniulii nnd Mlanl, iliship" betoie he left town, "lllld Otlll is if till) lllterl'ell'll." Win n the dilictivcs left the linlcl, Mi-s Miirgrnff said, limy carried their lilies Iu packages, but had "shoitguus" lit tlielr Miles tin cioss-cMiininatinii, witness testi fied she did tint tell 1 1 it i field, Tesiei nu, a mid MUnki iisi,ip ahniit what she t'dd the jtir. she had overheard liecause she "did not have lime," and "because she "didn't think Pelts vvniihl do it." Mbinkciiship was sheriff of Mingo . i. iinlv when the si reel light occurred during which Felts, six mouthers of his party. Mayor Testernian and two other icM(lc-utf of Matcwaa met dculu. ?.' : ,i ,,-'' 7)i-"Sy-1 ri" 'jf Answers .Uft at tho oftlo? Ktr.MMo Pi'ULio LtiKmn will tit tti also b Rdmirsiiiie, 8. Tho .winner of the ONB HUNDRED DOt.LAU nrtio for tho bent lart line to each Limerick will be announced on week after the Lttnerlck In printed. 4 In case of tls, IOn will bs awarded to each successful contestant. , . S. Tho decision of ths June In eaon l.Imrlcl( contest will t nnal. ,, irvacvta(Jl)taSSVCAat) i The other linos on the ballots wore; -Si V-TSRri.' ffiSUS ' nmo -i it """" u 'Nortl UnncocU street. No. -. To hallo criirhrrs lintl (llOl , ''''S17. ("racl(.a) till. (Jcorge Kowler. I WHO North Hutchinson street No. It. Hunger strikes, always jield 'to my bkIII John W. Lynch, Hiest- 0 nut iuuro, Ulassboro, :s, J, -so. i). in a piruio I'll be 11 poor dill. -Emily M. Wriglit, IS North St. Uernard street. No. (1. I was "bread" only one "roll" to fill Edgar Jones, OKI West Lemon street, Lancaster. t. -"No. 7. My "dough's" "rolled" In my own domlcllo. U. T Linden nvemie ff iit1,ln,t Wilson, 1 i s.-.. u .,.- " ' "Intend Stone, . ":..-' ,, IMHIUI I dough" to fill. Florence i "l.'l Chestnut street. 1 No. !. I can't "roll" "dough" through my skill. II. my ow ii Laura C. i MUiniitt. 1H1M I'age street. No. 10. It's fhe rtirranls flint i "rals-n" my hilt. -Harry Ilarne.s. .'Uk'lo North Fifth afreet. Wrigley, in Cell, Sleeps "Like a Log" onllmiril from Pace due by bedtime was sufficiently composed to go to sleep rendily and sleep well. The magistrate will gut no "favors" at Moyamenslng, and will have to learn to endure mnny minor hardships. One of the hardest things he will have to give up h smoking. He has indulged a fondness fur tobacco fnr years, and one of his Inst acts as a" free man ( ..u-, u, uimih iiwuy ine nig cigar wuien 'he had smoked on his wav to the prison .with his guards. i The umii iu Mojatnensing have no useful occupations to divert Urn!, minds was to tnrovv away tho big clgnr whir ri. nl. Hi i lie ceiis are poorer than in the East ern Penitentiary , and the conveniences nnd small comforts which make life more bearable for the prisoners are fewer. The county prison has none of the "ozy" cells which make conditions al most homelike for some of the "star unuiuure in me i.astern l'enitenttsy . The Magistrate's dally breakfast vvli do nreau nun oolfce, with some slewed fruit added at tills llr another nmnl. For djiiner ench day he will hnve "slum," or a btevv composed of meat and vegetables. As a great treat, on Sundays ho will enjoy a slice of roast beef. Supper is a sketchy meal, with tea tlm main portion. For the rest lm has a cot and blankets. The prison is kept warm. s IC j, not jikcly to suffer from the cold. The magistrate. n common with other prisoners, will be permit ted to receive visitors every day of the week except Saturday, Sunday anil holidays. HOSPITALS HERE BENEFIT BY MARY E. ENGLISH WILL Estate Worth $200,000, With St. Luke's and Hahnemann Sharing Several Philadelphia Hnsnitals arc beneficiaries under the will of Mary K. Iiigllsli, who lived at tho Coronndo, Twenty -second nml Ch stnut streets. She left an estate valued at .'(10,1100. Tlm will was nmoiig others tiled for probate witli tlm register of wills today. After devising slated amount to n brother nnd several id s, th,. HngHsii will gives S10, ODD oulrialu to Hiihne- i"",'1". M1,'I'1 i''',1 ("U"S;- ""ll $-"00) to St. 'lll!' " I(.,-I,,"'- fi"' sum of sVV,,000 it- join.-,, to iiui-i, nu- use ui I 111 meill- I cal college "when new buildings are . constructed nnd for equipping the I phvslcs and chemistry laboratories." One-half of the neslduc is m l(, devoted , to maintenance of the physics nnd l i hdiiistiy laboratories, and the loniain i mg one-half is devised to establish si holinshlps at Hahnemann and the 1 niver ,llj of Pennsylvania I A number nf organizations will benefit uinli r tlm will of (ieorge Spelse, Jr., inij i. icon street, nc ..ft mi estate vviuil, SIMI.OOO. After making bequests t several rel ntivis, ih,- will of Mi Spli-se gives -."ilMMl to the First Itet.irmed Church, l-'iflcciith and I.oeiist .ti m u. The rcsj. due is i.laciil In trust for the benefit of I William It. Wiley. After the death of this ln-nelielnry . the imcuiuulated res. , due goes tn Ilethany Mi plums' Home I ! V.V!'!,,m 'l1' l"' ; .J" 'h-jstopher's uns piiai. .viasnnie lliuin-, ,, ...,.,., u,,,,!, Hnsptml ,;(.,1(.f Ass,.atiun d H, f,,n,,.,l r-l,,,r,i, llouie for Mercantile First He- - - - An estate of jSL'.'O.nOO lb v lile.l he. rween the widow ami five children of the late M. P. How let! who lived at I'.UIS North Itroad street Other wills fih.l are: Catherine II. Spahlim, -1L'7 West Cheltcn avenue, If'j:, Ono ; Frntmls W Hnuse, dr., 511)0 Chestnut stioet, S1I.V1O: Christine PfeitTer I'll-I North Mroad htrert, S17.000; William M. Morrison. "I l.'l Hidge avniie. Sl.'t.OOO, and P. Humphreys, llnz.l avenue near Fmt) ninth sired, .-."T."!! Inveniorles were also nlod U those estiites: llernard Who, Is, STilo".!);; ; l.enrge W Prestnn. .VI 1 I ll I. ".": ; Tlivtl -" huh P. Wright. sn.'J.V. :m- Amanda !'. Iiehr SO." II .'t.'l : Setrng II Seliginn, S71 lsi 70. and Anna T Knchersperger, S71...07.HI. Letters of adniiiiiMrntlon weic granted in the estate of Anna I). P. Harris. The estate k valued at about !s'J".(Hi0 ll. I.opcr Maiid, foinmr appraiser nf the prut, left an esinte valued at i?l 10, lil. His wife Kliiaheth Maiid, whose deatli oo lined ten hours aft..,' thai of her hiisbaiid. left pern, mil propertv woith SSs.dll. SERVICE MEN TO DINE The .'I llth Machine (inn lliittallnn. n unit nf the Tilth Division, will hold a minion and banquet at the Hotel Ilau ucr this tvcnlii;. ,JyfV:t ' tji r.','i,- W Man U803 His Revolver When Crowd Rushes at Him Ono Bullot Finds Mark VICTIM IS HOSPITAL Joseph Smiley. '-'.'08 North MnrRhnll street, n C'rnmp's shipyard worker, fired Into n crowd which attacked him near hit home nf 7:,10 o'clock this morning nnd wounded .Tunics (Jolden, twenty-eight years old, of 2020 l'ast Albert street. Smiley was nrrested hy pollen of the Fourth nnd York streets station, who catno in answer to a riot call., and (Jolden was sent to the St. Mnry'a Hm. pital. There the surgoon.s found that It- had n bullet in hla Moniach. Ills condition Is said to be serious. Smiley told tho pollen he hnd been warned Fcvcral times to lenvn the Crnmp yard where thero Ih n strike In prog ress. Tho polico believe tho crowd which attneked him was composed of strike Hyinpnthizcrti. Smiley told tho polico "after his ar rest thnt he hnd left his homo to walk to Lehigh avenue, whom he usunlly tonic a car for work. At Marshall nnd Huntingdon streeta, he Bald, ho saw about thirty-Urn or forty men In two groups standing on opposite street cor ners. As ho noaretl, he snid. two men np proaehod him. The) begun an alter cation with him and one struck him iu tlic chest. At thai, acenrding fo neighbors who saw tho light, Smiley hacked up against n telegraph polo and drew n revolver, Tlie men on tlm street corners rushed toward him and lm fired two shots. One wont wild, the other struck fioldon. At the shots the crowd fled. Neigh bors telephoned for the polico and a detail was rushed from Fourth and York streets. When they arrived all had dis appeared wive (Jolden and Smiley. (Jolden was on tlm pavement, blooding. The patrolmen hurried him to tlm hos pital then too); Smiley to City Hnll. Real Democracy to Be Harding's Ideal (nallniiril from I'nite One for the ambassadorship to Paris. A lit- I lie while ago it was said on good au thority here that Mr. llerrick wanted and would got his old post. Hut there I Is n revival of the talk of Peishlng furl Paris. llerrick seems to be the nm.sl likely choice. If he desires Paris he Is likely' to hnve it for tlm sending of Pershing abroad there is tlm Wood parallel. The President plans to appoint (ieneral Leonard Wood as gnvertinr general of the Philippines to get him out of tlm countr). This docs not cud the arm) lontrovers). The way to cud it is to get Pershing also out of tlm country. And tlm President nt once can pay a compliment to the French and give Siorrtnry Weeks u clour field iu the at my by sending Pershing to Paris. Too ICarly for Policies With regard tn finnouiiceuionts of policy it, Is too soon to expect them. The conference with Lodge ami Mondell this iiinming is symptomatic. Mr. Hard ing inclines to confoionoe. 'I here will a continuous stream of be-t minds into the White House, Lodge and .Mondell are a mere curtain raiser. A big con ference is scheduled soon. Cabinet mem bers, i-ungressliinal nuiMcn, party liader.s. This will have to do with dn- "ssCstio policies. A conference with Fur- ope is somewnore in tlm near future. A loiitiotis mnn like Mr. Harding confers first and announces nfterward, or perhaps) doesn't nntiuunco nt all. So it is liiucli too early to expeil utinounoo nirnts of nolle) . The thing begins, people trampling happily over lawns, the press ns numer ous as an army trooping to the White House, speeches being made tliat loucli Main street is the I'. S. Mr. Wilson lidn't know it. Hut Mr. Harding docs. - NEW CABINET HEADS SWORN IN AT CAPITAL Washington, March 5. While nrnin hers of the new i-ahitut were being sworn in today. President Harding was giving consideration to the selection of tlm assistant secretaries and other of ficials to serve in those departments. Several nominations vvete expected later In tlm day . Charles Lvans Hughes, ..f Vow York, heenme si-creta'')- of stale at il:5!l a. in. lie wns nworn in tit the State Depart ment hy Associate Justice Dny, of tlm Supreme Court. The brief ceremony wns performed in the presence of Maitilu idgo Colby, the lotiring sccietnry : Fnder-S.'i rotary Davis, Henry P. Fletcher, win. prnha blv will be named under-secretary ; other oflicmN of the dipnitmcnt and a few hpeolnlly invited ginsts, Including Mrs. llughob and Iur -mi. Chuiles F., .Ir Mr Colliy's last otlh-ial act was to countersign the warrant of nllhe nf Mr. Hughes, and the new secietary's first nfficlal act was tn counteislgn the com missions nf the olher fiibinet ollicers. ' Secretnry Hnglios received the con gratnlations of Mr. Colin and ixpn-ssed tho hope that ho could cell upon tlm retiring soer'tiry for his advice ami counsel. After tlm ndininisiraiion of the onth the iu, inning and retiring sic SHOT IN AHACK ON CRIP WORKER the heait iiiid Hatter the mind of tlie sural stenographers will be Ml i' "tired business man." m-llu .Matlern, nf Frankfort Kv- 'b" Mr-. Harding is having n good time has been iu his Senate office foe se,' and is as much at taso iu the foreground ctnl jenrs, nnd Mlss Pvn li i'i.i ns if this were Marion. Lvei.vbod) is' Pnrkerslnirg. W. Va., fornier'lv I . tl conferring, ever.vbodv is made to feel ollloe nf Senator Flkins P.otb lm ' that ho is having a hand in it. Some- boon employ (., Hnrdlnc honil.. ..... body whispers "Main street." Well, let's si.,,,, the on,,,,,,, ... iL (nd,lmi ' The Engagement Ring To tho diamond hos been attributed the virtue of maintaining concord between husband nnd xife; and for this reason it is regarded ns tho most appropriate emblem of plighted troth; although any precious stone maj) be used. J. E. Caldwell & Chestnut and Juniper f "',u. ' Student Activities at U. of P. Today l p. m. Meeting nnd exhibition of gymnasium lenders, Welghtninn Hall. ":H0 p. m. Faculty lecture, Pr. Henry It. M. Landlc "Sonio Im portant Fhnscs of Public Health," Houston Hall. 7:15 p. ni. Ilnskotbn'l game, Williamson Trades School vs. I'enti Freshmen, Welghfmnn Hnll. 8:15 p. in. Hnsketbnll game, Pent) vs. Yale, Intercollegiate League, Wclghtmnn Hnll, retnrles withdrew Info nn Inner ollloe, whom they chatted Informally. Mr, Hughes then was Introduced to different officers of the department. Weeks AsMimes Dulles Ten minutes after Mr. Hughes .look oath of ottlce. former Honntor John Weeks, of .MnssnchusettM, wns sworn In as secretary of war, tho oath being ad ministered by Asslstnnt .Tustlco Me- Koynolds, of the Supreme Court. The ceremony took plaen In the secretary of war a omee. on tim same corridor with that In which Mr. Hughes was in stalled. Those attending the ceremony were Secretary Maker, (Jcnernl Pershing, Major (Joncrnl March, chief of staff. and other memhers of the general staff ami cmeis oi tnc departmental bureaus. Secretary Kail in Hamcst Former Senator Fall, of New Mex ico, tho new secretary of the interior, wns the third of the cabinet ollirers to be sworn In during the day. Tlm onth wns administered to him nt the In terior Department at 10:2."5 u. in. hy W. II. Acker, nsslstant chief clerk, in the presence of tho retiring secretary, John Hnrton Pa) no, and othclnls of the department. Mofore inking tho oath, Mr. Fall delivered n short address to the bureau chiefs, expressing the pleasure he had in joining them in "tlm groat work here," Secretar) Pall announced the follow ing nppulninionfs: Charles H. Safford, of Now Mexico, former secretary' of tho Senate com mittee on the Pacific Islands nnd Porto Hieo. to lie the secretar) 'a assistant. Charles W. Nestler. nf Ohio, in .-mi. tinue as assistant to the secretary, nnd Isidore Shaffer, of Uoston, to be private bccreiary. D.nls Takes Onlll James ,1. Davis. f I'ltlslmrgli, was ewniii In as secretary of labor nt 1 1 ii m., tlie oath being administered hv Samuel (Jumpers. Jr., chief clerk, iii V.'i. V,I,, f '' retiring secietarv, W Illiaiu li. Wilson, and ollliers in the department tM f0. jvt,.,i quests. I liu only thing I want to sny f,)r the present." Mr. Davis sni.l iiiinmdl atel) after taking the onth. "is that I Intend In administer this, 0llcc for the pood nf all tlm people." On his arrival nt the department Mr. .riKiX!",siKm',,,i1 b-v ('""m. ().. and I hilailelphlans nf the Lo.vnl Order of Moos,.. nf uhj,.,, ,,c w tle or, , mid bend. tiJi'Ti x,;r,",('',t '," ,l" l'"uigiiration I .elude, Mrs. Davis. Scat,,,- Knox, of cruis.v vania: .Maynr mid Mrs. H V I.ahiock. of Pittsburgh; Alexander p. Moore and Mrs. Moor., and .1. Jack M-jolir. head of the Moose society In A( tlio intim flts !. i i ... ,".V ' ,'. ' .'L " " ""'' "'IS V " ,'V""r" ' iiotiiilng, of Smi icgo. Cnlif.. ,k the onth of office as assistant secretin-) of labor. Four Members Itotiialit IIo.il') C. Wallace. f Iowa, was the .-.... nu,,,,-, nun-cr lo take the ,,(!,. U was administered at tlm. Depart mci't of Agriculture at 11:17 n n, 1 v HoberiM. Heese. chief clerk of tin ,!'- partinent , ,1,,, r . lf , Idofs and invited guests II( , rr.' i"Ats",'!:,.,"''J- ':'l'" T. Meredith Mi. inline,, said lie did not intend ',,""1,-,1",y liiim ate chag,.s he oreonnel f ,,. department, ,.,... 'K i" I'ope that K. D. M, asJls ant Ms-re ,-). wnull, ,rlm ' -t ine ntimr four niemlvers i( the I'flll- . nu,- in ne sworn iu uriiig the I' tarv'- r""J W,,po U,,,l",r' -seer- "f !';"",ll"r''" F'l in Denbv si(ieiar) of tlm nnvv Win n tr '. IIINl.llll.lilH - . - ' ,I.V ,-.....,,. . Kciierni, nml iinrrv Dauglmit), atturiie.v general. M. ... me reorgaiilalinu of the White ...us,i muii l-l-CS l out llne.lio . PflMRIMtT CTADTC- mirm,,,., -...-iu vjinuio VVCCUINU I Deputy Tax Collector. Who ,.., Is Ordered to Reslan '". John 1'. Cody, deputy received nf fixes in charge of liratid, No. S Holmeshurg. has been ordered to resign effective . at-h lo. . Heceiver o taxes Ixendriek. Cody is a follower of Peter H. Cos- i "Vie.1" r""!' -"''ny rop,rsent,sl he Mf I, d.sti- et in Congress. Costello after Mayor Moore's inauguration j s ',..,. ."l" 'oin ine arc enmn siinlfied'iXH:,l'V:b',s disTl'ssal signified the "combine" or,.ni....... is preparing for the f,R of"ifH ,.,.',' career next September and that it plans tn wml nut possible foes from " S county nthecs. Mra. Palmlna Mammtrella .virs. minima .Mammarclln fiftv- tluee years old. of S12 Komi Ninth street de.l yesterday nt her hmne after a brief illness. Her husband. Anlo, , diisl six months nKn. Mr(,. Mam- otiii.-.o, in sin viveil in ller Setti-inbre Mnmnuuclln." ..i......... : . i , . son, Dr. Bury Gas Victims Today Tlie funeral uf (Jenrge Thompson and his wife, who vyere found dead In the bedroom of their home ,,t .", Summit plaeo finrrett Hill. Wednesday "" take place todav. They w, 1, m " in Arlington Cemetery. Tlmv were killed hy coal gas from a heater. Co. . . ..,n,, w, f(lll. PROVINCIAL Cl IN PANAMA TJK Costa Rican Invaders Capt Bocas Del Toro After, Hard Fighting 150 PRISONERS ARE SEI2 Ry tlie Associated IVcm Snn Juan Del Kur, Nicaragua V ;-,. Hoons Del Toro. cnplial 'o'i I'nnnman province of the t. nnd ulttinled nt tho southern. J, Columbus Island, off tho wt eoa I'nnnmn.hns been taken byCosun forces. l Many casualties were Inflicted tho I'anninan troopu, and the c, Hlenni took lfiO prisoners. It ), , , reports reaching here. C,cncral olio is marching fom San J0,e , 2000 men to thn vicinity of Coto tlm rnoifle end of the frontier bet Costn Jllcn nml I'nnnmu. .Sn" Jow. fntn nica. Mnreh , (Hy A. IM-IteporU of flKl,fJ , tho I'annninn frontier, and th. nounccment of tho death nf rvt Ohregon at Coto have moused $ pic of Costn Hion. and largo nim of men nro yo untoorlng for SCrrl?f the nrmy. It is Rn, hpro that ('oi Ohregon'M small delnchniont nt was overwhelmed by a force- of I'nnnmnns. l J There Is some disposition to .r ..ponslbilty for the present fufv on the I nltod Kfntes GnvernH being declared that no prr,,Vr. brought to hoar upon 1'annma to cure that country's nent tn frontier arbitration award k., down in 101 1 by Chief Justice Tl 1'ananm, March 5. fltv n Costa Itlcnn forces have ' croM ' ranamn frontier and have overrun northeastern Kectiou of the province Hoons Del Toro. After crossing tho Saxola rtvrr wl forms tho boundnry between t'npt'a II and Panama, the Costa Means runt,, the town of (iiinbltn and ailvan southward, 'reaching Almirante. twt miles from tlm frontier. jcterilnv afi noon. I'norganl7.od I'annninn force Almirnuto evacuated the (own and treated without opposition. A bridge aeros thn Sixoln t owned by the Cnlted I-'rult Co. basl hlovyn up, it la prenrtod. Xntlnnal defense ine.iMirek nn, final reading in tlm Nntinnnl .!seii yostordny afternoon, and will bec laws upon approval by President 1 niK. They authorize the oxpeiKlitur, ?10p,000 for nfniB, tho forma fon ( natlotinl army of whatever htrrngth rresidont doclde.s. and the flotatior n ?r,(MI,(H)ll Internal loan for ten ",! nt 7 cr cent. HARDING AND HUGH CONFER ON PANAH Washington, March ri. fljy , p Hostllitie.s between I'anninn 'ami C Ilica was the first subject to occupv attention today of the new adniitilit tion. President Ilnrding had a lone ferenco with his new seeretarv nf sf (hiirloH Kvans Hughes, regarding situation, and they called in John Wi'okh. the new secretary of war, -had with him the latest dispatches to tho conflict between the Cca American republic;). Ilofore cnllins on tho President, Hughes dl-cussed the subject at s length witli rnder-Hecretarv Davi the Stnte Department. Henrr Pletcher, who is to bo the now n'n, secretary, was present nt this c foronee, hut did not accompany his c lo the White House, When Mr. Hughes left the W House ho snid there was nothing ti given out; that he had discussed a tn ber of subjects with the President. New Yorli, Marob fi. (Vnior has boon established on all table a sages to and from Costa ltica llolivia, the All-Ainertean Cables I aniiouticed todny. All mesngos may in "plain language or the code niiibi Indicated diplomatic mesaEes opted," the announcement said. UKAI. i:STATK FOR H M.K FR.XWyIIH I BUYINFRANKFORD g 4718 I.AIIOB ST. K A wonderful homo for a smiill fm h Hv. It linn distinction In .lenlen an.1 y tonstrucllon. It Is cuulrefil for con g vt-nlence: 10700, & 1001 AnrtriTT sr. g A little home with rcM charm Thli M N nieilcrn and fatej Northwoo.1 rark a 7Mio. I SCHWEITZER p 4113 I-'ranl.fonl ave rkd. I8H iiixiiaii:iiiiiiiiniiHiii;ii;i:iii:iiiiii;nii;niiiiMiiiiiiiriii;iHicMm;' "J.." ''NNWM-VANM HI lifltlUV .rniiiiituii:n;i;:iiuhu.fnit!iiiii:iJuririuinnuiim:ii;inii;iJhnji!iK:J!iun!.rajL7!:fiiTa'- I'OM.INODAI.n I Jvrro nu. . o hom liavlnd H roomm uieto-ilau- In ev-r! way. about acie of ground, rr'o reduccil from 1 111,000 to J12.000 cuarunteo tlnnnrn to suit, corner 0' Parker live nnd C'lilllncdale JU phone tnirhy u.vi l'L'HDV, the I'ro vlder, No. 1 Chester I'lke, Uurbv. fiinmitiiTuinntiEniimiHiiiiiiiiiiiimiijTiiinimnrriiiiTuiimniiiuiiimiimrHiuninsie t'i")l.l,lNilAl.i: llulliler imut "1 rriiur.lleiiH of roat. 3-tory atom houi. 0 rooms, reduced from MO.OO' tu HB,1il onl tvvn left will flnHnc aKrnt on nrf-mlHea. butwonn aaa -1 .. ciorli mr Hun.lay. 200 hlock Cllftoi mr Hell plion. Darhy "-'n I'fiinv the. inovliler, No, 1 C hest1 Ik- liih Kllllillll an; itHvi. ivstati: isnt iti:r. (.KltMANTmVN iiniiiiii!iiiiii!i;iii:i'ii!iiiiiiii;ii,iii!iiiiiiiii!iiiiiii!iii!iiiii:;ii!!iit!iiiiiii!Bn $60 PER MONTH (I.M10 i.inrk N'.i Lambert at . Jut com nli.ieil ..nei-Httni, of lioautlfiil li-root and lu.tli l,r iiHet, cnmrlKto I" t,,r ditfill Afu nl on priullHi-K W.M 11 MA110N. lll'll. l,i:il nin.Ni; oak i.ank aJ7 !li:ii!!llll'illl!llllll'llllllllll!lli! Cohan CIIKinilll'llll1!!!!, s$ioo: .'i-.'illl IiIik-I. 'l ?ER MONTH I .Mil n n-.s niodr llllllM'll. . I. .1,111 r,m, oh. rfri.R. s Mini, nf 11.1 111 nu mlacii. 11 n.l lx.111 ' I., alert within ml -r..ll.- , iu. HI W.r (I MAIION, IU-l.lii:il I'l, nib II,, k I..UI.I 337 mm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'riiiiiiiJiiiiiHiuiiiniii iti:i. ii''ij; itLllV "LM'Ji AU'iuii'ihiiiiiiiiiiiui'iihiimiiiiUuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiMiniiiiiii'sEii s VMI. I, r.M'II.VS'.li; ,,,r, 01 whiiler?' hiuih.-s in, 1 .trni fuuu " , iiuiit kH fiirm bcfor'.Apr vpiiim I Kill ihune , .... ... the Pri.vidor, Darin . S'u t 'hosier pl1" toiiiuiiiiiiniiMM!:!' k I 1 ' y r hi "XT TJsl-'a " rT stw.u.,4 . rexsmss .AJ-l M 1 .J.s,Vifclh. (,. U M !(& ' kV.lr,, . rfj l.'JW sr--Vre'