. ,- fi?SKf "15" ' HJtar ? ' ? vv EV13NING PUBLIC1 LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 15)21 19 ", t'ff-r' ftgjjtf' HARDING'S CABINET IS WELL BALANCED Hughes and Hoover Prominent Among Members of New President's Official Family Varied Careers of Executive's Advisers wnn i. j"? ,:";.1,.nr. ,"r,...r5 i cMn nr niui'' num. mi u m . ,k'irl crow to assist htm in nnvlpnt ."1, ionnl and liiternntlnnnl water-. bf. the crew-or cabinet -are two mil. ,'VlS; fibres. Charles Kvnnn IIukIim iPfrbert Clark Hoover, who hnvc t their MureK not on llio stormy .J o 'politic, but on tin broader but Ht )M tempeMiiotiK waters of stntr i,nihlp anrl humnnlty. Grouped around rtVm arc other men who linyo flRiircd lnMilW in American affairs, t'nni plSito?ii In gencrol have analyzed Hip "m i,t "i o1l-bnlBnrc.l one. fulflllinR fp mis"".n.lobylr IIrdlnB. The meinlieri of tlir cabinet nre: Charles Evans Hughes Secretary of Stale ij..Mi.npi Vcw Voik: jurl-t ; nsed I Ihr.fiiht, bom in Glen halls. War Unty. V. Y . tbp son nf ? I nptWt Inliter who was n nntivp of Wales ;i K ted Mndi-on (now- ColRatc) Ku1 .... 1 . U-,,-1. t'nivncu llv lZj.admited in 1881 with thlf.I tijhest honois: adHl " profp.-s.or of BV and matliemntici nt Delaware Acad'nir. Delhi. N. Y.. then entered Columbia Law .School In 1882; nrw led and taught law In Now Nork. KSMfiill. dlscontinuinK his law prnc r," on account of ill health, became professor of law nt Cornel 1 iivwliy J returned tn law practice in 18!m. Plodded along in more or less obsour Itr until 10.". wlien work as special counsel for legMative committee In vic tualing fas mid electric (ouipniilcs In vr York citv attracted nttpntion. (illcd upon to conduct Insurance inve--titation for Hip Npw York Legislature m 10n."-0(). he wan brought into tui tions! proniinenrp for hi" legal nttain Bnt and steadfastness of purpose. Vominaleil for mayor of New York. hf decliued to run. IUccted governor of .k- York. taking office .Innitnry 1. jllOT Serving his second tPim. ap pointed by President Tnfl ni n-socinte Jutle of'Supietnc Court in 1010. Vnmlnnted in l!)Hi for Itnpublicnn tindtdate for l'lesldcnt. being defeated bv Woodrovv Wilson. Hi-Mimed prac tice of law m New York. Condiirtpd fnrernment aircraft investigation in mis. Andrew William Mellon Secretary of Treasury Rt-inVme Pittsburgh; born. Pill--burgli. Pa aged sixty -five year-: I'ni TfrMt.v education. I'litercd bunking lifinex 1S7-1 I'rp.-ident MpIIoii Na tional Hank. 11I01" to 11VJI. Active in Industrial and fimncinl dcvplopniPiit in vstprii I'ennsylinnin. 'I'riittep I'ni Ymitj of I'itt'burgli and with brothi'r founded Mellon Institute of Industrial Hcanli Identitied with many phar Itable and wclfnie organizations. Served ns suiTPssor to Ilpury O. Fiirk mi board of dlrcetnr" of lVtinyl rsnia Kailroad . having been ii-socintoil itb Mr Trick in ili' vlopmrnt gf con I. mke and iron industry. Pounded town cf Donnra. south of I'ittsburgli. Mem ber of family prominent in commercial i-tivities in western l'enu-yivnnia lor t'reral gcni'Mtinn). Aopnred wcnllli tliroiiRli construp tie nbilitj in biHiness pnti'iprisp". Kmlt up (itilf Oil Co. in competition with Standard Oil. Developed hide lnilent steel plants in competition witli 1 nitid State- Steel Corporation. Ie eloped transportation lines on -pn ami nd Intimated wealth. $::Ol).(MHI.(IIJ(i. John Wingate Weeks Secretary of War Kemlfiicp Wist Newtown. Ma ; haoker ngrd -ixtj miii-. Korn I .nn aster II (irniluate I'nited State Naial Academy. ISM -f nit-cl State niidthipiiinu 1?M to 1SSS. Member of f.rni of IuiiiIpi- nnd biokers, nosion, ISM I . I'll!' S'eired as iihmiiI.pi- of Housp of ISpp rfientalies HIO.'i m I'.ll.'t. I'nited StaKi. spnnior Ilii:5 to 11)111. Mad ini prrtant pjit in sliapiug banking and rurreiny legislnliDii bpcausp uf hi istiBK and experience ns n banker. Alo piniiiinent in naval affairs. .Sfivi'il fin ten Winn in Ma aclmsctt Nnra' Hiir.hIp l.ipiileuaiit in ulun tfei arim d.iiiiig war wilii Spain. finijiijate fin Itepiililienii noiiiiniii imi for 1'rpiidenl in l!tl(. m-piiing ID.'i tetes Hurry M. Dougherty Mtarney (Srneral nesidenee. C.ilnnibii-. O. : aged III. born in W'n-hingloii CourtlioiiM', O : wluejtpd in law nt I'nlvpisiiv of Mieli i?n I'mitupil luu , Wn-liiuginii t "ui t -lous' lv ss, -erving lie yen-. 'baiiu.id -tin,. I C o 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 p the oninii'ipp IIU'J, ui- iv, i, p , liairiniiii J'lte llppult'lfan eillllll' 1111,1111111 f "nio Campaign miinagpi for llanliiig t Chi. jjn I'oiivpiiiiiin Mi- Hnuglipit . dcspiip hi-lung pioin Ifnci in I Hun nlTairs. Iia- h.d, Ipw of. jiie it iinicii ii laudiilalp nuiin iimi-. le in- tn-i plcteil a lown-lnp i lei I. in lawn, ,oiim , hi- Inrthphiip lie "rr"i i' 'he Cin Coiiuril of Wii-hins '"a ' iiiino.i-.. I'm mo ti'iiii- in the ate mi. Illh s t.,i,,. ,, 1 11:, i li.nK "Iped i.i pin thioiuh one of the ln-1 iniininpnl ii, ,1,11, in, ,n a, t- Up m-ipiI two 'pi ins i II,,. ii,.npinl A PiiiliU fi.uii raipt'o rnuni, , s) i,, s'.ll. 1'olliiHini; tin- -prviri h,. a- ii iiilid.ne for i he ii.jiiiiniil ion lm ntioi "e E-ocinl in s!ir,, , ,n ,Hf,.:iip,: 'net' 'I IV)7 he i aim. ! r.nnlld.ll. foi 5"r" the -elii-tiim fulling upon l'lir! ,X N"h. f Collllllllll- in I.Mli Iip .oiighi ih,' niiiiiiiialioii for l nn, , s ... i. .. ... , , ....- -in, ,,,-, o l Ml,' , noi, " ' i mi tn' iti.'i lion I nor lli'liirl. , u I'iukIipiii ii hi Hip li.iiil.in IP In l'lili.i! ol I ll mi..' fn l o ii'iiiiibu- Saving- iimi Tiii-i 11 I'"-' Mi ll.nighi'ilt took the man i t mi in of i,. Ohio .uiiip.ligli lm I'ufi. "' '' I' Hint 'I all ln-t a inui'.i i. of I "ied strut di'lpgnlo, but iiiaiiiiiilnl ' Snip h, MVifi 1 1. 1,,.,!,, . , . ,..,.,.,,. ,n,,,,.., I '' Ho -tad com, iiiinn' uhi, I, -i.,Tt,., h Mir Su" in (he Chicago ronwu t on H HI II. Hays I'iihI master (tenet at ll d- in v Kiilliwin, In, I l.awM'i. ""'ii Snli.inn. lud Agp. foi m -on,. .,"" liiniluuip Wiliash Collpgp. ! r''niiieiii in -tnt ,( nation., j,.. """Ml ll , t, ,, ,K n ,u.n , "art M, i,,i,i i,,,, hi.,., ii.,.. a ii.... '"'! diiPcV'r (Mum iiuiii Uepiiirit-iiu "Uiiiml poiamlllee since llllll. Mhmiii, '"bjterian. Hojis.klng man of "lion Of Scotch. IiIkIi nut. 'sti. At hm '' Wnlinb 'ollege nt Crawfoids nut vtc, nn,i ,lntti., . 0, T he wuc twenty-one years old lie. inSf rt".lnty "fpubllron I'lmlnnnii In , " nd displayed great skill as or- Rimizni'. w hit li loil ti lit- nclvMiii nit nt ill Mil- Hepiiblichn I ,11 1 y , I'lillcd in -eciirc nitiiiiltntii'p In army when America went tn wiir wlili tier' mnttv.. Cliniriimn Inilinnii -laic council of defense. Orsnnipil Indiana njtainit tlio kaisct ltd win Dcnby Secretary of Xary Horn nl Kwm-vilip. I ml . IVbnini-j 18. 1S70: piliualPil in tin- piililic m-IiikiN of KvmiMllle and riiiver.lt of Miclii gnu. graduating in 1MKI. Ill- lmnip is in Detroit. Midi. As a jouth he served for Ion purs- in (hi- CIllllPJ-P riistniu -prvice wnile his fntlii-r. Clinrles Denbv, was minister m Clilnn. nntl nficrwiiid one term in tin- Michigan l.eglN'.iiur,.. He served in the I'llty iiiiith. Sixtieth and Sixt -first Congresses, then en tcrcd tin- in-itipss world and became, a reputed millionaire as the head of an iiutotnoliilt. concern. Mr Denliy gained his lirst naval pv poiience In the Spaul'li-Amerlciiii W'nr. when he piilistnl as a rpiiniiin mid ciiiiip out a giiuiicr'fi inntp". third clnsn. lie saw service aboard the n nisei- Yo-p-milt-, on wliich i.lenteniinl 'I'rniniiii II. New berry . -ccretnry of the nav in the laM Hoospvelt admiiiistr.ilioii noil pre" ent .senator from Michigan, was an othcer. At llip lipginniiig ol Hie woild war .Mr. I)pnb cast Ins lot with the ma rines ns a privntp, reft the service n Sectnid Lieutenant IMwiu Denby. I'. S. M. ('., nnd was plaicil on Hie' leserv" ns a ir.ojor in llllll. , In mil Mi. Denby mnriiefl Minion Itaillell Tliiirlier. of Detroit. 'I'hev have two children. Kdwln. ,lr eigh'l enrs old. and Marion, e . liter t Bacon Fall ! Secretary of Interior i - Hoi ii ill J'l.iukfoil. Ki . Nn ember l-'tl. ISlll. Kdiicaltd in ciiuiiii') n liool-. Worked as runner, ranclier'. ininer. lawyer. Serxod in New Mexico l.egi--lattire and a- as-oc'atn justice. New .Mexico Supreme Coin I. Tinted Stales senator since I'.il'j. Hi- home i- at Thtee Kivers. N. M. Mr I'all was principally self taught. He nntl Inw while teaching -cliuol. when he was eighteen t tuenu year old. and piiicticcl law ISMI-I'.IOI. Kiom 111(11 lie made a specialty of Me icau law. nnd timing his career in the Semite was nn advoi-ate of a -ttong Mexican pol'cy . He liecnup inlercsled in mine-, lumlier. In nils and lailioutK fiiiiniiig and -li,il raising in New Mex ico and in mining in Mexico, lie was taplain of Company II. 1'irsl Tpitiio liiil Yolnnleer Infantry, ISlls-'.V.i (Spanisli-Aiiipr can Wan : plt-pted lo tile llll'led States Semiti. Maich 1'7. l!Hi!. and ilrew term evpirfng Mnien , lSUt". ami wo- ip I'li'i'tcl .hine, JUI'J. and hi- eredeniinl- not being -igncl li the governor was again le-elcieil mi January L'l'. mi", for the ler mliiig March :!. IHI'.l. About a year ago. before Mi I In id tug wa- aoniiiiaied, one of In- lelinw edilol.- from llhlo vi-uei bun in Ii -office The Olr.omi va- in a Imiiy lo catch a train back hmiie. "I want you lo meet Senator I'all." -aid Mr. Hauling. ou -hoiild know bun. on in n r -my and meet him. He i- the ulile-t aiaii in either house." Henry Cantwrll Wallace Secretary of Agriculture lie-iileine. De- Moiue-. la. I'M, tor an, I uld'slicr. Il'.iu K.K'I'laml. II! Age lift.' four yuil- lir.iduateil tiom Slate Asi n-n It in ill Collegp nt Ann-, la Spent niiiiiv vent.- a- fniuiei and lueedei of puie-lired livestock I'riift oi ol dairying at Iowa SIhIp College. In l.l." liecanip uiaiiaging tditorof W'nllii,',''- I'aimer, holding po s'lloli ll'llll I'.Ml'i. when he hecilll ll tor of llinl publii atiou Now ii,-idein nnd tren-iirer of the Wallace I'ulili-h-iug Co Acliviliis eMi'iideil ovei laij,- agr: cillluial bell Member of executive t oiiinilllee of I liiled Slate- I, he-lock I titlii t nn I Coiniuiion For foiirleen year- -ecttlary of Cot ll licit Meat I'm tlucpi'-' A-ocialioii I'.'l milliPlit chilli -man of Hip N.il niuil Sliippi'i-' Con fl'leli, e ' Long inli'te-lPil ill . M C A.. being in. uibci of intci national , minim lee Mil-, ,li. I'logle ive Itepublica ll nil, I wa- inlinialely n.--i'i'liil''cl with ibe !l,le Tiled,, l' Itoo-i veil . Herbert Hoover Secretary of Commerce linrii Wi-l I : i ii tn li . In.. Angu-i l). Is7( i.i mi oipli'ii, when -it yp.i. old I'mver-ilv iiaining Vnle c -pi'i'ii'in e in genlogii nl anil miuiiig . n tepri-e-, I nitid Slate- and alnoad Ai tin' age of tvvilvc year- vonng llnover went I,, live with ii'lative- in Oregon and iis-'-inl in fnrui work until he w.i- loiiite, ii vein- obi. then -laited out tor !i 1 1 1 i --1 f in Salem and I'oitlaiid. Die Willi ill'1 Oiegou I. nail I'o In hi- oil In hi i - he -i iidn d mid wa- en tolled 111 sll with the pioneer l la of Si. Ill- lord I itivei'-itv He giinluiiieil iii Is'.).' an, I l., line a iniiiei vv nh 1 1 I. ami -Imvel in ihe (in vnlli v ii'iimi It, omiiig ,i "gang I'oieiuau." be obtaiii'd a po-t with l.oui .1 mi i ii. a leading mining ugiiieer, I'linii lb, it inn lie i lapitll.t in ll ngi- ii, i ring pint, noi In IV17 he vva--111' to Loudon b .Mr .In 11 1 it 11- an c peit 111 1111 ng'iui nig 'I . . ami Ihe next eight, en 111, mill- vveie -pelil in Wi-l Au-iiulia In IVP.i In leiuito'd io I 'alifoi ma wlieie In- man ieil Mi Lou lli'iirv Tue -nine vui he be, ,ime ' lilef engi'iici ol the CI11111 -e litipi'iliil lime, III ol M in III llllll III open,, I llh 1- III S.I II I'tuiici 1- 11 coii-iili ,ng eugnii") 1 ami in ioiii'-i' of tunc , .1,11" lo In known a t In- ui kiniv I) dgcil b'.iili r : (.he milling 'ligllii ' I illg plol'e-ol lie VVII- ill I'lllope ,ll III" illlliliak of ihe world vv.il , and In- 1 id ' Hi" bun iliid- ol lli'iii-aud- ol -ii.iii.IciF A 1, 11-e.lll- oil Hi, ,,1111111111 1- III., till, ir In--Ion, a- 1- In- vioiiv a- food ndiiiims ii.iiui a po-iiinii in hi, li he wa- up pointed in mil. and Hi, nlicl nieu-uiei ( li.it have followed I' ml ol ihe w.ir ami 111 wlinli In maintain- In- , mi ,'in In tin He ii11 1, tin com piiI ion I t-t Hu nter Mr llnivii 1 vc.l vol,- lm llie p, -itb'lilial Ui.111ii1.ll ,011 J tunes John Dan's Secretary of l.ulxiv licsulciii e.' I'ltl.-liiii t'li. Pa Labtir leader ami banker Bmn 'lietlcgur. Wales Age. lm ly -sevi u vcar- Vcut lo i'ilt-lnirgli wftli piirenls , s,. ,,f four years. A I clown began work iu steel mills becoming a puddler He moved to IChvnod Citv, Ind,, JS'JU. Held citv and roiuily offices there. At War With Cameramen mmm mi m mM. s ; ; &m I Nn 1, ntl IM10I11 Srr,rr MILS .KHIN . WHKh'S Wife of ricsldrnt llardhig's .scrfo I ury of war, noes mil llho to be siiapsliiillod. S'n,,. ier arrlvnl In Waslilnstnn she has engaged hi 11 friendly war vvllli (lie plmlogra. phei-s. This plmlogi'iipli was tiihen hefoie (lip "war" liegan Clio-en in mm, to leorgntii'o Loyal Older of Moo-)., f vvhicli be is now hend. Ortlei hud dwindled ( 21.'! niein hers when In K , barge. Developed 11 io ii.iw,iinti lupinliei-liip. .Xlno-p or I phans' Inline nt Moo-chpurt. Ind., one I of his pet inojecl- Headed .Moose mis -ma nt battle front during- world war. I Mcinbi't' of Amalgamated Association I of Iron ami Sttel Workers, Always active in union ailaii- President of I Amcriuiii liond and Mortgage Co. Mar 'i it'll and ha two hildren. Has taken 1 no active pnil in p,,liu, - iu recent years. MEXICAN NEWSPAPERS BITTER TOWARD WILSON Appeal Made to Harding to Give Republic Its Rights j .Mexico City. Mar, h ii?v , p. ) i HilteriiP aguiii-1 I'li-ldent Wilson I nnd hope thai Mi. Harding's adinlni--! tinliou would -p,. il mi ,,1 antngou- i-m biMvveeii the 1 i.t 1 1 f 1 State- ami Mexico, vveie cxpii i I'diloi ially by' tin- moriiiiig's iiewspapei- I't'lix I'alava.'iiii. puhli-ber and etli- 1 tor of Ll I'liivei-nl. aildie iv! a signed editorial to . "Hardini;. .loiirnalist nntl I'lt-iileiil." pli'ailiria; for a more iniiil ciale policy lovviiul Mexico, while the I Lxci'lsior a-ailid Mr Wil-on as Mexi- '-o's ninti i rrilile cneiuv "n sphinx like dliialor in ihe White lloii-e who ha- been exiieiiiuenl mg on lb,, lean body , of our t iniutry." "Mi. Wil-on'.- 1'i'tiii niein ," .,b the , Kxccl-ior. "is pan-) lor nation-wide icjoicing hi Mi-xiio. vvlmli for eight long vears Ii.ii been obliged In MilTi ; I twin l hi' capriip- of a mini who alone i- ii spoii-Hilc for our ciihappine and lui-eiie-. Mr. Wil-on ha- been n cloud of poi-onou- ga- whit h ha- pu-hcil it--elf over our coiiiiiry He has ciiii-nl iiiauv to fall ami lias -,,v. u lie fever of disi niitciit." 1 Atldres-iiig Mi lliiitl'iig a- a Id'ow , in wsiiipci'inan. .Si inn i'nlavaitui n-krd tile new i'l esiili'lll to "elide, Ivor to I'lill .o'ldate li.ll'Vi'l ip. I'D" ll li'llil-llhl lie I ven llie I'nilid Mull- iimi Mexiio. We believe Hull ll lid Pll'l peltv polo ie- ot ntii'v idital ill) n -I- will not ell'., Ill)' l Vis ill llli 'II II III toil' ll.llist 'o mir nliglii i r our richl-." Mr Hifilina'- iiiiiiigiiiniiou wa- rmi -iib'iiil In Mpxi.o Ciiv new -I, .'.pi t . n ol iniiiieii-e iinpm niui e to tin- loiinlrv, Iherc b ina a gelid. i' belief I, ml a u'elinile Mcxii an polu v v oiibl In an niniiii i'i -i. mi The prt -em e of Sen aim I'.tM in th inteiinr I leiiartiiieut . Willi Hitiiv 1' l''l'tih)'i a- iiuiIpi'-m') ii -lary v a- a inattci of -mne imteii ,. Senator Call ulwav.- having been cIiis-m. , lied li- "an eiieiiiv to Mi. xii o HITS TREATY WITH ALLIES Senator Says Spain's Interests Run Counter to Britain and France Madrid. Mar. hi ' liv A I' i Suggestions, llinl Spain Imiu 'm alii 'nine with i'r.'i'li't i.iul Ltr.l.iiid vveie Inttatkeil in llie Spani-h S"imi. ve.ier 1 tl.iv by Count tie la Moitira pie nleni of tin' Spani-h- Vuierii an Aiadeiuv of Si ii'itcc. He deilari'il llinl the relation- existing between Spain anil I'.ng liinil, as well as with the I'nitetl State-, were ino-t cordial, bin a cried thai in iianv ways Spani-h mteie-ls inn , nun lei lo tlio-e of I'l mice and lin.lt I'. I'l 111 111 The -eiintol in. nle ll ple.i in favm of ' the l.pagup of Nation- ami -nul i lint Spain -lioiibl nin ..villi oilier ,. ,n- I tuns in 'limiting iii'iiiaineiiis I CROWDS THRONG CAPITAL FOR HARDING'S INAUGURAL Brilliant Snn.sliine. Massed 1'houMinds and Military Escort Make Colorful Scene I il.son. hite-llaired nntl Broken, (rreets Successor II,. I, Muff lm , . I Washington. Man b I. A -ui. Ii.n j-.1 IlHuosplieie and b-illiiril -'ill-Inn s.m lb,' iii.nigiii.il i low. i il- long .iw.iit.il Ibrill todav Mm mug liroke. t'lein a- itv. i'il. wn'i all Hie ilti-t vwi-hed oui ol tue in, ,md a I ing bieee fiovv iiig in t'oni ibe imi i li Thousands of i I, vciiih -b mi vi-iior- ail n.il in Ian limn- TI i Itmi-ellohl of the i IIJilllll poilleil lot til then thousands, niui the -t i ei i -"on w.ie ihi..iigeil The wnb -pin '- In inn Ibe ('anil.. wile pat k.'d .nil. w.ili p.iger -iglit i- Compiled vvii,, ,..,- inaug'iial- it" tiowd l -mall, bill n made cp ,l, en lliu-iii-iu ami .'.Mii'laiicv whin il linked '" .""tiibti- llv II ...h.ck thcpli-a bclme lb- ca-l l.oi.l ;.t the I iipil.il wa- lilleil ii.i.l bv 1' llie awn- w..,,. .,,1. '," '," ''"' " I"sl,l,'' "'"' '"-' ',''"' ' i'""ni'd "ii lb i-i pom.' ihe ihioim i'M.ml',1 Iimi. ,i sou iv "M, ,' v,, , , Along Pcun-vlvama avei, ,c . ,v ":W,K '"''r"-' V "" i'"i'l'''"-'- I.uv .it , ..din s ,,...., j,, ,., i p- ii. I I lii-c I mill.- ovei. liny iiniied then -i,i. io I'ainiol Hill and i'..ti'il lie ilin. ug- all 'tnh thiie 'Thev I) Thi'.tv vvi.i ..,.,..,dwasp1,-.,,f...iu inouth ". m,"",,,1- -"" ll ,"f -' " Ihe .aviiliv I nop. wl.iih a I a- e- II I .1 I I I " " !1'." ',,:,W" 'i',"' horses plan ing A ipink-ieti It the Marine lii.,,,1 ",.-plf,,.l , ii , nn, i ,, itoiiii.in a'..' l,1,,,w, ""' " "V"' ",'" """"'n slim . g'tv i ie i riiwi aiinitii i . in ll cv.s weie tinned i.. Hi m.t'il, ou ,l,e Seinile wins wlieie lie pi i-nleitl ml paitv ciiiiip in ,,.,, . ,. ,, ., , Wil-on and Harding ( liecicil Thfie vvi'te , linis fm M ll.ii, lm.: ,1- he nimble I limn bis aiiiouioliilc i tn 1 eui dlhi Capitol vv iili In- pin ly n oilier cheer and a mining of 1- ami Woodtow U'lUmi. the Mck mau ol Ihe Winn House vvn- diiven in nl a special t'liliaiii't' nml helped from In- (ill' Kxccpt for his white hair and ob vIiJiih fe.ehleness, rersldonf Wilson, G FR0W1 IHE RANKS Born on Fnrm, President Was at Times Painter, Teamster and Printer WAS SUCCESS IN BUSINESS Warren (iiimaliel Harding, twenty nintli President of the Unitpd States, has always Iipph a resilient of Obto. which state he lias rcprpspntPil ns I nitPil Stales -puntor from' 11)1 1 until hi- election as Piesident. In private business life lip is publlslipr of the Marion, Ohio. Star. lie was bom on a fnrm nenr llie.vil- ngp of Hlooming (rove. Moriovv county. O., November 2, . 1&05. Ihe eldest of eight ehildien. His fallier, (icorge T. HnnlitiR, wns a country doc tor whose forebears came from Scot land Hefore going to Ohio the Ilnrd Ings were residents of Pennsylvania, where some of them were mnssnered by Intlinns. Others fought In the Rev olutionary War Tlie mother of Yx'nr rpii, Mrs. Phoebe Diokersot:. wns de scentled from an old-time Holland Dutch family, llie Van Kirks. In his youth Warren Harding lived the life of a farmer boy, attending the village school until fourteen years of age. when lie entered Ohio Central Col lege of Iberia, from which he was gi minuted. As editor of the college paper lie first displayed a talent for journalism. He was obliged to stop sihool nt.w and iIipii and earn the money Willi which to pursue his college course. At one tinif lip cut com. nt another painted burns and nt still nnother drove n team and helped to grade the road bed of a new railway. At seventeen he Inught a tli-trlcl school and played a horn hi the village brass band. At odd times lie worked in the vil lage printing office, in time becoming an expert typesetter and later a lino type operator, lie Is n practical press man and a job printer, and ns a "mike up man" i- nld to have few etpials. llie luck piece lie hns carried as a sen ator is the old printPi's rule he used wltpii he was stiiking type. In ISSI Dr. Harding moved bis fnmil.v to Marion. A short time after ward the father pnichased for Warren Harding llie Star, then a smnll paper. On the pnper Warren Harding per formed every function from devil to lnannging editor. In all the years the scant or lias owned it there ban never been a -triko or a threatened one. Prpsldrnt Harding i- closely identified with man oilier large business enter pi i-es in Marion nnd other pnrts of Ihe Mate. He is director of a bank ami several large manufacturing plant" and is a IiiisIpp of the Trinity Ftaptist Cliiin h. Mr. Harding lm- twice represented tin- Thirteenth Senatorial distrh't of Ohio in the suite I.egi-lnture nnd served one term as lieutenant governor. At the mi I I'le, lion Harding wns elected I'niietl Stales -pnntnr. In the SpiintP he wa- ti inemher of the committee on toieigu ii'lation-. Senator Harding mar. i ii d Mi rioienee Ixlmg in 1811. The new Pie-ideiii is unusually fontl o! iliiltlien. though lie has none of his own. lie bus been n member of the Klk and Mon-e fraternities for years, ami -iii'-e I, is election to Hie prei "iD'.v lias liei'omc a thirty -second degrpe Ma-on mid n Shrincr. (lolf is hi favorite tc leation anil he likes to fish, '.-nt does not hunt. He plays Intnl. and pos-e-se- tlie faeu'ty of putting nil hi-worrie- mil of his mind dining vaca tion hour.-. WANT LEAGUE ARBITRATION ; Costa Rica Accuses Panama of Hav ing Ignored Other Decisions .sail .lose, Cosln Kim, March I f By , A P I- Cii-ih Hiin will ri ly upon Hip oiiui'il of the League of Nations for a -olutiiin ol Hie controversy which lin hrought tin- lonntrv nml Panama to the verge of war The government lias indicated thai il will not welcome arbiiiiiti.'ii from nnother sourip. dpclnr ntg ibal Panama ha- not complied witli ilei iMnii- handed down bv President ' I.oiibet of Krnncp ami Chief .ln-iice . While, ofibe I'nited Slate-, who pa cii on llie merit.- of tlie contioversy -i'V- eral veais ago. Itepoils teaching this i itv from the l frontiei state that several Co-la Iticnii soldiers have been killed or gravely woiuiilnl. nnd that Colonel Obipgon. i iiiiiiiuiiuler of Co-ia Hiemi iioop- at .Coin, i- among tho-e injured. Many voliniteii- foi military -civice have legisternl foi the ai my. lilllltlletl 1ll ill over, CHI .111,1 lull,'-, iil "'" 'I'-plnv In- utllii e lie was genilv a i-le,l. nimii-t lifted, fi om hi- "."' One iiipiiiIh t of Ins parly griisp-d , I' 'in nodi" the mm- and inioihei -,.od i" i'ip sii'U-. Ali'iliting, l,e walked wit, i l!"' a,si l.ni, ' ,, hi- cane ami a -ingle, mtle itilo the Capiiol Building ami mil "f --hi ol the vvd- Ml. Iliudiug was alreadv nwniiii.g hnn 111 llie I ', ' . ill' II 1 ' loom o ,c - unit", ami liuie .,i. two men. ihe one, hioken bv hi- lab,,,- the oilier facitc; ' tlie iiillde-l v t a r- ,.1 In- life, moi fn, , I" Imi' and ivihangnl ' o'tiplinient-. S,i,,.r,., ,,r.n,i;ii ihe crowds and! , ,ovvilei into in -pi, umis , n.r- vveie sou,,. I l.e nation's . eleln me- Tukels and..,., ,,,, -pa,., nbnut i', ,eral .land we,,. lhiiil.il ibal ,,,,. , ,,, ,.,,, , ())j, , take I li.it pla.e- will, the lowlv Onlv' buudr,, I ,,..,1,1 be a, . ommodale.l , ,,. ,,,,, iifl mc,ils ,riii m n'"K)iij in logtlbet. It wa- ptobiiblv the uuim , ,(.,1M ,, ,,. c-eli,.ivc ," v, tvci asMinbletl b,,c Ihe Capi.o , o,,-io "'" . Thisiilnrc Kiio.evell, .Ir., I'le-cm I Tbioilm,. l,,.,i, i , ' ' . IF . I'-)- H I I'l I the -a I,. I held bv bundled- of mhe.s n,l ...k hi- pin i a gra.- t be- the ta-t pom,,.. Sena o ., i.i. , i..i,... t.. ...,"' I .lll'-ei kllll' IS , 1, 'n ' k 111 ll'IKIIIllli.ill of Vup P,P-i,p.,l Coolidge . ,, j, , i. .. i . "" , "' U,S' ' '', ' ' 1 ' '" Vi. '""' ,,,,'m, Al,v'""1" l Mo"r'- '" l""' Se xnov - t i- .,, . , , , , . "'" "M" 'V i.,,ih..s of ,,., fannlv ' ''" ol the vi-ilms eiilleil on spii ,n's ami lepte-cntaiives m HipIi ollic.. "Ud the wot', m- ol the Citp, iiil vvi't, iilttm-i ,1. cit.,1 The ,r,,wd- vv it in trout m limning , cm, veil -,,i,,n. on tie 'ti pit til slep- There was a -nisile externum, ti.. Senate pre gallciy vviin a hhe of m tliistiv Ut'lav- of telegraphers took Hie inaiigiiial stones sheet lij sheet fm scoies of icgiilai uin special cone iSMiiulcnts and typewrite -s and tele graph InstnuiU'iiU were wuikcd to capacity. 1 UP NEW FIRST LAD Y OF LAND HAS CHARMING QUALITIES Mrs. Harding as Mistress of the White House Admirably Adapted by Te.mperament for That Exacting Role. llv Astoriatrd Ptr.v Waxhlngton, March I Moronic Kling Harding, tlie new Hist lady of the Intnl. possesses nn unusual degree of pluck ond outspokenness She hns IiIphs of her own on mnny subjects nnd she does not hesitate to speak her opinions straight mil from Hie shoulder Those who work for In-r lount her a kindly and delightful mistress, bill they know that any delinquency will (nil down a icprimnnd they will not soon forget. All her life Mrs. Hnrdlne has been n tletei mined nnd tireless worker, not onlv in tne details or her houpliolil. hut in tlie broader field of business anil iom tnunlly welfaie. She comes of fighting blood, her father. Amos Ixllng. having been n rugged power of the pioneer days of Marlon. Slie wns horn there, and although In her girlhood her pnrents nt tallied to modernte means they were not tlie ort who lenn to cvtrnvagnnce When -he mariied Mr. Harding in 1801 his newspaper, the Star, was not yet out of the woods financially and she went to work in its business depart ment Jt is sold of her in Mnrimi that when she bpcainc the wife of the struggling young editor she told her friends she ox-peeled to make him President some day. nnd it is known that at some of the most discouraging singes of the pro convention campaign last year it was she who insisted most vigorously that the fight be continued. Late nn tlie night of the lns front -porch meeting a newspaper man pass ing tlie Hurtling home saw some om moving about tho dark rcces-en of the b'g veranda, ll was Mrs. Harding, drawing the porch chnirs back ngnlnsl the wajl for the night anil softly whis tling n itiiet little air of contentment. "You seem linppy enough," be culled across to her. , "I surply am," sin- ipplled. "anil wliv shouldn't I be? Isn't il wonder ful1?" Mrs Harding is a member of the Methodist Kpi-copal Church, and tlie Hnrdings alternate attendance bet-veen that anil the llaptist Church, of which the new President ' n member. She ). ' .'..riv.'- ',X". What March weather has brought for the past 10 years We are just as interested in the amount of coal you arc going to burn each month as you are for we want to plan our busi ness so that we can serve you best. We know the coal needs of Philadelphians in advance as far as it is possible to forecast. We have government weather reports for years and it is interesting to note how the temperatures vary from year to year. Let us take the Philadelphia weather re ports for the past 10 years for March. The highest average temperature for a March day was in 1913 56.9'. The lowest average temperature for a March day was in 1916 28.5. But the interesting part is the average temperature for the month. These are as follows: Mean tcnipcralitre for the month of March from 1UII lo 1920. inchisirc 191 1 -1 0.1 drgrrp. 19139.5 1913-d7.fi 19M--3S.7 1915 .18.7 The cold winds and rams and snow with an average temperature around 40 how how treacherous March weather can ue. And it shows how important a wcll-neated house is iu March. Doctors say that iMarch is one of the worst months they have to contend with. People with slight colds oi with throats in weakened conditions are too apt to think spring has arrived when tue weather is xvatm and delightful. But the nest day the thill wind and dratty weather is apt to bring serious complications. Coal needs for March On March first you should have in your cellar about one-fourth of the total number of tons you ordinarily burn in a year. That is, if you burn 12 tons during the winter you should now have 3 tons in your coal bin. If vou have not phone us your ordei now and be ptepared for treacherous March and chilly April. love chlldtcii and chooses horses nnd dogs for her pets. Cruel tiemiueni oi dumb animals arouses her to militant protest, nnd on more than one occn slon she hns stopped on the streets of Mnriou and Washington to reprimand a dmyman or a cabby for abusing his horse. In bpr younger diiyH she was a skilled horsewotnnn Of medium height, (he new lirst lady carries herself erert nnd with n charin ing dignity. Pictures seldom do her justice. for although her hair is strrnked with silver, her eyes nrp n blight mid her glances and smiles as ludlnnt as when she wns sixteen. $50,000,000 IN STATE BILL Appropriations Measure May Be Revised Before Adoption llnrrNmrg. March -1 (linlrman Me Cnig. of the House nppiopriutions committee, will present (ha general ap propriation hill lo the House of Hep. lcscntnttvcs on Mondov night. The bill is now being mndii up from the esti mates of the heads of deportments nnd when presented will carry close to $i0.. 000.000. However, the measure will be subject to revision. It is Ihe plan to pass the bill on first and second reading and then re commit it for final action winch will be Inter in the month. Bible Text on Which Harding Took the Oath Washington. March . The Bible text on which President Hnrdlng took the oath of office is from Hi" Old Testament hook of Mlcah. The words lire found in the eighth vere of the sixtli chapter of that prophet's writings and are an follows: "What doth llie Lord require of thee hut to tin justly anil to love mercy and walk biimblv with thy god?" : 1916 35.5 degiei. 1917 41.9 191844.4 191945.4 1920 43.7 :B- COOUDGE KNOWN AP "Oil TUT Oft I JJ l l U J I I III Hi I llll I Is I llHI lJ WlLUHl UI XL. Answers in Monosyllables Char acteristic of New Vice President STATECRAFT HOBBY AS BOY Calvin Coolidge i the (lisi laa chusetts man to bold the "tin ' of Vi. p President sinep llpiirv Wilson -prveil in the second C?iani administration nearly half n century ngo Ids advent ntlo office ndds to the prominence of lit- i slntp in national govprnuipni ntfnirs. fur il i regarded - almost cprtain that Senator Henry Cabot Lodtfp will be again chosen ns Republican lender in the Sennte. and Bepresentativp Prederh k ll. fiillett no -peiikcr of the IImie. Should Mr (iillefl siifcced himself. a Mnssneliusetls man will pieslde over each branch of Congresr. a most uti tl'tini colneidetiee Both men are grndil j ates of Amherst College. In some respects (iovprnor I oolldcp i n figure stranse in American public ' life, being taciturn to n degree nnd np- ' parpntlv shunning the spotlight and Hie I glamour wlihli usunllv surrounds high , nnhli offiVinl. To 1,1- mo.t intio.nli. friends lie is known ns "Silent CI." It 'S re.ntPd in illustnitinn of tin- ihnr- aiteristic that n prronal nnd polliical I Ills execntlvp offices nt Ho-tnri without ' rccpiving more than monoy-llalilps for 'answers, linnllv quit the office in rli gut. 'xclnlmlnr. as be ennu- om : "Itv 1 George I'd like to be lint fellow ' j str nogrnphor." I But. nftir oil. Iiobling public olficp j come nnturaHy etiough to tin- new Viei , I'resl'lent Kor grneriUions. ev)'i -nice bis forbeats ettled in Wntettown. 'Mns-. in !('",(). and later went !.. the 1 rough backwoods section of Vt nemt vviiTc he was born on Indepei ii upc Day, 1S72. hie family lm-' been idmti- ifietl with public affairs Hi fattier pprved in the Vermont -tnte l.egsint'ier and on the governors staffs r 1 for How to buy coal How much to buy How to save money in operating your heater There is more difference between $15 a ion coal than thcic is between $15 a pair shoes. Five cents out of every dullat. say statistics, is spent for heating by the average family. And yet, many people who will spend hours seeking better value in shoes never even think about the difference in coal. You can save money on coal in two ways: first, by get ting better coal; and second, by operating your furnace' more efficiently. How to get better coal , Select your coal dealer by what he can give vou The character of coal its hardness, softness, etc. varies greatly with different mines and different parts of the same mine. Newton experts, who know every mine, select the best char acter of coal for each section of Philadelphia. Thr old-fashioned, strong draft heaters in the older sections of the city, for instance, require an entirely different character of coal from modern furnaces. The treatment of coal also makes a big difference in its burning quality. Coal is cleaned and graded by size at the mines but we again rc-sift. rc-clcan and re-grade Newton Coal in our own yards. Through tiiis extra care wc take from 45 to 100 pounds of dirt, slate, etc. from every ton of coal. Thus wc can satcly say that Newton Coal is the best obtainable. About operating yOUr heater Fully three-fourths of Philadelphia's homes burn much more coal than is necessary through inefficient handling of their furnaces. Years ago we established a service department of heating experts to advise our customers how to run their furnaces to save money. If you feel that you arc not running your heater so as to get the most heat out of the least coal, write us. giving all the facts as many details as possible about your heating problem the kind of heater the type the number of rooms in your hous-c number of tons used last year size of coal. etc. A Heating Engineer will answer vour letter, if yours is a problem that he has solved in practice. If he has not previously had '.he same problem, we will be glad to send a Heating Expert to vour house to go over your heating plant and advis? you how it should be operated. There is no charge for this service. Coal you need now On the left wc have given some thermometer facts about March You probably need a little coal to tide you over to real watm weather. Wc arc now prepared to give vou quick, courteous delivery on any sic of Newton Coal to any address in Philadelphia and. 40 suburbs. Give Newton Coal and Newton Service a trial You owe it to your pocketbook. Phone your ordci to Spruce 1400. s GEO. B. NEWTON COAL CO. Tc r pi. one Bell Spruce 11(10 K.vm.ne Un. e 'sun C fiS3-? r-nSSTS, TFcm.a. axixzixr LT32?'' - xixxiistjr .f I I vi 'ir. lm- Icfii ' ti,. n '1- a on of tin olln ml magi'tnilc nnd 1'iiiiii-i'liir in h .lion ll mi Ho iioi'iiitig evenl ol in fntlie. "- life to villies lodll.V the 'iiltilgiiliiMoll ol III- 'lilt 'I'lie crl-i pre. ipltnteil by the Itoitm 'nr slrlke ievcal)'d the power-11111I I'Oiir ,IC'' "f ""' '"no. and former Sennto y Mmrav gave and others franklv am slot! or nd ipuilj seicil the opportunity to nrcss lor linn ila mis for the Itcpiihllcan piisiilciititil nomination at Chicago lust .Itine Pmbnlih Hip niot ittlni'tive part of Mr Cnnlulgp i- ,i- lion,,, life. fCver dine In- marrtuge fifteen vears ago to Mis Onicc (iotnlhue, ,,f Burlington. Vt . a I'niversitv of Voiinnnt graduate whom he met u it -i-bool teacher in Noiiliampton. In I, a- lived a oaiiot, mod est life, mn-t of the Hiin. in Hie shadow of Smith College in n limine which he hns rented for .".''.. "(I a month During Mr Coolidge s official ipsI ileiici' at Iloslnn hi' and Mrs Coolidge lived in npartmi'iits at n hotel. n thev will do , nbincoi'. vvbtlp the I bov- m, avvav in -. hool STRANDED 0-8 MOVED Coast Guard Cutter Goes to Rescue Submarine In Distress ' Neve Bedford. Mass.. Inr-li I - fBv A. I. ' ft"l nun ins Ihe slenmled I intnl State, .ubii arliii. O s opn frPf along tlie rocks nl Hi,, cast end nf Pinikt'e i-'iind. in Hiizynrds bnv. hc lonslgunrtl cuiier Ai'ii-lmi'i lempiuarlly aiiatiiioneii tin- tns, cnriv todav. An other nltempt will be made ,', release ' the uinler-ea boat nl high tide tills afternoon .,- ,. s ..,,, , , , , '"'." ...'""k dill Illg a fog Into ".TV.!., u . ' r". rM"a"K "" h" right Navy authoritie. -alii Hiere was ' -,-.i 'h- i r n int no onager mil e-s n nenvv northwest vv ind -i t in Ihe Anishnei iin-lii'd the -ilimnrine nt inuliiigbt Several line- wire thrown iihunrd and iin-uc, e-sfui efforts vver" made to pull tie , raft into ,,.,.p vvnter II.- Hie title ebbed. The Cnltyliiink 'oasiguaul iievv In a powerboat ami the mine -weeper Grebe with ''io Aftisliiii' stood bv to iiuiii)'!' n i-inii.'i' it nnv aio-c em i rgency A vv Hides- fion, ihi -ubmainie 0-7 report- that i -p' 'n di-tre-s about three mills )n-t '.f Ita, c ll... ;, Wilder- ne-s Poin' in I i ng I-iiiil -ounij TIip i attire )f Mr ' milili wo- not indl-'ntpd M'jMjVUawrgKaHsr7JMr,i 7xfHSIHEf9t wmmmmtmaaBmmtiwammxKwmMKa - i1 - - ' .sSKwr:? ., ss m ? 1 i 1 1 71 'I H II 't ''V -r ' v wwwx K1jr 9.i$ iiTC9tA "Vftsl: lapiMf j r. fmgmf3insgzx; mmIi o if ii ' r t i Tfr&asxmiiifu( -ii - - ,.- - . .' i tmMmidl.thaiMuim.l. Ji itsftt